Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blockade"" "subject:"lockade""
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Del furioso cañoneo al eco de Bolívar: guerra, ciudad y sonoridad en Lima, 1819-1826 / Del furioso cañoneo al eco de Bolívar: guerra, ciudad y sonoridad en Lima, 1819-1826Sánchez, Susy 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article examines the soundscape, both commemorative and disruptive, experienced in the city of Lima during the War of Independence, focusing on the sounds produced by church bells and cannons. Even though, in Lima, patriots and royalists never fought a pitched battle, the war resoundingly marked the city’s aural environment. Disruptive noise emitted by church bells and cannons during the war greatly exceeded in intensity and duration the commemorative sounds sponsored by the independent government, and even had the power to change it dramatically. / Este artículo presenta la sonoridad conmemorativa y disruptiva experimentada en la ciudad de Lima durante la guerra de la independencia, haciendo énfasis en los sonidos desplegados por campanas y cañones. A pesar de que, en Lima, ni patriotas ni realistas se llegaron a enfrentar en una batalla a campo abierto, laguerra marcó de modo contundente el ambiente sonoro en la ciudad. La sonoridaddisruptiva emitida por campanas y cañones en el transcurso de la guerra superó ampliamente en intensidad y duración a la sonoridad conmemorativa auspiciada por el gobierno independiente, e incluso tuvo el poder de modificarla dramáticamente.
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Condução eletrônica através de um contato quântico pontual / Electronic transport through a quantum point contactVivaldo Leiria Campo Júnior 30 April 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o cálculo, pelo grupo de renormalização numérico, da condutância AC através de uma nanoestrutura acoplada a gases eletrônicos, a baixa temperatura e no regime de resposta linear. Este sistema apresenta a competição entre dois efeitos: blo¬queio Coulombiano e efeito Kondo. Nosso modelo considera gases eletrônicos unidimensionais que são unidos pelas extremidades para formar um anel, no qual a corrente é induzida por um fluxo magnético oscilante com freqüência . Nós partimos de um modelo tight-binding de vizinhos mais próximos para os gases eletrônicos e, deste modo, o potencial vetor é facilmente incorporado ao Hamiltoniano por condições de contorno torsionais. Uma barreira de potencial entre os gases eletrônicos e a nanoestrutura é simulada em termos de uma taxa de tunelamento entre a nanoestrutura e os sítios adjacentes menor que aquela entre entre sítios vizinhos no anel. A capacitância da nanoestrutura é pequena, o que implica que nós podemos considerar mudanças no número de elétrons dentro da mesma por apenas uma unidade. Como conseqüência, o Hamiltoniano é mapeado no Hamiltoniano de Anderson com correlação U entre os elétrons. Uma voltagem de gate controla a energia da impureza (da nanoestrutura), 0. Plotada como função de , a condutância mostra dois picos característicos do bloqueio Coulombiano, em freqüências correspondentes às energias para adicionar um elétron à nanoestrutura e para remover um elétron da nanoestrutura respectivamente. No regime Kondo, 0 > 0 > -U (ou seja, para voltagens de gate tais que a nanoestrutura isolada teria estado fundamental com degenerescência de spin), um pico (Kondo) adicional aparece próximo à = 0. Plotada como função de Vg, a condutância DC mostra um largo pico no regime Kondo, caindo rapidamente a zero para voltagens resultando em um estado fundamental não degenerado para a nanoestrutura isolada. Uma relação entre a condutância e a densidade espectral do nível da impureza é obtida e utilizada para interpretar os resultados numéricos. / In this work a renormalization-group calculation of the low-temperature AC conductance in the linear response regime through a nanostructure coupled to metallic leads is presented. This system shows a competition between two effects: the Coulomb blockade and the Kon¬do effect. Our model considers one-dimensional leads which are connected to form a ring, in which a current is induced by a magnetic flux oscillating at the frequency . We start from a nearest-neighbor tight-binding model for the leads and in this way the potential vector is easily incorporated in the model Hamiltonian by twisting boundary conditions. A potential barrier between the leads and the nanostructure is simulated in terms of a tunneling rate between the nanostructure and the adjacent sites in the leads, which is smaller than the one between neighbors sites in the leads. The capacity of the nanostructure is small, which implies that substantial energy changes are associated with each electron transfered to the nanostructure. As a consequence, the model Hamiltonian maps onto the spin-degenerate Anderson Hamiltoni¬an with correlation U between the electrons. A gate voltage Vg controls the impurity (i.e., nanostructure) energy 0. Plotted as a function of , the conductivity shows two Coulomb-blockade peaks, at the energy needed to add an electron to and to remove an electron from the nanostructure, respectively. In the Kondo regime 0 > 0 > -U (i.e., for gate voltages such that the isolated nanostructure would have a spin-degeneration ground state), an addition (Kondo) peak appears near = 0. Plotted as functions of Vg, the static conductivity shows a broad peak in the Kondo regime and drops rapidly to zero for voltages resulting in a non-degenerate nanostructure ground state. A relation between the conductance and the spectral density of the impurity is obtained and used to interpret the numerical results.
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Avaliação da eficiência do antagonista seletivo de CD28, mPEG PV1-Fab´, no tratamento da uveíte autoimune experimental. / Efficacy of murine selective CD28 antagonist for the treatment of experimental autoimmune uveitis.Pedro Henrique Papotto Rosa 08 December 2014 (has links)
A uveíte autoimune é uma doença inflamatória crônica, caracterizada pela resposta imune a antígenos oculares. É mediada por linfócitos T CD4+ com perfil TH1, e responsável por uma parcela significativa de casos de deficiências visuais e cegueira. Embora efetivos, os tratamentos disponíveis estão associados a efeitos adversos importantes. Logo, a busca de novos alvos terapêuticos mais específicos tem sido o objetivo principal no campo da imunoterapia. Nesse trabalho foi avaliada a eficiência do antagonista seletivo de CD28, mPEG PV1-Fab´(PV1), no tratamento da uveíte autoimune experimental (EAU). Camundongos tratados com PV1 exibiram menores graus de doença quando comparados a controles não tratados. Tal achado foi acompanhado de uma diminuição da ativação de linfócitos T, tanto nos olhos quanto nos órgãos linfoides periféricos desses animais. Mais ainda, o tratamento com PV1 levou a uma diminuição da população de linfócitos T reguladores e de células do tipo TH1. Portanto, concluiu-se que PV1 é eficaz no tratamento da EAU por agir em linfócitos T efetores. / Autoimmune uveitis is a T-cell mediated disease that targets mainly the posterior eye pole. Similar to human uveitis, experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) is mostly dependent on T cells with a TH1 phenotype. Although many treatment strategies are available, most of them focus on general immunossuppression, resulting in undesirable side effects. Thus, the development of more specific therapies is the major aim in the field of immunotherapy. Here we evaluated the efficacy of mPEG PV-1-Fab´ (PV1), a specific CD28 antagonist, in the treatment of EAU. Our results indicate that PV1 blocks T cell activation by decreasing expression of different costimulatory molecules. Furthermore, PV1 treatment led to a decrease of Treg cell population in peripheral lymphoid organs. Also, IFN-g production by CD4+ cells and TH1 lymphocytes population were decreased. Altogether, our results raise this CD28 blockade strategy as a potential tool for the treatment of autoimmune disorders in the eye, and indicate that mPEG PV1-Fab acts mainly on IFN-g production and TH1 polarization.
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Estudo dos efeitos do veneno da serpente Bothrops alcatraz em preparações neuromusculares in vitro / Neuromuscular activity of Bothrops alcatraz snake venom in chick biventer cervcis preparationsMoraes, Delkia Seabra de, 1978- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Léa Rodrigues Simioni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T22:38:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Bothrops alcatraz é uma serpente do Arquipélago de Alcatrazes no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, recentemente descrita. Neste trabalho foram analisados os efeitos neuromusculares do veneno de B. alcatraz em preparações isoladas de biventer cervicis de pintainho (BC) e nervo frênico-diafragma de camundongo (NFD), sob estimulação elétrica indireta (0.1 Hz; 0.2 ms). Em preparações BC, o veneno causou bloqueio neuromuscular completo e irreversível nas concentrações de 10, 50 e 100 g/ml em 90 ± 2, 80 ± 1 e 50 ± 1 min, respectivamente (n = 6-9). Nestas mesmas concentrações, as respostas contraturantes evocadas pela adição exógena de ACh (110 mM) foram 27±10, 8±4 e 0%, respectivamente, e do KCl (20 mM) em 45±11, 24±6 e 39±7%, respectivamente. O veneno de B. alcatraz mostrou-se pouco ativo na preparação NFD de camundongo, pois mesmo ensaiado na concentração de 100 g/ml (n=4) causou apenas 30±4% de bloqueio neuromuscular após 120 min de incubação. Em preparações BC previamente curarizadas (d-Tc, 10 g/ml), seguida pela adição do veneno (10 g/ml), por 120 min de incubação, observou-se o retorno da resposta contrátil em 81±7% (n= 4), após sucessivas lavagens. O veneno de B. alcatraz exibiu baixa atividade fosfolipásica quando comparado ao veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus (A425nm 0,06 ± 0,02 vs 0,2 ± 0,03; n = 4). A análise morfológica in vitro da preparação BC, mostrou, em ambas as concentrações de veneno analisadas (10 e 100 g/ml), dano musculares, sendo 18,1±1,5% e 24,7±6,6% (n= 5), respectivamente, quando comparadas ao controle (7,9±2,4%). Paralelamente também foi observado um aumento significativo na medida da liberação de CK, de 1441 ± 173 (10 g/ml) e 1797 ± 343 (100 g/ml) vs 282 ± 27 U/L da preparação controle, aos 120 min. O estudo sobre a neutralização do veneno pelo antiveneno botrópico comercial, mostrou que foram necessárias altas concentrações do antiveneno (15 vezes mais que o recomendado pelo fabricante) para neutralizar a ação do veneno de B. alcatraz (10 g/ml). Conclui-se que o veneno de B. alcatraz promove bloqueio neuromuscular total e irreversível em preparações de ave, por atuar inicialmente nos receptores colinérgicos e por causar efeito miotóxico tardio; todos estes efeitos foram neutralizados pelo antiveneno botrópico comercial dependendo da concentração de veneno utilizada / Abstract: Bothrops alcatraz is a recently described pitviper from the Alcatrazes Archipelago off the northern coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. The neuromuscular effects of B. alcatraz venom were examined in chick isolated biventer cervicis preparations. In indirectly stimulated preparations, venom (10, 50 and 100 g/ml, n=6-9) caused progressive, irreversible neuromuscular blockade that was complete in 90±2, 80±1 and 50±1 min (mean±SEM), respectively. Venom (10 and 100 g/ml) also inhibited contractures to exogenous ACh (110 ?M) (by 73% and 100%, respectively), but only partially inhibited contractures to KCl (20 mM) (by 55% and 61%, respectively). These same venom concentrations increased the proportion of damaged fibers from 7.9±2.4% (saline control) to 18.1±1.5% and 24.7±6.6%, respectively (p<0.05) and increase in the activity of CK release (1441 ± 173 and 1797 ± 343 vs 282 ± 27 U/L respectively). Bothrops alcatraz venom had low PLA2 activity compared to South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom (A425nm 0.06±0.02 vs 0.2±0.03; n=4). Pretreating the preparations with d-tubucurarine (10 g/ml) prevented the neuromuscular blockade. Commercial bothropic antiserum effectively neutralized the neuromuscular action of B. alcatraz venom. In conclusion, B. alcatraz venom causes neuromuscular blockade by interfering with cholinergic receptors but is only mildly myotoxic. Commercial antivenom neutralizes the neuromuscular blockade / Mestrado / Mestre em Farmacologia
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Immunostimulatory and Oncolytic Properties of Rotavirus Can Overcome Resistance to Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy / Voie de signalisation de TLR4 et Rig I dans le neuroblastome : rôle biologique, valeur pronostique et utilisation dans les thérapeutique cibléesShekarian, Tala 27 March 2017 (has links)
L'apport des anticorps immunomodulateurs ciblant PD-1, PD-L1 et CTLA-4 ont récemment révolutionné la prise en charge thérapeutique du cancer. Cependant, seule une minorité de patients développent des réponses objectives à ces traitements. Par conséquent, de nouvelles innovation thérapeutiques sont nécessaires afin d'augmenter l'immunogénicité des tumeurs et de surmonter la résistance à la thérapie contre les anticorps immunomodulateurs. Les propriétés oncolytiques de certains virus peuvent être exploitées afin de permettre un amorçage de l'immunité anti-tumorale. Différents virus oncolytiques (OVS) sont actuellement en développement clinique intense en combinaison avec des thérapies par anticorps immunomodulateurs. Nous avons trouvé qu'un vaccin viral pédiatrique disponible dans le commerce a des propriétés oncolytiques. Ce virus pédiatrique peut tuer directement les cellules cancéreuses, avec des caractéristiques de mort cellulaire immunogène. De plus, ce virus a des propriétés pro-inflammatoires et peut activer la voie NF-kB indépendamment des voies de danger cellulaire (TLR et IRF). Ces propriétés biologiques in vitro se traduisent in vivo en une activité anti-tumorale. L'Injection intra-tumorale du vaccin a des effets anti-tumoraux directs mais également à médiation immunitaire. De façon intéressante, dans des modèles de souris immunocompétentes porteuses de tumeurs murines, l'injection intra-tumorale de vaccin a un effet synergique avec des anti CTLA-4 permettant la guérison de 100% des souris. Les vaccins sont des produits pédiatriques et adultes de grade clinique. Par conséquent, des stratégies de vaccination in situ par injection intra-tumorale pourraient être rapidement mises en clinique / Immune checkpoint targeted therapies against PD-1, PD-L1 and CTLA-4 are currently revolutionizing cancer care. However, only a minority of patients develop objective responses with these treatments. Therefore, new therapeutic interventions are needed to increase the immunogenicity of tumors in order to overcome resistance to immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Oncolytic properties of common viruses can be exploited for the priming of anti-tumor immunity and such oncolytic viruses (OVs) are currently in intense clinical development in combination with immune checkpoint targeted therapies. We have found that commercially available virus vaccines do have oncolytic properties. These pediatric vaccine virus can directly kill cancer cells with features of immunogenic cell death. Moreover, it has pro-inflammatory properties and can activate the NF-Kb pathway in a toll-like receptor and IRF3 independent manner. These in vitro biological properties translate in vivo into anti-tumor activity. Intra-tumoral vaccine therapy has anti-tumor effects which are partly immune mediated. Interestingly, in immunocompetent murine pediatric tumor models, intra-tumoral injection overcome resistance and synergize with immune checkpoint targeted therapy. Vaccines are pediatric and adult clinical grade products. Therefore, in situ intra-tumoral immunization strategies could be implemented quickly in the clinic
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Does the blockade of Gaza constitute genocide?Ashour, Iyas January 2013 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / South Africa
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On-chip tunneling spectroscopy of colloidal quantum dots / Spectroscopie tunnel de boites quantiques colloidales sur circuitWang, Hongyue 24 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste en une étude de jonctions tunnels à Quantum Dot (QD) unique. Le second chapitre présentera une introduction aux concepts fondamentaux nécessaires à la description d’une telle jonction. Dans le troisième chapitre, je décrirais les méthodes de fabrications et de mesures. Dans le quatrième chapitre, je décrirais une étude par spectroscopie tunnel de QDs PbS. Trois signatures distinctes du couplage électron-phonon sont observées dans le spectre tunnel. Dans le régime de « remplissage de couches », la dégénérescence d’ordre 8 des états est levée par les interactions de Coulomb et permet l’observation des sous-bandes de phonons résultant de l’émission de phonons optiques. A faible tension, une bande interdite (gap) est observée dans le spectre, laquelle ne peut être fermée avec la tension de grille, ce qui est une signature caractéristique du blocage de France-Condon. A partir de ces données, un facteur de Huang-Rhys de l’ordre de S~1.7-2.5 est obtenu. Finalement, dans le régime de « shell-tunneling », les phonons optiques apparaissent dans le spectre tunnel inélastique d2I/dV2. Dans le cinquième chapitre, je présente une étude du spectre tunnel de QDs HgSe. En appliquant une tension de grille, différents niveaux d’occupation du QD peuvent être atteints. La valeur de la bande interdite change avec le niveau d’occupation. Une valeur de 0.9 eV est observée pour l’inter-bande (QD vide), une valeur de 0.2 eV est observée pour l’intra-bande (QD occupé par 2 e). Sous illumination, un photocourant peut être mesuré en utilisant une technique de démodulation. De cette mesure, une durée de vide τ ~ 65 μs est extraite pour la paire électron-trou photo-générée. / My PhD work consists in a study of single Quantum Dot (QD) tunnel junctions. Following the introduction chapter, the second chapter will present the fundamental concepts needed to describe a single QD junction, such as quantum confinement and Coulomb blockade. In the third chapter, I will describe the sample fabrication methods and the measurement setups. In the fourth chapter, I will describe a tunneling spectroscopy study of single PbS QDs. Three distinct signatures of strong electron-phonon coupling are observed in the Electron Tunneling Spectrum (ETS) of these QDs. In the shell-filling regime, the 8 times degeneracy of the electronic levels is lifted by the Coulomb interactions and allows the observation of phonon sub-bands that result from the emission of optical phonons. At low bias, a gap is observed in the spectrum that cannot be closed with the gate voltage, which is a distinguishing feature of the Franck-Condon blockade. From the data, a Huang-Rhys factor in the range S~ 1.7 - 2.5 is obtained. Finally, in the shell tunneling regime, the optical phonons appear in the inelastic ETS d2I/dV2. In the fifth chapter, I present a tunnel spectroscopy study of single HgSe QDs. Upon tuning the gate voltage, different occupation levels of the QD can be reached. The gap observed in the ETS changes with the occupation level. A large inter-band gap, 0.9~eV, is observed for the empty QDs, and an intra-band gap 0.2~eV is observed for the doubly occupied QD. Upon illuminating the QD, a photocurrent can be measured using an especially designed demodulation technique. From this measurement, the lifetime τ ~65 μs is extracted for the photogenerated electron-hole in the QD.
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Die Kontinentalsperre und ihre Auswirkungen insbesondere auf die TextilindustrieEckhardt, Dirk, Pokropp, Martin 21 August 2006 (has links)
Was wäre, wenn es die Kontinentalsperre nicht gegeben hatte? Die Beantwortung dieser Frage setzt eine Beschäftigung mit den Konsequenzen der Blockade auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der betroffenen Länder voraus. Desweiteren ist die Suche nach einem möglichen Alternativszenario notwendig, um einen Vergleich zwischen realem und kontrafaktischem Verlauf ziehen zu können. Diese Arbeit betrachtet zunächst die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der Textilindustrien in England und dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Zustand vor, während und nach der Blockade leitet in die kontrafaktischen Überlegungen über. Hierbei wird ein Vorschlag entwickelt, wie ein solches kontingentes Alternativszenario aussehen könnte. Die in dieser Arbeit angestellten Überlegungen sollen einen Beitrag dazu leisten, die Bedeutung der Kontinentalsperre für die europaische Wirtschaftsgeschichte einschätzen zu können ...
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Bepridil Blockade of Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Dependent Action Potentials in Vascular Smooth Muscle of Dog Coronary ArteryHarder, David R., Sperelakis, Nick 01 January 1981 (has links)
The effect of the new vasodilatory and antianginal compound, bepridil (CERM-1978), was examined on the electrical activity of the vascular smooth muscle of isolated dog coronary arteries. Tetraethylammonium (10 mm) was used to induce excitability in the muscle in the form of Ca2+-dependent overshooting action potentials, whose inward current is carried almost exclusively by Ca2+ ion through voltage-dependent slow channels. Bepridil (5 × 10-7-1 × 10-5 M) produced a dose-dependent depression of the rate of rise and amplitude of these Ca2+ spikes. Complete blockade of the action potentials occurred at 1 × 10-5 M bepridil. These effects of bepridil were antagonized by elevation of external Ca2+ concentration ([CA]o). The effects of bepridil were substantially reversed by washout after about 30 min. Bepridil (10-5 M) also produced a small but significant (p < 0.05) increase in resting membrane resistance (input resistance increased from a mean of 10.1 to 12.4 mΩ), accompanied by a small but significant (p < 0.05) depolarization of 6 m V (from a mean of -51 to -45 mV). These latter effects are consistent with a diminution of the resting K+ conductance (gK) by bepridil. It is concluded that the vasodilatory and antianginal properties of bepridil may be explained by the action of this drug in depressing and blocking the Ca2+ influx into the cells, presumably by acting directly on the voltage-dependent slow channels in the cell membrane, and thereby lowering [Ca]i and thus the degree of contraction. Bepridil has Ca2+-antagonistic (or Ca2+ entry blocking or slow channel blocking) properties much like verapamil, but it is somewhat less potent than verapamil in this action (i.e., complete blockade occurred at 10-5 M bepridil vs. 2 × 10 -6 M verapamil.).
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[pt] Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades eletrônicas e de
de uma molécula artificial diatômica que consiste de dois
pontos quânticos
conectados a dois contatos submetidos a um potencial
externo. Cada ponto
quântico é descrito por um nÃvel de energia no qual os
elétrons estão
fortmente correlacionados pela interação Coulombiana no
interior e entre
os pontos quânticos. Duas topologias são consideradas para
o sistema:
uma corresponde aos dois pontos dispostos numa linha de
condução e o
outro a uma configuração em paralelo. O problema é tratado
com as
funções de Green obtidas a partir do formalismo de Keldysh
para o sistema
fora do equilÃbrio. Estas funções permitem o cálculo da
carga nos pontos
quânticos e da corrente elétrica no sistema. A fÃsica do
sistema é controlada
principalmente pelas várias interações Coulombianas. Para
a configuração
em paralelo existem dois canais interferindo para a
propagação do elétron
pelo sistema, cujas propriedades dependem do estado de
carga de cada
ponto quântico. Para a configuração em série a corrente é
controlada pela
possibilidade da carga ser drenada de um ponto quântico ao
outro. O estado
de carga em cada ponto quântico e a corrente elétrica são
discutidos em
detalhe para as duas configurações e para diferentes
valores dos parâmetros
que definem o sistema. / [en] In this work we study the electronic and transport
properties of an
artificial diatomic molecule consisting of two quantum
dots connected to two
leads under the effect of an applied potential. Each dot
is described by one
energy level in which the electrons are supposed to be
strongly correlated
due to intra-dot and inter-dot Coulomb interaction. Two
topologies are
considered for the system: one corresponds to two dots
along a conducting
line and the other in a parallel configuration. The
problem is treated
using the out-of-equilibrium Green function Keldysh
formalism. The Green
functions permit the calculation of the charge in the dots
and the electronic
current of the system. The physics is controlled mainly by
the various
Coulomb interactions. For the parallel configuration there
are two interfering
channels for the electron to go along the system, which
properties depend
upon the state of charge of each dot. For the serial
configuration the current
is controlled by the possibility of the charge to be
drained from one dot to
the other. The state of charge at each dot and the
electronic current are
discussed in detail for the two configurations and for
different values of the
parameters that define the system.
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