Spelling suggestions: "subject:"born"" "subject:"corn""
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Born Globals and Active Online Internationalization : A closer look on the effects of active online internationalization for Swedish Born GlobalsJallow, Antouman, Abraha, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Research pertaining to the role of active online internationalization (AOI) in the context of Born Globals has been shown to be an under-researched area of study. This compelled us to explore the possible benefits and challenges that may come from pursuing AOI for Swedish Born Globals. Our theoretical framework combined literature concerning Born Globals and their rapid internationalization with the notion of learning advantages of newness and literature regarding AOI into a theoretical model. Our theoretical investigation displayed a lack of research dealing with the potential challenges of AOI; with the virtuality trap of Yamin and Sinkovics (2006) being the exception. Through abductively analyzing qualitative data collected from four Swedish Born Globals with our theoretical model, we arrived at a number of empirically testable propositions that highlight the effects of using AOI for Swedish Born Globals. Our analysis leads to the conclusion that there are more challenges for Swedish Born Globals pursuing AOI than previously identified by present literature.
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Determining Analytical Potential Energy Functions of Diatomic Molecules by Direct FittingHuang, Yiye January 2001 (has links)
The fully quantum mechanical 'direct-potential-fit' (DPF) method has become increasingly widely used in the reduction of diatomic spectra. The central problem of this method is the representation of the potential energy and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) correction functions. There are a number of problems associated with the existing method and potential forms. This thesis delineates these problems and finds solutions to some of them. In particular, it is shown that use of a different expansion variable and a new treatment of some of the expansions resolves most of the problems. These techniques have been successfully tested on the ground electronic states of the coinage metal hydrides and the Rb2 molecule. To address the problem of representing 'barrier' potential curves, a flexible new functional form, the 'double-exponential long-range' (DELR) potential function, is introduced and applied to the B barrier state of Li2. In addition, the Lambda-doubling level splitting which occurs for singlet Pi electronic states has been taken into account by extending the effective Schrodinger equation. The computer program DSPotFit developed in our laboratory for performing DPF analyses has been extended to incorporate the ability to fit the analytical potential energy functions to tunneling predissociation line widths for quasibound levels. Finally, an attempt is made to investigate whether there exists a hump in the ground state rotationless potential curve of beryllium hydride.
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Segregation and employment in Swedish regionsSaijeva, Heda January 2011 (has links)
Immigration to Sweden has increased since Second World War. The immigra-tion pattern has also shifted from labor immigration to refugee immigration. The relative labor market performance of immigrants began to worsen at the end of 1970s. The employment rate among foreign born persons is considera-bly lower than it is among Swedish born persons.Integration of foreign born persons in the areas of education, income and em-ployment varies among FA-regions in Sweden. FA-region means functional analysis region, where you can live and work without having time-wasting trips.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between labor market participation of immigrants and segregation on the regional level.Three indices (Dissimilarity, Isolation and Gini) of segregation are used in or-der to investigate the relationship between segregation and employment level among immigrants. The results show that there exists a negative relationship between these variables. In FA-regions of metropolitan regions in spite of high segregation rate the relationship between segregation and employment rate is slightly weaker, than it is among FA-regions of large city regions. The main conclusion of this study is the regional perspective, the necessity of making this kind of analysis on regional level, not country level.
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Born Globals Internationalization and Competitive advantage - A Resource-based View perspective : The case study research of Swedish Born Globals to the roles of firm Resources in firm‟s establishment, internationalization and competitive advantageNguyen, Thi Tram Anh, Yodmunee, Sopawan January 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of Born Globals in particular to the internationalization process has been highlighted by many scholars. The insufficient of the existing researches to the ability of Born Globals going international since their inceptions with limited resources encouraged us to study more in-depth. Resource-based View (RBV) and firm‟s competitive advantage are chosen as the theoretical framework. Three Swedish Born Globals were chosen as case studies, the data was collected by semi-structure and e-mail interviews which within-case and cross-case analysis were applied. The empirical data and analysis draws us to the conclusion that human resource especially entrepreneurs and network are the key firm resources that significantly contribute to Born Globals‟ establishment, internationalization and competitive advantage. However, the finding is highlighted that entrepreneur has a crucial role to both establishment and internationalization stages. Entrepreneur‟s personal network has high contribution when Born Globals is started up while firm‟s network plays more important role at the internationalization stage. By using network, Born Globals gain an easier way to find financial and operating resource. Moreover, entrepreneur‟s capability is the main key resource that creates competitiveness to Born Global firms. Future research suggestions and implications are discussed in the conclusion.
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Determining Analytical Potential Energy Functions of Diatomic Molecules by Direct FittingHuang, Yiye January 2001 (has links)
The fully quantum mechanical 'direct-potential-fit' (DPF) method has become increasingly widely used in the reduction of diatomic spectra. The central problem of this method is the representation of the potential energy and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) correction functions. There are a number of problems associated with the existing method and potential forms. This thesis delineates these problems and finds solutions to some of them. In particular, it is shown that use of a different expansion variable and a new treatment of some of the expansions resolves most of the problems. These techniques have been successfully tested on the ground electronic states of the coinage metal hydrides and the Rb2 molecule. To address the problem of representing 'barrier' potential curves, a flexible new functional form, the 'double-exponential long-range' (DELR) potential function, is introduced and applied to the B barrier state of Li2. In addition, the Lambda-doubling level splitting which occurs for singlet Pi electronic states has been taken into account by extending the effective Schrodinger equation. The computer program DSPotFit developed in our laboratory for performing DPF analyses has been extended to incorporate the ability to fit the analytical potential energy functions to tunneling predissociation line widths for quasibound levels. Finally, an attempt is made to investigate whether there exists a hump in the ground state rotationless potential curve of beryllium hydride.
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An Analysis of Illegal Bushmeat Availability in Local Restaurants Located in Voi, KenyaSutton, Bridget A 01 December 2008 (has links)
The illegal bushmeat harvest has been identified as a reason for declining wildlife populations throughout much of Africa. For many years the trade was thought to exist primarily in Western Africa. The illegal use of bushmeat in Eastern Africa, including Kenya, went undocumented and unstudied. In 2004, the Born Free Foundation published a study which claimed illegal sale of wild game was substantial in butcheries throughout Nairobi, Kenya. In an effort to determine other markets of the commercial trade, the goal of this study was to analyze local restaurants in Voi, Kenya for illegal bushmeat sale. The town of Voi was selected due to recent published reports in the popular press, its proximity to Tsavo National Park, and its access to a major highway. Samples were collected and analyzed using mDNA sequencing analysis of the cytochrome B gene. None of the collected samples were identified as illegal game meat. The restaurants in Voi, Kenya were not a commercial outlet for illegal bushmeat trading in the local economy during the period of this study. The results from this study provide valuable baseline data which can be used in future research to help determine possible vectors of the bushmeat trade.
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Den Oförutsedda Turbulensen : En fallstudie om hur turbulens på marknader påverkat Små och Medelstora företags InternationaliseringsstrategiKadric, Elzana, Pacarizi, Doruntina, Vlajku, Silvija January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats grundar sig i att undersöka hur turbulens på marknader påverkat små och medelstora företags internationaliseringsstrategier, med inriktning mot val av marknader samt val av etableringsstrategier. I mån om att forska kring denna problematik har vi definierat ett huvudproblem; Hur har turbulens på marknader påverkat små och medelstora företags internationaliseringsstrategi? Uppsatsen grundar sig i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod samt en abduktiv forskningsansats, detta för att besvara uppsatsens huvudproblem på lämpligast vis. Den teoretiska referensramen utgår från teorier kring strategi samt internationalisering: den inkrementella internationaliseringsteorin, nätverksteorin, resursbaserade teorin, teori kring Born Globals företag och teori kring etableringsstrategier. Detta för att skapa en teoretisk plattform som i sin tur bidrar till ett större djup i uppsatsens analys. Den empiriska referensramen är baserad från fyra fallföretag; Luma Metall AB, Norden Machinery AB, Trebema AB samt Trelleborg Automotive Kalmar AB, där insamling av data skett via kvalitativa intervjuer. I uppsatsens analytiska kapitel syftar vi att besvara uppsatsens delproblem, genom den teoretiska referensramen tillsammans med den insamlade empirin. Detta utgör grunden för uppsatsens analys. Vi kommer i slutsatsen sammanställa hur turbulens på marknaden påverkat små och medelstora företags internationaliseringsstrategier, med inriktning mot val av marknad samt val av etableringsstrategi.Vidare kommer vi att belysa uppsatsens begränsningar samt ge förslag till vidare forskning.
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Cordes et champs antisymétriques dans des espaces-temps courbesBordalo, Pedro 30 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des théories conformes des champs (CFTs) bidimensionelles et à leur interprétation géométrique, dans le cadre de la théorie bosonique des cordes. Après un premier chapitre introductif, nous construisons des théories conformes ayant pour espaces-cibles des quotients généraux de groupes compacts par des sous-groupes abéliens finis. Plusieurs choix de champs de fond antisymétriques sont possibles, correspondant du côté de la CFT à la torsion discrète. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous ajoutons des cordes ouvertes à ces constructions; nous étudions les états de bord, leur interprétation géométrique en termes de D-branes et montrons comment celles-ci sont stabilisées par le flux du champ de jauge. Le quatrième chapitre développe l'analyse de basse énergie, par le calcul à deux boucles de la fonction beta du champ de jauge, menant à des corrections à l'action de Born-Infeld. Il inclut aussi des resultats sur l'action de BI non-abélienne à cet ordre. Le dernier chapitre contient les conclusions et perspectives.
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From DNA bases to ultracold atoms : probing ensembles using supersonic beamsSmith, Valoris Reid 04 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses two ensembles, the study of which was dependent upon the controllable production of cold gas-phase samples using supersonic beams. The experiments on DNA bases and base clusters were carried out in Germany at the Max Born Institute. The experiments anticipating the construction of a molecular beam slower were carried out in the United States at the University of Texas at Austin. Femtosecond pump-probe techniques were employed to study the dynamics and electronic character of DNA bases, pairs and clusters in the gas phase. Experiments on DNA base monomers confirmed the dominance of a particular relaxation pathway, the nπ* state. Competition between this state and another proposed relaxation pathway was demonstrated through observations of the DNA base pairs and base-water clusters, settling a recent controversy. Further, it was determined that the excited state dynamics in base pairs is due to intramolecular processes rather than intermolecular processes. Finally, results from base-water clusters confirm that microsolvation permits comparison with biologically relevant liquid phase experiments and with ab initio calculations, bridging a long-standing gap. A purely mechanical technique that does not rely upon quantum or electronic properties to produce very cold, very slow atoms and molecules would be more generally applicable than current approaches. The approach described here uses supersonic beam methods to produce a very cold beam of particles and a rotating paddle-wheel, or rotor, to slow the cold beam. Initial experiments testing the possibility of elastic scattering from a single crystal surface were conducted and the implications of these experiments are discussed. / text
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Seismic characterization of naturally fractured reservoirsBansal, Reeshidev, 1978- 29 August 2008 (has links)
Many hydrocarbon reservoirs have sufficient porosity but low permeability (for example, tight gas sands and coal beds). However, such reservoirs are often naturally fractured. The fracture patterns in these reservoirs can control flow and transport properties, and therefore, play an important role in drilling production wells. On the scale of seismic wavelengths, closely spaced parallel fractures behave like an anisotropic media, which precludes the response of individual fractures in the seismic data. There are a number of fracture parameters which are needed to fully characterize a fractured reservoir. However, seismic data may reveal only certain fracture parameters and those are fracture orientation, crack density and fracture infill. Most of the widely used fracture characterization methods such as Swave splitting analysis or amplitude vs. offset and azimuth (AVOA) analysis fail to render desired results in laterally varying media. I have conducted a systematic study of the response of fractured reservoirs with laterally varying elastic and fracture properties, and I have developed a scheme to invert for the fracture parameters. I have implemented a 3D finite-difference method to generate multicomponent synthetic seismic data in general anisotropic media. I applied the finite-difference algorithm in both Standard and Rotated Staggered grids. Standard Staggered grid is used for media having symmetry up to orthorhombic (isotropic, transversely isotropic, and orthorhombic), whereas Rotated Staggered grid is implemented for monoclinic and triclinic media. I have also developed an efficient and accurate ray-bending algorithm to compute seismic traveltimes in 3D anisotropic media. AVOA analysis is equivalent to the first-order Born approximation. However, AVOA analysis can be applied only in a laterally uniform medium, whereas the Born-approximation does not pose any restriction on the subsurface structure. I have developed an inversion scheme based on a ray-Born approximation to invert for the fracture parameters. Best results are achieved when both vertical and horizontal components of the seismic data are inverted simultaneously. I have also developed an efficient positivity constraint which forbids the inverted fracture parameters to be negative in value. I have implemented the inversion scheme in the frequency domain and I show, using various numerical examples, that all frequency samples up to the Nyquist are not required to achieve desired inversion results.
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