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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh opatření na snížení zákaznických reklamací / Draft measures to reduce customer complaints

Charvátová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with customer complaints of headlamps in Automotive Lighting s.r.o. The goal is to analyze the state of customer complaints for 2018 and to evaluate the biggest source of nonconformities in terms of the type of complaint based on Pareto analysis. The thesis focuses on solution of one particular type of complaint. The key part of the thesis is also the processing of the process analysis, the evaluation of the causes of the complaint and the draft of corrective measures that would eliminate the problem. The conclusion of the thesis contains evaluation of the proposed corrective measures, including from the economic point of view.

Optimalizace procesu řízení interních a zákaznických reklamací ve firmě REHAU / Process optimalization of internal and customer complaint management in REHAU

Štindlová, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the process of internal and customer complaint management in REHAU Automotive s.r.o., Moravská Třebová. Based on the facts to make own proposals for improving the process of managing inter-nal and customer complaints, which will lead to a more efficient process, thus saving time, costs and overall improving of quality management in the company.

Řízení jakosti a řízení reklamací ve společnosti / Quality Control and Control of Complaints in the Company

Krčálová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with the current state of quality control system and control of complaints. Based on the information obtained from the analysis of the current situation in the company there is proposal of options and methods for quality improvements and control of complaints in the distribution process.

Entraînement de la mémoire chez les personnes âgées ayant une plainte mnésique : contribution de la réalité virtuelle au transfert et rôle de l’attention

Ouellet, Émilie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Service Recovery genom hantering av eWOM : En studie om svenska e-handelns modebransch.

Abou Khaled, Omar, Oleandersson, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Service Recovery genom hantering av eWOM - En studie om e-handelns modebransch. Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Omar Aboukhaled & Viktor Oleandersson. Handledare: Akmal Hyder. Datum: 2022 juni. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur e-handelsföretag inom modebranschen hanterar negativ eWOM genom nyttjandet av Service Recovery. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med ett hermeneutistiskt synsätt samt en induktiv forskningsansats. Empirin består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Digitala utvecklingen har givit ett stort utrymme för Service Failure, det har även underlättat för eWOM att spridas. Vanligaste orsakerna till att negativ eWOM sprids enligt studien är framförallt leveransproblem eller missnöje över en produkt. Studien visar även att majoriteten av företagen saknar en plan för Service Recovery och istället förlitar sig på kundserviceavdelningen. Studiens bidrag: Studiens bidrag till teorin inom marknadsföring är en ökad förståelsekring hur svenska företag inom e-handelns modebransch hanterar negativ eWOM samtorsakerna till eWOMs uppkomst. Det praktiska bidraget är en visdom för ehandelsföretag inom modebranschen för att kunna utforma en Service Recovery strategisamt vilka aspekter som kan förebygga negativ eWOM. Förslag till vidare forskning: Forskningen kan fördjupas ytterligare genom att ta hänsyn till kundens perspektiv. Vidare framgick det i denna studie att den digitala utvecklingen har påverkat e-handelsföretag och eWOM markant, därav blir det av intresse att undersöka hur företag ska handskas med digitaliseringen. Slutligen är ett förslag att undersöka detta ämne inom andra branscher. / Title: Service Recovery by managing eWOM - A study of the e-commerce fashion industry. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration. Authors: Omar Abou Khaled & Viktor Oleandersson. Supervisor: Akmal Hyder. Date: 2022 June. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how e-commerce companies in the fashion industry manage negative eWOM through the use of Service Recovery. Method: This study is based on a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach and an inductive research approach. The empirical data consists of seven semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: Digital development has given a lot of room for mistakes, it is also easier for eWOM to spread. The most common reasons for negative eWOM spreading are mainly delivery issues or dissatisfaction with a product. The study also shows that the majority of companies lack strategies and instead rely on the customer service department, which makes it important to have well-trained staff. Contribution: The study’s contribution to the theory in marketing is an increased understanding of how Swedish companies in the e-commerce fashion industry manage negative eWOM and the reasons for eWOM’s emergence. The practical contribution is a wisdom for e-commerce companies in the fashion industry to be able to design a Service Recovery strategy and the aspects that can prevent negative eWOM. Suggestions for future research: The research can be further deepened by taking the customer perspective into account. It will also be of interest to investigate how companies should deal with digitalisation. Finally, a suggestion is to study this topic in other industries.

Plainte subjective de mémoire : déterminants psychologiques, recherche d'aide médicale et efficacité d'une prise en charge psychoéducative / Subjective memory complaint : psychological determinants, medical help-seeking and efficacy of a psychoeducational program

Tandetnik, Caroline 13 November 2015 (has links)
Contexte : La plainte subjective de mémoire correspond à la perception de difficultés de mémoire par le sujet, alors que les performances mnésiques objectives, évaluées par un bilan neuropsychologique, sont normales. Notre recherche visait premièrement à identifier les déterminants psychologiques de la plainte subjective de mémoire et deuxièmement, à évaluer les effets d'un programme psychoéducatif dédié à cette plainte, le programme PrévMém. Méthodologie : Les participants, qui tous se plaignaient de leur mémoire, ont été recrutés soit par les neurologues d'un service spécialisé dans la mémoire, soit par le biais d'une complémentaire santé. Un bilan neuropsychologique permettait de confirmer l'absence de troubles objectifs de mémoire. Des évaluations psychologiques (plainte de mémoire, métamémoire, dépression, anxiété, schémas précoces inadaptés de Young) par auto-questionnaires informatisés ont eu lieu avant le programme (n=144), à la fin du programme (n= 104) puis un an après la fin de celui-ci (n=34). Un bilan neuropsychologique était à nouveau réalisé un an après la fin du programme. Le programme PrévMém consistait en 5 séances de deux heures en groupe, à raison d'une séance par semaine animées par différents professionnels de santé. Résultats : A l'entrée du programme, les facteurs les plus prédictifs de la plainte de mémoire étaient les schémas de Young, en particulier celui de dépendance / incompétence. De plus, les personnes qui ont été recrutées par le biais d'une consultation dans un service hospitalier spécialisé, se distinguaient des autres par un niveau plus élevé de plainte de mémoire et de symptomatologie anxio-dépressive. Le programme PrévMém a permis de diminuer significativement le niveau de plainte de mémoire, le perfectionnisme mnésique et les inquiétudes envers la maladie d'Alzheimer. Conclusion : Notre étude a confirmé l'influence des facteurs psychologiques sur la plainte de mémoire et a mis en lumière la valeur prédictive du schéma cognitif dépendance / incompétence. Elle a également montré l'intérêt d'une prise en charge psychoéducative. Les résultats suggèrent d'introduire, dans de futures interventions psychothérapeutiques, un travail cognitif ciblé sur ce schéma de dépendance / incompétence. / Background: Subjective memory complaint refers to self-experienced memory difficulties while having normal performances on standardized neuropsychological tests. Our study aimed firstly to identify the psychological predictors of subjective memory complaint and secondly to assess the effects of a psychoeducational program dedicated to this complaint, the PrévMém program. Methods: The participants, who all voiced a memory complaint, were recruited either by neurologists from a memory clinic, or through a health insurance plan. A neuropsychological assessment was performed to confirm the absence of memory impairment. The participants were administered computerized self-report psychological assessments (memory complaint, metacognition, depression, anxiety, Young early maladaptive schemas) before the program (n = 144), at the end of the program (n = 104), and finally one year later (n = 34). Another neuropsychological assessment was also performed one year after the end of the program. The PrévMém program consisted of 5 weekly 120-minute sessions, in a group setting, led by different health professionals. Results: At the time of entrance into the program, the best determinants of subjective memory complaint were the Young early maladaptive schemas, more specifically that measuring dependence /incompetence. In addition, participants who were recruited through the memory clinic differed from the others in that they showed a higher level of memory complaint and a higher level of anxiety and depression. The PrévMém program significantly reduced the memory complaint, memory "perfectionism" and concerns towards Alzheimer's disease. Conclusion: Our study confirmed the influence of psychological factors on memory complaints and highlighted the predictive value of the dependence / incompetence cognitive schema. It also underscores the value of a psychoeducational intervention. Our results suggest that it may be worthwhile to introduce cognitive restructuring that targets the schema of dependence/incompetence in future psychotherapeutic interventions.

Die UNESCO-Strategie zu Menschenrechten und Umsetzung ('Monitoring')

Winter, Marie 09 December 2013 (has links)
Ist von der Arbeit der UNESCO die Rede, werden ihre Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Menschenrechte häufig vernachlässigt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es deshalb, durch die Beschreibung und Bewertung der menschenrechtlichen Verpflichtungen und Aktivitäten der UNESCO, den Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur und den Menschenrechten aufzuzeigen und damit die Bedeutung der menschenrechtlichen Arbeit der UNESCO zu verdeutlichen. Dabei wird zunächst auf die, von der UNESCO entwickelten, Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte Bezug genommen und deren Inhalt und Umsetzung kritisch betrachtet. Zudem werden die beiden Monitoring-Verfahren der UNESCO (Staatenberichtsverfahren und Individualbeschwerdeverfahren) vorgestellt und analysiert. Dabei werden vor allem vorhandene Defizite und Probleme der menschenrechtlichen Arbeit der UNESCO hervorgehoben und gezeigt, dass insbesondere im Bereich der Monitoring-Verfahren Reformbedarf besteht.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis II Literaturverzeichnis III 1. Einleitung 1 2. Die UNESCO und ihre Verantwortlichkeit für den Schutz der Menschenrechte 2 3. Die UNESCO-Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte 4 3.1 Entstehung der UNESCO-Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und ihre rechtliche Einordnung 4 3.2 Inhalt der UNESCO-Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte 4 a) Human Rights Mainstreaming 5 b) Förderung von Forschung und Wissensweitergabe 5 c) Menschenrechtsbildung 5 d) Stärkung von Partnerschaften 6 e) Standard-Setting und Monitoring 6 3.3 Zwischenergebnis 6 4. Umsetzung der UNESCO-Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte 8 4.1 Beispiele für menschenrechtliche Aktivitäten der UNESCO 8 a) im Bereich Human Rights Mainstreaming 8 b) im Bereich der Förderung von Forschung und Wissensweitergabe 8 c) im Bereich Menschenrechtsbildung 9 d) im Bereich der Stärkung von Partnerschaften 9 e) im Bereich Standard-Setting und Monitoring 9 4.2 Zwischenergebnis 10 5. Monitoring-Verfahren der UNESCO 11 5.1 Der Ausschuss für Übereinkommen und Empfehlungen 11 5.2 Staatenberichtsverfahren 12 a) Grundlagen 12 b) Verfahrensablauf 12 c) Probleme und Kritik 12 5.3 Individualbeschwerdeverfahren 13 a) Grundlagen 13 b) Verfahrensablauf 15 c) Besonderheiten 15 d) Probleme und Kritik 16 5.4 Reformvorschläge für die Monitoring-Verfahren der UNESCO 17 5.5 Zwischenergebnis 18 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 19


BRUNA DE MOURA CORTES COUTINHO 25 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] A pandemia do COVID-19 teve impactos sem precedentes em indivíduos e comunidades em todo o mundo. Uma questão de grande preocupação é o impacto da pandemia na saúde mental. O isolamento, o medo e a incerteza causados pelo vírus levaram ao aumento das taxas de ansiedade, depressão e outros problemas de saúde mental. As preocupações com o aumento da prevalência de distúrbios psicológicos já estão levando os países a incluir a saúde mental e o apoio psicossocial em seus planos de resposta à COVID-19, mas, apesar disso, permanecem grandes lacunas e preocupações. Os múltiplos estressores desencadeados pelo vírus, somados às graves interrupções nos serviços públicos, deixaram sérias lacunas no atendimento de quem mais precisa. Além do agravamento e generalização de condições de saúde mental pré-existentes, agora também há a necessidade de acomodar questões recém-desenvolvidas. Nosso objetivo é, portanto, investigar os principais motivos que levaram os pacientes do Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada da PUC-Rio a buscar tratamento psicológico antes (2019) e durante a pandemia (2020 e 2021). Através de uma análise lexical dos formulários de demanda psicológica, pretendemos rastrear as possíveis transições e agravos entre demandas psicológicas de adultos (artigo 1) e famílias (artigo 2) utilizando o software IRaMuTeQ e o método Reinert, que analisa qualitativa e quantitativamente as transcrições relatórios. Por meio desse recurso de análise, é possível começar a mapear e investigar as queixas subjetivas desses pacientes, sua evolução e suas correlações. / [en] The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impacts on individuals and communities around the world. A matter of great concern is the impact of the pandemic on mental health. The isolation, fear and uncertainty caused by the virus has led to increased rates of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Concerns about the increasing prevalence of psychological disorders are already leading countries to include mental health and psychosocial support in their COVID-19 response plans, but despite this, major gaps and concerns remain. The multiple stressors triggered by the virus, in addition to the severe interruptions in public services, have left serious gaps in the care of those who need it most. In addition to the worsening and generalization of pre-existing mental health conditions, there is now also a need to accommodate newly developed issues. Our objective is therefore to investigate the main reasons that led patients from the Service of Applied Psychology at PUC-Rio to seek psychological treatment before (2019) and during the pandemic (2020 and 2021). Through a lexical analysis of the psychological demand forms, we intend to trace the possible transitions and aggravations between psychological demands of adults (article 1) and families (article 2) using the IRaMuTeQ software and the Reinert method, which qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the transcribed reports. Through this analysis resource, it is possible to start mapping and investigating the subjective complaints of these patients, their development and their correlations.

金融消費評議程序實務上重要問題之研究-以個案受理、調查及決定程序為中心 / Critical Issues on Financial Ombudsman Institution: Focus on Complaint Eligibility, Investigation and Determination Procedures

林岫璁, Lin, Hsiu Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
2012年在金融風暴與連動債事件之影響下,我國設立金融消費者保護專法引入金融消費評議制度,並成立財團法人金融消費評議中心,為我國金融消費保護開啟濃墨重彩的全新篇章。在我國眾多現存的替代紛爭解決機制中,金融消費評議機制可謂是別具特色,特殊的組織、新穎的程序進行方式,有別於法院,亦有別於其他ADR組織。金融消費評議程序大致上仿自英國金融公評人制度,混合部分我國相關法令規則設計而成,而在這五年的運行當中,評議程序是否發生問題、是否完全合於我國法制、國情?此即本文所欲研究之方向。 對於現行評議制度之檢討,本文以評議實務上之重要問題出發,提出四大問題方向,分別是以評議「前端程序、受理程序、調查程序、糾紛解決效力」為核心。本文並以我國法釋義、立法歷程研究、案例研究、學者論述研究、比較法例研究,包括英國、新加坡、澳洲等國金融ADR制度為主要研究方法,對以上議題分析並提出個人的觀察與淺見。 研究結論上,本文得出幾點具體建議與觀察成果:1、應立法授權主管機關建立金融服務業標準化之內部申訴制度,以強化申訴制度之效率與明確性;2、對於小額評議案件改採強制調處制度,以加強前端程序糾紛解決能量;3、評議制度應明文採取強制管轄模式,揚棄現行曖昧不明之立法模式;4、修整現行評議案件不受理條文,刪除當事人不適格情形,將同時將並行評議與訴訟或其他ADR程序納入不受理事由,並新增彈性不受理條款供金評中心裁量運用;5、強化金評中心事證調查權限,將調查範圍擴大至申請人造,並使違反法律效果明確化;6、解釋上,成立後核定前評議決定應具有和解契約效力。此外,於申請人縮減請求額度成立評議決定情形,應允許其對於縮減後真實損害餘額繼續訴訟救濟。

Reflections on the legal and psychological constructions of women's resistance to sexual harassment

Pillay-Ramaya, Meeroshni 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the extensive research conducted on sexual harassment, very little work has focused on the legal and psychological constructions of women's resistance to sexual harassment. In exploring the legal and psychological constructions of women's resistance to sexual harassment, we are confronted with salient issues pertaining to the determination of the welcomeness requirement which call for a reflection. A key characteristic of sexual harassment is that it is unwanted by the recipient. It is for each person to decide what behaviour is acceptable to them and what they regard as offensive. Thus, although there is general agreement about what can constitute sexual harassment, the experience of sexual harassment is subjective in nature and the precise quantification of workplace sexual harassment is problematic. The present study aims to: (a) identify the reasoning/history behind the "unwelcomeness/unwanted" requirement, (b) assess the reasonableness of· the requirement of "unwelcomeness/unwanted" conduct, taking into account the various pieces of legislation and case law, (c) determine how the courts have interpreted this requirement and what factors are looked at, (d) determine whether the test is subjective or objective, (e) identify the struggle and debilitating effects sexual harassment has on women in the workplace. The results of this study will assist in gaining knowledge and understanding of the concept of "unwelcomeness/unwanted" conduct in sexual harassment cases and the effects it has on the victim which will go a long way in assisting management in any business to effectively implement strategies and disciplines to manage the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. / Private Law / LLM (Labour Law)

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