Spelling suggestions: "subject:"well aigration"" "subject:"well denigration""
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Comparing stochastic discrete and deterministic continuum models of cell migrationYates, Christian January 2011 (has links)
Multiscale mathematical modelling is one of the major driving forces behind the systems biology revolution. The inherently interdisciplinary nature of its study and the multiple spatial and temporal scales which characterise its dynamics make cell migration an ideal candidate for a systems biology approach. Due to its ease of analysis and its compatibility with the type of data available, phenomenological continuum modelling has long been the default framework adopted by the cell migration modelling community. However, in recent years, with increased computational power, complex, discrete, cell-level models, able to capture the detailed dynamics of experimental systems, have become more prevalent. These two modelling paradigms have complementary advantages and disadvantages. The challenge now is to combine these two seemingly disparate modelling regimes in order to exploit the benefits offered by each in a comprehensive, multiscale equivalence framework for modelling cell migration. The main aim of this thesis is to begin with an on-lattice, individual-based model and derive a continuum, population-based model which is equivalent to it in certain limits. For simple models this is relatively easy to achieve: beginning with a one-dimensional, discrete model of cell migration on a regular lattice we derive a partial differential equation for the evolution of cell density on the same domain. We are also able to simply incorporate various signal sensing dynamics into our fledgling equivalence framework. However, as we begin to incorporate more complex model attributes such as cell proliferation/death, signalling dynamics and domain growth we find that deriving an equivalent continuum model requires some innovative mathematics. The same is true when considering a non-uniform domain discretisation in the one-dimensional model and when determining appropriate domain discretisations in higher dimensions. Higher-dimensional simulations of individual-based models bring with them their own computational challenges. Increased lattice sites in order to maintain spatial resolution and increased cell numbers in order to maintain consistent densities lead to dramatic reductions in simulation speeds. We consider a variety of methods to increase the efficiency of our simulations and derive novel acceleration techniques which can be applied to general reaction systems but are especially useful for our spatially extended cell migration algorithms. The incorporation of domain growth in higher dimensions is the final hurdle we clear on our way to constructing a complex discrete-continuum modelling framework capable of representing signal-mediated cell migration on growing (possibly non-standard) domains in multiple dimensions.
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The objective of this study was to investigate primary cilia and their mechanotransduction role in lung adenocarcinoma tumor progression. The main focus investigated the effect of primary cilia on cell cycle progression, survival, adhesion and migration analysis of these cells and the role of sonic hedgehog signaling pathway in mechanotransduction. Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) adenocarcinoma biopsies contain more primary cilia than non-tumor lung sections. To observe the effects of primary cilia presence in lung cancer cells in-vitro, formation of primary cilia is inhibited using small interfering RNA. A549 cells with intact primary cilia observe less cell cycle progression than cells deficient in primary cilia under static and cyclic stretch conditions. Primary cilia cause higher cell survival and adhesion. Increase in cell adhesion also increases the migration and wound closure rates in control samples compared to samples treated with inhibition of IFT88, thereby increasing the metastasis of these cells. Several downstream regulatory genes in sonic hedgehog signaling pathway observe significantly decreased gene expressions in primary cilia deficient cells, thus indicating inefficient mechanotransduction. Therefore, cancer cells need primary cilia to survive, adhere and migrate and continue tumor progression.
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Rôles des protéines d’échafaudage Gab dans la signalisation et l’angiogenèse médiées par le VEGFCaron, Christine 10 1900 (has links)
La protéine d’échafaudage Gab1 amplifie la signalisation de plusieurs récepteurs à fonction tyrosine kinase (RTK). Entre autres, elle promeut la signalisation du VEGFR2, un RTK essentiel à la médiation de l’angiogenèse via le VEGF dans les cellules endothéliales. En réponse au VEGF, Gab1 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, ce qui résulte en la formation d’un complexe de protéines de signalisation impliqué dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et la migration des cellules endothéliales. Gab1 est un modulateur essentiel de l’angiogenèse in vitro et in vivo. Toutefois, malgré l’importance de Gab1 dans les cellules endothéliales, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la médiation de ses fonctions, demeurent mal définis et la participation du second membre de la famille, Gab2, reste inconnue.
Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que tout comme Gab1, Gab2 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, qu’il s’associe de façon similaire avec des protéines de signalisation et qu’il médie la migration des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. Cependant, contrairement à Gab1, Gab2 n’interagit pas avec le VEGFR2 et n’est pas essentiel pour l’activation d’Akt et la promotion de la survie cellulaire. En fait, nous avons constaté que l’expression de Gab2 atténue l’expression de Gab1 et l’activation de la signalisation médiée par le VEGF. Ainsi, Gab2 semble agir plutôt comme un régulateur négatif des signaux pro-angiogéniques induits par Gab1.
La migration cellulaire est une des étapes cruciales de l’angiogenèse. Nous avons démontré que Gab1 médie l’activation de la GTPase Rac1 via la formation et la localisation d’un complexe protéique incluant la GEF VAV2, la p120Caténine et la Cortactine aux lamellipodes des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. De plus, nous montrons que l’assemblage de ce complexe corrèle avec la capacité du VEGF à induire l’invasion des cellules endothéliales et le bourgeonnement de capillaires, deux phénomènes essentiels au processus angiogénique.
La régulation des RhoGTPases est également régulée par des inactivateurs spécifiques les « Rho GTPases activating proteins », ou GAPs. Nous décrivons ici pour la première fois le rôle de la GAP CdGAP dans les cellules endothéliales et démontrons son importance dans la médiation de la signalisation du VEGF via la phosphorylation sur tyrosine de Gab1 et l’activation des RhoGTPases Rac1 et Cdc42. Ainsi, dù à son importance sur l’activation de voies de signalisation du VEGF, CdGAP représente un régulateur crucial de la promotion de diverses activités biologiques essentielles à l’angiogenèse telles que la migration cellulaire, et le bourgeonnement de capillaires in vitro et d’aortes de souris ex vivo. De plus, les embryons de souris CdGAP KO présentent des hémorragies et de l’œdème, et ces défauts vasculaires pourraient être responsables de la mortalité de 44% des souris CdGAP knock-out attendues.
Nos études amènent donc une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires induits par le VEGF et démontrent l’implication centrale de Gab1 et des régulateurs des RhoGTPases dans la promotion de l’angiogenèse. Cette meilleure compréhension pourrait mener à l’identification de nouvelles cibles ou approches thérapeutiques afin d’améliorer le traitement des patients souffrant de maladies associées à une néovascularisation incontrôlée telles que le cancer. / The Gab1 scaffolding protein allows signaling of multiple Receptors Tyrosine Kinase (RTKs). Among other things, it allows VEGFR2 signaling, an essential RTK to mediate angiogenesis via VEGF in endothelial cells. In response to VEGF, Gab1 is tyrosine phosphorylated, resulting in the formation of a signaling protein complex involved in the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and the migration of endothelial cells. Gab1 is a key modulator of angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. However, despite the importance of Gab1 in endothelial cells, the molecular mechanisms involved in mediating its functions remain poorly defined and the participation of the second family member, Gab2, remains unknown.
Initially, we demonstrated that as with Gab1, Gab2 is tyrosine phosphorylated, it associates with similar signaling proteins and induces cell migration in response to VEGF in endothelial cells. However, Gab2 does not interact with VEGFR2 and is not essential for the activation of Akt and the promotion of cell survival. In fact, we found that the expression of Gab2 attenuates the expression of Gab1 and activation of VEGF-mediated signaling. In light of these results, we propose that in endothelial cells stimulated with VEGF, Gab2 acts as a negative regulator of pro-angiogenic signals induced by Gab1.
Cell migration is a crucial step in angiogenesis, though, few studies have investigated the involvement of Gab1 in regulating different molecular mechanisms for actin remodeling leading to endothelial cell migration. We demonstrated that Gab1 mediates activation of Rac1 GTPase via the formation and localization of a protein complex including the GEF VAV2, p120 Catenin and Cortactin to lamellipodia of endothelial cells in response to VEGF. Furthermore, we show that the assembly of this complex correlates with the ability of VEGF to induce endothelial cell invasion and capillary sprouting, phenomena essential to the angiogenic process.
RhoGTPases are also regulated by specific inactivators, "Rho GTPase activating proteins" or GAPs. The involvement of GAPs in promoting angiogenesis is relatively poorly described. Here we describe for the first time the role of the GAP CdGAP in endothelial cells and demonstrate its importance in mediating VEGF signaling via tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab1 and activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 RhoGTPases. Due to its importance in the activation of signaling pathways critical in VEGF signaling, CdGAP is thus an important protein for the regulation of various essential biological activities such as cell migration, sprouting and therefore in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis. In addition, embryos of CdGAP knock-out mice exhibit vascular defects, excessive branching vessels, haemorrhages and edema which may be responsible for the 44% mortality seen in CdGAP knock-out mice expected.
Our studies contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms induced by VEGF and demonstrate the central involvement of Gab1 and regulators of RhoGTPases in promoting angiogenesis. This understanding could lead to the identification of new targets and therapeutic approaches to improve the treatment of patients with uncontrolled neovascularization associated with diseases such as cancer.
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La petite GTPase Rab11 et ses interacteurs orchestrent la migration cellulaire collective et la cytocinèse chez la DrosophileLaflamme, Carl 05 1900 (has links)
Le trafic vésiculaire permet un échange coordonné de molécules entre les différents organites de la cellule et dépend largement des petites GTPases de la famille des Rabs dont le nombre varie entre 27 chez la Drosophile et 70 chez l’Homme. Un des prochains défis consiste donc à élucider les mécanismes cellulaires qui coordonnent l’activité de ces Rabs, laquelle garantit un transport vésiculaire ordonné au sein de la cellule. Les Rabs agissent comme des interrupteurs moléculaires grâce à leur capacité à cycler entre un état actif et inactif. L’activité des Rabs est contrôlée par des protéines régulatrices puis des effecteurs en aval coordonnent leurs différentes fonctions. La petite GTPase Rab11 est essentielle au développement de plusieurs organismes incluant la Drosophile, C. elegans et la souris puisqu’elle se retrouve au cœur de différentes voies de transport. D’ailleurs, le trafic de molécules dépendant de Rab11 est perturbé dans plusieurs pathologies. Malgré son rôle central dans le trafic vésiculaire, la régulation de Rab11 reste peu comprise in vivo. Cette thèse se penche sur les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant les fonctions de Rab11 et de ses effecteurs lors de la migration cellulaire collective et lors de la cytocinèse.
Nous avons identifié Evi5 comme un nouvel acteur clé de la migration cellulaire collective, et nous montrons qu’elle possède une activité Rab11-GAP essentielle pour maintenir les récepteurs de guidance actifs de façon polarisée au front de migration. Nous avons ensuite déterminé que Rab11 régule la communication cellulaire lors de la migration collective par l’entremise de son interaction avec la Moésine. Une question reste toutefois en suspens : sachant que Rab11 compte plus de 13 effecteurs, quels sont les mécanismes assurant la spécificité de l’interaction entre cette GTPase et un effecteur particulier? Une partie de la réponse provient peut-être de nos observations que les membres des Rab11-FIPs de classe I, une famille d’effecteurs de Rab11, interagissent avec les protéines d’échafaudage 14-3-3. Chez la Drosophile, Rip11 est le seul représentant des Rab11-FIPs de classe I et nous montrons que Rip11 aurait des fonctions inattendues durant la cytocinèse qui seraient coordonnées par 14-3-3. Nos recherches permettent de dresser un portrait plus authentique des mécanismes moléculaires régulant les différentes fonctions de Rab11 et de ses effecteurs in vivo. / Vesicle trafficking allows coordinated exchange of molecules between the cell organelles and depends largely on small GTPases of the Rab family which contains 27 members in Drosophila and 70 in Human. One challenge is to identify the cellular mechanisms which coordinate Rab activity to ensure ordered vesicle transport within the cell. Rab proteins act like molecular switch by cycling between an active and an inactive state. Rab activity is regulated by helper proteins, whereas downstream effector proteins coordinate the Rab functions. The small GTPase Rab11 is crucial for Drosophila, C. elegans and mouse development since Rab11 is at the heart of different transport routes. Thus, Rab11-dependent trafficking of molecules is perturbed in different pathologies. Despite its central role during vesicle trafficking, the regulation of Rab11 in vivo is poorly characterized. This thesis focus on the molecular mechanisms controlling the function of Rab11 and its effectors during collective cell migration and cytokinesis.
We identify Evi5 as a novel key regulator of collective cell migration and we show that Evi5 has Rab11-GAP activity essential for maintaining active guidance receptors at the leading edge. We then show that Rab11 regulates cell communication during collective cell movement through its interaction with Moesin. A question still remained unanswered: knowing that Rab11 has more than 13 effectors, which mechanisms assure the specificity of interaction between this small GTPase and a particular effector? Part of the answer might come from our observation that class I Rab11-FIPs, known Rab11 effectors, are able to bind to the 14-3-3 scaffolding proteins. In Drosophila, Rip11 is the sole member of the class I Rab11-FIPs and we show that Rip11 has unexpected functions during cytokinesis which are coordinated by 14-3-3. Our research allows us to better understand the molecular mechanisms regulating Rab11 and its effectors in vivo.
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Migration cellulaire : identification d'Arpin, un nouvel inhibiteur du complexe Arp2/3, et mécanismes moléculaires de sa régulation / Cell migration : identification of Arpin, an novel inhibitor of the Arp2/3 complex and molecular mecanisms of its regulationDang, Irene 19 September 2014 (has links)
Dans une cellule en migration, la polymérisation d'actine permet de projeter la membrane plasmique dans une structure appelée le lamellipode. Dans le lamellipode, l'actine est polymérisée de manière branchée par le complexe Arp2/3. L'activation du complexe Arp2/3 au lamellipode est sous le contrôle du complexe WAVE. En réponse à une cascade d’activation moléculaire, une des sous-unités du complexe WAVE expose son domaine WCA (WH2-Connecteur-Acide) qui peut alors se lier au complexe Arp2/3 et l’activer afin d'initier la formation d’un nouveau filament d’actine. La voie d’activation du complexe Arp2/3 par le complexe WAVE a été bien étudiée. Cependant la migration cellulaire est finement régulée et cette unique voie de signalisation nous semblait insuffisante. Dans le but de trouver de nouveaux régulateurs de la migration et en particulier de nouvelles protéines se liant au complexe Arp2/3, nous avons réalisé un crible bioinformatique identifiant les protéines contenant un motif Acide. Ce dernier a abouti à l’identification d’une protéine non caractérisée. In vitro, cette protéine n'active pas le complexe Arp2/3. En revanche, elle est capable d'inhiber l'activation du complexe Arp2/3 induite par le domaine WCA d'un activateur et empêche la formation de branches par le complexe Arp2/3. Nous avons appelé cette nouvelle protéine Arpin pour « Arp2/3 Inhibitor ». De manière cohérente avec son rôle inhibiteur in vitro, la déplétion d'Arpin dans différents type de cellules, induit une augmentation de la vitesse de protrusion des lamellipodes et une demi-vie augmentée des lamellipodes. Ces effets se traduisent par une migration plus rapide et plus persistante en direction. Arpin joue donc le rôle d'un frein de la migration cellulaire et permet à la cellule de tourner. Pour jouer ce rôle-là, Arpin nécessite d’être régulée rigoureusement. Dans la cellule, Arpin est inactive et nécessite d’être activée par Rac. Cependant cette régulation n'est probablement pas directe. Pour mieux comprendre la régulation d'Arpin, nous avons donc recherché des protéines partenaires. Nous avons identifié Tankyrase comme protéine interagissant avec Arpin. De façon significative, le motif d’Arpin qui permet son interaction avec Tankyrase se superpose à la séquence Acide nécessaire à son interaction avec le complexe Arp2/3. Nous avons mis en évidence in vitro une compétition entre Tankyrase et le complexe Arp2/3 sur Arpin. Ces résultats suggèrent Tankyrase inhibe la protéine inhibitrice Arpin. En conclusion, nous avons découvert une nouvelle protéine Arpin, qui inhibe le complexe Arp2/3 et qui joue un rôle régulateur important dans la migration cellulaire. Nous avons identifié une protéine régulatrice de son activité, la Tankyrase. Nous nous attendons à ce qu’Arpin soit impliquée dans des nombreux processus physiologiques ou pathologiques, où la migration cellulaire joue un rôle important, en particulier lors de la formation de métastases dans le cancer. / In migrating cells, the Arp2/3 complex generates branched actin networks that power protrusion of the leading edge in a structure called lamellipodium. The Arp2/3 complex is activated at the leading edge by the Wave complex which is itself activated by the small GTPase Rac. WAVE which is in an inactive state, then exposes its WCA domain (WH2-Connector-Acidic) that can bind to the Arp2/3 complex and activate it to trigger the formation of a new daughter actin filament. This signalling pathway of the Arp2/3 complex has been well studied. However, cell migration is a fine-tuned process that is probably regulated in a more complex manner.To identify new regulators of cell migration, especially proteins that bind to the Arp2/3 complex, we performed a bioinformatics screen to identify proteins containing an acidic motif at its C-terminus, a characteristic motif of Arp2/3 activators. By this method we retrieved an uncharacterized protein. A combination of in vitro assays revealed, however, that this protein inhibits the Arp2/3 complex by competing with the activators. We called this protein Arpin for “Arp2/3 inhibitor”. Depletion of Arpin in different kind of cells, such as mammalian cells or amoeba, induces lamellipodia to protrude faster and to last longer, consistent with its inhibitory role on Arp2/3 complex activity. These effects observed lead to an increased velocity and a more directional migration in random migration assay. The function of the Arp2/3 inhibitory protein Arpin is thus to slow down and steer cell migration.In the cell, Arpin has been shown to be inactive until it is activated by Rac, most likely by an indirect manner. We identified Tankyrase as an interactor of Arpin. Interestingly, the binding motif of Arpin to Tankyrase overlaps the acidic motif required for the binding to the Arp2/3 complex. By a biochemistry approach, we showed a competition between Tankyrase and the Arp2/3 complex for the binding to Arpin. This observation suggests that Tankyrase inhibits the inhibitory protein Arpin in the cell. To conclude, we identified a new protein, Arpin which inhibits the Arp2/3 complex and plays an important role in the control of cell migration. We identified a protein which regulated its activity, Tankyrase. Thus, we can imagine that Arpin could be implicated in numerous physiological and pathological processes where cell migration is involved, particularly during metastases formation in cancer
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Relevance of the activation and migration patterns of CD8 T cells for the development of immune-mediated liver injuryEickmeier, Ira 02 October 2014 (has links)
Die initialen immunologischen Prozesse, die zur Entwicklung autoimmuner Lebererkrankungen führen, sind weitgehend unbekannt. Deshalb wurden in dieser Arbeit die Antigenpräsentation, die Migration sowie der Phänotyp in vivo aktivierter CD8 T-Zellen in der Leber anhand eines Mausmodells der autoimmunen Hepatitis untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass hepatische dendritische Zellen an der Entstehung von CD8 Effektor-T-Zellen und an der Inflammation der Leber beteiligt sind. Kupffer-Zellen dagegen nehmen im autoimmunen Kontext in der Leber eine tolerogene Funktion ein. Die in vivo in der Leber aktivierten CD8 T-Zellen zeigten spezifische Oberflächenmarker und ein ungewöhnliches Migrationsverhalten. So wurde zum einen mit Neuropilin-1 ein weitgehend unbekannter Oberflächenmarker identifiziert, zum anderen spricht die Expression von bekannten Markern, die den Aktivierungsstatus der CD8 T-Zellen definieren, für einen hybriden Phänotyp. Sie besitzen sowohl Charakteristika von naiven CD8 T-Zellen als auch von Effektorzellen, eine Eigenschaft, die auch bei zentralen Gedächtniszellen gefunden wird. In der Leber aktivierte CD8 T-Zellen können nicht nur proinflammatorische Zytokine ausschütten und somit eine Inflammation in der Leber auslösen, sondern sind außerdem in der Lage durch Lymphknoten zu zirkulieren. Dagegen ist ihnen der Zugang zum Darm verwehrt, womit eine direkte regulatorische Funktion im Darm ausgeschlossen werden kann. Obwohl auf in der Leber aktivierten CD8 T-Zellen spezifische Adhäsionsmoleküle identifiziert wurden, existiert keine exklusive gewebespezifische Migration in die Leber, wie sie etwa für im Darm aktivierte CD8 T-Zellen nachgewiesen wurde. Im darmassoziierten lymphatischen Gewebe aktivierte CD8 T-Zellen akkumulieren in der Leber und tragen möglicherweise zur Schädigung der Leber im Rahmen chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen bei. Diese Arbeit trägt somit zum besseren Verständnis der Entstehung autoimmuner Prozesse in der Leber bei. / Initial immunological processes leading to autoimmune liver diseases are largely unknown. Therefore this thesis analyzed the antigen presentation, the migration as well as the phenotype of in vivo activated CD8 T cells in the liver by employing a mouse model for autoimmune hepatitis. It was shown that hepatic dendritic cells are effective antigen-presenting cells, which contribute to the induction of functional effector CD8 T cells in the liver and hepatitis. In contrast, Kupffer cells have a tolerogenic role during autoimmune processes in the liver. CD8 T cells that were in vivo activated in the liver display specific surface markers and unusual migration patterns. On the one hand an unusual surface molecule Neuropilin-1 was identified, on the other hand expression of well-known markers defining the activation-status of CD8 T cells suggests a hybrid phenotype. They reflect aspects of naive and effector T cells, characteristics also found on central memory T cells. Liver-primed CD8 T cells do not only produce pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to hepatitis, but they also retain their ability to circulate through lymph nodes. However, they have no access to the gut, which suggests that a direct regulatory function in the gut can be excluded. Although specific adhesion molecules on CD8 T cells activated in the liver were identified, no exclusive tissue-specific migration into the liver exists, as was shown for CD8 T cells primed in the gut. CD8 T cells activated in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue accumulate in the liver, in principle enabling them to induce liver pathology in the context of inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, the here described findings contribute to the understanding of initial immunological processes in autoimmune liver diseases.
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EndothelzellmigrationBungenstock, Anne 02 October 2003 (has links)
Angiogenese, die Bildung neuer Blutgefäße aus bereits bestehender Vaskulatur, ist ein Prozeß, der sowohl unter physiologischen Bedingungen abläuft, wie bei der Embryonalentwicklung und der Wundheilung, als auch unter pathologischen Bedingungen, wie der diabetischen Retinopathie und dem Wachstum und der Metastasierung solider Tumoren. Chronische Entzündungen wie die Atherosklerose und die Rheumatoide Arthritis gehen ebenfalls mit angiogenetischen Prozessen einher. Die Angiogenese ist ein stark regulierter Vorgang, der Migration, Proliferation und Differenzierung der Endothelzellen erfordert. Die Fähigkeit zur Migration ist eine wichtige biologische Funktion der Endothelzellen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand daher in der Untersuchung der Einflüsse verschiedener Zytokine auf die Endothelzellmigration und in der Charakterisierung daran beteiligter Mechanismen der Signaltransduktion. Dabei erwies sch Leptin als ein potenter Stimulus der Endothelzellmigration. Die Migration endothelialer Zellen nach Stimulation mit chemotaktischen Faktoren wie Leptin und VEGF wird durch die Aktivierung der Proteinkinasen ERK-MAPK und Akt vermittelt, deren pharmakologische Inhibition eine signifikante Hemmung der Migration bewirkte. Die antidiabetischen Thiazolidinedione Troglitazone und Ciglitazone hemmten die Leptin-induzierte Endothelzellmigration durch die Inhibition der Proteinkinase Akt, hatten aber keinen Einfluß auf die Aktivierung der ERK-MAP-Kinase. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass die ERK-MAP-Kinase und die Proteinkinase Akt zwei voneinander unabängige Wege der Signaltransduktion darstellen, deren jeweilige Aktivierung für die Migration von Endothelzellen erforderlich, aber nicht ausreichend ist. Die proinflammatorischen Mediatoren TNF alpha und CD40L hemmten die VEGF-induzierte Migration humaner Endothelzellen bei Inkubation der untersuchten Zellen über 24 h signifikant. Auch bei kurzzeitiger Stimulation über 5 h steigerte TNF alpha die Rate migrierter Endothelzellen nicht. Diese Beobachtung steht im Widerspruch zur angenommen Assoziation entzündlicher und angiogenetischer Prozesse. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass Antidiabetika aus der Gruppe der PPAR gamma-Liganden die Endothelzellmigration direkt hemmen. Dies weist auf eine mögliche Erweiterung des therapeutischen Einsatzes der Thiazilodinedione bei Patienten mit NIDDM und sekundären Symptomen wie der diabetischen Retinopathie hin. / Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from the preexisting vasculature, is a process involved in physiologic conditions, such as embryonic development and woundhealing, as well as in pathologic conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy and growth and spreading of solid tumors. Chronic inflammation such as atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis is also associated with angiogenic processes. Angiogenesis is a tightly regulated process that requires migration, proliferation and differentiation of endothelial cells. Cell migration is a very important biologic function of the endothelial cell. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the impact of various cytokines on endothelial cell migration and to characterize the chemotactic signal transduction pathways involved in this process. Leptin, the product of the ob-gene, proved to be a potent stimulus of endothelial cell migration. The actvation of the protein kinases ERK-MAPK and Akt is critical for endothelial cell migration, and their pharmacological inhibition caused a significant down-regulation of the migratory response towards migration factors such as Leptin and VEGF. The antidiabetic thiazolidinediones Troglitazone and Ciglitazone inhibited the leptin-induced endothelial cell migration by interfering with the cytosolic protein kinase Akt. They did not exert any influence on the activation of the ERK-MAPK. These findings prove the existence of two different, independent ways of signal transduction involved in endothelial cell migration: The ERK-MAPK and the protein kinase Akt. The activation of either kinase is necessary, but not sufficient to induce a migratory response in human endothelial cells. The proinflammatory mediators TNF alpha and CD40L caused a significant inhibition of endothelial cell migration in response to VEGF, when they were added to the culture medium for 24 h. TNF alpha did not stimulate the migration of endothelial cells, even when administered during a comparable short period of 5 h. This observation is in contrast with the postulated association of inflammatory and angiogenic proceses. In conclusion, the results of this study show for the first time a direct inhibition of leptin-induced endothelial cell migration by antidiabetic drugs belonging to the PPAR gamma-ligand-family through their inhibitory effect on Akt. This possibly broadens the spectrum of therapeutic applications of the antidiabetic thiazolidinediones in patients suffering from NIDDM and secondary complications such as diabetic retinopathy.
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Abnormal migration of sacral neural crest cells and their gene expression in a mouse model of Hirschsprung's disease. / 骶神經脊細胞在先天性巨結腸小鼠模型中非正常遷移和基因表達的研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Di shen jing ji xi bao zai xian tian xing ju jie chang xiao shu mo xing zhong fei zheng chang qian yi he ji yin biao da de yan jiuJanuary 2013 (has links)
Hou, Yonghui. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 174-190). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese.
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Rôle de la voie de signalisation Insuline dans le couplage des informations nutritionnelles et développementales au cours de l'ovogenèse chez la drosophile / Role of the Insulin signalling pathway in coupling oogenesis rate with nutritional cues in DrosophilaJouandin, Patrick 06 December 2013 (has links)
Au cours de l’ovogenèse, les stades vitellogéniques nécessitent une énergie considérable, et leur formation doit être ajustée en fonction d’autres besoins physiologiques. En utilisant la drosophile comme modèle, j’ai montré que la signalisation Insuline régule une transition du cycle cellulaire, mitose/ endocyle (M/E), une étape critique qui contrôle l’entrée des follicules en vitellogenèse. Mes travaux montrent que la transition M/E porte le rôle d’un point de contrôle nutritionnel. La carence protéique induit un blocage de cette transition au travers d’une interaction entre FoxO, Cut et Notch, empêchant une perte d’énergie. Ce blocage reste réversible, autorisant la reprise de l’ovogenèse sous retour à une alimentation normale. Ce travail montre qu’un point de contrôle nutritionnel au cours de l’ovogenèse permet de coupler des signaux métaboliques et développementaux pour protéger les tissus des dommages liés à la carence. D’autre part, j’ai montré que la signalisation Insuline contrôle la migration d’une cohorte de cellules d’origine épithéliale pour assurer la fertilité de l’ovocyte. L’insuline participe à la formation d’extensions cytoplasmiques riches en actine. Lors de ce processus, la signalisation Insuline contrôle notamment l’expression de chickadee, qui code pour la Profiline, une protéine nécessaire pour la polymérisation de l’actine qui permet la motilité des cellules. L’ensemble de ce travail montre que des tissus somatiques assurent l’homéostasie de l’ovogenèse malgré des conditions de nutritions fluctuantes. Ces travaux posent les bases de l’étude de nouveaux aspects de l’ovogenèse, potentiellement conservés chez les mammifères. / How oogenesis is controlled upon nutrient challenge is a key biological question to understand the balance between reproduction and adult fitness. During Drosophila oogenesis, vitellogenic stages are highly energy consuming so their formation has to be balanced with other physiological needs. We reveal the role of the Insulin pathway and FoxO in regulating the transition from Mitotic-to-Endocycle, a critical step controlling the entry of egg chambers into vitellogenesis. We show that the M/E switch functions as a nutrient checkpoint, blocking the entry into vitellogenesis upon starvation and therefore protecting adults from energy loss. Pausing of the M/E switch involves a previously unknown crosstalk between FoxO, Cut and Notch, a fully reversible process ensuring rapid resuming of oogenesis upon re-feeding. This work reveals a FoxO-dependent nutrient checkpoint integrating metabolic cues with reproduction and protecting tissues from starvation-induced damages. In addition, we show that the Insulin pathway regulates the migration of a subset of epithelial cells to ensure oocyte fertilization. We demonstrate that Insulin signaling regulates the formation of actin-rich cellular extensions in invasive cells. During this process, FoxO represses chickadee expression, which encodes Profilin. Insulin signaling activity leads to the inhibition of FoxO and subsequent Profilin accumulation, which further allows actin polymerization, necessary for cell motility. Altogether, data reveal a crucial role for the conserved Insulin signaling pathway in regulating ovarian follicles through somatic tissues, a process which is likely to share much in common with oogenesis in mammals.
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Testosterona induz migração de células da musculatura lisa vascular de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos por mecanismos dependentes de EROs e ativação da NADPH oxidase via c-Src. / Testosterone induces migration of vascular smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats via c-Src-dependent NADPH oxidase-driven ROS generation.Chignalia, Andréia Zago 27 October 2009 (has links)
O dimorfismo sexual relacionado à hipertensão arterial surge na adolescência e persiste por toda vida adulta. Homens apresentam maior incidência de doenças cardiovasculares quando comparados a mulheres de mesma faixa etária. O mesmo perfil é observado em modelos animais de hipertensão, nos quais machos apresentam maiores níveis pressóricos quando comparados a fêmeas. Dessa forma, a testosterona é frequentemente relacionada à hipertensão arterial. Entretanto, os mecanismos pelos quais a testosterona exerce efeitos vasculares ainda não estão esclarecidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da testosterona sobre a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs), importantes mediadores do processo hipertensivo, em células da musculatura lisa vascular (CMLV) de ratos normotensos e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). Os receptores para andrógenos, as fontes de EROs (papel da NADPH oxidase), bem como os efeitos funcionais celulares (migração celular) relacionados aos efeitos da testosterona também foram analisados. Para tanto, CMLV do leito mesentérico de ratos Wistar (W), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) e SHR foram isoladas, cultivadas e estimuladas com testosterona 10-7mol/L em diferentes tempos, de acordo com cada protocolo. Sempre que necessário, as células foram pré-incubadas por 30 minutos com inibidores específicos para o estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos, tais como: flutamida (inibidor do receptor clássico para andrógenos), apocinina (inibidor da NADPH oxidase), PP2 (inibidor da c-Src), actinomicina D (inibidor da transcrição gênica) e cicloheximida (inibidor da síntese protéica). Nossos resultados indicam que a testosterona induz a geração de EROs por mecanismos dependentes do tempo e da linhagem de ratos, de modo que células isoladas de animais SHR são mais sensíveis a testosterona. Esta geração ocorre por dois mecanismos principais: um mediado pelo receptor clássico para andrógenos (AR) e outro mediado pelo receptor de membrana para andrógenos (ARm), resultando em efeitos genômicos e não-genômicos, respectivamente. Enquanto os efeitos genômicos são comuns, isto é, são observados em células de animais normotensos e hipertensos, os efeitos não-genômicos são específicos, e ocorrem exclusivamente em células de animais hipertensos. A geração genômica de EROs, mediada pelo AR, depende da modulação da expressão de subunidades da NADPH oxidase. Por outro lado, a geração não-genômica, é mediada pelo ARm, independe de síntese protéica, e ocorre devido à ativação de vias de sinalização específicas, reguladoras do complexo enzimático NADPH oxidase. As EROs formadas a partir do estímulo com a testosterona tanto por mecanismos genômicos ou não-genômicos levam a migração celular por mecanismos mediados pelo RA. Nossos resultados sugerem que a testosterona tem papel importante na função de células da musculatura lisa vascular, o que pode contribuir para algumas alterações vasculares características do processo hipertensivo. Portanto, nosso trabalho é o primeiro a demonstrar que a testosterona regula vias de sinalização redox em CMLV levando a efeitos funcionais importantes, relacionados ao remodelamento vascular, os quais podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento e manutenção da hipertensão arterial. / Sexual dimorphism related to hypertension begins at childhood and persists through adulthood. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases is higher in men when compared to age-matched women. Although testosterone has been associated to the sexual dimorphism in hypertension, the mechanisms whereby testosterone acts in the vasculature remain unclear. The main objective of this study was to determine whether testosterone induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, key players on hypertension, in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) isolated from normotensive and hypertensive rats. The signaling pathways and the androgen receptors activated by testosterone, the role of NADPH oxidase in ROS generation and the cellular outcomes (cell migration) were also determined. Accordingly, VSMC isolated from the mesenteric bed of Wistar (W), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats were stimulated with testosterone 10-7mol/L for different periods of time, according to each protocol. Whenever appropriate, cells were pre-incubated with specific inhibitors, such as flutamide 10-5mol/L (nuclear androgen receptor antagonist), apocynin 3x10-5mol/L (NADPH oxidase inhibitor), PP2 10-5mol/L (c-Src inhibitor), actinomycin D 10-5mol/L (inhibitor of gene transcription), and cycloheximide 10-5mol/L (protein synthesis inhibitor). Our findings demonstrate that testosterone induces ROS formation in a time and strain-dependent manner. Augmentation of ROS formation is higher in SHR-VSCMC, indicating an increased sensitivity of SHR-VSMC to testosterone stimuli. Testosterone-induced ROS production occurs by two main mechanisms: the first mediated through the classical androgen receptor (AR) and the second mediated through membrane-associated androgen receptor (ARm), leading to genomic and non-genomic effects, respectively. Whereas the genomic effects occur in VSMC from both strains, non-genomic effects are only observed in SHR-VSMC. The genomic ROS production is mediated through AR and depends on modulation of NADPH oxidase subunits. On the other hand, non-genomic ROS formation is mediated through RAm, does not rely on protein synthesis and occurs via specific signaling pathways that regulate NADPH oxidase. Genomic and non-genomic ROS production by testosterone leads to a common final effect: VSMC migration, indicating that testosterone plays a key role in VSMC function. These results indicate that testosterone signals through redox-sensitive pathways, important in c-Src-mediated migration of VSMCs in SHR. Such processes may contribute to vascular remodeling in hypertension.
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