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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以優選理論分析梅縣與曼谷客語變調 / Meixian and Bangkok Hakka Tone Sandhi: An Optimality Theory Analysis

李平周, Johnny Unknown Date (has links)
在前人的研究中,已透過音韻規則的角度分析梅縣客語 (Meixian Hakka) 和曼谷客語 (Bangkok Hakka), 但仍有部分疑問未獲得合理解釋。諸如:部分聲調不會受變調規則(Tone sandhi)的影響、變調的觸發條件以及本調 (Citation tone) 和變調間結構上的關係等。 有鑒於此,本研究透過優選理論 (Optimality theory, OT) 重新分析梅縣客語和曼谷客語。 上述兩個方言有兩種變調的方式 : 同化(assimilation)和異化(dissimilation)。在此基礎上,為了更準確的描述變調現象,本研究在分析上主要採用必要性起伏原則 (obligatory contour principle) 和避免起伏原則 (no-jumping principle),並應用聯合制約 (Constraint Conjunction approach) 的概念。採取此分析方式的理由在於分析對象的變調具有相當有標(marked)且受限於中心詞(head)右端音節的聲調。此外,本研究也採用一部分比聲調結構性制約(tonal markedness constraint)更高排序的信實性制約(faithfulness constraint)。這些制約會導致部分聲調或變調結構不受變調規則影響,例如:調域 (register) 和聲調的起點 (initial target) 將保留原始樣貌。 研究結果指出,聲調結構性制約和數個排序最高的聲調信實性制約能更準確地呈現梅縣客語和曼谷客語在變調時,輸入值與輸出值之間的對應關係 (input-output correspondence)。在論文結尾,筆者將綜覽本研究並提出未來可繼續延伸的相關議題。 / The grammar of Meixian and Bangkok Hakka tone sandhi has been analyzed from a rule based approach. Nevertheless, there are some questions and details that could not be solved by the analysis, such as the status of tones that do not undergo sandhi, triggers of the tone sandhi, and the structural relation between citation tones and their sandhi counterparts. Thus, the purpose of this study is to re-analyze the tone sandhi in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka under the constraint based framework, Optimality Theory (OT). There are two mechanisms of tonal alternations in the two dialects’ tone sandhi: assimilation, and dissimilation. So in order to capture the tonal alternations, the current analysis applies the concepts of the Obligatory Contour Principle, and the No-Jumping Principle. The constraints generated according to these principles work well with the application of the Constraint Conjunction approach. The conjoined constraints are needed since the tone alternations are highly marked, and depend a lot on the head/right syllable tone. Furthermore, this thesis also posits several faithfulness constraints that rank higher than the tone sandhi markedness constraint. The high ranked faithfulness constraints govern the preservation of several tones from any alternation, and preservation of some structures of the citation tones when they become sandhi tones (i.e. register and initial target). In conclusion, the positing of tone sandhi markedness constraints and undominated identity constraints presents a better input-output correspondence relation of the tone sandhi phenomena in Meixian and Bangkok Hakka. To conclude the thesis, a brief summary of the study and possible further issues are presented.

De la sémantique textuelle en arabe : cohésion discursive et sens lexical / Of textual semantics in Arabic : Discursive cohesion and lexical meaning

Ben Achour, Riadh 17 March 2012 (has links)
Le travail présenté ici se situe dans le cadre général d’élaborer une méthodologie de traitement du sens lexical dans une dimension textuelle – textes arabes et énoncés (types et occurrences) plus courts – à la lumière de la sémantique interprétative de F. Rastier. Pour ce faire, cette étude cherche tout d’abord à déterminer le statut du texte en linguistique moderne et dans la pensée traditionnelle arabe. Il s’agit de revenir sur les facteurs-clés qui ont donné lieu à la prise en compte du palier textuel dans les études linguistiques modernes et dans la tradition grammaticale, rhétorique et exégétique arabe.S’inspirant des travaux en sémantique interprétative de F. Rastier, le présent travail entend rendre compte par le biais d’une application pratique (analyse des textes arabes) du rôle essentiel que jouent l’analyse sémique, l’isotopie sémantique, le contexte et la pratique sociale en cours, dans l’assignation du sens aux unités lexicales. Après avoir présenté les limites des modèles textuels issus de deux approches sémantiques formelles (véri-conditionnelle) et cognitives, l’objectif de cette recherche est de montrer la pertinence de l’application du modèle Rastérien – issu d’une approche sémantique structurale – à des textes arabes. / This work falls within the general framework of developing a working methodology for processing lexical meaning within a text. It seeks to apply François Rastier’s theory of interpretive semantics to Arabic texts and utterances. The thesis starts with a survey of the state of the text in both traditional Arabic thinking and modern linguistics. Such a survey reveals the key factors that have brought the textual level to the fore, in modern linguistics on the one hand, and Arabic traditional grammar, rhetoric and exegetics on the other hand. This study seeks to apply Rastier’s notion of interpretive semantics to texts and examples in Arabic. The overall objective of this close textual approach is to highlight the fundamental role of semantic analysis, semantic isotopy, context and the current social practices in assigning lexical meaning. The thesis attempts also to show the shortcomings of textual models offered by two semantic approaches, namely the formal (truth-conditional) and the cognitive approaches; in order to highlight the pertinence of Rastier’s model within a structural semantic approach to Arabic texts.

"Quand P" comme adverbial de localisation temporelle / "Quand P" as temporal locating adverbial

Gourlet, François 23 October 2015 (has links)
Nous nous demandons dans ce travail de quelle manière "quand" modifie l'interprétation qui serait faite d'une séquence de propositions P. Q ou Q. P lorsqu'il préfixe P. Après avoir souligné les problèmes que cette question soulevé dans plusieurs études fondatrices en sémantique temporelle, nous apportons des arguments pour défendre la théorie, admise par plusieurs auteurs, selon laquelle "quand P" est un adverbial de localisation temporelle. Nous montrons que les propriétés discursives de P, souvent traitée dans la littérature comme une proposition présupposée, s'expliquent par cette seule contrainte : "quand" impose de traiter cette proposition comme la description d'un repère temporel utilisé dans l'interprétation de Q. Nous montrons en outre que la théorie selon laquelle "quand P" désigne un repère temporel permet de rendre compte des contraintes qui pèsent sur les relations chronologiques pouvant s'établir entre les événements eP et eQ des deux propositions. En particulier, nous avançons que l'inférence d'une relation de succession immédiate entre eP et eQ reflète l'une des relations qui peuvent s'établir entre le référent d'un adverbial de localisation et l'événement qu'il localise : le référent de l'adverbial sert de borne initiale à l'intervalle d'occurrence de l'événement. Enfin, nous étudions la manière dont la description d'éventualité et le marqueur temporel accueillis par P contribuent à la sémantique de l'adverbial "quand P". Nous précisons les propriétés quantificationnelles et temporelles conférées au référent de "quand P" par les différents temps du français et expliquons par ces propriétés les contraintes de cooccurrence qui pèsent sur l'emploi des temps dans P et Q. / In this work, we adress the following question: how does "quand" change the interpretation that may be made of a sequence of clauses P. Q or Q. P when it prefixes P? After highlighting the problems that this matter raises in several pioneering studies in temporal semantics, we provide arguments to defend the theory E accepted by several authors E that quand P is a temporal locating adverbial. We show that the discourse properties of P, which is often treated in the literature as a presupposed proposition, is explained by the following single constraint: "quand" demands to treat this clause as the description of a time mark to be used in the interpretation of Q. We further show that the theory that "quand P" designates a time mark accounts for the constraints on the temporal relations that can be established between eP and eQ, the events of both clauses. In particular, we argue that the inference that eQ immediately follows eP reflects one of the relations that can be established between the referent of a temporal locating adverbial and the event it locates: the referent of the adverbial provides an initial bound to the interval of occurrence of the event. Finally, we study how the event description and the tense of P contribute to the semantics of the adverbial "quand P". We specify the quantificational and temporal properties imparted to the referent of quand P by the different tenses of French and explain these properties by co-occurrence constraints that impact the use of tenses in P and Q.


Jonsson, Erik, Leander, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien syftade till att undersöka om mental arbetsbelastning kan påverka benägenhetenatt begå konjunktionsfelet vid sannolikhetsbedömningar, trots att man fått ledtrådarsom synliggjort konjunktionsregeln. Detta undersöktes med en experimentell mellangruppsdesign.I studien deltog 57 deltagare, varav 27 i experimentgruppen och 30 i kontrollgruppen.Deltagarna var i huvudsak studenter på universitetsnivå. Grupperna hade en jämn könsfördelning.Vad gäller ålder så var medelvärdet i kontrollgruppen 24.8 och medelvärdet i experimentgruppenvar 30.7. Samtliga deltagare fick utföra ett datorbaserat test. Båda gruppernastest bestod av sannolikhetsbedömningsuppgifter, felstavningsuppgifter, samt en tilläggsuppgiftdär deltagarna ombads ange om ett visst ord förekommit i tidigare fråga eller ej. Experimentbetingelseninnehöll dessutom en visuospatial arbetsminnesuppgift. Resultatet visade attmental arbetsbelastning inte ökade antalet konjunktionsfel vid sannolikhetsbedömningar dådeltagarna fått ledtrådar som synliggjort konjunktionsregeln. Slutsatsen visar att det inte behövervara mer resurskrävande för arbetsminnet att göra normativa bedömningar och att tillgodogörandetav konjunktionsregeln är robust mot mental arbetsbelastning. Framtida forskningskulle kunna undersöka vilken betydelse ett visst antal ledtrådar har för om tillgodogörandetav konjunktionsregeln påverkas av mental arbetsbelastning. / The aim of this study was to investigate whether mental workload can affect the tendency tocommit the conjunction fallacy in probability assessments, despite having read clues that exposethe conjunction rule. This was investigated with an experimental between-group design.In total, the study had 57 participants, whereof 27 in the experiment group and 30 in the controlgroup. The groups were equally balanced concerning sex. The average age in the controlgroup was 24.8 years compared to 30.7 years in the experiment group. All participants performeda computer-based test. Both groups’ test consisted of tasks with probability assessments,discovering misspelled words and an additional task about estimating whether a certainword had occurred during the previous task. The experimental condition also consisted ofa visuo-spatial working memory task. The result indicated that mental workload did not increasethe number of conjunction fallacies committed in probability assessments, given thatthe participants had read clues that expose the conjunction rule. From this result, the conclusionis drawn that normative judgments are not necessarily more demanding for the workingmemory, also that the utilization of the conjunction rule is resistant to mental workload. Futureresearch might investigate what impact a certain number of clues has for whether theutilization of the conjunction rule is affected by mental work load.

Osvojování lingvistického pojmu a termínu spojka u žáků 1. stupně ZŠ / The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils

Martáková Styblíková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Title: The Process of Acquiring the Linguistic Concept of Conjunction by Primary School Pupils Author: Mgr. Jana Martáková Styblíková Department: Czech Language Department Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc. Abstract: The dissertation deals with the issue of acquiring the linguistic concept and the term of the conjunction by primary school pupils of 1st-5th, works with children's preconceptions in the language area and introduces how the pupils of the first grade of the elementary school work with the term conjunction. It maps the cognitive processes of pupils in the context of the acquisition of the conjunction language phenomenon and the important moments in which the primary child preconception changes into the language term in the pupils mind. Introduces with the process of conceptualizing the language reality, in which he detaches from the naive child concept of conjunction to the specific linguistic term of a conjunction as a verbal type. It describes the individual parts of the research, in which the individual thought movements of pupils in the area of linguistic gripping of the term conjunction are gradually transformed. It presents the individual research methods as tools by which we monitor the development of the preconception of the conjunction in the linguistic concept. Managed interviews...

Insikter från satellitobservationer : Förståelse av aurorans komplexitet / Insights from satellite observations : Understanding of the complexity of aurora

Norell, Johan, Svensson, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Idag finns det omkring 5 000 operativa satelliter i omloppsbana runt jorden. Bland dessa finns MATS, DMSP-17/18 och Swarm-A/B/C. De tre satellitprogrammen ger olika data från jordens övre atmosfär där MATS bland annat observerar infraröd emission, DMSP mäter elektron- och jonnedfall från rymden och Swarm bland annat mäter variationer i jordens geomagnetiska fält. Dessa data ger möjlighet att analysera aurora. Aurora, även känt som polarsken, är ett fantastiskt ljusfenomen som kan urskiljas i olika färger och som har forskats på under flera decennier. Till följd av detta finns även möjligheten att göra gymnasieelever mer intresserade av rymden. När elever deltar i autentiskt lärande kan det bidra till ökat intresse inom naturvetenskap. Studien syftar till att undersöka auroraregionerna och jämföra data mellan MATS, DMSP och Swarm för att skapa en helhetsbild av fenomenet. Dessutom utvecklas ett lektionsmaterial som syftar till att öka intresset för rymden och fysik i allmänhet bland gymnasieelever. Metoden för den tekniska delen innefattade att finna konjunktioner mellan MATS och en annan satellit eftersom satelliterna ska ge data för samma fenomen. Under en konjunktion behövde banorna stämma överens samtidigt som satelliterna skulle ha tillgänglig data vid tidpunkten. För den pedagogiska delen har en enkätstudie använts för att samla in lärares åsikter om utveckling och utvärdering av lektionsmaterialet. Fem konjunktioner undersöktes och resultaten visade på en ökning av elektron och jonenergi samt flöde i auroraregioner. Ett fall visade en svag uppåtriktad ström som en potentiell förklaring till den ökade energin, vilket möjligtvis tillåter elektronerna att accelerera mot jorden och därav ökar flödet. Enkätstudien visade att det fanns ett intresse för ett lektionsmaterial. Fokus skulle ligga på att skapa ett autentiskt material där eleverna fick en genomgång om hur polarsken uppstår och därefter diskutera frågor kopplade till materialet. Utvärderingen visade att syftet och lärandemålen för lektionen hade uppfyllts. Eleverna deltog aktivt i diskussioner, ställde följdfrågor och ansågs vara intresserade av materialet. / Today there are around 5 000 operative satellites currently in orbit. MATS,DMSP-17/18 and Swarm-A/B/C are just a few among them. These three satellite programs produce different data from Earth’s upper atmosphere. MATS observe infrared emission, DMSP measure electron- and ion precipitation and Swarm measure variations in Earth’s geomagnetic field. This data provides the opportunity to analyze aurora. Aurora, also known as polar lights, is a fantasticlight phenomenon that can be observed in different colors and has been researched for decades. As a result, there is also a possibility to increase the interest among high school students to learn about space. A contribution to their interest can be seen when the students are allowed to participate in authentic learning.The study aimed to investigate aurora regions and compare data between MATS, DMSP and Swarm in order to create a comprehensive picture of the phenomenon. Additionally, an educational material was developed with the aim of increasing interest in space and physics in general among high school students. The methodology for the technical part consisted of finding conjunctions between MATS and one other satellite. This was because of the fact that the satellites were required to give data from the same phenomenon. During a conjunction the orbits of the satellites had to correspond and the satellites also needed to have available data from the time period. A survey study was conducted for the pedagogical part in order to collect opinions from teachers about the development and evaluation of the educational material. Five conjunctions were examined, and the results indicated an increase in electron and ion energy as well as flux in auroral regions. One case showed a weak upward current as a potential explanation for the increase in energy, possibly allowing electrons to accelerate towards the Earth and thus increasing the flux. The survey study showed that there was an interest in the educational material. The focus would be to create an authentic material where students were given an overview of how aurora occur followed by questions to discuss related to the material. The evaluation showed that the purpose and learning objectives of the lesson had been fulfilled. Students actively participated in discussions, asked follow-up questions and were considered to be interested in the material.

以優選理論分析兩個客語方言之連讀變調 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Tone Sandhi in Two Hakka Dialects

陳煒翰, Chen, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以優選理論分析六家饒平客語和寧都田頭客語雙音節詞之連讀變調,並藉由聲調內部結構說明變調的動機。在六家饒平客語方面,主要是呈現位置變調(positional tone sandhi),較有標(more marked)的聲調位於前字時發生變調。另外,此方言的陽平和陽去因歷史演變,兩者的本調(citation tone)同為HH,但兩者因不同的變調形式而產生不同的變調(sandhi tone)。陽去的變調形式為位置變調,而陽平的變調形式為環境變調(contextual tone sandhi)。本文採用聯合制約(Local Constraint Conjunction)捕捉環境變調制約運作的環境。另外,運用「詞素特定音韻」(morpheme-specific phonology)標記聯合制約,解釋陽平和陽去不同的變調規則。在寧都田頭客語方面,變調受詞法結構影響,且兩個音節皆有可能發生變調。本文利用標記制約理論(indexed constraints approach)解釋不同結構的變調情形。另藉由位置信實制約不同的排序,嘗試說明聲調的保留屬於類型差異(typological differences)。而此方言的變調類型包含位置變調和環境變調,同樣要求較有標的聲調改變,並使用聯合制約說明在環境變調的情況下制約運作的環境。 / This thesis investigates the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka and Ningdu Tiantou Hakka under the framework of Optimality Theory. The internal structure of the tone reveals the motivation and the mechanism of tone sandhi. In terms of the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka, the universal tonal markedness tendency could be regarded as the motivation triggering the positional tone sandhi in the left syllable. Moreover, the morpheme-specific phonology is adapted to account for the tone sandhi of historical merged tones, Yangping and Yangqu. Yangping and Yangqu are both high level tones; however, they display different tone sandhi patterns. Yangping displays the contextual tone sandhi whereas Yangqu displays the positional tone sandhi. Local conjunction constraints are posited to restrict markedness constraints to specific contexts in order to account for the mechanism of contextual tone sandhi. On the other hand, in terms of the tone sandhi in Ningdu Tiantou Hakka, the tone sandhi is construction sensitive and takes place in both syllables. The indexed constraint approach is adopted to explain the tone sandhi in different constructions. In addition, the preservation of tone is argued to be the typological difference according to different rankings of the positional faithfulness constraints. Finally, the tonal markedness tendency motivates the positional tone sandhi and the conjoined constraints are posited to govern the contextual tone sandhi in this dialect.

Selected features of Bactrian Grammar / Die ausgewählte Besonderheiten der Baktrischen Grammatik

Gholami, Saloumeh 01 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Marcas cohesivas y construcción del sentido: análisis y comparación de estrategias traductoras

Cunillera Domènech, Montserrat 14 June 2002 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és un estudi descriptiu que s'inscriu en un doble àmbit d'anàlisi, discursiu i traductològic. Es proposa un doble objectiu: per una banda, analitzar un conjunt de marques de cohesió franceses en dos tipos de textos diferents (un text polític i un text literari) per tal de mostrar la pertinència d'aquests elements lingüístics en la construcció del sentit; i per altra banda, descriure i comparar les principals estratègies traductores utilitzades en les traduccions castellanes del corpus per recuperar les esmentades marques de cohesió i veure quines en són les conseqüències en el nivell micro i macrotextual.Les marques de cohesió seleccionades per a l'anàlisi són les repeticions, les anàfores pronominals, l'ordre intrafràstic i interfràstic, les elipsis, algunes formes de creativitat lèxica, la puntuació, la unitat et i una sèrie de connectors argumentatius. / This doctoral thesis is a descriptive study which falls into the general framework of discourse and translational analysis. The study has two main aims: on the one hand, it firstly analyses the role of some French cohesive devices in two different types of texts (a political text and a literary one) in order to show how relevant they are to the construction of meaning. On the other hand, the study describes and compares the main translational strategies used in the Spanish target texts to translate these linguistic devices. Moreover, the analysis shows the consequences of these translational strategies both on the microstructure and the macrostructure of the target texts. The cohesive devices we have chosen to analyse include repetitions, pronominal anaphors, order into the sentences, ellipsis, lexical creativity, punctuation, the French conjunction "et" and some discourse markers.

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