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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från Håstahöjden till Kattvikskajen : Finns barnperspektivet i miljonprogramsområdet Håstahöjden/Håstaskogens och Kattvikskajens bostadsområde? / From Håstahöjden to Kattvikskajen : Has a child perspective been cosidered in the planning of these two urban areas?

Ödegård, Britt-Marie January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine two different housing areas in Hudiksvall. Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen is one of the areas from the ”miljonprogrammet” and was built during the last years of the 60’s. The other housing area is Kattvikskajen, located by the sea and is intended to be a new part of the city. The focus is on whether and how a child perspective has been considered in the planning of these two urban areas and how they have been publicly received by the press over time. The study is based on textual analysis, using discourse analysis on public documents, newspaper articles and dialogues with tenants in the Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen area. The conclusion of this study shows that when Håstahöjden/Håstaskogen was built there was a clear focus on developing the housing to safeguard a child’s perspective. This is clearly shown in the design of the buildings. There was a room especially for the children, for their activities and games in each house. The outdoor design included several seats for social life, playgrounds, and areas close to nature with opportunities for the children to take part in physical activities. The narrative in examined newspaper articles during the first ten years mostly concerned criminal activities. Next to them were reports on children and how they spent their spare time. From the discourse point of view there is a stigmatizing that can be experienced differently depending on the outside or the inside perspective. Kattvikskajen’s area in the harbour is much smaller, it is supposed to be a close link to the centre of the city and lacks the close nature. The advantage is the nearness to the city, the transport system and the sea. The future tenants are believed to be new people with new ideas capable of bringing new ideas into the industry and economy and who appreciate the possibilities of commuting. Quality programmes show the intentions of taking the child’s perspective in designing activity parks for different ages and a park with opportunities of playing. The close location of the housing area to the sea and the railway make it doubtful whether it is suitable for small children or even designed for small children. Older children and especially the young people will most certainly find the area attractive. Owing to the location, the architectonic expression that implies a partly private area turns the whole building area into an area that is excluding for small children.

Attitydproblem? : Inte e... om Hudikungdomars bruk av - och attityd till den egna dialekten

Nolgård, Olle January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats beskrivs en grupp hälsingeungdomars bruk av – och attityd till den egna dialekten. Uppsatsen baseras på en tidigare attitydundersökning genomförd på Gotland varpå analysen i denna undersökning tar spjärn i en enkätundersökning omfattande 70 informanter i åldrarna 15 till 18. Denna delas upp i tre delar: sociologiska bakgrundsfaktorer, bruk och attityd och syftar i huvudsak att ge en indikation på hur ungdomarna använder dialekten i vardagen och på hur deras attityd ser ut gentemot dialekter som fenomen i allmänhet, men hälsingemålet i synnerhet ser ut. Därtill jämförs frågorna som behandlar attitydbegreppet med tidigare undersökning. Det kanske viktigaste resultatet som framkommit av denna undersökning är att attityden till informanternas egen dialekt, hälsingemålet, är förvånansvärt positiv, att många identifierar sig som dialekttalare samt att hälsingeungdomarna i större utsträckning är mer positiva till sin dialekt än vad de jämnåriga gotlänningarna är.

Sökandet efter en småstadsidentitet : En fallstudie om Hudiksvalls stadskärna och dess relation till identitet och marknadsföring / The Search For the Small Town Centre : A case study about the city centre of Hudiksvall and its relation to identity and marketing

Näsman, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
The city and its planning are dynamic products of permanent change, which is influenced by a myriadof different actors with different wills and opinions. During the last century, urban planning has gonefrom being a steering process to a more mediating role between prominent and relevant actors. Duringthe last decades, a growing internationalisation has weakened traditional institutions and thrown citiesinto a global competition of attention and development. This has led to a bigger need for marketing,which provoked development of varying models such as Business Improvement District, BID forshort. With common financing and goals, actors can come together and improve the public places ofthe city. Though, this can lead to a greater requirement of consumption in these places, which in turndisfavour groups without economic power. The town of Hudiksvall is one of several urban areas that is to begin a BID process, in which the goalis to increase the attractiveness and be crowned as the city centre of 2024. The area in focus is the citycentre, whose identity is made up of all its users and their perception of the place. The goal of thisstudy is therefore to investigate the perceived identity of the city centre of Hudiksvall among thoseusing it and among those who are in charge of the development, as well as how the city centre isaffected by design based on an idea of economic gain. A case study was instigated with the city centre of Hudiksvall as primary focus, which was dividedinto several methods; a document study to gather data about Hudiksvall and the BID, a surveyfollowed by interviews of the steering group of the project as well as a survey for the inhabitants andvisitors of the city centre. The results from these methods were analysed in harmony with a theoreticalframework grounded in research and expertise about socio-urban theories, identity and BID. The study shows that the steering group and the users of the city centre had similar perceptions aboutthe extent and usage of the city centre. Though, there existed three areas in which the differentperceptions did not coincide regarding them belonging to the centre or not, which is recommended tolook more into. According to inhabitants and visitors, there existed three especially interesting areaswhich are characterized by commerce and restaurant business. The city centre also had a dynamiccharacteristic due to it moving along the day and night, an aspect worth attention. Finally, it wasbrought into attention that traditionally economically weak social groups, which are especiallyvulnerable to the commercialization of public space, were poorly represented in the survey. It istherefore recommended that these groups get some attention in urban planning and that they areincluded in the planning process. / Staden och dess planering är dynamiska produkter i ständig utveckling som påverkas av en mängdolika aktörer med olika viljor och åsikter. Stadsplaneringen har under det senaste århundradet gått frånatt vara en framförallt styrande process till att övergå till en mer medlande form mellan olikaprominenta och relevanta aktörer. De senaste decennierna har dessutom en allt störreinternationalisering försvagat traditionella institutioner och kastat in städerna i en global konkurrensom uppmärksamhet och utveckling. Detta har lett till ett större krav på marknadsföring till vilket olikamodeller utvecklats, däribland samverkansmodellen Business Improvement District, förkortat BID.Med gemensam finansiering och målbild kan flertal aktörer gå samman och tillsammans förbättrastadens offentliga platser. Detta kan dock medföra ett allt större krav på konsumtion på dessa platservilket missgynnar kapitalsvaga grupper i samhället. Småstaden Hudiksvall är en av flera städer som påbörjat en BID-process i vilket syftet är att ökastadens attraktivitet och bli utsedd till årets stadskärna 2024. Det område som processen fokuserar påär stadskärnan vars identitet är en produkt av alla dess användares uppfattning av den. Denna studiesyftar därför till att undersöka dess upplevda identitet hos de som använder den och de styr utvecklingenav den, samt hur den påverkas av en utformning grundad på iden om ekonomisk vinst. En fallstudie genomfördes över Hudiksvalls stadskärna vilket var uppdelat i flera metoder; endokumentstudie utfördes för att samla kunskap kring Hudiksvall och dess BID-process, en enkätstudieföljt av intervjuer riktades mot projektets styrgrupp samt en enkätstudie riktades mot stadskärnansinvånare och besökare. Resultatet från dessa analyserades utefter ett teoretiskt ramverk byggt påexisterande forskning och expertis angående urbansociologi, identitet och BID. Studien visar på att styrgruppen och användarna av stadskärnan hade liknande uppfattningar kringstadskärnans utsträckning och användning. Dock fanns tre områden där uppfattningen skiljde sigmellan enkätundersökningarna om huruvida de tillhörde stadskärnan, vilket rekommenderas attfokusera på. Enligt invånarna och besökarna fanns tre speciellt intressanta områden vilkakaraktäriseras av handel och restaurangverksamhet. Stadskärnan hade även en dynamisk karaktär ochförflyttades över dygnet, en aspekt som kan vara värd att uppmärksammas. Det observeradesockså att traditionellt kapitalsvaga grupper som påverkas mest av kommersialisering av den offentligaplatsen var de som var minst representerade i enkäten. Det rekommenderas därför att fokuserapå dessa grupper under planeringen och att inkludera dem i processen.

Mot Svensksund utan ära, utkomst eller tranqvilitet : Social ställning bland 1788–1790 års båtsmän för Söderhamn och Hudiksvall

Johanna, Sundstedt January 2014 (has links)
This paper investigates the social standing of båtsmän – Swedish navy seamen in the allotment system – who participated in the naval war against Russia in 1788–1790. The study examines the socioeconomic attainment and the social mobility among båtsmän recruited from two towns, Söderhamn and Hudiksvall. The main purpose of the study is to compare the image of the båtsmän presented by both representatives of the town council in Gävle (magistraten) and admiral Carl August Ehrenswärd, with the actual social position of the båtsmän from Söderhamn and Hudiksvall during the war 1788–1790. A number of sources are used. Achival records from the navy and the parishes are used to track the båtsmän and define their civilian social position before and after the war. The method is a demographic study based on family reconstruction. A comparison of the social structure of the båtsmän and the social structure of their parent generation is conducted, in order to discover any social mobility. A comparison between the inborn townsmen, the migrators born in the county, and the migrators born outside the county limit, is also conducted to detect any relationship between migration and social position. To answer the overarching question, why båtsmän are described as peasants and vagabonds by authorities, archival records from the parishes, the Office of the Chancellor of Justice, and the Krigskollegiet are used. The method is close reading of the documents, with a theoretical perspective based on Foucault’s theories of power and discipline The results of the study show a mismatch between the image presented by the authorities, and the social structure among the båtsmän. The majority of the 45 båtsmän had employment in the towns before they where enrolled. One third of the båtsmän where sailors before the war, a fact not noted in the General munster roll for 1788. There where also a number of manual workers and craftsmen, as well as some members of the bourgeoisie, who were enrolled. In this study, the social mobility between the båtsmän and the prior generation is strong. Half of a cohort of 35 båtsmän had a lower social position in comparison to their fathers, at the time of the war. Peasant’s sons with temporary jobs in towns were a clear example of social decline. The båtsmän that survived the war did not improve their occupational position when they returned to their civilian lives. Participating in the great victory at sea – the battle of Svensksund – 1790 did not benefit the båtsmän's occupational position. The image of the båtsmän as peasants and vagrants is based on the words of the navy and the bourgoise that has survived in the archives. It is the words of those in power, using the label of vagrancy as a tool to solve problems. This image represents a power structure and the struggle for power.

Hållbar planering av offentliga rum : Kattvikskajen i Hudiksvall

Elfström, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Fler och fler flyttar in till städerna, och medan städerna växer behöver de även utvecklas hållbart. De tre perspektiven; ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och social måste balanseras. Parallellt med urbaniseringstrenden förekommer också en trend av att få in naturen och grönområden i staden. I den här studien undersöks det hur hållbar planering uttrycks och praktiseras i en svensk stadsdelsplaneringsprocess. Det har gjorts genom granskning av plandokument och interjuver med planerare i ett projekt i Hudiksvall, där den nya stadsdel Kattvikskajen planeras. Där ligger stort fokus på offentliga rum och de utformas främst utifrån ett socialt perspektiv, men också utifrån det ekologiska perspektivet. Agenda 2030, de globala hållbarhetsmålen, är ett verktyg som tagits fram för att underlätta genomförandet hållbar utveckling, dock är de målen inget som diskuterats eller hänvisats till i det här projektet. Men det har inte funnits några större konflikter mellan det ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala och det har gjorts val gjorts som i efterhand går att koppla till de olika målen på ett eller annat sätt.

Mellan producent och konsument : Köpmän, kommissionärer och krediter i det tidiga 1800-talets Hälsingland / Between producer and consumer : Merchants, middlemen and credits in early 19th century Hälsingland

Brismark, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to an increased understanding of the underlying conditions for the development of a domestic market for consumer goods by studying how the distribution of goods between the town and the countryside in the county of Hälsingland, Sweden, was organized during the first half of the 19th century. The thesis has analyzed the different kinds of persons involved in the distribution of goods, their functions and mutual relations. In order to examine how the trade was organized on the individual level, a case study of one Hudiksvall merchant’s trading business has been done. This has made possible an analysis of how the two-way trade carried on by the majority of the merchants in the region was organized. In broad outline, this trade involved the merchants purchasing linen goods in the countryside for further selling in Stockholm and other markets on the one hand, and on the other purchasing different kinds of consumer goods in these markets to sell in the countryside of Hälsingland.</p><p>The conclusion drawn from this study is that the conditions for distributing goods really were in a phase of change, where the possibilities of carrying out trade gradually increased, which meant that different kinds of trade and different kinds of traders operated side by side.</p><p>Furthermore, the trade was in many aspects less hierarchic and more horizontally organized than has been suggested by previous research. The individual merchant’s business depended on other traders, where the individuals involved in different ways played a very concrete role in the success of each merchant’s business. This means that the relationship between different traders was characterized by both competition and co-operation. Sometimes merchants engaged other merchants as middlemen on remote markets; on other occasions they took the middleman’s role in relation to other merchants. </p>

Mellan producent och konsument : Köpmän, kommissionärer och krediter i det tidiga 1800-talets Hälsingland / Between producer and consumer : Merchants, middlemen and credits in early 19th century Hälsingland

Brismark, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to an increased understanding of the underlying conditions for the development of a domestic market for consumer goods by studying how the distribution of goods between the town and the countryside in the county of Hälsingland, Sweden, was organized during the first half of the 19th century. The thesis has analyzed the different kinds of persons involved in the distribution of goods, their functions and mutual relations. In order to examine how the trade was organized on the individual level, a case study of one Hudiksvall merchant’s trading business has been done. This has made possible an analysis of how the two-way trade carried on by the majority of the merchants in the region was organized. In broad outline, this trade involved the merchants purchasing linen goods in the countryside for further selling in Stockholm and other markets on the one hand, and on the other purchasing different kinds of consumer goods in these markets to sell in the countryside of Hälsingland. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the conditions for distributing goods really were in a phase of change, where the possibilities of carrying out trade gradually increased, which meant that different kinds of trade and different kinds of traders operated side by side. Furthermore, the trade was in many aspects less hierarchic and more horizontally organized than has been suggested by previous research. The individual merchant’s business depended on other traders, where the individuals involved in different ways played a very concrete role in the success of each merchant’s business. This means that the relationship between different traders was characterized by both competition and co-operation. Sometimes merchants engaged other merchants as middlemen on remote markets; on other occasions they took the middleman’s role in relation to other merchants.

Köpa på efterfrågan : en utvärdering av BIN-projektets försöksverksamhet

Fredriksson, Anneli, Lindblom, Helena January 2005 (has links)
In 2003 the libraries of ten municipalities in the northern part of Sweden were each given 10 000 (SEK) by the BIN-project to purchase books on demand instead of making inter-library loans. This attempt was called Köpa på efterfrågan (Purchasing on demand). The purpose of this master thesis is to evalutate Köpa på efterfrågan. The results of the evaluation show that the books purchased on demand were quite popular. Almost all the purchased books were non-fictional with most books being bought within the field of medicin. There is also a correspondence between the education held in the participating municipality and which subject the purchased books belonged to. The libraries have all made rather similar purchases regarding subject, with the exception of Robertsfors. The most expensive subject was medicin, both per book and overall. The libraries have mostly bought their books on Internet bookstores due to their low cost and swift delivery. Purchasing on demand entails more benefits than inter-library lending, as it is less expensive, and a book, once bought, is available on the shelf for others to borrow it, although the increase of the library’s collection demands more thorough media-planning.

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