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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autorské právo ve školách / Copyright law in schools

Koberová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis covers the topic of copyright law in schools. It is an overview of the usage of the copyright law, especially in the practice of pupils, students, teachers and other pedagogical workers. It tries to present an integrated overview of basic rules which can be used in the educational process in the areas of creation of an original work, licenses, non-contractual usage of the original works and the liabilities for breaching the copyright law. It covers the situations when the pupils, students, teachers and other pedagogical workers are the creators of an original work as well as cases when these people want to use original works created by others. A part of this thesis are comments from practice and findings based on surveys and discussions with the pupils and pedagogical staff.

Business models circulaires ˸ vers des création et captation de valeur pérennes ? Processus et instrumentation : Les enseignements du recyclage et de la réutilisation automobiles / Circular Business models ˸ toward long-term value creation and capture ? Processes and instruments : Learnings from automotive reuse and recycling

Beulque, Rémi 19 April 2019 (has links)
En quoi les business models circulaires, fondés sur des activités de réutilisation et de recyclage organisées collectivement, permettent-ils aux entreprises de créer et capter de la valeur de manière pérenne ? Cette question, au cœur des préoccupations des entreprises et des décideurs publics, demeure émergente en stratégie. Afin d’y répondre, ce manuscrit rapporte cinq cas d’intervention sur de tels business models opérés par le constructeur Renault, dont l’analyse est resituée dans le cadre plus large des évolutions qu’a connu la fin de vie automobile ces dernières décennies. Au terme de ce travail, nous proposons une analyse fine de l’émergence et de la montée en puissance de BM circulaires pérennes dans des entreprises établies en tant que processus instrumenté d’action collective. Nous montrons ainsi que la concrétisation de leurs potentiels de valeur se fonde sur une activité collective méconnue – l’ingénierie de filière – qui vise à structurer de nouveaux marchés, réseaux et chaînes de valeur. / To what extent can reuse and recycling circular business models create and capture value in the long run? This question, which constitutes a major concern for firms and public actors, remains understudied in Strategy. In order to answer this question, this thesis highlights five cases of collaborative research on such business models conducted within the car manufacturer Renault, which are put into perspective within the larger context of the evolution automotive end-of-life experienced over last decades. At the end of this study, we propose a close analysis of circular business models emergence and up-scaling, which we picture as an instrumented collective action process. Thus, we show that the concretization of their value potentials rests upon a collective activity, we call industry engineering, which aims at structuring new value chains and value networks.

La réservation des innovations variétales

Dessainjean, Fanny 20 September 2019 (has links)
L’agriculture et l’alimentation dépendent, en grande partie, des rapports entre le droit et le végétal. Cette interdépendance, source d’enjeux vitaux actuels et futurs, est, notamment, cristallisée par la réservation des innovations variétales. Les semences, contenant les variétés végétales, sont les premiers maillons de la chaîne alimentaire, nécessaires à la production d’aliments. Or, l’immixtion de la propriété industrielle a conditionné l’amélioration variétale et l’utilisation des semences justifiant une étude en droit privé en associant plusieurs matières telles que le droit des biens, le droit des contrats spéciaux, le droit des obligations, le droit rural et les propriétés intellectuelles. Présenter l’existant, déterminer les interactions juridiques et envisager des évolutions afin de sauvegarder les intérêts des innovateurs et de la société participent à la protection de l’innovation et à la sécurité alimentaire. Ainsi, l’étude, décomposée en deux temps, se focalise, tout d’abord, sur la réservation exclusive des innovations variétales et ses conséquences puis sur des alternatives possibles. Un régime original de réservation, dédié à la protection de nouvelles variétés végétales, indépendant du droit des brevets d’invention, est apparu au début des années 1960 au plan international, puis a également été intégré aux niveaux européens et français. L’adoption de la Convention internationale pour la protection des obtentions végétales le 2 décembre 1961, ratifiée en 1968, puis révisée en 1972, en 1978 et 1991, a consacré, via l’octroi d’un titre de propriété industrielle (certificat d’obtention végétale), de nouveaux droits exclusifstemporaires sur un type d’innovation variétale. Toutefois, seules les nouvelles variétés végétales distinctes, homogènes et stables peuvent faire l’objet d’un certificat d’obtention végétale. Le standard, imposé dans ce régime par l’ensemble des critèrescumulatifs, exclut, de facto, d’autres innovations variétales, prouvant une non-automaticité de la protection. Les droits exclusifs du réservataire sur l’obtention végétale ne sont pas absolus, ni illimités. De nombreuses exceptions attestent d’un exclusivisme relatif, témoignant d’un régime de réservation nuancé. L’autonomie de la réservation exclusive des innovations variétales standardisées, par rapport au droit des brevets d’invention protégeant les inventions biotechnologiques végétales, en fort développement, renforce la singularité du régime et conforte la nécessité de le sécuriser. Néanmoins, malgré les dérogations aux droits exclusifs de l’obtenteur, l’utilisation des innovations variétales, faisant l’objet d’un certificat d’obtention végétale, conditionne les pratiques agricoles ancrées dans le droit rural. Les semences, contenant les variétés végétales, sont nécessaires à la production agricole. Une mauvaise utilisation ou une utilisation sans autorisation du titulaire du certificat d’obtention végétale, hormis dans le cas des semences de ferme, peut justifier la qualification de ces agissements en actes de contrefaçon. Ainsi, le champ d’application spécifique et les réalités pratiques n’altèrent pas la dichotomie entre le bienintellectuel et son enveloppe corporelle. Des alternatives, proposées à partir de ce régime original de réservation et en parallèle de celui-ci, doivent émerger pour assurer une meilleure sécurité alimentaire. La réservation de l’innovation variétale par lapromotion d’un modèle inclusif, reposant à la fois sur le droit des contrats et sur la protection de biens communs privés, est une voie pour faire évoluer l’existant au niveau interne. De plus, la reconnaissance des innovations variétales alternatives, jusqu’alors exclues, en leur dédiant un régime autonome inséré dans le Code rural, permettrait un nouvel équilibre. / Non fourni

La contribution des biens communs à la performation des méta-organisations : le cas des corridors logistico-portuaires / The contribution of the commons to the performation of meta-organizations : the case of gateway corridors.

Kauffmann, Antoine 22 November 2018 (has links)
Les structures en réseau, hybrides entre marché et hiérarchie, se développent de plus en plus, notamment sous l'effet de la mondialisation et des manoeuvres de décentralisation. Parmi les différentes formes de réseaux, la méta-organisation territorialisée est une forme à la fois peu abordée et hautement spécifique. Une méta-organisation est une organisation constituée d'organisations mais sans pouvoir hiérarchique. Ce travail de thèse enrichit la théorie des méta-organisations en recourant à la théorie des biens communs et à la théorie de l'acteur-réseau dans le cas des corridors logistico-portuaires, qui sont des groupements de partenariat entre des ports maritimes et fluviaux d'un même axe géographique. Ainsi, cette thèse montre que la méta-organisation du corridor logistico-portuaire est performée grâce à un ensemble de biens communs et que les différences de perception de l'action de ces biens communs freine le processus de performation du fait organisationnel. / As hybrids between markets and hierachy, network structures have spread a lot due to globalization and de centralization. Among the varions types of networks, territory-anchored meta-organizations appear both as les studied and specific kinds of networks. A meta-organization is defined as an organization which is composed by organizations without having a real hierarchical power on its members, such as employment or property. This thesis enriches mate-organization theory by mobilizing both the theory of commons and actor-network theory in the case of gateway corridors. Gateway corridors are groupings created between seaports and inland ports from a sanie geographical axis. Within that scope, this thesis shows that the mets-organizations of gateway corridors are performed through the mobilization of différent kinds of common goods ant that differences in the perception of their action brakes the process of organizational performation.

Linked Data für Bildrepositorien

Erlinger, Christian, Bemme, Jens 27 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Avlagda kläder - avfall eller resurs? : En enkätundersökning om hur studenter motiverar sin användning av olika klädavfallsmetoder / Garment lifecycle - to end or extend? : A survey of how Swedish students motivate the disposal of their unwanted clothing

Lindén, Felicia, Svensson, Madelene January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste två decennierna har konsumtionen av nyproducerade kläder ökat med närmare 30 procent per person i Sverige. Den ökade konsumtionen har medfört att individers klädavfall blivit mer omfattande och många gånger slängs klädesplagg som fortfarande kan användas i hushållets restavfall även om andra alternativ är bättre. Med utgångspunkt i detta och tidigare forskning som visar att unga människor är en högkonsumerande grupp undersöker föreliggande studie hur studenter vid Jönköping University som är bosatta i Jönköpings kommun hanterar sitt klädavfall. Med en webbaserad enkätundersökning samlades data in för att ta reda på vilka av klädavfallsmetoderna secondhand, textilåtervinning, återförsäljning, ge till familj och/eller vänner och restavfall som målgruppen använder samt vad som motiverar deras val att använda dessa klädavfallsmetoder. Genom att utgå från teorin om bunden rationalitet och tematiskt analysera svaren på enkätens öppna frågor visar resultatet hos studiens 73 respondenter att valet av klädavfallsmetod är komplext och i många fall begränsas av omständigheter. Sådana omständigheter beskrivs av studiens respondenter som bland annat brist på tillgänglighet, tid och information. Resultatet visar också att valet av klädavfallsmetod många gånger inte enbart handlar om att göra sig av med sitt klädavfall på ett smidigt sätt. För vissa fungerar klädavfallsmetoderna även som ett sätt att generera extra intäkter eller för att hjälpa andra människor. En kunskap om och förståelse för varför klädavfallsflödena ser ut som de gör kan vara behjälpligt för såväl regeringar som kommuner i pågående arbete för ett mer cirkulärt samhälle. Senast januari 2025 ska nämligen alla EU:s medlemsländer uppfylla direktivet 2018/851 om avfall som bland annat innefattar krav på separat insamling av textilier. / Over the past two decades, the consumption of new clothing has increased by almost 30 percent per person in Sweden, which has also caused individual's clothing waste to become more extensive. Clothes that are still wearable is often disposed of in the household's residual waste. With this in mind, and with previous research showing that young people are considered a high- consuming group, this study aim to investigate how students at Jönköping University, who live in Jönköping municipality, handle their clothing waste. The empirical data was retrieved with a web-based survey to investigate which of the clothing disposal methods secondhand, textile recycling, private resale, giving to family and/or friends, and residual waste that are used by the target group and how they justify their choice of clothing disposal method. Through a thematic analysis of the open-ended questions in the survey, as well as through using the theory of bounded rationality, the results show that the choice of clothing disposal method is complex since it many times is limited by circumstances. Among the study’s 73 respondents, such circumstances turned out to be, among other things, a lack of accessibility, time, and information. Furthermore, the result shows that for some of the respondents the choice of clothing disposal method is not solely about getting rid of the clothes in a comfortable way. For some, clothing disposal is also about earning some extra money or about helping others. Knowledge and understanding of why clothing waste is handled the way it is and ends up where it ends up can be helpful for governments as well as for municipalities in their ongoing work for a more circular society. By January 2025, all EU member states must comply with the EU Directive 2018/851 on waste which among other things targets the need for a separate collection of textiles.

Social Ventures and the Commons

Serres, Coline 22 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Consciousness about the need for a more sustainable consumption and production patterns, as well as the will to cope with issues such as social exclusion and poverty, rose in the last decades. To answer such problems, new forms of social ventures have emerged on markets, including under the legal form of corporations. Social corporations are fully-fledged limited companies that officially commit themselves to a social mission by including the latter in their bylaws. Through their commercial activities, these new forms of social ventures target a specific social outcome. Either the whole population or a targeted group can benefit from this outcome. Thus, social corporations aim to pursue the common good. Entitled “Social Ventures and the Commons”, this doctoral dissertation aims to understand how new alternative profit-seeking business models, such as social corporations, can manage and contribute to the governance of common goods. With her seminal work, Elinor Ostrom widened the path for scholars to study the commons. Ever since, the academic world has extensively relied on her eight design principles when researching commons, allowing for a varied literature on the topic and the emergence of a paradigm in recent years; however, features of this paradigm are still fuzzy as different views and concepts of commons exist. While Ostrom conducted her research on the governance of traditional commons mainly, i.e. local natural resources collectively managed, the emergence of new concepts calls for a better of their governance mechanisms. Amongst the different concepts of commons existing, new commons have recently emerged. New commons are resources that have newly been recognized as commons. They derive from the principle of “commoning”: they are shared resources collectively organized and managed and can take the form of human-made commons, like culture, knowledge or urban spaces. They can be created both by humans and/or by organizations that are managed collectively. The first chapter of the dissertation, in the form of a conceptual paper, sheds light on the capacity of new alternative profit-seeking business models to govern new commons; a topic left out by scholars so far. It states under which conditions such unconventional forms of market-oriented organizations can contribute to the governance of commons and thus become commons-governing companies. Theoretical management principles applicable in the context of commons-governing companies are proposed and guide them to implement collective action through co-management with external and/or internal stakeholders. The second chapter of the dissertation presents an original global typology of social corporations that distinguishes between three generic types according to their legal structure and underlying motivation to integrate a social mission into their bylaws. It identifies four core social corporation governance elements: voting rights implementation, profit distribution, property regime, and ownership structure. Additionally, the typology is complemented with a multiple case study of three social corporations (one per generic type). The case study focuses on the five governance capabilities that social corporations develop to be sustainable in the long run, and that relate to the three main pillars of performance, conformance, and responsibility. The third and last chapter of the thesis aims to comprehend the governance mechanisms developed by social corporations governing new commons. To do so, it draws from the community-based enterprise theory and the theory of the commons. I use qualitative data used collected within three community-based enterprises governing commons, and that adopt a social corporation legal form, in the United Kingdom. These organizations vary by date of creation, size, location, legal form, and types of new commons they contribute to. Findings show that these ventures design a triple-levelled goal governance to (1) manage the organization, (2) govern the commons, and (3) foster social good in the community. This doctoral dissertation primarily aims to contribute to the field of entrepreneurship. First, it contributes to social entrepreneurship by embracing the growing phenomenon of profit-seeking social ventures and provides with a better comprehension of their governance mechanisms, also when governing commons. Second, it sustains the development and understanding of the newly recognized entrepreneurship theory of commons. It does so by understanding how privately-held profit-seeking social ventures – social corporations – contribute to the provision of commons and become commons-governing companies. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Internet ve vztahu informační vědy a práva / The Internet in relation to Information Science and Law

Fáberová Slušná, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the effect of selected elements of public licenses on increasing the quality of information published in the informational environment of the internet. The objective of the thesis is to ascertain whether there is a real effect on the quality of information in the internet environment through improvements in the quality of the sources of such information, as well as the reflection of the results of the conducted analysis within the obligatory informational education in the Czech Republic. In the first section, the work deals with the copyright aspects relating to the analyzed issue and defines, from a legal standpoint, the individual components of the information environment being analyzed - the internet, the participants of the informational process, the information and the options of dealing with them. In the subsequent section, the matter of licenses is presented, with a focus on the issue of public licenses in general, as well as specific selected license types constituting a potential platform for qualified informational behavior. The last section of the thesis summarizes the results of qualitative research of the effect of licensing policy on the informational environment of the internet through the application of public licenses. The results of such...


Weller, Michael, Di Rosa, Elena January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Multi-Disciplinary Review and Comparison of Project Management for Social Engagement Practices

Crutchfield, Nicole Boudreaux January 2017 (has links)
This paper explores the practices of natural resources management, community development, and public arts by comparing the integration of social engagement as part of project management. All three of these practices originate from goals of social change and continue to advance in their disciplinary fields. Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) is framed in the natural resources management discipline. Community Development (CD) practice is framed in public participation and city planning disciplines. Creative Placemaking (CP) practice is framed in the public art discipline. These disciplines point to the intent to transform existing culture with the goal of becoming more democratic, socially just, transparent, and inclusive. Through the analysis of project management traits, key components are identified for successful project implementation with the goal of resulting in healthy and vibrant communities.

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