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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brand equity through rollercoasters and rabbits : Understanding the role of part-time marketers in enhancing the brand equity of an amusement park

Rivera, César, Byström, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Relationship marketing is a marketing theory that has gathered much focus in the marketing research area lately. The core idea of relationship marketing is to retain the existing customers of a company by establishing long-time relationships with them. The theory of brand equity is a well-known theory on brand development that deals with issues such as customer’s perceptions and the brand meaning. The main purpose of this thesis is to gain deeper understanding of what kind of role the front-line employees in terms of part-time marketers, have on the enhancing of Liseberg´s brand equity. Liseberg holds a special position for the citizens of Gothenburg, and as the biggest amusement park in the Nordic are with 3.1 million visitors in 2014, we argue that theories like relationship marketing and brand equity could be of importance for Liseberg to maintain their position in the minds of their customers. We have also been able to identify a research gap. We discovered that research about the role of part-time marketers in relation to brand equity is relatively scarce. Even more specifically, we have not been able to find studies regarding the role of part-time marketers in the enhancing of the brand equity of an amusement park. We have conducted a qualitative study in order to accomplish the purpose of our thesis. In our study, we conducted nine semi-structured interviews with managers, front-line employees and customers of Liseberg. The interviews helped us gain a deeper understanding on how the role of the front-line employees as part-time marketers was perceived both internally and externally in Liseberg. Data from different customer reports were also provided to us from Liseberg. From our qualitative studies as well as from the data provided by Liseberg, we can conclude that the role of the part-time marketers was perceived differently from the customer’s point of view, compared to what managers and front-line employees thought. Nevertheless according to our findings, we can conclude that part-time marketers have a very important role in the enhancing of Liseberg´s brand equity. Finally we have also made practical recommendations for the management of Liseberg regarding on how to work with the part-time marketer’s concept in mind to improve Liseberg´s brand equity.

Hantering av brand equity inom telekombranschen : En studie om värdeskapande och synergieffekter hos företag med två varumärken

Karlsson, Robin, Hübinette, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Den svenska telekommarknaden präglas av en oligopolsituation, där de fyra största företagen utgör 97,5 procent av marknaden, och den främsta konkurrensen sker om befintliga kunder. TeliaSonera är marknadens största företag och de saluför de två operatörerna Telia och Halebop, medan Tele2 är det näst största företaget och de saluför operatörerna Tele2 och Comviq. Inom den svenska telekombranschen har operatörerna förhållandevis liknande tjänsteerbjudanden och det är därför viktigt att skapa sig ett starkt varumärke som differentierar sig ur mängden samt bidrar till att skapa synergieffekter för företag som har två varumärken. Ett varumärke kan användas för att skapa värde för både konsumenten och företaget samt etablera en relation mellan dessa parter. Det värde som företaget skapar med varumärket benämns som brand equity, vilket kan ses ur ett kundvärdebaserat respektive finansiellt perspektiv. Det finns dock oklarheter i hur detta värdeskapande faktiskt sker. Uppsatsens syftar därför till att analysera hur TeliaSonera och Tele2 hanterar brand equity samt vilka synergieffekter som kan uppnås av att använda sig utav två varumärken. Vidare har empirin frambringats genom en metodtriangulering bestående av en kvantitativ webbenkät för privatpersoner med ett kvalitativt inslag som är baserad på viktiga variabler relaterade till brand equity, djupintervjuer med företagsrepresentanter för TeliaSonera och Tele2, samt intervju med en marknadskommunikatör. Uppsatsen visar att de studerade företagen använder sig av två varumärken på olika sätt, där TeliaSonera skiljer sina operatörer i syfte att nå olika kundsegment, medan Tele2 skiljer dessa genom att fördela dem mellan kontantkort och abonnemang. Överlag visade sig branschen svag på att förmedla budskap till kunderna, vilket kan ses som en brist då det är viktigt för att kunden ska kunna identifiera sig med varumärket. Då operatören Halebop konkurrerar med Tele2 och Comviq om priskänsliga kunder, samtidigt som Halebop har ett högre kundupplevt värde gällande flera centrala variabler är detta något som Tele2 och Comviq måste hantera strategiskt. Då de båda företagen har flertalet ansvariga inom olika avdelningar som arbetar med olika typer av brand equity bör de inrätta en roll för en brand equity manager som kan integrera dessa olika personer och avdelningar, vilket kan skapa en högre effektivitet och synergieffekter för företaget och dess varumärken. / The Swedish telecommunications market is characterized as an oligopoly, where the four largest firms represent 97.5 percent of the market, and the main competition takes place regarding existing customers. TeliaSonera is the market's largest company who promotes the two operators Telia and Halebop, while Tele2 is the second largest company who promotes Tele2 and Comviq. Due to the Swedish telecom operators have relatively similar offerings, it is important to create a strong brand which differentiates itself from the crowd and helps to create synergies for companies that have two brands. A brand can be used to create value for both consumer and companies, and establish a relationship between these parties. The value that the company creates with the brand is referred to as brand equity, which could be viewed from a customer based or financial perspective. However, there is ambiguity in how this value creation is actually occurring. Therefore this paper regard to analyze how these companies handle brand equity, and study the synergies that can emerge from using two brands. Furthermore the empirical data has been generated by method triangulation, consisting a quantitative online survey with a qualitative element for consumers, that is based on key factors related to brand equity, along with interviews with representatives of the companies TeliaSonera and Tele2, and also with a market communicator. The study shows that the two companies are using two kinds of brands in separated ways, where TeliaSonera distinguish their operators in order to meet different customer segments, while Tele2 distinguishes them by distributing them between prepaid cards and subscriptions. Overall the industry was weak in transmission messages to customers, which can be seen as a weakness because it is important for customers to identify themselves with the brand. The operator Halebop competes with Tele2 and Comviq to price-sensitive customers, and regarding to that Halebop has a higher customer perceived value regarding several key factors, this is something that Tele2 and Comviq have to manage strategically. The two companies have multiple people in different departments working with brand equity, and they should therefore establish a role for a brand equity manager who can integrate the assignments, which can create greater efficiency and synergies for the company and its brands.

Det är ingen rocket science : En varumärkesundersökning av Metro i Karlstad / It's no rocket science : A brand survey of Metro in Karlstad

Dyberg, Anton, Taflin, Totte January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to do a brand survey of Metro in Karlstad. The study will originate from the terms ”brand identity” and ”brand associations”, where the brand identity is the organization’s desired view of the brand, and the brand associations define the associations held by the consumers. Issues: What is Metro’s brand identity? What are the brand associsations of Metro in Karlstad? How well do the brand identity and the brand associations correspond? Theoretical framework: The study is done from the perspective of media and communication studies, where the theoretical terms are defined from literature regarding brands. Method: The study is carried out using a qualitative document analysis, interviews, and a quantitative survey. The document analysis was made on Metro’s own documents regarding values and target audience. The interviews were carried out with three interviewees from the organization of Metro. The survey was made as a group survey with 200 respondents where eight were removed as they did not qualify for the target audience. Results: The qualitative studies showed that the brand identity towards Metro’s readers is simple. Metro’s desire is that the the newspaper is seen as free, accessible, and that it summarizes the news. The survey showed that the readers of Metro in Karlstad choose Metro because it is free and accessible. They also gave Metro a good grade regarding summarizing of news. Conclusions: Metro keeps their brand identity towards readers simple, as the brand awareness is high and thereby don’t need a complex brand identity. The readers choose Metro because it’s free and accessible, and also think that Metro summarizes the news well. This is exactly what Metro wants to accomplish, and do so by keeping the brand identity simple. The correspondence between brand identity and brand associations is strong, and thereby contributes to a strong brand for Metro. Keywords: Metro, free newspaper, brand survey, brand identity, brand associations, brand, customer perceived value, brand positioning, brand equity, brand awareness. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att göra en varumärkesundersökning på gratistidningen Metro i Karlstad. Undersökningen sker utifrån profil och image, där profilen är ledningens syn på hur varumärket ska se ut och imagen hur publiken uppfattar varumärket. Frågeställningar: Hur ser profilen ut för Metro? Hur ser imagen ut för Metro i Karlstad? Hur väl stämmer profil och image överens? Teoretiskt ramverk: Undersökningen genomförs ur ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt perspektiv, där begreppen profil och image definieras utifrån litteratur om varumärken. Metod: Undersökningen har genomförts genom en kvalitativ dokumentanalys, samtalsintervjuer samt en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Dokumentanalysen gjordes på Metros egna dokument rörande värderingar och målgrupp. Intervjuerna skedde med tre respondenter från Metros organisation. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes som en typ av gruppenkät med 200 respondenter där åtta plockades bort på grund av att de inte tillhörde målgruppen. Resultat: De kvalitativa undersökningarna visade att Metro har en enkel profil mot sina läsare. De vill att tidningen ska ses som gratis, lättillgänglig och nyhetssammanfattande. Enkätundersökningen visade att Metros läsare i Karlstad väljer tidningen för att den är gratis och lättillgänglig. Läsarna gav också ett bra betyg gällande nyhetssammanfattandet. Slutsatser: Metro håller profilen mot läsare enkel, då de har en hög varumärkeskännedom och inte behöver någon komplex profil. Läsarna väljer Metro för att den är just gratis och lättillgänglig och tycker även att tidningen sammanfattar nyheter bra. Detta är just det Metro vill åstadkomma och gör det genom att hålla profilen enkel. Överensstämmelsen mellan profil och image är därför stark och bidrar till ett starkt varumärke för Metro. Nyckelord: Metro, gratistidning, varumärkesundersökning, profil, image, varumärke, customer perceived value, positionering, brand equity, varumärkeskännedom.

Konsten att positionera sig : En studie om festivalers identitet, positionering och om kunders relation till festivalers märkesidentitet.

Johnsson, Robert, Lovas, Sebastian, Talavera, Pedro January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine what characterizes brand identity and positioning regarding festivals on the current Swedish festival market. In relation to our purpose we are also going to analyze how festival attendees relate to a festivals brand identity. Our research question is as follows: What characterizes festivals brand identity and positioning on the current Swedish festival market? This study has been written with a qualitative research method and an inductive approach. Our empirical foundation is built on a rich content based on personal interviews. We interviewed in total 17 people who all have vast knowledge in our field of study. Five of our respondents have great knowledge within the festival business while the other 12 are experienced festival attendees. In our final chapter we present our conclusions that we have reached through our analysis of the empirical materials that we have weighed against theoretical framework. The conclusions we have reached are that the festivals are dependent on their core values which is a part of their brand identity, that in turn defines their positioning on the market. Festivals also need to offer added value in order to attract new customer and to maintain their current relationship to their customers.

Värdering av ekologisk gradering - Super(eko)logiskt? : En mätning av styrkan i varumärkets miljömärkning - ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Andersson, Sofia, Moilanen, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Då det ur ett konsumentperspektiv finns ett stort intresse för att kombinera olika miljöperspektiv i en enhetlig märkning samtidigt som forskning visar att en kombination av olika märkningar genererar en ökad betalningsvilja, åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur dessa två respektive typer av märkningssätt påverkar konsumentens preferenser av varumärket samt hur dessa preferenser skiljer sig åt. Föreliggande studie testar dessutom huruvida Simonsons (1989) teori om kompromisseffekter är applikabel för att öka konsumenters preferenser för ekologiska produkter när ett superekologiskt alternativ tillförs ett valset med ett konventionellt och ett ekologiskt alternativ. Studien bidrar därmed med information till beslutsfattare inom livsmedelsbranschen för hur ekologiska attribut påverkar konsumenters preferenser och betalningsviljan för ekologiska produkter.     408 respondenter har medverkat i en enkätundersökning där svaren har analyserats med hjälp av följande statistiska analyser: reliabilitetstest, t-test, korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys och klusteranalys. Resultaten visar att trots att de flesta konsumenter tenderar att ha såväl en positiv attityd som en ökad betalningsvilja för de ekologiska alternativen, väljer fortfarande majoriteten av konsumenterna det konventionella alternativet, varvid ingen kompromisseffekt uppstår. För de allra flesta av studiens respondenter motsvarar med andra ord inte den ökade betalningsviljan rådande marknadspriser, något som bland annat skulle kunna bero på att konsumenterna inte känner erforderligt med tilltro till miljömärkningarna. Priset kan dessutom fungera som ett hinder mot ett nytt beteende, varvid konsumenten istället av ren vana håller kvar vid det gamla. Vad gäller konsumenternas syn på superekologiska märkningar tycks ett superekologiskt trioalternativ i dagsläget vara att föredra. Något mer överraskande är att respondenterna, i motsats till vad flertalet tidigare studier har visat (Roddy, Cowan & Hutchinson 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson, Arvola, Hursti, Åberg & Sjödén, 2001; Torjusen, Lieblein, Wandel & Francis, 2001; m.fl.), dessutom upplever smak och kvalitet hos de ekologiska alternativen som sämre jämfört med det konventionella alternativet.   Eftersom de flesta konsumenter de facto uttrycker en ökad betalningsvilja för ekologiska alternativ, anser vi avslutningsvis att en mindre prisskillnad mellan konventionella och ekologiska produkter är något som beslutsfattare i livsmedelsbranschen framför allt borde ta i beaktning för att i framtiden öka antalet konsumenter av ekologiska produkter. / From a consumer perspective, there exists a considerable interest in combining different environmental perspective in an uniform label. On the other hand, since research shows that a combination of different labels generates a greater willingness to pay, this study aim to examine how these two respective types of labeling affect consumers brand preferences, and furthermore how these preferences differ. The present study also test whether Simonson's (1989) theory of compromise effect could be applied to increase consumer preference for organic products, when adding an organic premium alternative to a choice set with a conventional and an organic alternative. Thus, the study contributes information to decision makers in the food industry about how ecological attributes affect consumers’ brand preferences and their willingness to pay for organic products.   408 respondents have participated in a survey in which the answers were analyzed using the following statistical analyzes: reliability test, t-test, correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results show that although most consumers tend to have both a positive attitude and an increased willingness to pay for organic alternatives, the majority of consumers still choose the conventional alternative, why no compromise effect occurs. For most of the study's respondents the increased willingness to pay does not correspond with current market prices. Among other things this could be explained by consumers’ lack of confidence in eco-labels. The price may also act as a barrier to a new behavior, whereby the consumer out of pure habit chooses the conventional alternative. Based on the consumer preferences for organic premium labels, the organic premium combination alternative seems to be the preferable choice. Somewhat more surprising, the respondents in this study, in contrast to most previous studies (Roddy et al., 1994; CEC, 1999; Magnusson et al., 2001; Torjusen et al., 2001; etc.), perceived the taste and quality of the ecological alternatives as inferior to the conventional alternative.   Finally, since the respondents show an increased willingness to pay for organic products, we think that decision makers in the food industry primarily should take into consideration that a minor price difference between conventional and organic products is something that could increase the number of consumers buying organic products in the future.

Konsten att inte vara offside online : Elitidrottsklubbars varumärkesbyggande i sociala medier / The Art of Not Being Offside Online : Professional sport clubs brand management in social media

Hörnkvist, Joachim, Willman, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den ökade användningen av sociala medier har lett till att de i allt större utsträckning används som varumärkesbyggande verktyg för företag och organisationer. Den ökade kommersialiseringen som skett inom elitidrott har lett till att även elitidrottsklubbar avser att stärka sina varumärken. Tidigare forskning visar att elitidrottsklubbar bör utnyttja sociala medier för att främja och stärka relationen med supportrar och kunder, eftersom det på lång sikt bidrar till ökade intäkter för klubben. I en svensk kontext är forskningen om elitidrottsklubbars varumärkesbyggande i sociala medier däremot ytterst begränsad. Med anledning av denna kunskapslucka krävs ytterligare studier om hur svenska idrottsklubbar använder sociala medier för att stärka sina varumärken. Syfte och frågeställningar: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur och varför svenska elitidrottsklubbar använder sociala medier som varumärkesbyggande verktyg. Vilka syften har användningen av sociala medier för en svensk elitidrottsklubb och hur uppfylls dem? Vilka förtjänster och utmaningar medför användningen av sociala medier som varumärkesbyggande verktyg i kontexten av svensk elitidrott? Vad för innehåll publicerar en svensk elitidrottsklubb på sociala medier och hur påverkar det klubbens fans? Genomförande: Studien har kombinerat en kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Innehållsanalyser av en fallorganisations publicerade material på sociala medier, samt en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju har utförts för att fylla studiens syfte. Resultat: Sociala medier är viktiga verktyg för att bygga och fördjupa relationen, samt skapa lojalitet mellan klubben och dess fans och kunder. Sociala medier fyller också direkta ekonomiska syften. Studien har även påvisat tydliga utmaningar som klubbar ställs inför. Utmaningar som till stor del grundar sig i brist på enhetlig syn på hur och varför socialamedier ska användas. / Problem definition: The emergence of social media has resulted in that companies to a bigger extent uses them as brand management tools. The increased commercialization in professional team sports led to the fact that professional sports clubs aim to strengthen their brands. Previous research shows that professional sports clubs should take advantage of social media to promote and strengthen relationships with fans and customers, since it will result in increased revenues for the club in the long term. In a Swedish context, however, the research about professional sports clubs’ brand management in social media is extremely limited. Due to this research gap, further research studying Swedish professional sports club’s brand management in social media is eligible. Aim and research questions: The purpose of this study is to examine how and why Swedish professional sports club use social media as a brand management tool. What are the purposes of using social media as a brand management tool for a Swedish professional sports club and how are they fulfilled? What benefits and challenges entails he use of social media as brand management tool in the context of professional Swedish sports? What content is published by professional Swedish sports club on social media and how does it affect its fans? Methodology: This study has combined a quantitative and qualitative research strategy. Content analysis of a case organization's material published on social media, as well as qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted to fulfil the purpose of this study. Findings: Social media are important tools for building and deepening the relationship, as well as creating loyalty, between the club and its fans and customers. Social media also fills direct economic purposes. This study has also highlighted clear challenges that sports clubs face when using social media. These challenges are to a big extend due to lack of unanimous views on how and why social media should be used.

Art & Business : from sponsorship and philanthropy to the contemporary process of artification / Art & Entreprise : du parrainage et de la philanthropie au processus contemporain d’artification / Arte & impresa : dalle attività di sponsorizzazione e filantropia al contemporeano processo di artificazione

Masè, Stefania 01 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse bilingue (anglais-italien) en deux volumes est consacrée aux relations que les entreprises tissent avec le monde de l’art. Nous rendons compte du phénomène dans une Revue Systématique de la Littérature qui a permis l’identification de la relation Art & Entreprise selon neuf axes de recherche, qui vont de la philanthropie au parrainage et à l’artification. Nous définissons ce nouveau concept d’artification en tant que relation entre les artistes contemporains et les entreprises appartenant au secteur luxe de la mode. Pour elles, les arts visuels deviennent une troisième source capable de préserver, aux yeux du consommateur, une valeur de marque minée par les effets de la mondialisation et des fusions acquisitions qui ont transformé le secteur luxe de l’industrie de la mode. Les entreprises adoptent un Processus d’Artification visant à transformer leurs produits en œuvres d’art, et deviennent des acteurs nouveaux dans les arts. Après une étude de cas consacrée à l’entreprise française Louis Vuitton, nous testons ce que nous nommons un Effet d’Artification, par le biais d’une expérience-sondage, qui a pris la forme de questionnaires distribués à un échantillon de 880 consommateurs français, au sein du laboratoire INSEAD SORBONNE BEHAVIOURAL LAB. Nous avons testé l’Effet d’Artification en utilisant le modèle de Customer-Based Brand Equity et de la mesure de l’échelle esthétique. Les résultats et leur analyse statistique détaillée montrent que les arts visuels jouent le rôle de troisième source capable de changer la valeur de la marque. Le Processus d’Artification a donc la capacité d’agir en tant que stimulus sur la perception du luxe auprès du consommateur final, réel ou potentiel. / In a two-volume bilingual dissertation in English and in Italian, we research the way companies weave relationships with the art world. First, we account for this phenomenon through a Systematic Literature Review. It allows us to identify the relational Art & Enterprise forms in nine areas of research spanning from sponsorship to philanthropy and to artification. We define this new concept as a specific relational mode between contemporary artists and business enterprises which is frequent in luxury fashion. The visual arts become a viable third source capable of maintining brand value for consumers who are ever more sensitive to a loss in luxury brand value. It is caused by globalization and the frequent mergers and acquisitions that are transforming the luxury sector in the fashion industry. Luxury businesses’aim is to elevate their products into objects of art. Process of Artification additionally results in their acting as key players in the art world. After a case study of French company Louis Vuitton, we finally test what we term Artification Effect by carrying out a consumer-based survey: with the help of INSEAD-SORBONNE BEHAVIOURAL LAB, we designed a survey with questionnaires distributed to an 880 French-consumers sample. We tested the Artification Effect through the model of Customer-Based Brand Equity and The Measurement of the Aesthetic Scale. The results and our in-depth statistical analysis prove that the visual arts effectively play the role of third source capable of changing the value of a brand. The Artification Process therefore acts as stimulus eliciting the perception of luxury in the end or potential consumer.

Role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students / Christiaan Rudolf Quintus Roets

Roets, Christiaan Rudolf Quintus January 2013 (has links)
In the highly competitive business landscape of the twenty-first century, intangible assets such as brand equity are deemed as increasingly vital to the long-term success of organisations. Brand loyalty, which is the primary driver of brand equity, germinates from consumers‟ brand identification, trust in the superiority of the brand, and their perceptions of the social esteem that use of the brand signals. The mobile phone industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries of this century, with new smartphones boasting breakthrough features appearing on the market in rapid succession. In South Africa, black Africans make up the majority of the Generation Y cohort (hereinafter referred to as black Generation Y). As the first generation brought up in this era of mobile telephony, the Generation Y cohort (individuals born between 1986 and 2005) represents an important current and future segment for the manufacturers and marketers of mobile devices, including smartphones. Furthermore, because of the number of members possessing a tertiary qualification, their potential earning power, together with the sheer size of this segment, it was important to determine and model the role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst these individuals. The study hypothesised that social image directly influences black Generation Y students perception towards brand trust, brand trust directly influences brand loyalty, which in turn directly influences brand equity. The results indicate that social image has a significant positive influence on brand trust, which in turn has a significant positive influence on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. A descriptive research design using a single cross-sectional sample was followed, using a self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a convenience sample of 600 students enrolled at three public South African higher education institutions (HEIs) situated in the Gauteng province. Permission from the lecturers at the three HEIs was obtained to administer the questionnaire during class times. Of the questionnaires completed, 460 questionnaires were usable. The captured data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, bivariate regression and independent T-tests. In order to confirm the hypothesised construct paths, a measurement model was created based on the correlation analysis. The correlation analysis results indicated that social image has a significant relationship with brand trust, which in turn has a significant relationship on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. Five latent variables were identified in the measurement model. The structural model hypothesised that social image influences brand trust, brand trust influences brand loyalty, which in turn influences brand equity. The hypothesised model fit the data. This study contributes to the body of knowledge pertaining to brand equity by developing a model to illustrate the role of social image and brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students, and determining which factors act as antecedents to successful brand equity. The role of brand trust in creating brand equity is suggested to be a five-factor structure comprised of social image, brand reliability, brand intentions, brand loyalty and brand equity. The study also offers recommendations and guidance for marketers and organisations that seek to improve their brand equity. This study will contribute by profiling the black Generation Y student in South Africa concerning their perception towards brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry. The findings of this study will add value to South African marketers, as well as international marketers seeking to target the Generation Y cohort. / PhD (Marketing Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015

Role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students / Christiaan Rudolf Quintus Roets

Roets, Christiaan Rudolf Quintus January 2013 (has links)
In the highly competitive business landscape of the twenty-first century, intangible assets such as brand equity are deemed as increasingly vital to the long-term success of organisations. Brand loyalty, which is the primary driver of brand equity, germinates from consumers‟ brand identification, trust in the superiority of the brand, and their perceptions of the social esteem that use of the brand signals. The mobile phone industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries of this century, with new smartphones boasting breakthrough features appearing on the market in rapid succession. In South Africa, black Africans make up the majority of the Generation Y cohort (hereinafter referred to as black Generation Y). As the first generation brought up in this era of mobile telephony, the Generation Y cohort (individuals born between 1986 and 2005) represents an important current and future segment for the manufacturers and marketers of mobile devices, including smartphones. Furthermore, because of the number of members possessing a tertiary qualification, their potential earning power, together with the sheer size of this segment, it was important to determine and model the role of brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst these individuals. The study hypothesised that social image directly influences black Generation Y students perception towards brand trust, brand trust directly influences brand loyalty, which in turn directly influences brand equity. The results indicate that social image has a significant positive influence on brand trust, which in turn has a significant positive influence on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. A descriptive research design using a single cross-sectional sample was followed, using a self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a convenience sample of 600 students enrolled at three public South African higher education institutions (HEIs) situated in the Gauteng province. Permission from the lecturers at the three HEIs was obtained to administer the questionnaire during class times. Of the questionnaires completed, 460 questionnaires were usable. The captured data were analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, bivariate regression and independent T-tests. In order to confirm the hypothesised construct paths, a measurement model was created based on the correlation analysis. The correlation analysis results indicated that social image has a significant relationship with brand trust, which in turn has a significant relationship on the development of brand loyalty and consequent brand equity. Five latent variables were identified in the measurement model. The structural model hypothesised that social image influences brand trust, brand trust influences brand loyalty, which in turn influences brand equity. The hypothesised model fit the data. This study contributes to the body of knowledge pertaining to brand equity by developing a model to illustrate the role of social image and brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry amongst black Generation Y students, and determining which factors act as antecedents to successful brand equity. The role of brand trust in creating brand equity is suggested to be a five-factor structure comprised of social image, brand reliability, brand intentions, brand loyalty and brand equity. The study also offers recommendations and guidance for marketers and organisations that seek to improve their brand equity. This study will contribute by profiling the black Generation Y student in South Africa concerning their perception towards brand trust in creating brand equity in the mobile phone industry. The findings of this study will add value to South African marketers, as well as international marketers seeking to target the Generation Y cohort. / PhD (Marketing Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015

The Effect of Co-Branding on the Fashion Luxury Consumer’s Brand Equity : Comparison between the Generations Y and X.

Fernández Hidalgo, Cristina, Mikano, Larry, Vermeersch, Tom January 2016 (has links)
The co-branding strategies are gaining attention from research due to the special difficulties of implementing a collaborative strategy. Hence, this paper evaluates the effect of the co-branding strategy between a luxury brand and a high-street retailer on the luxury consumers’ brand equity of the luxury brand post-co-branding. Additionally, this study aims to find differences between the generation Y and X cohorts in terms of brand equity impact from co-branding. This effect was evaluated from three brand equity dimensions: perceived quality, brand image and brand loyalty. To conduct this research the data was collected at the department store Harvey Nichols in London where luxury fashion brands are sold. Later the data was analyzed with a regression, analysis and t-test. The consumers showed differences in terms of their attitude towards the co-branding strategies between a luxury fashion brand and a high-street retailer. In addition, this research found that all the brand equity dimensions suffer a direct influence from the attitude towards co-branding for all the consumers in the study. Direct influence means that the co-branding strategies may cause positive or negative spillover effects. Moreover, the results conclude that there is only a difference in the brand equity dimension of brand loyalty between the generation cohorts Y and X.

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