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Estimació de la magnitud de l'efecte en dissenys de cas únicRumenov Manolov, Rumen 07 July 2010 (has links)
La present tesi doctoral que porta per títol "Estimació de la magnitud de l'efecte en dissenys de cas únic" és un compendi de quatre articles publicats. S'explora el rendiment de tècniques analítiques amb dades d'N=1 generades mitjançant mètodes Monte Carlo. Degut a les limitacions de diversos procediments per a presa de decisions estadístiques (e.g., tècniques estadístiques clàssiques, models ARIMA, proves d'aleatorització) i les recomanacions sobre la complementació dels "p" valors amb estimacions de la grandària d'efecte, el focus dels estudis són procediments que quantifiquen la magnitud de l'efecte.El primer estudi compara tècniques amb diferents fonaments - diferència estandarditzada de mitjanes, anàlisi de la regressió i anàlisi visual. Els resultats suggereixen que les tècniques més sofisticades, dissenyades per controlar la relació entre les mesures i el moment en què s'han obtingut, rendeixen de forma menys satisfactòria, mostrant una afectació més gran per l'autocorrelació i distingint menys entre presència i absència d'efecte. Els procediments més simples mostren un rendiment més apropiat respecte els dos criteris. El segon estudi focalitza una d'aquestes tècniques - el Percentatge de dades no solapades (PND) - i dos propostes recents per millor el seu rendiment. Cap de les tres tècniques es mostra superior a la resta seguint tots i cadascun dels criteris: PEM és menys afectat per l'autocorrelació en absència d'efecte, PAND és menys afectat per la tendència, PND és més sensible a efectes del tractament i produeix unes estimacions més baixes en absència d'efecte (i.e., filtrant les intervencions inefectives l'aplicació de les quals implicaria despeses injustificades). Al tercer estudi es dissenya un pas de correcció de les dades per eliminar la tendència de la fase de línia base de la totalitat de la sèrie de dades abans d'aplicar el PND. Aquest pas es mostra efectiu, atès que no s'observa sobreestimació ni subestimació en presència de tendència, independentment de l'efectivitat del tractament. L'impacte de l'autocorrelació positiva s'atenua. La distinció entre condicions amb i sense efecte del tractament és més gran pel procediment original. El quart estudi neix de la necessitat d'elaborar un procediment que funcioni bé (i.e., que estimi de forma precisa el canvi comportamental present a les dades) en lloc d'identificar merament el procediment que rendeix millor que altres en termes relatius. El procediment proposat - SLC - es basa en l'estratègia de correcció de les dades del tercer estudi. Inclou tres passos: eliminació de la tendència de la fase de línia base, estimació del canvi de pendent i estimació del canvi de nivell. Els resultats suggereixen que el procediment no és esbiaixat per cap de les condicions experimentals estudiades. L'estimació és més eficient (i.e, la variabilitat dels estimadors és més petita) per autocorrelació positiva i efectes progressius.En general els resultats subratllen la importància d'estudiar les tècniques proposades per dades d'N=1 utilitzant dades amb característiques conegudes, atès que en alguns casos els procediments conceptualment més apropiats no són els que rendeixen millor. La tria i la recomanació del procediment a aplicar s'ha de basar en els atributs de les dades, com per exemple la presència d'autocorrelació (difícil de detectar mitjançat tècniques estadístiques en sèries curtes de dades), la presència de tendència general i el tipus d'efecte de la intervenció (tots dos identificables mitjançant inspecció visual). Tenint en compte que l'anàlisi visual és la tècnica més freqüentment emprada pels psicòlegs a l'hora d'analitzar dades de cas únic, és important que les tècniques quantitatives siguin compatibles amb aquesta. En qualsevol cas, tots dos tipus de procediments s'han de conceptualitzar com a eines per ajudar als judicis dels professionals sobre l'efectivitat del tractament, ja que el seu coneixement sobre el client, el context i els canvis rellevants en el comportament és indispensable. / The present doctoral thesis entitled "Magnitude of effect estimation in single-case designs" is a compendium of four published articles. It deals with exploring the performance of analytical techniques for N=1 data generated using Monte Carlo methods.The first study compares techniques with different fundaments (standardized mean difference, regression analysis, and visual analysis), the former performing less satisfactorily in terms of affection by autocorrelation and effect detection. The second study centres on one of better performers, PND, and two recent proposals intended to improve its performance. None of the three techniques outperforms the remaining ones according to all criteria: PEM is less affected by autocorrelation in absence of effect, PAND is less affected by trend, and PND is more sensitive to treatment effects and yields lower estimates in absence of effect (i.e., filtering ineffective treatments whose application would lead to unjustified costs). In the third study, a data correction step is designed in order to remove baseline phase trend form the whole data series prior to applying PND. This step proves to be effective, since trend's effect is eliminated, whereas autocorrelations' effect is attenuated. The fourth study arises from the need to elaborate a procedure for quantifying behavioural change, estimating separately slope change and level change, after removing baseline trend. The results suggest that the procedure is unbiased for all experimental conditions tested. The estimation is more efficient (i.e., the variability of the estimators is lower) for positive autocorrelation and for progressive effects.The choice and the recommendation of a procedure to be applied have to be based on the data features such as the presence of autocorrelation (hardly detectable by statistical techniques in short data series), the presence of general trend and the type of intervention effect (identified by visual inspection). Since visual analysis is the most frequently used technique by psychologists for single-case data analysis, any quantitative technique needs to be compatible with it. Both types of procedures ought to be conceptualized as tools aiding the professionals' judgment on treatment effectiveness, as his/her knowledge on the client, the setting, and the relevant changes in the behaviour are indispensable.
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Complex adaptive systems and organisational understanding in the Royal Australian Air ForceBrown, Callum Soutar Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation contends that an instrument developed through using a model of complex adaptive systems as a generative metaphor will assist members of an organisation to better understand their organisation. Using an action research methodology, six Air Force Management Services Teams were exposed to six overlapping attributes of complex adaptive systems through focus group workshops with an aim to determine whether they, as experienced management consulting practitioners, saw value to themselves and their Air Force clients of using aspects of complex adaptive systems for organisational understanding. The overlapping attributes of complex adaptive systems were distilled from the literature reviewed. Whereas the focus group workshop participants found the attributes valuable in understanding the dynamics of organisational behaviour, they found the new way of thinking challenging on a number of different perspectives. Some aspects of the Air Force organisation, like its high levels of organisational experience, will make the introduction to and use of complex adaptive systems thinking simpler, while other aspects of the Air Force organisation, like its sensitivity to complex adaptive systems terminology, will make the introduction and use of complex adaptive systems more challenging. Notwithstanding the challenges, both the complex adaptive systems model, and the use of action research were found to be useful ways of introducing organisations to complex adaptive systems thinking.
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Outsides-in insides-out, a leadership system case study of one Canadian Indian ReserveMcDonald, Ryan January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Les spécificités de la gestion du rendement des professionnels : études de cas dans deux organisations françaisesDebrat, Solange January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Study on application possibilities of Case-Based Reasoning on the domain of scheduling problems / Etude de l'application du raisonnement à partir de cas pour des problèmes d'ordonnancementKocsis, Tibor 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux concernent la mise en place d'un système d'aide à la décision, s'appuyant sur le raisonnement à partir de cas, pour la modélisation et la résolution des problèmes d'ordonnancement en génie des procédés. Une analyse de co-citation a été exécutée afin d'extraire de la littérature la connaissance nécessaire à la construction de la stratégie d'aide à la décision et d'obtenir une image de la situation, de l'évolution et de l'intensité de la recherche du domaine des problèmes d'ordonnancement. Un système de classification a été proposée, et la nomenclature proposée par Blazewicz et al. (2007) a été étendue de manière à pouvoir caractériser de manière complète les problèmes d'ordonnancement et leur mode de résolution. Les difficultés d'adaptation du modèle ont été discutées, et l'efficacité des quatre modèles de littérature a été comparée sur trois exemples de flow-shop. Une stratégie de résolution est proposée en fonction des caractéristiques du problème mathématique. / The purpose of this study is to work out the foundations of a decision-support system in order to advise efficient resolution strategies for scheduling problems in process engineering. This decision-support system is based on Case-Based Reasoning. A bibliographic study based on co-citation analysis has been performed in order to extract knowledge from the literature and obtain a landscape about scheduling research, its intensity and evolution. An open classification scheme has been proposed to scheduling problems, mathematical models and solving methods. A notation scheme corresponding to the classification has been elaborated based on the nomenclature proposed by Blazewicz et al. (2007). The difficulties arising during the adaptation of a mathematical model to different problems is discussed, and the performances of four literature mathematical models have been compared on three flow-shop examples. A resolution strategy is proposed based on the characteristics of the scheduling problem.
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Účetní, daňové aspekty vykazování zásob dle ČÚP a IFRS / Accounting and tax aspects of accounting for inventories according to CAS and IFRSKAHOUNOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the Accounting and tax aspects of accounting for inventories according to CAS and IFRS. Theoretical part contains characteristics of inventories, methods of valuation and accounting of inventories according to CAS. Another part of the theory describes the inventories, their valuation and reporting in accordance with IFRS. In the practical part is characterized the selected company with demarcation its inventories. Practical part it also contains an analysis of the differences between the methods and procedures used by the entity and methods authorized in IFRS in the valuation of own production and consumption of inventories. In another part is an analysis of the influence of valuation methods of consumption inventories on economic result. At the end of each chapter are suggested improvements or solution of the problem. Finally it is shown a total comparison of the reporting for inventories according to CAS and IFRS.
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Modelling of supersonic top lance and the heat-up stage of the CAS-OB processKärnä, A. (Aki) 13 November 2018 (has links)
The CAS-OB (composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling - oxygen blowing) process is used in secondary steelmaking to adjust the composition and temperature of the steel melt. The steel melt can be heated by oxidizing aluminium in process which feeds aluminium particles and oxygen to the melt surface. Oxygen is in fed by a top lance, which is an important part of many metallurgical processes and is typically used to deliver oxygen to steel melt surface by supersonic blowing.
Because observing and measuring the metallurgical processes is challenging due to the high temperature, numerical models predicting the processes are especially important. In this thesis, both top lances and the heat-up stage of the CAS-OB process were studied, and numerical models were constructed.
CFD (computational fluid dynamics) were used to study top lances. A turbulence model was adjusted for supersonic flows with experimental data from literature. The CAS-OB process model involves chemical reactions and fluid flows. In order to keep the computation times reasonable, a full fluid flow calculation is not included in the model but is calculated in advance. Heat and mass transfer correlations are calculated with CFD, and the results are then used in the process simulation model. Chemical reactions are calculated based on the law of mass action and thermodynamics.
The results were validated with industrial measurements. The CAS-OB heat-up stage model can be used in its current state in process development, and in the future for online control of the process. The CFD model for the top lance can be applied to a lance in any other process. / Tiivistelmä
CAS-OB-prosessia (composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling - oxygen blowing) käytetään teräksen valmistuksessa sulan teräksen koostumuksen ja lämpötilan säätämiseen. Terässulaa voidaan tarvittaessa lämmittää syöttämällä alumiinikappaleita ja happea sulan pinnalle. Hapen syöttö tapahtuu yliäänilanssilla, jota käytetään monissa metallurgisissa prosesseissa, yleensä toimittamaan happea sulan pinnalle yliäänisellä puhalluksella.
Metallurgisten prosessien havainnointi ja mittaaminen ovat haastavia korkeiden lämpötilojen vuoksi, joten numeeriset mallit ovat erityisen tärkeitä prosessien ennustamisessa. Tässä työssä on tutkittu yliäänilansseja ja CAS-OB-prosessin lämmitysvaihetta ja luotu niille numeeriset mallit.
Yliäänilanssien tutkimiseen käytettiin numeerista virtauslaskentaa (CFD, computational fluid dynamics). Lanssien mallinnusta varten olemassa olevaa turbulenssimallia muokattiin paremmin yliäänivirtausta kuvaavaksi kirjallisuudesta löytyvän mittaustiedon perusteella. CAS-OB-prosessimallissa huomioidaan virtaus ja kemialliset reaktiot. Koska laskenta-ajat haluttiin pitää käytännöllisinä, virtauslaskentaa ei suoriteta mallissa, vaan se tehdään etukäteen. Aineen- ja lämmönsiirtokertoimet lasketaan CFD-laskennalla, ja tuloksia käytetään prosessimallissa. Kemialliset reaktiot lasketaan perustuen massavaikutuksen lakiin ja termodynamiikkaan.
CAS-OB-mallin tulokset on validoitu terästehtaalla tehtyjen kokeiden perusteella. Mallia voidaan käyttää nykyisessä muodossaan prosessin kehityksessä ja tulevaisuudessa myös prosessin ohjauksessa. Yliäänilanssin CFD-mallia voidaan soveltaa myös muihin metallurgisiin prosesseihin.
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Évaluation de la psychothérapie psycho-dynamique en oncologie à l’hôpital : méthodologie du cas singulier avec étude de cas comme voie d’analyse du processus thérapeutique / Evaluation of psycho-dynamic psychotherapy in oncology at the hospital : methodology of a singular case with case study as a way of analyzing the therapeutic processCannone, Patrice 22 February 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objet d'évaluer les effets de l'approche psycho-dynamique dans le cadre du travail psychothérapeutique effectué en entretien clinique par le psychologue dans un contexte oncologique. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis à l’épreuve une méthodologie de recherche expérimentale, permettant de retravailler en groupe de pairs, des entretiens issus de la psychothérapie psycho-dynamique, pour définir le plus précisément possible, les modalités du processus thérapeutique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons travaillé sur l’esthétique du discours du sujet en cancérologie en référence aux modalités narratives relatives à l'expérience vécue selon la méthode clinique par étude de cas. Ces deux méthodologies de recherche sont envisagées comme étant complémentaires, chacune d’elle apporte une légitimité réciproque du point de vue de la pratique clinique. Ce travail permet d’argumenter l’intérêt des propositions de soutien ou de psychothérapies d’inspiration analytique au sein des services de médecine en général et de cancérologie en particulier. / This work aims to evaluate the effects of psycho-dynamic approach in the context of psychotherapy through clinical interview conducted by a psychologist in an oncological context. At first, we started to test a methodology of experimental research, to rework peer group interviews from the psycho-dynamic psychotherapy in order to define as precisely as possible, the terms of the therapeutic process. Then, on a second time, we worked on the subject's discourse in an oncological surrounding, focusing on its aesthetic aspect and refering to the narrative experience through the clinical method of case studying.These two research methodologies are considered as complementary, each of which provides legitimacy reciprocal perspective in clinical practice.This work should help to argue the interest of proposals for supportive or psychodynamic psychotherapy in medical as well as cancerology departments.
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Efficacité post autorisation de mise sur le marché de la vaccination antigrippale saisonnière contre l’hospitalisation avec une grippe confirmée virologiquement chez l’adulte en Europe / Post authorisation influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza associated hospitalisation with laboratory confirmed influenza among adults in EuropeRondy, Marc 28 September 2017 (has links)
Notre objectif était de mesurer chez les adultes en Europe l’efficacité des vaccins (EV) anti-grippaux saisonniers contre l’hospitalisation avec une grippe confirmée en laboratoire. Nous avons coordonné une étude cas-témoins multicentrique dans 29 hôpitaux de 12 pays entre 2011 et 2017. Nous avons fait une analyse des données groupées lors de chaque saison grippale. Entre 2011-12 et 2016-17, nous avons recruté 3436 cas de grippe et 5969 témoins. L’EV tous virus confondus était de 26% ; elle était de 40% chez les 18-64 ans, 25% chez les 65-79 ans et 23% chez les 80 ans et plus. Par saison, l’EV variait entre 15% en 2016-17 et 44% en 2013-14. L’EV était particulièrement basse chez les seniors lors des saisons grippales dominées par le sous-type de grippe A(H3N2), atteignant 10% en 2011-12 et 2016-17 chez les personnes âgées de 80 ans et plus. Nos résultats suggèrent une EV faible à modérée contre la grippe hospitalisée chez l’adulte. Le renforcement et l’évaluation de modes de prévention complémentaires, tels que l’usage prophylactique d’antiviraux, la vaccination du personnel soignant et les approches non-pharmaceutiques (masque, hygiène des mains) devraient être une priorité. / Our objective was to measure seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) against hospitalisation with laboratory-confirmed influenza in Europe among adults. Between 2011 and 2017, we coordinated a multicenter case-control study in 29 hospitals in 12 countries. We pooled and analysed the data after every season. Between 2011-12 and 2016-17, we recruited 3436 influenza cases and 5969 controls. Pooled across seasons, IVE against any influenza was 26%; 40% patients aged 18-64 yeas, 25% among those aged 65-79 years, and 23% among those aged ≥80 years. Season specific IVE ranged between 15% in 2016-17 and 44% in 2013-14. IVE was particularly low among elderly in seasons dominated by the A(H3N2) viruses; it was 10% in 2011-12 and 2016-17 in people aged ≥80 years. Our results suggest a low to moderate IVE against influenza hospitalisation in adults. Evaluating complementary prevention options, such as prophylactic antiviral use, vaccination of health care workers and non-pharmaceutical interventions should be a priority.
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Requirements engineering of context-aware applicationsAlalshuhai, Ahmed January 2015 (has links)
Context-aware computing envisions a new generation of smart applications that have the ability to perpetually sense the user’s context and use these data to make adaptation decision in response to changes in the user’s context so as to provide timely and personalized services anytime and anywhere. Unlike the traditional distribution systems where the network topology is fixed and wired, context-aware computing systems are mostly based on wireless communication due to the mobility of the network nodes; hence the network topology is not fixed but changes dynamically in an unpredictable manner as nodes join and the leave network, in addition to the fact that wireless communication is unstable. These factors make the design and development of context-aware computing systems much more challenging, as the system requirements change depending on the context of use. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a graphical language commonly used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artefacts of software-intensive systems. However, UML is an all-purpose modelling language and does not have notations to distinguish context-awareness requirements from other system requirements. This is critical for the specification, visualization, construction and documentation of context-aware computing systems because context-awareness requirements are highly important in these systems. This thesis proposes an extension of UML diagrams to cater for the specification, visualization, construction and documentation of context-aware computing systems where new notations are introduced to model context-awareness requirements distinctively from other system requirements. The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows: (i) A context-aware use case diagram is a new notion which merges into a single diagram the traditional use case diagram (that describes the functions of an application) and the use context diagram, which specifies the context information upon which the behaviours of these functions depend. (ii) A Novel notion known as a context-aware activity diagram is presented, which extends the traditional UML activity diagrams to enable the representation of context objects, context constraints and adaptation activities. Context constraints express conditions upon context object attributes that trigger adaptation activities; adaptation activities are activities that must be performed in response to specific changes in the system’s context. (iii) A novel notion known as the context-aware class diagram is presented, which extends the traditional UML class diagrams to enable the representation of context information that affect the behaviours of a class. A new relationship, called utilisation, between a UML class and a context class is used to model context objects; meaning that the behaviours of the UML class depend upon the context information represented by the context class. Hence a context-aware class diagram is a rich and expressive language that distinctively depicts both the structure of classes and that of the contexts upon which they depend. The pragmatics of the proposed approach are demonstrated using two real-world case studies.
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