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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saúde e subjetividades no biopoder contemporâneo / Health and subjectivities in contemporary biopower

Diego Rafael Betti Russo 20 May 2016 (has links)
A relação dos sujeitos com a saúde, em seus variados sentidos, não é uma dinâmica somente dos tempos atuais; é um processo histórico, atravessado por múltiplas forças que se tensionam continuamente, produzindo diferentes saberes e práticas no campo da saúde em contínua operação. Na contemporaneidade, esta relação é também composta por um outro elemento, caracterizado por um conjunto de movimentos frenéticos em direção a um ideal previdenciário de saúde, que envolve uma combinatória de cálculos, ações e intenções no presente, somado à produtividade do passado. Um empreendimento que está comumente atrelado aos saberes científicos que atualizam continuamente os saberes e práticas do campo da saúde com suas incessantes \'descobertas\', ou seja, um movimento espaço-temporal de produção de saúde que se direciona e se conecta aos preceitos de uma determinada forma de existência - ser saudável. Este empreendimento atual é o que podemos chamar de uma \'nova saúde\' - que não visa substituir nenhuma outra concepção de saúde - à qual, efeito de uma sociedade capitalista atravessada por um biopoder atualizado, produz, a partir de um plano comum e naturalizado de hiperprodutividade, não somente as antigas estruturas subjetivas, como também modulações contínuas de subjetivação. Contudo, ao passo que esta \'nova saúde\' é sustentada por promessas tecnocientíficas de ampliação temporal no espaço vital, é justamente pela produtividade incessante no espaço-tempo presente que poderíamos adquirir uma mais-valia de vida futura. Tal paradoxo nos lança a problematizar o caráter naturalizado e \'positivo\' que este plano comum de produção adquire: onde estão os outros tantos elementos e movimentos que não estão dados de antemão naquele plano naturalizado e que podemos, sim, lançar mão para operar e construirmos uma outra saúde, singular; uma saúde. / The relationship of the subject with health, in your different senses, is not only a dynamic of the present days; is a historic process, crossed by multiplied forces that continuously tensioned, producing different knowledge and practices in the health field in continually operation. Nowadays, this relationship is composed of another element, characterized by a set of frenetic movements toward a welfare concept of health, involving a sum of calculations, actions and intentions these days, in addition the productivity of the past. An enterprise that is commonly linked to scientific knowledge that continuously update the knowledge and the field of health practices with their incessant discoveries, that is, a health production spatio-temporal motion that drives and connects to the precepts of a particular form of existence - be healthy. This current enterprise is what we call \'new health\' -which aims not replace any other conception of health - effect of a capitalist society crossed by an updated biopower, can produce, from a common plan of naturalized hiperproductivity, more than subjective old molds, but also continuous modulations subjectivation. However, while this \'new health\' is supported by technoscientific promises of temporal expansion in the living space, it is precisely the incessant productivity in the current space-time that we could acquire an improvement for future life. This paradox in launches to question the character naturalized and \' positive \' that this common plan gets: where are so many elements and movements that are not given beforehand that plan and that we can resort to operate and build another health , singular; a health.

La guerre par les drones : un système immunitaire ? : une étude du rapport entre corps, politique et nouvelles formes de conflit / Genealogy of disexposure : a philosophical approach on drone warfare

Portron, Margaux 30 March 2017 (has links)
Ce travail se fonde sur la littérature critique existante sur les drones militaires, des études de cas et le travail de Michel Foucault sur le biopouvoir pour mettre en évidence les ressorts du pouvoir immunitaire. Nous cherchons à définir la logique immunitaire et à montrer ses ramifications en utilisant une de ses incarnations : les avions sans pilote utilisés à des fins militaires pour la surveillance et le bombardement par les États-Unis notamment. Ce travail analyse principalement les relations de pouvoir auxquelles sont soumis les corps dans l’assemblage. Si les travaux actuels ont insisté sur la place du corps du pilote de drone, ou opérateur, dans l’assemblage disciplinaire, notre étude des corps au sol comme partie intégrante du dispositif homme-machine met en évidence une logique constitutive du nous et du eux. La souveraineté est en effet le mécanisme qui fonde un groupe sur le commun, en excluant les autres, et qui trace ses frontières sur le principe de préservation de ce groupe. Ces frontières peuvent être celles d’un État, du monde occidental, mais aussi de certains quartiers, dans les villes, plus rentables que d’autres. Ce souci de préservation d’une communauté va aller de pair avec le développement d’un racisme institutionnalisé servant à organiser les vies à protéger et celles qu’on peut abandonner et même, et c’est pour cela que le pouvoir immunitaire superpose biopouvoir et pouvoir souverain, à éliminer si l’on estime qu’elles posent une menace. / This work draws on the existing critical literature on drone warfare, case studies and Michel Foucault’s work on biopower to highlight how immunity unfolds. I seek to define immunity by using one of its embodiments: pilotless devices used in contemporary conflicts for surveillance and bombing, mostly by the United States. This work mainly analyses the power relations to which the bodies that form the drone assemblage are subjected. If current analyses have insisted on the position of the drone pilot, or drone operator, in the disciplinary assemblage, my focus on the bodies on the ground as an essential part of the man-machine apparatus shows a way of constituting us and them. Sovereignty is indeed the mechanism by which a group constitutes itself on what they have in common, excluding others, and which confuses its borders with the principle of preservation. These borders can be those of a State, of the western world, but also of some city neighbourhoods. This obsession with community preservation is going to develop in parallel with institutionalised racism, which serves to organise lives which must be protected and those which can be abandoned and even killed if considered a threat. This is why I argue that biopower and sovereign power overlap in immune power.

The Importance of Rising ‘Non-Resistance’ to China's Biopolitically Strategic One Child Policy: Culturally Productive Discourses of ‘Little Emperors’ and ‘Rural Others’

Yau, Emily 01 April 2013 (has links)
Thirty years after its initial implementation, China’s one child per family policy has been undeniably successful statistically speaking. Over 400 million births can be estimated to have been prevented, and the birth rate per family has lowered from 2.47 in 1979 at its implementation, to 1.6 most recently in 2010. These numbers cannot be ignored. However, attributing this success to the policy restrictions alone would be viewing it outside of the context of a thirty year evolution of substantial social, political, cultural, and economic changes which have completely changed the face of China. This paper examines the far reaching effects of the one child policy as it is informed by Foucauldian post structuralist theory which defines power as productive, and re conceptualizes the policy as that which is a crucial manifestation of rising biopolitically strategic forms of governmentality which enhance nations through the subjugation, enhancement and creation of the bodies of their subjects. Critical to China’s case is rising ‘non-resistant’ behaviors and attitudes which not only comply with, but actively agree with the one child policy limitations once considered abhorrent. This paper complicates the logic behind the rise of these ‘non-resistant’ attitudes, by suggesting that they are evidence to the fact that this ‘modern’ Chinese subject is the productive outcome of several discourses which proliferated in the last thirty years during the juxtaposed implementation of both economic reforms and family planning limitations. This paper chronicles two of the productive discourses involved in the making of this newly emergent ‘modern’ Chinese subject: the culturally productive discourse involved in the care and feeding of ‘little emperors‘ and the socially exclusive discourse with paints the rural population as internal ‘rural others’.

An Analysis Of Developmental Governmentality In The Cold War Period

Bilgin, Basaran 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis tries to provide a modest contribution to the critical studies on the history of development by exploring Cold War development practices. It questions the role of these practices in constructing a new regime that was conducive to govern the relationship between the West and the Third World after the Second World War. It suggests that development practices were composed of techniques and rationalities that were designed to solve the urgent problem of governing populations without using sheer force and sovereign power tools where these methods were not practical in the context of decolonization and Cold War. For this kind of inquiry, this thesis takes into account power relations embedded in the development practices and, by utilizing Michel Foucault&rsquo / s theories, perceives these practices as an essential way of disseminating biopolitical methods to the Third World. Role of the development discourse in governing populations is analyzed with relation to the notion of governmentality, which refers to modes of thought and the techniques of accomplishing rule in a discourse. In line with this theoretical framework, the first part of this thesis explores three schools of thought -modernization, dependency and world system- in order to explain the ways of producing thought and knowledge pertaining to development and the involvement of power relations in this process. Additionally, analyzing development aid and development planning which were the techniques to institutionalize development practices in the Third World countries and to render them technical that were managed only by experts without muddling with politics constitute the second part of this thesis .

Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Conversion Pathways

Kabir, Md R Unknown Date
No description available.

"Their whiteness is not like ours" : a social and cultural history of albinism and albino identities, 1650-1914

White, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
This research charts the long cultural trajectory of albinism from early modern travel encounters and Enlightenment exhibitions to medical classification and biological experimentation. It argues the whiteness of albinism functioned as a visible provocation to thinkers involved in work crucial to major conceptual developments in western science and medicine. It stresses this rare complexion was a prism through which medical and scientific researchers studied human variation, disease and inheritance. It examines how albinism paralleled a broader historical production of modern racial and pathological identities. T¬his research traces medico-scientific discourses in order to understand their affect on people diagnosed with albinism. It commences with analysis of ‘unusually white’ people in travel narratives and Enlightenment ephemera between 1650-1799. It bridges plural representations of ‘unusual whiteness’ as sub-human or racially distinct with the crystallisation from the 1770s of a pathological definition for ‘leucoethiopia’. It demonstrates circulation of medical case studies and the formal classification of albinism as congenital disease by medical men in 1822 reflected a far-reaching revolution in medical thought and practice across Europe. It links this medical paradigm shift with the rise of heredity theory from the 1850s. It argues widespread experimentation with albino animals supported fierce early twentieth-century debates among biologists about Mendel’s laws of heredity. It concludes with analysis of the dialectic between medical knowledge about albinism and ‘albino’ identities. It argues people with albinism both internalised and camouflaged medical associations with defect through the adoption of class privilege and individual social tactics. Overall, this research makes a significant claim to rethink the histories of race, disability and medicine. It spotlights albinism as a critical nexus to understand the making of the normal and the pathological body, and it pinpoints the unstable relationship between medical diagnosis and individual agency.

As experiências de quase-morte como Psicagogia : ou o amor como princípio da Pedagogia

Azevedo, Rodrigo de Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
Na presente Tese, vinculada aos Estudos Foucaultianos, proponho pensarmos sobre a Educação e a Pedagogia tentando nos colocarmos externamente a esses campos. Nela, defendo que as referências que advogam pela natureza espiritual das experiências de quase-morte (EQMs) permitem caracterizar esses fenômenos como intervenções psicagógicas que, ao promoverem a ressignificação da vida, objetivam transformar o modo de ser das pessoas para que elas vivam orientadas pelo amor. A noção de psicagogia é o elemento teórico mais importante da presente pesquisa. Concebo psicagogia como o processo de transmissão de uma verdade por meio do qual um sujeito busca modificar a maneira de ser daquele a quem se dirige. A concepção de poder pastoral, entendido como técnica de direção que se volta para aquele que deve conduzir o povo e cada indivíduo para a salvação, constitui-se como outro componente teórico relevante para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. A partir das análises que realizei, entendo que o amor sobre o qual as relações psicagógicas se sustentam identifica-se com aquele peculiar à doutrina socrático-platônica. Para a realização da pesquisa, analisei textos (livros, artigos e revistas eletrônicas), de autores brasileiros e estrangeiros, que concebem as EQMs como fenômenos espirituais e outras obras que permitem descrever algumas das condições de possibilidade para a emergência do campo da Espiritualidade e Saúde (ES) e dos discursos sobre as EQMs. No primeiro capítulo, ao efetuar um estudo de inspiração genealógica, sugiro que o campo da ES e os discursos sobre as EQMs encontram no “imperativo biológico” próprio do nosso tempo uma importante condição de emergência. Dedico o segundo capítulo para descrever os elementos discursivos que caracterizam as EQMs como fenômenos espirituais e para apresentar o campo do saber no qual aqueles elementos estão inseridos. Para finalizar, no terceiro capítulo, exponho os motivos que me conduziram a caracterizar as EQMs como intervenções psicagógicas que assumem a forma de relações pastorais. / In the present thesis, linked to the Foucaultian Studies, I propose to think about Education and Pedagogy trying to put ourselves externally in these fields. In it, I argue that the references that advocate the spiritual nature of near-death experiences (NDEs) allow us to characterize these phenomena as psychagogical interventions that, in promoting the re-signification of life, aim to transform people's way of being so that they live oriented by love. The notion of psychagogy is the most important theoretical element of the present research. I conceive psychagogy as the process of transmitting a truth whereby a subject seeks to change the way of being of he or she is addressed. The conception of pastoral power, understood as a technique of direction that turns to the one that must lead the people and each individual to salvation, is constituted as another relevant theoretical component for the development of this work. From my analyzes, I understand that the love on which the psychagogical relations are sustained is identified with that peculiar to the Socratic-Platonic doctrine. In order to carry out the research, I have analyzed texts (books, articles and electronic journals) by Brazilian and foreign authors that conceive NDEs as spiritual phenomena and other works that allow us to describe some of the conditions of possibility for the emergence of the field of Spirituality and Health (SH) and discourses on NDEs. In the first chapter, in carrying out a study of genealogical inspiration, I suggest that the field of SH and discourses on NDEs find in the "biological imperative" proper of our time an important emergency condition. I dedicate the second chapter to describe the discursive elements that characterize the NDEs as spiritual phenomena and to present the field of knowledge in which those elements are inserted. Finally, in the third chapter, I explain the reasons that led me to characterize NDEs as psychagogical interventions that take the form of pastoral relationships.

Educar é eugenizar : racialismo, eugenia e educação no Brasil (1870-1940)

Kern, Gustavo da Silva January 2016 (has links)
Cette Thèse de Doctorat a comme but développer une analyse de quelques idées formulées dans le cadre du discours racialiste et du discours eugéniste produits au Brésil pendant le période que s’étend entre 1870 et 1940. L’enquête, bien que ne pas exclusivement, suivi le sentier des théorisations du philosophe Michel Foucault. La généalogie foucaldienne est utilisé comme perspectif historique d’analyse pour soutenir que les théories racialistes et les théories eugénistes produits ici ont été institués et, de même façon, ont institué des effets relatifs à ce que Foucault a appelé comme biopouvoir : pouvoir qui a par objet la vie l’homme. Je cherche de problématiser, en premier lieu, l’émergence du discours eugéniste produit au Brésil pendant le début du XXème siècle, compte tenu ses liens généalogiques avec les théories raciales produits au fin du XIXème siècle ; en deuxième lieu, la façon comme ce tipe spécifique de discours scientifique a cherché de définir l’éducation comme élément essentiale pour le succès de son projet de amélioration de la population brésilienne. / A presente Tese de Doutorado tem como propósito analisar algumas das ideias formuladas no âmbito do discurso racialista e do discurso eugenista produzidos no Brasil durante o período que se estende entre 1870 e 1940. A investigação, embora não exclusivamente, se coloca na trilha das teorizações do filósofo francês Michel Foucault. A genealogia foucaultiana é tomada como perspectiva de análise histórica para sustentar a ideia de que as teorias racialistas e eugenistas por aqui produzidas foram instituídas e instituíram efeitos relativos ao funcionamento do que Foucault chamou de biopoder: poder que tem por objeto a vida do homem. Procura-se problematizar, em primeiro lugar, a emergência do discurso eugenista produzido no Brasil durante as primeiras décadas do século XX, tendo em vista seus vínculos genealógicos com as teorias raciais produzidas nas últimas décadas do século XIX; em segundo lugar, a forma como esse discurso científico formulado pelos teóricos eugenistas locais procurou definir a educação como elemento essencial para o sucesso de seu projeto de melhoramento racial da população brasileira. / This doctoral dissertation aims to analyze some ideas formulated in the light of racialist and eugenicist discourse which was produced in Brazil during the period extending from 1870 to 1940. The investigation, though not solely, is based on the theories proposed by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. Foucault's genealogy is taken as the historical analytical perspective to support the claim that the racialist theories and the eugenicist theories, produced here, were determined and determined effects on the operation of what Foucault called biopower, namely, a kind of power which has man's life as its object. The present work aims to discuss, first, the emergence of eugenicist discourse produced in Brazil during the first decades of the twentieth century in the light of their connections with racial theories produced in the last decades of the nineteenth century; secondly, how this scientific discourse formulated by local eugenicist theoreticians tried to define education as a crucial element for the success of the racial improvement project which was conceived for the Brazilian population.


BARBARA PARAISO GARCIA DUARTE DA ROSA 12 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a condução do mal-estar na atualidade; o mal em questão é o sofrimento psíquico. Inspirados no conceito de governamentalidade, chamaremos de governo do mal-estar o modo de conduzir o mal-estar. Por isso, recorreremos à noção foucaultiana de biopoder, referência e pano de fundo de análise a partir da qual entenderemos como se constituiu o governo da vida na modernidade, ponto de partida para refletirmos sobre o governo da vida na atualidade, onde o mal-estar psíquico desempenha papéis estratégicos. Abordaremos o governo do mal-estar na atualidade do campo psiquiátrico, mais especificamente, de certo discurso sobre as pílulas, o discurso da psiquiatria biológica – voltado para a regulação de quase todo e qualquer mal-estar psíquico. Investigaremos também a condução do mal contida em algumas das produções freudianas, levando em consideração a elaboração de certos conceitos, culminando no conceito de pulsão de morte. / [en] The objective of this work is to analyze the conduction of the malaise in the present days. The malaise in particularly, is a psychic distress. Inspired in the concept of governmentality, we will denominate the government of the malaise the ways to conduct the malaise. Therefore we will call upon the foucauldian notion of biopower, reference and backstage of the analysis, from which we will understand how modern s government of life was consisted. This is the basis that will be considered to reflect on today s government of life, where psychic malaise performs strategic roles. The government of the malaise will be analysed on the psychiatry context, precisely, certain pill discourse, discourse of biological psychiatry - focused in the regulation of almost all and any psychic malaise. We will also investigate the conduction of the malaise contained in some of the freudian productions, considering the elaboration of certain concepts, culminating with the concept of death drive.

Educar é eugenizar : racialismo, eugenia e educação no Brasil (1870-1940)

Kern, Gustavo da Silva January 2016 (has links)
Cette Thèse de Doctorat a comme but développer une analyse de quelques idées formulées dans le cadre du discours racialiste et du discours eugéniste produits au Brésil pendant le période que s’étend entre 1870 et 1940. L’enquête, bien que ne pas exclusivement, suivi le sentier des théorisations du philosophe Michel Foucault. La généalogie foucaldienne est utilisé comme perspectif historique d’analyse pour soutenir que les théories racialistes et les théories eugénistes produits ici ont été institués et, de même façon, ont institué des effets relatifs à ce que Foucault a appelé comme biopouvoir : pouvoir qui a par objet la vie l’homme. Je cherche de problématiser, en premier lieu, l’émergence du discours eugéniste produit au Brésil pendant le début du XXème siècle, compte tenu ses liens généalogiques avec les théories raciales produits au fin du XIXème siècle ; en deuxième lieu, la façon comme ce tipe spécifique de discours scientifique a cherché de définir l’éducation comme élément essentiale pour le succès de son projet de amélioration de la population brésilienne. / A presente Tese de Doutorado tem como propósito analisar algumas das ideias formuladas no âmbito do discurso racialista e do discurso eugenista produzidos no Brasil durante o período que se estende entre 1870 e 1940. A investigação, embora não exclusivamente, se coloca na trilha das teorizações do filósofo francês Michel Foucault. A genealogia foucaultiana é tomada como perspectiva de análise histórica para sustentar a ideia de que as teorias racialistas e eugenistas por aqui produzidas foram instituídas e instituíram efeitos relativos ao funcionamento do que Foucault chamou de biopoder: poder que tem por objeto a vida do homem. Procura-se problematizar, em primeiro lugar, a emergência do discurso eugenista produzido no Brasil durante as primeiras décadas do século XX, tendo em vista seus vínculos genealógicos com as teorias raciais produzidas nas últimas décadas do século XIX; em segundo lugar, a forma como esse discurso científico formulado pelos teóricos eugenistas locais procurou definir a educação como elemento essencial para o sucesso de seu projeto de melhoramento racial da população brasileira. / This doctoral dissertation aims to analyze some ideas formulated in the light of racialist and eugenicist discourse which was produced in Brazil during the period extending from 1870 to 1940. The investigation, though not solely, is based on the theories proposed by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. Foucault's genealogy is taken as the historical analytical perspective to support the claim that the racialist theories and the eugenicist theories, produced here, were determined and determined effects on the operation of what Foucault called biopower, namely, a kind of power which has man's life as its object. The present work aims to discuss, first, the emergence of eugenicist discourse produced in Brazil during the first decades of the twentieth century in the light of their connections with racial theories produced in the last decades of the nineteenth century; secondly, how this scientific discourse formulated by local eugenicist theoreticians tried to define education as a crucial element for the success of the racial improvement project which was conceived for the Brazilian population.

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