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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die geskiedenis van grondbesit in Distrik Ses tot 1984 met spesiale verwysing na die invloed van die Groepsgebiedewet na 1966

Laubscher, C. J. (Constant Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: District Six originated in the eighteen fifties on neighbouring wine farms close to Cape Town's city centre. The first inhabitants were Europeans, but were later joined by free slaves. By 1849 the total number of inhabitants was 2943 and as a municipal area became known as the sixth district of Cape Town. Over the years District Six developed an own unique cosmopolitan character and despite a stigma as a backward residential area District Six developed as a multiracial community with its own vibrant spirit. By 1966 there were 3700 properties of which 56% were owned by Whites, 26% by Coloureds and 18% by Indians. In the same year the area had 21 schools and 17 places of worship. One of the main causes of physical deterioration was overpopulation. The occupancy figure by the 1850's was approximately 2,5 persons per habitable room. Overcrowding led to subletting of even the smallest rooms and resulted in gross exploitation of tenants, horrific crime and moral decay, all of which contributed to the slum status of the area. In 1962 the City of Cape Town devised a pilot plan for the rehabilitation of the area, but this plan was never implemented. Years of neglect of municipal services worsened the degredation of many historic buildings as well as decent living conditions for its residents. In 1962 the Group Areas Board recommended that District Six be declared a Coloured Group Area. The N.P. government rejected this recommendation and on 11 February 1966 through Proclamation 43, declared 94 hectares of the traditional District Six as an area for White occupation. Between 1965 and 1975 the government froze all property transactions in District Six to enable them to plan the redevelopment of the area. The state made financial offers to property owners, but only 10% accepted these. The majority declined these and blamed this on inflexible property valuations of the state. By 1980 the state had spent R25 million on the acquisition of properties in District Six. Government demolition of structures took place between 1968 and 1982 and resulted in the flattenning of most buildings except for a few churches. Expropriated Coloured and Indian residents were removed to the newly created residential areas on the Cape Flats. Although some previous residents of District Six were happy with their accommodation most objected to the high bond repayments on their new homes, higher transport cost to work and the breakdown of existing communities. The biggest opposition to the declaration of District Six as an area for White occupation came from local groups, namely: The Friends of District Six and the District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers Association (RRR). Opposition political parties and the press used the physical and mental suffering of the residents to challenge the government. The redevelopment of District Six was characterised by continous changes to proposed plans. In 1964 the government appointed the Niemand Committee to investigate the replanning and redevelopment of District Six. In 1970 a master plan for redevelopment was recommended . In 1974 the first properties were sold to white people by the government. In 1975 the neighbouring Walmer Estate was declared a Coloured Group Area and three years later District Six was renamed as Zonnebloem. In 1979 parts of the neighbouring Woodstock and Salt River were declared Coloured Group Areas. In 1982 the Presidents Council recommended that part of District Six be returned to the Coloured community, but the government rejected this and in October 1982 year the first whites settled in District Six. The following year a part of District Six was declared Coloured area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Distrik Ses het in die vyftigerjare van die negentiende eeu op aanliggende wynplase van Kaapstad ontstaan. Aanvanklik het Blankes van verskillende nasionaliteite daar gevestig en later het vrygestelde slawe die inwonertal laat toeneem. Teen 1849 was die inwonertal ongeveer 2943 en in 1867 het die gebied bekend geword as die sesde distrik van Kaapstad . Distrik Ses het n eiesoortige en unieke kosmopolitiese karakter ontwikkel. Ten spyte van n stigma van agterlikheid het die gebied n borrelende en veelrassige gemeenskap gehad. In 1966 was daar ongeveer 3700 eiendomme in Distrik Ses waarvan 56% aan Blankes, 26% aan Kleurlinge en 18% aan Indiers behoort het. Teen 1966 was daar 21 skole en sewentien plekke van godsdienstige aanbidding in die gebied. Oorbevolking was een van die grootste oorsake van verval in die gebied. In die vyftigerjare was die besettingsyfer van geboue ongeveer 2,5 persone per bewoonbare vertrek. Die gevolg was onderverhuring, gruwelike uitbuiting van huurders, misdaad en sedelike verval wat aan die gebied n slumstatus besorg het. Jarelange verwaarlosing van munisipale dienste het tot vervaI van gebouestrukture en Iewenstoestande gelei. Die stadsraad se loodsplan vir opruiming in 1962 is nooit geimplementeer nie. Die Groepsgebiederaad het in 1962 aanbeveel dat die gebied as n Kleurling-groepsgebied verklaar moes word. Ten spyte van die aanbeveling is 94 hektaar van die tradisionele Distrik Ses op 11 Februarie 1966 volgens Proklamasie 43 van 1966 as n Blanke Groepsgebied verklaar. Die regering het vanaf 1965 tot 1975 aile eiendomstransaksies in Distrik Ses gevries om sodoende die herontwikkeling van die gebied te beplan. Ongeveer 10% van die eienaars het die staat se aanbod vir hul eiendom aanvaar. Die meeste het egter beswaar gemaak teen die staat se onbuigsame skattings. Teen 1980 het die staat R25 miljoen bestee aan die verkryging Slopingswerk in Distrik Ses het tussen 1968 en 1982 plaasgevind. Byna aIle geboue is gesloop en slegs enkele kerke is behou. Inwoners is na verskeie woonbuurte op die Kaapse Vlakte verskuif Alhoewel sommige vorige inwoners van Distrik Ses tevrede was met hulle nuwe woonplekke was die meeste ontevrede oor die hoe verbandkoste van nuwe wonings, hoer reiskoste en die verbrokkeling van gemeenskappe. Die grootste opposisie teen die Blankverklaring van Distrik Ses was The Friends of District Six en die District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers' Association (RRR). Opposisiepolitieke partye en die pers het die regering se rassebeleid aangeval deur te konsentreer op die ontberinge van die inwoners. Die herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses is gekenmerk deur voortdurende verandering. In 1964 is die Niemand-komitee aangestel om die herbeplanning en herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses te ondersoek. In 1970 is n meesterplan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses aanbeveel. In Julie 1974 het die regering die eerste eiendom in Distrik Ses aan Blankes verkoop. In 1975 is die aangrensende Walmer Estate tot Kleurlinggroepsgebied verklaar. Distrik Ses is in 1978 herdoop en R9 rniljoen is bewillig vir die rehabilitasieskema. In 1979 is dele van die aangrensende Woodstock en Soutrivier tot Kleurlinggroepsgebiede verklaar. In 1980 is ri gewysigde plan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses voorgele. In 1981 het die regering die Presidentsraad se aanbeveling dat n gedeelte van Distrik Ses aan die Kleurlinggemeenskap teruggegee moes word, verwerp. In Oktober 1982 het die eerste blankes in Distrik Ses gevestig. In 1983 is n gedeelte van Distrik Ses as Kleurlinggebied verklaar.

The framing of climate change in three daily newspapers in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Cramer, Carolyn Maire 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Scientists predict that the Western Cape region of South Africa is likely to be one of the regions most affected by climate change. Though the effects on the Cape Floral Kingdom are a huge concern in terms of biodiversity, the effects of climate change are predicted to be far broader than the natural environment. Agriculture, industry, the health sector, politics and the socio-economic sectors among others are all likely to be significantly impacted by climate change in the coming years. The underlying theoretical assumption of the study is that understanding how the climate question has been understood and framed is of vital importance for how the general public will be able to respond to lifestyle changes in aid of climate protection.This study examines the media coverage of climate change over the period of one year in the Western Cape media context, specifically the Cape Times, the Cape Argus and Die Burger. Using a quantitative framing analysis as the central methodology, the study focused on six core frames in analysing all articles relating to climate change. In addition, journalists at the respective newspapers were interviewed to complement the textual analysis. Finally, climate change scientists were interviewed in order to gain their perspectives of the reporting. The study found that the environmental frame was the dominant frame chosen. The political and scientific frames were the next two most prominent frames. It is argued that the dominance of these frames and the comparative lack of reports featuring the human impact frame is problematic as the environment, science and politics are all fairly abstract to the general public.

Professional migrants in Cape Town : identity, culture and community

Shea, Lenri 31 March 2008 (has links)
Before the 1990's, African migrants did not perceive South Africa as an ideal migration destination. This changed after the end of the apartheid era. The new political climate in the country and the new migration movements linked to increased globalisation changed the situation significantly. South Africa became an attractive migration destination, particularly also for professional African migrants. In this dissertation a select group of black professional/skilled migrants from non-SADC countries, who are resident in Cape Town, are studied. It is shown that such transients defy any migration typology within the South African context. Their position in the world of economic migrants is not automatically one of cosmopolitanism, privilege and glamour. Their decision to migrate is also not necessarily voluntary. The explication and analysis of the context and circumstances of the migrants are conducted with specific reference to: - professional mobility vis a vis identity, culture and community - human mobility and globalisation - the demographics and legalities of immigration to South Africa - origin, identity and the construct of `home' - the `host' nation and perceptions, stereotypes and xenophobia - personal networks and adaptation - the notion of space becoming place. What is thus demonstrated and interrogated is that `belonging' in this world is a process of change and fluctuation. `Crossing borders' will mean different things to different people - especially also for skilled/professional migrants. Issues such as class, gender, race, citizenship, ethnicity and sexuality, play a role in how `belonging' is defined and how people assign meaning to movements across borders. / Anthropology and Archaeology / (MA (Anthropology))

The dynamics of Francophone African migration to Cape Town after 1994

Lekogo, Rodolf E. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Sociology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate a group of Francophone African migrants in Cape Town during the decade following the end of the apartheid era. The focus of the thesis, however, is on the reasons why French-speaking Africans leave their countries of origin, the reasons for coming to South Africa, and finally the reasons why within South Africa, they decide to settle in Cape Town, with a particular accent put on the integration of these migrants into the local society. The thesis considers legal migrants, students, refugees and extra-legals as the four categories of migrants according to theoretical frameworks. A brief overview of selected theories of international migration is considered to provide a framework for the Francophone African migration to Cape Town. The theoretical causes of Francophone African migration are viewed through both theories on the initiation of migration and theories of the perpetuation of migration. Apart from the theoretical synopsis, the data on which this study is based are derived from both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. Alongside secondary sources, a series of interviews, based on categories of migrants and gender, were conducted in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria in South Africa, as well as in Libreville in Gabon. In-depth interviews and focus-groups aimed at collecting information concerning the three main questions of the study. The reasons for the departure of Francophone Africans from their countries of origin are complex and mainly depend on the categories of migrants. As far as legal migrants and students are concerned, economic, political, social and academic paralysis, career prospects and the desire to pursue studies are the main reasons. As for refugees and extralegals, armed conflicts, environmental catastrophes, economic and social deterioration and social capital seem to be the main causes. Since 1994, South Africa has claimed a strong leadership role on the continent because of its economic and political strengths. Educational infrastructure, the language factor and social capital are also reasons why migrants choose South Africa as a host country. The settlement in Cape Town depends on various factors, including the consideration of the city as first choice, safety concerns in other South African cities, the inability to settle in other cities, particularly Johannesburg, and social networks. French language seems to be a common language identity linking various ethnic groups residing in Francophone Africa. However, once migrants have established themselves in Cape Town, their ethnic, religious or political identities prevail. The thesis analyses the settlement of migrants in Cape Town by pointing out the complexities of migrant life in a case study of each category considered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis het ten doel om ‘n groep Franssprekende Afrika migrante in Kaapstad, in die dekade wat direk op die einde van die apartheidsera gevolg het, te ondersoek. Die tesis fokus op die redes waarom Franssprekende Afrikane hulle land van oorsprong verlaat, die redes waarom hulle na Suid-Afrika kom en, laastens, die redes waarom hulle in Suid-Afrika besluit om in Kaapstad te bly – die klem is spesifiek op die integrasie van die migrante binne die plaaslike gemeenskap. Na aanleiding van die teoretiese raamwerke wat vir die studie oorweeg word, neem die tesis wettige migrante, studente, vlugtelinge en onwettige migrante as die vier kategorieë van migrante, in ag. ’n Bondige oorsig van uitgesoekte teorieë vir internasionale migrasie word as raamwerk vir die Franssprekende Afrikane se migrasie na Kaapstad oorweeg. Die teoretiese oorsake vir Franssprekende Afrikane se migrasie word deur beide die teorieë vir die inisiasie vir migrasie en die teorieë vir die bestendiging vir migrasie beoordeel. Naas die teoretiese sinopsis, word die data waarop hierdie studie gebaseer is, van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodologiese benaderinge afgelei. Aanvullend tot die sekondêre bronne, is daar ook ‘n reeks onderhoude, gebaseer op kategorieë van migrante en geslag, in Kaapstad, Johannesburg en Pretoria in Suid-Afrika asook in Libreville in Gabon, gevoer – in diepte onderhoude en fokusgroepe met die doel om inligting rakende die drie hoofkwessies van die studie in te win. Die redes vir die emigrasie van Franssprekende Afrikane uit hulle oorsprongsland is kompleks en hang grotendeels saam met die kategorieë van migrante. Wat die wettige migrante en studente aanbetref is ekonomiese, politieke, sosiale en akademiese magteloosheid, loopbaan vooruitsigte en die begeerte vir die nastreef van studies, die hoofredes. Vir vlugtelinge en onwettige migrante blyk die hoofoorsake dié van gewapende konflik, natuurrampe, ekonomiese en sosiale agteruitgang en sosiale kapitaal te wees. Sedert 1994, het Suid-Afrika, weens haar ekonomiese en politieke vermoëns, ’n sterk leierskapsrol op die kontinent uitgeoefen. Opvoedkundige infrastrukture, die taalkwessie en sosiale kapitaal is nog redes waarom migrante Suid-Afrika as gasheerland uitsonder. Vestiging in Kaapstad hang van verskeie redes af, insluitende die inagneming van die stad as eerste keuse, veiligheidsaspekte in ander Suid-Afrikaanse stede en die onvermoë om in ander stede gevestig te word. Die klem in hierdie verband rus veral op Johannesburg en sosiale netwerke. Frans as taal skyn ‘n algemene identiteit te wees wat verskeie etniese groepe in Franssprekende Afrika met mekaar verbind. Tog is dit hulle etniese, godsdienstige en politieke identiteit wat gehandhaaf word sodra migrante hulself in Kaapstad gevestig het. Die tesis analiseer ook die vestiging van migrante in Kaapstad deur die kompleksiteite binne die leeftydsmigrasie van ’n gevallestudie vir elke kategorie in ag te neem.

An audit of the time spent by patients in the post anesthetic care unit before and after the introduction of a discharge criteria scoring system at Tygerberg Academic Hospital

Dwyer, Sean 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND Post anesthesia discharge criteria scoring systems have been used successfully to aid discharge from the post anesthetic care unit (PACU) for over 40 years. They do not replace, but rather act in conjunction with good clinical judgment, and provide concise, standardized documentation of a patient’s readiness for discharge. 1,2,3,4,5 In order to improve patient safety, provide clear documentation and to aid future audit, a discharge criteria scoring system was developed for use in our PACU (Addendum A). It is a modification of the Aldrete Scoring System and the modified Post Anesthetic Discharge Scoring System (PADSS) proposed by Chung.1 There is a steadily increasing patient burden on the existing medical infrastructure in South Africa. Tygerberg Academic Hospital is no exception, and because of the high demand on our theatre services, optimal efficiency is essential. We speculated that our discharge criteria scoring system might increase the efficiency of our PACU when compared to the traditional time based system. The more healthy patients, undergoing minor procedures, could potentially spend less time in PACU, allowing the nurses to focus on problem cases. Increasing the speed of transit might also help prevent delays in theatre due to lack of bed space in PACU. Our primary endpoint was to compare the duration of time spent by patients in the PACU at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, from the moment they are admitted, to the time they are discharged to the ward, before and after the introduction of a discharge criteria scoring system. While planning the audit, one of the factors that staff identified as contributing to delayed discharge from PACU, was the time it took for the wards to collect their patients. A secondary objective, therefore, was to assess the amount of time that elapsed between calling the ward to collect the patient, and the patient leaving PACU. METHODS AND MATERIALS Prior to commencing the audit, approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Academic Hospital. The Audit, its purpose and possible benefits, was discussed with representatives of the nurses working in PACU, and written consent was obtained from those who would be involved in the data collection (Addendum B). Audit forms (Addendum C), collection boxes, and posters reminding staff to participate in the audit were prepared. Our first audit was performed over approximately a week in August 2012. During this period, the traditional time-based discharge system was still in operation. Data was captured from 327 patients. Audit forms were placed in a collection box, which was cleared daily by the primary investigator. The discharge criteria scoring system was introduced to the PACU staff in January 2013. The nurses were trained in its use, and a one month period was allowed for all involved to become accustomed to the new system. A second audit was performed in February 2013, again over a week, during which we gathered data from 313 patients. RESULTS The median value of the time spent by patients in the PACU decreased from 1 hour 25 minutes, to 1 hour 15 minutes, after introduction of the discharge criteria scoring system. This was statistically significant (p-value = 0.003). The median time between calling the ward to collect a patient, and the patient leaving recovery, was 15 minutes. CONCLUSION The main finding of the study was that the introduction of a discharge criteria scoring system decreased the median duration of time spent by patients in the post anesthetic care unit at Tygerberg Academic Hospital. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: AGTERGROND Puntestelsels as ontslag kriteria na narkose, word vir die afgelope 40 jaar suksesvol gebruik as maatstaf om pasiënte uit die herstelkamer te ontslaan. Hierdie kriteria vervang nie goeie kliniese oordeel nie, maar is ’n addisionele hulpmiddel om te bepaal of die pasiënt gereed is vir ontslag en om noukeurige, gestandardiseerde dokumentasie te verseker. 1,2,3,4,5 'n Nuwe puntestelsel vir ontslag is vir die herstelkamer van Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal ontwikkel om pasiëntesorg en dokumentasie te verbeter, asook om ouditering in die toekoms te vergemaklik (Addendum A). Hiervoor is die Aldrete Scoring System en die gemodifiseerde PADSS, voorgestel deur Chung, aangepas. 1 Die bestaande mediese infrastruktuur in Suid-Afrika beleef tans ‘n geleidelike toename in die getal pasiënte. Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal is geen uitsondering nie en as gevolg van die hoë aanvraag na ons teaterdienste, is uiterste doeltreffendheid noodsaaklik. Ons vermoede was dat hierdie aangepaste puntestelsel doeltreffendheid in die herstelkamer sou verbeter in vergelyking met die meer tradisionele tyd-gebaseerde sisteem. Gesonde pasiënte wat kleiner prosedures ondergaan, sal waarskynlik na ’n korter periode ontslaan kan word wat die verpleegpersoneel in staat sal stel om meer aandag aan probleem gevalle te gee. Bespoediging van die pasiëntvloei behoort onnodige vertragings van teatergevalle weens 'n tekort aan beddens in die herstelkamer, te beperk. Die primêre doel van die studie was om te bepaal of die gebruik van die aangepaste puntestelsel as ontslag kriteria in Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal, die tydperk wat die pasiënt in die herstelkamer deurbring, verkort. Die herstelkamer verpleegsters het beweer dat die saal personeel ‘n lang tyd gevat het om hulle pasiente in herstelkamer te kom haal. Vervolgens is 'n sekondêre doelwit ingesluit om die tydperk te bepaal vandat die saalpersoneel in kennis gestel word, totdat die pasiënt die herstelkamer verlaat. METODE Goedkeuring is verkry van die Menslike Navorsing en Etiese Komitee van die Gesondheidswetenskap Fakulteit van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal voor die aanvang van die studie. Die studie, asook die doel en moontlike voordele daarvan is vooraf bepsreek met verteenwoordigers van die herstelkamer verpleegpersoneel en skriftelike toestemming is verkry van al die deelnemers wat betrokke sou wees by die data versameling (Addendum B). Oudit vorms (Addendum C), versamelhouers en inligtingsplakkate vir die betrokke personeel is voorberei. Die aanvanklike oudit is in Augustus 2012 oor 'n periode van ongeveer een week uitgevoer. Tydens hierdie oudit is die tradisionele tydgebaseerde sisteem gebruik. Inligting van 327 pasiёnte is versamel. Die oudit vorms is in die versamelbokse geplaas en is daagliks deur die primêre navorser verwyder. Die aangepaste puntestelsel as ontslag kriteria, is in Januarie 2013 in die herstelkamer geïmplementeer. Die verpleegpersoneel het opleiding ontvang waarna die aangepaste puntestelsel vir een maand gebruik is om te verseker dat die personeel vertroud is daarmee. In Februarie 2013, is ‘n tweede oudit oor ‘n tydperk van een week uitgevoer, waartydens inligting van 313 pasiёnte versamel is. RESULTATE Na die implementering van die aangepaste puntestelsel as ontslag kriteria, het die mediane tyd wat pasiënte in die herstelkamer deurbring afgeneem van 1 uur en 25 minute tot 1 uur en 15 minute. Hierdie afname is statities betekenisvol (p-waarde = 0.003) Die mediane tyd vandat die saal in kennis gestel is totdat die pasiënt die herstelkamer verlaat, was 15 minute. GEVOLGTREKKING Die hoof bevinding van die studie is dat die mediane tydperk wat die pasiënte in die herstelkamer deurbring verminder is deur die implementering van die aangepaste puntestelsel as ontslag kriteria in Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal.

A critical review of the development of sustainability indicators for the City of Cape Town : a focus on environmental and socio-economic sustainability

Ndeke, Eunice Ngina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainable development has gained great interest at global, national and local community levels. For instance, governments, civil societies, the commercial sector as well as local communities have responded to the agreed framework of UNCED known as Agenda 21, developed at the „Earth Summit‟ held at Rio de Janeiro in 1992, inter alia through the development of indicators aimed at monitoring and evaluating the achievement of sustainable development. As a result, different tools to measure the level of sustainability have been developed and applied in many cities globally. These include different types of indicators, namely environmental, social, and economic performance monitoring indicators, as well as combined indices. Since cities are dynamic complex open systems with interrelated social, economic and environmental systems, and sustainable development cannot be absolutely achieved, integrated sustainable development indicators that concurrently address social, economic and environmental dimensions are crucial to aid in monitoring sustainable development particularly in any given urban system. This study gives an overview of these indicators and indices. The South Africa government has acknowledged in both its National Framework for Sustainable Development of September 2006 and the Draft National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan of May 2010 that like other cities globally, cities in this country face similar challenges particularly due to urbanisation. In this study, the focus is on evaluating the sustainability challenges of the City of Cape Town and the role sustainability indicators could play in helping to achieve sustainable development objectives. This is supported by a review of the so called „sustainable cities‟ and in particular how the Cities of Seattle (USA), Santa Monica (USA) and Curitiba (Brazil) have tried to address urban challenges. To meet the study objective of recommending the type and a process of developing indicators that will aid in improving sustainability in the City of Cape Town, selected indicators and indexes developed globally, nationally and for other cities are critically reviewed. Selected policies, plans and indicators developed by the South African national government, the Western Cape provincial government, and the City of Cape Town are reviewed. The review aims at investigating whether the existing policies and indicators were useful in addressing sustainability challenges particularly in the City of Cape Town. The review focuses on the policy objectives to assess whether the policies contradicted or were supportive of each other, the existence or lack thereof of gaps in the policies, and whether local communities and other stakeholders were involved in decision making processes. The findings suggests that although sustainable development is addressed in the policy documents of all three spheres of government in South Africa, the implementation has not yet been effective – and the City of Cape Town is no exception based on published reports such as the State of Cape Town Report. On the basis of the lessons derived from the success stories of cities like Seattle, Santa Monica, and Curitiba towards achieving sustainability, several recommendations are suggested to assist the City of Cape Town in developing, implementing, and reporting on sustainability indicators. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Op internasionale, nasionale asook plaaslike gemeenskapsvlakke het volhoubare ontwikkeling groot belangstelling gelok. In reaksie op die ooreengekome raamwerk van UNCED, Agenda 21, ontwikkel by die “Earth Summit” (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), is aanwysers gemik op die monitering en implementering van volhoubare ontwikkeling deur regerings, burgerlike samelewings, die kommersiële sektor asook plaaslike gemeenskappe ontwikkel. Dit het gelei tot die ontwikkeling en implementering van verskillende instrumente vir die meet van volhoubaarheid in verskeie stede wêreldwyd. Hierdie instrumente sluit in verskillende aanwysers, ondermeer omgewings-, sosiale-, ekonomiese- en prestasie aanwysers asook gekombineerde indekse. Omdat stede dinamies komplekse ope sisteme met interafhanklike sosiale, ekonomiese en omgewingssisteme is, en volhoubare ontwikkeling nie absoluut bereikbaar is nie, is geintegreerde volhoubare ontwikkelings aanwysers wat sosiale, ekonomiese en omgewings dimensies gelyktydig aanspreek van kritieke belang in die monitering van volhoubare ontwikkeling, spesifiek in enige gegewe stedelike sisteem. In beide sy nasionale raamwerk vir volhoubare ontwikkeling (Julie 2008) en nasionale strategie vir volhoubare ontwikkeling en Aksie plan (weergawe van 20 Mei 2010) het die Suid Afrikaanse regering erken dat plaaslike stede, soos ander wêreldwyd, dieselfde uitdagings in die gesig staar veral as gevolg van verstedeliking. Die fokus van hierdie studie was die evaluering van die volhoubaarheids-uitdagings van die Stad Kaapstad en die moontlike rol wat volhoubaarheids-aanwysers kan speel in ʼn poging om volhoubare ontwikkelings doelwitte te bereik. Hierdie word ondersteun deur ʼn oorsig van die sogenaamde “volhoubare stede” en spesifiek hoe stede soos Seattle (VSA), Santa Monica (VSA), en Curitiba (Brasilië) stedelike uitdagings probeer aanspreek het. Ten einde die studie doelwit aangaande die aanbeveling van die ontwikkelingsproses van aanwysers en indekse vir die verbetering van volhoubaarheid in die Stad Kaapstad te bereik, is verskeie internasionale, nasionale sowel as stedelike volhoubare ontwikkelings indekse krities geëvalueer. Geselekteerde beleid, planne en aanwysers wat deur die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale regering, die Wes Kaapse provinsiale regering en die Stad Kaapstad ontwikkel is, is ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie evaluasie was om vas te stel of bestaande beleid en aanwysers nuttig is, in die aanspreek van volhoubaarheids-uitdagings spesifiek in die Stad Kaapstad. Die fokus van die evaluasie was op beleidsdoelwitte ten einde te bepaal of: verskeie beleid teenstrydigheid toon of andersins ondersteunend is, die bestaan of gebrek aan leemtes in beleid en of plaaslike gemeenskappe en of ander belange groepe in die besluitnemingsproses betrokke is. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat alhoewel volhoubare ontwikkeling in beleidsdokumente van al drie sfere van die Suid Afrikaanse regering aangespreek word, die implementering daarvan nog nie so doeltreffend is nie - en gebaseer op gepubliseerde verslae soos die stand van Kaapstad, is die Stad van Kaapstad nie ʼn uitsondering nie. Na aanleiding van lesse geleer uit die sukses verhale van stede soos Seattle, Santa Monica en Curitiba in die bereiking van volhoubare ontwikkeling is verskeie aanbevelings gemaak om die Stad Kaapstad by te staan in die ontwikkeling, implementering, en rapportering van volhoubaarheids-aanwysers.

Evaluating local economic development in the City of Cape Town

Isaacs, Deyana Nicolene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Public and Development Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Great pressure is placed on national government to initiate a way of achieving greater economic growth as well as alleviating poverty. A mandate has therefore been given to local government to play a fundamental role in achieving this. Local Economic Development (LED), a relatively new approach to development, is currently seen as a prominent strategy to tackle the problem of unemployment and poverty in South Africa and provide a bottom-up approach to economic development. It forms part of the economic and social development mandate given by national government to local authorities. However, although policies are in place, LED strategies have produced very few success stories for various reasons, such as the lack of capacity within municipalities as well as resource constraints. It is also alleged that LED is incorrectly interpreted and therefore also incorrectly implemented. Because of the presumed effects of LED in terms of economic growth and social upliftment, pressure is placed on municipalities to get appropriate strategies into place as soon as possible. A literature review is presented which covers the theory of LED by looking at the global perspectives of the concept and nature of LED, the history and concept of LED, the different LED approaches and strategies, and key actors within LED. LED is then evaluated within the context of development in order to establish a link between LED and poverty alleviation. LED is also evaluated within the South African context, specifically with regards to the policy context, the historical approach and the challenges to LED implementation in South Africa. An investigation into the background of the City of Cape Town served as the point of departure to evaluate LED implementation. The issue of regional planning for LED integration between urban and rural areas is also discussed. The challenges to economic and social improvement in the City of Cape Town are also highlighted and the current draft Strategy for Economic and Human Development in the City of Cape Town was evaluated. This was done to investigate the LED approach and specific interventions of the City of Cape Town Municipality in terms of the Comprehensive Approach Model, a model formulated in the thesis. This was done to establish whether it is likely to succeed or not, and therefore the thesis specifically explored the priorities and the fundamentals outlined by the Strategy. Thereafter its possible implementation was assessed according to the organisational structure and how it affects the operationalisation of the Strategy in terms of planning, the process itself, and the monitoring and evaluation of the process. Finally, the challenges to the Strategy were discussed and recommendations were made. From the literature review it is clear that LED should lead to much more than merely economic improvement; this insight reinforces the socio-economic role of LED development intervention strategies. What is also evident in terms of LED in developing countries is that the approach has to establish a strategy which deliberately focuses on pro-poor LED implementation. It is often the way that the process is executed that brings the social focus of LED into perspective.

An evaluation of selected housing strategies with special reference to Khayelitsha

Nkwenkwezi, Thandabantu Sydney 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to provide alternative solutions to housing and developmental problems faced by the government in South Africa's urban/metropolitan areas in general and in Khayelitsha in particular. The root causes of the problems have been identified and linked to urbanisation-related government policies of the past. The Group Areas "urban model of development" influenced the planning, management and development (spatial policies) in the urban/metropolitan areas. The rural-urban migration process through the migrant labour system during the industrialisation period was engineered by the "Corporate State" and consolidated by the introduction of tax systems and laws regulating land ownership by the African people (Natives). These have impoverished the African people both in rural and urban/metropolitan areas. The existing gap in development between rural and urban/metropolitan areas, in particular in the peri-urban areas, is evident in persistent poverty and unemployment as effects of the conditions which generate increased migration. In this context, Khayelitsha is used as a case study to illustrate study variables (urban policies and management, rapid urbanisation and their impact on housing and development) at grassroots level. Comparison is made undertaken between South African housing and developmental problems and those of other developing countries. Tanzania and Zimbabwe as African countries and former British Colonies (African connection) have been chosen for this purpose. Data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews and participatory observation. This makes the study objective, but also subjective. The research concludes that there is a need to devote more resources to rural development programmes accompanied by decentralisation strategies. This will help to reduce the gap between rural and urban development. It is hoped that the information contained in this thesis will provide a basic background to meet the social and economic challenges by addressing housing and developmental problems, in Khayelitsha in particular and South Africa in general. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word daar gepoog om moontlike oplossings te vind vir die behuisings en ontwikkelingsprobleme wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede oor die algemeen en Khayelitsha in die besonder ondervind word. Die kernoorsake van die probleme word geïdentifiseer en verbind aan die vorige regering se verstedelikingsbeleide. Beplanning, bestuur en ontwikkeling (ruimtelike beleide) in die stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede is beïnvloed deur die Groepsgebiede-model vir stedelike ontwikkeling. Die landelike-stedelike migrasieproses, geïnisieer deur die trekarbeidstelsel gedurende die industrialiseringsera, is deur die "Korporatiewe Staat" bewerkstellig en gekonsolideer deur die instelling van belastingstelsels en wette ter regulering van grondbesit deur swart mense. Dit het gelei tot die verarming van swart mense in landelike en stedelike/metropolitaanse gebiede. Die bestaande gaping in ontwikkeling tussen landelike en stedelike gebiede, in die besonder in buitestedelike gebiede, blyk duidelik uit gevestigde armoede en werkloosheid as uitvloeisels van die omstandighede wat tot toenemende migrasie lei. In hierdie konteks is Khayelitsha gebruik as 'n gevallestudie om die studieveranderlikes (stedelike beleide, stedelike bestuur, snelle verstedeliking en die impak daarvan op behuising en ontwikkeling) op voetsoolvlak te illustreer. Vergelykings is getref ten einde Suid-Afrikaanse behuisings- en ontwikkelingsprobleme met ander ontwikkelende lande te vergelyk. Vir die doel is Tanzanië en Zimbabwe as Afrikalande en eertydse Britse kolonies (Afrika-konneksie) gekies. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vraelyste, onderhoude en deelnemende waarneming. Dit het daartoe gelei dat die studie nie alleen objektief nie, maar ook subjektief is. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat meer hulpbronne tesame met desentraliseringstrategieë gerig op landelike ontwikkelingsprogramme benodig word. Dit sal bydra tot vernouing van die gaping tussen landelike en stedelike ontwikkeling. Daar word derhalwe gehoop dat die inligting vervat in hierdie tesis basiese agtergrond sal verskaf om die sosiale en ekonomiese uitdagings die hoof te bied deur die bestaande behuisings - en ontwikkelingsprobleme in Khayelitsha in die besonder en Suid-Afrika oor die algemeen aan te spreek.

An individual performance management system as a way of improving customer satisfaction at the City of Cape Town (Unicity) Municipality

Brown, Mogamat Faizel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this research assignment is the evaluation of an individual Performance Management system at local government level in the Cape Metropolitan Area. The researcher has observed a possible decline in customer satisfaction towards the Cape Metropolitan Council Administration and at other Administrations within the City of Cape Town, and the press also highlighted complaints regarding the absence of an entrenched customer care ethic among municipal officials. The researcher was concerned with the way customers are being handled by municipal officials, and sought to find a solution to the problem. The researcher conducted research on what the ideal situation should be, and how to reach the ideal situation, which included South African local government legislation and discussion documents. The researcher also conducted an opinion survey (by means of a questionnaire) within the CMC Administration, in order to obtain the opinions of employees of the City of Cape Town's CMC Administration with regard to perceptions of customer satisfaction, and the possible effect on customer satisfaction should a Performance Management system be implemented within the City of Cape Town. It was found that, should a Performance Management system be introduced within the City of Cape Town, it will contribute to efficiency in service delivery, and staff will be held accountable for their work performance. It was also found that at local government institutions (locally and internationally) where effective organisational and individual Performance Management systems had been implemented, customer satisfaction at these institutions has improved. It is therefore suggested by this research that the City of Cape Town should implement an individual Performance Management system and that customer satisfaction should improve over time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van die navorsings opdrag is die evaluering van 'n individuele werkverrigting- bestuurstelsel op die vlak van plaaslike regering in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied. Die navorser het 'n moontlike afname in kliënte bevrediging teenoor die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Raad (KMR) en ander Rade binne die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied opgelet, en die pers het ook klagte belig betrekkend die afwesigheid van 'n verskansekliënte-sorg etiek onder munisipale amptenare. Die navorser was bekommered met die manier waarop kliënte behandel is deur munisipale amptenare, en het probeer om 'n oplossing te vind vir die probleem. Die navorser het ondersoek ingestel, wat ingesluit het Suid_Afrikaanse plaaslike regerings-wette en besprekings-dokumente, om uit te vind wat die ideale situasie is, en hoe om hierdie situasie te bereik. Die navorser het ook 'n opinie opneming ingestel (dmv. 'n vraelys) binne die KMR Administrasie, om sodoende die opinies van die werkers van Stad Kaapstad se KMR Administrasie betreffend die waarnemings van kliënt bevrediging, en die moontlike effek op kliënt bevrediging as 'n werkverrigting bestuurstelsel in werking gebring word binne die Stad Kaapstad. Daar is gevind, dat as 'n werkverrigting bestuurstelsel voorgestel word binne die Stad Kaapstad, daar 'n verbetering sal wees in doeltreffendheid van diens gelewer, en personeel sal verantwoordelik wees vir hul werkverrigtinge. Daar is ook gevind by plaaslike regering-instansies (plaaslik en internasionaal) waar daar effektiewe werkverrigting bestuurstelsels in werking gestel is, daar 'n verbetering in kliënte bevrediging was. Dus word daar gesuggereer, deur dié navorser dat die Stad Kaapstad 'n individuele-werkverrigting bestuurstelsel moet implementeer en dat kliënt bevrediging mettertyd sal verbeter.

A study of the transformation of the value of the Cape Town central precinct since 1994 with specific reference to the effect on the retail and office market

Uys, Sanett 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Socially, politically and economically, Cape Town Central City is one of the most important urban areas in South Africa. Apart from the fact that it is historically and culturally the oldest and most cosmopolitan city in South Africa, the Central Business District (CBD)accommodates about 240 000 commuters every day, generates more than R133 million in rates every year, constitutes over 20% of the economic turnover of the entire metropolitan area and provides over a quarter of all jobs in the Cape Town metropolitan area. Major challenges facing the Cape Town central precinct in the mid-1990s included growing vacancies, the capital flight to decentralised business nodes, the loss of value in buildings and the municipal rate base, the decline in building refurbishments, the shortage of parking, badly managed public open spaces and a rise in general crime rates. Through the transformation and revitalisation of the Central City, traditional economic sectors, such as the financial and business services sector, have been retained while the retail sector, tourism, information and communication technologies, and the creative industries have all shown growth. The formation of the Cape Town Partnership (CTP) and the Central City Improvement District (CID) gave the Central City an opportunity to combat the decay. The successful implementation of quality urban management systems has led to the development of new buildings and the refurbishment / redevelopment or recycling of approximately 160 buildings and public open spaces. Vacancies have decreased while the cumulative investment in the Central City since 2000 amounted to approximately R14 billion. This includes the capital value of leases, new developments, upgrades and renewals of buildings, and purchasing buildings for investment purchases. Since the last Municipal Valuation, the value of property in the Central City has increased significantly. As a result, the municipal rates base of the area also increased. With the implementation of the new General Valuation in July 2007, the city increased its annual revenue in the form of rates by more than 65%. Improved property fundamentals, sustainable rentals, increases in new developments and greater diversity are the result of the increased value of properties in the Central City. Office rentals increased steadily since the first quarter of 1995, while capitalisation rates decreased dramatically since the first quarter of 2003. Vacancy rates also decreased over the same period. Retail rentals are still in an upward phase since 1999 and the forecast by property economist Erwin Rode states that office rentals should continue to increase over the next five years with an average of approximately 14,6%. The last major challenge facing the Central City is the ability of the different spheres of government to work together as a unit and in turn with civil society organisations, NGOs and the private sector to ensure the success of the Cape Town Metropolitan area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale stad van Kaapstad is een van die belangrikste stedelike gebiede in Suid-Afrika wat maatskaplike, politieke en ekonomiese kwessies betref. Buiten die feit dat dit histories en kultureel die oudste en mees kosmopolitaanse stad in Suid-Afrika is, word die Sentrale Sakegebied (SSG) elke dag deur sowat 240 000 pendelaars besoek en genereer dit elke jaar meer as R133 miljoen in munisipale belasting. Die SSG verteenwoordig ook 20% van die ekonomiese omset van die hele metropolitaanse gebied en verskaf meer as 'n kwart van al die werkgeleenthede in die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied. Die uitdagings wat die Kaapstadse sentrale gebied in die mid-1990's ervaar het, sluit in toenemende leegstande, kapitaalvlug na gedesentraliseerde sakenodusse, waardeverlies in geboue en in munisipale belastingbasis, afname in gebou-opkappings, tekort aan parkering, openbare oop ruimtes wat swak bestuur word, en 'n toename in algemene misdaadsyfers. Deur die transformasie en heroplewering van die sentrale stadsgebied kon tradisionele ekonomiese sektore soos die finansiële en sakedienstesektor behou word terwyl die kleinhandelsektor, toerisme, inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie, en die kreatiewe bedryfsrigtings almal groei aangetoon het. Die ontstaan van die Kaapstadse Vennootskap (KV) en die sentrale stadsverbeteringsdistrik (SSVD) het aan die sentrale stad 'n geleentheid gebied om die verval om te swaai. Die suksesvolle implementering van stedelike bestuurstelsels van gehalte het tot die ontwikkeling van nuwe geboue en die opknapping / herontwikkeling of herbenutting van sowat 160 geboue en openbare oop ruimtes gelei. Leegstande het aansienlik gedaal terwyl die kumulatiewe belegging in die sentrale stad sedert 2000 op sowat R14 miljard beraam word. Dit sluit in die kapitaalwaarde van huurkontrakte, nuwe ontwikkelings, opgraderings en die opknapping van geboue, en die koop van geboue vir beleggingsdoeleindes. Die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het sedert die vorige Munisipale Waardasie beduidend toegeneem. As gevolg hiervan het die munisipale belastingbasis van die gebied ook toegeneem. Met die implementering van die nuwe Algemene Waardasie in Julie 2007 het die stad sy jaarlikse inkomste in die vorm van belasting met meer as 65% verhoog. Die toename in die waarde van eiendom in die sentrale stad het gelei tot verbeterde eiendomsfundamentele, volhoubare huurkontrakte, 'n toename in nuwe ontwikkelings en groter diversiteit. Kantoorhuur het sedert die eerste kwartaal van 1995 bestendig toegeneem terwyl kapitalisasiekoerse sedert die eerste kwartaal van 2003 dramaties gedaal het. Leegstandsyfers het ook oor dieselfde tydperk gedaal. Kleinhandelhuur is sedert 1999 steeds in 'n opswaaifase en die eiendomsekonoom Erwin Rode voorspel dat kantoorhuur oor die volgende vyf jaar gemiddeld met sowat 14,6% sal toeneem. Die laaste groot uitdaging vir sentrale stad is die vermoë van die verskillende sfere van die regering om as 'n eenheid saam te werk, en ook om met die burgerlike gemeenskapsorganisasies, NRO's en die private sektor saam te werk om die sukses van die Kaapstadse metropolitaanse gebied te verseker.

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