Spelling suggestions: "subject:"communicative leadership"" "subject:"kommunicative leadership""
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Kvinnliga ledare kommunicerar : Motiv och former inom den svenska mediebranschen / Female leaders communicate : Motifs and forms in the Swedish media industryKestic, Dino, Behramaj, Jehona January 2012 (has links)
From an early age kids learn that their good performance and efforts will be rewarded. Unfortunately, not all leaders in the media industry are rewarded or given the same opportunities to exercise their communicative leadership, according to studies in media research. The aim of our study is to highlight female managers' experiences of their communicative leadership in the Swe-dish media industry. This study was based on qualitative interviews with four female respondents in management positions. The core of the study concerns female communicative leadership and interpersonal communication. We can draw the conclusion that female leaders perceive that their communicative role tends to be collaborative and that effective leadership is first and fore-most a matter of communication skills.
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The Dynamics of Developing Leadership Communication in OrganisationsBergman, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Leadership development is an area which is a top priority for organisations. While communication has historically been viewed as one of many leadership activities, it has recently been suggested to be more central to, even constitutive of, leadership. It has also been put forth that communication researchers may provide a means to develop new theoretical frameworks from which to develop leadership. The purpose of this thesis is to further the theoretical understanding of communicative leadership development, specifically in the form of training efforts. Furthermore, the goal is to provide a new understanding to practitioners who are working with the development of communicative leadership. This is a compilation thesis that consists of three papers. An initial literature review shows that the development of leadership communication receives interest from fields related to health, for instance, from nursing teams, businesses, the military and construction. On the other hand, the subject doesn’t receive as much attention from the field of communication studies. The results of the thesis are based on interviews with managers and communication professionals in two organisations. The findings show several benefits from having communication professionals take on a role as communication trainers, such as increased visibility of the communication department within the organisation and the opportunity to continue to support the leaders after the trainings. Additionally, a framework of adult learning is used to analyse the interviews, which highlights several points of adult learning that are relevant to the development of leadership communication. Based on the empirical data and the literature review, a model of communicative leadership development is suggested. This model is an amalgamation of what was learned from the three papers and summarises the understanding that was gained. Moreover, the model should provide practitioners with a basis for developing communicative leadership trainings as well as for developing the theory of communicative leadership. / En av de högsta prioriteringarna i organisationer idag är ledarskapsutveckling. Historiskt sett har kommunikation betraktats som en sekundär funktion av ledarskap, men på senare år har forskare argumenterat för att kommunikation är mer centralt än så, möjligen det som konstituerar ledarskap. Det har dessutom föreslagits att kommunikationsfältet kan bidra till nya teoretiska ramverk för ledarskapsutveckling. Syftet med denna avhandling är att utöka den teoretiska kunskapen kring kommunikativ ledarskapsutveckling. Vidare, är målet att bidra med ny kunskap till praktiker som arbetar med att utveckla kommunikativt ledarskap. Avhandlingen är en sammanläggning som består av tre artiklar. Den första artikeln är en litteraturstudie, de andra två är kvalitativa studier som är baserade på intervjuer. I artikel 1 undersöks artiklar som publicerat empiriska studier av ledarskapsprogram som syftar till att förbättra kommunikationen. Resultaten visar att forskare inom hälsorelaterade fält, gällande exempelvis team inom kirurgi och sjukskötersketeam, studerar möjliga sätt att förbättra kommunikationen. Å andra sidan verkar kommunikationsfältet inte studera ämnet i samma utsträckning. Artikel 2 fokuserar på den nya rollen som tränare som kommunikatörer har antagit. Flera fördelar med att använda interna tränare hittas, bland annat att de blir synligare i organisationerna och kan stötta ledarna även efter träningen. I artikel tre undersöks en organisations kommunikationsträningsprogram genom ett ramverk baserat på teorier kring vuxet lärande. Denna teoribildning visar sig kunna bidra till insikter kring träningsprogram i kommunikativt ledarskap, men vissa anpassningar till organisationskontexter behövs. Sammanfattningsvis ger de tre artiklarna en grund för en modell i kommunikativ ledarskapsutveckling. Modellen är ett resultat av lärdomar från alla tre artiklarna och summerar aktuell forskning. Vidare bör modellen kunna användas som en grund för praktiker som vill utveckla kommunikativt ledarskap.
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Identitet och kommunikativt ledarskap i en fragmenterad organisation : En studie av Karlstads kommun och dess chefsbrev / Identity and communicative leadership in a fragmented organization : A study of Karlstad municipality and its managerial letterWigertoft, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur Karlstads kommuns chefer ser på chefsbrevet, ett månatligt nyhetsbrev som sänds ut till dem. Brevet innehåller information som ska underlätta för kommunens chefer att bedriva ett kommunikativt ledarskap med fokus på meningsskapande och delaktighet. Karlstads kommun är emellertid en stor och fragmenterad organisation och som chef är det en utmaning att ha ett helhetsperspektiv. Studiens frågeställningar baserar sig dels på om det finns en samsyn mellan cheferna på de olika delarna av kommunen gällande organisationens identitet och dels på hur de beskriver sitt ledarskap. Chefsbrevets relation till dessa båda fenomen ingår också i frågeställningarna. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar arbetades ett ramverk fram där kärnan bestod av teoribildningar kring meningsskapande, organisationsidentitet och kommunikativt ledarskap. Det gemensamma meningsskapandet utgör en central del i både studerandet av organisationsidentiteten och det kommunikativa ledarskapet. Metoden som valdes för att genomföra studien var kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta eftersom att frågeställningarna var av den art att de krävde djupare och mer utförliga svar. En intervjuguide arbetades fram med utgångspunkt i det teoretiska ramverket och personer att intervjua kontaktades. Totalt genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer med mottagare av chefsbrevet. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes och analyserades sedan utifrån de tidigare uppställda teorierna. Resultatet visade att intervjupersonerna i stor utsträckning hade en samsyn gällande de egenskaper som de såg som centrala och kännetecknande för Karlstads kommun. Värt att notera var också att dessa egenskaper låg väldigt nära kommunens varumärkeslöften. Ett av de kommunala bolagen visade sig dock ha en stark egen identitet som skiljde sig från den övriga kommunens. Resultatet pekade också på att intervjupersonerna på flera sätt arbetade enligt kriterierna för ett kommunikativt ledarskap. Utifrån resultatet så presenterades sedan slutsatserna där det gick att utläsa att de forum för gemensamt meningsskapande som finns inom kommunen lyfts fram som särskilt viktiga när det handlar om att skapa en enad organisationsidentitet och en sammanhållning. Chefsbrevets roll som identitetsskapare får ses som tämligen begränsad även om det har en funktion i att bidra så att kommunens samtliga chefer får samma information. Gällande det kommunikativa ledarskapet så bidrar det till viss del med hjälp att sortera ut vad som är viktigt men den kommunikativa utmaningen att rama in och kontextualisera budskapen ligger fortfarande på den enskilda chefen. / The purpose of this essay was to study how the managers of Karlstad municipality views the managerial letter, a monthly newsletter which is sent to them. The letter contains information that will facilitate for the municipal managers to engage in communicative leadership with a focus on sensemaking and participation. The questions of the study are based partly on whether there is a consensus between the managers of the various parts of the municipality regarding the organization's identity and partly on how they describe their leadership. The managerial letter related to these two phenomena are also worked into the questions. A framwork was brought together based on the study's purpose where the core consisted of theories of sensemaking, organizational identity and communicative leadership. Collective sensemaking is a central part of both the study of organizational identity and communicative leadership. The method selected for the study was qualitative interviews. Because of the fact that the questions required deeper and more detailed answers. An interview guide was developed based on the theoretical framework and the people to interview were contacted. A total of nine interviews were conducted with recipients of the managerial letter. The results of the interviews were compiled and then analyzed on the basis of the previously established theories. The results showed that the respondents shared a consensus regarding the characteristics they viewed as central and distinctive of the municipality of Karlstad. Worth noting was that the findings shared similar charachteristics to those of the municipality's brand promise. One of the municipal companies however proved to have a strong identity of its own, distinct from the rest of the municipality. The findings also indicated that the interviewees in several ways worked under the criteria of the communicative leadership. A conclusion was presented based on the results and it was possible to deduce that the forums for collective senemaking within the municipality were highlighted as particularly important in relation to create a unified organizational identity and cohesion. The role of the managerial letter however has to be seen as quite limited in that sense although it has some function in contributing to that the managers of the municipality all receive the same information. The managerial letter helps to some extent in regards to the communicative leadership with the task sort out important information, but the communicative challenge to frame and contextualize the messages is still up to the managers.
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Rättesnöre eller sammelsurium? : En kvalitativ fallstudie vid Landstinget i Värmland om mellanchefers roll i att förankra den övergripande verksamhetsplanen / Canon or hotchpotch? : A qualitative study at the County Council in Värmland about mid manager’s role in establishing the general business planHenriksen, Emilia January 2013 (has links)
Abstract It is valuable in large organization with multiple hierarchical levels that the general goals are communicated at all levels of the organization. Organizations usually have an overall business plan, which should serve as a guide and indicate the organization’s direction. Middle managers have an important part in communicating the overall business plan since they are a link between upper management and employees. The purpose of this study was to examine how middle managers, in their role as a link between upper management and employees, communicate the overall business plan. The study was conducted at the County council in Värmland, which represents a large hierarchical organization. The overall business plan was landstingplanen. The theoretical framework used was primarily theories and previous research in organizational communication, communicative leadership and communication and structure. Eight middle managers were selected through a variety selection. The eight respondents were interviewed to examine in what way they are communicating and establishing the County council's overall business plan. The results showed that the overall business plan is established and communicated in the different levels of the organization since it is broken down in two steps. The overall business plan functions as a support and gives guidance in how to accomplish the goals that are conveyed. The balanced scorecard that is a part of the overall business plan fills an important role in what middle management choose to priorities and communicate to their employees. However, the results indicated that the general formulation in the overall business plan resulted in a relatively free interpretation among the middle managers. Furthermore, the results showed that the attitudes against the County council’s vision among the respondents were fairly negative. The results also indicated that the middle managers are operating from a communicative leadership in communicating the overall business plan to their employees, but for this to be realized there must be a communicative empowerment. The results also showed that discrepancy between the upper management and the employees was perceived as large, which may obstruct the middle managers to establish the overall business plan.
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Värdeskapande intern kommunikation med Lean kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap : Modell för Lean kommunikation för att stärka och medvetet arbeta med värdeskapande intern kommunikation i Leanbaserade verksamheter,Lindell, Sabina, Eldsand, Marlene January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Leanbaserade/Leaninspirerade verksamheter i svensk offentlig sektor arbetar för att åstadkomma värdeskapande intern kommunikation. Utgångspunkten var att dagens demografiska utveckling parallellt med effektiviseringskrav innebär utmaningar för kommuner att säkra välfärd och kundnöjdhet samt att detta arbete behöver börja internt gentemot medarbetarna för att ge effekt utåt till kunderna. Lean kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap har seglat upp som två relativt nya begrepp som ännu inte utforskats så mycket, men som tar sikte på just värdeskapande kommunikation. Denna studie fokuserade på dessa begrepp på teoretisk nivå och utforskade hur de kan användas praktiskt och strategiskt för att stärka värdeskapande intern kommunikation. Empirin utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med 15 chefer/ledare från sex kommuner, som analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsatsen var att det fanns ganska stor överensstämmelse mellan respondenterna om vad som ansågs vara framgångsfaktorer, vad som utmärker en bra kommunikativ ledare samt hur de arbetade med intern kommunikation i det dagliga arbetet. Tydlighet och visualisering var de mest frekventa aspekter som lyftes. Likaså var kopplingen till Lean kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap påtaglig – även om inte samtliga intervjuade kände till eller använde begreppen arbetade de utifrån dem undermedvetet. Däremot var det få som hade fungerande strategier för att göra cheferna/ledarna mer kommunikativa och flera lyfte brister kopplade till uppföljning, utvärdering och feedback. Utifrån studiens resultat togs en modell för Lean kommunikation fram, med tillhörande checklista, som kan användas av Lean verksamheter för att stärka och medvetet arbeta med värdeskapande intern kommunikation. / The purpose of this study was to explore how Lean based/Lean inspired enterprises in Swedish public sector acts to attain value-adding internal communication. The starting point was that the contemporary demographic development combined with demands for cost-effectiveness entail challenges for municipalities to safeguard welfare and customer satisfaction, and that this task needs to start internally towards the employees in order to bring effects externally towards the customers. Lean communication and communicative leadership has arisen as two relatively new concepts which have not yet been extensively explored, but which aim precisely at value-adding communication. This study focussed on these two concepts at a theoretical level and explored how they can be utilised practically and strategically in order to improve value-adding internal communication. The empirical data consisted of semistructured interviews with 15 managers/leaders from six municipalities, which have been analysed with qualitative content analysis. The conclusion was that there existed a relatively substantial congruity between the respondents concerning what was considered success factors, what distinguishes a good communicative leader and how they handled internal communication in the daily work. Clarity and visualisation were the most frequently aspects mentioned. Additionally, the linkage to Lean communication and communicative leadership was palpable – even though not all of the respondents were familiar with or used the concepts, they were utilising them subconsciously. However, only a minority of them had functioning strategies to facilitate leaders to be more communicative and several of them acknowledged shortcomings concerning follow-up, evaluation and feedback. Based on the study’s results, a model for Lean communication was created – with a checklist attached – which can be deployed by Lean enterprises in order to strengthen and consciously work with value-adding internal communication. / <p>2019-0-27</p>
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KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppetAxäll, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
<p>AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership – a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap – ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership. It also includes two personal in-terviews. After analysing the interviews, the result is compared with the litera-ture and discussed in the last chapter. The essay concludes with a definition of communicative leadership.Main results: The following definition of communicative leadership was formulated after concluding the study: In communicative leadership communication is used as the main means of control in order to create joint action and thereby excellent company results. The leadership is based on a conscious and open communication that leads to understanding and participation among employees, as well as to sound and thoroughly founded decisions and well-informed business development. The leadership is constantly practised in formal and informal conversation and dialogue situations where true exchange of opinions and sense making is de-sired. For the communicative leader the employees are the most valuable re-sources in the organization. He or she assumes that employees want to suc-ceed, and will do so, if the right conditions are in place. The communicative leader wants to lead and inspire, emanates joy and comfort, and receives as manager the trust of being a leader.Number of pages: 63Course: Media and Communications Studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2005-01-17, autumn term of 2004Tutor: Professor Lowe HedmanKeywords: Communicative leadership, communicative competence, communicative fol-lowership, communicative processes, decentralized organizations, leadership, organizational culture, internal communication, definition of leadership.</p>
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KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppetAxäll, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership – a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap – ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership. It also includes two personal in-terviews. After analysing the interviews, the result is compared with the litera-ture and discussed in the last chapter. The essay concludes with a definition of communicative leadership.Main results: The following definition of communicative leadership was formulated after concluding the study: In communicative leadership communication is used as the main means of control in order to create joint action and thereby excellent company results. The leadership is based on a conscious and open communication that leads to understanding and participation among employees, as well as to sound and thoroughly founded decisions and well-informed business development. The leadership is constantly practised in formal and informal conversation and dialogue situations where true exchange of opinions and sense making is de-sired. For the communicative leader the employees are the most valuable re-sources in the organization. He or she assumes that employees want to suc-ceed, and will do so, if the right conditions are in place. The communicative leader wants to lead and inspire, emanates joy and comfort, and receives as manager the trust of being a leader.Number of pages: 63Course: Media and Communications Studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2005-01-17, autumn term of 2004Tutor: Professor Lowe HedmanKeywords: Communicative leadership, communicative competence, communicative fol-lowership, communicative processes, decentralized organizations, leadership, organizational culture, internal communication, definition of leadership.
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Uppdrag arbetslagsledare : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslagsledares ledarskap. / Mission team leader : A quantitative study about team leaders' leadership.Andersson, Marika January 2018 (has links)
Det finns idag mycket kunskap om vilka faktorer som leder till ökat resultat för eleverna. Trots det har vi i Sverige fortfarande en hög andel elever som inte når gymnasiebehörighet i årskurs 9. På den skola jag är verksam som rektor gjordes en nulägesanalys höstterminen 2016 inför ett samverkansprojekt med Skolverket; resultatet av den analysen visar på hur arbetslagsledarna är en outnyttjad resurs. Deras uppdrag har mer kommit att handla om att förmedla information från rektor till laget och att leda lagmöten, än att leda skolutvecklingsprocesser. Mot bakgrund av ovanstående ställer jag följande frågor: 1) Vilket ledarskap utövar arbetslagsledare i olika situationer? 2) Hur kan arbetslagsledarens syn på det egna uppdraget förstås? 3) På vilket sätt påverkar olika bakgrundsvariabler hur arbetslagsledaren utövar sitt ledarskap? Ett antal hypoteser ställs upp i syfte att försöka besvara frågorna och datainsamling sker genom att en enkät skickas ut till arbetslagsledare i olika grundskolor. De bakgrundsvariabler som prövas är: kön, tid på arbetsplatsen, tid som arbetslagsledare, hur uppdraget tilldelats, storleken på laget, förstelärare eller inte, och vilken huvudman respondenten har. Respondenterna får läsa sex olika scenarier och därefter ta ställning till olika handlingsalternativ, utformade utifrån fyra olika teorier om ledarskap: abdikerat ledarskap, auktoritärt ledarskap, kommunikativt ledarskap och etiskt ledarskap. Det finns även ett femte alternativ där respondenten har möjlighet till ett eget alternativ. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att den ledarskapsstil som arbetslagsledare, oberoende av bakgrund, i högsta grad väljer är den etiskt-kommunikativa ledarskapsstilen, förutom i scenario 1. Vilket handlar om att hantera ett ärende där en kollega inte följer de normer och värden som finns för skolan. Vidare visar en analys av resultatet att det behöver finnas en tydlig uppdragsbeskrivning med ett tydligt mandat som ska vara känt av alla. Då skapas större förutsättningar för arbetslagsledaren att leda de nödvändiga processerna mot ökad måluppfyllelse. / There is a lot of knowledge today about factors that lead to increased results for the students. Nevertheless, in Sweden, we still have a high proportion of students who do not reach secondary competence in grade 9. At the school where I am principal, an analysis was conducted in the autumn term 2016 for a collaboration project with the Swedish National Agency for Education. The result of this analysis shows how the team leaders are an unutilized resource, whose mission has become more about mediate information from the principal to the team and conducting team meetings, than to lead school development processes. In view of this, I ask the following questions: 1) Which leaderships do team leaders practise in different situations? 2) How can team leaders view for their own mission understands? 3) In what way do different background variables affect the way the team leader practise her leadership? A number of hypotheses are set up in purpose to try to answer these questions and data collection is done by sending questionnaires to team leaders in various elementary schools. The background variables tested are: gender, time at workplace, time as team leader, how the assignment is assigned, the size of the team, first teacher or not, and what head of school the respondent has. The respondents reads six different scenarios and then take a stand in different action options, based on the theories of four different leaderships: abdicated leadership, authoritative leadership, communicative leadership, and ethical leadership. There is also a fifth option where the respondent is given the opportunity an alternative of her own. The result of the survey shows that the leadershipstyle that team leaders, regardless of background, choose to the highest degree is the ethical-communicative. Except in scenario 1 which is about managing a case where a colleague does not comply with the norms and values of the school. An analysis of the result also shows that there must be a clear mission statement with a clear mandate that should be known by everyone. This will create greater prerequisites for the team leader to lead the necessary processes towards increased goal achievement.
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Chefers upplevelse av ledarskapet under coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie av chefer inom banksektorn / Managers' experience of leadership during the corona pandemic : A qualitative study of managers in the banking sectorKranning Hillgren, Chanell, Dovenius, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Banksektorn är en av samhällets viktigaste funktioner och har genomsyrats av strukturella förändringar under åren som förklaras tvingat organisationerna att genomgå inre omställningar. Exempel på dessa förändringar är ny teknik och IT-utvecklingen som på senare år influerat branschen. Banksektorn som många andra branscher har drabbats av en kris i form av coronapandemin vilket innebär yttre påfrestningar. Krissituationen är intressant att studera för att skapa en förståelse för hur ledarskapet hos chefer inom banksektorn har fått hantera de yttre effekterna som coronapandemin medfört. I detta arbete är därför syftet att få en förståelse för hur chefer inom den svenska banksektorn upplever ledarskapet under coronapandemin. Arbetet riktas in på att skapa en förklaring för hur ledarskapet utövats och anpassats under krissituationen. Ledarskapsperspektiv som anses relevanta för den aktuella krissituationen används för att tolka upplevelserna. I studien används en kvalitativ undersökning i form av intervjustudier. Studiens data kommer från semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenterna utgörs av bankchefer. Teorin kommer att beskriva tidigare forskning kring ämnet ledarskap samt perspektiv på ledarskap som berörs. Det redogörs för egenskaper som utlyser respektive ledarskapsteori. I empirin presenteras respondenternas upplevelse kring ledarskapet samt upplevelsen av ledarskapet under coronapandemin. Krisledning upplevts tillämpats i organisationer för att leda organisationen genom krisen. Det visar vidare på att den krissituation som uppstod medförde förändringar för organisationen och för ledningen, vilket visas genom en digital omställning. Vilket kan ha bidragit till att tillämpningen av distansledarskap och digitalt ledarskap ökat. Omställningen till ett digitalt arbetssätt har medfört att chefernas ledarskap har inkluderats mer av egenskaper som flexibilitet, individanpassning, kommunikation och coaching under pandemin. En slutsats är också att ledarskapet utifrån chefernas upplevelse har haft inslag av olika inriktningar inom ledarskapet som kan förstås genom olika ledarskapsperspektiv . / The banking sector is one of society's most important functions and has been permeated by structural changes over the years that are declared to have forced organizations to undergo internal changes. Examples of these changes are new technology and IT development that has influenced the industry in recent years. Like many other industries, the banking sector has been affected by a crisis in the form of the corona pandemic, which also means that the industry has been affected by external pressures. The crisis is described as interesting to study to create an understanding of how the leadership of managers in the banking sector had to deal with the external effects that the corona pandemic has brought. In this work, the aim is to understand how managers in the Swedish banking sector experience leadership during the corona pandemic and the leadership during the crisis. The study has focused on creating an explanation for how leadership has been adapted in a crisis. Leadership perspectives that are considered relevant to the current crisis are used to interpret the experience. In the thesis, a qualitative survey was carried out in the form of interview studies. The data is based on semi-structured interviews where the respondents are bank managers. The theory should describe previous research about leadership and perspective on leadership. For the theories presented, it is described as characteristics that proclaim respectively. The empirical presents the respondents' experience leadership and leadership experience during the corona pandemic. Crisis management has been used in the organization to lead the organization through the crisis. Furthermore, it shows that the crisis led to changes for organizations and the management, which shows by a digital change. The digital transformation may have contributed to the application of remote leadership and digital leadership. The change to a digital way of working that has taken place in leadership means that leadership has been included more in characteristics such as flexibility, individual adaptation, communication, and coaching extent during the pandemic. A conclusion is also that leadership based on the managers' experience has been influenced by specific leadership orientations that can be understood through a leadership perspective.
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