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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rencontrer le Christ : ethnographie d'un centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatique

Boucher, Guillaume 08 1900 (has links)
Le Renouveau charismatique catholique met de l’avant une rencontre personnelle avec Dieu par le croyant, qui se voit habilité à exercer des dons– parmi lesquels nous retrouvons la guérison par l’imposition des mains, la glossolalie et les révélations. La participation continue à un groupe religieux organisé de la part d’individus devenus autonomes dans leur relation à Dieu n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une attention académique soutenue. La présente étude d’un Centre de prière du Renouveau catholique charismatique de Montréal, à partir d’une méthodologie d’inspiration phénoménologique et expérientielle, vise à développer cette problématique, tout en s’éloignant d’une compréhension purement rhétorique (Csordas 1997, 2001) de l’expérience charismatique. La socialisation religieuse (Fer 2005, 2007) encadrant l’entrée d’un nouveau membre au Centre met en lumière les mécanismes d’encadrement institutionnel invisibles permettant l’intégration d’une communauté de croyants tout en laissant paradoxalement l’individu vivre une expérience religieuse personnelle. Le sujet charismatique, socialisé religieusement dans une conversion vécue dans l’unité corps-esprit, développe de nouveaux modes d’attention somatique, permettant l’expérience de différentes intersubjectivités. Il en vient à partager un monde collectif de représentations et de sensations, développant parallèlement une agentivité accrue dans son rapport avec le sacré. Toutefois, alors que l’agentivité est usuellement conçue comme un acte de résistance, celle développée par les charismatiques va dans le sens d’une reproduction de la norme (Mahmood 2001). La socialisation religieuse établissant les paramètres d’émergence de cette agentivité, elle en constitue aussi le cadre délimitant son expression. / The Catholic charimatic renewal puts forward a personal encounter wtih God on the believer’s part, who is then habilitated to exercize different charismas – among which we find healing through the imposing of the hands, glossolalia and revelations. Continued participation in an organized religious group by now autonomous believers has not yet been the subject of sustained academic attention. The present study of a Montreal Catholic charismatic renewal’s center of prayer, whose methodology is inspired by the phenomenological and experiential approaches, aims to develop this problematic, all the while marking a distance with a purely rhetorical understanding of the charismatic experience (Csordas 1997, 2001). The religious socialization (Fer 2005, 2007) framing the admission of a new member at the Center, enligthens the invisible institutionnal mecanisms enabling the integration of a religious community all the while paradoxically enabling the individual to live an individualized religious experience. The charismatic subject, religiously socialized through a conversion lived in a unification of the body-mind, develops new somatic modes of attention, and is thus enabled to experience different intersubjectivities. The subject comes to participate in a collective world of representations and sensations, developing in parallel an increased agency in his dealings with the sacred. Although agency is usually conceived as an act of resistance, the one developped by the charismatics brings about the reproduction of the norm (Mahmood 2001). Religious socialization establishing the parameter of emergence for this agency, it is also the frame circonscribing its expression.

Hybridité religieuse dans deux congrégations charismatiques à Montréal

Ruiz, Nidia 03 1900 (has links)
L’idée de réaliser une étude comparative de deux congrégations charismatiques à Montréal a été conçue vers la fin de l’année 2009, dans le cadre du projet « Pluralisme et ressources symboliques : les nouveaux groupes religieux au Québec ». Ce projet est dirigé par Deirdre Meintel. Les cochercheurs sont Claude Gélinas, Josiane Le Gall, Marie-Nathalie Le Blanc, Géraldine Mossière et Khadiyatoulah Fall. La coordinatrice est Véronique Jourdain. Ce projet a été financé par le FQRSC et le CRSH. / Dans deux congrégations à Montréal, nous nous intéressons aux hybridités religieuses entre le catholicisme et le pentecôtisme. Face aux lacunes de recherche en ce qui concerne l’influence du catholicisme sur le néopentecôtisme, nous avons réalisé des comparaisons entre certaines stratégies d’une Église charismatique néopentecôtiste multiethnique et les stratégies d’une communauté charismatique catholique de Latino-Américains, afin d’expliquer comment ces hybridités et influences se manifestent dans les congrégations. Certaines comparaisons révèlent des hybridités qui se manifestent dans l’adaptation des communautés au contexte québécois et dans l’adaptation de l’Évangile et des pratiques religieuses pour intégrer les immigrants aux congrégations et à la société d’accueil. Les communautés charismatiques deviennent des épicentres de regroupements ethniques dans lesquels on peut constater des continuités, transformations et innovations culturelles. En nous fondant sur l’analyse des enjeux sociaux et politiques, nous avons constaté également l’influence du catholicisme sur le néopentecôtisme et vice versa, ainsi que des interpénétrations syncrétiques. / This thesis concerns the religious hybridities between Catholicism and Pentecostalism in two congregations in Montreal. Faced with the gaps in the research regarding the influence of Catholicism on Neopentecostalism, we have compared certain strategies of a multi-ethnic Charismatic Neopentecostal Church with the strategies of a Latin American Catholic Charismatic community, in order to explain how these hybridities manifest in the congregations. Some hybridities are found in the adaptation of these communities to the Quebec context and in the adaptation of the Gospel and the religious practices that mark the process of integration of immigrants into the congregations and the host society. The charismatic communities become epicenters of ethnic groupings in which we can observe continuities, transformations and cultural innovations. In my field work in these two groups, I have found evidence regarding the influence of Catholicism on the Neopentecostalism and vice versa, as well as syncretic interpenetrations.

L'Église à l'épreuve du Pentecôtisme : une expérience religieuse à l'île de la Réunion / Pentecostalism puts the church to the test : a religious experience in Reunion Island

Aubourg, Valérie 25 March 2011 (has links)
À l'île de La Réunion, les mouvements pentecôtistes-charismatiques se développent depuis une quarantaine d’années. L'importance particulière qu'ils accordent à l'émotion religieuse exerce un rôle pivot dans leur capacité d'attraction. Favorisant les preuves tangibles de l'agir divin au détriment des dogmes, ils concourent à l'imprécision des croyances et à la fluidification des itinéraires religieux, ils contribuent à la poussée des individualismes religieux, ils encouragent la scissiparité ecclésiale. En ces différents éléments, ils mettent l'Église à l'épreuve. Néanmoins, une analyse fouillée de cette mouvance en société créole conduit à interroger cette relativisation des institutions, de la tradition, des médiations, dont elle se prévaut. Une enquête de terrain et le recueil d'entretiens mettent en lumière plusieurs facteurs paraissant construire l'expérience religieuse de type émotionnel : - la situation socio-historique insulaire tout d'abord, ainsi que les dynamiques religieuses qui ont contribué à la formation de groupements pentecôtistes et charismatiques concurrents suffisamment distincts pour ne pas être assimilés à un même milieu ; - les groupes auxquels les fidèles adhèrent ensuite qui codifient leurs pratiques et fabriquent leur « virtuosité » religieuse ; - le temps enfin, en vertu duquel l'itinéraire des individus enregistre différentes phases d'intensité variable. De ce fait, l'expérience religieuse est loin de rimer exclusivement avec effervescence, immédiateté, malléabilité. Elle comporte aussi sa part de régulation, de socialisation, de transmission. C'est au cœur de cette dialectique que s'inscrit cette étude en terre réunionnaise. / In Reunion Island, pentecostal and charismatic movements have been developing for forty years and their emotional aspect plays a pivotal role in their power of attraction. Encouraging tangible evidence of God’s actions at the expense of dogmas, they contribute to the imprecision of beliefs and the dispersion of religious itineraries, lead to an increase in individualism and encourage a tendency to scission in the Church. Because of all this, they put the church to the test. Nevertheless, an in-depth analysis of these movements in Creole society leads us to question the erosion of institutions, traditions and mediations it relies on. Organising a field survey and conducting interviews has made it possible to highlight several factors which seem to inspire religious experience of an emotional kind.- First, the socio-historical situation of the island, and the religious dynamics that have contributed to the formation of competing pentecostal and charismatic groups which are too different to be treated as part of the same environment.- Then, the groups joined by the faithful, which codify their practices and create their religious « virtuosity »- Finally time, because of which individuals itineraries show different phases of varying intensity. So, religious experience is far from being synonymous exclusively with excitement, immediacy and malleability. Control, socialization and transmission are also important part of it. This study conducted in Reunion Island is at the very heart of this dialectic.

Politics of the (Most) High: Transnational Networks between Gospel of the Kingdom Megachurch (Indonesian Mennonite Synod) in Central Java, Indonesia and Pentecostal/Charismatic Institutions in the United States

Pamela K Sari (6640136) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<div> <p>This dissertation examines the transnational networks of Gospel of the Kingdom megachurch (the Indonesian Mennonite Synod) with Pentecostal/Charismatic institutions in the United States. It begins by asking what can American Studies as a discipline learn about the United States from examining a story of an Indonesian megachurch, far away from U.S. geographical borders? The dissertation specifically asks: 1) How is the growth of Gospel megachurch closely related to its partnerships with Pentecostal/Charismatic (P/c) institutions in the United States? (2) How does Gospel church apply teachings and values from their American partners?</p> <p>Through archival work, fieldwork, and interviews, this dissertation finds that, first, Gospel church under the leadership of Pastor Petrus Agung, partners with the JKI (Jemaat Kristen Indonesia) or Indonesian Christian Congregation synod, located in both Orange County, California and Central Java, Indonesia under the leadership of Pastor Sutanto Adi. The transnational Indonesian/American synod highlighted the contribution of Indonesian immigrants. Second, Pastor Petrus Agung, the leader of Gospel church, partners with other non-immigrant Pentecostal/Charismatic leaders such as John Avanzini, Morris Cerullo, Harold Gingerich, and Bill Wilson. In their direst needs to get out of debt, Gospel church found an affirmation in teaching on “Biblical economy” with emphases on financial independence, concerns for the marginalized poor, and giving as key to church growth. Gospel church had consistently applied the teachings from transnational partnerships in the contexts of local struggles against poverty and religious marginalization in Indonesia. Third, from 2005 until 2016, as the teaching was confirmed by continuous growth in finances and numbers of congregations, Gospel church sought collaborations with five other P/c institutions in Indonesia to form a <i>Bahtera</i> (translation: Ark) movement. Gospel church and <i>Bahtera</i> predicted their institutions and Indonesia would be the center of the world’s economy and spiritual movement. Bahtera sought to bring the movement abroad to many different countries, especially through the worship dance performances. </p> <p>My work contributes a transnational understanding of American cultural histories, particularly the diversity and networks of Pentecostal/Charismatic and Mennonite movements. It is a conversation with the field of Asian American Studies to fill the gap of literature on Indonesian immigration and the lives of Indonesian immigrants in particular, and Southeast Asian immigrants in the United States in general. This research will be of interests for scholars particularly in Sociocultural Anthropology and Sociology that continue to examine the issue of “structure and agency” especially in religious spaces. Lastly, In portraying Gospel church’s story and struggles as part of “archives of America,” this dissertation joined scholarship in American Studies, Asian American Studies, and Anthropology that challenged the one-directional narrative of American influences. Gospel church is one example of a community that lives “against America.” In both their periods of struggles and high prosperity, Gospel church did gaze at America for inspiration and affirmation, to eventually prophesy for an agentive ability of an Indonesian Pentecostal/Charismatic, Mennonite institution to play a central role in the prosperity of the world and thus hint at the fight against America’s hegemonic power and influence. Analyzing Gospel church’s transnational partnerships with Christian institutions in the United States, therefore, is moving to the center a narrative from of an “empire striking back.”</p> </div> <br>

Aparições de Nossa Senhora: mensagens e peregrinações na contemporaneidade / Apparitions of Nossa Senhora: Messages and Pilgrimages in contemporary

Sales, Lilian Maria Pinto 17 February 2009 (has links)
Realizamos neste trabalho uma análise das aparições de Nossa Senhora no Brasil, buscando compreender o processo social e simbólico que sustenta a formação de convicções coletivas em torno das aparições que sempre tem seu início em testemunhos pessoais sobre visões de Nossa Senhora. Para isso partimos do estudo de caso realizado nas aparições de Maria na cidade de Jacareí, interior de São Paulo. Demonstramos o processo de construção destas manifestações, em que fatores de diferente ordem se mostraram fundamentais. Entre eles destacamos: as relações e conexões estabelecidas entre os atores e grupos envolvidos inserindo a aparição numa rede de manifestações marianas -; a peregrinação entre elas; a centralidade do movimento católica Renovação Carismática na organização dos eventos, disseminação de idéias e práticas e na modelagem simbólica dos fenômenos -; o papel desempenhado pela Igreja Católica na produção de idéias e crenças que servem como fonte de legitimidade para as aparições -; a modelagem simbólica das aparições fundamental para a atribuição de legitimidade ao fenômeno -, e a presença de elementos simbólicos de longa duração. Cada um desses temas foi desenvolvido ao longo dos quatro capítulos que compõem essa tese. / The thesis analyses Our Ladys appearances in Brazil, trying to understand the social and symbolic process supporting the creation of collective beliefs about these appearances, a process that always start with personal witness about the appearances of Our Lady. In order to analyze that, we realize a case study in the city of Jacareí, São Paulo state. The thesis reveals the process in which these appearances occur, where different factors are fundamental. Among them we shall focus: 1) the relations and connections involving individuals and groups, inserting the apparitions in a net of Mary´s demonstrations, like pilgrimages; 2) the Catholic Church role in the production of ideas and beliefs which give legitimacy to the appearances; 3) the symbolic molding of theses appearances, which are fundamental to that legitimacy; 4) the presence of long terms symbolic elements. Each one of these topics was developed in a separate chapter.

A domina??o carism?tica de lideran?as femininas neopentecostais: do Culto das Princesas de Sarah Sheeva ao Casamento Blindado de Cristiane Cardoso / The charismatic domination of neopentecostal women leaders: from the Cult of the Princesses by Sarah Sheeva to the Shielded Marriage by Cristiane Cardoso

Capra, Miri? Joyce de Souza Sales 06 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-13T17:02:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MIRI? JOYCE DE SOUZA SALES CAPRA.pdf: 1182210 bytes, checksum: a2d25865f4668b2ada5c633fc2706532 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-13T17:02:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MIRI? JOYCE DE SOUZA SALES CAPRA.pdf: 1182210 bytes, checksum: a2d25865f4668b2ada5c633fc2706532 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-06 / The " Cult of the Princesses" by the pastor Sarah Sheeva and the tv program "Shielded Marriage" by the journalist Cristiane Cardoso raise questions about female empowerment, it's relationship with the liquid modernity, the media and the the conceptualization of weberian charismatic domination, thinking about the importance of the gender discussion on the religious field, an urgent and needed step. According to this, this dissertation tries to understand the the phenomenon of the charismatic domination of female religious leaders that use the media resources and which are the reason of this acceptance in a time that a revolution in gender relationships have been implemented mainly inside the religious field. In terms of research methodology, it was used a sociological analysis from videos available on their youtube channels, with the general goal to understand the acceptance of a conservative religious speech delivered by social medias. It was concluded that inside the liquid modernity proposed by Zygmunt Bauman, the agreement with the retrograde message, enunciated by two women by the media is accepted, because it proposes a kind of "confort", "safety" to the the ephemeral relations of this society. Contributing to interpret this religious phenomenon that makes pseudo female empowerment throught the binominal of modernity versus tradition. / O ?Culto das Princesas? da pastora Sarah Sheeva e o programa ?Casamento Blindado? da jornalista Cristiane Cardoso suscitam questionamentos no que tange ao empoderamento feminino, sua rela??o com a modernidade l?quida, a m?dia e a conceitua??o do tipo ideal de domina??o carism?tica weberiana, visto a import?ncia da discuss?o de g?nero no campo religioso, uma demanda urgente e necess?ria. Face a isso, a presente disserta??o procura compreender o fen?meno da domina??o carism?tica por lideran?as religiosas femininas que se utilizam de recursos midi?ticos e qual o motivo dessa aceita??o num momento em que se implementou uma revolu??o nas rela??es de g?nero principalmente dentro do campo religioso. No que tange ? metodologia de pesquisa, foi realizada an?lise sociol?gica a partir de v?deos dispon?veis no canal do youtube de ambas, com o objetivo geral de compreender a aceita??o de um discurso religioso conservador proferido atrav?s das redes sociais. Chegou-se ? conclus?o de que dentro da modernidade l?quida proposta por Zygmunt Bauman, a concord?ncia com a mensagem retr?grada, enunciada por duas mulheres atrav?s da m?dia, ? aceita, pois prop?e uma esp?cie de ?conforto?, ?seguran?a? ?s rela??es ef?meras pr?prias desta sociedade, contribuindo para interpretar esse fen?meno religioso que produz um ?pseudo? empoderamento feminino atrav?s do bin?mio modernidade versus tradi??o.

O Espírito sopra onde quer: Renovação Carismática Católica em Cáceres – MT

Cuyabano, Felippe Otávio de Souza 16 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-23T12:33:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felippe Otávio de Souza Cuyabano.pdf: 4004319 bytes, checksum: 913066460400eb6dfe3bb7f49c21db87 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-23T12:33:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felippe Otávio de Souza Cuyabano.pdf: 4004319 bytes, checksum: 913066460400eb6dfe3bb7f49c21db87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present research investigated an activity of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in the religious field of the city of Cáceres, located in the State of Mato Grosso. In this context, this research carried out an ethnographic study on the thesis that the local experience of the CCR formulated a profile of Catholicism-charismatic diverse from the national identification of the Renovation, by producing new social agents in the form of leaders from the periphery , previously restricted to the traditional Catholicism, and the margin of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (IC), but which, in turn, due to such specificity in the renewed Cacerian segment, generated social contexts that allowed the transfer of these leaderships to the political field, provoking new tensions between such power spaces. In the perceptual chain of the CCR, there are different sources of origin than the scholars of the religious phenomenon, such as Prandi (1998), Carranza (2000), Souza (2005) and Sofiati (2011) is strongly marked and originating in the middle and higher economic social strata. Through a framework, the following questions stand out: Is the CCR assuming popular dimensions through social media outlets? In the local internal negotiations of the sub-field of charismatic Catholicism, can it be said that the CCR is not only filling up, but spreading, from the space of popular Catholicism in the peripheries? Different from the case of the CCR addressing the impoverished, as in its popularization on 1990s, today, would it be the impoverished ones who would speak for the RCC? In order to answer these questions for the trajectory, an ethnographic course with theoretical and methodological support, counting, among other scholars of the religious phenomenon, as reflections of Max Weber, Pierre Bourdieu, in his concepts of social action, habitus and religious field structure, which inspire the Analysis of data collected in the ethnographic trajectory, bibliographical publications, in-person incursions into the fieldwork in ministry service meetings, prayer meetings, diocesan congresses, spiritual formations, vigils, charismatic Catholic-shows, healing and liberation camps, in order to consider, the CCR faithful as research subjects for the consolidation of empirical data / A presente pesquisa investigou a atuação da Renovação Carismática Católica (RCC) no campo religioso da cidade de Cáceres, situada no Estado de Mato Grosso. Neste contexto, empreendeu um estudo etnográfico sobre a tese de que a experiência local da RCC, formulou um perfil do catolicismo-carismático diverso da identificação nacional da Renovação, ao produzir novos agentes sociais em forma de líderes oriundos da periferia, antes restritos ao catolicismo tradicional popular, e a margem da hierarquia da Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana (ICAR), mas que por sua vez, devido a tal especificidade no segmento renovado cacerense, foram engendrados contextos sociais que possibilitaram o transpassamento destas lideranças para o campo político, provocando novas tensões entre tais espaços de poder. Deste modo, apresenta-se neste encadeamento perceptivo da RCC, especificidades de origem diferentes do que apontam os estudiosos do fenômeno religioso, como Prandi (1998), Carranza (2000), Souza (2005), Sofiati (2011), ao indicarem que a RCC é fortemente marcada e originada nas camadas sociais econômicas médias e superiores. Mediante a esse quadro, sobressaíram os seguintes questionamentos: A RCC está assumindo dimensões popularizantes pelas vias de sujeitos sociais da periferia? Nas negociações internas locais do subcampo do catolicismo carismático, pode-se dizer que a RCC não só está preenchendo, mas se difundindo, a partir os espaços do catolicismo popular das periferias? Diferente do caso da RCC se dirigir aos empobrecidos, como em sua popularização dos anos de 1990, atualmente, seriam os empobrecidos que falariam pela voz da RCC? Para responder estes questionamentos foi traçado um percurso etnográfico com suporte teórico-metodológico contando, dentre outros estudiosos do fenômeno religioso, com as reflexões de Max Weber, Pierre Bourdieu, em seus conceitos de ação social, habitus e estrutura do campo religioso, que inspiram a análise de dados coletados na trajetória etnográfica, em face da revisão bibliográfica, incursões presenciais ao trabalho de campo em reuniões dos ministérios de serviço, encontros de oração, congressos diocesanos, formações espirituais, vigílias, shows católicos-carismáticos, acampamentos de cura e libertação, de modo a considerar, os fiéis da RCC como sujeitos de pesquisa para a consolidação dos dados empíricos

Formação e vocação no catolicismo carismático: análise sociológica sobre a socialização em Movimentos de Reavivamento Religioso / Formation and calling in charismatic catholicism: sociological analysis on socialization in Religious Revival Movements

Freire, Caio Gustavo Ferraz 29 January 2019 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o campo religioso brasileiro tem passado por grandes transformações, com rápido declínio numérico católico, expansão pentecostal e dos sem religião, avanço do pluralismo religioso e da concorrência inter-religiosa. O acelerado crescimento do pentecostalismo a partir dos anos 80 resultou na reação católica para tentar recuperar terreno e influência e barrar o avanço dos concorrentes. Influenciadas por crenças e práticas de origem pentecostal, a Renovação Carismática Católica e as Novas Comunidades Carismáticas de Vida e de Aliança assumiram, no contexto pós Concílio Vaticano II, o protagonismo dessa reação. Elas procuram tornar o catolicismo mais atraente e mais presente no cotidiano dos brasileiros, por meio do uso evangelístico dos meios de comunicação de massa, da música, da literatura e de outras artes, de novas linguagens, da racionalização organizacional, do ativismo político, de intenso trabalho de evangelização, de promoção de cursos de formação de fiéis e de evangelistas, de releitura e resgate da tradição católica, da criação de comunidades e grupos de oração e do trabalho em rede, do apelo à conversão individual, dos cultos emocionais, das ações terapêuticas e das promessas de cura e de libertação do sofrimento e dos problemas. Procuram incentivar vocações, desenvolver carismas conforme o carisma da comunidade e, em especial, formar católicos militantes defensores da fé, da Igreja e da tradição católicas, de valores morais e visão de mundo católicos. Considerando os esforços evangelísticos e organizacionais envidados pelo catolicismo carismático, seu contexto de atuação e referências teóricas das sociologias da religião, da modernidade e da socialização, efetuei pesquisa e análise do material religioso usado por Renovação Carismática Católica e Comunidade Eucaristós para a formação de seus membros e realizei entrevistas, sobretudo, com agentes da equipe de formação. Esses grupos consideram as experiências epifânicas e místicas, que tanto impactam neófitos, insuficientes para formar militantes leigos. Por isso, afinados com as autoridades eclesiais, enfatizam o processo de formação doutrinário e moral individual e coletivo nas comunidades para assegurar a eficácia da socialização religiosa e as competências espirituais e seculares de sua militância. Verifiquei que tal socialização se caracteriza por um processo de reordenação biográfica da trajetória pessoal visando garantir continuidade e correspondência entre o projeto da missão comunitária e a missão pessoal. / In the last decades, the Brazilian religious field has undergone great transformations, with rapid Catholic numerical decline, Pentecostal and non-religious expansion, advancement of religious pluralism, intense religious competition. The accelerated growth of Pentecostalism since the 1980s has resulted in the Catholic reaction to try to regain ground and influence as well as to stop the advance of their competitors. Influenced by beliefs and practices of Pentecostal origin, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the New Charismatic Communities of Life and Covenant, in the post Vatican Council context, took the lead of this reaction. They seek to make Catholicism more attractive and more present in the daily lives of Brazilians, through the evangelistic use of mass media, music, literature and other arts, new parlance, organizational rationalization, political activism, intense work of evangelization, the promotion of formation courses for the faithful and evangelists, reinterpretation and reviving the Catholic tradition, creating communities and groups of prayer,appeal to individual conversion, emotional cults, therapeutic actions and promises of healing and freedom from suffering and problems. They seek to encourage the search for personal vocations, to develop charisms according to the Charism of the community, particularly to form Catholic militants who should defend their faith, the Catholic Church and tradition, Catholic values and worldview. Considering the evangelistic and organizational efforts made by charismatic Catholicism, its context of action and theoretical references of the sociologies of religion, modernity and socialization, I have carried out research and analysis of the religious material used by Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Eucaristós Community for the formation of its members and conducted interviews, especially with members of the formation team. These groups consider the epiphanic and mystical experiences that so much impact \"neophytes\", insufficient to form lay militants. Therefore, in tune with ecclesial authorities, they emphasize the process of individual and collective doctrinal and moral formation in communities to ensure the effectiveness of religious socialization and the spiritual and secular competencies of their militancy. I verified that this socialization is characterized by a process of biographical reordering of the personal trajectory in order to guarantee continuity and correspondence between the project of the community mission and their personal mission.

A territorialidade religiosa pentecostal em São Paulo estudo de caso: Casa Verde Alta

Bonilha, Antônia Rodrigues de Sousa 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:15:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonia Rodrigues de Sousa Bonilha.pdf: 8300840 bytes, checksum: 2aa3c0166163cbc41fdb0da37b34e8a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This investigation has as central theme neopentecostal the influence of Christianity in shaping the social structure and space of the place where you live who practices in analysis applied to a specific place in the municipality of São Paulo, the subdistrict of Casa Verde Alta, northwest portion of the District the Casa Verde, North of São Paulo. Is inserted in this approach the growth of Pentecostal Protestantism in relation to the hegemony of the Catholic Church, empirically, that sees itself threatened by the growing membership of charismatic believers to dogmas of Pentecostalism. Will be considered, particularly the names and Assembly of God Universal Church of the Kingdom of God / Este trabalho tem como tema central a influência do cristianismo neopentecostal na formação da estrutura social e espacial do lugar onde vive quem o pratica, em análise aplicada a um lugar específico do município de São Paulo, o subdistrito da Casa Verde Alta, porção noroeste do Distrito da Casa Verde, zona Norte da capital paulista. Está inserido nesta abordagem o crescimento do protestantismo pentecostal em relação à hegemonia da Igreja Católica, empiricamente, que vê-se ameaçada pela crescente adesão de fiéis aos dogmas carismáticos do pentecostalismo. Serão consideradas, particularmente, as denominações Assembléia de Deus e Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus

A Renovação Carismática Católica na condição Pós-Moderna e na hipermodernidade: as características dos seus sujeitos ante as novas tendências dos tempos atuais / The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the postmodern condition and hypermodernity: the characteristics of its subjects faced with new trends in current times

Scherer, Karine Pagliosa 19 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Karine Pagliosa Scherer.pdf: 1054015 bytes, checksum: 6c4ef575ba8f3fc916aef89c1185a1c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The thesis focuses on the subject of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) in current times, particularly in the Brazilian context. Working theoretically, it seeks to define the subject, focuses on the distinction between the individual, the, subject and the actor and their characteristics in post and hypermodernity. It then points out the Movement in which this subject is born, shaped and acts, describing the CCR, its origins, expansion and peculiarities within the Catholic Church. This accomplished, it goes in search of the characteristics of the subjects of the CCR. Living in the postmodern condition or hypermodernity which values the culture of consumption and pleasure, while at the same time causes distress, fragmentation, disorientation, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal subject acquires individual happiness that gives him unity, emotional security, comfort, anchoring and communicative warmth. It searches and acquires an intimate religiousness, focused on family life, on fervor in individual and community prayer and ritual worship. Social and collective questions in a world of great injustice give way to concerns of individual order. It reinforces the moralizing and conservative values in the field of behavior. Through its intense work of lay missionary, countless sectors of the Catholic Church in Brazil and the world show gratitude and unconditional support to their charismatic believers because they are valuable actors to renew the Church s herd which, in recent times, has been suffering of a deep demographic crisis / A tese focaliza o sujeito da Renovação Carismática Católica (R.C.C.) nos tempos atuais, particularmente no contexto brasileiro. Trabalhando teoricamente, busca definir o sujeito, focaliza a distinção entre indivíduo, sujeito e ator e as suas características na pós e na hipermodernidade. Em seguida, trabalha o Movimento no qual este sujeito nasce, se forma e age, descrevendo a R.C.C., suas origens, expansão e peculiaridades no âmbito da Igreja Católica. Feito isto, vai em busca das características dos sujeitos da R.C.C. Vivendo na condição pós-moderna ou na hipermodernidade, que preza a cultura do consumo e os gozos terrenos, e ao mesmo tempo causa angústia, fragmentação, desorientação, o sujeito carismático católico conquista uma felicidade individual que lhe proporciona unidade, segurança emocional, reconforto, ancoragem e calor comunicativo. Busca e adquire uma religiosidade intimista, voltada para a vida familiar, para o fervor na oração individual e comunitária e no louvor ritual. As questões sociais e de ordem coletiva num mundo de gritantes injustiças dão lugar a preocupações de ordem individual. Reforça os discursos moralizantes e conservadores na esfera dos costumes. Por seu intenso trabalho de leigo missionário, inúmeros setores da Igreja Católica no Brasil e no mundo mostram gratidão e irrestrito apoio aos seus fieis carismáticos por constituírem uma valiosa alavanca para recompor o rebanho dessa Igreja que, nos últimos tempos, vive uma profunda crise demográfica

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