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Estudo da relação estrutura-atividades e de propriedades do Hb40-61a, uma hemocidina sintética / An investigation of the structure-activity relationship and the properties of Hb40-61a, a synthetic hemocidinElaine Nogueira 23 November 2007 (has links)
A hemoglobina (Hb) é uma fonte reconhecida de peptídeos com funções biológicas diversas. O fragmento 33-61 da cadeia α da Hb, isolado do trato gastrointestinal do carrapato Boophilus microplus, foi o primeiro a ser descrito com ação antimicrobiana. O seu análogo sintético amidado, Hb33-61a, mostrou-se ativo contra bactérias Gram-positivas e fungos [Fogaça et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 25330-4]. O estudo de análogos do Hb33-61 nas formas amidada e com carboxila livre revelou que a amidação provoca aumento significativo da atividade frente a Candida albicans. Por apresentar propriedades biológicas e estruturais idênticas às do Hb33-61a, o Hb40-61a pareceu ser a sua porção mÌnima ativa [Sforça et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 6440- 51; Machado et al. (2007) Biopolymers 88, 413-26]. Para comprovar tal sugestão, no presente trabalho, sintetizamos, purificamos e caracterizamos novos an·logos do Hb33-61a, bem como os avaliamos quanto às suas atividades frente a C. albicans e Micrococcus luteus. Os resultados confirmaram a sugestão apenas para a ação antifúngica. O análogo Hb40-61a também se mostrou ativo frente a C. albicans resistente a fluconazol. A sua atividade antifúngica se mostrou fortemente dependente da força iônica do meio. A sua baixa atividade hemolítica foi confirmada mesmo em meio de baixa força iônica. O peptídeo Hb40-61a não apresentou sinergismo com o fluconazol frente a C. albicans. A cinética de morte celular mostrou que ele mata a levedura de forma rápida. Portanto, esta hemocidina sintética pode apresentar valor comercial se a via de administração for tópica ou se o seu uso envolver meios de baixa força iônica. Além disso, ela é um modelo valioso para o estudo do mecanismo de ação de peptídeos antimicrobianos com características estruturais similares e pode servir de base para o desenho de novos agentes antibiôticos. / It is well known that hemoglobin (Hb) is a source of biologically active peptides. The fragment 33-61 of bovine hemoglobin α-chain, isolated from the gut contents of the tick Boophilus microplus, was the first identified with antimicrobial activity . Its amidated analogue, Hb33-61a, showed to be active against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi strains [FogaÁa et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 25330-4]. The study of a series of carboxyl-free and amidated synthetic analogues of Hb33-61 revealed that C-terminus amidation enhances the activity against Candida albicans. Since Hb33-61a and Hb40-61a presented identical biological and structural properties, it seemed that Hb40-61a was Hb33-61a minimal active motif [SforÁa et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 6440- To test this suggestion, in the present study 51; Machado et al. (2007) Biopolymers 88, 413-26]. we synthesized, purified and characterized Hb40-61a analogues and assayed them against C. albicans and Micrococcus luteus. The results confirmed the suggestion only for the antifungal activity. When tested against fluconazole-resistant C. albicans, Hb40-61a was also active. Its antifungal activity showed to be dependent on the ionic strength of the medium. Its low hemolytic activity was confirmed even under low ionic strength conditions. Hb40-61a had no synergic effect with fluconazole on C. albicans. In vitro time-kill assays demonstrated that Hb40-61a kills the yeast rapidly. Therefore, this synthetic hemocidin may be of commercial interest for topical application or other uses involving low ionic strength medium. Moreover, it can serve as a template for the study of the mechanism of action of structurally related antimicrobial peptides or for the design of novel antibiotic drugs.
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Arranjos supramoleculares de drogas em lípides sintéticos e/ ou polieletrólitos: estabidade coloidal e atividade in vitro / Supramolecular assemblies of drugs in synthetic lipid and/ or polyelectrolytes: colloid stability and in vitro activityDébora Braga Vieira 15 April 2008 (has links)
Formação, estabilidade coloidal e atividade in vitro contra Candida albicans dos arranjos supramoleculares compostos por drogas, lípides catiônicos e/ ou polieletrólitos foram sistematicamente avaliados através de espalhamento de luz dinâmico para tamanho de partículas, análise de potencial-zeta, espectrofotometria UV-visível, efeitos de droga sobre a transição de fase gel para líquido-cristalina da bicamada catiônica e quantificação de incorporação de droga nos diferentes sistemas. Arranjos supramoleculares de drogas antifúngicas como miconazol ou anfotericina B foram obtidos por solubilização das drogas em fragmentos de bicamada catiônica de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio ou como partículas de droga recobertas com uma camada do mesmo lípide catiônico. Como modelo de droga anticancerígena, a cisplatina foi incorporada com sucesso em polieletrólitos de carga oposta: quitosana e carboximetilcelulose. Cisplatina induziu substancial estabilização coloidal e redução de tamanho de partículas de carboximetilcelulose-quitosana, possivelmente atuando como agente de ligação cruzada entre os dois polieletrólitos. Assim também, arranjos supramoleculares de anfotericina B em baixa e em alta proporção molar droga: lípide catiônico foram revestidos com polieletrólitos como carboximetilcelulose, cloreto de poli(dimetildialilamônio) e polilisina formando nanopartículas catiônicas. Nanopartículas catiônicas de anfotericina B apresentaram estabilidade coloidal e atividade fungicida ótima. Quanto aos arranjos do miconazol com os fragmentos de bicamada catiônica, observou-se o mesmo com a vantagem de se obter ação sinérgica entre o lípide catiônico e a droga. Dois sítios de interação com fragmentos de bicamada catiônica foram identificados para o miconazol: (1) as bordas hidrofóbicas disponíveis à temperatura ambiente; (2) os sítios no seio da bicamada ocupados com o aumento de temperatura. A potente ação antimicrobiana do lípide catiônico brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB) per se, motivou um estudo sistemático da ação antimicrobiana comparada de DODAB e brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio (CTAB) contra Candida albicans. A adsorção destes compostos e seus agregados sobre a célula diminuiu seguindo a ordem: CTAB > fragmentos de bicamada de DODAB > vesículas grandes de DODAB. A ausência de vazamento de compostos fosforilados intracelulares de baixo peso molecular, DNA ou proteína em presença dos catiônicos evidenciou mecanismo de ação antimicrobiana independente de lise celular. A adsorção dos compostos catiônicos sobre células de Candida albicans mudou o sinal de potencial da superfície celular de negativo para positivo, exibindo uma relação clara entre a carga positiva sobre a célula e morte celular. / The formation, colloid stability and activity in vitro against Candida albicans of several supramolecular assemblies composed of drug, cationic lipid and/or polyelectrolytes were systematically evaluated by means of dynamic light scattering for particle sizing, zeta- potential analysis, UV-visible spectroscopy, effect of drug on gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition of the cationic bilayer and determination of drug loading. Supramolecular assemblies of antifungal drugs such as miconazole and amphotericin B were obtained by solubilization of the drugs in cationic bilayer fragments composed of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide or coverage of drug particles with a layer of the quoted cationic lipid. As a model of anticancer drug, cisplatin was sandwiched between two oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: chitosan and carboxymethylcellulose. Cisplatin induced reduction in particle size acting as a cross-linker between polyelectrolytes. For amphotericin B, at low and high molar proportion drug to cationic lipid, similar supramolecular assemblies were coated by polyelectrolytes such as carboxymethylcellulose, poly(diallyldimethylammonium) and polylysine yielding cationic nanoparticles that presented optimal colloid stability and fungicidal activity. Miconazole became attached at the hydrophobic edges of bilayer fragments at room temperature and/or, upon an increase in temperature, inserted in the bilayer core. Curiously, this last formulation in the cationic lipid yielded a synergistic action against Candida albicans. Dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) is an excellent antimicrobial agents per se. Its mechanism of antimicrobial action was compared to the one for hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Adsorption of these compounds on the cells decreased going from CTAB to DODAB bilayer fragments and to large vesicles. Absence of leakage of small phosphorylated compounds, proteins or DNA from fungus indicated a mechanism of action different from cell lysis. Adsorption of the cationic compounds changed the sign of the cell zeta-potential from negative to positive. There was a clear relationship between positive charge on fungus and death.
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Ação antifúngica do óleo essencial de Rosa alba L. / Antifungal action of essential oil of Rosa alba L.Reis, Oswaldo Henrique Barolli 23 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-23 / In swine culture, the study of mycology contributes to food security in the understanding of various diseases. A knowledge of fungal agents on the skin of healthy animals and surface pathologies is important for effective control of the potential risks of infection, especially when associated with confined species, where the imbalance in the microbiota of the environment can be crucial in the interactions between environment and animals. The objective was to investigate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Rosa alba L. petals on microbial growth of yeasts Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) and filamentous fungi that causes opportunistic infectious processes in the skin of pigs, such as Microsporum nanum (ATCC 11832), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (ATCC 9533), Trichophyton rubrum (ATCC 10218) and Trichophyton tonsurans (ATCC 10870). The oils were extracted by the process of hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus, using fresh white rose petals. Microbiological tests were performed by the agar diffusion method (pour-plate) with Sabouraud-dextrose. Wells 5 mm in diameter, produced in the agar, were filled with 15 μL of essential oil and the plates containing filamentous fungi were incubated in an inverted position at 28 °C for 10 days and the plates containing yeast were incubated at 30 °C for 48 hours. After this time, the inhibition circles were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by Tukey`s test at 5% probability. It was found that the activity of essential oil under study is significant in relation to the growth of microbial species tested. / Na suinocultura, o estudo da micologia contribui tanto na segurança alimentar como no entendimento de diversas patologias. O conhecimento dos agentes fúngicos presentes na pele de animais saudáveis e com patologias superficiais é importante para um controle eficaz dos riscos potenciais de infecção, principalmente quando associados a espécies confinadas, onde o desequilíbrio da microbiota ambiental pode ser decisivo nas interações entre o ambiente e os animais. Objetivou-se investigar a atividade antimicrobiana in vitro do óleo essencial de pétalas de Rosa alba L. sobre o crescimento microbiano de leveduras Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) e fungos filamentosos causadores de processos infecciosos oportunistas na pele de suínos, tais como Microsporum nanum (ATCC 11832), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (ATCC 9533), Trichophyton rubrum (ATCC 10218) e Trichophyton tonsurans (ATCC 10870). Os óleos foram extraídos pelo processo de hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger, utilizando partes frescas das pétalas de rosa branca. Os testes microbiológicos foram realizados pelo método de difusão em ágar ( pour-plate ) com meio de cultura ágar Sabouraud-dextrose. Poços de 5 mm de diâmetro, produzidos no ágar, foram preenchidos com 15 μL do óleo essencial e, em seguida, as placas contendo os fungos filamentosos foram incubadas de forma invertida, a 28 ºC por 10 dias; e as placas contendo a levedura foram incubadas a 30 ºC por 48 horas. Passado este tempo, os halos de inibição tiveram seus diâmetros medidos. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Verificou-se que a atividade do óleo essencial em estudo é significativa em relação ao crescimento das espécies microbianas testadas.
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Terapia fotodinâmica para tratamento de candidíase vulvovaginal em modelo experimental com camundongasSanti, Maria Eugenia Simões Onofre de 04 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-01T19:47:46Z
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Maria Eugenia Simoes Onofre De Santi.pdf: 2254123 bytes, checksum: b5a3993a9c227dee841fbc6c8cca349d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-04 / Vulvovaginal candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginal infection and it affects 75% of all women at least once during their lifetime. Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis represents a challenge to gynecological practice, since some patients frequently experience re-occurrences shortly after antifungal treatment. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT) is considered a therapeutically approach in treating fungal infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of PDT against yeast infection in animal model. We tested two photosensitizers, methylene blue and PpNetNI combined to light sources. Microbial analysis was performed following treatment and seven days later, and histological examination of vaginal tissue was performed after PDT treatment. PDT inactivated yeast cells and it reduced in 1 log10 for both photosensitizers used and these low-fungal counts were maintained follow 7 days. Histological analysis showed an inhibition of neutrophil influx process in PDT groups and no side effects on tissue was observed. In conclusion, two PDT managements produced antimicrobial effects in this mice infection model and PDT can be considered as potential therapeutic approach to decrease fungal counts in vaginal infection. / Candidíase vulvovaginal é a segunda mais comum infecção ginecológica e afeta 75% das mulheres pelo menos uma vez durante seu período reprodutivo. A candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente representa um desafio à prática ginecológica, uma vez que muitas pacientes experimentam recorrências imediatamente após finalizarem um tratamento. A terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) é considerada uma abordagem terapêutica no tratamento de infecções fúngicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a eficácia da PDT em vulvovaginite causada por Candida albicans em modelo animal. Testamos dois fotossensibilizadores: Azul de metileno e uma protoporfirina: PpNetNI, combinados com fontes de luz adequadas. A análise microbiológica foi realizada imediatamente e sete dias após o tratamento e a análise histológica do canal vaginal foi realizada até quatro horas após o tratamento. A contagem fúngica foi reduzida em 1 log10 após a aplicação da PDT para os dois fotossensibilizadores testados e se manteve após sete dias. A análise histológica demonstrou uma redução no influxo neutrofílico nos grupos tratados e nenhum efeito colateral deste tratamento foi observado. Em conclusão, o tratamento com os dois fotossensibilizadores produziu efeitos antimicrobianos no modelo animal e a PDT pode ser considerada uma abordagem terapêutica para diminuir a infecção fúngica no canal vaginal.
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Análise das propriedades mecânicas viscoelásticas de pulmões de camundongos descelularizados após terapia fotodinâmica: uma alternativa para o processo de esterilização / Effects of photodynamic therapy in extracellular matriz of mouse lungs: an alternative tissue sterilization processApostólico, Nadua 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-06-19T15:58:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / The sterilization step for acellular lungs prior to recellularization is important to ensure that they are free of any risk of transmitting infections from the donor to the recipient tissue/organ to be transplanted. However, there are no data on the mechanical effects induced in the lungs when subjected to a given dose of sterilization radiation through a 660-nm LED. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extracellular matrix (ECM) and lung mechanic parameters of decellularized lungs undergoing photodynamic therapy (PDT) with the purpose of sterilization, and also to perform microbiological analyses of lungs infected with C. albicans to determine the effectiveness of PDT. The lung mechanical evaluation parameters, Resistance (RL) and elastance (EL), exhibited no significant differences between groups. Also, there were no changes observed over time of irradiation, representing a maintenance of the viscoelastic behavior of the lung scaffold after 1h exposure to LED light. The ECM components remained virtually unchanged in the acellular lungs of both groups. We also showed that there was a reduction in fungi infection population after 45 minutes of PDT. However, more studies should be performed to establish and verify the effectiveness of PDT as a possible means for sterilizing lung scaffolds. / A esterilização de scaffolds pulmonares, antes de se iniciar a recelularização, é um fator importante visando assegurar que pulmões acelulares estejam livres de qualquer risco de transmissão de infecções a partir do doador para o receptor do tecido / órgão a ser transplantado. No entanto, não existem dados sobre os efeitos mecânicos induzidos nestes pulmões quando submetidos a terapia fotodinâmica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a matriz extracelular (MEC) e avaliar parâmetros de mecânica pulmonar de pulmões descelularizados submetidos à terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) como possível esterilização, e também realizar análises microbiológicas de pulmões infectados por C. albicans para determinar a efetividade da TFD. Os valores obtidos para avaliação do comportamento da mecânica pulmonar, resistência (RL) e elastância (EL), não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Além disso, não foram observadas alterações ao longo do tempo de irradiação, o que representa uma manutenção do comportamento viscoelástico dos scaffolds de pulmão, após 1h de exposição a luz LED. Os componentes da matriz extracelular permaneceram praticamente inalterados nos pulmões acelulares de ambos os grupos. Também foi evidenciado que houve uma redução fungica após 45 minutos de PDT. No entanto, mais estudos devem ser realizados para estabelecer e verificar a eficácia do TFD como um possível meio para esterilizar scaffolds pulmonares.
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Potencial antimicrobiano e biocompatibilidade de óleos essenciais em associação a biomateriais à base de silicato tricálcico /Castro Núñez, Gabriela Mariana. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Juliane Maria Guerreiro Tanomaru / Resumo: Os cimentos reparadores endodônticos à base de silicato de cálcio apresentam biocompatibilidade e bioatividade. Porém, sua ação antimicrobiana é limitada. O acréscimo de óleos essencias pode favorecer as propriedades antimicrobianas de materiais. Os óleos essenciais são substâncias de origem vegetal com propriedades antimicrobiana, antiviral, antifúngica, antitoxigênica, antiparasitária e inseticida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação de diferentes óleos essenciais nas propriedades físico-químicas, citocompatibilida, potencial bioativo e atividade antibiofilme dos cimentos reparadores à base de silicato de cálcio, MTA Repair HP (MTA HP) e Biodentine (BIO). Publicação 1: avaliou a associação de 1,5% de Farnesol (FAR). Publicação 2: analisou o acréscimo de 1% de Thyme Essential Oil (TEO). Publicação 3: associou 1% de lemongrass oil (LEO). As propriedades físico-químicas de tempo de presa, solubilidade após 7 dias de imersão em água destilada e pH em 1, 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias foram avaliadas. A citocompatibilidade foi avaliada por meio dos testes de methyltetrazolium (MTT) e Vermelho Neutro (VN) após exposição das células Saos-2 às diferentes diluições dos eluídos dos materiais por 24h. A bioatividade foi avaliada pela atividade enzimática da fosfatase alcalina (ALP) nos períodos de 1, 3 e 7 dias. Nódulos de mineralização foram também quantificados após 21 dias pela coloração com vermelho de Alizarina (ARS). A capacidade de inibição de Metaloproteinase de Matriz (MM... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor
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Rôle des petites protéines G de type Arf dans la morphogenèse et la virulence de Candida albicans / Role of Arf small GTPases in Candida albicans morphogenesis and virulenceLabbaoui, Hayet 16 May 2017 (has links)
Candida albicans est une levure pathogène opportuniste de l’homme. La capacité de C. albicans à changer de forme en réponse à des stimuli externes, passant d’une croissance bourgeonnante à filamenteuse, est associée à sa virulence. Cette morphogenèse requiert une réorganisation du cytosquelette d’actine et un trafic membranaire ciblé. Chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae, les petites protéines G de type Arf jouent un rôle important dans le trafic membranaire et la polarité cellulaire. Le rôle de ces protéines chez C. albicans est largement méconnu. C. albicans a 3 protéines Arf, Arf1-Arf3 et 2 Arf-like, Arl1 et Arl3. Nos résultats indiquent que seule Arf2 est nécessaire à la viabilité et à la résistance aux antifongiques, et qu’Arf2 et Arl1 sont critiques pour la croissance filamenteuse hyphale; le mutant arl1/arl1 en particulier forme des hyphes 2 fois plus courtes que la souche sauvage. Les mutants Δ/pTetARF2 et arl1/arl1 ont un défaut de virulence dramatique et ARL1 est particulièrement critique pour la candidose oropharyngée. Nos résultats indiquent que les défauts du mutant Δ/pTetARF2 seraient dus à une altération du Golgi, et ceux d’arl1/arl1 de l’incapacité de ce mutant à restreindre sa croissance à un site unique. Ce défaut de croissance polarisée du mutant arl1/arl1 n’est pas lié à la mislocalisation de son effecteur Imh1, ni à une misrégulation de la phosphatidylsérine flippase Drs2. Par contre, nos données suggèrent que le défaut de croissance hyphale de ce mutant résulterait d’une hypersécrétion. Cette étude nous a permis d’identifier Arf2 et Arl1 comme protéines clés du trafic membranaire, critiques pour la croissance filamenteuse et la virulence de C. albicans. / The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans switches from budding to filamentous growth. This dramatic morphogenesis is critical for its virulence and requires sustained polarized growth, via exocytosis and endocytosis, as well as reorganization of intracellular compartments. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Arf G-proteins and their regulators function at the interface of membrane traffic and cell polarity. The roles of this class of proteins during the transition to filamentous growth and virulence in C. albicans are largely unknown. In C. albicans there are 3 Arf proteins, Arf1-Arf3 and 2 Arf-like proteins, Arl1 and Arl3. Our results reveal that only Arf2 is required for viability and sensitivity to antifungal drugs and that both Arf2 and Arl1 are required for hyphal growth, with arl1/arl1 hyphal filaments being 2-fold shorter than that of the wild-type strain. Furthermore, both Δ/pTetARF2 and arl1/arl1 mutants have drastically reduced virulence, with ARL1 particularly critical for oropharyngeal candidiasis. We show that the defects in Δ/pTetARF2 is due to an alteration of Golgi integrity, while the defects in the arl1 mutant are likely to result from the inability of this mutant to restrict growth to a single site. Further analyses of the arl1/arl1 mutant revealed that this defect does not result from a misregulation of the GRIP-domain golgin coiled-coil tethering protein Imh1 nor of the phosphatidylserine flippase Drs2. Rather, our results suggest that the arl1/arl1 hyphal growth defect results from increased secretion. Together our work identifies Arf2 and Arl1 as key regulators of membrane traffic, critical for hyphal growth and virulence.
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Rôle de GTPase de type Rab, Ypt6, chez le pathogène fongique opportuniste de l’homme, Candida albicans / Role of the Rab GTPase, Ypt6, in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicansWakade, Rohan Sanjay 04 September 2017 (has links)
Candida albicans est un organisme commensal présent dans le microbiote, qui peut cependant provoquer des infections superficielles mais aussi systémiques, engageant alors le pronostic vital chez les patients immunodéprimés. La transition entre forme bourgeonnante et forme filamenteuse hyphale hautement polarisée, ce qui nécessite une réorganisation du cytosquelette et un trafic membranaire soutenu, est associée à la virulence. Chez les eucaryotes, les GTPases de la famille Rab (Ras related protein in the brain) et leurs régulateurs jouent un rôle central dans le trafic membranaire. L'objectif de ce travail est de comprendre le rôle de ces protéines, en particulier de Ypt6, l'homologue de Rab6 humain, dans la transition morphologique et la virulence de C. albicans. Dans ce but, j'ai construit des mutants « perte de fonction » et déterminé que YPT6 n'est pas essentiel à la viabilité, mais est critique pour l'intégrité de la paroi cellulaire et la croissance hyphale invasive ; les hyphes du mutant ypt6 sont plus courtes que celles de la souche sauvage. En outre, YPT6 est critique pour la virulence dans deux modèles murins de candidose. Lors de la croissance hyphale, Ypt6 est co-localisé avec Arl1, une GTPase de la famille Arf (ADP Ribosylation Factor), également nécessaire pour la croissance hyphale et la virulence de C. albicans. De plus, la surexpression de YPT6 compense spécifiquement le défaut de croissance hyphale du mutant de délétion arl1, mais pas l'inverse. La délétion de YPT6 résulte également en une augmentation du nombre de citernes Golgiennes, suggérant que l'intégrité du Golgi est altérée dans ce mutant. Utilisant de l'imagerie sur cellules vivantes, j'ai montré que la distribution d’Abp1 (Actin binding protein 1), qui est un rapporteur des sites d’endocytose, est aussi altérée dans le mutant ypt6, en ceci qu’elle n’est plus restreinte à l’apex de l’hyphe, comme observé dans les cellules sauvages. Ces données suggèrent que le défaut de maintien de la croissance hyphale du mutant ypt6 est au moins en partie associé à une altération de la distribution des sites d’endocytose. En résumé, j’ai identifié le rôle de Ypt6 dans la croissance hyphale invasive et la virulence du pathogène fongique opportuniste de l’homme C. albicans, et mis en évidence une interaction entre deux GTPases, Ypt6 et Arl1, lors du processus de croissance hyphale. / Candida albicans is a harmless constituent of the human microbiota that causes superficial infections as well as life threatening infections in immune compromised individuals. The transition from a budding form to the highly polarized hyphal form is associated with virulence and requires cytoskeleton reorganization and sustained membrane trafficking. In a range of eukaryotes, Ras related protein in the brain (Rab) G proteins and their regulators have been shown to play a central role in membrane traffic. The objective of this work is to understand the role of Rab proteins, in particular Ypt6, the homolog of Human Rab6, in the morphological transition and virulence of C. albicans. To this aim, I generated loss of function mutants and found that YPT6 is not essential for viability, yet was critical for cell wall integrity and invasive hyphal growth, with ypt6 hyphal filaments shorter compared to that of the wild type (WT). Furthermore, YPT6 was important for virulence in two murine candidiasis models. I determined that Ypt6 was localized at the late Golgi compartment during hyphal growth, where it co-localized with Arl1, a small GTPase of the Arf (ADP Ribosylation Factor) family, also required for hyphal growth and virulence. Interestingly, overexpression of YPT6 specifically rescued the hyphal growth defect of the arl1 mutant, but not the converse. Further characterization of the ypt6 deletion mutant showed that the number of Golgi cisternae is increased in this mutant compared to that of WT strain, suggesting an alteration of Golgi integrity. In addition, using live cell imaging I showed that the distribution of Actin binding protein 1 (Abp1), which is a reporter for actin patches, was altered in the ypt6 mutant, in that it was no longer restricted to the tip of the filament, as is observed in WT cells. These data suggest that the defect in hyphal growth maintenance of the ypt6 deletion mutant is at least partly associated with an alteration of the distribution of endocytic sites. Thus, I identified a critical role of Ypt6 during invasive hyphal growth and virulence in the human fungal opportunistic pathogen C. albicans and revealed an interaction between Ypt6 and Arl1 in the hyphal growth process.
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Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicansKlinke, Thomas, Guggenheim, Bernhard, Klimm, Wolfgang, Thurnheer, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
In addition to occasional opportunistic colonization of the oral mucosa, Candida albicans is frequently found in carious dentin. The yeast’s potential to induce dental caries as a consequence of its pronounced ability to produce and tolerate acids was investigated. Eighty caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were raised on an ampicillin-supplemented diet and exposed to C. albicans and/or Streptococcus mutans, except for controls. Throughout the 28-day test period, the animals were offered the modified cariogenic diet 2000a, containing 40% various sugars. Subsequently, maxillary molars were scored for plaque extent. After dissection, the mandibular molars were evaluated for smooth surface and fissure caries. Test animals exposed to C. albicans displayed considerably more advanced fissure lesions (p < 0.001) than non-exposed controls. While S. mutans yielded similar results, a combined association of C. albicans and S. mutans had no effect on occlusal caries incidence. Substituting dietary sucrose by glucose did not modify caries induction by C. albicans. However, animals fed a diet containing 20% of both sugars showed no differences to non-infected controls. Smooth surface caries was not generated by the yeast. This study provides experimental evidence that C. albicans is capable of causing occlusal caries in rats at a high rate. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Genotyping Candida species and molecular analysis of C. albicans gene encoding mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylaseDassanayake, Ranil Samantha. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Dentistry / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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