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Informovanost studentů středních škol v oblasti ochrany obyvatelstva ve Středočeském kraji / Awareness of high school students in protection of population topic in Central Bohemia regionSOUKUPOVÁ, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, secondary school students' awareness of the area of civil protection in the Central Bohemian Region was investigated. Every single person should be involved in individual areas of civil protection, taking into account the person's age. Every person is regularly exposed to extraordinary events of various types. Therefore, it is of primary importance to know how to behave under given circumstances. Thus, such an extraordinary event can be solved better and any negative consequences can be minimized. The best start is to familiarize children in kindergartens with the given issues appropriately, continue with pupils at elementary schools and deepen the information further with students at secondary schools. However, these days there is no regular training in the area of civil protection at secondary schools. Students today are, therefore, reliant upon one-time lectures or their own search for the required information. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on civil protection and its brief history in the Czech Republic as well as in foreign countries. The Concept of Civil Protection until 2020 with a View until 2030 is detailed herein. Furthermore, the current system of preventive educational activities and training at secondary schools is described herein. It is followed by definitions of several terms related to the area of civil protection (extraordinary event, emergency, integrated rescue system, warning and notification, evacuation, survival of citizens under emergency circumstances, individual protection, sheltering of citizens). The theoretical part of the thesis also includes the description of the fundamental methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics, which are applied in the subsequent chapter. The aim of the thesis consists in assessing the awareness of secondary school students in the Central Bohemian Region of the area of civil protection and in increasing their knowledge about the given issues. Two hypotheses were laid down: Hypothesis No. 1: The knowledge of secondary school students about the area of civil protection in the Central Bohemian Region is distributed normally. Hypothesis No. 2: Students from various types of secondary schools show statistically significant different levels of knowledge.
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Hrozba teroristického radiačního útoku / The threat of a terrorist radiation attackRAŠÍNOVÁ, Libuše January 2007 (has links)
The goals of this thesis are as follows: Firstly, I seek to assess the risk of a terrorist radiation attack. I also characterize the effects that the ionizing radiation has on the human being and outline a scenario of a possible radiation attack. Secondly, I evaluate what awareness of the civil defence exists among the students in the final year of the compulsory school attendance. Thirdly, I propose some measures to improve the situation.
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Resilience and Vulnerability in Disaster Management : A case study on GermanyBrunken, Heike January 2024 (has links)
Effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies are crucial in minimizing vulnerabilities and mitigating disaster impacts. This thesis explores the integration of social vulnerabilities within Germany's national disaster management documents. Using a qualitative case study methodology, the research critically analyses six key documents to assess how these address the needs of various vulnerable groups. Findings indicate that while there is an awareness of the need to consider social vulnerabilities within national frameworks, operationalization remains inconsistent, with some documents more comprehensively integrating these considerations than others. The study highlights the dynamic nature of vulnerability and the necessity of adopting inclusive and adaptive disaster management practices that go beyond traditional approaches. By offering insights into the strengths and limitations of current DRR policies in Germany and by bridging the gap between theoretical vulnerability concepts and practical applications, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on enhancing societal resilience and ensuring equitable disaster preparedness and response.
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Využití mezikrajské a mezinárodní pomoci sil a prostředků záchranných složek při povodních / Use of interregional and international aid forces and means of rescue services during floodsSVOBODA, Radek January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with using of interregional and international aid forces and means of rescue services during floods. The first chapter describes Civil Protection legislative conditions, coordination, capacity, monitoring tools and information support in the Czech republic, EU and UN. The second capter contains cases study "Floods in BiH, Serbia and Croatia 2014", "Floods in Czech republic 2002". The case studies are focused on EU Civil Protection Mechanism response. Other part describes and compares three High capacity pumping teams. Aim of the last part is design optimization of emplacement of the modules in EU.
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Naplňování úkolů civilní ochrany na území České republiky z pohledu mezinárodního práva / Fulfilling the tasks of civil protection in the territory of the Czech Republic from the perspective of international lawŠIMKOVÁ, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis explains several terms from the area of civil protection, such as civil protection, international humanitarian law, extraordinary and crisis event, and describes the historical development of civil protection in an international environment and in the territory of today's Czech Republic. The thesis also characterizes international institutions while addressing some of them, namely ICRC, UN, NATO and EU, in more detail. It describes the history, characteristics and organization structure of international institutions, as well as involvement of the North Atlantic Alliance and European Union in civil emergency planning. In terms of the Czech Republic, the thesis examines particularly how the population protection is organized in its territory. Last but not least, the thesis specifies international rules of law connected with civil protection, rules of law of the NATO addressing civil protection, rules of law of the EU addressing civil protection and Czech rules of law addressing population protection. The objective of thesis is to compare and evaluate fulfilment of tasks of the Czech and international legislation in the area of civil protection. The thesis will also serve as a study material for students of the branches "Civil Emergency Preparedness" and "Population Protection with Specialization in CBRNE" and as a supporting material for the regional authority and the authorities of municipalities with extended competence. The first section of the research part of the diploma thesis examines selected rules of law of civil protection of the Czech Republic , NATO and EU and, last but not least, Geneva Conventions. In 2013 the new Population Protection Policy for the period until 2020 with an outlook until 2030 entered into effect in the Czech Republic, based on which six areas of population protection were created. A new document of civil emergency planning of NATO is the 2014-2017 Political Guidance of CEP. Decision No. 1313/2013/EU on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism has been used as the principal document for civil protection within the EU since 1. 1. 2014. These three rules of law are the main documents used for the comparison and evaluation of fulfilment of tasks of the Czech and international legislation in this thesis and are examined in more detailed. The last of the documents mentioned in this part of the thesis are the Geneva Conventions, and the thesis examines particularly their embodiment in the Czech legal regulation. At the end of this part there is a summary table that matches Czech rules of law to international rules of law in individual areas. The rules of law of the EU and NATO constitute a superstructure above the rules of law of their Member States and cannot be directly compared; however, it is possible to determine whether the Czech rules of law comply with them. The Geneva Conventions have been embodied in the legal order of the Czech Republic, and other provisions thereof have been implemented through other Acts. As far as NATO is concerned, cooperation takes place particularly between organizations in individual cases. Cooperation and coordination between EU and Member States do not interfere in the primary responsibility for the protection of population, environment, property and cultural heritage of the Member States within their own territories. The Decision on the Mechanism also does not concern mutual rights and obligations of Member States that are embodied in bilateral or multilateral treaties in the area of civil protection. At the conclusion, the thesis proposes certain changes and amendments to the Czech rules of law, which could improve civil protection in the territory of the Czech Republic and facilitate interconnection with the international environment, which has not been working yet as it is supposed to since the new Population Protection Policy has not been in full compliance with the international rules of law.
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Är införande av förstainsatsperson samhälsekonomiskt lönsamt? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys av FIP-verksamheten i Jönköpings kommun / Is introduction of first responders economically beneficial to society? : A cost-benefit analysis of the project of first responders in the municipality of JönköpingLång, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
Är införande och nyttjande av förstainsatsperson (FIP) samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt? En FIP är, i normalfallet, en deltidsbrandman som inte behöver inställa sig vid brandstationen när en olycka har inträffat då denne har ett eget utryckningsfordon och kan på så sätt fortare komma fram till olycksplats. Den här uppsatsen gör en utvärdering av fyra stationsområden i Jönköpings kommun som för FIP-verksamhet. Tidigare studier framställer att FIP har kortare responstid än nästkommande räddningsenhet. Om så är fallet är följden att räddningsarbetet kan påbörjas i ett tidigare skede och således kan det slutliga räddade värdet i en olyckssituation vara av större omfattning än vad som annars vore möjligt. Enligt teorin bör det finnas ett sätt att värdera denna effekt, vilket sedan kan ställas i förhållande till merkostnaden av införande av FIP. Är fördelarna av FIP-verksamhet av större magnitud än nackdelarna är projektet samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt. Metoden använd för att utvärdera FIP i Jönköpings kommun är kostnadsnyttoanalys (CBA), vari analysunderlaget består av 1150 insatser där FIP-rapport ifyllts. Resultatet visar att den årliga nyttan per FIP-enhet, det vill säga per stationsområde, är mellan 242,8 och 652,0 TSEK (ej extrapolerat värde). Den årliga kostnaden är cirka 76,5 TSEK och nettonuvärdet uppgår därför till mellan 166,2 och 509,1 TSEK. Nyttokostnadskvoten är mellan 3,17 och 8,52. Slutsatsen är att införande och nyttjande av FIP är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt. / Is introduction of first responder economically beneficial to society? A first responder is, most commonly, a part-time firefighter who can directly head for the scene of an accident since he has his own emergency vehicle. This means that the first responder does not have to first go by the fire department, like other part-time firefighters, and thus will be able to help people, or other, in an early stage of the situation. This thesis evaluates four fire departments (areas) in the municipality of Jönköping, which have adopted the concept of first responders into their organizations. Previous studies have shown that first responders have, on average, a shorter response time than the next emergency unit called to a rescue scene. If this is a fact, the rescue work can begin at an earlier stage and thus the final value saved during a rescue operation will be of greater scope than otherwise would be possible. In theory there should be a way to evaluate this effect, which then can be compared with the additional cost of introducing first responders. If the benefits of first responders are of greater magnitude than the disadvantages, the project is economically beneficial to society. The method used to evaluate the project of first responders in the municipality of Jönköping is a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), where the analytical framework consists of 1150 emergency rescues where a first-responder report has been completed. The results show that the annual benefits per first-responder unit, i.e. per station area, is between SEK 242.8 thousand and SEK 652.0 thousand (with no extrapolation). The annual cost is approximately SEK 76.5 thousand. The net present value therefore is between SEK 166.2 thousand and SEK 509.1 thousand. The cost-benefit ratio is between 3.17 and 8.52. The con-clusion is that introduction and use of first responders in the municipality of Jönköping is economic-ally beneficial to society. / Effektsamband i samhället
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"Den nakna sanningen om LSO" : En mixmetodologisk kartläggning av Lagen om Skydd mot Olyckors inverkan på kommunalt olycksförebyggande arbete i Sverige / "The naked truth about LSO" : A mixed-method assessment of the Swedish Civil Protection Act’s impact on municipal accident prevention in SwedenJönsson, Morgan January 2015 (has links)
Inledning: Den första januari 2004 trädde lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor (LSO) i kraft. Till skillnad från tidigare lagstiftningar i form av brandlagen (1974:80) och räddningstjänstlagen (1986:1102) är LSO tilltänkt att verka för en bredare olyckspreventiv verksamhet som sträcker sig utöver räddningstjänstens traditionella ansvarsområden. Lagen har dock inte utvärderats under de senaste sex åren. Följaktligen ämnar denna studie att kartlägga vilken inverkan som LSO har på det olyckspreventiva arbete som idag bedrivs på lokal nivå. Metod: Studien har en mixmetodologisk ansats där sammanlagt fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex informanter har utförts i Värmland. Därutöver har en enkätundersökning distribuerats till samtliga 163 räddningstjänster och räddningstjänstförbund i Sverige. Resultat: De data som samlats har totalt genererat fem olika kategorier. Synen på LSO som en räddningstjänstlag anspelar på det faktum att arbetet med LSO i mångt och mycket åligger räddningstjänsten. Det förvaltningsspecifika styrdokument förklarar att handlingsprogramet, som var tilltänkt att utgöra en kommunövergripande olyckspreventiv strategi, uteslutande reglerar räddningstjänstens verksamhet. Initierandet av en förändringsprocess kartlägger de framgångsfaktorer som förutsätts för att en framgångsrik verksamhet ska kunna bedrivas. Lagom är bäst: Oenighet kring statens roll påtalar behovet av detaljstyrning och tillsynsarbete. Avslutningsvis beskriver Med facit i hand: Saker och ting tar tid att arbetet med lagstiftningar är en tidskrävande process som måste bedrivas långsiktigt. Slutsats: Sammantaget visar resultatet att det praktiska utfallet av LSO är att betrakta som en räddningstjänstlag snarare än en kommunövergripande olycksskyddlagstiftning. Det påtalas därigenom att LSO är uddlös när det kommer till att initiera ett olycksförebyggande arbete som sträcker sig utanför räddningstjänstens traditionella verksamhetsuppdrag. Det antyds dock att svårigheterna att följa den initiala visionen inte enbart kan härledas till lagstiftningens utformning, utan även till kommuners bristande medvetenhet för det lokala olyckspanoramat. / Introduction: On January 1st 2004, Sweden’s contemporary Civil Protection Act (LSO), was put in place. Unlike its precursors, "brandlagen (1974:80) and räddningstjänstlagen (1986:1102)", LSO serves to institute and facilitate accident preventative measures beyond the traditional work carried out by municipal rescue services. However, the legislation has not been evaluated over the past six years. Consequently the aim of this study is to assess the impact that LSO has on the accident preventive activities currently carried out at the municipal level. Methods: The study has a mixed methodological approach where four semi structured interviews have been conducted with a total of six informants in Värmland, Sweden. A questionnaire was also distributed to all 163 rescue services in Sweden. Results: A total of five categories emerged from the data analysis process. "Synen på LSO som en räddningstjänstlag" addresses the fact that most of the work done in compliance with LSO is solely carried out by local rescue services. "Det förvaltningsspecifika styrdokumentet" pinpoints that the action plan required by LSO only regulates the work of rescue services, despite its vision of guiding all relevant municipal sectors. Moreover, "Initierandet av en förändringsprocess" maps the factors that are critical to successfully carrying out accident prevention measures at the local level. "Lagom är bäst: Oenighet kring statens roll" underlines the need for micromanagement and regulatory work. Finally, "Med facit I hand: Saker och ting tar tid" describes that the institutionalization of legislation is a time consuming process that needs to be approached as such. Conclusions: Overall, the results demonstrate that LSO is to be regarded as a legislation that specifically regulates the rescue services, rather than municipalities as a whole. Hence, the study suggests that LSO is futile in terms of initiating accident prevention measures beyond the daily activities of the rescue services. However, the struggle of LSO to institutionalize an overarching accident prevention process cannot solely be attributed to the design of the legislation, but also to insufficient municipal risk awareness.
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La resilienza al disastro da una prospettiva sociologica: esplorando tre terremoti italiani / Disaster resilience from a sociological perspective: exploring three Italian earthquakesLUCINI, BARBARA 20 February 2012 (has links)
La presente ricerca focalizza l’attenzione ad un approccio sociologico alla resilienza ai disastri. Nello specifico si vuole esplorare le relazioni sociali, che si sviluppano in un contesto di disastro naturale fra la popolazione colpita e i volontari di protezione civile.
Gli ambiti di ricerca sono costituti dagli ultimi tre drammatici terremoti italiani: Umbria – Marche (1997), Molise (2002) e Abruzzo (2009).
Nella prima parte della tesi si presentano le definizioni dei concetti fondamentali della sociologia dei disastri, un’analisi della letteratura presente per la tematica della resilienza nell’ambito delle scienze umane e sociali e l’organizzazione del sistema di protezione civile e difesa civile in Italia.
In riferimento alla parte empirica, sono state raccolte importanti ed interessanti informazioni circa il possibile legame sociale fra volontari di protezione civile e popolazione colpita dai terremoti attraverso differenti metodologie di ricerca come le interviste semi strutturate agli esperti di protezione civile, un questionario on line per tutti i volontari di protezione civile ed i racconti di vita per la popolazione colpita dal terremoto.
La ricerca conduce a interessanti risultati per la resilienza ai disastri in ambito sociologico e a suoi possibili sviluppi futuri. / The present research focalizes the attention on a sociological approach to disaster resilience.
Specifically it would explore the social relationships established in a context of natural disaster and between population affected by natural disaster and civil protection volunteers.
The research fieldworks are represented by last three dramatic Italian earthquakes: Umbria – Marche (1997), Molise (2002) e Abruzzo (2009).
In the first part of the thesis will be presented the definitions of the fundamental concepts for the sociology of disasters, a literature review about the topic of disaster resilient presents within human and social science context and the organization of civil protection system and civil defence in Italy.
Referring to the empirical part, there were collected important and interesting information about the possible social tie between civil protection volunteers and population affected by earthquakes through different methodologies of research as semi structured interviews to the civil protection experts, an on line questionnaire for all civil protection volunteers and life stories for population affected by earthquake.
The research guides for interesting findings for disaster resilience within a sociological context and for its future possible developments.
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Analýza transformace civilní ochrany v České republice od roku 1918 do současnosti s návrhem dalšího směřování ochrany obyvateltva / An Analysis of the Civil Protection Transformation in the Czech Republic from 1918 to the Present with a Proposal of the Future Inhabitants ProtectionHANZAL, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Civil protection as well as the protection of the population is a dynamic field which has a deep history in the Czech Republic dating back to the dark time of World War I. The civil protection was first based on the voluntariness principle. The real origin of the civil protection came with Act No. 82/1935 Coll. on the protection and defense against air attacks. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the protection of the population and propose the future direction of protecting of the population through changes or innovations that would strengthen the protection of the population. In the practical part of this thesis is based on the research question: "Has the civil protection transformation established a reliable system that does not require either major changes or minor changes?" The research part of the thesis is based on a qualitative research. The practical part of the thesis is based on a research method "structured interview". The structured interviews were conducted with the experts at the regional level all seven territorial departments of the Fire and Rescue Services of the South Bohemian Region. The conclusion of this thesis (mainly based on the strucutred interviews with the experts) is a statement that by the civil protection transformation was created a reliable system of protection of the population with a minor space for improvement. The fundamental change in the system would be a consolidation of the system legislative into a separate law on civil protection / protection of the population. The current crisis legislation would be subordinate to this Act. Other proposed changes to the protection of the population and its further direction of protection of the population are presented in the section "Conclusion".
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Tvorba výukového materiálu v prostředí 3D simulátoru / Creation of educational material in the environment of 3D simulatorSYROVÁTKA, Radim January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this piece of work was to make a teaching program concerning civil protection using interactive 3D simulator. To create this teaching material, it was important to develop a flood scenario by means of analysing various flood news. The compiled scenario was afterwards simulated by way of 3D simulator in which it was necessary to work with a script language created especially for making flood scenarios which works in Unity engine, and another programming language C# ("C sharp") was used. Questions regarding flood problems completing the whole issue were supposed to be a part of the teaching material. This eventuality was made impossible because of program developers and that is why a questionnaire method was subsequently chosen. Through this way knowledge of the students studying in the study program Civil Protection in The Department of Radiology, Toxicology and Civil Protection in University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice was found out. The results of the questionnaire survey were processed by means of Microsoft Excel 2010 program. According to Paret principle, for evaluating good awareness of the students a limit of 80% of correct answers was determined. As far as the 3D simulator is concerned it would be suitable to make some modifications regarding manipulation with people and means of transport, and also to solve problems with saving the simulated scenario as its rearrangement occured and then other required steps of the scenario were thus made impossible. Awareness of the students did not exceed the set limit of 80% of correct answers, so I suppose that the original idea to implement this issue into the teaching material would be beneficial and the topical subject would be supplemented by important information.
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