Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cognitive load 1heory"" "subject:"cognitive load btheory""
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Reducing cognitive load on the working memory by signaling primed colors : Can color improve the learning of mathematics? / Reducering av kognitiv belastning på arbetsminnet genom färgkodning och priming : Kan färger underlätta inlärningen av matematik?Ekman, Hannes, Waliullah, Fahad January 2019 (has links)
Cognitive load theory explains the hardship many young learners faces when trying to learn mathematics. The human brain has a limited capacity when trying to process information. The working memory can become overloaded when trying to process too much information, and as a consequence the learner tends to give up. Designers of flight simulators describes this capacity as the pilots brainbudget. By presenting only relevant information the workload for the users can be minimized. This paper aims to study the effect of color for the purpose reducing cognitive load, by answering the following question: Can the use of color improve the learning of mathematics? An experiment was conducted in Stockholm rural area involving 147 students, aged 12-16. Four colors were carefully selected to enhance the learning material and three methods were developed for the purpose of priming colors. In order to measure the effectiveness of color-coded learning material, a digital test tool was designed. The tool measured various variables such as time, correct answer, attempted tries etc. This allowed a comparison between color coded and grey scaled learning material. A control group did the math test in black&white and two experimental groups did the same test with color-coded material, however one of the experimental groups was primed prior to the experiment. After the test, the participants conducted a small survey and participated in interviews discussing their perception of the color enhanced instructions. Results showed that both signaling, and priming colors have major impact on the student’s ability to solve mathematical tasks. This indicate that color can be used to facilitate the learning process of mathematics, both in regard to accuracy and reduction of time. / En utmaning för många elever är att ta del av stora mängder av information som presenteras i kurslitteratur, speciellt inom matematiken. Att lära sig komplexa matematiska formler kräver flera tunga processer från arbetsminnet som lätt blir överbelastat. Den här studien tittar på teorin om kognitiv belastning och användning av färger för att underlätta inlärandet med hjälp av signalering och priming, och ämnar att besvara frågan Kan färgkodat inlärningsmaterial förbättra inlärningen av matematik? För att göra det skapades ett digitalt verktyg för ett färgkodat matematiktest. 147 högstadieelever deltog i ett experiment där de delades in i 3 grupper. En kontrollgrupp och två experimentgrupper. Som en del av experimentet fick kontrollgruppen genomföra ett matematiktest med instruktioner i som saknade färg. Experiment grupperna fick istället svartvitt material och experimentgrupper genomförde samma test med färgkodat material där skillnaden i resultat jämfördes. Efter testerna fick deltagarna fylla i korta enkäter, och därefter blev en del av deltagarna intervjuade i mindre grupper. Under intervjuerna fick deltagarna beskriva deras egna upplevelse kring färgkodat material. Resultatet från experimentet visade att färger hade en klart positiv inverkan på elevernas förmåga att klara uppgifter, samt påvisade kortare inlärningstid. Detta indikerar att färger kan användas för att underlätta inlärandet av matematik. Vidare kan priming leda till ännu mer effektiv inlärning. Användandet av färgkodat inlärningsmaterial uppskattades av eleverna som kände att de lärde sig bättre och behövde anstränga sig mindre.
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Examining Instant Messaging Impact On Learning Using An Integrated Worked-example FormatNasah, Angelique 01 January 2008 (has links)
Instant messaging with Internet-based software is a ubiquitous form of communication in industrialized nations. In fact, many educators are observing that students engage with instant messaging while simultaneously engaged in academic activity. Though this type of multitasking is pervasive, educational researchers have not examined how the practice of instant messaging impacts learning outcomes. This dissertation describes the background, empirical and theoretical foundations, methods and results of a study examining the impact of instant messaging activity on learning, where instant messaging and learning are simultaneous activities. The question posed is grounded in the related areas of instant messaging practices, the Generation M profile, Cognitive Load Theory, and integration of instant messaging in K-16 classrooms. This work presents empirical evidence pointing out the necessity of conducting empirical study regarding how instant messaging activity might impact learning. Quantitative methods used to conduct the study are presented including data collection instruments. The results of the study are discussed in broad terms related to Generation M and Cognitive Load Theory. Methodological limitations related to practice opportunities for the research sample as well as the performance measure used are detailed. In addition, implications of the results in relationship to those teaching members of Generation M in K-16 classrooms as well as those designing instruction for this population are discussed. The discussion concludes with recommendations for further research in this area.
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Det flippade klassrummet : En studie av hur elever upplever att arbeta utifrån flipped classroom / The flipped classroom : A study of how pupils experience flipped classroomPersson, Martin, Granholm, Susanne January 2021 (has links)
Skolan digitaliseras allt mer. Ett sätt att använda de nya digitala verktygen är att ge eleverna möjlighet att förbereda sig inför kommande undervisningspass genom att ge dem tillgång till digitalt material i förväg. Metoden kallas flipped classroom. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur elever i två klasser i årskurs sju utan tidigare erfarenhet av flipped classroom upplever metoden och hur de skulle vilja se den implementeras, om alls. Studien visar att eleverna ser fördelar med flipped classroom men även att de ställer krav på lärarens utformning av materialet och på att det används i ett lämpligt sammanhang. Studiens resultat understryker även behoven av tydlig kommunikation vid användning av digitala verktyg.
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Ord som lärs med kroppen, fastnar de i knoppen? : En studie om vilken påverkan rörelser kan ha på elevers minnesförmåga och om detta kan mätas inom ramen för ett examensarbeteNyberg, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte har varit att undersöka vilken betydelse ett förkroppsligat lärande, i form av rörelser, har på elevers förmåga att förstå och minnas ords betydelse samt om mätbara resultat kan utläsas baserat på examensarbetets påverkansstudie. I studien söktes även svar på hur eleverna upplevde ett förkroppsligat lärande i form av rörelse undersöktes. För att nå svar på ovan frågeställningar genomfördes en undersökning med 21 deltagare från en klass i årskurs 3 i en svensk grundskola. Studien innehöll totalt tre tester som ämnade undersöka elevernas kunskap om och förmåga att förklara tio specifika ord samt om två olika undervisningsstilar, traditionellt stillasittande eller ett förkroppsligat lärande i form av rörelser, hade betydelse för elevernas förmåga att minnas ordens betydelse. Deltagarna genomförde också två olika enkäter för att undersöka elevernas upplevelse av de två olika undervisningsstilarna, den i studien kallade rolighetsaspekten. Forskningen som ligger till grund för denna studie påvisar ett samband mellan ett förkroppsligat lärande, i form av rörelse, och förmåga att minnas. Kognitiv belastningsteori, som denna studie baseras på, förklarar detta som att rörelserna ger arbetsminnet möjlighet att lagra och komma åt fler kopplingar i långtidsminnets kognitiva scheman samt att de långtidslagrade minnena även är rikare. Resultatet i denna studie visar på svårigheter att dra slutsatser baserat på de mätningar som kan göras inom ramen för ett examensarbete. Det kan inte med säkerhet sägas att det förkroppsligade lärandet, i form av rörelser, ger mätbara effekter även om det finns sådana indikationer. Detta gäller framför allt för elever med låg grundförståelse av, de i studien utvalda, ordens betydelse. Vad gäller upplevelsen av de olika undervisningsstilarna, rolighetsaspekten, kunde ingen skillnad uppmätas.
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<p>The best category to describe this thesis is:</p> <p>Pedagogy and Applieded Cognitive Psychology</p> / <p>This thesis discusses two experiments that investigated the effective use of text and images in multimedia instruction. Experiment 1 examined efficient methods of multimedia design based on theoretical principles concerning how words and images influence information processing. Computer-based lectures were presented to university students containing visual elements including redundant text, non-redundant text, images, and the speaker’s image. Lectures with redundant text and audio produced poorer comprehension in comparison to lectures with non-redundant text and images. Non-redundant text and images enhanced learning, and accurate assessments of understanding. Experiment 2 implemented a more controlled design using four computer-based lectures with only two variable manipulations: text (redundant vs. non-redundant) and image (present vs. absent). The speaker’s image was removed from the design in Experiment 2 due to its lack of influence on learning in Experiment 1. Redundant text lectures produced the poorest comprehension, but only when images were absent. Contrary to common belief, these experiments demonstrate that redundant text is not an effective visual aid. Additionally, this thesis discusses future research investigating cognitive explanations for text and image effects in multimedia learning.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Matematiska läromedel och NPF : Vad i matematiska läromedel är bra för elever med NPF? / Mathematical Textbooks and Neurodevelopmental Disorders : What in mathematical Textbooks are good for pupils with neurodevelopmental disorders?Granberg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att ge en bild över hur två olika matematiska läromedel för årskurs fyra är utformade och vad i utformningen som är anpassat för elever med NPF. Studiens inledning beskriver bakgrunden till val av ämne samt kortfattat viktiga delar för studien. Efter studiens inledning kommer bakgrundsavsnittet som inleds med att beskriva styrdomententens roll för studien. Fortsatt i inledningen berörs sedan NPF samt diagnoser inom NPF. Därefter beskrivs en gemensam svårighet för elever med NPF och det är de exekutiva funktionerna och som avslutning av bakgrunden beskrivs läromedlets roll i skolan, läromedlets roll för elever med NPF och en sammanfattning av tidigare forskning. Sedan lyfts studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter är det relationella specialpedagogiska perspektivet samt Cognitive load theory. Metoden bygger på en sammanställning av variabler för vad anpassat läromedel för elever med NPF är samt variabler för minskad kognitiv belastning. Dessa jämfördes och bildade tillsammans tre dimensioner med tillhörande frågor. Frågorna ställdes till läromedlen som blev resultatet av studien. Resultatet diskuteras sedan genom att jämföra läromedel med varandra för att sedan lyfta upp de positiva delarna i läromedlen för vad som är anpassade för elever med NPF och vad som minskar den kognitiva belastningen. Det framkommer av studien att det finns positiva företeelser i läromedlen som bland annat ökande svårighetsgrader av uppgifterna, uppgifterna bygger till vissa delar på elevernas förkunskaper och läromedlen har en igenkännande struktur. Det finns exempeluppgifter med lösningsförslag i läromedlen som är till fördel för elever som i vanliga fall har en historia av att misslyckas och underprestera i matematik. Slutsatsen är att det finns positiva företeelser i de båda läromedlen som är bra för elever med NPF, dock finns stora variationer mellan elever med NPF vilket medför att dessa företeelser inte alltid passar för alla. Det är upp till varje undervisande lärare att anpassa undervisningen till rådande situation, grupp och individ.
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Impacts of AI-chatbots Usage on the Knowledge Construction and Critical Reasoning of University Students: A Mixed Methods Approach in a Nigerian University. / Påverkan av användningen av AI-chatbots på kunskapsbyggande och kritiskt tänkande hos universitetsstudenter: en blandad metodansats vid ett nigerianskt universitetObiwuru, Oluebube Miracle January 2024 (has links)
While the education sector keeps embracing and propagating AI-chatbot integration and usage in their pedagogical practices. This study aimed at investigating the impact of AI-chatbots on the knowledge construction process and critical reasoning of university students, using a mixed method approach to sample the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) students’ performances and teachers’ observation. The purpose is to Investigate the extent of the impacts of AI-chatbots usage on the knowledge construction and critical reasoning abilities and to provide some proven approaches to engaging educational AI-chatbot in a manner that does not hamper the natural knowledge construction process according to constructivism theoretical paradigm. Three research questions were poised to harvest the teachers’ observations, which were matched against the principles and assumptions of constructivism learning theory and the result showed that AI-chatbot usage has some positive impact on the students’ knowledge construction and critical reasoning abilities which include learning efficiency enhancement, gendering plethora of perspectives and furnishing the students cognitively. Paradoxically, it also makes the students boycott knowledge construction process, leading to a dearth of experience, irrationality, passive learning, groupthink, academic dishonesty, and a diminished propensity for critical thinking. Recommendations were drawn from the success stories of the teachers which are to orient the students properly on the ethical usage of AI-chatbots, while integrating critical thinking education and praxis approaches in their pedagogical practice.
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Investigating the Alignments Between Scholarly and Popular Texts in Design: A Content AnalysisObilade, Titilola 16 April 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the alignments in the use of theory, principles and guidelines in instructional design books and popular books on design. The review of literature was conducted in three parts. The first part of the literature review was a general review of literature and it was conducted on cognitive information processing, cognitive load theory, affordance theory and text display. The second part of the literature review extracted the theories, principles and guidelines from four books on instructional design and technology. Six theories were extracted. The six theories extracted from these four books of instructional design and technology were cognitive information processing theory, cognitive load theory, multimedia theory, perception theory, minimalism theory and motivation theories. The third part of the review of literature was on content analysis, the different definitions of content analysis and the historical background of content analysis. Two sets of books were used in the study. The first set of books was instructional design and technology textbooks. These books were referred to as the scholarly books. The second set of books was selected by systematic sampling. These second set of books were the ten most positively reviewed books on web design from Amazon.com Inc. These ten books were pruned down to four books by a panel of experts. This second set of books was referred to as the popular books. A content analysis was conducted on the scholarly and the popular books. The theories, principles and guidelines extracted from the four scholarly books were aligned with the codified themes, word phrases and word sense from the four popular books. The results were tabulated under categories identified. The results showed that two of the popular books did not address theory in their content. The two other popular books addressed guidelines and principles applicable to the theories extracted in the scholarly books. The scholarly books gave theoretical foundations for their guidelines while the popular books did not give a theoretical foundation for their guidelines. / Ph. D.
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Investigating the effectiveness of multimedia presentation in reducing cognitive load for physical science learnersReynolds, Jenni 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of using multimedia as a means of teaching physical science to learners. The underlying theoretical assumption was that a multimedia presentation would help to reduce the cognitive load experienced by learners when they learn physical science content, compared to a traditional mode of presentation, and that this reduction may have a positive effect on the ease with which they master the content.
Physical science learners in Grade 11 viewed a presentation consisting of multimedia screens and screens depicting the learning content in a traditional layout – in order to compare the level of knowledge gained as well as the cognitive load experienced for the multimedia and traditional instructions. Pre- and post-test questionnaires were used to determine the knowledge gained, while cognitive load was measured using a dual-task methodology.
A multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. The results did not reveal a statistically significant increase in knowledge gained via the multimedia approach when compared to the traditional mode of instruction, but when focussing the analysis on learners with a lower-knowledge base in physical science though, statistically significant results were found. However, no significant results were found to support the hypothesis that multimedia would help to reduce learners’ cognitive load.
It was concluded that the multimedia design principles are more effective in increasing knowledge for physical science learners of low-knowledge than traditional instructional designs. / Psychology / M.Sc. (Psychology)
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Factors Effecting Eye Tracking Measures And Achievement In Multimedia LearningAlkan, Serkan 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, factors affecting eye tracking measures and achievement in multimedia learning were explored. Familiarity, redundancy, and control are three important factors, which affect the levels of achievement in multimedia learning. In this study, three experiments were conducted in which the main effects and interactions of familiarity, redundancy, and pace investigated. In Experiment 1, a chemistry lesson with narration were studied twice as multimedia lesson. In Experiment 2, different group of participants studied two versions of chemistry lessons. Both versions had subtitles / however, in one version in Experiment 2, narration was removed from background during the experiment. In Experiment 3, different group of participants studied two versions of mechanism lessons. One of the mechanism lessons was system-paced. The other one was also self-paced / however, in this one, the learner decided to proceed to next slide as his or her own choice. After studying lessons, participants completed an achievement test, which consisted of recognition, recall, and transfer questions. The results showed that fixation count, fixation duration, total fixation duration, and total visit duration showed significant differences as well as interactions as per fragments, familiarity, areas of interest, and type of images, varying in accordance with the lesson type. The correlations among scores of achievement tests and eye tracking metrics were also reported. The results are discussed within the scope of cognitive theory of multimedia learning design principles and cognitive load theory in the conclusion chapter.
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