Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business process"" "subject:"dbusiness process""
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Entwicklung einer Methode zur intraorganisationalen ProzessstandardisierungZellner, Philipp 04 February 2016 (has links)
Die Standardisierung von Geschäftsprozessen ist ein innovativer Ansatz zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat dazu die Entwicklung einer Methode zum Gegenstand. Dabei wird zunächst ein Instrument entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe Prozesse auf Standardisierbarkeit überprüft werden können. Standardisierbare Prozesse werden im Anschluss auf elementarer Ebene auf Vielfalt untersucht, mit dem Ziel ausschließlich positive Vielfalt in Prozessen zuzulassen. Die entwickelten Instrumente und erforderlichen Aktivitäten zur Standardisierung von Prozessen werden in Form von Methodenfragmenten beschrieben und stellen in der Summe die Methode zur Prozessstandardisierung dar.
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Process Learning EnvironmentsEhrlich, Stefan, Gärtner, Jens, Daoud, Eduard, Lorz, Alexander 09 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – Due to faster innovation cycles and competitive markets, current methods for implementing and adapting business processes can not keep pace with changing requirements and cause BPM solutions to falls short of business needs. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach for implementing an agile BPM methodology by substituting the plan-build-run approach with an incremental prototype-based model, removing intermediaries from the time critical path of business process evolution, and empowering end users to change business processes at runtime by manipulating process artefacts.
Design/methodology/approach – Based on interviews with customers and stakeholders and our experience in implementing complex BPM solutions in SMEs, we propose key concepts for an agile BPM approach and derive basic requirements for implementing a BPM system that allows users to redefine business processes during their execution. This analysis is supplemented by a brief overview of current research trends in modelling and implementing agile BPM.
Originality/value – All existing solutions examined by our team imply a separate modelling step by users or process managers. The designed key concepts enable users to implicitly model processes without interrupting day to day operations. Our approach enables organisations to introduce business process management in areas where agility is very important (e.g. product development) or to increase operational agility in areas with established BPM.
Practical implications – An agile BPM solution can give organisations the flexibility they need to react quickly to changing markets and customer needs. We want to help them to introduce standardization and efficiency without losing agility. In areas where classical BPM is in place, our approach can increase the adaptation rate of process changes. In the areas of knowledge workers with a high level of agility, our approach can increase efficiency by supporting knowledge sharing.
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Asyl 360 - ett paradigmskifte? : Migrationsverkets utveckling mot en processorienterad verksamhetBlomqvist, Eric, Adl Zarabi, Kaiwan January 2020 (has links)
Inom flera svenska statliga myndigheter har det processbaserade arbetssättet blivit en metod för att öka effektiviteten inom organisationer. Migrationsverket, en myndighet som under mitten av 2010-talet tog emot ett rekordstort antal skyddssökande under den stora flyktingkrisen, har på senare tid börjat att implementera ett nytt processbaserat arbetssätt inom asylprövningen kallat ”Asyl 360”. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur medarbetarna på en av de asylprövningsenheter som implementerat Asyl 360 upplever att det nya processbaserade arbetssättet påverkat dem. Den ämnar också att, med hjälp av en egenutvecklad kontextanpassad processmognadsmodell, undersöka vilken processmognadsnivå den undersökta asylprövningsenheten befinner sig på. Den metodologiska inriktningen av studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie där den insamlade datan har inhämtats genom intervjuer med medarbetare på den undersökta organisationen. Resultatet och analysen av studien visar dels vilken processmognadsnivå organisationen befinner sig på, men även en utvärdering av den egenutvecklade kontextanpassade processmognadsmodellens funktionalitet / Within several Swedish government agencies, the process-based approach has become a method for increasing efficiency within the organizations. The Swedish Migration Agency, an agency that received a record number of refugee applicants during the great refugee crisis in the mid-2010s, has recently begun to implement a new process-based approach in the asylum field called "Asyl 360". This case study examines how the employees at one of the units that implemented Asylum 360 feels that the new process-based working method has affected them. It also intends to investigate what process maturity level the investigated asylum review unit is at, with the help of a self-developed, context-adapted process maturity model. The methodological focus of the study is a qualitative case study where the collected data has been collected through interviews with employees of the researched organization. The result and analysis of the study shows what level of process maturity the studied organization is currently on. It also evaluates the functionality of the self-developed, context-adapted process maturity model / <p>2020-06-26</p>
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A Case Study of a Business Process Modeling in Mobile ERP SystemBroomé Clason, Agnes, Holmberg, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Utvecklingen inom informationssystem har lett till att allt fler verksamhet villdigitalisera deras arbetsprocesser. Det växande mobila användandet av EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP) på enheter såsom smartphones, tablets och handdatorer harlett till att verksamheter ställer större krav på sina system och leverantörer av dessa.Framtidens ERPsystemmåste fungera mobilt och underlätta arbetet för de anställdaistället för att vara ännu ett ITsystemsom ska lösa organisationens alla utmaningar.Denna fallstudie är gjord hos en grossistverksamhet i Skåne som var mitt iimplementationen av sitt ERPsystem,Microsoft Dynamics. Denna studie harundersökt hur arbetet med verksamhetens affärsprocesser såg ut före och underimplementationen av det nya systemet. Bakgrunden till fallstudien var att undersökaom det fanns korrelation mellan hur väl affärsprocesserna var evaluerade, anpassadeoch hur vällyckad verksamhetens ERPimplementationblev. Fallstudien villundersöka hur processmodellering och Business Process Management (BPM) kanstödja denna slags implementation av mobila ERPsystem.Verksamheten i studien är ett mellanstort säljochdistributionsföretag med kontor på4 svenska orter. Verksamheten påbörjade 2015 en digitalisering av helaorganisationen. ITsystemeti bestod då av flera olika system som anpassats underlängre tid för att integrera med varandra och dela information precis efterorganisationens önskan. Som en del av implementationen valde de att använda ettBusiness Process Modeling verktyg för att introducera och träna användarna avprocesserna i det nya systemet. Implementationsfasen i projektet började i februari2017 och i februari 2019 har verksamheten fortfarande inte fastställt ett Golivedatum.. Medeltiden för en ERPimplementationär 17,4 månader [5]. Då verksamhetenGolivedatum har flyttats räknas det nu som att verksamhetens implementation ärförsenade och över medeltiden.Arbetet med processerna före själva projektstart uppfattas som bristfälligt utifrån BPMdras slutsatsen att förseningen av “Go livedatumet”delvis beror det på att företagetoch organisationen inte har analyserat sina egna processer och har förlitat sig förmycket på att konsultbolaget och RapidValue BPM skulle sköta inlärning ochimplementationen. / The development in information systems has led to an increasing number ofbusinesses wishing to digitize their work processes. The growing mobile use ofEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on devices such as smartphones andtablets has led businesses to place greater demands on their information systems andsuppliers of these. ERP system in the future must be able to function mobile andfacilitate the work for the employees instead of being another IT system that will solvethe organisation's all challenges.This case study was made at a wholesale company in Skåne, which was in the midstof an ERP implementation with Microsoft Dynamics. This study has investigated howthe work with business processes looked before and during the implementation of thenew system. The background to the case study was to investigate whether there wereany correlation between how well the business processes were evaluated, adapted andhow successful the business's ERP implementation was. The case study aims toinvestigate how process modeling and Business Process Management (BPM) cansupport this kind of implementation of mobile ERP systems.The activity in the study is a mediumsizedsales and distribution company withoffices in 4 Swedish locations. In 2015, the business began digitizing the entireorganization. The IT system consisted of several different systems that had beenadapted over time to fit the needs of the organisation. As part of the implementation,they chose to use a Business Process Modeling tool to introduce the system and trainthe users of the processes in the new system. The implementation phase of the projectbegan in February 2017 and in February 2019 the business still has not set a Golivedate. The average time for an ERP implementation is 17.4 months [5]. Since theGolivedate business has been moved, it is now considered that the operation'simplementation is delayed and over the average time.The work on the processes before the actual start of the project is perceived asinadequate from BPM, the conclusion is drawn that the delay of the "Go live date" ispartly due to the fact that the company and the organization have not analyzed theirown processes and have relied too much on the consulting company and RapidValueBPM to handle learning and implementation.
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Supply Chain Strategies to Ensure Delivery of Undamaged GoodsSanusi, Oluwaseun A 01 January 2018 (has links)
Supply chain leaders in the oil and gas industry face significant logistical challenges regarding the efficient and safe delivery of undamaged products to their customers. Within the conceptual framework of business process orientation theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that supply chain leaders used to ensure delivery of undamaged goods to their customers. Four supply chain leaders in the oil and gas industry in Texas were purposefully selected as participants because they had successfully implemented strategies to ensure the delivery of undamaged goods. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and review of publicly published documents from 4 companies. Data were analyzed using Yin's 5-step data analysis process of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, data interpretation, and conclusion. Four themes emerged from the analyzed data: process strategy, inspection strategy, information technology strategy, and employee training strategy. The findings of this study may provide knowledge to business leaders on how to reduce the cost of product delivery and increase profitability. The study's implications for positive social change include the potential for supply chain leaders to reduce material wastage and environmental pollution through the safe delivery of undamaged oil and gas products to customers.
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Modeling and mining business process variants in cloud environments / Modélisation et fouille de variants de procédés d'entreprise dans les environnements cloudYongsiriwit, Karn 23 January 2017 (has links)
De plus en plus les organisations adoptent les systèmes d'informations sensibles aux processus basés sur Cloud en tant qu'un environnement pour gérer et exécuter des processus dans le Cloud dans l'objectif de partager et de déployer leurs applications de manière optimale. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les grandes organisations ayant des succursales opérant dans des différentes régions avec des processus considérablement similaires. Telles organisations doivent soutenir de nombreuses variantes du même processus en raison de la culture locale de leurs succursales, de leurs règlements, etc. Cependant, le développement d'une nouvelle variante de processus à partir de zéro est sujet à l'erreur et peut prendre beaucoup du temps. Motivés par le paradigme "la conception par la réutilisation", les succursales peuvent collaborer pour développer de nouvelles variantes de processus en apprenant de leurs processus similaires. Ces processus sont souvent hétérogènes, ce qui empêche une interopérabilité facile et dynamique entre les différentes succursales. Une variante de processus est un ajustement d'un modèle de processus afin de s'adapter d'une façon flexible aux besoins spécifiques. De nombreuses recherches dans les universités et les industries visent à faciliter la conception des variantes de processus. Plusieurs approches ont été développées pour aider les concepteurs de processus en recherchant des modèles de processus métier similaires ou en utilisant des modèles de référence. Cependant, ces approches sont lourdes, longues et sujettes à des erreurs. De même, telles approches recommandent des modèles de processus pas pratiques pour les concepteurs de processus qui ont besoin d'ajuster une partie spécifique d'un modèle de processus. En fait, les concepteurs de processus peuvent mieux développer des variantes de processus ayant une approche qui recommande un ensemble bien défini d'activités à partir d'un modèle de processus défini comme un fragment de processus. Les grandes organisations multi-sites exécutent les variantes de processus BP dans l'environnement Cloud pour optimiser le déploiement et partager les ressources communes. Cependant, ces ressources Cloud peuvent être décrites en utilisant des différents standards de description des ressources Cloud ce qui empêche l'interopérabilité entre les différentes succursales. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons les limites citées ci-dessus en proposant une approche basée sur les ontologies pour peupler sémantiquement une base de connaissance commune de processus et de ressources Cloud, ce qui permet une interopérabilité entre les succursales de l'organisation. Nous construisons notre base de connaissance en étendant les ontologies existantes. Ensuite, nous proposons une approche pour exploiter cette base de connaissances afin de supporter le développement des variantes BP. De plus, nous adoptons un algorithme génétique pour allouer d'une manière optimale les ressources Cloud aux BPs. Pour valider notre approche, nous développons deux preuves de concepts et effectuons des expériences sur des ensembles de données réels. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que notre approche est réalisable et précise dans des cas d'utilisation réels / More and more organizations are adopting cloud-based Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) to manage and execute processes in the cloud as an environment to optimally share and deploy their applications. This is especially true for large organizations having branches operating in different regions with a considerable amount of similar processes. Such organizations need to support many variants of the same process due to their branches' local culture, regulations, etc. However, developing new process variant from scratch is error-prone and time consuming. Motivated by the "Design by Reuse" paradigm, branches may collaborate to develop new process variants by learning from their similar processes. These processes are often heterogeneous which prevents an easy and dynamic interoperability between different branches. A process variant is an adjustment of a process model in order to flexibly adapt to specific needs. Many researches in both academics and industry are aiming to facilitate the design of process variants. Several approaches have been developed to assist process designers by searching for similar business process models or using reference models. However, these approaches are cumbersome, time-consuming and error-prone. Likewise, such approaches recommend entire process models which are not handy for process designers who need to adjust a specific part of a process model. In fact, process designers can better develop process variants having an approach that recommends a well-selected set of activities from a process model, referred to as process fragment. Large organizations with multiple branches execute BP variants in the cloud as environment to optimally deploy and share common resources. However, these cloud resources may be described using different cloud resources description standards which prevent the interoperability between different branches. In this thesis, we address the above shortcomings by proposing an ontology-based approach to semantically populate a common knowledge base of processes and cloud resources and thus enable interoperability between organization's branches. We construct our knowledge base built by extending existing ontologies. We thereafter propose an approach to mine such knowledge base to assist the development of BP variants. Furthermore, we adopt a genetic algorithm to optimally allocate cloud resources to BPs. To validate our approach, we develop two proof of concepts and perform experiments on real datasets. Experimental results show that our approach is feasible and accurate in real use-cases
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Реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов при внедрении инновационной технологии на металлургическом предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Reengineering business processes while implementing innovative technology for steel plantВильчинский, М. Ю., Vilchynski, M. Y. January 2015 (has links)
The thesis studied the theory of business process management, which allowed on the basis of the results to the author's definition of the business process and give an extended treatment of business process reengineering. Copyright definition of reengineering business processes enables more efficient use of the existing potential of the company for innovation in the business process using the authors' proposal the indicators characterizing the efficiency of business processes. The author of the classified performance of the business process steps for the implementation of the business process that will allow time to exercise control over the course of a business process, and if necessary to carry out the adjustment elements included in the business process as a system. An author algorithm reengineering of key business processes, including the twelve stages of the implementation of innovative technologies, which determines the sequence of actions to prepare for the re-engineering of the problem of the business process model based on its improvement. / В диссертационной работе проведено исследование теории управления бизнес-процессами, которое позволило на основании полученных результатов дать авторское определение бизнес-процесса и дать расширенную трактовку реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов. Авторское определение реинжениринга бизнес-процессов позволяет более эффективно использовать имеющийся потенциал предприятия для внедрения инноваций в бизнес-процесс, используя предложенные автором показатели, характеризующие эффективность бизнес-процесса. Автором классифицированы показатели бизнес-процесса по этапам реализации бизнес-процесса, что позволит своевременно осуществлять контроль над ходом бизнес-процесса и при необходимости осуществлять корректировку элементов, входящих в бизнес-процесс как систему. Разработан авторский алгоритм реинжиниринга основного бизнес-процессов, включающий двенадцать этапов внедрения инновационной технологии, который определяет последовательность действий по подготовке к реинжинирингу проблемного бизнес-процесса на основе модели его совершенствования.
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Особенности оптимизации бизнес-процессов продвижения в сфере оптовой торговли : магистерская диссертация / Features of optimization of business processes of promotion in the field of wholesale tradeСмолякова, К. С., Smolyakova, K. S. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена потребностью организаций в оптимизации бизнес-процессов продвижения через сеть Интернет в сфере оптовой торговли. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка и внедрение нового функционала, оптимизирующего процесс продвижения на предприятии ООО «Мед-орто». Данные рекомендации применяются на практике, и будут способствовать поддержанию интереса покупателей к компании «Мед-Орто». Реализация проекта направлена на увеличение продаж, узнаваемости, формированию лояльных пользователей. / The relevance of the topic is due to the need for organizations to optimize the business processes of promotion via the Internet in the field of wholesale. The purpose of the final qualification work is the development and implementation of new functionality that optimizes the promotion process at the “Med-orto” enterprise. These recommendations are applied in practice and will help maintain the interest of buyers in “Med-orto”. The implementation of the project is aimed at increasing sales, recognition, and building loyal users.
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En bild säger mer än tusen ord : En fallstudie om hur verksamhetsmodellering kan användas som stöd vid kravarbete i en outsourcad miljö.Åhlander, Gustav, William, Andersson January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis deals with the subject of business process modelling in an outsourced environment. The communication process between two parties that are on either side of the globe can be problematic and affect the quality of the system requirements. The background of this study is that there is a lack of communication between these parties, which will eventuate in poor results. The purpose of this study is to find out whether it is possible to make use of business process modelling in an outsourced environment in order to increase the quality of system requirements by bringing the two parties closer together with help of a common language. A qualitative approach was used to interview relevant informants at Länsförsäkringar AB and its business units Länsförsäkringar Liv and Länsförsäkringar Bank. We have identified that it is not necessarily the system requirements that have a poor quality but how these system conveyed to the external supplier. Based on our data collection, we realized the great benefits of business process modelling as a means of communication in the system development, which can be a huge advantage in an outsourced environment. According to our study, it is certain that a business process modelling with mapped processes and flow charts can support communication as a common language because of the creation of processes and images instead of text.
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Developing Software Requirements for a Knowledge Management System that Coordinates Training Programs with Business Processes and Policies in Large OrganizationsKiper, James Richard 01 January 2013 (has links)
For large organizations, updating instructional programs presents a challenge to keep abreast of constantly changing business processes and policies. Each time a process or policy changes, significant resources are required to locate and modify the training materials that convey the new content. Moreover, without the ability to track learning objects to processes and policies, training managers cannot conduct an effective training gap analysis in these areas. As a result, the corporate training picture is unclear and instructional needs cannot be accurately determined.
The research addressed these problems by recognizing the need for linkages between an organization's business processes, its policies, and the learning objects that package the corresponding training content and deliver it to the workforce. The overall investigation was completed in three parts. In the first study, a thorough examination of the literature was conducted to determine the extent of the research problem and to provide a theoretical foundation for a solution. In the second study an expert panel was used to elicit user needs for a knowledge management system that addresses training management shortcomings in a large law enforcement agency. Another expert panel from that agency validated and prioritized the user needs during the third study. Through a combination of research-based elicitation and validation techniques, an accurate list of natural language software requirements emerged to represent the collective needs of the law enforcement training experts. The software requirements may now serve to analyze the capabilities of existing information technology systems or to form the basis for a request for proposal (RFP) to build the envisioned knowledge management system.
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