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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitoramento das concentrações de aldeídos e BTEX como precursores de ozônio e o efeito final de semana das concentrações de ozônio na região de Bangu. / Monitoring of alehydes and BTEX as ozone precursors and weekend effect of ozone concentrations in the Bangu area.

Debora Bonfim Neves da Silva 25 February 2014 (has links)
O ozônio é um poluente secundário formado pela presença de poluentes atmosféricos primários e secundários formados a partir de uma sequência de reações entre o dióxido de nitrogênio e de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV). No grupo de compostos orgânicos voláteis estão os aldeídos e os BTEX. Os COVS são emitidos, no Rio de Janeiro, principalmente por veículos automotores. O presente estudo realizou então coletas de aldeídos e BTEX no período de 2013. Além disso, com dados de 2012 e 2013 de poluentes de uma rede automática de monitoramento analisou o possível efeito fim de semana existente na região. O efeito fim de semana é caracterizado por altas concentrações de ozônio no final de semana mesmo com a redução da frota das emissões de NOx e COVs neste período. / Ozone is a secondary pollutant formed in the presence of primary and other secondary pollutants in a sequence of reactions between nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the chemical group of volatile organic compounds are included aldehydes and BTEX. VOC are emitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro primarily by automobile vehicles. This study performed sampling of aldehydes and BTEX in the period of the year of 2013. Besides, using data imported of an automatic pollutant monitoring net of the years of 2012 and 2013, this study analyzed the possible weekend effect in this region. The weekend effect is characterized by high concentrations of ozone in the weekends, even with the reduction of the traffic, and the consequent reduction of the emissions of NOx and VOC in this period.

Avaliação de compostos orgânicos voláteis em lodos de esgotos para fins agrícolas / Evaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Sewage Sludge for Agricultural Use

Marcos Gualberto da Silva 29 October 2009 (has links)
O lodo de esgoto, também denominado biossólido, depois de tratado adequadamente, constitui fonte de matéria orgânica, micro e macro-nutrientes para o crescimento das plantas. A aplicação do lodo de esgoto no solo pode trazer benefícios tais como: distribuição em áreas para produção agrícola, recuperação de solos perdidos por erosão, aplicação em áreas de reflorestamento. Os lodos de esgotos, entretanto, são resíduos que contem patógenos, metais pesados, e poluentes orgânicos, entre estes os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs). A resolução CONAMA nº 375 em vigor no Brasil, assim como as regulamentações de outros países, não exigem valores limites para alguns COVs considerados prioritários. Uma base de dados sobre COVs em lodos de esgoto é necessário para estabelecer valores limites nos lodos usados para fins agrícolas. O presente trabalho evidenciou a presença de COVs em concentrações significativas nas amostras de lodo coletadas nas Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), Jundiaí, Vinhedo e Americana. Na ETE da RMSP foram encontrados vários COVs em concentrações significativas. Dentre os COVs identificados, apenas 1,4-diclorobenzeno e naftaleno apresentam valores permitidos em solo agrícola (390 e 120 µmg/kg, respectivamente) e valores de concentrações muito acima desses limites foram encontrados para as amostras de lodo da ETE de RMSP (845 a 2037 e 901 a 5670 µmg/kg, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, embora não forneçam dados suficientes para uma imediata tomada de decisão, permitem fornecer subsídios técnicos para iniciar uma base de dados sobre COVs em lodo de esgoto que, futuramente, utilizando-se metodologias adequadas, será útil para se realizar uma revisão das regulamentações vigentes para lodo de esgoto com finalidade agrícola. / The sewage sludge also entitled biosolid, after adequate treatment, is source of organic matter, micro and macronutrients for plants growth. The application of sewage sludge in soil may provide some benefits like: distribution in areas for agricultural production, recovery of degraded soil by erosion, application in areas of reforestation. However, sewage sludges are residues that contain phatogens, heavy metals, organic pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The current resolution in Brazil (CONAMA nº 375), as well as regulations from other countries do not establish acceptable levels for some priority VOCs. It is necessary to establish data a base related to VOCs in sewage sludge for agricultural use to be able to present acceptable levels of them. The present work reports the presence of VOCs at significant levels in sewage sludge samples collected at sewage treatment stations (ETE) in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo city (RMSP), Jundiaí, Vinhedo and Americana. Among VOCs identified, only 1,4 dichlorobenzene and naphthalene are regulated for use in agricultural soil (390 and 120 µg/kg, respectively) and levels found for sewage sludge samples from RMSPETE were higher than those regulated limits (845 to 2037 and 901 to 5670 µg/kg, respectively). Although results obtained in this study do not provide enough data for an immediate decision, results will be useful to start a data base regarding to VOCs in iv sewage sludge for agricultural use that, using adequate methodologies, will permit a review of current regulations on VOCs for agricultural use.

Impact du métabolisme des molécules odorantes sur la perception olfactive chez l'Homme / Influence of odorant metabolism on human olfactory perception

Robert-Hazotte, Aline 23 November 2018 (has links)
L’odorat est le sens qui permet de percevoir des substances volatiles appelées communément odeurs. Il joue un rôle important dans la subsistance et le bien être des individus car il intervient dans la communication avec leur environnement (recherche de nourriture, de partenaire, détection des prédateurs ...). L’efficacité du système olfactif repose en grande partie sur sa sensibilité, qui dépend de l’affinité des molécules odorantes pour leurs récepteurs olfactifs mais aussi d’un mécanisme de clairance enzymatique des molécules odorantes qui évite à ces récepteurs d’être saturés et qui implique les Enzymes du Métabolisme des Odorants ou EMO. En effet, des études récentes ont démontré que dans l’épithélium olfactif, les EMO qui biotransforment les molécules odorantes conduisent à l’arrêt du signal olfactif en désactivant ces molécules, ce qui permet leur élimination et participent donc ainsi in fine à la perception olfactive. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’apporter une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes enzymatiques impliquant les EMO dans la perception olfactive des mammifères et d’étudier plus particulièrement ces mécanismes chez l’Homme.Le premier axe de ce travail, basé sur des analyses physico-chimiques, a consisté à développer une technique innovante de spectrométrie de masse par réaction de transfert de protons (PTR-MS) permettant le suivi en temps réel de la biotransformation des molécules odorantes par les EMO. Cette technique a été utilisée ex vivo sur des prélèvements d’épithélium olfactif et du mucus olfactif de rat et de lapin et également in vivo directement au sein de la cavité nasale humaine. Ainsi, il a été démontré que la biotransformation olfactive de molécules odorantes catalysée par différentes enzymes de type glutathion transférases, carboxylestérases ou dicarbonyl xylulose réductases (DCXR) est un mécanisme très rapide (de l’ordre de la milliseconde) en parfaite adéquation avec la dynamique physiologique du processus olfactif. Ces analyses ont également révélé que la biotransformation des molécules odorantes peut conduire à la production de métabolites volatils odorants pouvant potentiellement participer à la perception olfactive globale en interagissant eux aussi avec les récepteurs olfactifs. Ces différents métabolites ont été formellement identifiés par une technique de chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (GC-MS).Le second axe de ce travail, reposant sur des analyses psychophysiques, a consisté à évaluer l’impact du métabolisme des molécules odorantes sur la perception olfactive chez l’Homme. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une stratégie originale de modulation de la perception olfactive reposant sur une compétition entre des molécules odorantes métabolisées par une même EMO, développée récemment au sein de l’équipe chez le lapin, a été transposée à l’Homme. La compétition entre des molécules odorantes de type dicétone vis-à-vis de l’enzyme DCXR a tout d’abord été démontrée in vitro par des analyses biochimiques sur l’enzyme recombinante humaine. Une méthode d’analyse par olfactométrie, appliquée à un panel de 40 sujets, a permis de démontrer que ce mécanisme de compétition entre molécules odorantes induit des modulations de la biotransformation de ces molécules conduisant ainsi à des modifications de leur biodisponibilité relative et in fine de leur perception. Ces résultats inédits démontrent que des modulations affectant la biotransformation d’un odorant conduisent instantanément à une modification de sa perception. Ces travaux de thèse précisent la fonction des EMO chez les mammifères et révèlent pour la première fois, chez l’Homme, une participation significative du métabolisme des molécules odorantes dans la perception olfactive. / The sense of smell permits the perception of volatile substances commonly known as odors. This sense plays an important role in the feeding and wellness of individuals because it involves exchanges with their environment (search for food or partners, predators detection…). The efficiency of the olfactory system mainly relies on its sensitivity depending on the odorant affinity for their olfactory receptors but also on an enzymatic clearance mechanism of odorants which involves the Odorant metabolizing Enzymes (OME) to avoid the saturation of the receptors. Recent studies have shown that the biotransformation of odorants by EMO, in the olfactory epithelium, participates in the olfactory perception. Indeed, OME catalyse the deactivation of the odorants and their subsequent elimination which led to the termination of the olfactory signal. In this context, this work aims to provide a better understanding of the enzymatic mechanisms of the OME in mammal olfactory perception and to study more specifically these mechanisms in human.The first axis of this work, based on physicochemical analysis, has consisted to develop an innovative proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry technique (PTR-MS) to allow the analysis in real time of the odorants biotransformation by OME. This technique was first applied ex vivo using rats and rabbits olfactory epithelium and olfactory mucus but also in vivo directly inside the human nasal cavity. Thus, we have demonstrated that the olfactory biotransformation of odorants catalyzed by different enzymes like glutathione transferases, carboxylesterases and dicarbonyl xylulose reductases (DCXR), is a very fast mechanism (few milliseconds). This very high velocity is perfectly consistent with the physiological dynamics of the olfactory process. Moreover, PTR-MS analyzes revealed that the odorants biotransformation could produce volatile metabolites with odorous properties which could participate in the global olfactory perception by interacting also with olfactory receptors. These various metabolites have been formally identified by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique (GC-MS).The second axis, based on psychophysical method, evaluated the impact of the odorant metabolism in the human olfactory perception. For this purpose, an original approach recently developed in the lab, consisting of the modulation of the olfactory perception through a competition between odorants metabolized by the same EMO was transposed from the rabbit model to the human. The metabolic competition between several diketones toward DCXR was first demonstrated by biochemical analysis using the corresponding human recombinant enzyme. Then, an olfactometric study carried out on a 40 subjects panel demonstrated that this competition mechanism between odorants induces modulations of the biotransformation of these molecules and thus leads to modifications of their relative bioavailability and in fine of their perception. These new and significant results demonstrate that modulations impacting odorants metabolism leads immediately to changes in their olfactory perception. This thesis highlights on the function of EMO in mammals and reveals for the first time in human a significant role of the odorant metabolism in olfactory perception.

Synthèse des matériaux nanoporeux pour la décontamination moléculaire et le stockage d'énergie / Synthesis of nanoporous materials for molecular decontamination and energy storage

Kabalan, Ihab 05 January 2016 (has links)
Les composés organiques volatiles (COVs) sont les polluants organiques atmosphériques les plus abondants. Parmi les différentes solutions pour combattre cette pollution, l'utilisation d'adsorbants moléculaires tels que les zéolithes semble être efficace. Cependant les synthèses classiques de zéolithes aboutissent généralement à des tailles de cristaux de l'ordre de plusieurs dizaines de micromètres. Les capacités et les cinétiques de piégeage, sensibles aux phénomènes de diffusion et de surface pourraient potentiellement être améliorées par l'utilisation de nanocristaux ou de produits zéolithiques hiérarchisés (micro/mésoporeux). Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons synthétisé des zéolithes aluminosiliciques ou purement siliciques de type structural FAU, MFI et *BEA. Ces dernières sont synthétisées avec différentes morphologies et tailles de particules telles que les nanocristaux et les zéolithes hiérarchisées (nanofeuillets et/ou nanoéponges en utilisant des agents structurants bifonctionnels). Ces matériaux sont comparés aux zéolithes conventionnelles, afin d'étudier l'influence de la morphologie sur la cinétique et la capacité de piégeage de COVs. Les caractéristiques structurales et texturales des zéolithes synthétisées ont été étudiées par ORX, MEB, manométrie d'adsorption/désorption de diazote, ATG-ATD, RMN du solide. Enfin, la capacité d'adsorption d'une molécule modèle, le n-hexane, au sein de ces zéolithes a été étudiée par thermogravimétrie. Dans le cas des zéolithes de type MFI et *BEA, les zéolithes hiérarchisées ont montré une augmentation de la capacité de piégeage en n-hexane par rapport aux zéolithes conventionnelles. La capacité de piégeage en n-hexane a été multipliée par 7 dans le cas des nanoéponges de type *BEA et par 6 dans le cas des nanocristaux de type *BEA comparés aux microcristaux de type *BEA (693 mg/g vs 103 mg/g et 591 mg/g vs 103 mg/g, respectivement). / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the most abundant organic pollutants. Among the various solutions to fight against this pollution, the use of molecular adsorbents appears as a potential alternative for the control of contamination. The porous materials have many advantages due to their low cost, their physical characteristics and their useful properties related to their structure and their large surface area. However, conventional synthesis of zeolites generally lead to micrometer size crystals. The capacity and the kinetics of adsorption that are sensitive to the diffusion and the surface phenomena could be potentially improved by the use of zeolite nanocrystals or hierarchical products (micro / mesoporous). These nanomaterials have high potential due to their small size and their exalted outer surface that promote access of pollutants and improve the adsorption capacity. ln the thesis work, we synthesized zeolites with different structural types such as FAU, MFI and *BEA. Each structure type was synthesized in different morphologies such as nanosponges and /or nanosheets using a bifunctional structuring agent, as well as nanocrystals by the clear solution method. These materials were compared with conventional micrometer-sized zeolites. The purity and the porous texture have been characterized by using XRD, SEM, nitrogen adsorption/desorption techniques, TGA-DTA and solid state NMR. Finally, the adsorption capacity of a model molecule, the n-hexane, in these zeolites have been studied by thermogravimetry. In the case of *BEA and MFI-type zeol ites, the hierarchical zeolites showed an increase of the adsorption capacity of n-hexane compared to conventional zeolites. The adsorption capacity of n-hexane was multiplied by 7 in the case of *BEA-type nanosponges and by 6 in the case of the *BEA-type nanocrystals compared to *BEA_type microcrystals (693 mg / g vs 103 mg / g and 591 mg / g vs 103 mg / g, respectively).

Ecologia química da cana-de-açúcar: caracterização das respostas de defesa em diferentes cultivares de cana-de-açúcar / Chemical ecology of sugarcane: characterization of defense responses in different sugarcane cultivars

Tavares, Sheila dos Santos 02 September 2016 (has links)
Sugarcane plants (Saccharum sp) originates from Southeast Asia but has adapted to the climate and soil in Brazil thus become the main crop for ethanol and sugar production. The main obstacles in sugarcane production are pests and plant diseases. Amongst the various sugarcane pests, Diatrea saccharalis, are of great importance as they attack the sugarcane stalk. Upon attack, sugarcane plants combine constitutive and induced defenses in order to prevent further damage. Volatile organic compounds and secondary metabolites are two mechanisms synthetized by the plant that provides protection against herbivores. Based on the attributes, secondary metabolites have gained great interest as a tool for pest management. This study aims to identify volatile metabolites and metabolite alterations upon herbivore attack in different sugarcane cultivars in order to determine resistance. In addition, the effect of various chlorogenic acid doses on the different life stages of D. saccharalis was evaluated. Initially, two sugarcane cultivars were analyzed, SP81-3250 and SP89-1115, that are considered to be susceptible and resistant, respectively. These cultivars were acquired by the germplant bank of the Genetic Improvement Program of sugarcane at the Federal University of Viscosa (RIDESA). In addition, different material from the Saccharum Complex was used, including Saccharum officinarum, Saccharum officinarum (Caiana), Miscanthu and Erianthus, all acquired from EMBRAPA Tabuleiros Costeiros. The following behavioral assays were conducted: choice assays using wind tunnel, oviposition assays and larval performance when exposed to two plant cultivars (SP81-3250 and SP89-1115). Extraction and identification of phenolic compounds, DIMBOA and chlorogenic acid from SP81-3250 and SP89-1115 was conducted. Results from the no choice oviposition assay using D.saccaralis demonstrated a significant preference for oviposition on the SP89-1115 cultivar. There was a significant difference between the volatile profiles of the two different cultivars, which could explain the preference of D.saccaralis. The two cultivars also presented a quantitative difference of phenolic compounds present in both leaf and root tissue with and without infestation, chlorogenic acid was only detected in leaf tissue and at higher concentrations in the resistant cultivar. Feeding adult D. saccharalis with a diet containing chlorogenic acid resulted in deformation after emerging from the pupae. The various materials from the “Saccharum complex” presented a varied VOC profile. This study demonstrated that there is a difference between cultivars of sugarcane plants and their direct and indirect defense mechanisms. This provides a potential aspect that should be further explored within genetic programs of sugarcane and the development of resistant cultivars. / A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.) é uma planta originária do sudeste da Ásia que adaptou-se bem ao clima e solo do Brasil, sendo a principal matéria-prima para a produção de etanol e açúcar. Um dos grandes entraves à produção de cana-de-açúcar ainda é o ataque de pragas e doenças. Dentre as pragas mais importantes para a cultura estão as que atacam o colmo e entre elas a broca-da-cana, Diatraea saccharalis. As plantas ao serem atacadas se protegem através da combinação de defesas constitutivas e induzidas que consequentemente, podem interromper a propagação do dano. Entre essas defesas está a síntese de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) e a produção de metabólicos secundários tóxicos que lhes atribui proteção contra diferentes herbívoros. Este trabalho busca Identificar os metabólitos voláteis e as alterações metabólicas em diferentes cultivares de cana-de-açúcar que sejam induzidas em resposta a herbivoria, visando a busca de novas fontes de resistência. Além disso, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses do ácido clorogênico sobre as diferentes fases do ciclo de vida de D. saccharalis. Primeiramente duas cultivares de cana-de-açucar foram analisadas SP81-3250 e SP89-1115 (consideradas resistente e suscetível, respectivamente). Estas foram adquiridas junto ao banco de germoplasma do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de cana-de-açúcar da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (RIDESA). Num segundo momento utilizaram-se diferentes materiais do “complexo Saccharum”, entre elas Saccharum officinarum, Saccharum officinarum (Caiana), Miscanthu e Erianthus que foram adquiridos junto a EMBRAPA Tabuleiros Costeiros. Foram realizados bioensaios de preferência em túnel de vento, comportamento de oviposição e performance larval, além de extração e identificação de compostos fenólicos, DIMBOA e ácido clorogênico nas duas cultivares SP81-3250 e SP89-1115. No teste de oviposição com chance de escolha D. saccharalis a mostrou preferência de oviposição para a cultivar suscetível SP89-1115. As diferenças encontradas entre os perfis dos COVs podem auxiliar a explicar este comportamento. As duas cultivares também apresentaram diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas nos compostos fenólicos presentes nos tecidos foliares e radiculares com e sem infestação, entre eles, o ácido clorogênico que foi detectado apenas no tecido foliar e em maior concentração na cultivar resistente. Quando adultos de D. saccharalis foram alimentados com dietas adicionadas de ácido clorogênico, estes apresentaram má formação após emergirem das pupas. Os diferentes materiais do “complexo Saccharum” apresentaram também diferenças nos perfil de COVs. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que diferentes cultivares de cana-de-açúcar possuem respostas de defesa direta e indireta distintas, apresentando-se como potencial a ser explorado e aplicado em Programas Genético de cana-de-açúcar no desenvolvimento de materiais mais resistentes.

Análise metabolômica e de metabólitos orgânicos voláteis em plantas de cana-de-açúcar em associação com microrganimos diazotróficos / Metabolomics and analysis of volatile organic metabolites in plants of sugarcane in association with micro diazotróficos

Albuquerque, Demetrios José de 26 November 2015 (has links)
In the current agriculture is essential to adopt management strategies, low environmental impact. In this context, the environment comprising plant roots is of utmost importance, since they are in constant contact with microorganisms such as growth promoting rhizobacteria (RPCPs), known to affect the metabolism and resistance of plants, may help them dealing with biotic and abiotic stresses via promotion of growth, induced resistance, production of phytohormones compounds, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ability to fix nitrogen. Studies of associative rhizobacteria led to discovery of Azospirillum genus isolated in grasses and cereals grown in several countries of tropical and temperate. Regarding endophytic microorganisms G. diazotrophicus is a Gram-negative bacteria, obligatory aerobic and non-spore forming isolated initially from sugar cane in Brazil. This study was based on the assumption that the RPCPs can change the resistance of plants to insect herbivores, and to evaluate the influence of the joint action of two strains of RPCPs (Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus and Azospirillum sp) in metabolome of plant cane -Sugar variety SP 79-1011 but also in plant defense mechanism herbivory by Diatraea saccharalis. The metabolites present in higher concentration both in inoculated plants as on control plants were identified by analysis metaolomica by the NMR technique. Compounds identified in higher concentration in inoculated plants were carbohydrates, aromatic compounds, amino acids and organic acids. In control plants and amino compounds were inetrmediarios Krebs cycle. Changes in the volatile organic compounds VOCs profile were identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Qualitative and quantitative changes have occurred in the overall volatile profile emitted by plants inoculated as compared to the profile of volatile issued by the control plants, which could be contributing to preference Diatraea saccharalis the control plants from the plants inoculated in bioassay chance choice. VOCs present changes in the profile of infested plants with Diatraea saccharalis. Bioassay no choice there was no significant difference in saccharalis Diatraea weight gain fed control or inoculated plants. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na agricultura atual é essencial a adoção de estratégias de manejo, de baixo impacto ambiental. Nesse contexto o ambiente que engloba as raízes das plantas é de extrema importância, uma vez que ela está em constante contato com microrganismos tais como rizobactérias promotoras do crescimento (RPCPs), conhecidos por afetar o metabolismo e a resistência das plantas, podendo ajuda-las a lidar com estresses bióticos e abióticos via promoção de crescimento, resistência induzida, produção de compostos fitohormonios, compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) e capacidade de fixar nitrogênio. Estudos com as rizobactérias associativas levaram a descoberta do gênero Azospirillum, isolado em gramíneas forrageiras e cereais cultivados em diversos países de clima tropical e temperado. Em relação aos microrganismos endofíticos G. diazotrophicus é uma bactéria Gram-negativa, aeróbica obrigatória e não-formadora de esporos isolada inicialmente a partir de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil. O presente estudo foi embasado na hipótese de que as RPCPs podem alterar a resistência de plantas a insetos herbívoros, tendo como objetivo avaliar a influencia da ação conjunta de duas estirpes de RPCPs (Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus e Azospirillum sp) no metaboloma de plantas de cana-de-açúcar da variedade SP 79-1011 como também nos mecanismo de defesa da planta a herbivoria por Diatraea saccharalis. Os metabólitos presentes em maior concentração tanto em plantas inoculadas quanto em plantas do controle foram identificados por análise metaolômica pela técnica de RMN. Os compostos identificados em maior concentração nas plantas inoculadas foram carboidratos, compostos aromáticos, aminoácidos e ácidos orgânicos. Nas plantas do controle os compostos foram aminoácido e inetrmediários do ciclo de Krebs. Alterações no perfil de compostos orgânicos voláteis COVs foram identificados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas. Alterações qualitativas e quantitativas ocorreram no perfil geral de voláteis emitidos pelas plantas inoculadas quando comparado ao perfil de voláteis emitido pelas plantas do controle, fato que poderia estar contribuindo para preferência de Diatraea saccharalis pelas plantas do controle em relação as plantas inoculadas no bioensaio com chance de escolha. Ocorreu alteração no perfil de COVs de plantas infestadas com Diatraea saccharalis. No bioensaio sem chance de escolha não se observou diferença significativa no ganho de peso de Diatraea saccharalis alimentadas com plantas do controle ou inoculadas.

Estudo químico de Annona coriacea Mart. E Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae) / Chemical study of Annona coriacea Mart. and Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae)

Junqueira, João Gabriel Moraes 26 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2016-01-29T13:15:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - João Gabriel Moraes Junqueira - 2015.pdf: 5620624 bytes, checksum: b030b0a7744d9893a10756f4cef1821c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2016-01-29T13:17:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - João Gabriel Moraes Junqueira - 2015.pdf: 5620624 bytes, checksum: b030b0a7744d9893a10756f4cef1821c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-29T13:17:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - João Gabriel Moraes Junqueira - 2015.pdf: 5620624 bytes, checksum: b030b0a7744d9893a10756f4cef1821c (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / CHAPTER 01: CHEMICAL STUDY OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Annona coriacea Mart. AND Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart (Annonaceae) - In this research was performed the study of the chemical profile of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of flowers and leaves of species Annona coriacea and Xylopia aromatica (Annonaceae) by means of extraction in vivo and in vitro, through the techniques headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME), hydrodistillation and characterization by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). By the analysis of the volatile fraction of flowers and leaves of A. coriacea it was observed different VOCs, according to the coatings utilized, since the selection of the fiber becomes one of the main factors for VOCs analysis in different vegetables parts. The chemical profile of the flowers of X. aromatica was obtained through HS-SPME, which compared the efficiency of in vivo and in vitro extractions, due to the higher number of VOCs present in the floral aroma. Once were obtained various chemical data, the multivariate analysis of the data was performed, which provided relevant information, contributing to the optimization of some conditions, such as selection of fiber, extraction time and extraction temperature yielded the characterization of the most number of VOCs. In this context, the conditions that presented the most promising results were: fibers CAR/PDMS and PA, extraction time equal the 60 min and extraction temperature of 29 °C. The essential oil of the flowers of X. aromatica was obtained by hydrodistillation and chemically characterized by GC-MS. The major compound present was the pentadecan-2-one (16.38%). The extraction techniques utilized were helpful, however there was qualitative and quantitative variation of VOCs, which is expected due to the extraction process be different. Thus, it is observed that depending on the objective of the survey or that searches for in the volatile fraction, it is necessary to use the technique to give the most promising results for the investigation held or in order to complement each other. In this way, the study of A. coriacea and X. aromatica contributed to the knowledge of the chemical profile of VOCs present in these species, seen from these investigations that the same can be applied in several industrial areas, for example cosmetic, food, among others. / CAPÍTULO 01: ESTUDO QUÍMICO DOS COMPOSTOS ORGÂNICOS VOLÁTEIS DE Annona coriacea Mart. E Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart (Annonaceae) - Nesta pesquisa realizou-se o estudo do perfil químico dos compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) das flores e folhas das espécies Annona coriacea e Xylopia aromatica (Annonaceae), por meio da extração in vivo e in vitro, através das técnicas de headspace-microextração em fase sólida (HS-SPME), hidrodestilação e caracterização via cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). Pela análise da fração volátil das flores e folhas de A. coriacea observou-se COVs diferentes, de acordo com os revestimentos usados, visto que a seleção da fibra se torna um dos principais fatores para a análise de COVs em partes vegetais diferentes. O perfil químico das flores de X. aromatica foi obtido via HS-SPME, em que se comparou a eficiência das extrações in vivo e in vitro, em função do maior número de COVs presentes no aroma floral. Uma vez que foram obtidos vários dados químicos, foi realizada a análise multivariada dos mesmos, a qual forneceu informações relevantes, contribuindo para a otimização de algumas condições, tais como seleção da fibra, tempo de extração e temperatura de extração que rendessem a caracterização do maior número de COVs. Neste contexto, as condições que apresentaram os resultados mais promissores foram: fibras de CAR/PDMS e PA, tempo de extração igual a 60 min e temperatura de extração de 29 oC. O óleo essencial das flores de X. aromatica foi obtido por hidrodestilação e caracterizado quimicamente por CG-EM. O composto majoritário presente foi a pentadecan-2-ona (16,38%). As técnicas de extração utilizadas foram úteis, entretanto houve variação quali e quantitativa dos COVs, o que é esperado devido ao processo de extração ser diferente. Assim, observou-se que dependendo do objetivo da pesquisa ou do que se procura na fração volátil, faz-se necessária a utilização da técnica que dê os resultados mais promissores para a investigação realizada ou de forma que se complementem. Desta maneira, o estudo de A. coriacea e X. aromatica contribuiu para o conhecimento do perfil químico dos COVs presentes nestas espécies, visto que a partir destas investigações os mesmos podem ser aplicados em várias áreas industriais, por exemplo cosmético, alimentos, dentre outros.

Spécialisation d'hôte au sein d'une communauté d'insectes phytophages : le cas des Tephritidae à La Réunion / Host specialization within a community of phytophagous insects : the case of Tephritidae in Reunion

Charlery de la Masselière, Maud 19 September 2017 (has links)
Les insectes phytophages forment un groupe d’organismes très diversifié et la plupart sont considérés comme spécialistes. Les patrons de spécialisation des insectes vis à vis de leurs plantes hôtes dépendent en partie de leur capacité à interagir avec les plantes (niche fondamentale) et aux facteurs environnementaux modulant ces interactions et aboutissant aux observations en milieu naturel (niche réalisée). La spécialisation fondamentale est déterminée par l'évolution conjointe de deux traits : la performance des larves et la préférence des femelles. Pour comprendre cette spécialisation, nous avons étudié une communauté de huit espèces de mouches des fruits (Diptera : Tephritidae) présentes à La Réunion. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé la niche réalisée de chaque espèce et montré que ces niches étaient structurées par la phylogénie des plantes avec D. demmerezi, D. ciliatus et Z. cucurbitae spécialistes des Cucurbitaceae, N. cyanescensspécialiste des Solanaceae et C. catoirii, C. capitata et C. quilicii généralistes attaquant des plantes de différentes familles. Après l'invasion de B. zonata en 2000, C. capitata et C. quilicii ont subi une réduction de leur gamme d'hôtes. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons déterminé la niche fondamentale de ces espèces (sauf D. ciliatus). Nous avons évalué les préférences des femelles en mesurant la fécondité de chacune d’entre elles sur une gamme de 29 fruits, puis nous avons testé l'existence d'une corrélation entre la préférence des femelles et la performance des larves (mother knows best hypothesis). Nous avons montré une corrélation positive chez spécialistes des Cucurbitaceae qui pondent sur les plantes pour lesquelles les larves survivent le mieux contrairement aux généralistes pondant et survivant sur une large gamme d'hôtes mais sans corrélation entre ces deux traits.Enfin, la sélection de l'hôte par les femelles se faisant principalement grâce aux composés organiques volatils (COVs) émis par les fruits, nous avons montré que les fruits infestés par les généralistes ont pour point commun l'émission de COVs responsables de la maturation des fruits. Au contraire, les fruits de plusieurs Solanaceae émettent des COVs spécifiques suggérant la détection de ceux-ci par les femelles de N. cyanescens. Les Cucurbitaceae émettent des COVs abondants peu présents dans les autres familles suggérant une détection d'un mélange spécifique de ces COVs par les Tephritidae spécialistes des Cucurbitaceae. / Phytophagous insects are a very diverse group of organisms and most of them are considered as specialized. Patterns of specialization regarding their host plants depend on their ability to interact with their hosts (fundamental niche) and on environmental factors which modulate these interactions leading to observed patterns in the field (realized niche). Fundamental specialization is determined by the joint evolution of two traits: larval performance and female preference. To understand this specialization, we studied a community of eight fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) present in La Réunion.First, we determined the realized niche of each species and showed that they were structured by plant phylogeny with D. demmerezi, D. ciliatus and Z. cucurbitae as Cucurbitaceae specialists, N. cyanescens as Solanaceae specialist and C. catoirii, C. capitata et C. quilicii as generalists feeding on plants belonging to different families. After the invasion of B. zonata in 2000, C. capitata et C. quilicii were subjected to a decrease of their host range.Then, we determined the fundamental niche of these species (except D. ciliatus). We assessed female preferences by measuring their fecundity on 29 fruits, then we tested the presence of a correlation between female preference and larval performance (mother knows best hypothesis). We showed a positive correlation for Cucurbitaceae specialists laying eggs on plants where larvae survive the best, at the opposite of generalist species laying eggs and surviving on many hosts without any correlation between these two traits.Finally, host selection by females being mostly done thanks to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by fruits, we showed that fruits infested by generalist species have common VOCs responsible for fruit maturation. On the contrary, the fruits of several Solanaceae emit specific VOCs suggesting their detection by N. cyanescens females. Cucurbitaceae species emit abundant VOCs rarely present in other families suggesting a detection of a specific blend of these VOCS by Cucurbitaceae specialists.

Exposition fœtale à différentes familles de xénobiotiques en Bretagne : analyse de la matrice méconium / Fetal exposure to different families of xenobiotics in Brittany, France : analysis of meconium matrix

Meyer, Marie 22 December 2014 (has links)
Le méconium constitue les premières selles du nourrisson. Cette matrice complexe est analysée dans le cadre du projet « PENEW » (Pregnancy Environment and NEWborn malformations) afin de déterminer si le degré d'exposition fœtale aux xénobiotiques joue un rôle dans la survenue de malformations congénitales. Le but de cette étude était le développement analytique pour la détection et la quantification dans le méconium d’une quarantaine de composés de familles différentes (composés organiques volatils, pesticides, éthers de glycol et les métabolites associés). Trois techniques analytiques différentes et une préparation d’échantillon spécifiques ont été développées pour la détection et la quantification de ces composés dans le méconium. L’application des ces méthodes à 246 échantillons de méconium a montré une exposition fœtale à plusieurs des substances recherchées. / Meconium is the earliest stool of newborns. This complex matrix was analyzed through the "PENEW" project (Pregnancy and Newborn malformations Environment) to determine if the degree of fetal exposure to xenobiotics has an influence in the occurrence of birth defects. The objective of this thesis was developed analytical methods for the detection and quantification of several different families of compounds (volatile organic compounds, pesticides, glycol ethers and their metabolites) in meconium. Three different analytical methods and a specific sample preparation have been developed for the detection and quantification of these compounds in the meconium. The application of these methods to 246 meconium samples showed a fetal exposure to several target compounds.

Caractérisation de l’impact des interactions chimiques sur la variabilité interindividuelle de la toxicocinétique des composés organiques volatiles, et portée sur une approche appliquée de dosimétrie inverse

Tohon, Honesty G. 04 1900 (has links)
La biosurveillance humaine consiste en des mesures de produits chimiques ou de leurs métabolites dans des liquides biologiques. Ces données biologiques sont souvent interprétées en les comparant à des valeurs dites bio-équivalentes aux valeurs toxicologiques de référence (VTR) qui ont été pour la plupart définies grâce à l’utilisation de modèles animaux dans un contexte de simple exposition chimique. Pourtant, elles peuvent résulter de co-expositions multivoies (cas des composés organiques volatils (COVs)) pouvant donner lieu à des interactions toxicocinétiques chez humain. Des approches de modélisation toxicocinétique à base physiologique (TCBP) ont été conçues pour étudier ces interactions. Mais, leur impact sur la variabilité interindividuelle (VI) de la toxicocinétique des substances individuelles, et l’évaluation résultante du risque toxique des contaminants chimiques suite à une exposition multivoies, n’ont que peu ou pas été investigués. Par ailleurs, des études proposent une approche de reconstitution directe de l’exposition chimique externe à partir de mesures sanguines de COVs (composés parents) grâce à des modèles TCBP probabilistes, souvent construits pour des adultes de 70 kg, et des calculs de probabilité. C’est la dosimétrie inverse. Mais les incertitudes associées aux estimations d’exposition externe faites grâce à cette approche à partir de mesures biologiques ponctuelles collectées lors des enquêtes de santé n’ont presque pas été étudiées. La présente recherche doctorale vise à caractériser l’impact des co-expositions chimiques multivoies sur la variabilité interindividuelle de la toxicocinétique des COVs, en vue d’en tenir éventuellement compte dans la mise au point dans cette thèse d’approches appliquées de dosimétrie inverse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons construit des modèles TCBP multivoies pour deux mélanges (benzène, toluène, éthylbenzène et m-xylène (BTEX) d’une part, et trichloroéthylène et chlorure de vinyle (TCE-CV) d’autre part) pour des sous-populations humaines d’âges différents (y compris une sous-population d’adultes). Ces modèles ont été couplés à des simulations de Monte Carlo pour explorer l’impact des co-expositions multivoies sur la VI de la toxicocinétique des substances individuelles en cas d’expositions ‘’faibles’’ ou ‘’élevées’’. Des index de variabilité (IV) ont été calculés comme étant le rapport du 95 ème centile de la distribution d’une dose interne chez les autres sous-populations étudiées au 50 ème centile de la même distribution chez les adultes. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons raffiné l’approche existante de dosimétrie inverse en développant des modèles TCBP probabilistes d’inhalation pour des sous-populations canadiennes (d’âge, de poids corporel et de taille différents) dont les mesures sanguines de toluène ont été collectées lors du cycle 3 de l’enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé (ECMS-3), en vue de reconstituer leur exposition externe correspondante. Enfin, nous avons développé une approche individuelle de dosimétrie inverse pour estimer l’exposition externe au toluène à partir des mesures urinaires d’un de ses métabolites (l’acide S-benzylmercapturique, ou en anglais : S-benzylmercapturic acid ou BMA) rapportées chez des individus Canadiens. Ici, deux techniques ont été testées pour cette estimation : estimer l’exposition au toluène à partir des mesures ponctuelles de BMA urinaire d’une journée complète obtenues chez chaque individu et estimer l’exposition à partir d’une mesure individuelle de BMA urinaire sur des urines de 24 h. L’approche individuelle nous a permis de proposer une méthode pour quantifier l’incertitude, c’est-à-dire l’erreur possible, sur les estimations d’exposition externe faites par dosimétrie inverse à partir des mesures ponctuelles provenant des enquêtes de santé. Cette étude doctorale a révélé que l’impact des co-expositions multivoies sur la VI toxicocinétique peut dépendre des composés des mélanges et du niveau d’exposition à ces substances. Par exemple, la variation obtenue sur les IVs basés sur la quantité de substance métabolisée par les CYP2E1 est d’environ -9 à -5 % et -38 à -33% pour le benzène respectivement pour les expositions ‘’faibles’’ et ‘’élevées’’ simulées au mélange. Pour le CV et le TCE, elle est respectivement de -17 à -13% et -20 à -11% pour les expositions ‘’élevées’’, et nulle pour les ‘’faibles’’ expositions au mélange. Les expositions au toluène dans l’air estimées par dosimétrie inverse dans cette thèse (médianes entre 0,004 et 0,01 ppm) sont bien en dessous des valeurs guides maximales recommandées par Santé Canada pour une exposition chronique et suggèrent une exposition via l’air intérieur. L’incertitude mentionnée plus haut, quant à elle, varie entre 15 et 23 % dans le cadre de nos travaux. La présente étude doctorale a contribué à améliorer l’évaluation du risque toxicologique des COVs. / Human biomonitoring consists in the measurements of chemicals or their metabolites in biological matrices. These biological data are often interpreted by comparison with so-called bio-equivalent values to the toxicological reference values (TRV) which have for the most part been defined through the use of animal models in a context of simple chemical exposure. However, biomonitoring data can result from multi-routes co-exposures to multiple chemical such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which can give rise to toxicokinetic interactions in the human body. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling approaches have been developed to study these interactions. But, their impact on the interindividual variability (IV) of the toxicokinetics of individual substances, and the evaluation of the toxic risk of chemical contaminants, that may result from multi-routes exposure, have only been sparsely studied. Further, the scientific literature suggests an approach for the direct reconstruction of external chemical exposure from blood measurements of VOCs’ parent compounds. This is generally done for 70-kg adults by the use of appropriate PBPK models, combined with a probability calculation approach, in a process called “reverse dosimetry”. But the uncertainties associated with estimates of external exposure made using this approach from biological spot measurements collected during health surveys have hardly been studied. The current doctoral research aims to characterize the impact of multi-routes chemical co-exposures on the interindividual variability of toxicokinetics, in order to account it for in the development in this thesis of applied approaches of reverse dosimetry. First, we built multi-routes probabilistic PBPK models for two mixtures (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and m-xylene (BTEX) on one hand, and trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride (TCE-VC) on the other hand) for human subpopulations of different ages (including one of adults). These models were coupled with Monte Carlo simulations in order to explore the impact of multi-routes co-exposures on the IV of the toxicokinetics of individual compounds at ‘low’ or ‘high’ exposures. Variability indices (VIs) were calculated as the ratio of the 95th percentile value of the distribution of an internal dose in the other subpopulations studied to the 50th percentile value of the same distribution in adults. In a second step, we refined the existing reverse dosimetry approach by developing probabilistic inhalation PBPK models for Canadian subpopulations (of different age, body weight and size) whose blood toluene measurements were collected during the third cycle of Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS-3), in order to reconstruct their corresponding external exposure. Finally, we have developed an individual reverse dosimetry approach to estimate external exposure to toluene from urinary measurements of one of its metabolites (S-benzylmercapturic acid or BMA) reported in Canadian individuals. Two techniques were tested here for this estimation: estimating toluene exposure from spot measurements of urinary BMA of a full day obtained in each individual and estimating exposure from an individual measurement of urinary BMA performed on 24-h urines. The individual approach allowed us to propose a method to quantify the uncertainty, that means the possible error, on the estimates of external exposure made by reverse dosimetry from spot measurements from health surveys. This doctoral study revealed that the impact of multi-routes co-exposures on IV of toxicokinetics may depend on the compounds in the mixtures and the level of exposure to these substances. For example, the variation obtained on the amount of substance metabolized by CYP2E1-based VIs based is about -9 to -5% and -38 to -33% for benzene respectively for 'low' and 'high' exposures simulated to the mixture. For VC and TCE, it is respectively about -17 to -13% and -20 to -11% for "high" exposures, and zero for "low" exposures to the mixture. The exposures to toluene in air estimated by reverse dosimetry in this thesis (median between 0.004 and 0.01 ppm) are well below the maximum guideline values recommended by Health Canada for chronic exposure and suggest an exposure of Canadian studied via indoor air. The uncertainty mentioned above varies between 15 and 23% in the context of our work. The present doctoral study has contributed to improving the assessment of the toxicological risk of VOCs.

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