Spelling suggestions: "subject:"communmunication 2studies"" "subject:"communmunication 3studies""
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Sveriges Radio - Public Service : Den digitala vägen till nya användareCooper, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this report was to study how the Swedish radio channel Sveriges Radio (SR) website changed over time. What are the differences between various media websites? How many people listen to normal and web-radio and what are the differences between the various services offered on the SR website?</p><p>Reports from the BBC, Statistics Sweden, Mediavision and the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency were compared. Several theoreticians have been studied, including Donald A Norman, Jonas Löwgren, Karen Holtzbratt, Jacob Nielsen and Geoffrey Moore.</p><p>The method used by the author comprised a systematic mapping of statistics from webTrends, KiaIndex, SiteCensus, TNS Gallup/K2analys and reports from RUAB. The data studied have been collected from telephone interviews, postal surveys, internet panels, and from log files. The statistics have then been compared and in some cases tables have been cross-correlated.</p><p>The results from the various studies showed that SR is following the rising trend displayed by a few of the media websites reviewed. It is of particular interest to note that web-radio listening between the final period 2004 and 2005 almost doubled.</p><p>The next stage will be to offer the listener/user a more central position. By listening to users, and above all non-users, the function and content can be adapted to the larger group of pragmatists and conservative listeners that are looking for sustainable and convenient solutions.</p><p>Key words [Streaming, on demand, radio, analogue, web-radio]</p> / <p>Avsikten med den här rapporten var att ta reda på hur Sveriges Radios (SR) sajt förändras över tid. Vilka skillnader finns det mellan olika mediesajter. Hur många lyssnar på vanlig- kontra webbradio samt vad finns det för skillnader mellan olika tjänster på SR:s sajt.</p><p>Jämförelser har gjorts mellan BBC, SCB, Mediavision samt Post & Telestyrelsens rapporter. Flera teoretiker har studerats som Donald A Norman, Jonas Löwgren, Karen Holtzbratt, Jacob Nielsen och Geoffrey Moore.</p><p>Författarens metod bestod av att systematiskt kartlägga statistik från webTrends, KiaIndex, SiteCensus, TNS Gallup/K2analys samt RUAB:s rapporter. De data som undersökts kommer från telefonintervjuer, postenkäter, Internetpaneler samt loggfiler. Statistiken har jämförts med varandra samt i vissa fall har tabellerna korskörts.</p><p>Resultaten från de olika undersökningarna visar att SR följer den uppåtgående trend som några av de undersökta mediesajterna har. Men det mer intressanta är att webbradiolyssningen mellan sista perioden 2004 och 2005 nästan fördubblats.</p><p>Nästa steg blir att se till att lyssnarna/användarna står mer i centrum. Genom att lyssna på användare, men framför allt icke-användare så skulle funktion och innehåll kunna anpassas till den större gruppen pragmatiker och konservativa som vill ha hållbara och bekväma lösningar.</p>
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Counter-strike – den nya sportenWesterholm, Joel January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vad är grejen med dataspel? Det är en fritidssyssla, något som unga killar sysslar med istället för att vara ute i friska luften skulle nog många svara. Det stämmer för en hel del men det har också börjat växa upp en tävlingskultur med proffs, sponsorer och internationella tävlingar. Det kallas för e-sport och är på stark frammarsch, och idag kan ungdomarna som sitter kvar hemma ses som e-sportens amatörer.</p>
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Psykiskt sjukas utsatthet i medierna : En granskning av Svenska Dagbladets och Expressens rapportering om psykiskt sjukaAl, Roza, Dogan, Ceren Xezal January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna studie gick ut på att se om publiceringen av artiklarna som handlar om psykiskt sjuka och rättspsykiatri, ökade i omfång i Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet efter mordet på utrikesministern Anna Lindh den 10 september 2003. Vi ville även analysera några utvalda texter som tar upp psykiskt sjuka i samband med brott. Vi använde oss av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder för att få en så heltäckande studie som möjligt. Det vi kom fram till är att artikelantalet i båda tidningarna ökade efter mordet på Anna Lindh. Dessutom såg vi en tendens till att Expressens artiklar är mer dramatiserande och innehåller fler och större bilder än Svenska Dagbladets artiklar.</p>
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Affischen - Ett döende medium? : En kvalitativ studie av evenemangsaffischeringGustavsson, Jimmy, Lövgren, David January 2010 (has links)
<p>As students of graphic design the craft of print is close to our hearts. One of the most essential mediums of the evolution of printing techniques is the poster. In a world where digital mediums are being utilized to a greater degree everyday, our love for the printed poster makes us wonder if the days of the poster are counted.</p><p>What we did was to take a closer look at the role of the poster in promoting events. We focused on the Stockholm area and did qualitative interviews with three different event promoters. Live Nation which is an international live entertainment promoter, Dramaten which is one of Sweden’s most well respected theaters and Stockholm Live which is a stand up comedy promoter in Stockholm city.</p><p>From doing this we learned that economics play an important part in defining the role of the poster. Our research shows that events with a lower budget utilize a larger degree of promotion through posters. We also learned that the communicative effect of the poster is mainly positive when used in an integrated collaboration with other media channels.</p><p>What we finally drew as a conclusion is that the use of promotion with posters is declining. But there is no reason to believe it will completely disappear as its unique and effective communicative qualities is in no way obsolete.</p>
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Folkhemmets reklam : En jämförelse mellan reklamannonser då och nuFriberg, Henrik, Svarén, Malin January 2010 (has links)
<p>The first ad was published in Sweden 1645. Advertising itself is not a new phenomenon, it's just the conditions that has been changed. Today, advertising is a matter of course in our daily lives, every day we are exposed to thousands of messages that wants to persuade and convince us to consume. In this paper, we have looked into the semiotic and rhetorical tricks that are used for this particular persuasion, and we have investigated whether they have changed in the last 60 years or if the same tricks are still being used today. Our two hypotheses is: A) the rhetorical and semiotic basis of an ad looks the same today as 60 years ago. Despite the obvious difference in layout and graphic design, we believe that persuasion techniques in the form of semiotic and rhetorical character used to sell a product does not differ significantly for the past compared to today. B) Propaganda is used more often in ads from the past then in the ads of today. The purpose of this paper has been to examine whether these hypothesis are correct or not. Our conclusion was based on a qualitative image- and rhetoric analysis applied to six ads from the past (40’s, 50’s and 60’s) and six ads from the present (2010) and the research of how propaganda is used. It was concluded that the hypothesis was not true, instead, we could see during the sixties that led to a different type of ad, a type that is more consistent with today's ads.</p>
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Jag föreställer en kvinna men jag framställer mig själv : En kvalitativ studie i hur kvinnor kommunicerar genom sina kläderBergström, Nina January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis aims at examining factors that influence women’s choice of clothing. Focus lies on what women want to communicate with their clothes, how consumption is used as a means of expression, women’s attitude towards the clothing and the body image that media has created. Is there an underlying idea in a women’s choice of clothing and is she trying to express something specific? Why do women buy the clothes they do? The aim with this thesis is to identify if there is a difference between people from an urban area and those from a small town, as well what role the geographic difference plays in how fashion conscious you are or how you choose your clothes. The theoretical framework applied primarily includes Jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman's theories of consumption, Pierre Bourdieu's theory of distinction and a feminist theory of Judith Butler and Susan Bordo. A qualitative methodology has been applied in the form of extensive interviews with 18 women aged 20-30 living in Stockholm and Karlskrona. The results showed how women use clothing to express their personality in different ways depending on the social situation they’re in. Furthermore the results showed that other women are a woman’s biggest threat and men do not have a big impact on women’s choice of clothing.</p>
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Kvinnor i Rapport : <em>Kvinnorepresentationen i Sveriges mest seddatv-nyhetsprogram</em>Börjesson Bäck, AnnCharlotte January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study is based on the feminist belief in the importance of a reorganization of the existing gender hierarchy, where women have less power than men. Since news media reflect as well as contribute to create the reality we live in has the purpose with this study been to shed some light on how the gender structure is expressed in Sweden’s most popular television news program. I chose to examine one broadcast per day from the Public Service SVT news program Rapport during January 2010 using quantitative content analysis and the result was as follows:</p><ul><li>65 % of the news programs was presented by a woman news anchor </li><li>36 % of the news reports was carried through by a women journalist </li><li>31 % of the interviews contained a female participant </li><li>The representation of female participants in interviews did not depend onif the journalist was a woman or a man</li><li>The representation of female participants in interviews did not depend on if the report was from Sweden or abroad</li><li>Women were more often than men interviewed in the role as nursing staff, development aid worker, teacher or principal, parent of a son, retired and sick or sick leave</li><li>Only men were interviewed in the role as rescue worker, custom staff, member of the armed forces, house owner and tourist.</li></ul>
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Mitt i prick : Optimerad internkommunikationSundén, Johan, Svensson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>As competing organizations struggle to become more effective, one field stands out as one of the vital keys to success; internal communication. Even small errors in information handling can end up into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Managers constantly need to adjust the internal communication to fit variables that mirror the structure of the organization. This thesis is a study about how and in what magnitude structure affects organization’s internal communication.</p><p>We have done qualitative interviews with McDonald’s and Diesel, two different global organizations within the branch of service business. All respondents work in strategic positions. We want to emphasize how organizations with structural differences adjust their communication efforts in order to, as good as possible, optimize their internal communication.</p><p>As a result of our study, we came up with a model showing to what extent the structure affects the internal communication process. The model displays the importance of a well based company structure. It shows how several communication efforts could reinforce the message and how these make it stronger towards its aimed goal; its receiver.</p><p>We found McDonald’s to have a well grounded structure, built up over a long-term process. Diesel’s constant work towards structural improvement has unfortunately caused a lack of continuity. Each company has different opportunities and environmental influences from which they set up an appropriate structure. We see that companies efforts to reinforce its internal communication need to relate to their choice of structure.</p><p>Due to McDonald’s solid structure, the communication efforts easily can be applied, generating an optimal internal communication. With the correct adjustments, Diesel can indeed be able to achieve this too.</p><p>We find Diesel to be in need of an eligible structure that they can then keep intact. If they manage this, and if they perceive the right communication efforts, we find Diesel to have great potential of reaching their goal of becoming the number one competitive force in its market. Still, we find the field to be fairly unexplored, further research could confirm or disclaim our conclusions and enlighten the complexity of internal communication.</p><p><strong><p>Keywords:</p>Internal communication, structure, education, communication channels, continuity </strong></p>
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Att hitta rätt färg : Användbarhetsanalys och redesign av ett webbaserat program med fokus på färg och programmets färgkodFreeney, Donal January 2010 (has links)
<p>Vi har gjort en användbarhetsanalys på MiniQ, ett webbaserat datorprogram som är ett beslutsstöd för läkare och sjuksköterskor gällande medicinering. Vi utförde en användbarhetstest där 6 deltagare utförde förutbestämda uppgifter i programmet. Vi upptäckte en del problem, och påstår att orsaken för det flesta av problemen är en lucka mellan användarens mentala modell av programmet och hur programmet och gränssnittet är uppbyggt. Min egen mer detaljerade forskningsstudie var att tillämpa färgteorier för att göra gränssnittet mer attraktivt samt göra programmets färgkod mer intuitiv. Vi presenterade för företaget QPMedtech ett designförslag som vi skapat genom att följa en användarfokuserad designprocess.</p>
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"Ibland säger pappa; akta så du inte blir för tjock!” : En kvalitativ studie kring medier, barn och fetma / ”Sometimes my dad says; be careful so you don’t get to fat!” : A qualitative study about medium, children and obesityKastensson, Carolina, Martinsson, Emelie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vi har genom en kvalitativ fokusgruppsstudie undersökt hur barns uppfattning ser ut angående mediernas rapportering och påverkan kring fetma. Syftet är att se hur barn i tioårsålder upplever att de påverkas av den rapportering kring hälsa och främst fetma som återfinns i dagspressen. Genom fokusgruppsintervjuer har vi velat få fram barnens egen syn på mediernas framställning av fetma och hälsa. Vi vill även se hur två rikstäckande dagstidningar framstället barn och fetma i sina artiklar under en viss tid, detta som ett underlag för vår studie om barnens uppfattning om ämnet.</p><p>I resultatet resonerar vi kring vad medierna säger om fetma och barn och hur bilden av detta ser ut i de dagstidningar vi valt. När det gäller studien av dagstidningarnas rapportering kring fetma och övervikt fann vi att fokus i första hand ligger på Sverige och USA. Innehållet är främst inriktat på samhällsartiklar och forskning kring ämnet. Vi fann att de flesta barn vi samtalade med inte anser att de påverkas av mediernas rapporteringar. De var ändå medvetna om att medierna ger en speciell och konstlad bild av hur samhället bör vara, och att den bilden inte alltid stämmer överens med deras egen verklighet.</p>
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