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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O entendimento de valores olímpicos por atletas olímpicos brasileiros / The understanding of Olympic values by brazilian olympic athletes

Carlos Rey Perez 07 July 2017 (has links)
O esporte na sociedade contemporânea se constitui como uma prática valorizada pautada em tradições, valores e excelências. Esse conjunto de características é próprio de um sistema ético e moral. Pierre de Coubertin, ao criar os Jogos Olímpicos da Era Moderna, pensou o esporte como uma filosofia de vida, o Olimpismo, que exalta e combina, em equilíbrio, as qualidades do corpo, da mente e da alma. O esporte, como fio condutor das relações interpessoais, poderia, de certa forma, expor valores e comportamentos significativos, constitutivos de uma identidade cultural, fornecendo um contexto de potencial educativo, bem como uma plataforma de atitudes éticas e de valores indispensáveis à vida social e individual. Disso surgem os valores olímpicos, entendidos como valores humanos, (amizade, coragem, respeito, excelência, inspiração, determinação e igualdade) que podem ser um meio de reforçar a identidade pessoal e fortalecer a capacidade de alcançar objetivos por meio do esporte. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a compreensão que atletas olímpicos brasileiros têm dos chamados valores olímpicos, entendendo estes como virtudes morais. Para tanto, serão analisadas as histórias de vida de dez atletas olímpicos, situando-os em momentos históricos distintos: 1948-1984 (fase do amadorismo); 1988-2016 (fase do profissionalismo). Os atletas procuraram expor o seu conceito sobre cada valor e suas narrativas convergiram para os mesmos entendimentos, muito embora, os atletas da fase do profissionalismo deram uma ênfase maior a questões relacionadas com a competitividade e perfeccionismo, possivelmente fruto do ambiente em que a concorrência e os níveis de excelência exigidos são determinantes para o sucesso em suas carreiras atléticas. Desse modo, é possível afirmar que os valores não foram alterados com a mudança do amadorismo para o profissionalismo, mas revalorizados em função das transformações na sociedade contemporânea / Sport in contemporary society is a valued practice based on traditions, values and excellence. This set of characteristics is characteristic of an ethical and moral system. Pierre de Coubertin, in creating the Olympic Games of the Modern Era, thought that sport as a philosophy of life, Olympism, that exalts and combines, in balance, the qualities of body, mind and soul. Sport, as the guiding thread of interpersonal relations, could, in a way, expose significant values and behaviors, constituting a cultural identity, providing a context of educational potential, as well as a platform for ethical attitudes and values indispensable to social and individual life. Out of this comes Olympic values, understood as human values (friendship, courage, respect, excellence, inspiration, determination and equality) that can be a means of reinforcing personal identity and strengthening the ability to achieve goals through sport. The objective of this work is to discuss the understanding that Brazilian Olympic athletes have of the so-called Olympic values, understanding these as moral virtues. To do so, the life histories of ten Olympic athletes will be analyzed, situating them in different historical moments: 1948-1984 (amateur phase); 1988-2016 (professionalism phase). The athletes try to expose their concept on each value and their narratives converge to the same understandings, although the athletes of the professionalism phase put a greater emphasis on issues related to competitiveness and perfectionism, possibly fruit of the environment where competition and levels Of excellence required are key to success in their athletic careers. Thus, it is possible to affirm that the values were not altered with the change from amateurism to professionalism, but revalued by the transformations in contemporary society

Kairós: o momento da partida na história de vida de mulheres olí­mpicas brasileiras / Kairos: the moment of departure in the life story of brazilian olympic women

Júlia Frias Amato 02 March 2018 (has links)
No Brasil, muitas crianças e jovens têm a oportunidade de conhecer diferentes modalidades esportivas. Por vezes esse contato desperta um encanto pelo esporte, sendo a ele dada uma importância e um significado tão grande que faz com que eles prefiram-no às atividades comuns para outras pessoas da mesma idade, como brincadeiras, convívio familiar ou escolar. Em busca de melhores condições de treinamento e desenvolvimento, esses futuros atletas, muitas vezes tem que se distanciar de seu núcleo familiar ainda de forma precoce. Este trabalho buscou investigar como as mulheres olímpicas brasileiras, medalhistas de modalidades coletivas, reconhecem o momento que marca o início de sua especialização esportiva, exclusivamente aquelas que em sua história consta a marca do distanciamento familiar e da saída de casa. A metodologia do trabalho se ancora nas narrativas biográficas, considerada uma modalidade de história oral. Para tanto, a partir das narrativas biográficas, relacionamos esta marca do início com a figura mítica de Kairós, o deus do tempo oportuno / In Brazil, many children have the opportunity to learn about different sports. This contact often awakens an attraction for it practice and it\'s given a great importance that makes them choose sport over others activities common to other people of the same age, such as child\'s plays, family and school contact. As they search for better conditions for sport development, these new athletes often have to distance themselves from their family at an early age. This work sought to investigate how Brazilian Olympic women, medalists of collective modalities, recognized the moment that marks the beginning of hers sporting career, especially those athletes that had to leave their homes. The methodology is anchored in the biographical narratives, considered a modality of oral history. From the biographical narratives of these women, we relate the beginning of the their sporting careers with the mythical figure of Kairos, the god of opportune time

Biografias malditas : experiências narrativo-ontológicas entre psicologia e segurança

Hadler, Oriana Holsbach January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese é feita de histórias, do maldizer de histórias. Iniciando a leitura pelas reminiscências que provocaram uma urgência ontológica sobre o presente, o Presídio Central de Porto Alegre, você acompanhará a constituição do problema que passa a reger e consumir a memorabilia que se abrirá em contos no percurso desta escrita: a emergência do biográfico como elemento de enlace entre psicologia e segurança, fio condutor que movimenta este texto. Em uma imersão narrativa, você percorrerá deslocamentos sobre o elemento biográfico. Inicialmente identificado como um instrumento de veridicção para contar, cercar e delimitar uma história do sujeito criminoso, a noção do biográfico sai dos arquivos sobre as práticas psicológicas no campo da segurança para se tornar força elemental que se transmuta com a quimera benjamin-foucaultiana. Transformado, o elemento biográfico desprende-se enquanto ferramenta a serviço de saberes inquisitoriais, e se torna potência que vem atualizar a relação entre estes domínios de saber. Desse modo, faz retumbar ecos de vidas infames em biografias que gesticulam discursos e marcas que as atravessam e produzem. Estas existências, muitas vezes destinadas a passar sem deixar rastro, fazem urgir o olhar para o que resta: emergem personagens-elementos, vozes secundárias, que tornam possível explorações de espessuras temporais e estendem os limites relacionais entre psicologia e segurança. Atentar para as vozes secundárias nesse contexto, diz de uma aposta epistemológica sobre um olhar para aquilo que de lacunar elas anunciam, trazendo em si uma força contra o esquecimento e a obviedade das situações. Pelos personagens secundários, você testemunhará biografias malditas, construídas a partir de passagens fragmentárias, compondo uma história (ou estórias) das ontologias da veridicção. Cada personagem constitui-se núcleos de experiências a partir de reminiscências que insistiram na memória, impondo suas ressonâncias no caminho da pesquisa. Quatro contos, quatro personagens, que trazem elementos do biográfico entre psicologia e segurança, acontecimentalizando os estabelecimentos prisionais, suas relações penais, mecanismos burocráticos e artesanias relacionais: o azulejo e a sobrevivência; o estrangeiro e o mecanismo do esquecimento; o militar e os arranjos da legalidade; a morte e seu fascínio pela vida, ou a vida e sua intensidade mórbida. Porventura seja, a você é ofertada esta tese como experiência narrativa de uma montagem de histórias, onde a contação se liberta do plano da explicação verificável, deslocando-se de ser verdadeira ou falsa, tampouco vigília ou sonho, nem loucura nem razão, mas uma narrativa que joga com uma repartição dos tempos onde trajetos, interrupções, retornos e afastamentos se tornam uma experiência de enfrentamento ao oblívio. / This thesis is made up of stories, the discrediting of stories. Beginning reading through the reminiscences that caused an ontological urgency on the present, the Central Prison of Porto Alegre, you will accompany the constitution of the problem that begins to govern and consume the memorabilia that will open in short stories in the course of this writing: the emergence of the biographical As a link between psychology and security, the guiding thread that moves this text. In a narrative immersion, you will travel through the biographical element. Initially identified as an instrument of veridiction to tell, surround and delimit a history of the criminal subject, the biographical notion leaves the archives on psychological practices in the field of security to become elemental force that transmutes itself with the benjamin-foucaultian chimera. Transformed, the biographical element detaches itself as a tool in the service of inquisitorial knowledge, and becomes a power that comes to update the relation between these domains of knowledge. In this way, it makes echoes of infamous lives echo in biographies that gesticulate speeches and marks that cross and produce them. These existences, often destined to pass unchecked, make it urgent to look at what remains: elemental characters emerge, secondary voices that make explorations of temporal thickness possible, and extend the relational boundaries between psychology and security. Perceive the secondary voices in this context, says of an epistemological bet on a look at what they announce to lacunar, bringing in itself a force against the oblivion and the obviousness of the situations. By the minor characters, you will witness damn biographies, built from fragmentary passages, composing a history (or stories) of the ontologies of veridiction. Each character constitutes nuclei of experiences from reminiscences that insisted on the memory, imposing its resonances in the way of the research. Four short stories, four characters, that bring elements of the biographical between psychology and security, turning into events prisons and its environment, their penal relations, bureaucratic mechanisms and relational crafts: the tile and the survival; The foreigner and the mechanism of forgetfulness; The military and legal arrangements; Death and its fascination with life, or life and its morbid intensity. Perhaps is, you are offered this thesis as a narrative experience of an assembly of stories, where storytelling is freed from the plane of verifiable explanation, moving to be true or false, either waking or dream, or madness or reason, but a Narrative that plays with a breakdown of times where paths, interruptions, returns and departures become an experience of coping with oblivion.

José Vasconcelos: as Memórias de um \"profeta rejeitado\" / José Vasconcelos: Memorias of a \"rejected prophet\"

Motta, Romilda Costa 09 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as Memórias do intelectual mexicano José Vasconcelos, (1882-1959), personagem que teve importante atuação na política e cultura do México, durante o período pós-revolucionário. Foi Ministro da Educação, quando formulou relevantes projetos políticos para a educação e cultura. Concorreu à presidência da República no ano de 1929, tendo sido derrotado. Escritor e polemista, deixou cinco tomos de suas Memórias. Esta dissertação busca analisar os argumentos criados pelo autor para construir imagens de si, verificando qual seu projeto de memória e suas perspectivas, na construção voluntária do eu. / This Master thesis analyzes the five volumes of Memorias by the Mexican intellectual José Vasconcelos (1882-1959), who had an important role in Mexican politics and culture during the post-revolutionary period. He has been Minister of Education proposing relevant political and cultural projects. He ran for presidency in 1929 and was defeated. I intend to analyze the five tomes of his Memorias to understand the arguments created by the author to elaborate images of himself and also the built of his own project of memoir.

Review of Artists from Latin American Cultures: A Biographical Dictionary

Tolley, Rebecca 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Where Do We Go From Here? A Semi-Autobiographical Performance Exploration into the Therapeutic Benefits of Theatre

Elliott, Emma 01 January 2019 (has links)
My intention in this performance is to create a therapeutic theatrical process for myself and engage the audience with intense emotional vulnerability regarding the combination and validation of the nobody and performative self. I utilized both my vocal and acting training to work through emotional trauma that I have experienced and created a musical performance to demonstrate my journey of therapy and emotional reconciliation within myself and my family. I focused my research on using autobiographical performances to solidify and validate the identity of the performer to an audience. In doing so, this allows the performers to become the narrator and take control of their life story. Self-reflection can provide clarity and insight into one’s mental state and understanding of how certain events have impacted them mentally and/or physically.

"Le privé est politique !" : sociologie des mémoires féministes en France / “The personal is political !” : sociology of feminist memories in France

Charpenel, Marion 09 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet les évocations du passé par les militantes de la cause des femmes. Inspirée par les travaux de M. Halbwachs et par la sociologie de l’action collective, elle vise à comprendre comment des représentations partagées du passé peuvent émerger dans un espace aussi ouvert et pluriel que le mouvement féministe. A partir de récits de vie, d’entretiens projectifs, d’observations ethnographiques et d’archives écrites, la thèse montre que l’existence d’une mémoire collective féministe repose sur trois facteurs. Premièrement, il existe dans cet espace un consensus sur la nécessité de visibiliser les femmes dans l’histoire. Ce « devoir de mémoire » fournit aux militantes des raisons politiques d’actualiser régulièrement le passé par des actions collectives. Deuxièmement, au niveau mezzo des collectifs s’accordent sur des interprétations du passé au gré des débats politiques présents et des rapports de pouvoir internes. Eminemment conjoncturelles, ces convergences restent peu propices à l’élaboration d’une histoire officielle féministe. Troisièmement, au niveau micro les histoires personnelles de chaque militante donnent lieu à des récits comparables. L’affirmation selon laquelle « le privé est politique » permet l’existence d’une grille d’interprétation du passé commune centrée sur l’affirmation de soi comme sujet autonome. En effet depuis les années 1970 des pratiques de partage de vécus privés en collectif conduisent les militantes à exposer régulièrement leurs trajectoires au sein d’« espaces du dicible » féministes. C’est par ce processus d’encadrement réciproque des discours biographiques que se réalise une homogénéisation des souvenirs des militantes. / This thesis investigates the ways feminist activists evoke the past in present-day France. Drawing on Halbwach’s sociology of memory and on collective action theory, this work aims to shed light on how shared visions of the past can arise from a social movement as open and plural as the feminist one. Based on biographical and projective interviews, on ethnographic fieldwork and on written archives, this thesis endeavours to demonstrate that there are three main conditions that allow for the existence of a feminist collective memory. First, owing to a consensus within this space about the need to make women more visible in history, a feminist “duty to remember” gives political reasons for the activists to regularly enact the past through collective action. Second, at a meso level, feminist groups may agree on certain representations of the past depending on current political debates and on internal power relationships. However, these convergences are so context-sensitive that it prevents them from constructing a feminist “official history”. Finally, at a micro level, the personal stories of each militant are expressed in comparable accounts and narrative forms. It is the statement "the personal is political" that allows for a common interpretation of the past, hinging on the assertion of oneself as an autonomous subject. Indeed, since the 1970s, feminist movements have developed collective practices that have encouraged activists to regularly tell their biographical story within feminist “spaces of the speakable”. The thesis demonstrates that it is this process of mutual framing of biographical accounts that leads to the homogenization of the activists’ memories.

Die vielen Gesichter der Jugend

Lenz, Karl 19 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Aussagen über "die Jugend" werden der Vielfältigkeit und Differenziertheit jugendlicher Lebensstile nicht gerecht. Denn Jugend ist nur im Plural zu verstehen: was herkömmlich als "die Jugend" bezeichnet wird, umfaßt vielmehr vier deutlich voneinander zu unterscheidende Handlungstypen. Dieses Buch stellt in den Porträts von acht Jugendlichen, je vier Mädchen und Jungen, diese jugendlichen Handlungstypen anschaulich dar: den familienorientierten, den hedonistisch-orientierten, den maskulin-orientierten (den es auch bei Mädchen gibt) und den subjekt-orientierten Typus. Eine kurzweilige Lektüre garantiert die Darstellungsweise: die Jugendlichen kommen selbst ausführlich zu Wort.

The effects of biographical data on the prediction of domain knowledge

Wolman, Stacey D. 16 August 2005 (has links)
This study examined the effects of life experience information on the prediction of domain knowledge. Specifically, it was hypothesized that individuals with a higher level of experience within a domain would have a higher level of domain knowledge, and that attribution of experience (e.g., educational experience, extracurricular experience, etc) would influence the type of domain knowledge assessment on which an individual was most successful (e.g., open-ended scenarios vs. multiple-choice questions). In order to test these hypotheses, participants completed a biodata measure, various ability and non-ability measures, and a set of domain knowledge tests. Hypotheses were evaluated in the context of regressions and structural equation modeling. Results showed that biodata had significant predictive validity for domain knowledge.

António José Landi, 1713-1791-um artista entre dois continentes

Mendonça, Emília Isabel Mayer Godinho January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

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