Spelling suggestions: "subject:"clinical pharmacology"" "subject:"clinical pharmacologyc""
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Estudo da disposição cinética da cefuroxima em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea e hipotermia / Cinetic disposition of cefuroxime in coronary artery bypass graft surgery with Cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermiaNascimento, Jorge Willian Leandro 07 May 2004 (has links)
A circulação extracorpórea com hipotermia (CEC-H) é um procedimento comumente utilizado em cirurgias cardíacas, que representa um fator de risco para o paciente por promover extensa hemodiluição e profundas alterações fisiológicas. Nestas cirurgias, utiliza-se a cefuroxima como antimicrobiano para profilaxia de infecções, estando sua concentração inibitória mínima (CIM90) na faixa de 4 a 16 µg/mL dependendo da espécie e cepa bacteriana. Vários esquemas posológicos tem sido propostos para a profilaxia com este antimicrobiano. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a farmacocinética e a disponibilidade sistêmica da cefuroxima, administrada I.V., bolus, na dose de 1,5g a 17 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com ou sem CEC-H. Desenvolveu-se método analítico simples seletivo e sensível em CLAE-UV para determinar a cefuroxima no plasma e tecido subcutâneo destes pacientes. Os resultados evidenciaram que independente das alterações causadas pela CEC-H, obtiveram-se baixas concentrações plasmáticas, inferiores ao CIM90, a partir da 9a hora após a administração da medicação nos dois grupos de pacientes investigados. Esta baixa disponibilidade sistêmica da cefuroxima após administração de 1,5 g pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de infecções pós-cirúrgicas e o desenvolvimento de cepas bacterianas resistentes. Por outro lado, a disposição cinética da cefuroxima foi alterada pela CEC-H, evidenciando-se ligeiro mas significativo prolongamento da meia vida biológica e redução da depuração plasmática nos pacientes submetidos a este procedimento. A ausência de alterações no volume de distribuição está de acordo com a penetração do antibiótico no tecido, uma vez que a quantidade de cefuroxima presente no subcutâneo foi comparável em ambos os grupos de pacientes investigados. Os dados obtidos permitem recomendar mudanças no regime posológico para manter níveis plasmáticos adequados e garantir a profilaxia com cefuroxima. / Cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermia (HCPB) is a procedure commonly used during heart surgery, representing a risk factor for the patient by promoting extensive hemodilution and profound physiological changes. Cefuroxime is used for the prophylaxis of infection after heart surgery and its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC90) may vary from 4 to 16 µg/mL depending on the bacterial species and strain. Several dose schemes have been suggested for prophylaxis with this antimicrobial agent. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess in a comparative manner the systemic availability of cefuroxime administered intravascularly at the dose of 1.5 g in bolus to 17 patients submitted to heart surgery with or without HCPB. An improved, simple, selective and sensitive micromethod based on HPLC-UV is described to determine cefuroxime in plasma and fat tissue. Despite the differences recorded during the study period as a consequence of HCPB, antibiotic concentrations lower than MIC90 were obtained as early as after the 9th h for the surgical patients of the two groups of patients investigated. Thus, the low systemic availability of cefuroxime after the administration of a 1.5 g dose may be the factor responsible for postoperative infections and may favor the development of resistant bacterial strains. By the other hand, cefuroxime kinetic disposition was altered by HCPB showing a slight prolongation of biological half-life e reduction of plasma clearance. Unchanged apparent volume of distribution was according antibiotic tissue penetration since in both groups of patients the amount of cefuroxime obtained was comparable. The data obtained permit us to recommend a change in the dose scheme in order to maintain adequate plasma levels of the drug and thus guarantee prophylaxis with cefuroxime.
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Prevenção do dano fotooxidativo à pele por tratamento tópico com extrato da raiz de Pothomorphe umbellata L. Miq / Prevention of photo-oxidative damage to the skin for topical treatment with root extract of Phothomorphe umbellata L. MiqCristina Dislich Ropke 29 May 2003 (has links)
Entre as estratégias de fotoproteção encontra-se a inibição da formação e/ou o seqüestro de radicais livres e espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas em conseqüência da exposição à radiação UV, mediante aplicação tópica de antioxidantes. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a permeação cutânea e o efeito da aplicação tópica de um extrato de Pothomorphe umbellata nos efeitos da exposição aguda e crônica à radiação ultravioleta, na pele de camundongos sem pêlo. No estudo de permeação cutânea foram testadas três formulações (gel, gel-creme e creme) contendo o princípio ativo do extrato (4-nerolidilcatecol) isolado. Também foram testadas duas formulações (gel, e gel-creme) contendo o extrato hidroalcoólico liofilizado de Pothomorphe umbellata, quanto à permeação do princípio ativo 4-nerolidilcatecol. A formulação gel tanto para o princípio ativo isolado, quanto para o princípio ativo presente no extrato, apresentou o melhor desempenho, sendo o gel o veículo escolhido para preparação da formulação utilizada nos ensaios de exposição crônica e aguda à radiação ultravioleta. Nos estudos de exposição aguda à radiação UVB não foram observadas alterações significativas nos níveis de ácido ascórbico e na atividade enzimática, mas sim uma redução de 40% (p<0,01) na concentração de α-tocoferol na pele do grupo de. camundongos sem pêlo, controle irradiado. No grupo tratado com P. umbellata, o α-tocoferol foi totalmente preservado, quando comparado aos níveis encontrados no grupo controle não irradiado (≈100%, p>0,05). No estudo de exposição crônica dos camundongos sem pêlo à radiação ultravioleta, os grupos irradiados que não receberam tratamento com gel de P. umbellata apresentaram a pele fotoenvelhecida. O grupo irradiado e tratado com o gel de Pothomorphe umbellata não apresentou diferença significativa em relação ao grupo controle não irradiado, o que demostra que o extrato de Pothomorphe umbellata pode ser empregado com sucesso como agente foto protetor tópico no fotoenvelhecimento da pele. / Topical administration of antioxidants provides an efficient way to enrich the endogenous antioxidant system and thus may be a successful strategy for diminishing ultraviolet radiation-mediated oxidative damage in the skin. The Brazilian Flora is rich in medicinal plants with a high potential to provide these antioxidant substances. Crude dried root ethanolic extracts of Pothomorphe umbellata, from the piperaceae family, demonstrated a significant activity in the prevention of in vitro spontaneous brain lipid peroxidation. This activity was attributed to 4-nerolidylcathecol, a compound isolated from the hexane extracts of roots and leaves of P. umbellata. In this work we evaluated the influence of topical application of P. umbellata root extract gel, containing 0,1% of 4-nerolidylcathecol, on the antioxidant network in ultraviolet-induced oxidative damage in hairless mouse skin. In this study we evaluated the influence of three different formulations (gel, gel-emulsion and emulsion) on the percutaneous absorption of 4-nerolidylcathecol, an antioxidant compound isolated from Pothomorphe umbellata root extracts. Also the absorption of the isolated 4-nerolidylcathecol was compared with its absorption when dried Pothomorphe umbellata root ethanolic extract was incorporated in gel and gel-emulsion formulations. The 4-nerolidylcathecolgel formulation presented the higher rate of penetration, leading to higher dry drug levels in the tissue.4-nerolidylcathecol was also absorbed in biological conditions and was stable when exposed to UV-irradiation. The UV-irradiation had no influence on ascorbic acid levels, or on the antioxidant enzymes activities, but topical P. umbellata treatment protected α-tocopherol from depletion after UV-irradiation. After UV-irradiation α-tocopherol concentration decreased significantly (≈40%, p<0.01) in irradiated control groups, while in the P. umbellata treated group, a-tocopherol was totally preserved (≈100%, p>0.05). We also tested the extract activity on animals chronically exposed to UV-radiation. The extract was able to prevent photoaging of the irradiated animals skin. These data demonstrate that P. umbellata may successfully employed as a topical photoprotective agent.
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Drug-related morbidity and mortality : Pharmacoepidemiological aspectsJönsson, Anna K. January 2007 (has links)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) constitute a significant health problem with consequences for the patient as well as for society. Suspected ADRs have been reported to occur in about 2-14% of hospitalised patients. In about 5% of deceased hospitalised patients suspected ADRs may have caused or contributed to the fatal outcome. When a pharmaceutical drug is approved for marketing, the drug has been tested only on a limited number of patients (often <6000) for a limited time period in a controlled environment. Hence mostly common ADRs are detected in these trials. Moreover, certain patient groups, for example patients with co-morbidities, elderly patients, children and pregnant women are often not included in these studies. Thus, it is important to closely monitor the use of drugs after marketing to observe new effects and detect new ADRs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the pattern of pharmaceutical substance use related to morbidity and mortality and to investigate two serious ADRs. We have studied the incidence of fatal ADRs, fatal intoxications, cerebral haemorrhage related to warfarin treatment and venous thromboembolism (VTE) related to treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Observational studies form the basis for this thesis. Data from the Swedish Cause of Death Register, medical case records, the Swedish database on ADRs, the forensic pathology and forensic toxicology databases, and Swedish and Danish hospital discharge registers, Danish prescription registers, and civil registry systems were used. In Paper I we found that 3% of all fatalities in a Swedish population were related to a suspected ADR. Of the deceased hospitalised patients, 6% were related to a suspected ADR. Haemorrhage was the most commonly observed fatal suspected ADR, accounting for almost two-thirds of the events and anticoagulantia was the most common drug group associated with fatal suspected ADRs (almost 50%). A suspected intoxication could have contributed to the fatal outcome in 0.6% of the deceased. Among the fatal intoxications in Swedish medico-legal autopsies studied in Paper II, on average four substances were detected per case. The five most commonly detected substances in individuals with a fatal intoxication were ethanol, propoxyphene, paracetamol, diazepam and flunitrazepam. Among patients diagnosed with cerebral haemorrhage, 10% (59 cases) were treated with warfarin at onset of symptoms (Paper III). Of these, 7 cases (12%) were considered to have been possibly avoidable since the patients were treated with concomitant drugs that have the potential to enhance warfarin effects. The results from Paper IV and Paper V in combination with the published literature suggest that patients treated with antipsychotic drugs have an increased risk for VTE. Compared with non-users, an adjusted odds ratio for VTE of 2.0 was found for users of any antipsychotic drugs in a Danish population. In a medico-legal autopsy series, an adjusted odds ratio for fatal pulmonary embolism of 2.4 and 6.9 was found for users of first-generation low-potency antipsychotics and second-generation antipsychotics, respectively. In summary, drug-related morbidity and mortality is a significant problem and suspected ADRs contribute to a substantial number of deaths. Fatal intoxications are relatively common and it is important to observe changes in patterns of substances associated with fatal intoxications to be able to discover new trends and monitor effects of preventive work. A significant proportion of warfarin-related cerebral haemorrhage was caused by drug-drug interactions and was considered possible to avoid. Users of antipsychotic drugs may increase the risk of VTE. / Idag finns det säkra och effektiva behandlingar mot många sjukdomar. Läkemedel är den vanligaste behandlingsformen i sjukvården och under 2006 hämtade sex miljoner svenskar (68%) ut ett eller fler recept på ett apotek i Sverige. Även om läkemedelsbehandling har många positiva effekter kan även oönskade och skadliga effekter vid läkemedelsbehandling uppkomma, dvs. läkemedelsbiverkningar. Innan ett läkemedel kommer ut för försäljning har man studerat effekter och biverkningar på ett begränsat antal individer (ofta <6000) under en begränsad tidsperiod där patienterna övervakas noga. Dessutom är det i regel enbart patienter med få andra sjukdomar och läkemedel som ingår i dessa studier. Därför är oftast enbart de vanligaste biverkningarna kända när ett läkemedel börjar säljas till allmänheten. När ett läkemedel blir tillgängligt för ett stort antal patienter är det därför viktigt att man med olika metoder fortsätter att följa läkemedlets effekter och biverkningar. Tidigare har man visat att ungefär 2-14% av inläggningar på sjukhus beror på läkemedelsbiverkningar. Dessutom kan biverkningar ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 5% av de som avlider på sjukhus. Biverkningar orsakar mycket lidande för patienten och kostar samhället både tid och pengar. Om det skulle vara möjligt att förhindra några av dessa sjukhusinläggningar eller dödsfall skulle man vinna mycket. Det är svårt att uppskatta hur många biverkningar som kan förhindras. Genom att studera faktorer som kan öka risken för en oönskad effekt kan man bättre anpassa behandlingen till den enskilde patienten och därmed förhindra biverkningar. Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att beskriva mönster av läkemedelsrelaterade sjukdomar och dödsfall, och att undersöka risken för två allvarliga läkemedelsbiverkningar. Förekomsten av misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningar, vilka faktorer som kan öka risken för att få en läkemedelsbiverkan, samt vilka läkemedel och biverkningar som förekommer har studerats. Detta gjordes utifrån uppgifter hämtade från dödsorsaksregistret, svenska biverkningsregistret, journaler, rättsmedicinska register, slutenvårdsregister och receptregister. Genom att utnyttja sådan information har vi i närmare detalj studerat förekomsten av dödsfall där ett eller flera läkemedel kan ha haft betydelse för dödsfallet, förgiftningsdödsfall, blödningar i samband med blodförtunnande medicinering och blodproppar i samband med antipsykotisk medicinering. I de arbeten som ingår i avhandlingen har vi funnit att en läkemedelsbiverkan misstänks ha bidragit eller orsakat dödsfallet i ungefär 3% av de som avlidit i en svensk population (Arbete I). Blödningar står för nästan två tredjedelar av dessa biverkningar och blodförtunnande medel misstänks vara inblandade i nästan hälften av de misstänkta läkemedelsbiverkningarna. I den här svenska populationen avled 0,6% till följd av misstänkt läkemedelsförgiftning. Bland rättsmedicinskt undersökta förgiftningsdödsfall påvisades i genomsnitt fyra substanser per fall (Arbete II). De fem vanligaste påvisade substanserna i studien var alkohol, dextropropoxifen, paracetamol, diazepam och flunitrazepam. Bland patienter som får hjärnblödning behandlades 10% vid blödningstillfället med ett blodförtunnande medel, warfarin (Arbete III). I 7 fall (12%) skulle hjärnblödningen möjligen kunna ha förhindrats då patienterna samtidigt behandlades med andra läkemedel som kan ha ökat blödningsrisken. Den sammantagna bilden av den litteratur som finns publicerad och resultatet av Arbete IV och Arbete V, tyder på att patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska preparat har en ökad risk för att få blodpropp. Flera faktorer har föreslagits som kan förklara den ökade risken för blodpropp bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotika som har med sjukdomen att göra och/eller behandlingen med antipsykotiska läkemedel. Sammanfattningsvis visar detta avhandlingsprojekt att läkemedelsbiverkningar är ett väsentligt sjukvårdsproblem som bidrar till ett betydande antal dödsfall. Förgiftningsdödsfall med läkemedel är också relativt vanliga och det är viktigt att bevaka effekter av preventiva åtgärder och se om de substanser som används ändras över tid. En del läkemedelsrelaterade biverkningar skulle kunna förhindras då t.ex. en betydande andel av warfarinrelaterade hjärnblödningar beror på läkemedelsinteraktioner. Förekomsten av venösa blodproppar verkar vara förhöjd bland patienter som behandlas med antipsykotiska läkemedel, men fler studier behövs för att avgöra detta och vad det i så fall beror på.
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Étude de l’effet des médicaments antiplaquettaires sur la fonction plaquettaire : de la variabilité de réponse à l’effet rebondLordkipanidzé, Marie 12 1900 (has links)
En inhibant la formation de caillots dans le sang, les médicaments antiplaquettaires diminuent de façon importante le risque d’événements ischémiques aigus. Cependant, une sous-population de patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne présente une inhibition inadéquate de la fonction plaquettaire malgré la prise quotidienne d’acide acétylsalicylique (AAS). Le premier volet de cette thèse démontre qu’une régénération plaquettaire accélérée pourrait expliquer en partie la variabilité dans la persistance de l’effet antiplaquettaire de l’AAS chez certains sujets souffrant de maladie coronarienne. Ces données suggèrent qu’une augmentation de la fréquence d’administration d’AAS d’une à deux fois par jour pourrait être bénéfique chez ces sujets.
Des méta-analyses ont suggéré qu’une réponse plaquettaire inadéquate à l’AAS pourrait augmenter le risque d’événements ischémiques récurrents. La nature rétrospective de ces analyses ne permet pas d’établir la causalité. Dans le deuxième volet de cette thèse, les résultats d’une étude prospective visant à comparer la pertinence clinique de 6 tests de fonction plaquettaire fréquemment utilisés pour évaluer la réponse plaquettaire à l’AAS est présentée. Les résultats démontrent qu’aucun des tests de fonction plaquettaire couramment employés ne prédit la survenue d’événements ischémiques aigus chez des patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne stable. Toutefois, la cessation de la prise d’AAS est un prédicteur important d’événements thrombotiques.
La cessation de médicaments antiplaquettaires a souvent été associée à la survenue d’événements thrombotiques dans les jours suivant l’interruption. À savoir si la survenue de ces événements est attribuable uniquement au retrait d’un médicament protecteur ou plutôt à une sensibilisation plaquettaire, constitue un débat d’actualité. Dans le troisième volet de cette thèse, des données sont présentées démontrant que la cessation de clopidogrel après la période recommandée par les lignes directrices actuelles provoque une sensibilisation des plaquettes nouvellement formées aux stimuli plaquettaires physiologiques. Ces résultats encouragent la recherche sur différentes modalités pour atténuer le risque thrombotique accru chez ces patients souffrant de maladie coronarienne.
En conclusion, cet ouvrage présente des études visant à identifier les sous-populations de patients qui sont plus à risque de complications cardiovasculaires récurrentes. Dans ce contexte, la personnalisation de traitement est une avenue thérapeutique prometteuse, où chaque patient pourra recevoir un traitement ciblé en fonction de ses besoins et de ses contre-indications. Ce changement de paradigme d’une thérapie empirique issue d’études de grande envergure sur des données populationnelles à une thérapie ajustée aux besoins individuels représente un vaste champ de recherche, où la majorité des découvertes sont à faire. / By inhibiting the formation of blood clots, antiplatelet drugs significantly reduce the risk of acute ischemic events. However, a subpopulation of patients suffering from coronary artery disease presents with an inadequate inhibition of platelet function despite taking acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) daily. The first part of this thesis demonstrates that accelerated platelet turnover could partly explain the variability in the persistence of the antiplatelet effect of ASA in some coronary artery disease patients. These results suggest that increasing the frequency of administration of ASA from once to twice daily may be beneficial in selected patients.
Meta-analyses have suggested that an inadequate platelet response to ASA may increase the risk of recurrent ischemic events. The retrospective nature of these analyses forbids the inference of causality. In the second part of this thesis, the results of a prospective study comparing the clinical relevance of 6 platelet function tests commonly used to assess platelet response to ASA are presented. The results show that none of the commonly used platelet function tests predict the occurrence of acute ischemic events in stable coronary artery disease patients. However, discontinuation of ASA is an important predictor of thrombotic events.
Discontinuation of antiplatelet drugs has often been associated with thrombotic events in the days following cessation. If the occurrence of these events is due solely to the withdrawal of a protective drug or rather platelet sensitization is a topic of some debate. In the third part of this thesis, data are presented demonstrating that clopidogrel discontinuation, after the period recommended by current guidelines, leads to sensitization of newly formed platelets to physiological platelet stimuli. These results encourage research on different ways to mitigate the increased risk of thrombosis in coronary artery disease patients scheduled to discontinue clopidogrel therapy.
In conclusion, this dissertation presents studies aiming to identify subpopulations of patients who are at increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. In this context, the personalization of treatment is a promising therapeutic avenue, where each patient can receive a targeted therapy according to his needs and contraindications. This shift in paradigm from empirical therapy based on population data retrieved from large clinical studies to therapy tailored to individual needs opens a vast field of research, where the majority of discoveries remain to be made.
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Estudo da disposição cinética da cefuroxima em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com circulação extracorpórea e hipotermia / Cinetic disposition of cefuroxime in coronary artery bypass graft surgery with Cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermiaJorge Willian Leandro Nascimento 07 May 2004 (has links)
A circulação extracorpórea com hipotermia (CEC-H) é um procedimento comumente utilizado em cirurgias cardíacas, que representa um fator de risco para o paciente por promover extensa hemodiluição e profundas alterações fisiológicas. Nestas cirurgias, utiliza-se a cefuroxima como antimicrobiano para profilaxia de infecções, estando sua concentração inibitória mínima (CIM90) na faixa de 4 a 16 µg/mL dependendo da espécie e cepa bacteriana. Vários esquemas posológicos tem sido propostos para a profilaxia com este antimicrobiano. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a farmacocinética e a disponibilidade sistêmica da cefuroxima, administrada I.V., bolus, na dose de 1,5g a 17 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com ou sem CEC-H. Desenvolveu-se método analítico simples seletivo e sensível em CLAE-UV para determinar a cefuroxima no plasma e tecido subcutâneo destes pacientes. Os resultados evidenciaram que independente das alterações causadas pela CEC-H, obtiveram-se baixas concentrações plasmáticas, inferiores ao CIM90, a partir da 9a hora após a administração da medicação nos dois grupos de pacientes investigados. Esta baixa disponibilidade sistêmica da cefuroxima após administração de 1,5 g pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de infecções pós-cirúrgicas e o desenvolvimento de cepas bacterianas resistentes. Por outro lado, a disposição cinética da cefuroxima foi alterada pela CEC-H, evidenciando-se ligeiro mas significativo prolongamento da meia vida biológica e redução da depuração plasmática nos pacientes submetidos a este procedimento. A ausência de alterações no volume de distribuição está de acordo com a penetração do antibiótico no tecido, uma vez que a quantidade de cefuroxima presente no subcutâneo foi comparável em ambos os grupos de pacientes investigados. Os dados obtidos permitem recomendar mudanças no regime posológico para manter níveis plasmáticos adequados e garantir a profilaxia com cefuroxima. / Cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermia (HCPB) is a procedure commonly used during heart surgery, representing a risk factor for the patient by promoting extensive hemodilution and profound physiological changes. Cefuroxime is used for the prophylaxis of infection after heart surgery and its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC90) may vary from 4 to 16 µg/mL depending on the bacterial species and strain. Several dose schemes have been suggested for prophylaxis with this antimicrobial agent. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess in a comparative manner the systemic availability of cefuroxime administered intravascularly at the dose of 1.5 g in bolus to 17 patients submitted to heart surgery with or without HCPB. An improved, simple, selective and sensitive micromethod based on HPLC-UV is described to determine cefuroxime in plasma and fat tissue. Despite the differences recorded during the study period as a consequence of HCPB, antibiotic concentrations lower than MIC90 were obtained as early as after the 9th h for the surgical patients of the two groups of patients investigated. Thus, the low systemic availability of cefuroxime after the administration of a 1.5 g dose may be the factor responsible for postoperative infections and may favor the development of resistant bacterial strains. By the other hand, cefuroxime kinetic disposition was altered by HCPB showing a slight prolongation of biological half-life e reduction of plasma clearance. Unchanged apparent volume of distribution was according antibiotic tissue penetration since in both groups of patients the amount of cefuroxime obtained was comparable. The data obtained permit us to recommend a change in the dose scheme in order to maintain adequate plasma levels of the drug and thus guarantee prophylaxis with cefuroxime.
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<p>Despite advancements in therapies, such as surgery, irradiation (IR) and chemotherapy, outcome for patients suffering from glioblastoma (GBM) remains fatal; the median survival time is only about 15 months. Even with novel therapeutic targets, networks and signaling pathways being discovered, monotherapy with such agents targeting such pathways has been disappointing in clinical trials. Poor prognosis for GBM can be attributed to several factors, including failure of drugs to cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB), tumor heterogeneity, invasiveness, and angiogenesis. Development of tumor resistance, particularly to temozolomide (TMZ) and IR, creates a substantial clinical challenge.</p><p> </p><p>The primary focus of the work described herein was to develop a modeling and simulation approach that could be applied to rationally develop novel combination therapies and dose regimens that mitigate resistance development. Specifically, TMZ was combined with small molecule inhibitors that are either currently in clinical trials or are approved drugs for other cancer types, and which target the disease at various resistance signaling pathways that are induced in response to TMZ monotherapy. To accomplish this objective, an integrated PKPD modeling approach was used. A PK model for each drug was first defined. PK models were subsequently linked to a PD model description of tumor growth dynamics in the presence of a single drug or combinations of drugs. A key outcome of these combined PKPD models was tumor static concentration (TSC) curves of TMZ in combination with small molecule inhibitors that identify combination drug exposures predicted to arrest tumor growth. This approach was applied to TMZ in combination with abemaciclib (a dual CDK4/6 small molecule inhibitor) based on data from a published study evaluating abemaciclib (ACB) efficacy in combination with TMZ in a U87 GBM xenograft model. TSC was also constructed for TMZ in combination with RG7388 (MDM2 inhibitor) based on the data from an in-vivo study that evaluated effects on tumor growth suppression of these small molecule inhibitors in combination with TMZ in GBM 10 patient derived xenografts.</p><p>In GBM 43 mouse xenografts, emergence of resistance to TMZ treatment was identified. Thus, a resistance integrated PKPD model was developed to predict tumor growth kinetics after treatment with TMZ in GBM 43 tumors. Population PK models in immune deficient NOD.Cg-<em>Prkdc<sup>scid</sup> Il2rg<sup>tm1Wjl</sup></em>/SzJ (NSG) mice for TMZ and small molecule inhibitors (GDC0068/RG7112) were developed based on a combination of data obtained from an in-vivo study and published sources. Subsequently, PK models were linked to tumor volume data obtained from GBM 43 subcutaneous xenografts. Model parameters quantifying tumor volume dynamics were precisely estimated (coefficient of variation < 40%) compared to a base tumor growth inhibition model in GBM 43 that did not incorporate resistance development. Graphical diagnostics of the resistance incorporated PKPD tumor growth inhibition model demonstrated a superior fit compared to the base model, and accurately captured the emergence of resistance to the TMZ monotherapy treatment observed in the GBM 43 patient derived xenograft model.</p>
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<p>The following thesis will focus on understanding the downstream behavioral effects of δORmediated β-arrestinsignaling. δORagonists have been implicated as effective targets for a variety of diseases, however detrimental side effects of opioid-targeting agonists limit their clinical use. δORagonists specifically can induce seizures, however the underlying mechanism contributing to this behavior is unknown. We review this phenomenon in more detail, highlighting current agonists known to induce seizures and potential circuits and pathways involved. Our work suggests β-arrestinsignaling is involved, specifically β-arrestin2 mediated signaling may be largely contributing to δORagonist-induced seizure behavior. As it is possible the β-arrestinisoforms have unique roles in seizure behavior, we also analyzed methods in which to provoke β-arrestinisoform bias of δORtargeting compounds. Though the full mechanism relating δORagonists with seizures remains unknown, our work provides foundational detail of this behavior, implicating the importance of β-arrestinisoform signaling through δOR; allowing for future studies to full define this seizure pathway and develop δORsafer agonists. </p>
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A Proteomics Based Approach to Characterizing Subcutaneous TissuesEden Nichole Schipper (13174443) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Biotherapeutic compounds such as monoclonal antibodies help millions of people worldwide. Currently, one of the most popular ways to deliver these compounds is via subcutaneous (SC) injection. While it is understood that SC drug delivery does change with respect to injection location, it is not understood why, as how the composition of SC changes as a function of location is unknown. In this study, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry was used to understand and describe how the SC tissue space changes on a molecular level. SC tissue from three different locations, belly, breast, and behind the ear, of Yucatan minipigs was harvested and analyzed to understand if and how SC tissue changes when anatomical location changes. It was determined that there were distinct differences between the proteins identified in the three anatomical locations. These differences included differences in relative cell populations, indicating that different anatomical locations of SC tissue have different functions. Additionally, an ex vivo human SC tissue model was used to identify a core human proteome, as well as determine compositional differences between female and male SC tissues. This model was also compared to the Yucatan minipig model to determine compositional similarities between all groups. Finally, proteomics were also used to ascertain whether the mass of SC tissue used affected the proteomic results of the sample. These results indicated that human SC identifies the same number of proteins down to samples of 10mg. This information can be used to design a proteomic experiment that uses core needle biopsies to determine what gauge needle should be used in a wide scale clinical study characterizing the human SC proteome. </p>
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