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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att komma hem : En studie i hur AstraZenecas expatriater upplever repatriationsprocessen.

Gustavsson-Örn, Julia, Eriksson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur AstraZenecas expatriater stationerade i Mölndalupplevt repatriationen. För att illustrera hur repatriationen upplevts har de fem variablerna:förväntningar, karriärplanering, stöd och kontakt med hemorganisationen, tydlighet iprocessen samt omvänd kulturchock valts. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med sexrepatriater anställda på AstraZenecas kontor i Mölndal. Denna studie visar att repatriaternasupplevelser till stor del överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Processen var tydlig gällandehemkomstens praktiska detaljer. Gällande planeringen kring karriären fann vi attrespondenterna själva tog ansvar för sin utveckling och kommunikation med företaget.Förväntningarna fann vi ha stor påverkan på hur repatriationen upplevts. En majoritet avrepatriaterna upplevde en kulturchock vid återkomsten till Sverige, något som är i linje medtidigare forskning.SammanfattningSyftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur AstraZenecas expatriater stationerade i Mölndalupplevt repatriationen. För att illustrera hur repatriationen upplevts har de fem variablerna:förväntningar, karriärplanering, stöd och kontakt med hemorganisationen, tydlighet iprocessen samt omvänd kulturchock valts. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med sexrepatriater anställda på AstraZenecas kontor i Mölndal. Denna studie visar att repatriaternasupplevelser till stor del överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Processen var tydlig gällandehemkomstens praktiska detaljer. Gällande planeringen kring karriären fann vi attrespondenterna själva tog ansvar för sin utveckling och kommunikation med företaget.Förväntningarna fann vi ha stor påverkan på hur repatriationen upplevts. En majoritet avrepatriaterna upplevde en kulturchock vid återkomsten till Sverige, något som är i linje medtidigare forskning. / The purpose of this study is to describe how repatriates at AstraZeneca in Mölndal haveperceived the repatriation process. To illustrate how the repatriation has been perceived fivefactors have been chosen: Expectations, career planning, support and contact with theorganization, clarity in the repatriation process and reverse culture shock. The study wasconducted through interviews with six repatriates employed at AstraZeneca in Mölndal. Ourstudy shows that the repatriate’s perceptions mainly concur with previous research. The returnhome was clear regarding practical details; however regarding career planning we found thatthe repatriates themselves felt that they were responsible for their career development andcontact with the home office. Furthermore we found that expectations had great impact on theperception of the repatriation. A majority of the repatriates experienced a reverse cultureshock upon re-entry, something that is in line with previous studies.The purpose of this study is to describe how repatriates at AstraZeneca in Mölndal haveperceived the repatriation process. To illustrate how the repatriation has been perceived fivefactors have been chosen: Expectations, career planning, support and contact with theorganization, clarity in the repatriation process and reverse culture shock. The study wasconducted through interviews with six repatriates employed at AstraZeneca in Mölndal. Ourstudy shows that the repatriate’s perceptions mainly concur with previous research. The returnhome was clear regarding practical details; however regarding career planning we found thatthe repatriates themselves felt that they were responsible for their career development andcontact with the home office. Furthermore we found that expectations had great impact on theperception of the repatriation. A majority of the repatriates experienced a reverse cultureshock upon re-entry, something that is in line with previous studies.


邱蜀娟, Chiu, Shu-chuan Unknown Date (has links)
刻板印象威脅效果是指當個人在面臨與其能力有關的負向刻板印象時,會有測驗表現不佳的現象,由於國內尚未有刻板印象威脅的相關研究出現,過去相關的刻板印象威脅研究對自我設限策略也少有探究,對於使用自我設限策略後是否讓自己表現不佳的風險更高亦少探討。因此,本研究除了探究個人在威脅情境中的「測驗表現」外,他(她)在情境中的「自我設限策略」之因應行為、及其自我設限策略的使用對測驗表現的影響亦是本研究關注的議題。 本研究為3(刻板印象威脅:威脅組女性、無威脅組女性、威脅組男性)×4(自我設限線索:宣稱組、行為組、宣稱行為組、以及不告知組)的實驗設計。其中,在刻板印象威脅部分,威脅組受試被告知「男性在此測驗中的表現比較好」,無威脅組受試被告知「男、女性的數學表現無差異」。在設限線索部分,宣稱組受試被告知「宣稱性自我設限對測驗表現有負向影響」,行為組受試被告知「行為性自我設限線索對測驗表現有負向影響」,宣稱行為組受試被告知「宣稱性與行為性自我設限皆對測驗表現有負向影響」。主要依變項有三:數學測驗分數、練習題的答題數目(行為性自我設限之指標)、宣稱性自我設限問卷分數(宣稱性自我設限之指標)。研究對象採用國立政治大學的大學女生158名與男生75名。 研究結果發現,不論設限線索的有效與否,處於威脅情境中的女性受試幾乎都比較傾向使用「宣稱性自我設限策略」以進行因應,其測驗表現也較差。另外,在威脅情境中,自尊越低的女性受試越傾向使用「宣稱性自我設限策略」。但不同「刻板印象威脅」組別的受試在測驗表現上無差異,亦即刻板印象威脅效果的現象並未在本研究獲得驗證,而各組在「行為性自我設限」的使用上亦無顯著差異。最後,研究者針對上述結果進行討論,並對本研究的限制與對未來研究的建議提出說明。

因應彈性、自我清晰程度對於心理適應之影響:不同性傾向的調節效果 / Coping flexibility, self-concept clarity and psychological adjustment: the moderator effects of different sexual orientation

廖姝安, Liao, Shu An Unknown Date (has links)
過往關於同志與身心健康的研究,多著重在此身分所帶來的負面影響。本研究採取不同的觀點,探索同志族群可能的韌性,檢驗主/客觀因應彈性(韌性的行為面)以及自我清晰程度(韌性的內在面)對於正負向心理適應的影響,以及性傾向在此關係中所扮演的調節效果。兩個研究皆以調查法收集不同性傾向者(主觀與客觀)的因應彈性、自我清晰程度、憂鬱程度(負向心理適應指標)與生活滿意度(正向心理適應指標)。研究一的壓力事件為參與者自陳其近期壓力事件,研究二的壓力事件則是研究者指定給予參與者去做評量。兩個研究皆發現,客觀因應彈性與憂鬱程度、生活滿意度無關;自我清晰程度越高者,其憂鬱程度越低,且性傾向未調節以上結果。不過,性傾向則調節了自我清晰程度與生活滿意度間的關係。同志族群的自我清晰程度越高、生活滿意度也會越高;異性戀者則無此關係。研究二則發現主觀因應彈性越高,其憂鬱程度越低、生活滿意度越高;然而主觀因應彈性與正、負向心理適應之間的關係,不會受到不同性傾向的調節。兩個研究結果幫助我們瞭解主觀因應彈性、自我清晰程度與心理適應之間的關係,以及此關係在不同性傾向者身上的面貌為何。 / Lesbians, gay men, and bisexual (LGB) individuals are often observed to have poorer psychological adjustments than heterosexual individuals. I adopted a different approach to explore potential strengths in being LGB individuals by testing the impacts of objective/subjective coping flexibility and self-concept clarity on positive and negative psychological adjustments, as well as how sexual orientation may moderate these relationships. Two survey studies in this thesis measured objective/subjective coping flexibility, self-concept clarity, depression and life satisfaction among people with different sexual orientations. To measure objective coping flexibility, participants reported their recent stress events in Study 1, and were given specific stress events to respond in Study 2. The two studies showed that objective coping flexibility was not associated with depression, nor with life satisfaction, whereas self-concept clarity was associated with depression negatively. Sexual orientation did not moderate the above findings. Sexual orientation did moderate the relationship between self-concept clarity and life satisfaction: Self-concept clarity was associated with life satisfaction positively among LGB individuals, but this association was not significant among heterosexual individuals. Study 2 showed that subjective coping flexibility was associated with depression negatively and with life satisfaction positively. Again, sexual orientation did not moderate the above finding. These findings further our understanding regarding objective and subjective coping flexibility, self-concept clarity and psychological adjustments among people with different sexual orientations.

Innehålls- och kvalitetssprinciper enligt GRI : En jämförande studie av sju Svenska företag / Content- and qualityprinciples according to GRI : A Comparative Study of seven Swedish companies

Johansson, Sara, Thomassen, Christina January 2017 (has links)
Hållbarhetsredovisning är ett sätt för företag att redogöra för hur de arbetar med samhällsansvar. Detta ansvar benämns Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och speglar tre dimensioner, miljömässigt, socialt, och ekonomiskt ansvar. Intressenter ställer allt högre krav på företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar, då det finns en ökad trend och en ökad medvetenhet kring detta ansvar i samhället. I och med detta krav har företagen i sin tur efterfrågat riktlinjer att förhålla sig till i denna typ av redovisning. Den ledande organisationen som upprättar riktlinjer kring detta är Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), de har gett ut riktlinjer i fyra generationer, där de senaste publicerades 2015. Dessa riktlinjer är inte lagstadgade utan endast en rekommendation, som företag kan välja att använda sig av, samt att företag kan välja i vilken utsträckning de vill använda sig av riktlinjerna. Detta är ett av skälen till att hållbarhetsrapporter skiljer sig åt, ett annat skäl är att olika branscher definierar hållbarhet olika. För att öka transparensen och öppenheten i rapporterna har GRI upprättat ett antal innehålls- och kvalitetsprinciper som företag ska ta hänsyn till när de framarbetade sin hållbarhetsrapport i enlighet med deras riktlinjer. Dessa principer har vi haft som grund till vår studie.Syftet med vår studie är att generera kunskap om skillnader som förekommer i hållbarhetsrapporter. Detta har vi gjort genom att jämföra hur företag arbetar kring de innehålls- och kvalitetsprinciper som GRI:s upprättar som hjälpmedel i framarbetandet av hållbarhetsrapporter. Samt att hitta skillnader som eventuellt kan hänföras till att olika branscher definierar hållbarhet olika.Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ dokumentanalys, där vi granskat sju svenska företag som är listade på den svenska börsen Nasdaq Stockholm. De rapporter vi använt är utgivna för år 2015 och upprättade i enlighet med GRI:s G4 riktlinjer.Resultatet av vår studie visar att det förekommer variationer av innehåll samt kvalitetsskillnader i företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Att det varierar i innehåll uppstår av naturliga skäl, då företag har olika intressenter i olika branscher. Skillnaderna som förekommer i rapporternas kvalitet grundas mycket i företagens val av språk och att det brister då det inte finns ett standardiserat formulär av rubriker samt mätmetoder. / Sustainability Reporting is a way for companies to describe how they work with social responsibility. This responsibility is called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and reflects three dimensions; environmental, social, and financial responsibility. When there is an increasing trend and awareness of this responsibility in society, stakeholders make higher demands on the sustainability reports which is issued by companies. With this requirement, companies have asked for guidelines to remain in this type of accounting. The leading organization that establishes guidelines for this is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), they have issued guidelines for four generations, where the latest were published in 2015. These guidelines are only a recommendation and not a statutory requirement, which companies can choose to use and that the companies can choose the extent to which they wish to use of the guidelines. This is one of the reasons why sustainability reports differ, another reason is that different industries define sustainability differently. In order to increase transparency into the reports, GRI has established a number of content and quality principles that companies should consider when developing their sustainability report in accordance with their guidelines. Five of these principles have been the basis of our study.The aim of our study is to generate knowledge about differences that occur in sustainability reports. We have done this by comparing how companies is working around the principles for content and quality, which GRI establish in the work of the sustainability reports. As well as finding differences that may be attributable to different industries defining sustainability differently.We have conducted a qualitative document analysis, in which we examined seven Swedish companies listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Stockholm. The reports we used were issued for the year 2015 and established in accordance with GRI's G4 guidelines.The results of our study show that there are variations of content as well as quality differences in companies' sustainability reports. The variations in content arises naturally, as companies have different stakeholders in different industries. The differences that arise in the quality of the reports are very much based on the company's choice of language, and that it lacks a standardized form of headings and measurement methods.

Percepción de la calidad de los instructivos de pruebas diagnósticas traducidos del inglés al español desde la perspectiva del personal de laboratorio de tres hospitales de Lima / Quality Perception of Laboratory Test’s User Manuals Translated from English to Spanish as Perceived by the Laboratory Staff of Three Hospitals in Lima

Fenco Díaz, Martha Alejandra, Velásquez Patiño, Sharim Yadira 15 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca determinar y explicar la percepción que el personal de laboratorio (patólogos clínicos y tecnólogos médicos) de tres hospitales de Lima tiene acerca de la calidad de los instructivos de pruebas diagnósticas traducidos del inglés al español. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de enfoque mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo) con el fin de definir la opinión general de los usuarios de tales textos, así como las percepciones disonantes respecto a su experiencia con instructivos traducidos. Para lograrlo, se utilizaron encuestas basadas en la escala de Likert proporcionada que brinde información cuantitativa sobre cuatro variables adaptadas de los rasgos del lenguaje científico identificados por Navarro (Navarro, 2008): claridad, veracidad, precisión terminológica y función textual. Luego, se realizaron entrevistas para profundizar en las motivaciones de las respuestas obtenidas en las encuestas, explorar opiniones contradictorias e identificar estrategias que el personal desarrolla al encontrarse con elementos que consideren extraños en la versión traducida. Frente a estas situaciones, el personal de laboratorio desarrolla estrategias para poder corregir en la práctica los elementos que afecten la calidad de las traducciones. Los datos cualitativos dieron a conocer dos tipos de estrategias: individuales y sociales; el tipo de estrategia elegido se relaciona con el nivel de experiencia de los patólogos y tecnólogos. La experiencia demuestra ser un factor definitivo en el uso y evaluación de las traducciones. La investigación contribuye al reconocimiento del usuario final especializado como potencial evaluador de la calidad en el proceso de traducción y al retroalimentar la traducción como producto. / This research seeks to identify and explain the perception that medical laboratory professionals (clinical pathologists and medical technologists) of three Lima hospitals have concerning the quality of laboratory test's user manuals translated from English into Spanish. For this purpose, a study with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) was carried out to characterize the users' general opinion and the differing perceptions regarding their experience with translated user manuals. Surveys based on the 5-point balanced Likert scale provided quantitative information on four variables adapted from Navarro's characteristics of scientific language (Navarro, 2008): clarity, accuracy, terminological precision and textual function. Afterwards, interviews were held to delve into the rationale behind the survey’s answers, to explore conflicting opinions, and to identify strategies developed by the personnel when facing unfamiliar elements in the translation. In response, the laboratory professionals developed strategies to address the elements affecting translation quality during their practice. The qualitative data revealed two types of strategies: individual and social; the type chosen is related to the level of experience of pathologists and technologists. Experience proves to be a major factor in the use and evaluation of translations. This research contributes to the acknowledgement of specialized end users as potential quality evaluators during the translation process and by providing feedback on the translation product. / Trabajo de investigación

L’effet du changement organisationnel et social discontinu sur la clarté de l’identité collective : le rôle des comparaisons temporelles pour la reconstruction identitaire

Stawski, Melissa 08 1900 (has links)
Les changements rapides et profonds sont des plus en plus fréquents, tant dans les milieux de travail que dans la société. Ces changements rapides et profonds, nommés changements discontinus, sont connus pour être éprouvants pour le bien-être psychologique des individus. La littérature a proposé que les changements discontinus organisationnels et sociaux soient éprouvants parce qu’ils perturbent l’identité collective, qui fournit aux individus un cadre de référence dans lequel ils comprennent tant leur monde social qu’eux-mêmes. En réponse à un changement discontinu, l’identité collective souffrirait d’une baisse de clarté, où les individus se questionnent à savoir « qui ils sont » dans le contexte de leur groupe social. De récentes études confirment qu’un changement social discontinu provoque une baisse de clarté de l’identité collective. Toutefois, le lien entre les changements discontinus et la clarté d’une identité collective nécessite un soutien empirique robuste puisqu’aucune étude n’a manipulé expérimentalement un réel changement vécu par un groupe social. De plus, il reste à vérifier si la baisse du niveau de clarté de l’identité collective en réponse à un changement social discontinu est répliquée empiriquement sur le terrain. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est donc de vérifier l’effet d’un réel changement discontinu sur la clarté de l’identité collective d’un groupe social. Par ailleurs, les processus psychologiques qui déterminent comment les individus rétablissent la clarté de leur identité collective à la suite d’un changement discontinu demeurent à ce jour inconnus. La littérature en psychologie sociale soutient que deux processus de comparaisons contribuent à la construction de l’identité collective, soit les comparaisons sociales et les comparaisons temporelles. Il semblerait que les comparaisons temporelles soient plus prévalentes dans un contexte de changement discontinu, mais leur rôle pour rétablir la clarté de l’identité collective n’a pas été vérifié. Le second objectif consiste à vérifier si le fait d’effectuer des comparaisons temporelles est un processus psychologique qui rétablit la clarté de l’identité collective à la suite d’un changement discontinu. Cinq études réparties en deux articles ont été exécutées pour répondre à ces objectifs. Le premier article comble les lacunes soulevées dans la littérature en présentant un nouveau paradigme expérimental : le paradigme de groupes de travail Lego (PGTL). Ce paradigme expérimental simule un groupe de travail et expose ses membres à un réel changement discontinu, opérationnalisé en tant qu’un changement inattendu des valeurs qui orientent les objectifs de travail. Trois études testent l’hypothèse que l’introduction d’un changement discontinu causera une diminution du niveau de clarté de l’identité collective du groupe de travail. L’étude 1 simule un changement discontinu en transformant subitement les valeurs du groupe de collaboration à des valeurs de compétition. L’étude 2 réplique les résultats de l’étude 1 avec différente paire de valeurs opposées, soit l’efficience et l’innovation. La troisième étude réplique les résultats et la méthodologie de l’étude 1 avec un grand échantillon, ce qui permet de contrôler statistiquement pour la non-indépendance des observations. Les trois études confirment l’hypothèse que l’introduction d’un changement discontinu cause une diminution du niveau de clarté de l’identité collective du groupe de travail. Le deuxième article contient deux études qui se déroulent auprès d’Américains, dans le contexte du changement d’administration présidentielle en 2016. La première étude vérifie dans un premier temps si la clarté de l’identité collective est diminuée à la suite d’un changement discontinu sur le terrain (hypothèse 1). Dans un deuxième temps, une intervention utilisant des comparaisons temporelles est testée pour vérifier si elle permet de rétablir la clarté de l’identité collective (hypothèse 2a). Le degré d’efficacité de l’intervention utilisant des comparaisons temporelles est comparé à une intervention utilisant des comparaisons sociales, une intervention utilisant des comparaisons sociales et temporelles et une condition contrôle. La deuxième étude vérifie si l’intervention utilisant des comparaisons temporelles rétablit la clarté de l’identité collective au-delà de l’effet du passage du temps (hypothèse 2b) et au-delà des autres interventions. Les résultats confirment la diminution de clarté de l’identité collective à la suite de l’élection, et le rôle de comparaisons temporelles pour rétablir la clarté de l’identité collective. / Rapid and profound changes are increasingly common, both in the workplace and in society. These rapid and profound changes to social groups, called discontinuous changes, are known to have deleterious effects on the psychological well-being of individuals. Literature has proposed that discontinuous organizational and social changes are challenging because they disrupt individuals’ collective identity, which provides them with a meaningful frame of reference in which they understand their social environment and themselves. It has been proposed that during discontinuous changes, collective identity suffers from a decrease in clarity, where individuals question who they are in the context of their social group. Recent studies confirm that discontinuous social change causes a decrease in collective identity clarity. However, the link between discontinuous changes and collective identity clarity remains tentative since no study has experimentally manipulated a real experienced change in a social group. Finally, it remains to be seen whether the decrease in collective identity clarity following discontinuous social change is empirically replicated in the field. The first goal is therefore to provide robust empirical support to the proposition that discontinuous change causes a decrease of collective identity clarity, in a context of real experienced change. In addition, the psychological processes that determine how individuals restore collective identity clarity following discontinuous change remain unknown to this day. Literature in social psychology argues that there are two processes of comparison fundamental to the construction of collective identity, namely social comparisons and temporal comparisons. Temporal comparisons appear to be more prevalent in a context of discontinuous change, but their role in restoring collective identity clarity has not been verified. The second goal of this thesis is to verify whether temporal comparisons are a psychological process that restores collective identity clarity following a discontinuous change. Five studies divided into two articles were carried out to meet both goals. The first article fills the gaps raised in previous literature by presenting a new experimental paradigm: the Lego Workgroup Paradigm (LWP). This experimental paradigm simulates a work group and exposes its members to a real experienced discontinuous change, operationalized as an unexpected change in the values that guide the work objectives. Three studies test the hypothesis that the introduction of a discontinuous change will reduce levels of collective identity clarity related to the workgroup. Study 1 simulates a discontinuous change transforming the values in a sudden way from collaborative values to competition values. Study 2 replicates the results of Study 1 with different opposing values of efficiency and innovation. The third study replicates the results and methodology of Study 1 with a large sample that allows statistical control for the non-independence of observations. The three studies support the hypothesis that the introduction of a discontinuous change causes a decrease in collective identity clarity related to the work group. The second article contains two studies conducted with Americans, in the context of the change of presidential administration in 2016. The first study aims to validate whether the clarity of the collective identity is diminished as a result of a discontinuous change in a field setting (hypothesis 1). Then, an intervention using temporal comparisons is tested to verify if it restores collective identity clarity (hypothesis 2a). The degree of effectiveness of the intervention using temporal comparisons is contrasted with an intervention using social comparisons, an intervention using social and temporal comparisons and a control condition. The second study verifies whether the intervention using temporal comparisons restores collective identity clarity beyond the effect of the passage of time (hypothesis 2b), and beyond other interventions. The results confirm the decrease in collective identity clarity as a result of the election’s outcome and the role of temporal comparisons to restore the collective identity clarity.

Společensko-kulturní centrum s radnicí v Kohoutovicích / Socio-cultural centre with townhall for the district Brno-Kohoutovice

Iarmolinska, Violetta January 2016 (has links)
Chosen territory is located on the Libušina street, Brno - Kohoutovice. Socio-kultural center with townhall will serve as the dominant of district. Due to its shape, which is growing up, it reflects the character of the surrounding high-rise buildings. Entrance to the building is concentrated in one space, the communication part, which connects two masses - the town hall and socio-cultural center. Office space is structured around the perimeter of the building and also organized as a contact point with the society, due to glass partitions. The interior space of the town hall is lighted by glass atrium that allows sunlight penetrates to the whole building. Socio-kultural center with townhall is an expressive architectural element and includes three functions: culture, recreation and sport. The main part of the building is the multifunctional hall, that is used for such purposes as big celebrations, performances, music and dance events and film screenings. The idea to create the function of sport is based on interview and wishes of the local inhabitants. The restaurant, library and a recreation space have large glass windows, which allows visual connection between the interior and exterior and creates a pleasant aesthetic impression.

Examen des contributions d’une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle

Lapointe, Émilie 06 1900 (has links)
Tant auprès des chercheurs que des praticiens, la socialisation organisationnelle semble représenter un sujet d’intérêt à l’heure actuelle (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de la socialisation organisationnelle, afin d’en dresser un portrait plus complet et étayé, mais aussi d’y arrimer des pratiques porteuses pour les organisations et leurs employés. Plus précisément, les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, largement ignorés à ce jour dans la documentation (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), sont examinés à partir de données recueillies à trois temps de mesure distincts auprès d’un échantillon de 224 nouveaux employés. Avec comme point de départ la théorie de l’échange social (Blau, 1964) et le concept de confiance affective (McAllister, 1995), le premier des deux articles qui composent la thèse démontre que, par rapport aux approches dites classiques (i.e., exprimant une vision cognitive de la socialisation organisationnelle), une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle permet de mieux rendre compte du lien psychologique qui s’établit entre les nouveaux employés et l’organisation, alors que les approches cognitives classiques sont davantage explicatives de la performance des employés. Les deux approches semblent donc complémentaires pour expliquer l’adaptation des nouveaux employés. Le second article s’appuie sur la démonstration effectuée dans le premier article et cherche à approfondir davantage les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, de même que leur influence sur l’adaptation de ces derniers. À cette fin, la théorie de la conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989) est considérée et l’engagement affectif (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) est mis de l’avant comme concept focal. Les résultats suggèrent que l’engagement affectif envers le supérieur compense pour un déclin de l’engagement affectif envers l’organisation, tel qu’il résulte d’un bris de la relation avec l’organisation. Les relations semblent donc, dans certaines circonstances, avoir une portée qui dépasse leurs protagonistes directs. La présente thèse démontre donc que les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés ont une influence distincte, prépondérante et complexe sur leur adaptation en emploi. Ce faisant, elle s’insère dans un courant de recherche visant à remettre à l’avant-plan et mieux comprendre la sphère relationnelle dans les organisations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Les implications théoriques et pratiques qui en découlent seront discutées. / Both among researchers and practitioners, organizational socialization seems to be a topic of interest nowadays (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Along this line, the present thesis seeks to deepen our understanding of organizational socialization in order to provide a more complete and documented picture of it, but also to develop useful practices for organizations and their employees. Specifically, the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers, largely ignored so far in the literature (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), are examined using data collected at three points in time among a sample of 224 newcomers. Using social exchange theory (Blau, 1964) as a background and the concept of affective trust (McAllister, 1995), the first of the two articles that comprise the thesis shows that, compared with conventional approaches (i.e., expressing a cognitive view of organizational socialization), a relational approach to organizational socialization can better reflect the psychological bond that is established between newcomers and organizations, while conventional approaches are more explanatory of employee performance. The two approaches thus seem complementary to explain newcomer adjustment. The second article draws from the evidence reported in the first article and seeks to further deepen the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers, as well as their influence on adjustment. To this end, conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989) is considered and affective commitment (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) is put forward as the focal concept. Results suggest that affective commitment to the supervisor compensates for a decline in affective commitment to the organization as resulting from a breach to individuals’ relationship with the organization. Relationships thus seem, under certain circumstances, to have an impact that goes beyond their direct protagonists. This thesis therefore demonstrates that the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers have a distinct, prevailing and complex influence on their adjustment. In doing so, it is part of a research stream that tries to put forward and better understand the relational dynamics within organizations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.

Examen des contributions d’une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle

Lapointe, Émilie 06 1900 (has links)
Tant auprès des chercheurs que des praticiens, la socialisation organisationnelle semble représenter un sujet d’intérêt à l’heure actuelle (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de la socialisation organisationnelle, afin d’en dresser un portrait plus complet et étayé, mais aussi d’y arrimer des pratiques porteuses pour les organisations et leurs employés. Plus précisément, les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, largement ignorés à ce jour dans la documentation (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), sont examinés à partir de données recueillies à trois temps de mesure distincts auprès d’un échantillon de 224 nouveaux employés. Avec comme point de départ la théorie de l’échange social (Blau, 1964) et le concept de confiance affective (McAllister, 1995), le premier des deux articles qui composent la thèse démontre que, par rapport aux approches dites classiques (i.e., exprimant une vision cognitive de la socialisation organisationnelle), une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle permet de mieux rendre compte du lien psychologique qui s’établit entre les nouveaux employés et l’organisation, alors que les approches cognitives classiques sont davantage explicatives de la performance des employés. Les deux approches semblent donc complémentaires pour expliquer l’adaptation des nouveaux employés. Le second article s’appuie sur la démonstration effectuée dans le premier article et cherche à approfondir davantage les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, de même que leur influence sur l’adaptation de ces derniers. À cette fin, la théorie de la conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989) est considérée et l’engagement affectif (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) est mis de l’avant comme concept focal. Les résultats suggèrent que l’engagement affectif envers le supérieur compense pour un déclin de l’engagement affectif envers l’organisation, tel qu’il résulte d’un bris de la relation avec l’organisation. Les relations semblent donc, dans certaines circonstances, avoir une portée qui dépasse leurs protagonistes directs. La présente thèse démontre donc que les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés ont une influence distincte, prépondérante et complexe sur leur adaptation en emploi. Ce faisant, elle s’insère dans un courant de recherche visant à remettre à l’avant-plan et mieux comprendre la sphère relationnelle dans les organisations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Les implications théoriques et pratiques qui en découlent seront discutées. / Both among researchers and practitioners, organizational socialization seems to be a topic of interest nowadays (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Along this line, the present thesis seeks to deepen our understanding of organizational socialization in order to provide a more complete and documented picture of it, but also to develop useful practices for organizations and their employees. Specifically, the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers, largely ignored so far in the literature (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), are examined using data collected at three points in time among a sample of 224 newcomers. Using social exchange theory (Blau, 1964) as a background and the concept of affective trust (McAllister, 1995), the first of the two articles that comprise the thesis shows that, compared with conventional approaches (i.e., expressing a cognitive view of organizational socialization), a relational approach to organizational socialization can better reflect the psychological bond that is established between newcomers and organizations, while conventional approaches are more explanatory of employee performance. The two approaches thus seem complementary to explain newcomer adjustment. The second article draws from the evidence reported in the first article and seeks to further deepen the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers, as well as their influence on adjustment. To this end, conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989) is considered and affective commitment (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) is put forward as the focal concept. Results suggest that affective commitment to the supervisor compensates for a decline in affective commitment to the organization as resulting from a breach to individuals’ relationship with the organization. Relationships thus seem, under certain circumstances, to have an impact that goes beyond their direct protagonists. This thesis therefore demonstrates that the relational aspects inherent to the experience of newcomers have a distinct, prevailing and complex influence on their adjustment. In doing so, it is part of a research stream that tries to put forward and better understand the relational dynamics within organizations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.

Didaktický obraz prvoučný a přírodovědný v historické perspektivě / Instructive Picture in the Fundaments of Humanities and Sciences and its Historical Perspective

Plešingrová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis was written in cooperation with the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius in Prague. It deals with the vast area of instructive pictures and especially with their potential use in teaching elementary school pupils science, mainly in the second year of elementary schools. The diploma thesis seeks to determine the significance of the instructive picture in its historical perspective, to state whether even nowadays the instructive picture is still a valid teaching aid in teaching of sciences in the educational process. The first, theoretical part of the thesis, the basic concepts concerning the instructive picture, didactic means and the so important psychological approach to perception of pictorial materials are determined. A considerable part of the thesis focuses on the historical development of the school instructive picture in general and on its development in sciences in particular. Also included is a thorough study of the teaching process with the use of rare instructive pictures in the past and the current aims of teaching sciences at present are presented. The empirical part of the thesis uses a pilot study to study specific modular lessons of the fundaments of humanities and sciences with the use of a selection of relevant instructive pictures in these...

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