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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Levande stadskärnor, en aktuell utmaning i dagens stadsplanering : En fallstudie om Linköpings arbete för en levande stadskärna / Attractive city centres, a current challenge in today's urban planning : A case study on Linköping's work for a vibrant city centre

Agali, Umüd, Medin, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utreda hur Linköpings kommun och andra aktörer arbetar för en levande och attraktiv stadskärna i Linköping. Samt identifiera positiva och negativa aspekter med Linköpings stadskärnan. Studien har utgått ifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på Jacobs (1986), Gehls (2010) och Specks (2013) stadsplaneringsideal och deras syn på stadsplanering. För att besvara frågeställningar har en kvalitativ studie utförts, detta genom intervjuer med viktiga aktörer samt dokumentanalys av Linköping kommuns olika programdokument. Resultaten i studien visar på hur kommunen och olika aktörer arbetar för en levande stadskärna samt vilka strategier och åtgärder som används. Slutsatsen är att det finns en god fysisk utformning för en levande stadskärna, men att bilen fortfarande tar stor plats i stadskärnan. Det finns goda strategier i form av samverkan och temporär urbanism, men utrymme för förbättringar finns. Studien bidrar till att öka kunskap om strategier och åtgärder för att skapa en levande stadskärna. / This study aims to investigate how Linköping municipality and other participants work for a vibrant and attractive city center in Linköping. As well as identifying positive and negative aspects of Linköping's city centre. The study has been based on a theoretical framework based on Jacobs (1986), Gehl's (2010) and Speck's (2013) urban planning ideals and their views on urban planning. To answer questions, a qualitative study has been carried out, this through interviews with important actors and document analysis of Linköping municipality's various program documents. The results of the study show how the municipality and various actors work for a vibrant city center and which strategies and measures are used. The conclusion is that there is a good physical design for a lively city centre, but that the car still occupies a large place in the city centre. There are good strategies in the form of collaboration and temporary urbanism, but there is still room for improvement. The study contributes to increasing knowledge about strategies and measures to create a vibrant city centre.

Alternativní návrh zástavby městského centra v Prostějově / Alternative Urban Proposal of Prostejov City Centre

Šťastná, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
Design alternative urban proposal of the development in the Prostevoj city centre. Respect a small town scale of the historic city centre. Design one of the proposed buildings. analysis of the Prostejov city area as a survey for new urban proposal, written part, design documentation: regulatory plan of selected area: 1:1000, conceptual physical model, erial views

Kulturní centrum Kopřivnice / Cultural Center in Koprivnice

Grísová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Urban and architectonic study of cultural centre in Koprivnice, Czech Republic. Study is concerning the possible usage and transformation of actual buildings built in 1990´s. The aim of proposal is to use the existing, simplify the complicated, complete the existing. The design offers a transformation of actual culturaly-educational facility into a new centre appropriate to needs of present inhabitants. Community centre is cleared out from unrelated functions and gets a clear definition of a place where cultural, musical and theatrical events take place. After possible developement evaluation of Tatra factory (done in pre-diploma project) is the Tatra museum situated newly behind the city municipal office building. There it stimulates actualy arising brownfield. New proposed museum building contents a mediatheque. The mediatheque aims on community functions in the city presented by atrium as a meeting place.

Analýza nákladů a užitků využití území městské části / Analysis of Costs and Benefits

Mezei, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with analysis of completion of plaza in the city centre, determination of it´s cash-flow and economic efficiency and afterwards the work determinate the costs and benefits of the investment for city district of Nitra and for it´s inhabitans in comparison to currently approved variant. Theorethical part of work descripe the basic terms, methods and theory that will be used in the practical part of work Practical part of work look to potentionally real project, specify its cashflow and efficiency and also relative externalities, costs and benefits for city district.

Polyfunkční dům na nábřeží v Přerově / Multifunctional Building on the Embankment in Přerov

Čechák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on multifunctional building on the embankment in Přerov. The building has four aboveground floors. Multifunctional building is situated on the bank of the Bečva river with the view over the historic city centre of Přerov. Main mass of surrounding block is formed by Sokolovna built in functionalist style. Intention is to connect old block with new multifunctional building in minimalistic style. First floor will have three shopping units and technical facilities. Second and third floors will be used for living and administration. Living and administration parts will be separated in the layout of the building. Fourth floor will be used for living.

Attraktiva handelsgator - Strategier för en starkare konkurrensposition

Ovesson, Oskar, Strand, Gus January 2020 (has links)
Denna fallstudie i Helsingborg har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod där det gjorts sex intervjuer med både fastighetsägare, samverkansorganisationen och butiksägare för att få en bild från flera perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fastighetsägare arbetar med att fortsätta hålla Helsingborgs stadskärnan attraktiv med hänsyn till hotet från e-handel och externa handelsplatser. Samt vilka effekter dessa faktorer har på vakansnivåer och hyresnivåer. I studien presenterar vi teorier kring utbud, efterfrågan, platsmarknadsföring, platsutveckling och hyror. Resultatet i studien visar den huvudsakliga strategin är för att möta hotet från e-handel och externhandel och hur strategin ser ut för att utveckla värdet på en plats. Vakansgraden speglar hur attraktiv en stadskärna är, det är viktigt att platsen erbjuder något unikt som andra handelsplatser har svårt att efterlikna. För att utveckla en attraktiv stadskärna behöver alla aktörer arbeta tillsammans, vilket är Citysamverkans huvudsakliga mål. Fastighetsägare har också en stor roll i hur området utvecklas eftersom det är de som väljer vilka verksamheter som placeras i ett område. I studien kommer det fram att samverkan är en stor faktor för att behålla och utveckla värdet av en plats. / This case study in Helsingborg, Sweden is done with a qualitative method where six interviewers were made with both property owner, cooperative organization and shop owners to get the picture from several perspectives. The purpose of the study is to investigate how property owners work to keep the city centre of Helsingborg attractive in contest of the threat from e-commerce and shopping centres, as well as the effects it has on vacancy and rental levels. I this paper we present theories of supply, demand, place marketing, place development and rents. The results of the study show that the main strategy to meet the threat from e-commerce and external commerce and how the strategy is to develop the value of a location. The vacancy rate reflects how attractive the city centre is, which makes it important for the locations to possess something unique that other commercial locations have a hard time to mimic. To develop an attractive city centre, every stakeholder must work together, which is something that the cooperative organization strives for. The property owners also have a major role in how the area is being developed since they are the ones who decides what businesses is placed in an area. The result of the study is that the cooperative organization is a big factor in maintaining and developing the value of a location.

Ztracená místa uvnitř Brna - architektonicko-urbanistická studie / The lost places within the Brno city centre - architectural and urban design study

Šimara, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This diploma project design studio work focus on the introduction to the problematics of vacant lots within the contemporary city centres. The opening represents basic typology of the lots. The work also presents a strategy how to develop the potential of vacant lots with its recreation as public spaces before the housing developments. The whole project book is divided into three parts. Analythical one shows the vacants lots within the Brno city centre and their typology. The strategy is illustrated by a sort of a „health kit“ tool box.And the main aim of the design part is to explore various possibilities of development for a vacant lot on Vesela street.

Sökandet efter en småstadsidentitet : En fallstudie om Hudiksvalls stadskärna och dess relation till identitet och marknadsföring / The Search For the Small Town Centre : A case study about the city centre of Hudiksvall and its relation to identity and marketing

Näsman, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
The city and its planning are dynamic products of permanent change, which is influenced by a myriadof different actors with different wills and opinions. During the last century, urban planning has gonefrom being a steering process to a more mediating role between prominent and relevant actors. Duringthe last decades, a growing internationalisation has weakened traditional institutions and thrown citiesinto a global competition of attention and development. This has led to a bigger need for marketing,which provoked development of varying models such as Business Improvement District, BID forshort. With common financing and goals, actors can come together and improve the public places ofthe city. Though, this can lead to a greater requirement of consumption in these places, which in turndisfavour groups without economic power. The town of Hudiksvall is one of several urban areas that is to begin a BID process, in which the goalis to increase the attractiveness and be crowned as the city centre of 2024. The area in focus is the citycentre, whose identity is made up of all its users and their perception of the place. The goal of thisstudy is therefore to investigate the perceived identity of the city centre of Hudiksvall among thoseusing it and among those who are in charge of the development, as well as how the city centre isaffected by design based on an idea of economic gain. A case study was instigated with the city centre of Hudiksvall as primary focus, which was dividedinto several methods; a document study to gather data about Hudiksvall and the BID, a surveyfollowed by interviews of the steering group of the project as well as a survey for the inhabitants andvisitors of the city centre. The results from these methods were analysed in harmony with a theoreticalframework grounded in research and expertise about socio-urban theories, identity and BID. The study shows that the steering group and the users of the city centre had similar perceptions aboutthe extent and usage of the city centre. Though, there existed three areas in which the differentperceptions did not coincide regarding them belonging to the centre or not, which is recommended tolook more into. According to inhabitants and visitors, there existed three especially interesting areaswhich are characterized by commerce and restaurant business. The city centre also had a dynamiccharacteristic due to it moving along the day and night, an aspect worth attention. Finally, it wasbrought into attention that traditionally economically weak social groups, which are especiallyvulnerable to the commercialization of public space, were poorly represented in the survey. It istherefore recommended that these groups get some attention in urban planning and that they areincluded in the planning process. / Staden och dess planering är dynamiska produkter i ständig utveckling som påverkas av en mängdolika aktörer med olika viljor och åsikter. Stadsplaneringen har under det senaste århundradet gått frånatt vara en framförallt styrande process till att övergå till en mer medlande form mellan olikaprominenta och relevanta aktörer. De senaste decennierna har dessutom en allt störreinternationalisering försvagat traditionella institutioner och kastat in städerna i en global konkurrensom uppmärksamhet och utveckling. Detta har lett till ett större krav på marknadsföring till vilket olikamodeller utvecklats, däribland samverkansmodellen Business Improvement District, förkortat BID.Med gemensam finansiering och målbild kan flertal aktörer gå samman och tillsammans förbättrastadens offentliga platser. Detta kan dock medföra ett allt större krav på konsumtion på dessa platservilket missgynnar kapitalsvaga grupper i samhället. Småstaden Hudiksvall är en av flera städer som påbörjat en BID-process i vilket syftet är att ökastadens attraktivitet och bli utsedd till årets stadskärna 2024. Det område som processen fokuserar påär stadskärnan vars identitet är en produkt av alla dess användares uppfattning av den. Denna studiesyftar därför till att undersöka dess upplevda identitet hos de som använder den och de styr utvecklingenav den, samt hur den påverkas av en utformning grundad på iden om ekonomisk vinst. En fallstudie genomfördes över Hudiksvalls stadskärna vilket var uppdelat i flera metoder; endokumentstudie utfördes för att samla kunskap kring Hudiksvall och dess BID-process, en enkätstudieföljt av intervjuer riktades mot projektets styrgrupp samt en enkätstudie riktades mot stadskärnansinvånare och besökare. Resultatet från dessa analyserades utefter ett teoretiskt ramverk byggt påexisterande forskning och expertis angående urbansociologi, identitet och BID. Studien visar på att styrgruppen och användarna av stadskärnan hade liknande uppfattningar kringstadskärnans utsträckning och användning. Dock fanns tre områden där uppfattningen skiljde sigmellan enkätundersökningarna om huruvida de tillhörde stadskärnan, vilket rekommenderas attfokusera på. Enligt invånarna och besökarna fanns tre speciellt intressanta områden vilkakaraktäriseras av handel och restaurangverksamhet. Stadskärnan hade även en dynamisk karaktär ochförflyttades över dygnet, en aspekt som kan vara värd att uppmärksammas. Det observeradesockså att traditionellt kapitalsvaga grupper som påverkas mest av kommersialisering av den offentligaplatsen var de som var minst representerade i enkäten. Det rekommenderas därför att fokuserapå dessa grupper under planeringen och att inkludera dem i processen.

Urban Archaeological Issues And Resources In Izmir Historic City Centre: An Exploratory Case Study

Belge, Burak 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, the majority of the historic city centres have been continuously occupied since early ages onwards and where still occupation exists. The multi-layered structure of historic centres both can indicate the historical continuity of cities and enhance urban consciousness, if urban archaeological resources are handled effectively into planning process. However, the recent policies and strategies don&amp / #8217 / t allow the handling of urban archaeological resources, especially invisible sub-soil resources, into planning and decision-making process. In this thesis, it is aimed to formulate a basic methodological framework for the handling of urban archaeological resources into planning process of historic city centres in Turkey. Therefore, the study is handled in two parts / a conceptual methodological framework part and an exploratory case study.In the conceptual part, a basic equation is studied to research the factors on the conservation and evaluation of real urban archaeological potential. Then, the methodological framework is examined in detail in izmir Historic City Centre that has been inhabited since 324 B.C. Consequently, the terms of equi-property areas, which are used to define ideal potential of archaeological resources, and urban archaeological character zones, which are described as the basic units of planning and conservation policies, are developed to determine exact management strategies for urban archaeological resources.

Brownfieldy v ČR v návaznosti na historické centrum / Brownfields in the Czech Republic in connection with historical centers

Murárová, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
The subject of the Diploma thesis is an urban study in the area of the former part of Tepna in Náchod. The Tepna area is largely after demolition and is currently dilapidating. This area has the potential for development and use, located within a short walking distance from the historic city center and at the same time from the residential area in the northern part of Náchod. Above the solved area is the castle, which is a dominant and a city landmark. The aim of the proposal was to use the potential of the territory at most, but at the same time to approach the surrounding landscape sensitively and to connect the urban character of the surrounding urban structure of the city and, conversely, the existing buildings of unclosed blocks are supplemented by new development.

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