Spelling suggestions: "subject:"central intravenous"" "subject:"dentral intravenous""
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Centrala venösa infarter på röntgenavdelningen : En litteraturöversikt om patientsäkerhet och bildkvalitet / Central venous access in the radiology department : A literature review on patient safety and image qualityLankinen, Minna, Westman, Marina January 2020 (has links)
Centrala venösa infarter används inom vården för att administrera läkemedel, ge parenteral nutrition och för blodprovstagning. Indikationer på att en patient behöver en central venös infart är att patienten behöver akut vård eller långvarig intravenös administrering av läkemedel. Många av dessa patienter behöver dessutom genomgå undersökningar via datortomografen (DT), där kontrastmedel kan krävas för att undersökningen ska kunna utföras. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversiktet var att sammanställa kunskap om centrala venösa infarters användbarhet vid administrering av kontrastmedel i samband med DT undersökningar. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt som baseras på tolv kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat: I de tolv artiklarna så uppmärksammades fyra kategorier som syftar till användbarheten: Tryck och Flödeshastigheter, Kateterspetsläge, Efterspolning och Diagnostisk bildkvalitet. Flera av studierna visade på kateterspetsförskjutning i samband med en kontrastmedelsinjektion med tryckspruta på DT. Tre av de fyra studier som kontrollerade bildkvalitet visade på bra diagnostisk bildkvalitet. Slutsats: Centrala venösa infarter är användbara vid administrering av kontrastmedel under datortomografiundersökningar under förutsättning att röntgensjuksköterskan har rätt kunskap om användandet av dem. Nationella riktlinjer behövs för att underlätta röntgensjuksköterskans arbete med dem så att hanteringen av dem utförs patientsäkert. / Central venous access is used in healthcare for drug administration, blood sampling, and providing parenteral nutrition. Indications for a patient needing a central venous access are either that a patient needs urgent care or prolonged intravenous administration of drugs. Many of these patients also need to undergo examinations via computed tomography (CT), where contrast agents may be required for the examination to be performed. Purpose: The purpose of the literature review was to compile knowledge about the usability of central venous access during the administration of contrast agents in connection with CT examinations. Method: A general literature review based on twelve quantitative articles was performed. Result: In the twelve articles, four categories were observed with the aim being usefulness: Pressure and Flow Rates, Catheter Tip position, Flushing and also Diagnostic Image Quality. Several of the studies showed catheter tip displacement being in connection with a contrast injection of a syringe during the CT examinations. Three of the four studies that controlled image quality showed good diagnostic image quality. Conclusions: Central venous access is useful in the administration of contrast agents during computed tomography examinations, provided that the radiographer has the correct knowledge of their use. National guidelines are needed to facilitate the radiographers work with them so that their usability is carried out with patient safety in mind.
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Ošetřovatelská péče o cévní vstupy se zaměřením na prevenci katetrových sepsí / Nursing care of vascular access focused to prevention of catheter sepsisProšková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Ensuring the bloodstream is one of the most frequently indicated invasive procedures, especially in the pre-hospital emergency and intensive care. All invasive inputs are nowadays an integral part of intensive care. Despite careful daily care, vascular accesses are at risk of complications, which annually effects many patients institutionalized at intensive care units. Catheter sepsis is undoubtedly one of the most serious. Although a significant proportion of these infections are considered highly preventable, they still contribute to high morbidity and mortality among these patients. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse nursing care for vascular inputs. One of the partial goals is to evaluate and compare the relevance of the nursing standard of a medical facility with scientific knowledge and current recommendations of professional societies. The research method is a quantitative questionnaire survey focused on nursing staff working in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. The analysis of the vascular inputs re-dressings was performed in patients hospitalized in the same ward, where the research itself took place. The results of the research survey show a discrepancy between the given procedure in the nursing standard and common practice in the ward. In view of the...
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Att förebygga infektion i blodbanan hos patienter med central venös kateter : en beskrivning av sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete / Prevention of bloodstream infection in patients with central venous catheter : a description of the nurse’s preventive workEdberg, Hanna, Thång, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund:En Central venös kateter (CVK) är en plastkateter som mynnar i ett centralt kärl nära hjärtat och används bland annat för administrering av läkemedel och blodprodukter. Användandet av CVK ökar inom sjukvården och kan förutom på intensivvårdsavdelningarna även ses i hemsjukvården och i den övriga slutenvården. Av alla patienter som får en CVK drabbas tre till sju procent av en infektion i blodbanan och varje infektionstillfälle innebär ett ökat lidande och en förlängd sjukhusvistelse. Dessa infektioner kan förhindras genom att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal följer evidensbaserade riktlinjer och åtgärder. Syfte: Att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan arbeta preventivt för att förhindra uppkomsten av infektioner i blodbanan hos patienter med central venös kateter. Metod: Studien som genomfördes var en systematisk forskningsöversikt. För att finna relevanta artiklar skapades inklusionskriterier och söktermer. Databassökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed på Sophiahemmets Högskola under mars och april 2011. En söktabell med antal träffar och inkluderade artiklar skapades för att ge en överblick och en matris med kvalitetsbedömning gjordes. Både matrisen och bedömningsunderlaget bifogades studien. Totalt inkluderades 22 artiklar, varav en hittades genom manuell sökning. Resultat: Resultatet presenterades utifrån tre olika områden: kunskap och utbildning, sammansatta interventioner samt skötsel. Olika utbildningsinsatser visade sig vara en effektiv preventiv metod för att förhindra infektion. Detta område innefattade bland annat lektioner, affischer beteendeförändring och återkoppling. Området som handlade om sammansatta interventioner visade sig även vara effektivt, vilka bestod av ett antal evidensbaserade riktlinjer som användes tillsammans. Vissa delar av skötseln av CVK hade bra effekt och gav varierande resultat. Slutsats: Utbildning ger ökad kunskap och följsamhet vilket verkar vara en elementär och effektiv metod för att förhindra uppkomst av infektion. Hur sjuksköterskan sköter patientens CVK är av stor betydelse då till exempel olika förband och antiseptiska lösningar gav varierande resultat. Vidare forskning krävs inom området och gärna fler studier från Sverige.
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Determinants of vascular access-related bloodstream infections among patients receiving hemodialysisLafrance, Jean-Philippe January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Omvårdnad vid central venkateter - Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde - En systematisk litteraturstudieErlandsson, Linda, Nordqvist Nilsson, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa litteratur gällande olika typer av förband samt omläggningsfrekvens vid omvårdnad av central venkateter. Författarna har gjort en systematisk litteraturstudie och följt Goodmans sju steg i forskningsprocessen. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar efter litteratursökning i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library samt via kompletteringar i ELIN. Artiklarna granskades av två oberoende bedömare utefter modifierade granskningsprotokoll och kvalitetsbedömdes därefter. Resultaten av denna sammanställning visar en tendens åt att sterila kompresser än så länge har ett litet försprång gentemot transparenta förband, i synnerhet när insticksstället inte läkt. En omläggningsfrekvens mellan fem och sju dagar verkar ge bäst resultat vid användning av transparenta förband, och varannan till var sjunde vid användning av kompressförband. Fler studier behövs som redovisar signifikanta resultat för att evidensgraden ska kunna höjas. / The aim of this study is to compile literature concerning which dressing type and redressing frequency is the most efficient handling for a central venous catheter (CVC). This study is a systematic literature review according to Goodman. Searches were made in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and complements through ELIN. A total of 15 scientific articles of quantitative design and literature reviews were included. The articles were then scrutinized by two independent readers and were then judged by quality. The result shows a tendency that sterile gauze has an advantage in comparison to transparent dressings so far, especially when the exit site has not fully healed. A redressing frequency between five to seven days seems to be the best alternative when using transparent dressings. When using sterile gauze the results have shown more variation; a redressing frequency every other day to every seventh day. More studies are necessary for reaching statisticly significant results.
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Hemodynamická optimalizace u jaterních resekcí / Hemodynamic optimalization in hepatic recectionZatloukal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Lowering of central venous pressure in hepatic surgery is nowadays widely recommended and used procedure. Low central venous pressure anesthesia is associated with decreased blood loss and improved clinical outcome. There are several approaches how to reach low central venous pressure. Till now none of them is recommended as superior in terms of patient safety and clinical outcome. Concurrently there is still debate if to use the low central venous pressure anesthesia principle or if it could be replaced with a principle of anesthesia with high stroke volume variation (or another dynamic preload parameter) with the use of a more sophisticated hemodynamic monitoring method. Results of our study didn't show any significant difference between two approaches used for reduction of central venous pressure, but suggest that the principle of low central venous pressure anesthesia could be possibly replaced by the principle of high stroke volume variation anesthesia which presumes the use of advanced hemodynamic monitoring. KEYWORDS Hepatic resection, central venous pressure, Pringle maneuver, hemodynamics, hemodynamic monitoring, fluid therapy, anesthesia
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Att förebygga CVK-relaterade infektioner - en litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans åtgärderBjörklund, Christina, Fagring, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Centrala venkatetrar förekommer idag inte bara på intensivvårdsavdelningar utan har även blivit en vanlig företeelse på vårdavdelningar där allmänsjuksköterskan arbetar. Med CVK följer risker för infektioner, både lokala och systemiska. Vårdrelaterade infektioner, specifikt kateterrelaterade sådana, är ett stort problem inom sjukvården och medför såväl ökade vårdtider som ökade kostnader. Allmänsjuksköterskan ansvarar för handhavande och skötsel av CVK och har därmed en nyckelroll i att förebygga infektioner. Syfte: Att sammanställa vetenskaplig litteratur rörande hur allmänsjuksköterskan kan förebygga infektioner hos patienter med CVK inneliggande på vårdavdelning.Metod: Den valda undersökningsmetoden var en litteraturstudie. Databassökningar utfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och Cochrane Library. Efter kvalitetsgranskning inkluderades tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ metod. Resultat: Åtgärder för förebyggande av infektion sorterades in under fyra rubriker: desinfektion, utbildning, omläggning och teknik vid byte av koppling. Åtgärderna inom dessa grupper visades minska förekomsten av kateterrelaterad infektion.Konklusion: Klorhexidinlösningar, desinfektionsproppar, utbildning samt semipermeabla förband kan leda till minskad förekomst av kateterrelaterade infektioner hos patienter med CVK. Eventuellt kan ”non-touch”-teknik vara ett alternativ vid byte av kopplingar. Mer forskning krävs gällande sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder utanför IVA samt en mer enhetlig forskning för att skapa tydligare riktlinjer. / Background: Central venous catheters today are not only common in intensive care units but have become a regular phenomenon in wards where non-specialised nurses work. With CVCs comes a risk for infections, both local and systemic. Hospital acquired infections, in particular catheter-related infections, are a major problem in health care and cause prolonged length of hospital stay as well as increased costs. The general nurse is responsible for the handling and care of CVCs, and therefore has a key part in preventing infections. Aim: To compile scientific literature regarding how the general nurse can prevent infections in patients with CVCs on general wards. Method: The chosen method of investigation was a literature review. A literature search was undertaken using Cinahl, PubMed and Cochrane Library. Following a quality assessment, ten scientific papers with a quantitative method were included. Results: Measures to prevent infection were sorted under four headlines: disinfection, education, dressing care, and technique for line changes. The measures within these groups were shown to reduce prevalence of catheter-related infections.Conclusion: Chlorhexidine solutions, disinfection caps, education and semipermeable dressings can lead to reduced prevalence of catheter-related infections in patients with CVCs. A “non-touch” technique may be a possible alternative when changing lines. More research is needed regarding preventive nursing measures outside the intensive care units, as well as more unified research to create clear guidelines.
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Invasive sonographische Diagnostik in der Hämatologie und OnkologieBenter, Thomas 16 September 2004 (has links)
Die histologische Diagnostik stellt in der Hämatologie und Onkologie die Voraussetzung einer differenzierten Therapie dar. Minimal-invasive Eingriffe mittels sonographisch-gesteuerter Punktion zur Gewinnung von zytologischen oder histologischen Material bedeutet sowohl einen zeitlichen Gewinn, als auch eine Herabsetzung des Risikos eines operativen Eingriffs. Mit dem gewonnenen Gewebe werden auch immunhistologische Untersuchungen möglich, die z.B. bei Non-Hodgkin Lymphomen notwendig sind. Zur intensiven Polychemotherapie bei malignen Erkrankungen werden oft zentral-venöse Katheter bzw. Port-Anlagen in große Venen eingeführt. Die Komplikationen und deren Management werden aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Eine sonographisch-gesteuerte Venenpunktionstechnik stellt eine Methode dar, die für die Patienten einen risikoarmen und schnelleren Weg bedeuten und als neu-entwickelte Ein-Personen-Technik auch für den Arzt ein innovatives Vorgehen bei einem potentiell komplikationsträchtigen Eingriff mit größerer Sicherheit durchzuführen. / In hematology and oncology histological diagnosis is an important requirement before differential chemotherapy. Sonographically guided puncture techniques achieving cytological and histological material is a time-saving process with moderate risks for the patients. With this material even immunhistological procedures in malignancies like Non-Hodgkin lymphoma are possible. For intensified chemotherapies in malignant diseases central venous catheter such as port catheters are requiriered. In this thesis complications and their management are shown and discussed. The ultrasounically guided central venous puncture represents a method for fast and low risk procedure for our patients. The one-operator technique represents an innovative and save intervention in a potentially risky procedure for physicians.
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Elaboração de um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do cateter central de inserção periférica em neonatos / Development of a risk score for nonelective removal of peripherally inserted central catheters in neonatesCosta, Priscila 10 November 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica (CCIP) é um dispositivo vascular central inserido através de veias periféricas que permite a infusão de soluções hiperosmolares e medicações por tempo prolongado. Complicações mecânicas e infecciosas podem ocorrer com seu uso, resultando em remoção não eletiva do cateter. Um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do CCIP que considere conjuntamente o valor prognóstico ponderado de diversos fatores de risco representa uma ferramenta valiosa para o planejamento do cuidado de enfermagem com enfoque na prevenção ou atenuação dos fatores identificados, e consequente melhoria da qualidade da assistência. Objetivo: Elaborar um escore de risco para remoção não eletiva do cateter central de inserção periférica em neonatos. Método: Estudo de coorte com coleta prospectiva de dados realizado no período de 31 de agosto de 2010 a 30 de agosto de 2012 com 436 recém-nascidos internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um hospital terciário em São Paulo submetidos à instalação de 524 CCIPs. As variáveis relacionadas às características clínicas do neonato, à técnica de inserção do cateter e à terapia intravenosa que indicou a instalação do CCIP foram analisadas quanto ao seu potencial preditivo para remoção não eletiva do CCIP através de análise bivariada, e posterior regressão logística. O escore de risco ponderado foi construído baseado na razão de chances das variáveis preditoras e sua acurácia foi avaliada através da área sob a curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Resultados: O escore de risco foi composto pelos seguintes fatores de risco: diagnóstico de transtorno transitório do metabolismo (hipoglicemia, hiperglicemia, distúrbios do cálcio, magnésio, sódio e potássio), inserção prévia do CCIP, uso do CCIP 2.0 French de poliuretano com dupla via, infusão de múltiplas soluções endovenosas através do CCIP 1.9 French de silicone com única via, e posição não central da ponta do CCIP. Sua acurácia foi de 0,76 [IC 95%: 0,73-0,78]. Sua aplicação permitiu classificar os recém-nascidos em três categorias de risco: baixo (0 a 3 pontos), moderado (4 a 8 pontos) e alto ( 9 pontos) risco para remoção não eletiva. Conclusão: Recomenda-se a adoção de estratégias preventivas da remoção não eletiva do CCIP baseadas em evidência de acordo com a classificação e fatores de risco do recém-nascido. Além disso, sugere-se evitar a inserção de múltiplos cateteres, a posição não central da ponta do CCIP, e a instalação de cateteres de silicone de única via para a administração de cinco ou mais classes de soluções endovenosas. / Background: Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) is a central vascular access device inserted via cannulation of a peripheral vein that allows the infusion of hyperosmolar solutions and medications over a prolonged dwell time. Mechanical and infectious complications can result from its use leading to nonelective removal of the device. A risk score for nonelective removal of PICC-lines that considers jointly a weighted prognostic value of several risk factors can represent a valuable tool for planning the nursing care focused on preventing or modifying identified risk factors, and thereby improving the quality of care. Aim: To develop a risk score for nonelective removal of PICCs in infants. Methods: A cohort study with prospective data collection between August 31, 2010 and August 30, 2012 in 436 infants admitted to a tertiary-level neonatal intensive care unit in São Paulo and submitted to 524PICC insertions. Variables related to the clinical characteristics of the neonate, the technique of catheter insertion, and intravenous therapy that indicated PICC were analysed for their nonelective predictive potential through bivariate analysis, followed by a logistic regression. Predictors were weighted points proportional to their odds ratio in order to develop the risk score. The accuracy of the risk score model was examined by calculating the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). Results: The risk score was composed of the following risk factors: diagnose of transitory metabolic disorders (hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, disorders of calcium, magnesium, sodium or potassium), previous PICC line insertion, insertion of 2.0 French dual-lumen polyurethane PICC, noncentral tip position, and multiple intravenous solutions in a 1.9 French single-lumen silicone PICC. The accuracy of the risk score was of AUC=0.76 [IC 95%: 0.73-0.78]. Its application allowed classify newborns into three nonelective removal risk categories: a low-risk group (0-3 points), a moderate-risk group (4-8 points), and a high-risk group ( 9 points). Conclusion: It is recommended the adoption of evidence-based preventive measures according to the classification and risk factors of the newborn in order to avoid nonelective removal of PICC. The avoidance of repeated PICC insertions, noncentral tip position, and placement of single-lumen silicone PICCs for administration of five or more intravenous solutions is suggested.
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Impacto dos fatores infecciosos e mecânicos na sobrevida do cateter temporário para hemodiálise em pacientes cardiopatas com injúria renal aguda / Analysis of infectious and mechanical factors on the survival of temporary catheter for hemodialysis in cardiac patients with acute kidney injurySilva, Sirlei Cristina da 10 February 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A injúria renal aguda vem se apresentando como uma complicação frequente na população no contexto intra-hospitalar, e as terapias de substituição renal são empregadas como método de tratamento. Neste cenário, o cateter temporário para hemodiálise tornou-se um dispositivo essencial à terapêutica. Todavia, as complicações mecânicas e infecciosas tornaram-se eventos associados à prestação de assistência à saúde, acarretando índices elevados de morbidade e mortalidade nos pacientes acometidos por injúria renal aguda em hemodiálise. Objetivos: avaliar os fatores associados à retirada do cateter temporário para hemodiálise, bem como os motivos relacionados à solicitação de hemocultura e os fatores associados à infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter temporário para hemodiálise. Pacientes e Métodos: trata-se de um estudo observacional retrospectivo, envolvendo pacientes internados em um hospital público universitário de alta complexidade especializado em Cardiologia e Pneumologia, da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado no período de 01de julho de 2009 - 31de dezembro de 2010, sendo aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para análise de Projetos de Pesquisa (CAPPesq) do HCFMUSP nº0342/11. Resultados: foram avaliados 1.140 pacientes, atendidos pelo serviço de Nefrologia da instituição, dos quais 723 pacientes foram excluídos por não atenderem aos critérios de inclusão e 417 pacientes compuseram a amostra; 657 cateteres temporários foram utilizados durante o período. Os cateteres apresentaram duração média de 13 dias. O fluxo sanguíneo insuficiente para manutenção da hemodiálise foi a principal complicação mecânica associada à retirada do cateter temporário (30,7%), enquanto os fatores relacionados à infecção foram responsáveis por 31,1% dos casos, sendo a febre o principal sinal flogístico. A análise de Kaplan-Meier demonstrou maior sobrevida dos cateteres relacionados aos fatores infecciosos. A infecção da corrente sanguínea (ICS) relacionada ao cateter temporário para hemodiálise foi diagnosticada em 5,5% da população, com taxa de infecção de 5,54/1.000 cateteres-dia. Patógenos Gram negativos foram responsáveis por 52% dos casos de ICS-laboratorial, com predomínio das bactérias da família Enterobacteriacea; seguidas por germes Gram positivos (26%), sendo o Sthapylococcus spp de maior incidência e os fungos representados pela Candida não albicans (22%). Conclusões: fluxo sanguíneo insuficiente foi a principal causa mecânica para a retirada do cateter temporário para hemodiálise. No que concerne aos aspectos infecciosos, demostrou-se a necessidade de vigilância epidemiológica permanente, tendo em vista as altas taxas de suspeita infecciosa. A infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter temporário para hemodiálise apresentou taxas superiores aos preconizados em diretrizes internacionais. Finalmente, o perfil microbiológico identificado sugere predomínio da rota endoluminal de contaminação / Introduction: Acute kidney injury is a frequent complication in hospitalized patients, in which renal replacement therapies are frequently required. In this scenario, temporary venous access catheters for hemodialysis have become an essential therapy device. However, mechanical and infectious complications have become morbid events associated with health care provision, resulting in high morbidity and mortality in these patients. Objectives: To evaluate the factors associated with the removal of temporary catheters for hemodialysis, reasons for the request of blood culture, and the factors associated with bloodstream infection related to temporary catheters for hemodialysis. Patients and Methods: it was performed a retrospective observational study involving patients admitted to a tertiary public hospital specialized in Cardiology and Pneumology in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted between 1st July 2009 - 31st December 2010, and approved by the Ethics Committee for Analysis of Research Projects (CAPPesq) HCFMUSP nº0342/11. Results: A total of 1140 patients were evaluated by the Nephrology attending physicians. From the total sample, 723 patients were excluded for not fulfilling the inclusion criteria, resulting in a final sample of 417 patients with 657 temporary catheters whose mean duration was 13 days. Insufficient blood flow was the main complication associated with mechanical removal of temporary catheters (30.7%) while the factors associated with infection accounted for 31.1%, in which fever was the main infectious signal. The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed higher survival for catheters associated with infectious factors. A bloodstream infection (BSI) related to temporary catheters for hemodialysis was diagnosed in 5.5% of the population with an infection rate of 5.54/1,000 catheter-days. Gram negative pathogens were responsible for 52% of laboratorial ICS, with predominance from Enterobacteriaceae bacteria; followed by Gram positive germs (26%), with predominance of Staphylococcus spp and fungi represented by Candida non-albicans (22%). Conclusions: insufficient blood flow was the main mechanical factor for the removal of temporary catheters for hemodialysis. Regarding the infectious aspects, it was demonstrated the need for rigorous surveillance because of the high rates of suspected infections. Bloodstream infections associated with temporary catheters for hemodialysis presented higher rates than those determined in international guidelines. Finally, the microbiological profile suggests the predominance of endoluminal route of contamination
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