Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collision avoidance"" "subject:"kollision avoidance""
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Lateral Control of Heavy Vehicles / Sidostyrning av tunga fordonJawahar, Aravind, Palla, Lokesh January 2023 (has links)
The automotive industry has been involved in making vehicles autonomous to different levels in the past decade rapidly. Particularly in the commercial vehicle market, there is a significant necessity to make trucks have a certain level of automation to help reduce dependence on human efforts to drive. This could help in reducing several accidents caused by human error. Interestingly there are several challenges and solutions in achieving and implementing autonomous driving for trucks. First, a benchmark of different control architectures that can make a truck drive autonomously are explored. The chosen controllers (Pure Pursuit, Stanley, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Sliding Mode Control and Model Predictive Control) vary in their simplicity in implementation and versatility in handling different vehicle parameters and constraints. A thorough comparison of these path tracking controllers are performed using several metrics. Second, a collision avoidance system based on cubic polynomials, inspired by rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) is presented. Some of the path tracking controllers are limited by their ability and hence a standalone collision avoidance system is needed to provide safe maneuvering. Simulations are performed for different test cases with and without obstacles. These simulations help compare safety margin and driving comfort of each path tracking controller that are integrated with the collision avoidance system. Third, different performance metrics like change in acceleration input, change in steering input, error in path tracking, deviation from base frame of track file and lateral and longitudinal margin between ego and target vehicle are presented. To conclude, a set of suitable controllers for heavy articulated vehicles are developed and benchmarked. / Bilindustrin har varit involverad i att göra fordon autonoma till olika nivåer under det senaste decenniet snabbt. Särskilt på marknaden för kommersiella fordon finns det ett stort behov av att få lastbilar att ha en viss nivå av automatisering för att minska beroendet av mänskliga ansträngningar att köra. Detta kan hjälpa till att minska flera olyckor orsakade av mänskliga fel. Intressant nog finns det flera utmaningar och lösningar för att uppnå och implementera autonom körning för lastbilar. Först utforskas ett riktmärke av olika styrarkitekturer som kan få en lastbil att köra autonomt. De valda kontrollerna (Pure Pursuit, Stanley, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Sliding Mode Control och Model Predictive Control) varierar i sin enkelhet i implementering och mångsidighet när det gäller att hantera olika fordonsparametrar och begränsningar. En grundlig jämförelse av dessa vägspårningskontroller utförs med hjälp av flera mätvärden. För det andra presenteras ett system för undvikande av kollisioner baserat på kubiska polynom, inspirerat av snabbt utforskande slumpmässiga träd (RRT). Vissa av vägspårningskontrollerna är begränsade av sin förmåga och därför behövs ett fristående system för att undvika kollisioner för att ge säker manövrering. Simuleringar utförs för olika testfall med och utan hinder. Dessa simuleringar hjälper till att jämföra säkerhetsmarginal och körkomfort för varje vägspårningskontroller som är integrerade med kollisionsundvikande systemet. För det tredje presenteras olika prestandamått som förändring i accelerationsinmatning, förändring i styrinmatning, fel i banspårning, avvikelse från basramen för spårfilen och lateral och longitudinell marginal mellan ego och målfordon. Avslutningsvis utvecklas och benchmarkas en uppsättning lämpliga styrenheter för tunga ledade fordon.
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Heavy Truck Modeling and Estimation for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Avoidance SystemsWolfe, Sage M. 20 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Fair Medium Access Control Mechanism Reducing Throughput Degradation in IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh NetworksGhasemi, Saeed, El-hajj Moussa, Haisam January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar prestandaproblem i den nyligen standardiserade Mesh kommunikationsstandarden (IEEE 802.11s). I denna rapport, undersöker och förbättra vi ett förhållande som resulterar i reduktion av genomströmningen i en kedja av noder topologi. IEEE802.11s är mycket lovande med många fördelar för både IoT-systemen och trådlösa nätverk i båda hemmet och arbete.Vi arbetar med frågan om orättvisa när CSMA/CA tillämpas, vilket orsakar genomströmningsreduktion på grund av paketförluster och indikerar svältning. Vi analyserar konsekvenserna av Collision Avoidance (CA) mekanism och föreslår en ersättning för CA som är både rättvist och samtidigt kan upprätthålla undvikande av kollisioner. Vi implementera detta i en simulator och resultatet visar på betydligt högre end-to-end-genomströmning än standard CSMA/CA och inga paketförluster på grund av buffertspill. / This thesis rapport deals with the performance issues of the newly standardized Wireless mesh protocol (IEEE 802.11s). In this thesis, we work on improving the conditions that results in throughput degradation in a chain of nodes topology. The mesh standard is very promising with many advantages for both IoT systems and home wireless networks.We work on the issue of unfairness when CSMA/CA is applied, which causes throughput degradation due to packet loss and indicates starvation. We analyze the implication of the Collision Avoidance (CA) mechanism and propose a replacement for the CA that is both fair and able to maintain collision avoidance. We implement this in a simulator and the result shows significantly higher end-to-end throughput compared to the original CSMA/CA and no packet loss due to buffer overflow.
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Risk assessment for integral safety in operational motion planning of automated drivingHruschka, Clemens Markus 14 January 2022 (has links)
New automated vehicles have the chance of high improvements to road safety. Nevertheless, from today's perspective, accidents will always be a part of future mobility. Following the “Vision Zero”, this thesis proposes the quantification of the driving situation's criticality as the basis to intervene by newly integrated safety systems. In the example application of trajectory planning, a continuous, real-time, risk-based criticality measure is used to consider uncertainties by collision probabilities as well as technical accident severities. As result, a smooth transition between preventative driving, collision avoidance, and collision mitigation including impact point localization is enabled and shown in fleet data analyses, simulations, and real test drives. The feasibility in automated driving is shown with currently available test equipment on the testing ground. Systematic analyses show an improvement of 20-30 % technical accident severity with respect to the underlying scenarios. That means up to one-third less injury probability for the vehicle occupants. In conclusion, predicting the risk preventively has a high chance to increase the road safety and thus to take the “Vision Zero” one step further.:Abstract
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem statement and research question
1.3 Contribution
2 Fundamentals and relatedWork
2.1 Integral safety
2.1.1 Integral applications
2.1.2 Accident Severity Severity measures Severity data bases Severity estimation
2.1.3 Risk assessment in the driving process Uncertainty consideration Risk as a measure Criticality measures in automated driving functions
2.2 Operational motion planning
2.2.1 Performance of a driving function Terms related to scenarios Evaluation and approval of an automated driving function
2.2.2 Driving function architecture Architecture Planner Reference planner
2.2.3 Ethical issues
3 Risk assessment
3.1 Environment model
3.2 Risk as expected value
3.3 Collision probability and most probable collision configuration
4 Accident severity prediction
4.1 Mathematical preliminaries
4.1.1 Methodical approach
4.1.2 Output definition for pedestrian collisions
4.1.3 Output definition for vehicle collisions
4.2 Prediction models
4.2.1 Eccentric impact model
4.2.2 Centric impact model
4.2.3 Multi-body system
4.2.4 Feedforward neural network
4.2.5 Random forest regression
4.3 Parameterisation
4.3.1 Reference database
4.3.2 Training strategy
4.3.3 Model evaluation
5 Risk based motion planning
5.1 Ego vehicle dynamic
5.2 Reward function
5.3 Tuning of the driving function
5.3.1 Tuning strategy
5.3.2 Tuning scenarios
5.3.3 Tuning results
6 Evaluation of the risk based driving function
6.1 Evaluation strategy
6.2 Evaluation scenarios
6.3 Test setup and simulation environment
6.4 Subsequent risk assessment of fleet data
6.4.1 GIDAS accident database
6.4.2 Fleet data Hamburg
6.5 Uncertainty-adaptive driving
6.6 Mitigation application
6.6.1 Real test drives on proving ground
6.6.2 Driving performance in simulation
7 Conclusion and Prospects
List of Tables
List of Figures
A Extension to the tuning process
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Sensorgeführte Bewegungen stationärer Roboter / Sensor Guided Motions of Stationary RobotsWinkler, Alexander 22 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden sog. sensorgeführte Roboterbewegungen, d. h. die Nutzung von Informationen externer Sensoren zur Regelung des Roboters. Da gängige Industrierobotersysteme üblicherweise positionsgeregelt sind und seitens der Robotersteuerung lediglich der Zugriff zu den Sollwerten der Lageregelkreise erlaubt wird, kann auch der Regelkreis der sensorgeführten Roboterbewegung nur über den Lageregelkreis geschlossen werden. Aus diesem Grunde werden hier nur positionsbasierte Regelungsansätze verfolgt.
Die Kraft-/ Momentregelung gilt als eine der wichtigsten Varianten sensorgeführter Roboterbewegungen. Dementsprechend widmet sich auch ein großer Teil dieser Arbeit dem Thema, mit dem Ziel durch innovative und übersichtliche Regelalgorithmen die Akzeptanz der Kraft-/ Momentregelung in industriellen Produktionsprozessen zu erhöhen. Beginnend mit der eindimensionalen Kraftregelung führt der Weg dabei über Konzepte zur Konturenverfolgung und kraft-/ momentgeregelten Montageaufgaben hin zur Kooperation von Robotern.
In einem weiteren Teil wird ein Konzept zur Kollisionsvermeidung zwischen Robotern und Hindernissen präsentiert. Es basiert auf dem Ansatz der virtuellen Potential- bzw. Kraftfelder. Dabei ruft das künstliche Feld eine Bewegung des Roboters hervor, die vom Hindernis weg führt. Um das Feld zu erzeugen, wird die Methode der künstlichen Punktladungen entwickelt. Diese werden auf der Oberfläche eines Hindernisses platziert und generieren dann das virtuelle Kraftfeld. Die Platzierung kann z. B. mithilfe der CAD-Daten des Hindernisses erfolgen. Bei bewegten Objekten müssen alle Ladungspositionen ständig aktualisiert werden.
Für Lehr- und Präsentationszwecke ist das sog. inverse Pendel eine oft genutzte Regelstrecke. Sein Aufrichten und Stabilisieren ist auch mit Hilfe eines Industrieroboters möglich. Dazu beschäftigt sich ein Kapitel dieser Arbeit mit Fragen zur Modellbildung der Kombination inverses Pendel und Industrieroboter und mit Regelungskonzepten für das Aufschwingen und Balancieren. Letztendlichen wird in diesem Zusammenhang noch ein Visual-Servoing System präsentiert, dass den Neigungswinkel des Pendels mit einer Kamera bestimmt.
Alle hier vorgestellten Konzepte und Algorithmen werden Anhand von praktischen Experimenten verifiziert. / This work deals with so-called sensor guided robot motions, which means using the data of external sensors to control the robot. The control loop of the sensor guided robot motion can be only closed around the position control loop, because industrial robot systems usually work position controlled and only access to the desired positions is enabled. For this reason here only position based control approaches are regarded.
Force/torque control is a very important type of sensor guided robot motions. According to this, a good portion of this work deals with the subject of force/torque control. Thus, the acceptance of force/torque control in industrial production processes should be increased, by using innovative and clear control algorithms. For this purpose force control in one degree of freedom, contour-following, force/torque controlled assembling tasks and the cooperation between robots are discussed here in different chapters.
Thereafter, a concept to collision avoidance between robots and obstacles is presented. It uses the approach of virtual potential/force fields. In this case the artificial field induces a robot motion away from the obstacle. The method of artificial charges is developed to generate this field. For this purpose virtual charges are placed on the surface of the obstacles. Placing of the charges can be performed using e.g. CAD data of the obstacles. Having moving obstacles charge positions must be updated continuously.
The inverted pendulum is commonly used teaching students in control theory. The swinging up and the stabilization of the pendulum also can be performed by an industrial robot. One chapter of this work deals with modelling of the robot mounted inverted pendulum and control algorithms for its swinging up and its stabilization. Finally, in combination with the inverted pendulum a visual-servoing system is presented, which measures the pendulum inclination angle by camera.
All concepts introduced in this work are verified by practical experiments.
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Conservative decision-making and inference in uncertain dynamical systemsCalliess, Jan-Peter January 2014 (has links)
The demand for automated decision making, learning and inference in uncertain, risk sensitive and dynamically changing situations presents a challenge: to design computational approaches that promise to be widely deployable and flexible to adapt on the one hand, while offering reliable guarantees on safety on the other. The tension between these desiderata has created a gap that, in spite of intensive research and contributions made from a wide range of communities, remains to be filled. This represents an intriguing challenge that provided motivation for much of the work presented in this thesis. With these desiderata in mind, this thesis makes a number of contributions towards the development of algorithms for automated decision-making and inference under uncertainty. To facilitate inference over unobserved effects of actions, we develop machine learning approaches that are suitable for the construction of models over dynamical laws that provide uncertainty bounds around their predictions. As an example application for conservative decision-making, we apply our learning and inference methods to control in uncertain dynamical systems. Owing to the uncertainty bounds, we can derive performance guarantees of the resulting learning-based controllers. Furthermore, our simulations demonstrate that the resulting decision-making algorithms are effective in learning and controlling under uncertain dynamics and can outperform alternative methods. Another set of contributions is made in multi-agent decision-making which we cast in the general framework of optimisation with interaction constraints. The constraints necessitate coordination, for which we develop several methods. As a particularly challenging application domain, our exposition focusses on collision avoidance. Here we consider coordination both in discrete-time and continuous-time dynamical systems. In the continuous-time case, inference is required to ensure that decisions are made that avoid collisions with adjustably high certainty even when computation is inevitably finite. In both discrete-time and finite-time settings, we introduce conservative decision-making. That is, even with finite computation, a coordination outcome is guaranteed to satisfy collision-avoidance constraints with adjustably high confidence relative to the current uncertain model. Our methods are illustrated in simulations in the context of collision avoidance in graphs, multi-commodity flow problems, distributed stochastic model-predictive control, as well as in collision-prediction and avoidance in stochastic differential systems. Finally, we provide an example of how to combine some of our different methods into a multi-agent predictive controller that coordinates learning agents with uncertain beliefs over their dynamics. Utilising the guarantees established for our learning algorithms, the resulting mechanism can provide collision avoidance guarantees relative to the a posteriori epistemic beliefs over the agents' dynamics.
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Etude de lentilles artificielles métalliques et métallo-diélectriques : modélisation par la méthode modale de Fourier et par la méthode des coordonnées curvilignes / Study of artificial metallic and metallo-dilectric lenses : modeling by the Fourier modal method and by the curvilinear coordinate methodFenniche, Ismail 06 December 2010 (has links)
Nous présentons un modèle théorique et numérique pour simuler la diffraction d’ondes électromagnétiques par des lentilles artificielles métalliques. Le premier chapitre présente les radars anti-collision dans le contexte automobile, le système d’antenne est composé d’une source primaire ponctuelle et d’une lentille artificielle. Cette dernière est réalisée de façon très simple en assemblant des lames métalliques minces sur des morceaux de mousse. Une méthode approchée permet d’obtenir rapidement le champ rayonné à travers une lentille par une source ponctuelle à l’aide des concepts d’optique géométrique et d’optique physique. Dans le second chapitre, deux variantes de la méthode modale sont proposées pour l’étude de la diffraction par des réseaux de lames parfaitement conductrices infiniment minces, une dite classique, décrit le champ à l’intérieur des guides parfaitement conducteurs à l’aide des modes de ces derniers, et l’autre considère que les guides forment un milieu inhomogène par morceaux. Les parois des guides sont vues comme des matériaux d’épaisseur très fine et très conducteurs. Numériquement, cet artifice est possible grâce à la technique de résolution spatiale adaptative aussi appelée formulation paramétrique. Dans le chapitre 3, l’ensemble des techniques présentées précédemment est appliqué aux lentilles. Un modèle numérique et électromagnétique est présenté où la lentille métallique est vue comme un empilement de réseaux lamellaires. Le champ global est obtenu en raccordant les modes de chaque couche. Une autre extension qui permet de modéliser des objets non périodiques est introduite : il s’agit d’un changement de coordonnées complexes qui produit des conditions aux limites absorbantes aux bords du domaine de calcul. Dans le chapitre 4, l’ensemble des techniques numériques développées plus haut est mis en oeuvre sur des cas concrets de lentilles artificielles et des comparaisons avec le modèle simplifié du chapitre 1 sont effectuées. Le chapitre 5 est également consacré à l’étude de lentilles. Cependant le domaine de longueur d’onde envisagé n’est plus le même puisqu’on passe dans le domaine optique. La notion de métal perd le sens qu’on lui donne habituellement. Le métal est caractérisé par une permittivité complexe dont la partie réelle peut être négative. Des modes nouveaux apparaissent. La méthode d’analyse retenue est encore une méthode modale. Pour tenir compte des profils d’entrée et de sortie de la lentille, on effectue un changement de coordonnée grâce auquel ces derniers deviennent des surfaces de coordonnées. / We present a theoretical and numerical model to simulate the scattering of electromagnetic waves by artificial metallic lenses. The first chapter introduces the anti-collision radar in the automotive context. The antenna system is composed of a primary point source and an artificial lens. The latter is achieved very simply by assembling thin metal strips on pieces of foam. The field radiated through a lens by a point source can be quickly obtained using the concepts of geometrical optics and optical physics. In the second chapter, two different modal method are proposed for the study of diffraction by arrays of perfectly conducting infinitely thin blades. The first one describes the field inside the perfectly conducting guides by using their exact modes. The second one considers that the guides are piecewise homogeneous media. The walls of the guides are seen as very thin and highly conducting materials. Numerically, this trick is possible thanks to the technique of adaptive spatial resolution. In chapter 3, all the techniques presented above are applied to lenses. A numerical and electromagnetic model is presented where the lens is seen as a stack of strip gratings. The overall field is obtained by matching the modes of each layer. Another extension that allows to model non-periodic objects is introduced : it consists in a complex change of coordinates that produces absorbing boundary conditions at the edges of the computational domain. In Chapter 4, all the numerical techniques developed above are implemented on specific cases of artificial lenses and comparisons with the approximate model of Chapter 1 are performed. Chapter 5 is devoted to the study of lenses in the optical domain. The concept of metal looses its usual meaning. The metal is characterized by a complex permittivity whose real part can be negative. New modes appear. The analytical method is still a modal method.To account for input and out profile of the lens, a change of coordinates is introduced so that the input and output surface of the lens become surface of coordinates.
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Možnosti kódového zabezpečení stanic s kmitočtovým skákáním / Possibilities of Error Controls in Frequency hopping StationsPust, Radim January 2012 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with design of coding for frequency hopping stations in band with intensive jamming. In digital modulations erroneous determination of the modulation state occurs due to jam at the receiver side. The result is erroneously transferred symbols of the message. Errors created during the transmission can be eliminated by using error control systems. It is also possible to prevent these errors by using algorithms (techniques) of frequency hopping which select the appropriate channel. Appropriate communication channel is a channel with a lower probability of erroneous symbol in the message. The main contribution of this thesis is to design a new frequency hopping technique with collision avoidance (FH/CA). The station with FH/CA technique measures signal levels in the considered several channels before every jump. Based on the measurements the most appropriate channel with the lowest value of measured signal level is selected. Therefore, it is more probable that a jump to an unoccupied channel with a transmission will occur. Using a mathematical model, the performance of the newly proposed FH/CA technique is compared with the currently used techniques FH and AFH. Comparison criteria are the probability of a collision between an FH/CA communication system and a static (device transmitting continuously at a fixed frequency) or dynamic jammer (i.e. other FH or AFH systems). By comparing the values of the probability of jammed transmission, indisputable theoretical advantages of the new FH/CA technique were found, compared to the currently used FH and AFH techniques. The FH/CA technique always has better or equal results compared with the FH technique in the case of interference by static and dynamic jammers. The FH/CA technique in a band with static and dynamic jammers usually has better results than the AFH technique. A significant contribution of the FH/CA technique can be seen in the case of dynamic jammers. On the other hand, in the case of static jammers the FH/CA technique is in certain situations worse than the AFH technique. The accuracy of the mathematical models were successfully verified on a simulation model that was created as a part of this thesis in the MATLAB environment. Based on the obtained data from the model there was designed coding for frequency hopping stations with the new technique of frequency hopping FH/CA which is designed for small-volume data transfer in a band with intensive jamming.
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Energy efficient underwater acoustic sensor networks / Réseaux de capteurs acoustiques sous-marins écoénergétiquesZidi, Chaima 08 March 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs acoustiques sous-marins (UW-ASN) sont les plus nouveaux achèvements technologiques en termes de communication. Les UW-ASN visent à observer et à explorer les lacs, les rivières, les mers et les océans. Récemment, ils ont été soumis à une attention particulière en raison de leur grand potentiel en termes d'applications prometteuses dans divers domaines (militaires, environnementaux, scientifiques ...) et aux nouvelles questions scientifiques qu'ils suscitent. Un problème majeur dans les UW-ASN est l'épuisement rapide de l'énergie, car une grande puissance est nécessaire pour la communication acoustique, tandis que le budget de la batterie des capteurs est limité. Par conséquent, les protocoles de communication énergétiques revêtent une importance primordiale pour faire usage judiciaire du budget énergétique disponible. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse vise à étudier les principales caractéristiques des capteurs acoustiques sous-marins difficiles afin de concevoir des protocoles de communication énergétiques, plus spécifiquement au niveau routage et MAC. Tout d'abord, nous abordons le problème des trous énergétiques dans UW-ASN. Le problème du « sink-hole » se produit lorsque les capteurs les plus proches du sink épuisent leur énergie plus rapidement en raison de leur charge plus lourde. En effet, ces capteurs, en particulier ceux qui sont à un seul saut du sinkstatique, agissent comme des relais pour tous les autres capteurs, ce qui leur épuise sévèrement l’énergie.A la couche de routage,en particulier, nous proposons de distribuer la charge transmise par chaque capteur parmi plusieurs voisins potentiels, en supposant que les capteurs peuvent ajuster leur gamme de communication entre deux niveaux lorsqu'ils envoient ou transmettent des données. Plus précisément, nous déterminons pour chaque capteur l'ensemble des prochains sauts avec les poids de charge associés qui entraînent un épuisement équitable d'énergie entre tous les capteurs du réseau. Ensuite, nous étendons notre stratégie de routage équilibrée en supposant que chaque capteur n'est pas seulement capable d'ajuster sa puissance d'émission à 2 niveaux mais aussi jusqu'à n niveaux où n> 2. Par conséquent, à la couche de routage, pour chaque valeur possible de n, nous déterminons pour chaque capteur l'ensemble des éventuels sauts avec les poids de charge associés qui mènent à une consommation d'énergie équitable chez tous les capteurs du réseau. En outre, nous obtenons le nombre optimal de puissances de transmission n qui équilibre la consommation d'énergie de tous les capteurs pour chaque configuration de réseau. En plus de cela, il convient de souligner que notre protocole de routage étendu utilise un modèle de canal à variation de temps plus réaliste qui tient compte de la plupart des caractéristiques fondamentales de la propagation acoustique sous-marine. Les résultats analytiques montrent que notre protocole de routage assure une réduction importante de la consommation d’énergie. Deuxièmement, pour atténuer les impacts de collision spectaculaires gaspillant l’énergie, nous concevons un protocole MAC multicanal (MC-UWMAC) évitant les collisions pour les UW-ASNs. MC-UWMAC fonctionne avec un canal de contrôle (décomposé en créneaux de temps) et un ensemble de canaux de données à bande passante égale. Les créneaux du canal de contrôle sont dédiés à l’échange RTS / CTS permettant à une paire de capteurs communicants de s'accorder sur l'heure de début de la communication sur un canal de données pré-alloué. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux nouvelles procédures associées d'allocation des créneaux du canal de contrôle et d'attribution des canaux de données sans nécessiter de frais de négociation supplémentaires. En conséquence, chaque capteur peut initier l'échange RTS / CTS uniquement à son créneau assigné, calculé à l'aide d'une procédure d'allocation basée sur une partition virtuelle de grille de la zone de déploiement. (...) / UnderWaterAcoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASNs) are the newest technological achievement in terms of communication. Composed of a set of communicating underwater sensors, UW-ASNs are intended to observe and explore lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Recently, they have been subject to a special attention due to their great potential in terms of promising applications in various domains (military, environmental, scientific...) and to the new scientific issues they raise. A great challenging issue in UW-ASNs is the fast energy depletion since high power is needed for acoustic communication while sensors battery budget is limited. Hence, energy-efficient networking protocols are of a paramount importance to make judicious use of the available energy budget while considering the distinguishing underwater environment characteristics. In this context, this thesis aims at studying the main challenging underwater acoustic sensors characteristics to design energy-efficient communication protocols specifically at the routing and MAC layers. First, we address the problem of energy holes in UW-ASNs. The sink-hole problem occurs when the closest nodes to sink drain their energy faster due to their heavier load. Indeed, those sensors especially the ones that are 1-hop away from the static sink act as relays to it on behalf of all other sensors, thus suffering from severe energy depletion. In particular, at the routing layer, we propose to distribute the transmission load at each sensor among several potential neighbors, assuming that sensors can adjust their communication range among two levels when they send or forward data. Specifically, we determine for each sensor the set of next hops with the associated load weights that lead to a fair energy depletion among all sensors in the network. Then, we extend our balanced routing strategy by assuming that each sensor node is not only able to adjust its transmission power to 2 levels but eventually up to n levels where n > 2. Consequently, at the routing layer, for each possible value of n, we determine for each sensor the set of possible next hops with the associated load weights that lead to a fair energy consumption among all sensors in the network. Moreover, we derive the optimal number of transmission powers n that balances the energy consumption among all sensors for each network configuration. In addition to that, it is worth pointing out that our extended routing protocol uses a more realistic time varying channel model that takes into account most of the fundamental characteristics of the underwater acoustic propagation. Analytical results show that further energy saving is achieved by our extended routing scheme. Second, to mitigate the dramatic collision impacts, we design a collision avoidance energy efficient multichannel MAC protocol (MC-UWMAC) for UW-ASNs. MC-UWMAC operates on single slotted control and a set of equal-bandwidth data channels. Control channel slots are dedicated to RTS/CTS handshaking allowing a communicating node pair to agree on the start time of communication on a pre-allocated data channel. In this thesis, we propose two novel coupled slot assignment and data channels allocation procedures without requiring any extra negotiation overhead. Accordingly, each node can initiate RTS/CTS exchange only at its assigned slot calculated using a slot allocation procedure based on a grid virtual partition of the deployment area. Moreover, for each communicating pair of nodes, one data channel is allocated using a channel allocation procedure based on our newly designed concept of singleton- intersecting quorum. Accordingly, each pair of communicating nodes will have at their disposal a unique 2-hop conflict free data channel. Compared with existing MAC protocol, MC-UWMAC reduces experienced collisions and improves network throughput while minimizing energy consumption.
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Système décisionnel dynamique et autonome pour le pilotage d'un hélicoptère dans une situation d'urgence / Dynamic autonomous decision-support function for piloting a helicopter in emergency situationsNikolajevic, Konstanca 03 March 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte industriel aéronautique où les problématiques de sécurité constituent un facteur différentiateur clé, l’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à la problématique ambitieuse de la réduction des accidents de type opérationnel. Les travaux de recherche s’inscrivent dans le domaine des systèmes d’alarmes pour l’évitement de collision qui ne font pas une analyse approfondie des solutions d’évitement par rapport à la situation de danger. En effet, les situations d’urgence en vol ne bénéficient pas à ce jour d’une représentation et d’un guide des solutions associées formels. Bien que certains systèmes d’assistance existent et qu’une partie de la connaissance associée aux situations d’urgence ait pu être identifiée, la génération dynamique d’une séquence de manœuvres sous fortes contraintes de temps et dans un environnement non connu à l’avance représente une voie d’exploration nouvelle. Afin de répondre à cette question et de rendre objective la notion de danger, les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse mettent en confrontation la capacité d’évolution d’un aéronef dans son environnement immédiat avec une enveloppe physique devenant contraignante. Afin de mesurer ce danger, les travaux de recherche ont conduit à construire un module de trajectoires capable d’explorer l’espace en 3D. Cela a permis de tirer des enseignements en terme de flexibilité des manœuvres d’évitement possibles à l’approche du sol. De plus l’elicitation des connaissances des pilotes et des experts d’Airbus Helicopters (ancien Eurocopter) mis en situation d’urgence dans le cas d’accidents reconstitués en simulation a conduit à un ensemble de paramètres pour l’utilisation de la méthode multicritère PROMETHEE II dans le processus de prise de décision relatif au choix de la meilleure trajectoire d’évitement et par conséquent à la génération d’alarmes anti-collision. / In the aeronautics industrial context, the issues related to the safety constitute a highly differentiating factor. This PhD thesis addresses the challenge of operational type accident reduction. The research works are positioned and considered within the context of existing alerting equipments for collision avoidance, who don’t report a thorough analysis of the avoidance manoeuvres with respect to a possible threat. Indeed, in-flight emergency situations are various and do not all have a formal representation of escape procedures to fall back on. Much of operational accident scenarios are related to human mistakes. Even if systems providing assistance already exist, the dynamic generation of a sequence of manoeuvres under high constraints in an unknown environment remain a news research axis, and a key development perspective. In order to address this problematic and make the notion of danger objective, the research works presented in this thesis confront the capabilities of evolution of an aircraft in its immediate environment with possible physical constraints. For that purpose, the study has conducted to generate a module for trajectory generation in the 3D space frame, capable of partitioning and exploring the space ahead and around the aircraft. This has allowed to draw conclusions in terms of flexibility of escape manoeuvres on approach to the terrain. Besides, the elicitation of the Airbus Helicopters (former Eurocopter) experts knowledge put in emergency situations, for reconstituted accident scenarios in simulation, have permitted to derive a certain number of criteria and rules for parametrising the multicriteria method PROMETHEE II in the process for the relative decision-making of the best avoidance trajectory solution. This has given clues for the generation of new alerting rules to prevent the collisions.
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