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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The renegotiation and revision of legal transaction as the new remedies in the contracts for works: a solution to the problem of the unpredictable risks from comparative approach / La renegociación y la revisión del negocio jurídico como los nuevos remedios en el contrato de obra: una solución al problema de los riesgos imprevisibles desde una perspectiva comparada

Buendía De Los Santos, Eduardo 30 April 2018 (has links)
In terms of the works contracts as a general rule the target prices between the parties are immutable. However, in the execution of the contracts for works might well emerge unforeseeable events, which would produce costs to the contractor. To these events, what actions the parties migth take? What kind of remedies does the Peruvian Civil Code offer?. In this article, the autor analizes these issues and proposes solutions to these unforeseeable risks, all on the basis of Peruvian Civil Code and a comparative study with Italian Civil Code. / En materia de los contratos de obra por regla general los precios fijados entre las partes son inalterables. Sin embargo, en las labores del contrato de obra podrían surgir sucesos imprevisibles, que producirían nuevos gastos para el contratista. Ante estos sucesos, ¿Qué acciones podrían realizar las partes? ¿Qué tipo de remedios ofrece el Código Civil peruano?.En este artículo, el autor analiza estos temas y propone soluciones ante estos riesgos imprevisibles, todo ello sobre la base del Código Civil peruano y un estudio comparado con el Código Civil italiano.

Estudo comparado da disciplina da remuneração dos administradores de sociedades por ações no Brasil e Reino Unido e sua relação com a propriedade do capital

Vilar, Bruno Haack January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a disciplina da remuneração dos administradores de sociedades por ações no direito brasileiro em cotejo com aquela do Reino Unido, sob a perspectiva da estrutura de propriedade do capital predominante em cada um desses países. Após um escorço histórico que ilustra o papel da sociedade por ações em mobilizar poupança popular, exploram-se os fatores que levaram à fragmentação da propriedade acionária no Reino Unido e analisa-se a ocorrência de tal fatores no Brasil. A seguir destacam-se as relações entre distribuição do capital (se concentrada ou dispersa) e administração societária, com especial ênfase a seus reflexos sobre a remuneração. Por fim investiga-se a disciplina da remuneração dos administradores de companhias no direito britânico e brasileiro, atentando-se para a adequação deste a um cenário em que sociedades de capital disperso passam a disputar espaço no mercado com sociedades de capital concentrado. Conclui-se que as mudanças pelas quais vem passando o mercado de capitais brasileiro nos últimos anos podem vir a exigir alterações no direito. / This thesis analyses the discipline of executive remuneration in Brazilian law as compared to that of British law and under the perspective of the prevailing capital ownership structure in each of these countries. After a brief historical illustration of the role of corporations in the mobilisation of public savings, the factors that produced the dispersion of shareholding in the United Kingdom are review and their occurrence in Brazil is analysed. The relationships between share ownership distribution (if concentrated or dispersed) and corporate governance are reviewed, with an emphasis on its effects over remuneration. Finally the discipline of executive remuneration in British and Brazilian law is investigated, considering the adequacy of the latter to a scenario in which dispersed capital companies share an space in market with concentrated capital companies. Conclusion is that the changes observed in the brazilian capital market in the last years may come to demand modifications in law.

A inclusão social e laboral da pessoa deficiente / The social and employment inclusion of disable person

Gisele Accarino Martins Genofre 25 April 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação estuda a participação de pessoas com deficiências no mercado de trabalho. No primeiro capítulo, ventila-se a trajetória histórica da pessoa com deficiência desde a Idade Antiga até a Idade Contemporânea. A seguir, analisa-se a terminologia apropriada para denominar a pessoa que possui alguma forma de deficiência. No segundo capítulo, abordam-se as principais normas do Direito Internacional atinentes ao tema. A seguir, analisa-se o modo como a relação de emprego das pessoas com deficiência é abordada pelo Direito estrangeiro. No terceiro capítulo, discorre-se sobre a evolução do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro diante do tema, ponderando-se a aplicação da Constituição Federal e da Lei n. 8.213/91, bem como o papel do Ministério Público do Trabalho e do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego e, ainda, os mecanismos e incentivos para o cumprimento da legislação. No quarto capítulo, são verificadas as peculiaridades do contrato de trabalho das pessoas com deficiência, analisando-se se a realidade brasileira observa os direitos assegurados pelas leis e pelo texto constitucional vigente, sopesando-se a existência de meios eficazes de fiscalização, incentivo e, até mesmo, exigência de contratação. Para a elaboração do presente estudo, utilizam-se os métodos indutivo com a coleta de elementos para análise e elaboração do tema para posterior discussão e conclusão , analítico-sintético com o exame de textos jurídicos e não jurídicos e comparativo com a análise das características e da influência de diversas legislações nas condições de trabalho das pessoas com deficiência em momentos cronológicos distintos. São utilizadas a pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, bem como a efetiva análise de textos legais. / This dissertation studies the participation of people with disabilities in the labor market. The first chapter talks about the historical trajectory of people with disabilities, from the Ancient Age to the Contemporary Age. Next, we analyze the appropriate terminology to describe the person who has some form of disability. In the second chapter we discuss the main rules of international law relating to the theme. Next, we analyze how the ratio of employment of people with disabilities is addressed by foreign law. The third chapter discusses the evolution of Brazilian law on the subject, considering the application of the Constitution and the Law 8.213/91, as well as the role of the Public Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Labor and Employment, and also the mechanisms and incentives for compliance. In the fourth chapter, we investigate the peculiarities of employment of people with disabilities by analyzing if the Brazilian reality observes the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws in force, weighing up the existence of effective means of enforcement, encouragement, and even hiring requirement. In this study, we use the inductive method collecting elements for analysis and preparation of the issue for further discussion and conclusion , analytic-synthetic method examining legal and non-legal texts , and comparative method analyzing the characteristics and influence of various laws in working conditions of disabled people in different chronological moments. We searched the literature and jurisprudence, as well as the effective analysis of legal texts.

Lack of access to environmental information: a problem in promoting environmental protection

Kibamba, Kib Inel January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

La responsabilité civile sur les marchés financiers / Civil liability on financial markets

Prorok, Johan 31 March 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de notre recherche consiste à déterminer si le particularisme des marchés financiers nécessite un aménagement de la responsabilité civile. C'est sur le marché boursier proprement dit et pour des faits générateurs spécifiques-l'information publique défectueuse et les abus de marché-que le problème se pose dans toute son acuité, dès lors que ces faits générateurs portent atteinte au marché lui-même et peuvent donc léser l'ensemble des investisseurs. La logique multilatérale des marchés boursiers s'oppose alors frontalement à celle, individuelle, de la responsabilité civile, qui en ressort profondément affectée. Le préjudice est diffus, incertain et délicat à évaluer, et la responsabilité civile est soumise à un dilemme: faut-il réparer un préjudice classique d'altération de la décision ou bien un préjudice, plus spécifique, d'altération du marché? Pour répondre à la question posée, nous avons eu recours au droit comparé. "De lege lata", c'est dans tous les États l'information publique défectueuse qui suscite l'essentiel de l'intérêt: elle fait l'objet d'aménagements variés autour de la réparation de la décision ou du cours, soit par le juge (Etats-Unis, France), soit par le législateur (Allemagne, Royaume-Uni). "De lege ferenda", nous avons opéré un choix de politique juridique restrictif consistant à n'indemniser que les investisseurs s'étant fondés sur l'information, et ce tant pour l'information publique défectueuse que pour l'intervention frauduleuse sur le marché (manipulation de cours et opération d'initié). Cette conception restrictive ne nécessite aucun aménagement de la responsabilité civile délictuelle, de sorte que le droit commun doit continuer de s'y appliquer. Le particularisme du marché boursier est finalement trop important pour espérer que la responsabilité civile, même au prix d'un aménagement, puisse y jouer un véritable rôle. Il faut accepter qu'elle n'ait en la matière qu'une place résiduelle et qu'il revienne plutôt aux responsabilités pénale et administrative de jouer pleinement leur rôle afin de dissuader et d'éviter la survenance de préjudices au détriment des investisseurs. / The aim for our research is to determine whether the specificity of financial markets requires to adapt tort law. Our study is limited to multilateral trade markets and specific faults - defective public information and market abuses. In effect, it is in this context that the problem is most acute as these faults affect the market itself and can injure all investors. The multilateral aspect of financial markets then stands in sharp contrast with the individual dimension of civil liability. There, the damage is fragmented, uncertain and difficult to assess, and liability is subject to a dilemma : should you compensate for the alteration of the decision or of the market ? To answer the question, we used comparative law. De lege lata, in all States defective public information arouses most interest: various solutions have been adopted to compensate either an alteration of the decision or of the market price, by the judge (USA, France) or by Parliament (Germany, UK). De lege ferenda, we opt for compensating only investors who relied on the information for both defective public information or fraudulent market intervention (price manipulation and insider trading). This restrictive approach does not require any adaptation for tort law, so the common law should continue to apply. The specificity of financial markets is finally too strong for civil liability to play a real role there. We must accept that it plays only a residual part on the market and insteat rely on criminal and adminitrative enforcement to deter and prevent the occurence of damage to investors.

L'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant dans l'exercice de l'autorité parentale : Etude de droit européen comparé / The child’s highest interest in the exercise of parental authority : Study of European comparative law

Hubert-Dias, Gwenaëlle 12 June 2014 (has links)
L'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant est un principe international proclamé à l'article 3-1 de la Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant. L'exercice de l'autorité parentale est dominé par la prise en compte de ce principe.La notion d'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant présente une unité à l'échelle européenne. Contribuent à la préciser des éléments de contenu éclairés par la mise en évidence d'une grille de lecture dégagée à partir de l'analyse de la jurisprudence interne et européenne. En outre, les arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme fondent l'émergence d'éléments de caractérisation permanents mais non cumulatifs et parfois s'excluant : le maintien de relations personnelles entre l'enfant et ses père et mère d'une part ; un environnement sain autour de l'enfant, d'autre part. La notion d'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant révèle son autonomie par l'existence de moyens d'appréciation, modalités et modes propres. Cette autonomie se trouve étroitement liée à l'impact qu'offre à la notion sa réception dans les différentes législations européennes. Cette large consécration se trouve confortée par le développement d'un contrôle de conventionnalité révélateur de la véritable nature de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant. L'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant constitue désormais une notion clef dans le domaine de l'exercice de l'autorité parentale. Il fonde un nouvel ordre public protecteur de l'enfant à l'échelle européenne. Sa primauté s'impose corrélativement de plus en plus nettement. Surgissent toutefois des conflits entre cet intérêt supérieur et d'autres intérêts ou principes concurrents. In fine, l'unité et l'autonomie de l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant, désormais notion de droit, devraient asseoir une effective protection de l'enfant en Europe. / The child's highest interest is an international principle that has been announced in the 3-1 article of the International Bureau for Children's' Rights. This principle dominates the exercise of the parental authority.The notion of the child's highest interest is seen as a unit at the European scale. It can be clarified thanks to a key to read that has been highlighted from the French and European jurisprudence and which contains some content elements. Besides the appearance of characterization's elements is based on the Human Rights European Court's judgements. Those elements are permanent, non-cumulative and sometimes they can become mutually exclusive such as the maintenance of individual relations between the child and his parents or a healthy environment around the child. The notion of the child's highest interest is autonomous by judgment resources, modes and own methods. This autonomy is slightly linked to the notion's impact in the different European legislations. This large recognition is strengthened by the increase of a conventionality review that reveals the real nature of the child's highest interest. The child's highest interest is from now on part of a key notion in the area of the parental authority's exercise. It creates a new public order that protects the child at the European scale. Its primacy establishes itself more and more clearly. However, some conflicts between the highest interest and other concerted interests and principles suddenly appear. Ultimately, the unit and autonomy of the child's highest interest, which is from now on a law notion, should base an effective protection of the child in Europe.

The legal status of part-time employees

Brand, Christopher John 13 August 2015 (has links)
LL.M. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Les Préambules des constitutions : approche comparative / Constitutionnal Preamble's : A Comparativ Study

Cadinot, Clément 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les préambules constitutionnels sont répandus à travers le monde, depuis le constitutionnalisme de la fin du XVIIIème. A ce jour, plus de deux constitutions sur trois dans le monde en sont précédées. Pourtant, leur nature suscite un faible intérêt pour la doctrine, voire même un rejet. Pourtant, l'intérêt que leur porte constituants contemporains et l'utilisation qui en est faite par les juges constitutionnels invalide cette position de principe. Il convient de s'attacher à la variété des préambules constitutionnels à travers le monde, en dégager des fonctions et comprendre leurs utilisations contentieuses (ce qui n'exclut nullement la possibilité que certaines juridictions constitutionnelles ne s'y réfèrent pas). A ces fins, une approche marco-comparative puis micro-comparative semblent nécessaires pour embrasser cet objet juridique rarement étudié de manière systématique. / Constitutional Preambles are worldwide spread from the late 18st Century constitutionalism. And today, more than two to three constitutions are opened with such a Preamble. Yet, regarding to their particuliar nature, law studies dealing with them are quite rare, if not deny them. However, the certain onstituents'interest to them and their use by constitutional judges just disprove it. A broad and methodic study dealing with the wide range of Preambles shall be established in ordre to understand their functions and their judicial uses - though a jurisdiction can not use them. To that end, a broad - macro-comparativ - and then a micro-comparativ study must be done, since a systematic study on Preambles has not been done.

Les transferts de droit en Chine : contribution à l'étude de la filiation romano-germanique en droit chinois contemporain

Piquet, Hélène Anne F. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Le sort du conjoint survivant en France et en Ontario : un exercice de droit comparé

Mouralis, Denis January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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