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Drivers of Societal Transformation towards Climate Neutrality : What do participants at COP26 perceive as the most effective drivers of societal transformations?Laane, Kim January 2022 (has links)
To achieve the goals set by Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement, a societal transformation towards climate neutrality is required. However, the idea of ‘transformation’ is conceptually vague and deeply political. It is thus important to get a better understanding of this concept. This thesis explores what participants at COP26 perceive to be the most effective drivers for societal transformations towards climate neutrality, and what variations in their perceptions are visible. This was done using surveys taken at COP26, which have been analysed using Excel and the chi-square test in SPSS. Out of the thirteen driver themes that were identified in the coding scheme, it was found that Economic Sphere and Sectors, Civil Society and Public Opinion, Knowledge and Technology, and Governmental Sphere and Institutions were perceived to be the most effective driver themes. These results corroborate important drivers proposed in existing literature. Comparing the dataset to a variety of global indexes, it was found that participants from countries that are ranked relatively low on these global indexes generally perceive Economic Sphere and Sectors as an effective driver theme, while participants from higher-ranked countries generally focused more on the driver themes Governmental Sphere and Institutions, Behavioural and Cultural Change, and Incentives. An attempt has been made to explain these results, but much more research and additional data is needed to better understand the findings.
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The consequence of running solo : How defecting from climate collaboration impacts the global temperature and damage to GDPDyvling, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
It is widely known that we can expect great damage to our world and economy because of climate change. It is human activities, and their emissions that has led us to where we are. IEA (2022) have declared that coal is the single largest source of carbon emission and scientists have stated that we need to phase-out the use of coal by 2050 to reach the Paris Agreement goal. At COP26 India chose to rephrase the climate agreement from “phase out the use of coal” to “phase down the use of coal” even though this goes against the recommendations made by scientists. This paper models the damage to GDP from climate change using a DGE model with two regions. One region is represented by India and the other is represented by the rest of the world. To predict the economic damages from using coal the model includes a climate variable. The thesis investigates four different scenarios: both regions collaborate; India defects while the rest of the world collaborates; the rest of the world defects while India collaborates; both regions defect. The results show that in 100 years the temperature will have risen to 3.27 degrees if the two regions choose to defect and the damage to GDP will be 1.55 percent. This is 0.21 degrees and 0.14 percentage points higher than when both regions collaborate. By using a game theory set-up, I find that it is always beneficial for India to defect. While for the rest of the world, it is better to collaborate in the long run to minimize their damages.
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A Call for Justice: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Climate Justice at the COP26Susan, Elliot January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis examines the representation of climate justice discourses at the by various parties at the COP26 in Glasgow, 2021 and how these are manifested in the subsequent policy outcome, the Glasgow Pact. To coherently categorize the wide interpretations of climate justice, this study adopts a theoretical framework proposed by Schapper (2018), where climate justice is differentiated through international, intra-societal and intergenerational dimensions. Through the lens of critical discourse analysis, statements made at the higher-level segment of the event are analyzed according to their storylines to identify which climate justice discourses are exercised by varying actors. The sample consists of 17 statements of various countries categorized by different coalitions. In comparison, the findings indicate that the Glasgow Pact recognizes most discourses in some form, but that it sides with developed nations on account of knowledge claims, non-binding policy language and an absence of any discourse on historical responsibility or the right to use fossil fuels. Consequently, the mismatch of what is said and done reveals power imbalances at the negotiations, and therefore threaten the credibility of the COP as a fair and inclusive arena for climate negotiations.
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Exploring the Participation of Youth Activists and Advocates from the Global South at COP26Pawelczyk, Katarzyna January 2022 (has links)
The climate crisis is one of the most pressing challenges of the global development agenda. In recent years, young people have been publicly recognised as key stakeholders in efforts to address it. One of the platforms through which young climate activists and advocates engage in climate governance is the annual Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Typically accompanied by widespread media coverage, COPs provide opportunities for both State and Non-State Actors - including youth - for claim-making, agenda-setting, advocacy, and awareness raising. Despite the growing attention to youth-led climate activism, research on the ways in which youth participate in the COPs, their experiences, and perceptions of their participation, has been limited and has tended to focus on youth from the Global North. To begin to address this gap, this research explores the experiences of youth climate activists and advocates from the Global South at the COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021. Informed by theories and frameworks of participation, the objective is to understand how these young people participated, the factors and dynamics which affected their experience, and how they viewed their participation. The findings are based on semi-structured interviews conducted in March and April 2022 with 11 young people who were all first-time attendees of the COP. During COP26 they were engaged in activities in both the formal spaces of COP, such as side-events and negotiations, as well as informal or civil society spaces like marches and offsite events. Perceptions of youth participation varied among the interviewees and depended on the spaces or interactions discussed. Many expressed frustrations with the narrow opportunities for young people to engage in the official decision-making processes. However, despite the challenges to their participation in the formal spaces of COP26, young people experienced strong community connections with other youth, acquired new knowledge or skills, and established links and collaborative opportunities with other organisations and youth. In spite of the limitations, many saw value in the continued participation of young people in formal spaces of the COP and shared suggestions for enhancing young people’s engagement.
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Parisavtalets inverkan på utsläppsrättigheter : En undersökning av handeln med utsläppsrätter och dess förenlighet med Parisavtalets klimatmål / The impact of the Paris agreement on emission rights : An analysis of emissions trading and its compatibility with the Paris Agreement’s objectiveEkstrand, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten av utsläppsrätter samt om dessa kan inskränkas under åberopande av Parisavtalet. Parisavtalet är ett internationellt klimatavtal som trädde i kraft år 2016. Avtalet innebär huvudsakligen att ingående parter ska uppnå målet att begränsa den globala temperaturökningen till 1,5 grader Celsius, genom att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser. Avtalets målsättningar innebär inga skyldigheter för parterna, men trots det lades avtalet till grund för en nederländsk dom mot energikoncernen Shell år 2021. Domen innebär för Shell att minska utsläppen med 45 % fram till år 2030 i syfte att uppfylla Parisavtalet, vilket inskränker Shells utsläppsrättigheter. I artikel 3 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren av en utsläppsrätt har en rätt att släppa ut ett ton koldioxidekvivalenter. I artikel 12 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren har en rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter till fysiska och juridiska personer inom unionen. När domen mot Shell inskränker nämnda artiklar, väcks intresset för dels hur exklusivt utsläppsrätter ägs, dels hur rätten att överlåta kan inskränkas. I Sverige regleras utsläppsrätter i lag (2020:1173) om vissa utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige har under lång tid framstått som en förebild i att visa resten av världen att man kan föra en offensiv klimat- och miljöpolitik och att fortsätta vara ett välfärdsland. Trots det, kommer Sverige under år 2022 inte lyckas uppfylla sin del av Parisavtalet om inte kraftigare minskningar genomförs, varför rättigheter om utsläpp kan komma att inskränkas även här. Kortfattat framgår följande av uppsatsen. Endast innehavandet av en utsläppsrätt innebär inte en juridisk rätt att släppa ut. För det erfordras tillstånd. Tillståndet är villkorat och utsläppsrätten måste nyttjas inom den tilldelade handelsperioden, vilket innebär att ett exklusivt ägande inte kan anses föreligga. Således uppfyller inte en utsläppsrätt Elgebrants villkor för begreppet egendom. Överlåtelserätten, som innebär en oinskränkt rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter, faller emellertid under ett undantag vid tillämpning av Parisavtalet. Vidare har överlåtelserätten betydelse för statliga intäkter och företags överlevnad. En successiv minskning av växthusgaser är nödvändig för ett hållbart samhälle. Parisavtalet visar sig kunna inskränka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten i Sverige under vissa förutsättningar. Försiktighetsprincipen, i 2 kap. 3 § miljöbalken, får även betydelse i frågan.
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