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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SSAB Global Business Development : A Study of the International Marketing Expansion Model for HWP in China

Löwgren, Josefina Jie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the research is to assess if the franchising conceptual model is an applicable model for the HWP international market expansion in China.  The assessment will be carried out through the extensive investigations into SSAB/HWP internal and external forces including transfer of knowledge in the MNC, position building in business networks, products positioning and sales situation on the Chinese market to define the risk and opportunity.  As well as the theories of the internationalization, marketing strategy and models will be referred to evaluate the franchising model, which can be adopted in China. The research questions are how can the franchising concept be adopted as an applicable model for the Hardox Wearparts international market expansion in China?  What are the appropriate suggestions for the improvements to the further implementation of the model? By adopting four research methods of qualitative research strategy, a multidimensional purpose of the research has been conducted in order to gather first-hand data, study a specific case and investigate the multidimensional environments for the implementation of the HWP international market expansion model.  The main research methods include 1) questionnaire & survey, 2) qualitative interviewing, 3) observation, and 4) collection and qualitative analysis of texts, document, e- research materials and data. The conclusion of the research is that there are several internal- and external factors, which have affected the HWP´s market expansion in China negatively during the year.  It is a sensible decision to emphasize China as a single largest market for the HWP business development. The market seeking strategy by the infusion of the franchising concept is an appropriate decision for the HWP market expansion in China.  The conceptual franchising model by SSAB is appropriate to both the theoretical model and Chinese regulation on the franchises.  However, to implement this franchising model in China, it requires several significant improvements on those four key components/success factors which are 1) internationalization entry model, 2) transfer of knowledge within the MNC, 3) learning in the foreign market network, and 4) position-building in the business networks.   Together with the improvements on four key components/success factors, the franchising concept will be an applicable model for the HWP international market expansion in China.

Mapping the Sustainable Territory : Swedish CSR initiatives in the Chinese market

Moresjö, Sanna, Raimer, Febe January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to provide a deeper understanding regarding how the phenomenon Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects Swedish multinational corporations (MNCs), in relation to competitive advantage in the Chinese market. The research demonstrates the relevance of investigating the topic, as the aspects of CSR are interchanging. The reviewed literature highlights aspects incorporated in the phenomenon, as well as internationalization, strategy and competitive advantage. In addition, the three dimensions of CSR: economic, environmental and social, are considered fundamental pillars in the analysis of sustainable business behavior. The research is conducted through an explanatory nature, in order to comprehensively describe the included variables and their correlation, the connection is further shown in the conceptual framework, established with the literature review as a basis. The implementation of a qualitative research method ensures an in-depth perspective of the participants’ perceptions and experiences. For the empirical findings, four Swedish MNCs active in the Chinese market are interviewed regarding their CSR initiatives, in order to provide a meaningful insight for the analysis. The analysis of the thesis involves a discussion of the similarities, and also the differences, between the literature review and empirical findings, in accordance to the conceptual framework. Following, the conclusion will answer the research question and provide implications, as well as suggestions for further research. The purpose of study is to further close the research gap regarding the relation between Swedish CSR initiatives and competitive advantage in the Chinese market.

Zvláštní ekonomické zóny v Číně: trendy a perspektivy v novém miléniu / Special economic zones in China: trends and perspectives in new millennium

Remsha, Siarhei January 2013 (has links)
This final thesis is dedicated to the analysis of special economic zones. The main goals of this paper are: theoretical study of SEZ, its main characteristics and outlook of specifics of Chinese SEZs, their historical and modern development trends. The first chapter is dedicated to the theoretical analysis of SEZs from various angles; it outlines main features and definitions; gives analysis of the effects of SEZ on the domestic economy and analyses factors for successful zone launch. It contains analysis of the main goals and roles of SEZs in the economy; describes SEZs in BRIC countries. The second chapter is dedicated to the specifics of Chinese SEZs and description of the Chinese liberalization reforms with the emphasis put on SEZs. It provides description of the main reasons for zones launching in China, their roles and features, investor's motivation for entry onto the Chinese market, the role of ethnic Chinese, effect of SEZs. The third chapter introduces modern development trends of SEZs in China. It describes new types of zones, analyses new growth tendencies, evaluates the effects of the current five-year plan on goals and development priorities of SEZs, and examines impacts of SEZs on the realization of state development programme. The last chapter is focused on the selected SEZs with emphasis on current development trends and SWOT analysis of Chinese SEZs. This chapter applies theoretical knowledge gained in previous chapters on the analysis of the selected zones. This paper, as a result, provides the complex overview of Chinese SEZs, current development trends and their impacts on the Chinese economy.

看不見的維穩:中國群體性事件的媒介框架與話語 / Invisible Stability Maintenance: Framing mass incidents in Chinese market-oriented media

陳宇, Chen, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去20餘年來,在「穩定壓倒一切」的思維邏輯下,中國特色的維穩體系顯著擴張,預示中國正步入維穩國家。維穩體系主要是處理改革、發展與穩定的關係,目的無外乎鞏固中共韌性威權。然而,既往學者從媒介控制角度研究中共威權統治,往往聚焦於改革與發展,漠視已成社會常態的維穩。本研究旨在彌補這一不足,並希望以群體性事件為觀察對象,檢視市場化媒體與維穩之間的統合與衝突。依框架包裹取徑,本文歸納出高壓維穩、開明維穩、官民互動、為民維權四種媒介框架與話語。研究結果發現,面對群體性事件,媒體分別扮演了黨國喉舌、監督者和公眾利益代言人的角色;媒介框架呈現出多元化特徵,但框架並非固定不變,相反潛藏著動態變化的可能;多元衝突的框架實際可以整合到更宏觀的信任與擁護政府的框架中。本研究的另一重要發現是,在嚴格新聞管制之下,媒體最常見的框架建構是開明維穩,表明市場化媒體服從維穩需要仍是主流。這一研究結果在一定程度上解釋了市場化媒體如何鞏固中共威權統治。 / Over the past two decades, the systematic stability maintenance apparatus has expanded dramatically under the logic of “stability overrides everything”, which indicates that China is turning into a security state. The operation of Stability Maintenance mainly deals with the relationship between reform, development and stability. The purpose is nothing less than strengthening the CCP’s resilient authoritarianism. However, Stability Maintenance has been ignored when researchers who study China’s authoritarian rule from the perspective of media control paid much attention to the reform and development. Choosing mass incidents as case study, this paper aims to cover the shortage mentioned above, and examines the relationship between market-oriented media and Stability Maintenance. By taking framing package approach, this paper showed that mass incidents were framed as one of the following: coercion, enlightened coercion, official-civil interaction, and legal rights safeguarding. This study found that market-oriented media played different roles as party-state mouthpiece, supervisors and spokesperson for the public interest. It also showed that the pluralistic frames of mass incidents actually can be integrated into a broader pro-government frame. More important, enlightened coercion became the most common frame under tight news censorship. It indicated that market-oriented media subjected to the necessity of Stability Maintenance is still the mainstream for media coverage on mass incidents. To a certain extent this result explained how market-oriented media sustain the CCP’s authoritarian rule.


沈必爕, Shim, Pil-Seob Unknown Date (has links)
韓系銀行的限制主要是針對營業對象以及韓國企業貸款。事實上人民幣營業開放至今對當地消費者來說並沒那麼久,不過跟其他外國投資銀行比較起來競爭力仍然有所差距。 亞洲金融風暴時,銀行所受到的打擊比任何行業都大。特別是從1998年至2002年期間,金融業在中國的投資可說是完全沒有。當時國民銀行因無法留在中國市場而撤退了,直到2008年才又艱難地進駐。雖然在亞洲金融風暴後,製造業的投資額雖然減少了,然而投資仍有持續進行。這種現象代表韓國本身金融構造中不良問題的存在。 看韓國企業投資地區,以山東省的佔有率最高,接下來依序是江蘇省、北京市。金融業則是集中在北京與上海。會出現這樣的分布,雖然目前主要的顧客是韓國企業,但希望以後的投資業者為當地法人和零售金融市場。 韓國銀行業之所以必須優先進入中國市場並擴大之,是因為已有很多國內企業進入了中國市場。對以韓國企業為對象的企業貸款而言,這將會是一大優勢。此外,中國對外國銀行的限制越來越放鬆,如此一來,便能使營業活動擴大。同時,信用卡市場與房地產等零售金融市場成長的可能性也是值得期待的。 但必須再度強調,雖然這是個進入中國市場的大好機會,仍有部分地方需要留意的。儘管目前中國已經對外開放了,但本質上還是個社會主義的國家。正如同對政策上的經濟體制、政策及法案等部分也是必須要重視的。因此法律政策解釋專家跟金融專家一樣重要。韓國政府也在不斷努力改善並維持中國當地人民對韓國的印象。 目前韓系銀行進入中國市場看起來算是成功的。以韓國最大銀行國民銀行為例,雖然略嫌稍晚,但終於2008年設立了當地法人銀行。韓系銀行之中以當地法人形態出現的銀行,以同為韓系銀行為競爭對象,應該先不管營業收入,因為怕只是韓系銀行而成的紅海市場。所以目標是在與中國零售金融行業和其他外國大型銀行,並透過這樣的經驗累積,將來得以進出其他國際市場。 此外,台灣與韓國在金融方面的交流看起來是完全沒有的。台灣與韓國在互為競爭者的同時,又是合作的好夥伴,期望未來彼此間的研究協助將會更為熱絡。

中小企業大陸市場進入模式之研究 / A Research to The Entry Mode of Small Business into Chinese Market

王淮, Sonny, Wang Unknown Date (has links)
根據我國經濟部投資審議委員會民國83年所做統計,從民國80年至民國83年2月止,我國企業赴大陸投資之家數經報備者計10,003件,金額達美金3,709,415仟元,平均每家投資額僅37萬美元。由此可見,台商赴大陸投資者多為中小企業。   我國中小企業佔全體廠商家數高達98%,以勤奮及彈性兩大特點,創造了所謂的台灣奇蹟,成為我國政府遷台以後40多年間經濟穩定成長的主力。民國75年開始,台灣面臨了台幣升值、勞動力缺乏、環保嚴格、土地上漲等不利因素,出口導向的我國廠商逐漸在國際市場中喪失價格競爭優勢,政府與業界一片升級與轉型呼聲。在此同時,海峽兩岸的對立型態出現轉機,政府在民國79年宣佈開放廠商以間接的方式赴大陸投資,在此之前,中小企業早以其靈活的速度,於政府大陸政策尚未明朗化時,就憑著冒險犯難的精神,摸索出自己獨特的投資模式。由以往身居國內熟悉的環境,推展到一個在政治、經濟、社會各方面均不相同但卻擁有誘人機會的市場一他們是如何進行規劃?如何進入?績效如何?面對何種困難?如何克服……等問題,相信是許多不同層面人仕所關心的課題,然而有關中小企業方面的研究,卻並不多見。   鑑於中小企業一般而言均較保守,面對問卷調查時配合意願多不高,所得資料之信度與效度造成研究者相當大的困擾。因此,本論文遂採取個案深入訪談的方式,直接與受訪企業主管人員晤談,針對中小企業大陸市場進入模式之規劃、選擇、調整等方面搜集資料,配合學理基礎進行分析整理與推導命題,最後並達成下列結論:   1.中小企業藉由控制力的取得,可提高大陸市場經營自主性。   2.中小企業藉由集中資源及快速進入市場可與大企業抗衡。   3.中小企業藉由強化本身策略性資源可提高談判地位。   4.中小企業藉由構建穩定的營運組織可提高經營績效。

Vstup českých malých a středních podniků na čínský trh / Czech Small and Medium Enterprises Entering the Chinese Market

Bizoňová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with Czech economic diplomacy as an instrument or rather tool of the foreign policy of the Czech Republic to promote its economic interests and goals in the People´s Republic of China. Specifically, it deals with the state pro-export policy and state support of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the process of entering Chinese market. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter explores the concept of economic diplomacy and the models of the governance of economic diplomacy in the world as well as in the Czech Republic. The second chapter focuses on the realization of the Czech economic diplomacy in China, analyzes the Czech-Chinese foreign trade and the development of political and diplomatic relations between the two countries. The third chapter is devoted to the SMEs and their penetration of the Chinese market. It explains the importance of the SMEs to the Czech economy and export and defines the phases of the penetration. In this chapter, the author examines how the state supports the SMEs entering the Chinese market and whether this support covers all phases of this complex process. Finally, the author explains why SMEs are not satisfied with the state support of export and outlines possible solutions.

Možnosti pro české firmy v rámci nového Čínského pětiletého plánu 2016-2020 / The opportunities arising for Czech companies from the 13th Five-Year Plan 2016-2020

Knýblová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis explores the opportunities arising for Czech companies from the 13th Five-Year Plan for the economic and social development of the Peoples Republic of China for the period of 2016-2020, and the impact of Czech-Chinese political relations onto their trading cooperation. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the Chinese economy; it describes its economic history, recent development and current state. The following part focuses on the trading cooperation between the PCR and the Czech Republic and its evaluation. The introductory chapter of the analytical part provides a description of the main points of the 13th Five-Year Plan of the PCR. With regard to the main objective of the thesis, the practical part analyses specific opportunities for Czech companies in areas supported by the Chinese government in accordance with the five-year plan. The survey discovered that both the five-year plan and the political situation have a positive influence on Czech companies business activities in the PCR. This, however, does not apply to all companies equally; it is especially true for large companies while other factors play a decisive role in the case of smaller firms. The survey uses primarily qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews and semi-structured questionnaire. A SWOT analysis identifies the opportunities and threats associated with entering the Chinese market.

Podnikatelský plán: Cestovní agentura pro čínské klienty / Business plan: travel agency for Chinese tourists

Smička, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
In my thesis, I will entertain the issue of a travel agency, which will target Chinese tourists. Travel agency will be called Golden Dragon and will be offering two products - classic tour and vaccation where consumers will be able to choose everything from the menu. The thesis will first focus on the theoretical basis on how to prepare a business plan and then I will apply the theory to design a travel agency. Then I will analyze the market of tourism from China leading shopping behavior of Chinese tourists, trends in the industry and the provinces which leaves most tourists abroad. I will also address the competition of Czech travel agencies, but mainly large Chinese tour operators, who in the Czech Republic carries 90% of travelers. The aim is to evaluate the success of the project agency for Chinese tourists, especially after reading the financial plan shows that the project is viable. Expected project success is also due to the fact that we speak directly to Chinese tourists through partner in China, so we have higher margin on each trip than the competition, which has a long distribution chain. We also offer a unique product to individual tourists, the tourism sector, which is growing a year by tens of percent and to promote our services and products we use very popular Chinese social networks.

Развитие е-коммерции как инструмента маркетинга для удовлетворения потребностей китайского рынка : магистерская диссертация / Development of e-commerce as a marketing instrument for meeting the needs of the сhinese market

Шуюань, Ч., Shuyuan, Z. January 2020 (has links)
Электронная коммерция вносит новые качественные элементы в современный бизнес, которые способствуют: росту конкуренции; персонализации взаимодействия; экономии затрат. Современные предприятия должны иметь возможность изучать и использовать инструменты электронной коммерции для маркетинга. В этом исследовании будет изучена теория электронной коммерции, чтобы понять ее природу и особенности развития; исследовать инструменты э-коммерции как связь потребителей и маркетологов и модель электронной коммерции Xiaomi; исследовать факторы, влияющие на поведение китайской онлайн-покупателя; разработка проекта по созданию привлекательного бренда смартфонов xiaomi через интернет-магазин в Китае. / E-commerce brings new quality elements to modern business, which contribute to: increased competition; personalization of interaction; cost saving. Modern businesses should be able to learn and use e-commerce tools for marketing. In this study, the theory of electronic commerce will be studied to understand its nature and features of development; explore e-commerce tools like consumer-marketer communication and Xiaomi's e-commerce model; explore the factors that influence the behavior of a Chinese online shopper; development of a project to create an attractive brand of Xiaomi smartphones through an online store in China.

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