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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poesia, retórica e educação na Ifigênia em Áulis de Eurípides. / Poetry, rhetoric and education in Iphigenia in Aulis de Euripides.

Luis Fernando Weffort 28 March 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa teórica, de cunho filosófico-educacional, sobre o modo como Eurípides retrata, discute e problematiza, em sua obra, o debate intelectual e político que marcou a vida cultural de Atenas na segunda metade do século V a.C., assim como os seus desdobramentos no campo moral e educacional. Em virtude da dificuldade de tomarmos, neste estudo, como objeto de análise o conjunto da obra conservada de Eurípides, damos destaque à peça Ifigênia em Áulis. Além de abordar explicitamente o tema da educação, essa obra consta entre as últimas composições do poeta, o que nos permite analisar o amadurecimento de suas reflexões poético-filosóficas. A tragédia, embora com características bastante peculiares, insere-se na Grécia como herdeira da tradição poética grega - a épica e a lírica - e da sua missão educadora. Em face das grandes transformações de caráter político, social e cultural ocorridas na Grécia com o desenvolvimento e a consolidação do modelo de pólis democrática - que tem o seu apogeu no século V a.C., um novo perfil de homem, com características bastante diferentes daquelas projetadas em torno da nobreza aristocrática palaciana, vai ser exigido. Reconfigurando as estruturas do mito e valendo-se dos meios expressivos do teatro, a tragédia vai exercer em Atenas, que se tornara, então, o principal pólo cultural, político e econômico da Grécia, o seu ofício poético-pedagógico de direcionar o olhar dos homens para as questões essenciais da vida na pólis. A posição tradicional da arte dramática parece não satisfazer Eurípides. É certo que não lhe faltava a consciência de sua missão pedagógica. Não a exercia, porém, no mesmo sentido de seus antecessores, mas sim mediante a participação apaixonada nos problemas da política e da vida espiritual de seu tempo. A crítica euripidiana, cuja força purificadora reside na negação do convencional e na revelação do problemático, nos faz olhar para as contradições e as idiossincrasias de uma educação em tempos de crise. Na Ifigênia em Áulis, que ora examinamos, Eurípides põe em questão o próprio paradigma heróico, base da educação tradicional aristocrática, suscitando uma reavaliação do conceito de herói e de seu significado na formação do homem grego. Por outro lado, sempre sob o peso artístico de uma erística ousada e vigorosa, a dinâmica dialética desse drama, complexa e tão bem articulada, ilumina a questão dos limites da ação educativa e de seus fundamentos. E o imponderável, que paira sobre a existência do homem, é lembrado, como o grande obstáculo à elaboração de um modelo definitivo e seguro de educação. / This theoretical research, of philosophic-educational nature, aims to analyze the way as Euripides represents, discusses and brings into question, through his work, the intellectual and political debate which marked the cultural life of Athens in the second half of the 5th Century b. C., as well as its effects in the moral and educational field. Due to difficulty of analyzing, in this study, the whole preserved work of Euripides, we emphasize the play Iphigenia in Aulis. This play approaches the subject of the education and is one of the last compositions of the poet, which allows us to analyze the philosophical-poetic maturing of his reflections. The tragedy, although with a sufficient amount of peculiar characteristics, is inserted in Greece as an heiress of the poetical Greek tradition - the epic and the lyrical ones - and its educational mission. Due to great political, social and cultural transformations that occurred in Greece with the development and the consolidation of the model of pólis democratic - that has its highest point in the 5th century b. C. -, a new profile of man, with sufficiently different characteristics of those projected ones around the aristocratic nobility, would be demanded. Reconfiguring the structures of the myth and using the expressive means of the theater, the tragedy would play in Athens, that became, then, the main cultural, political and economical pole of Greece, its poetical-pedagogical role to conduct the attention of the men to the essential questions of the life in the pólis. The traditional position of the dramatic art seems not to satisfy Euripides. It is certain that he did not lack the conscience of a pedagogical mission. He did not practice it, however, in the direction of his predecessors, but by means of the passionate participation in the problems of the politics and the spiritual life. The euripidian criticism, whose purifying force inhabits in the negation of the conventional and in the revelation of the problematic, makes us look at the contradictions and the idiosyncrasies of an education in times of crisis. In the Iphigenia in Aulis, Euripides questions the heroic paradigm, base of the traditional aristocratic education, causing a revaluation of the concept of hero and of his meaning in the formation of the Greek man. However, under the artistic weight of a daring and vigorous eristic, the dialectical dynamic of this drama, complex and articulated, always illuminates the question of the limits of the educative action and of his bases. And the imponderable, which hovers over the existence of the man, is remembered, like the great obstacle to the preparation of a definite and secure model of education.

Är Sveriges detaljhandelsmonopol av alkohol en enda stor relationsfråga? : En uppsats om relationen mellan Systembolaget och dess leverantörer

Eklöv, Sofie, Nilsson, Madelen January 2012 (has links)
The Swedish alcohol market has for many years been in the hands of the government. The question of the monopoly, its being or not being, has for a long time engaged both Swedish citizens and politicians. Since joining the European Union it has also been on the European agenda, trying to adapt Sweden to the more liberal alcohol politic in Europe. The suppliers find themselves acting on a completely different market than a market based on free competition. The suppliers are faced with one retail channel to the stores which creates dependence and uneven power balance towards the retailer. In addition to this, their marketing activities are strictly limited due to the laws and claims. Corporate Social Responsibility is required goals given from the retailer upon the suppliers. The retailer is also set with strict term and rules from the government and has to gain the Swedish citizens approval in order to maintain their position as the only distribution channel. The supplier, primarily acting on the purpose of selling products and increasing the profit, differ from the retailer who mainly aim to limit and regulate the sales of alcohol. In this difficult market a relationship between the supplier and the distributor is being built up and nourished. The relationship in the supply chain is based on four factors; trust, cooperation, commitment and conflict. These different factors are shaping and affecting the relationship between the supplier and the retailer. The diverse aims of these two organizations, together with the regulations of the market and the dependency between each other, have an effect and shape the relationship. The analyses argue that equal goals can lead to an increased commitment between the supplier and retailer. Further on the members of the supply chains appear to use problem solving to resolve a conflict to be able to maintain good cooperation and increase trust in the relationship. The conclusion is that the retailer possesses the power in the relationship towards the supplier. All the relationship factors are important in this relationship but trust is required in order to obtain cooperation and commitment. Trust is also vital when it comes to solving a conflict.

Sacrificing the Jaguar Baby : understanding a classic Maya myth on codex-style pottery

Steinbach, Penny Janice 11 August 2015 (has links)
The Jaguar Baby vessels belong to a large corpus of Late Classic Maya pictorial ceramics dubbed Codex-style pottery and originating from archaeological sites, such as El Mirador and Nakbe, in the north-central area of Peten, Guatemala, where they were made for a brief period shortly before and/or after the turn of the eighth century AD. Through strategic juxtapositions of images and words, the vessels convey the story of a rain god and a death spirit who, in the darkness between the sun’s setting and dawn, sacrifice an infant, a jaguar, or an infant with jaguar traits on a mountain in the midst of water, as an offering during the conjuring of an elderly deity. New evidence from a fragmentary Codex-style vessel recovered from the site of Calakmul in the southern half of Campeche, Mexico, suggests that the sacrifice is part of a pre-accession ritual serving to endow royal heirs with the ability to conjure, which, in turn, was integral to assuming the throne. / text

Genre et identité au sein des élites mayas de la Période Classique : la dualité complémentaire des genres

Thiebaud, Sybil 04 1900 (has links)
À la fin du siècle dernier, lorsque les mouvements féministes secouèrent les milieux intellectuels, les questionnements sur le genre se sont retrouvés au cœur des débats en sciences sociales et en archéologie. L’archéologie maya n’échappa pas à la règle et les femmes, jusque là restées dans l’ombre, retrouvèrent une visibilité. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de dégager la complexité des constructions sociales, symboliques et idéologiques de genre au sein des couches sociales les plus élevées de la société maya classique, en regroupant et en confrontant une bonne partie des données archéologiques, iconographiques, épigraphiques mais aussi ethnohistoriques répertoriées dans la littérature. Nos résultats défendent l’idée selon laquelle les relations et les identités de genres au sein des élites dirigeantes, mais également non dirigeantes, étaient construites autour d'un principe fondamental de la pensée maya : la dualité complémentaire. / At the turn of the century, as feminist movements shook the foundations of academia, questions of gender were pushed to the fore front of debates in social sciences and archaeology. Mayan archaeology has followed this trend, shedding light on the previously neglected role of women in these societies. The goal of this thesis is to capture the complexity underlining the social, symbolic and ideological construction of gender in the upper echelons of classical Mayan society. This objective is pursued by compiling and confronting archaeological, iconographical, epigraphic and ethnohistorical data found in the literature. Our results support the thesis according to which relations and, identities pertaining to gender among the Mayan ruling and non-ruling elites were constructed along the lines of a fundamental principal of Mayan thought and culture: complimentary duality.

Estudo dos valores semânticos pragmáticos e emocionais no sapato clássico masculino. / A study of the semantic, pragmatic and emotional values of the classic male shoe.

CAVALCANTE, Abraão Gomes Lacerda. 11 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-11T14:24:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ABRAÃO GOMES LACERDA CAVALCANTE - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGDesign 2017..pdf: 15119625 bytes, checksum: 9ae19c3bce19c622f989ee8f8b5ffa3c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-11T14:24:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ABRAÃO GOMES LACERDA CAVALCANTE - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGDesign 2017..pdf: 15119625 bytes, checksum: 9ae19c3bce19c622f989ee8f8b5ffa3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-26 / Capes / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar e caracterizar as interpretações de usuários masculinos sobre o sapato clássico masculino, principalmente no que se refere aos significados e como estão expressos nos atributos físicos e visuais do produto, focando principalmente nos valores simbólicos e emocionais. A metodologia utilizada está fundamentada no raciocínio indutivo e caracteriza-se por ser exploratória. A coleta de dados foi executada em duas fases subsequentes com a aplicação de um questionário estruturado e entrevista; na primeira fase, foram investigados os significados e classificados segundo o modelo da Interação Significante (IS); na segunda fase, investigou-se como os significados expressos nos atributos físicos e visuais do produto. Dez sapatos com modelos distintos foram apresentados para apreciação e análise de participantes voluntários. Os resultados da fase 1 mostram que ao todo foram identificados 171 valores semânticos expressos pelos participantes que qualificam os sapatos. Deste total, 65% correspondem à dimensão simbólica e emocional, e 35% correspondem à dimensão pragmática. O estudo conclui que a carga simbólica do produto estudado desperta mais associações relacionadas à memória afetiva, da tradição e dos valores culturais dos usuários que são projetados nos produtos, que suas qualidades pragmáticas. Além disso, a pesquisa revela que as correlações entre significados e atributos do produto concentram-se principalmente na forma, material e na cor do sapato, respectivamente. / This research aimed to investigate and characterize the male interpretations of the classic male shoe, mainly regarding the meanings and how they are expressed in the physical and visual attributes of the product, focusing mainly on symbolic and emotional values. The methodology used is based on inductive reasoning and is characterized by being exploratory. Data collection was performed in two subsequent phases with the application of a structured questionnaire and interview; in the first phase, the meanings were signified and classified according to the Meaningful Interaction (MI) model; in the second phase, we investigated how the meanings are expressed in the physical and visual attributes of the product. Ten shoes with distinct models were presented for the evaluation and analysis of volunteer participants. The results of phase 1 show that in all, 171 semantic values were expressed by the participants who qualify the shoes. Of this total, 65% correspond to the symbolic and emotional dimension, and 35% correspond to the pragmatic dimension. The study concludes that the symbolic load of the studied product awakens more associations related to affective memory, tradition and the cultural values of the users that are projected in the products, than their pragmatic qualities. In addition, the research reveals that correlations between meanings and attributes of the product are mainly focused on the shape, material and the color of the shoe, respectively.

Le Classique des mutations (Yijing) comme outil psychologique dans le monde francophone contemporain : de la divination à la connaissance de soi

Jutras, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Využití aktivizačních metod ve výuce cizích jazyků / Use of activation methods in foreign language education

HALTUFOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis deals with the use of activating methods in foreign language tuition. The thesis aims at finding out which teaching and activating methods are used by teachers in foreign language tuition most often, and what the advantages and disadvantages of activating methods are. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with activity and creativity in lessons and with teaching methods. The research part of the thesis is based on questionnaire survey that foreign language teachers took part in. The survey results contribute to the finding which teaching methods are employed to teach foreign languages at primary and secondary schools at present.

An analysis of postmodern narrative strategies with specific reference to Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being and The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

Patchay, Sheenadevi 09 1900 (has links)
My dissertation focuses on an analysis of postmodern narrative strategies in Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being (ULB) and The Book of Laughter and Forgetting ( BLF) . By analysing the postmodern ab/use of narrative strategies, I argue that postmodern fiction marks a decided shift from both classical realism and modernism. My dissertation has predominantly been motivated through my contention that postmodern fiction is not elitist as it has been perceived to be. Rather, I suggest that postmodern fiction ab/uses narrative strategies to deconstruct the ontological boundaries between the political and private and fiction and 'fact'. Consequently, postmodern fiction interrogates the contrived intelligibility of History. A further argument that I raise is that postmodern fiction through its (re) appropriation, subversion and use of parodic structures creates.narrative space for the Other. In order not to canonize Kundera's texts, I situate both ULB and BLF as 'nodes' within a diffuse network of intertextual discourse. My analyses of the postmodern narrative strategies in ULB and BLF, attempt to interrogate the diffuse 'nature' of postmodern fiction which resists both authorative analysis and closure. In exploring the relationship between recuperation and postmodern narrative strategies in ULB and BLF and other works and/or texts of fiction, I argue that postmodern fiction does not revel in its narrativity, it constitutes, instead, a political strategy / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Theory of Literature)

Klasický experiment a počítačová simulace při výuce fyziky / A classic experiment and computer simulation in physics teaching

PELC, Vít January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the use of the classical experiment and computer simulation in teaching physics at the elementary school. Paper defines the term experiment focuses on specific types of classic experiment and computer simulation options. A classic experiment and computer simulation in the research section gives associated with motivation for learning in physics classes. In the didactic analysis in teaching physics at inclusion classical experiment and computer simulation evaluates the effectiveness of the selected type of experiment.

Égyptiens et Nubiens à Kerma : la céramique de Doukki Gel (Soudan) au Nouvel Empire / Egyptians and Nubians in Kerma : the Pottery from Dokki Gel (Sudan) during the New Kingdom

Ruffieux, Philippe 22 October 2018 (has links)
Les temples égyptiens de Doukki Gel, à Kerma (Soudan), ont été bâtis sous le règne de Thoutmosis Ier, au centre d’un ensemble religieux et cérémoniel du Kerma Classique. Les fouilles du site ont livré de grandes quantités de céramiques, dont l’étude constitue la matière de cette thèse. De concert avec l’analyse stratigraphique et l’épigraphie, l’approche typologique de la poterie, premier axe de recherche, a contribué à la datation de nombreux contextes archéologiques. Par ailleurs, six phases de développement ont été mises en évidence, au sein du corpus céramique du Nouvel Empire, depuis la fin du Kerma Classique. Le second axe de recherche, l’analyse technologique, basée principalement sur le système dit « de Vienne », a permis de définir des variantes locales des pâtes de tradition égyptienne, alors que la tradition Kerma a fait l’objet d’un système de classification particulier. L’étude indique que la grande majorité du matériel des deux traditions était fabriqué localement, et révèle des influences réciproques entre Nubiens et Égyptiens, dues à la situation singulière de ce site. Une analyse des données quantitatives du matériel récolté dans différents secteurs permet en outre de proposer une identification fonctionnelle des espaces et de la circulation des denrées dans le cadre des activités cultuelles, au sein de trois organisations architecturales successives. Ces données suggèrent également une longue survivance de la tradition Kerma déclinante, à l’échelle locale ou régionale, pendant le Nouvel Empire. / The Egyptian temples at Dokki Gel, Kerma (Sudan), were built during the reign of Thutmose I, in the heart of a Classic Kerma religious and ceremonial compound. The excavations of the site have yielded a huge number of potsherds whose study constitute the focus of this thesis. The typological approach, combined with stratigraphic analysis and epigraphy, has allowed the dating of many archaeological contexts. Moreover, six development phases within the New Kingdom ceramic corpus were identified, starting at the end of the Classic Kerma. The technological analysis, relying mainly on the so-called « Vienna System », led to the definition of local variants of egyptian pottery fabrics, whereas the Kerma material had to be classified separately. A large majority of pottery from both traditions was most likely produced locally and shows signs of mutual influences between Nubians and Egyptians. Analysis of the quantitative data of ceramic assemblages gathered from various sectors brings us to an identification of probable space functions, and movement of commodities within the framework of temple cult ativities and according to three successive architectural organizations. They also suggest a long period of survival of the declining Kerma pottery tradition, during the New Kingdom.

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