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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

BYU Students' Beliefs About Language Learning and Communicative Language Teaching Activities

Bakker, Sarah C. 04 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Learner beliefs, which contribute to attitude and motivation, may affect language learning. It is therefore valuable to investigate the malleability of learner beliefs, and to determine whether potentially detrimental beliefs can be ameliorated. This study examines how instruction of the principles of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) affects students' beliefs about classroom activities and their beliefs about language learning in general. The 68 first-year German students at Brigham Young University who participated in this study were asked to rate the effectiveness of three activities typical of communicative language teaching: Dialogue activities, Peer Interview activities, and Information-gap activities. They were also asked to respond to 11 statements about language learning, seven of which were taken from the Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory(Horwitz, 1988). Students responded to the survey three times: once during the first week of the semester, again during the fourth week, and again during the eighth week. During the four weeks between the second and third surveys, students in the experimental group received seven treatment lessons based on some of the basic principles of SLA. A Repeated Measures ANCOVA and a Logistical Regression were used to determine the effects of the treatment, time, and a number of demographic variables. Results of this study show that the treatment did not have a significant effect on any of the beliefs that were measured. However, one language learning belief was significantly affected by time. A majority of the students who participated in this study agreed with the statement, “The instructor should teach the class in German.” After three weeks of class instruction, however, they agreed with this statement significantly stronger. The results of this study also show that many of the demographic variables, such as gender and previous language learning experience, had a significant effect on a number of the students' beliefs.

Correlation between measured and perceived impact sound in schools

Burwall, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This project investigated the correlation between measured impact sound insulation and perceived walking sound annoyance in schools. The correlation was tested by performing standardized impact sound insulation measurements for different floor structures and comparing the measurement results with subjective perception of recorded walking for the same floor structures. Subjective perception of walking sound was evaluated by performing listening tests based on the recorded walking sounds. Five structures were tested, four different CLT structures and one concrete structure. The objective was to determine the significance of the frequencies below 100 Hz for perceived walking sound annoyance and to investigate whether the inclusion of frequencies below 100 Hz in the evaluation of impact sound insulation would improv the correlation between measured and perceived impact sound. The results from the listening tests showed that the rated walking sound annoyance for the structures did not correlate to the structures’ measured impact sound insulation. For example, the structure with the worst impact sound insulation was not rated the worst from the listening tests. Improvements to the correlation between measured and perceived impact sound were seen when the impact sound insulation was evaluated from 25 Hz, but the correlation was still not fully satisfactory.

Evaluation of flood damage on cross laminated timber wall configurations

Kaya, Mustafa Nezih 09 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Greenhouse gas emissions are one of the critical factors that affect climate change, increasing flooding risk and threatening human life. The use of traditional construction materials is responsible for a higher percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions when compared to the use of sustainable materials in the construction industry. The substitution of current building materials with sustainable materials is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and positively influence climate change when the current construction demand in the world is considered. Wood is one of the primary environmentally friendly construction materials in regard to high carbon storage and low carbon emissions. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is prefabricated and this type of composite wood material is convenient for constructing middle to high rise buildings because materials are able to be cut to specific specifications which lowers onsite labor time. This research observed the hygrothermal behavior of partially submerged CLT wall panels during the wetting and drying period and simulated the flooding of the panels with a software tool, Wärme Und Feuchte Instationär (WUFI). The higher number of CLT layers caused a slower water penetration rate throughout the layers with a lower water absorption rate corresponding to the first layer than the other layers, so the water was primarily retained in the first layer. Also, water penetration through axial direction significantly decreased due to gravity impact when the height of CLT panels was increased. The visual assessment showed that the 3-day-wetted CLT panel configurations did not show any type of fungi growth through the wetting and drying period. However, both untreated and treated CLT panels with the envelope system did have fungi growth on the drywall after a 20-day-wetting period.

Bärande innerväggar av KL-trä, armerad betong och oarmerad betong i flerbostadshus : Jämförelse av koldioxidutsläpp och kostnader för lägenhetsavskiljande samt icke lägenhetsavskiljande väggar

Hahne, Felix, Blank, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie presenterar en jämförelse mellan KL-trä och olika former av betong (armerad/oarmerad och platsgjuten/prefabricerad) som väggmaterial i byggnadskonstruktioner. Syftet är att analysera deras respektive miljöpåverkan och kostnadseffektivitet. Trots en initialt högre kostnad per kvadratmeter, har KL-trä en betydligt lägre miljöpåverkan, vilket medför en nettovinst för miljön jämfört med betongväggarna. Bland betongalternativen uppvisar oarmerad platsgjuten betong en balans mellan lägre kostnader och mindre CO2-utsläpp. Studien lyfter fram behovet av standardiserade, pålitliga data om miljöpåverkan inom byggindustrin för att stödja hållbara beslut. Den pekar på potentialen i ytterligare forskning som syftar till att reducera både kostnader och miljöpåverkan för KL-trä, för att främja dess bredare användning i byggsektorn. Studien erbjuder därmed viktiga insikter för att driva en mer hållbar och ekonomiskt lönsam byggindustri. / This study presents a comparison between CLT and various kinds of concrete (reinforced/unreinforced and cast in place versus prefabricated) as wall material in building constructions. The purpose is to analyse their respective environmental impact and cost efficiency. Despite an initially higher cost per square meter CLT has a considerably lower environmental impact, which entails a net profit for the environment compared to the concrete walls. Among the concrete options, walls without rebar and cast in place exhibits a balance between lower costs and CO2eemissions. This study highlights the need of standardized, trustworthy data of the environmental impact in the construction industry to support sustainable decisions. It points to the potential in further research which intends to reduce both cost and environmental impact for CLT, to further promote its use in the construction industry. The study thus offers important insights for driving a more sustainable and economically profitable construction industry.

En fallstudie av två byggprojekt och två byggsystem : Jämförelse av miljöpåverkan och kostnad för material korslimmat trä kontra betong / A case study of two projects and two construction systems : A comparison of environmental emissions and expenses between crosslaminated timber and concrete

Shirvani, Armin, Lin, Max January 2020 (has links)
Införandet av byggnadsstadgan 1874 medförde ett förbud mot byggande av flerbostadshus i trä om högre än två våningar på grund av omfattande bränder. Detta hämmande utvecklingen av trä då de större företagen byggde flervåningshus högre än två våningar vilket ledde till byggande av annat material än trä. I dagsläget är byggnadsmaterialet betong det dominerande materialet inom byggbranschen, speciellt inom byggandet av flerbostadshus. De senaste 15 åren har andelen byggda flerbostadshus med en stomme av betong varierat mellan 80 och 91 procent. Byggnad- och fastighetsbranschen står idag för cirka 21 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser, en totalsiffra på cirka 21 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter. Under de senaste åren har både företag och privatpersoner i både Sverige och länder runt om i världen fått upp ögonen för de miljöproblem som världen står inför och har blivit mer miljömedvetna och letar oavbrutet efter lösningar på hur samhället kan minska koldioxidutsläppen. Resultaten i detta examensarbete för de tillhandahållna projekten som detta arbete utgått från är att byggnaden konstruerad i korslimmat trä är det material som är att föredra ur ett miljö- och kostnadsperspektiv. Dock har detta arbete enbart avhandlat bärande inner- och ytterväggar samt bjälklag. / With the introduction of the 1874 building code, a prohibation against multi-storey apartment buildings built in wood was implemented, mainly because of the widespread fires throughout the years. Since most of the bigger companies built their apartment complexes in levels higher than two, it meant they had to build in construction material other than wood - thus hampering woods’ development in the field of construction. As of today, concrete is still the dominating material within construction industry, especielly when it comes to building apartment complexes. Theamount of partment buildings built with its framework consisting mostly of concrete has varied between 80 to 91 percent the past 15 years. The building industry and real estate industry represent approximately 21 % of Swedens greenhouse gas emissions, a total figure of about 21-million-ton carbon dioxide equivalents. In recent years, people and companies in Sweden and countries around the globe have become more aware of the environmental issues and its consequences that we’ll soon face and are therefore working on finding solutions on how society can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The results presented in this thesis, which represents the projects that were provided, shows that the building built with its framing in CLT is the more sustainable material from an environmental perspective and more profitable economically. It should however be mentioned that calculations were only done for the load-bearing inner and outer walls and the floor joist.

Proactive Adaptability : Designing an adjustable building system out of wood with the future in mind

Proykina, Lidia January 2023 (has links)
Our urban environment is in constant flux, cities are ever-changing ecosystems that expand, contract, evolve & adapt. However, the way that we have been building our environment has seldom reflected that on the building scale. New neighbourhoods emerge, buildings are torn down and new ones replace them, but in the world that we live today where resources are becoming more scarce and global climate change is upon us, it is time to rethink how we design buildings today with the future in mind. My project’s goal is to design a wood construction system & building, with a focus on enabling mobility, adaptability, reuse, easy assemblage & disassemble, while fostering a sense of permanence so the user feels rooted at home.While concrete has allowed us to push the limits of what we can build, I believe that wood construction R & D has gotten far enough to have similar qualities but store carbon at the same time as being a renewable resource if managed & used responsibly. In my project, I used the method of prefabricating & separating each system on its own layer to allow for longevity, easy replacement & flexibility.

Ett främjande av träbyggnation för flerbostadshus i Dalarna : Betydelsen av samverkan och delade erfarenheter inom branschen för att övervinna utmaningar och öka förtroendet för trä / A promotion of wooden construction for apartment buildings in Dalarna : The importance of cooperation and shared experiences within the industry to overcome challenges and increase confidence in wood

Wahlberg, Wictor, Hussein, Majd January 2024 (has links)
In a time where the climate is one of the most important issues and challenges in politics, both nationally and globally, the social debate is moving towards the need to build more sustainably, where wood is becoming increasingly popular from a sustainability perspective. The study examines the possibilities for an increased use of wood in Dalarna by highlighting the obstacles and challenges that slow down the progression of wood construction. It is also examined how an extended collaboration between the actors in the construction sector and how previous experiences with wooden construction projects can increase confidence in the material and promote wooden construction. The study is conducted through qualitative interview studies with active actors in several levels within the construction sector. A total of 9 respondents participates in the study from different parts of the process; clients, project designer, the wooden industry and construction contractor to form a deeper understanding of the subject from different perspectives within the construction sector. It describes a positive attitude towards wood as a building material with visions of expanding constructions with more wood as a frame material where confidence in the material is high. The biggest challenges for wood as a building material are described as a lack of knowledge and prejudices within both the industry and the market. Other challenges to ensure a promotion of the material, which heights in detailed development plans were explained. Strategies and needs to promote the work of implementing wood in more projects are described where it is a matter of facilitation, not a requirement to ensure wooden constructions. It appears that ignorance regarding fire and moisture are the most common prejudices in the industry, which is confirmed by the theoretical framework. Today's building regulations allow the use of all types of frame materials, but the ignorance regarding fire properties and how wood as a material handles being exposed to moisture is a problematic challenge. An expanded industry collaboration where shared knowledge and experience between the actors in the creation of and participation in forums is an important factor in promoting wood in construction projects as described in the theoretical framework. An increased degree of completion and streamlining of the assembly process would give wood several additional advantages. / I en tid där klimatet är en av politikens viktigaste frågor och utmaningar, både nationellt och globalt går samhällsdebatten mot att vi måste bygga mer hållbart där trä blir alltmer populärt ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. I studien undersöks möjligheterna till en ökad användning av trä i Dalarna genom att belysa de hinder och utmaningar som bromsar progressionen av träbyggande. Det undersöks även hur en utökad samverkan mellan aktörerna inom byggsektorn och hur tidigare erfarenheter av träbyggnadsprojekt kan öka förtroendet för materialet och främja träbyggandet. Studien bedrivs genom kvalitativa intervjustudier med aktiva aktörer i flera led inom byggsektorn. Totalt nio respondenter deltar i studien från olika delar av processen; beställare, projektör, träindustri och byggentreprenör för att bilda en djupare förståelse kring ämnet från olika perspektiv inom byggsektorn. Det redogörs för en positiv inställning till trä som byggnadsmaterial med visioner om att utöka byggnationerna med mer trä som stommaterial där förtroendet för materialet är högt. De största utmaningarna för trä som byggnadsmaterial beskrivs vara brist på kunskap och fördomar inom både branschen och på marknaden. Övriga utmaningar för att säkerställa ett främjande av materialet, som höjder i detaljplaner redogjordes för. Strategier och behov för att främja arbetet med att implementera trä i fler projekt beskrivs där det handlar om ett underlättande, inte ett krav för att säkerställa träbyggnationer. Det framkommer att okunskap gällande brand och fukt är de vanligaste fördomarna inom branschen vilket styrks av det teoretiska ramverket. Dagens byggnadsregler tillåter användningen av alla typer av stommaterial men okunskapen gällande brandegenskaper och hur trä som material hanterar att utsättas för fukt är en problematisk utmaning. En utökad branschsamverkan där delade kunskaper och erfarenheter mellan aktörerna i skapande av och deltagande i forum är en viktig faktor för att främja trä i byggprojekt vilket beskrivs i det teoretiska ramverket. En ökad färdigställandegrad och effektivisering av monteringsprocessen skulle ge trä ytterligare flera fördelar.

Sportovní centrum Za Lužánkami Brno / Sport Centre Za Lužánkami Brno

Kociánová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Prior to this thesis, there was a specialist course “Sport centre Za Lužánkami Brno”. This project was focused on planning of urbanism-architectural area with a mixture of renovated and new facilities with different functions for sport and leisure, together with professional sport opportunities. The emphasis was on collision-free paths for pedestrians and cyclists, clear transport links around the centre and terrain configuration of the area. The thesis follows on from this project, focusing on development between the hotel Bobycentrum in the South and the Lužánky swimming pool in the North. The idea of the proposal stems from the need to connect the development area to the existing network of pedestrian and cycle paths and the public transport system to minimise the use for individual car travel to the sport centre; and to connect existing and new facilities for leisure and sports. The Sport relax centre was designed with existing buildings in mind and partially follows their ground floor dimensions. The centre creates a barrier from the noisy and busy street and provides a calmer area for outdoor recreation. It fills a gap between the existing buildings and is encircled by a footpath at second level joining to the footbridges over Sportovní Street and the existing terrain in the north-western part. The footpath is ended by passageway between swimming pool and wellness centre. More and more people are looking for sport opportunities in cities however; there are still not enough quality grounds and facilities on offer. The facilities in this development are meant for regular trainings and recreation for the public, including parents with children, groups of friends as well as individual and team sports players, offering a range of day, evening and night activities both indoors and outdoors. Other facilities include outdoor changing rooms and sports equipment rental as well as spaces for meeting friends such as a restaurant, wellness and a dancing-hall.

Občanská stavba / Civil building

Bartošová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Basic of this Diploma thesis is Civil construction in Kostelec nad Orlici, which is in a part of city, where is planning off-grid community housing. Part of off-grid community housing is considered a partially sistainable civil construction, serving both for cultural use through the club, for commercial purposes such as various salons (hairdresser, massage or shop), as well as for sports activities with the possibility of small refreshments, such as bouldering, climbing wall and exercise hall. Four sustainable (off-grid) familly houses, which aren´t the subject of this thesis, are considered. Object SO01 – Civil construction is designed as a partially basement, two floors. The shape of the object is designed as several blocks with different height levels. From a material point of view it is a wooden building from the system of large-format laminated wood panels (CLT). The basement is designed with a waterproof reinforced concrete so-called white tub and prefabricated ceiling panels SPIROLL. A facade is made of wooden cladding, cement-fiber boards or thin-layer silicone plaster. A roof of the object is partially flat (vegetation and walkable) and a shed roof with a slope of 5°. A dance hall and the rest of the club + exit is located in the basement. A sanitary facilities, a technical room and a main entry with reception is also located in the basement. Right in the middle of the building is a climbing wall that runs across all floors. To the right of the climbing wall is a shop, exercise hall and staircase. To the left side are a sanitary facilities, a boulder (low climbing wall) and separate staircase for a office space on the 2nd floor. Behind the climbing wall is a bistro with entry for a terrace and entry for the club. There are some establishments like a hairdresser, a cosmetic salon, a tattoo salon and a massage salon on the 2nd floor. There are an entrance to a terrace above the bistro and a staircase to an attic and to second terrace as well on the 2nd floo

Yacht club Hlučín - stavebně technologický projekt / Construction technology project of Yacht club in Hlučín

Labudek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a construction technology project object Yacht Club Hlučín. The basis for the elaboration of this work is the diploma thesis from Ing.Radim Kučera - Yacht Club Hlučín. This thesis includes technical report construction technology project, coordinating the situation with the construction of wider relations of routes for transportation of main materials, time and financial plan of the construction according to the technical-economic indicators, drawing building equipment, scheduling, inspection and test plan, technological regulation for the implementation of the gross substructure, itemized budget and the plan for OSH implementation in Yacht club Hlučín.

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