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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-Pecuniary Factors Impacting the Retention of New Teachers at the Secondary Level in One Virginia School Division

Weston, Tracie Amos 14 April 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to measure the influence of teacher preparation experiences, collegial support, and principal support on new teachers' decisions to remain in the teaching profession. Quantitative research was conducted using data from an electronic survey to examine the impact the three predictor variables had on the likelihood of a new teacher remaining in the profession beyond five years. Research explored the precipitating theory based on scholarly literature, that teachers who are well prepared with practical experiences, and who feel supported and valued by their colleagues and principals, reflect the highest level of job satisfaction and potential to remain in the teaching profession. Five findings emerged from this study. Two findings indicated that collegial support and principal support, both had a statistically significant influence on new teacher retention. In addition, the study found that nearly 75% of new teachers showed some level of job satisfaction with the teaching profession. Participants in the survey included one hundred and eighty-four teachers with 0-5 years experience, representing teachers from 21 secondary schools within one school district. Participants were asked to respond to questions based on their personal experiences and feelings related to the teaching profession and their overall satisfaction level. / Ed. D.

Vzájemná kolegiální podpora v programu Začít spolu / Mutual college support in the Start together program

Poukarová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of Mutual collegial support in the Step by Step program. It examines how this support is implemented at a selected innovative school. In the theoretical part describes the professional development of a teacher, mutual collegial support, mentoring in teaching and mentor quality. It focuses on the educational activities of Step by Step Czech Republic. In the case study, the research part describes the realization of collegiate support, especially in the form of mentoring. This research method is based on participating observations, in-depth interviews, questionnaires, material and video analysis. A portrait of a mentor, which depicts her style of work, is created in the form of a metaphorical comparison. And it also describes individual forms of collegial support and its benefits or possible constraints. Key words Collegial support, professional development of teachers, Step by Step program, mentoring in teacher education, mentoring relationship

A Study On The Preductors Of Teachers&#039 / Sense Of Efficacy Beliefs

Gur, Gulbir 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the predictors of teachers&rsquo / sense of efficacy including gender, teaching field, years of teaching experience, satisfaction with performance, support from colleagues, support from parents, and support from administration, and teaching resources. The present study was conducted in the 2006-2007 academic year. The study included a total of 383 science, mathematics, and classroom teachers from 62 elementary schools of &Ccedil / ankaya district in Ankara. Data were collected through Teachers&rsquo / Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran &amp / Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). In the present study, data were analyzed by utilizing four separate hierarchical regression analyses. Results showed that gender, teaching field, and years of teaching experience variables were not significant predictors for overall teacher efficacy, efficacy in instructional strategies, efficacy in classroom management, and efficacy in student engagement, whereas satisfaction with performance variable made significant contribution to all dependent variables. Parental support and teaching resources predicted only efficacy in student engagement.

Meziškolní hospitace jako forma kolegiální podpory učitelů / School visiting as a form of collegial supporting of teachers AUTHOR

Garguláková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of professional development of primary school teachers. The focus is on different forms of peer support for teachers, with an emphasis on inter-school observation as a natural way of practical development. There is also a collegial support project presented through the innovative program Step by step, which has been already implemented in many schools. The peer support project is presented in the empirical section, involving teachers from different types of schools who participated in inter-school observation visits. The pre-research was conducted through semi-structured interviews gathering information about the course expectations, followed by an experiment that was evaluated and analyzed during the recorded interviews. A dedicated website was also created providing a supporting environment for its users. KEYWORDS collegial support, professional development, teacher cooperation, teacher quality standard, supervision, mentoring, learning community, observation

”Det är väl egentligen dålig planering av mig” : Om det organisatoriska och kollegiala stödets betydelse i förebyggandet av sekundär traumatisering / “It’s probably just poor planning from my side” : The meaning of organizational and collegial support in preventing secondary traumatic stress

Larsson, Liselotte, Pettersson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa det organisatoriska samt kollegiala stödets betydelse i förebyggandet av sekundär traumatisering. Sekundär traumatisering är ett fenomen som drabbar flera yrkesgrupper, däribland socionomer. Följderna av sekundär traumatisering kan påverka den drabbades privat- samt yrkesliv och det kan i vissa fall leda till utbrändhet, PTSD eller PTSD-liknande symtom. Uppsatsen är av kvalitativt slag och använder sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer med socionomer för att för att få en fördjupad förståelse för deras upplevelser av det förebyggande arbetet mot sekundär traumatisering. Tidigare forskning har framförallt fokuserat på individuella copingstrategier för att förebygga sekundär traumatisering och mindre på det kollegiala samt organisatoriska stödets betydelse i frågan. Resultatet från det insamlade materialet analyseras i en tematisk analys genom de teoretiska perspektiven organisationskultur och känsloarbete samt psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Resultaten visar att det organisatoriska och kollegiala stödet uttrycks ha en stor betydelse för det förebyggande arbetet av sekundär traumatisering. Trots detta visar resultaten av vår studie också att mycket av detta ansvar istället hamnar hos individen. Studien visar också att det kollegiala stödet uttrycks ha en stor betydelse men att det också har sina begränsningar då det sällan finns några riktlinjer för hur stödet ska vara utformat. Även ansvaret för detta kan felaktigt tillskrivas till individnivå och leda till stress för individen. Tidigare forskning har inte fokuserat på helheten av problemet utan snarare de individuella strategierna. Vi ser därför att det är av stor vikt att framtida forskning fokuserar på även det organisatoriska och kollegiala stödets betydelse i förebyggande av sekundär traumatisering för att lyfta en del av ansvaret ifrån individen.

“Jag har varit i situationer tidigare där man varit slav till kalendern. En kalender som andra fyllde.” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om mellanchefers upplevelse av stöd med utgångspunkt i Karasek och Theorells Krav-kontroll-och stödmodell / “I found myself in situations before where I felt enslaved by the calendar. A calendar filled by others” : A Qualitative Interview Study on Middle Managers' Experience of Support Based on Karasek and Theorell's Job Demand, Control and Support Model

Göthlin, Oskar, Engelin, Sannah January 2023 (has links)
Middle managers have a complex task where it is important to achieve results while at the same time being there for their employees. To succeed in this, a good structure in the work and the right type of support from both management and employees are required. This study aims to investigate how middle managers experience the support that the respective companies provide and how the experiences can be understood based on the JDCS model. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with middle managers at two different businesses. The interviews were transcribed orthographically and then analyzed thematically. The results showed that the support function is central when it comes to handling the high demands that are made, as well as how management forums can contribute to increasing community and collegial support among middle managers. The conclusion that could be drawn was that in order to avoid burdensome work and increase satisfaction, a comprehensive support function is required.

Att vara eller inte vara, socialsekreterare : En studie av personalomsättningens orsaker och konsekvenser inom socialtjänstens barn-och ungdomsenheter / To be or not to be, social secretary : A study on the causes and consequences ofstaff turnover in social services' child and youth units

Bengtsson, Åsa, Sjögren, Frida January 2024 (has links)
For many years, it has been reported that the turnover rate among staff in the child and youth services units of social services has been very high. Increased documentation requirements and an imbalance between time and resources create stress and anxiety, which has resulted in many social workers taking sick leave or choosing to resign from their positions. The persistence of these issues within the organization is confirmed by requests from professionals in southern Sweden, indicating that this topic requires further study. By understanding and identifying the positive and negative factors affecting staff turnover in child and youth services units, the current study aims to provide insights that can guide development and contribute to a more attractive work environment. The study was conducted using a qualitative research method, and nine semi-structured interviews with social workers from four municipalities in southern Sweden provided the empirical material upon which the results are based. Three main themes were identified and analyzed using Herzberg's two-factor theory and Hochschild's emotion theory. The results indicate that organizational factors, such as reorganizations, often lead to an imbalance between demands and resources, which can lead to social workers choosing to leave their position. Interpersonal interactions are another significant factor affecting social workers' job-related well-being. This includes both the motivation they derive from interacting with clients and the collegial support needed to perform an emotionally demanding job. The individual emotional labor performed by social workers is essential for maintaining a desired distance between work and personal life. It is obvious that these individuals have chosen to dedicate their professional lives to supporting and helping other people. However, the study's findings show that professional experience, mental resilience, and collegial support are necessary to prevent the cost from becoming too high. / Under många år har det rapporterats om att personalomsättningen inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsenheter varit mycket hög. Ökade dokumentationskrav samt obalans mellan tid och resurser skapar stress och oro, vilket i sin tur resulterat i att många socialsekreterare blivit sjukskrivna eller valt att avsluta sin tjänst. Att problematiken inom organisationen kvarstår bekräftas genom det önskemål som inkommit från verksamhetsfältet i södra Sverige om att ämnet bör studeras ytterligare. Genom att skapa förståelse för-och identifiera vilka positiva och negativa faktorer som påverkar personalomsättningen inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsenheter, syftar den aktuella studien till att bidra med insikter som kan vägleda utvecklingen och bidra till en mer attraktiv arbetsmiljö. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ forskningsmetod, och nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare från fyra kommuner i södra Sverige har gett det empiriska material som resultatet bygger på. Tre huvudteman har identifierats och analyserats med grund i Herzbergs tvåfaktorsteori och Hochschilds emotionsteori. Resultatet visar på att organisatoriska faktorer som omorganiseringar ofta leder till obalans mellan krav och resurser, vilket i förlängningen kan få socialsekreterarna att avsluta sin tjänst. De mellanmänskliga mötena har visat sig ha stor betydelse för socialsekreterarnas yrkesrelaterade välbefinnande. Det handlar både om den drivkraft som de finner i mötet med klienter men även det betydande kollegiala stöd som krävs för att utföra ett emotionellt krävande yrke. Att socialsekreterarna dessutom utför ett individuellt emotionellt arbete är av stor vikt för att hålla önskvärd distans mellan arbete och privatliv. Det är tydligt att det här är människor som har valt att viga sina yrkesliv åt att stötta och hjälpa andra, dock visar studiens resultat att det krävs yrkeserfarenhet, mental styrka och kollegialt stöd för att  priset inte ska bli för högt.

Möjligheten att nyttja sin kompetens på riktigt

Sundgren, Amanda, Tjellander, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative interview study that investigates what enables motivation for publicly employed nurses and how this affects their choice to be publicly employed in front of the alternative of becoming staffing nurses. As analysis tools, the sociological concepts of valuerational and rational-purposeful actions, idealization and identity work is use in conjunction with the psychological theoretical model Self-determination theory. The results of the study shows that publicly employed nurses experience a continuity in their work situation, which they imagine that they could not experience to the same extent if they were staffing employees. Continuity enables them, through their competence, to satisfy their intrinsic interests and motivations - to meet people and make something meaningful for others. / Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker vad som möjliggör motivation hos sjuksköterskor inom landstinget, och hur detta påverkar deras val att vara landstingsanställda framför alternativet att bli bemanningssjuksköterskor. Som analysverktyg används de sociologiska begreppen värderationellt och målrationellt handlande, idealisering och identitetsarbete i samverkan med den psykologiska teoretiska modellen Self-determination theory. Undersökningens resultat visar att landstingsanställda sjuksköterskor upplever en kontinuitet i sin arbetssituation som landstingsanställda, vilket de föreställer sig att de inte skulle kunna uppleva i samma utsträckning om de vore bemanningsanställda. Kontinuiteten möjliggör för dem att genom sin kompetens tillfredsställa sina inneboende intressen och motivationer - att möta människor och göra något meningsfullt för andra.

Självskadebeteende : En studie om hur yrkesprofessionella påverkas känslomässigt av att möta människor som har ett självskadebeteende

Dimitrijevic, Marija, Sisarica, Dora January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma påverkas känslomässigt av att arbeta med människor som har ett självskadebeteende. Det som undersöks är hur de själva uppfattar att de påverkas samt hur de hanterar sina känslor i möten med dessa människor. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt. Sammanlagt gjordes sex intervjuer med yrkesprofessionella på tre olika verksamheter. Utbildningsnivån varierade på de olika verksamheterna och bland respondenterna fanns de som var utbildade till psykolog, socionom, skötare och behandlingspedagog där ett antal även hade vidareutbildningar. I resultatet konstaterar samtliga respondenter att arbetet med människor som har ett självskadebeteende leder till en känslomässig påverkan på olika sätt. Det som visat sig vara det mest betydelsefulla sättet att hantera sina känslor i arbetet för respondenter är det kollegiala stödet samt organisatorisk handledning. Studiens slutsatser är att det förekommer skillnader gällande verksamheternas ledning och organisation samt utbildningsnivå. Yrkesprofessionella med högre utbildning var mer medvetna om sina känslomässiga konsekvenser samt hur de skulle hantera dessa i jämförelse med de som hade lägre utbildning och testade sig fram för att hitta tillvägagångsätt att hantera sina känslor.

Problémy začínajících učitelů na 1. stupni ZŠ / Problems of beginning teachers of primary education

Hellerová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of the theoretical part is to introduce difficulties of the teaching profession, such as the problems that are encountered today, when they are available for work and the challenges that they are not prepared for. With the aid of literature, I define the term 'beginning teacher' and I introduce the most common types of problems that arise. Furthermore, I focus on the possible support system for beginning teachers. The empiric part presents the assessment of the results from completed questionnaires and the dialogues with the beginning teachers of primary education. In my prepared and structured questionnaire and dialogue, I focus on the problems, which they might have struggled with or are still struggling with, such as if they feel that university was not able to prepare them adequately for their future job. In addition to this, I aim one's attention to the support system, which was provided to them, if they had an opportunity of a mentor. I am interested in parent's reaction when they found out that the new class teacher of their children is a fresh university graduate. Lastly, if they had a big problem to gain children's authority. KEYWORDS a beginning teacher, primary education, problems of beginning teachers, a mentor, support system for beginning teachers, the teaching...

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