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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Personal Impact on Female Therapists from Working with Sexually-abused Children

Pistorius, Kinsey Drouet 10 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Although previous research has established that therapists who work with sexually-abused children experience symptoms of vicarious trauma, few studies have addressed the process by which the therapist is affected. In order to understand therapists' personal experiences and how working with sexually-abused children impacts them in their personal lives, the researcher interviewed therapists who were currently working with this specific population. Data analysis was completed by using ethnographic research methods and three major themes emerged during the interviews. The first theme included the "job characteristics" inherent in working with sexually-abused children. This theme refers to how the therapists entered the field of therapy, why they wanted to become therapists, and how they began working with children who had been sexually-abused. The subjects also referred to both the challenges and rewards that came from working with sexually-abused children. The second theme that emerged was the impact of working with sexually-abused children on the therapist's personal and professional life. Therapists also talked about how this work affected their view of the world and their relationships with other people. The third theme included coping with stresses associated with working with sexually-abused children. Therapists spoke about ways they individually coped with the stress and how the agency as an organization helped the therapists cope as well. Recommendations for therapists in this field are given and future research is discussed. Implications for clinical practice, training, supervision and structuring agencies are included.

Sjuksköterskors bristande empatiska förmåga : En litteraturöversikt som beskriver sjuksköterskors upplevelse av uppkomsten av empatitrötthet / Nurses defective ability of empathy : A literature review that describe nurses' experience of the onset of Compassion fatigue

Ek, Viktor, Östermyr, Emeline January 2023 (has links)
Att vara patient innebär lidande, antingen i form av sjukdomslidande, livslidande eller vårdlidande. Det vårdande mötet är en central del i sjuksköterskans arbete mot att möta patienternas behov och lindra lidandet. Det krävs att sjuksköterskan besitter en empatisk förmåga för att kunna leva sig in i patientens situation och vinna tillit. Vid långvarig exponering av patienternas lidande finns dock en risk att drabbas av empatitrötthet. Det innebär en bristande förmåga till empati med symtom såsom minskad energi, känsla av hopplöshet och en känslomässig distans. Empatitrötthet är ett utbrett problem inom vårdande yrken där risken är stor att drabbas. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av uppkomsten av empatitrötthet. Som metod valdes att göra en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativa data som grund. Datasökningen gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed där nio artiklar inkluderades för att svara på syftet. Resultatet utmynnade i vårdandets otillräcklighet som ett centralt tema med tre kategorier och åtta underkategorier. Dessa var: 1. Emotionell belastning med underkategorierna empatins börda, empatiskt krävande möten och maktlöshet. 2. Arbetsförhållandenas påverkan med underkategorierna otillräckliga resurser och kollegial obalans. 3. Privatlivets utsatthet med underkategorierna skuld, svårigheter att vara självförlåtande och obalans av energiåtgång. Under diskussionen bekräftades resultatet med ytterligare artiklar och fördjupades vidare i relation till vårdvetenskapliga teorier. Det uppdagades att begreppet är relativt outforskat, men att kopplingar till fenomenet finns under andra benämningar. Det framkom att mer kunskap om begreppet hos både forskare, yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor och chefer hade varit gynnsamt för att öka förståelsen och motverka uppkomsten.

Sätt på din egna syrgasmask innan du hjälper någon annan : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet / Please apply your own oxygen mask before assisting others with theirs : A qualitative literature review about nurses experiences of compassion fatigue in closed care

Widebrant, Ida, Andersson, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet påverkar många inom vården och kan ge stora konsekvenser för den som drabbas. Fenomenet kopplades till sjuksköterskor för första gången 1992 och är ett begrepp inom omvårdnad som syftar till att beskriva en form av utmattningssyndrom som kan drabba sjuksköterskor. Trauman är en oundviklig del av sjuksköterskans yrke, så väl som strävan efter ett empatiskt förhållningssätt. När dessa komponenter hamnar i obalans kan det påverka sjuksköterskans hela person, såväl kropp, ande som själ. Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet. Metod: En systematisk kvalitativ litteraturstudie har utförts baserat på kvalitativa ansatser för att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet. Resultat: Det finns många bidragande faktorer till utvecklandet av empatitrötthet. Specifika grupper av sjuksköterskor, nyutbildade och de som anser sig vara “frälsare”, löper störst risk att drabbas. Ett empatiskt förfarande är viktigt för att kunna ge en god vård. Konsekvenserna av empatitrötthet och avsaknaden av empati kan leda till negativ inverkan på sjuksköterskan, patienten och vården i sin helhet. Det finns vissa hanteringsstrategier att tillgå, främst diskuteras egenvård.  Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visar på bredden och komplexiteten av begreppet empatitrötthet. Resultatet visar på vikten av ökad kunskap kring fenomenet och hur det kan förebyggas samt lindras. / Background: Compassion fatigue affects many in healthcare and can have significant consequences for those who experience it. The phenomenon was first linked to nurses in 1992 and is a concept within nursing that aims to describe a form of burnout that can affect nurses. Trauma is an inevitable part of a nurse's profession, as well as the pursuit of an empathetic approach. When these components become imbalanced, it can affect the nurse's entire being, including their body, mind, and soul. Aim: To investigate nurses' experiences of compassion fatigue in closed care.  Method: A systematic qualitative literature review has been conducted based on qualitative approaches to examine nurses' experiences of compassion fatigue.  Result: There are many contributing factors to the development of compassion fatigue. Specific groups of nurses, such as newly graduated nurses and those who consider themselves "saviors," are at the highest risk of being affected. An empathic approach is important in providing good care. The consequences of compassion fatigue and the lack of empathy can have a negative impact on the nurse, the patient, and the healthcare system as a whole. There are some coping strategies available, primarily self-care.  Conclusion: The literature review demonstrates the breadth and complexity of the concept of compassion fatigue. The results emphasize the importance of increased knowledge about the phenomenon and how it can be prevented and eased.


Harris, Chelsia D. 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Psykologers berättelser om att arbeta med självmordsnära patienter : ”Förr eller senare så händer det”

Påhlman, Katrin, Åkesson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Det inträffar omkring 17 000 självmordsförsök i Sverige per år och hälften av dessa leder till psykiatrisk vård. Suicidriskbedömningar görs i psykiatrisk öppenvård av bland annat psykologer. Genom fem intervjuer undersökte vi ett i stort sett outforskat område: hur psykologer inom psykiatrisk öppenvård upplevde sitt arbete med suicidnära patienter. Vi använde tematisk analys för att analysera materialet vilket resulterade i två huvudteman: Att jobba på gränsen – med undertemana Mellan liv och död, Mellan arbete och fritid och Mellan att vara psykolog och människa – respektive Att balansera mellan acceptans och intervention – med undertemana Förr eller senare så händer det samt Resurser och coping. En återkommande dimension i temana var Emotionella reaktioner. Resultatet ger en bild av att psykologerna känner oro för patienterna och att denna oro kan användas som en del i suicidriskbedömningen. Vår tolkning är att psykologernas arbete kan spilla över på deras fritid och att detta i förlängningen kan tänkas ge konsekvenser så som medkänsleutmattning. Vi har tolkat psykologernas berättelser som att de använder copingstrategier för att återhämta sig från sin arbetsbelastning. I vårt resultat framträder en bild av att arbetet med suicidnära patienter kan vara vardag för psykologer inom psykiatrin. Vidare kan arbetet utgöra en känslomässig belastning för psykologer som är annorlunda jämfört med den belastning som uppstår i arbetet med icke-suicidnära patienter. / About 17,000 suicide attempts occur in Sweden each year, half of which lead to psychiatric care. Psychologists are one of the professional groups that conduct suicide risk assessments in psychiatric outpatient care. In this study we examine an relatively unexplored area: how psychologists in outpatient psychiatric care experience their work with suicidal patients. A thematic analysis of five interviews was conducted. The analysis resulted in two main themes: Working at the boundary – with sub themes Between life and death, Between work and leisure time and Between being a psychologist and a human – and Balancing between acceptance and intervention – with sub themes Sooner or later it will happen and Resources and coping. A recurring dimension in all themes was Emotional reactions. The findings provide a picture that the psychologists worry about the patients and that this worry can be used as a part of the suicide risk assessment. Our analysis shows that the psychologists’ work can spill over into their leisure time. This may eventually have effects, such as compassion fatigue. Our interpretation of the narratives suggests that the psychologists use coping-strategies to recover from their workload. The results also show that working with suicidal patients can be part of the daily work of psychologists in psychiatric care. Further more, our analysis shows that working with suicidal patients can include an emotional exhaustion on psychologists that is different from the exhaustion that might arise in the work with non-suicidal patients.

Compassion fatigue : pastoral care to HIV and AIDS caregivers within the realm of the healing professions

Solomons, Daniel Peter 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to address the phenomenon of compassion fatigue within the scenario - of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in South Africa where an estimated 5-6 million people are living with HIV and AIDS. One in every three patients is hospitalised at some stage of their sickness and sufferers of the pandemic come into contact with someone that gives care to HIV and AIDS infected persons, whether in a hospital, a clinic, in counselling or a hospice. Professional stress and emotional fatigue is an inherent feature of the life of caregivers, and there is growing evidence is that it is on the increase. Caregivers are generally compassionate people and the compassion that they have and share with suffering people can be depleted . Caregivers become fatigued by the plight and the situation that never lets up hence the concept compassion fatigue. In this regard, the meaning of this concept as applied to HIV and AIDS caregivers in the healing and helping professions in hospital care (chaplaincy) and different clinical settings was the focus of the research. Compassion fatigue relates to professional stress and can impair professional competency and performance within pastoral caregiving. The phenomenon was studied to distinguish between compassion fatigue burnout/burn up and vicarious traumatisation. A more comprehensive understanding of these concepts will help to clarify current misconceptions. Aspects that necessitate a closer look are whether compassion fatigue is fundamentally stress related or a kind of depletion within the self of the pastoral helper. Could it be some kind of affective exhaustion, or is it related fundamentally to the overexposure to human suffering? Is compassion fatigue then suffering related? The study focuses on the challenges that confront caregivers in the HIV and AIDS field. How can these challenges pose an existential threat to their being-function and human identity? The study also explores how the theology of the cross (from a pastoral approach) can assist caregivers to deal with the question of meaning in the suffering that their patients (and they) may experience. Research questions included how the phenomenon of compassion fatigue should be understood as an inherent feature of the life of caregivers to HIV and AIDS sufferers, and what caregiving should imply to the caregivers (“wounded healers”). What is clear is that those caregivers very definitely also need care. A viable possibility to render meaningful help to depleted caregivers is to take them out of the working place and give them time, space and means to become whole again. A retreat environment is indicated as a form of recuperation for caregivers. At this stage the study amounts to only first steps in that direction and emphasises the need to investigate the subject further. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling beoog om die fenomeen van medelye-moegheid te verstaan vanuit die agtergrond van die HIV en VIGS pandemie in Suid-Afrika waar daar 'n beraamde 5-6 miljoen mense met HIV en VIGS lewe. Dit word geskat dat 1 uit elke 3 pasiënte in 'n stadium of stadia van die siekte gehospitaliseer word en derhalwe kom die meeste lyers in aanraking met iemand wat sorg verleen aan MIV/VIGS geïnfekteerde persone, hetsy in 'n hospitaal, 'n kliniek, in berading of 'n hospice. Professionele stres en emosionele moegheid is 'n inherente kenmerk van die lewe van versorgers en daar is toenemende bewys dat dit vanweë die erns van die situasie toeneem. Versorgers is oor die algemeen deernisvolle mense en die deernis wat hulle het en deel met mense wat ly, kan uitgeput raak. Te wyte aan ʼn situasie wat toenemend versleg en nie in die afsienbare toekoms sal weggaan nie ervaar versorgers dat die blootstelling aan menslike lyding en ellende hulle vermoë om lydendes pastoraal te troos en by te staan, drasties opgebruik vandaar die begrip medelye-uitputting. In hierdie verband fokus die navorsing op die betekenis van die konsep medelye-uitputting, soos toegepas op MIV- en VIGS- sorggewers binne die kader van die genesing- en hulpverleningprofessies in die hospitaal (kapelaansdienste) en kliniese instellings. Die verskynsel van medelye-uitputting met betrekking tot professionele stres raak die professionele bevoegdheid en prestasie van versorgers in pastorale hulpverlening. In hierdie verband is die doel om te onderskei tussen medelye-uitputting, uitbranding en plaasvervangende traumatisering. Dit is aanvaarbaar dat 'n meer omvattende begrip van hierdie konsepte huidige wanopvattings daaroor beter kan toelig. 'n Aspek wat 'n nader beskouing noodsaak, is of medelye-moegheid fundamenteel stresverwant is of 'n soort uitputting van die pastorale helper self, of 'n soort affektiewe uitputting, en of dit verband hou met te veel blootstelling binne die sfeer van menslike lyding. Die studie fokus op die uitdagings wat deur versorgers in die HIV en VIGSversorgingsveld die hoof gebied moet word, en hoe hierdie uitdaging ’n eksistensiële bedreiging vir hulle kan inhou wat hulle menswees en identiteit negatief kan beïnvloed. Die studie verken hoe daar vanuit die verstaan van die kruis-teologie pastorale ondersteuning gebied kan word met die hantering/verstaan van lyding en die doel en betekenis daarvan. Navorsingsvrae sluit o.a. in hoe ons die fenomeen van medelye-moegheid as ʼn ontwikkelende verskynsel in die lewe van versorgers wat met MIV- en VIGS-lyers werk, behoort te verstaan en wat pastorale sorg aan uitgeputte versorgers sou impliseer. Wat duidelik na vore gekom het, is dat die helpende hande baie beslis self ook helpende hande benodig. ʼn Haalbare moontlikheid om betekenisvolle hulp aan uitgeputte versorgers te verleen, is aan die hand gedoen, naamlik om hulle uit die werkomgewing weg te neem. By ʼn rusplek (“retreat”) kan aan hulle die kans gegun word om te herstel, self ook weer heel te word. Hierdie vorm van herstel vir uitgeputte versorgers is kortliks hanteer en word voorgestel, maar dit is maar die eerste treë in so ’n navorsingsrigting, wat die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing beklemtoon.

Vad är priset för emotionellt engagemang? : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares emotionella påverkan och strategier / What is the price of emotionally involvement? : A qualitative study about social workers emotional impact and strategies

Dahlström, Bonnie, Gürtelschmid, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate social workers' impact of emotional work with their clients and what strategies they use to deal with it. Swedish research in this area is very limited. International research shows that both social workers and (primarily) healthcare professionals are emotionally affected. The importance of awareness was emphasized and the requirement for more knowledge. This study was based on seven qualitative interviews conducted with social workers. The theoretical approach included the concepts of compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction and the theory of coping-strategies. We analyzed the material thematically which resulted in the conclusion that social workers are both positively and negatively affected emotionally by their work. The impact has been shown primarily through evidence of exhaustion. Each social worker interviewed managed the negative impact of their work with individual strategies. The general strategy was to prioritize their health and create time for recovery. The results illustrated  the need for an increase in understanding of the importance of valuing the well-being of social workers. This would benefit not just social workers, but also the clients they serve.

A yoga intervention for counselors with compassion fatigue : a literature review and qualitative case study

Murphy, Janys M. 13 March 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this manuscript style dissertation was to increase understanding of the experiences of counselor's with compassion fatigue as they participated in a yoga intervention. Compassion fatigue is a condition that creates both physical and psychological impairment as a result of working in the helping role. Yoga is an ancient body and mind practice that is thought to reduce various negative physical and psychological effects. In order to address how and why counselors with compassion fatigue were affected by a yoga intervention, research using an exploratory case study method was conducted. Four counselors were first interviewed for 45 minutes; next they participated in four 60 minute yoga classes, kept journals on their experience before and after each class, and finally participated in 60 minute focus groups. Five major themes emerged from the analysis of the qualitative data in response to the research question of how and why yoga impacted counselors with compassion fatigue: participating in both the intervention and the study, experiencing a change in how the counselors internally processed compassion fatigue, experiencing a reduction in compassion fatigue, experiencing a change in the counseling relationship, and experiencing a change in how they practice yoga. Counselor post-intervention scoring on the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) suggests lower secondary traumatic stress and burnout, and increased compassion satisfaction. In-depth qualitative interviews with participants further substantiated these findings. Both the literature review and case study provide implications for future research in the areas of compassion fatigue, counselor wellness, yoga interventions, and self-care. / Graduation date: 2013

Exploring palliative caregivers’ experiences of compassion fatigue in a hospice

Maja, Boitumelo Kgabo 02 1900 (has links)
Caring for the chronically ill is a growing phenomenon that deserves careful attention and research, since the quality of life of the palliative caregiver is threatened by the continuous exposure to psychological, physiological, as well as relational burdens. A hermeneutic phenomenological study was used to explore palliative caregivers‟ experiences of compassion fatigue when caring for chronically ill patients in a hospice setting. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Bophelong Community Care Centre‟s palliative caregivers between the ages of 20 and 60 years who were employed in a hospice for a minimum of at least two years, thus well-placed to describe their experiences of compassion fatigue when caring for chronically ill patients in a hospice setting. Data was collected through individual interviews, recorded and transcribed. Using thematic analysis, meaningful patterns and themes of data were discovered to better understand compassion fatigue as a phenomenon of interest. The findings pointed to four categories, i.e. the effects of compassion fatigue on palliative caregivers‟ emotional wellbeing, personal and work relationships, physical discomfort, and spiritual awareness, that describe the experiences of palliative caregivers of compassion fatigue in a hospice setting, thus providing a holistic understanding of the complexity of compassion fatigue in a palliative care hospice setting. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)

Hope for Utah:? Exploring the Long-Term Impacts of Peer-Based Suicide Prevention Among Adolescents

Rainock, Meagan Rose 01 July 2018 (has links)
Current research studies on the success of peer-based outreach programs for adolescent suicide prevention are inconclusive (Mann et al. 2005; Gould et al. 2003). Fewer still have measured the feelings and experiences of the peers who are responsible for reaching out to suicidal friends within such a program. This exploratory research study examines the experiences and perspectives of past participants of an adolescent peer-based outreach program, Hope4Utah. Findings from this mixed-method study of Hope4Utah support that peer-outreach suicide prevention programs have far-reaching benefits, on both the participants and their surrounding communities, which extend into adulthood. Themes that emerged from analysis of interviews are consistent with literature on school communities, adolescent alienation, stigma reduction, compassion fatigue, and formation of social roles and mental health beliefs through the social interactionist framework. Finally, this paper explores promising avenues for future research.

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