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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sag’s uns im Blog ! – Best practice zum Beschwerdemanagement an der TU Braunschweig

Gaedke, Yvonne, Robra-Bissantz, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 03997- 2012 / N° 0955-2018

Palomino Purisaca, Meggy Helemy 30 December 2020 (has links)
Con fecha 08 de noviembre de 2012, la Sra. Carmen Tomasa Chávez Benavides, en adelante la demandante, presentó una demanda de Desalojo por Vencimiento de Contrato en contra de la Asociación de Comerciantes “Feria Jerusalén Yanahuara” solicitando que los demandados desocupen el inmueble ubicado en la Calle Jerusalén N°108, esquina Av. Ejército N°313 del Distrito de Yanahuara, Arequipa. Fundamentos de hecho: La Asociación señaló que el demandado se encuentra ocupando su propiedad, debidamente inscrita en la partida electrónica N°01151967 del Registro de Predios de la Zona Registral XII Sede Arequipa, bajo los siguientes fundamentos: Con fecha 08 de mayo de 2012, la Sra. Carmen Tomasa Chávez Benavides adquirió el inmueble ubicado en el distrito de Yanahuara a mérito de una Escritura Pública de Donación, otorgada por su anterior propietario, el Sr. Jesús Oscar Gonzalo Torres Velásquez, la misma que está inscrita en la partida referida. Al adquirir la propiedad, el donante Sr. Jesús Oscar Gonzalo Torres Velásquez, informó a la donataria que el inmueble estaba alquilado a La Asociación de Comerciantes “Feria Jerusalén Yanahuara”, mediante contrato de arrendamiento de fecha primero de setiembre de 2011, por un período de un año, es decir hasta el 31 de agosto de 2012. Asimismo, la propietaria señaló que de conformidad con el inciso 2, artículo 1708 del Código Civil el mismo que establece que en caso el arrendamiento no haya sido inscrito, el adquirente puede dar por concluido y excepcionalmente el adquirente puede respetar el arrendamiento, pero la nueva propietaria al tener conocimiento de este Contrato de arrendamiento, a favor de la demandada, respetó la duración del mismo hasta el 31 de agosto de 2012. Vencido el contrato de arrendamiento, la demandante en ejercicio de su derecho patrimonial invitó a conciliar a la demandada en el Centro de Conciliación Extrajudicial Solidaridad y Justicia, ejecutándose la primera invitación el 16 de octubre de 2012 y la segunda el 23 de octubre del mismo año, emitiéndose finalmente un Acta de Inasistencia. El emplazado omitió la notificación correctamente recibida y no concurrió a la Audiencia de Conciliación extrajudicial, demostrado así su poco interés en cumplir con sus obligaciones de desocupar y entregar el inmueble de su propiedad. Fundamentos de derecho: • Artículos 923° y 1708° inciso 2) del Código Civil. • Art. I del Título Preliminar, Artículos 424°, 425°, 526°, 547°, 585°, 586°, 587°, 589° y 592° del Código Procesal Civil. Medios probatorios: • El mérito de el Testimonio de donación de bien inmueble de fecha 08 de mayo de 2012, otorgada por su anterior propietario Jesús Oscar Gonzalo Torres Velásquez. • El mérito del Certificado Literal de la Partida N°01151967, del Registro de Predios de la Zona Registral XII Sede Arequipa; y de la que se desprende que la demandante Carmen Tomasa Chávez Benavides es la actual propietaria. • El mérito de la Copia Legalizada del Contrato de Arrendamiento, celebrado entre la demandada y su anterior propietario se evidencia que el Contrato vence el 31 de agosto de 2012. • El mérito de la Copia Certificada del Acta de Conciliación N°3219-2012, tramitado en el Centro de Conciliación Solidaridad y Justicia, el mismo que expide un acta de inasistencia por parte de la Asociación. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional


CARLOS EDUARDO SOARES PELLON 03 November 2015 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação busca colaborar para o estudo da insatisfação de consumo, principalmente para áreas de saúde suplementar e mercados regulados por órgão governamental, contribuindo para estudos acadêmicos e ações empresariais. Para isso, buscou compreender os fatores envolvidos na formação de insatisfação com os serviços de gerenciamento das ações de saúde de uma operadora de saúde suplementar brasileira. O levantamento se baseou em uma pesquisa qualitativa com vinte entrevistas em profundidade com beneficiários da operadora em questão, que formalizaram reclamação em canais da própria organização, do órgão regulador do setor (ANS) ou repercutiram negativamente com conhecidos. A partir dos dados coletados, foi possível encontrar cinco categorias de análise: expectativa do consumidor antes do uso do serviço, o conhecimento prévio do consumidor, os aspectos da prestação de serviço de maior influência na insatisfação de consumo, a forte presença de sentimentos dos consumidores sobre o serviço e as influências nos comportamentos pós-insatisfação. / [en] The present dissertation aims to contribute to the study of consumption dissatisfaction, mainly to supplement the areas of health and markets regulated by government agency, contributing to academic studies and business actions. To do so, it sought to understand the factors involved in the formation of dissatisfaction with the management services of health actions of a Brazilian supplementary health care provider. The survey was based in a qualitative research with 20 in-depth interviews with the beneficiaries from the chosen health care provider, which have formalized complaint in the organization s own communication channels or industry regulator (ANS). From the collected data, it was possible to find five categories of analysis: consumer expectation before usage of the service, prior knowledge of the consumer, the service s aspects that influence the most on consumer dissatisfaction, the strong presence of consumers feelings on the perception of the service and the influence on post-dissatisfaction behaviors.

Shaming the love plot: inconvenient women navigating conventional romance

Wilkey, Brittan 01 May 2013 (has links)
The love plot is one of the most widely consumed genres of fiction for women. Romance often dictates a woman's identity and her "story" or narrative, leaving little room for other avenues of self-development. However, when romance fails, even in the realm of fiction, women are left with shame. Shame might suggest a catastrophic aftereffect of the failure of women's initial investment of the love plot; however, I argue that shame functions in place of the love plot and helps to provide a critique of the oppressive and patriarchal nature of conventional romance. Using affect theory, I look at both Mrs. Henry Wood's East Lynne and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea as they rewrite the love plot typified by Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.

Psychometric properties and validation of the English version Giessen Subjective Complaints List (GBB-8)

Petrowski, Katja, Zenger, Markus, Schmalbach, Bjarne, Bastianon, Christina Diane, Strauss, Bernhard 04 June 2024 (has links)
Background The present study investigated the psychometric properties of the newly developed English version of the Giessen Subjective Complaint List-8 (GBB-8), a questionnaire assessing psychosomatic symptoms with regard to exhaustion, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Methods A U.S. sample of 638 participants (47.6% female) was recruited by MTurk to participate in this cross-sectional online survey. Validation instruments included the Patient Health Questionnaire-4, Perceived Stress Scale, short version of the Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress. Results Reliability was high with ω’s between .80 and .86 for all subscales. Confirmatory factor analyses yielded comparable good model fit for a four-dimensional model as well as a higher order model. Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses confirmed measurement invariance of the GBB-8 across sex and age. Regarding convergent validity, correlations with other instruments were highly significant and of large magnitude as expected. Conclusion The English version of the GBB-8 has shown excellent psychometric properties. Therefore, it can be recommended for the assessment of psychosomatic complaints in contexts where short screening instruments are necessary.

Caractérisation de la plainte cognitive dans le vieillissement normal et le trouble cognitif léger

Langlois, Anne-Sophie 07 1900 (has links)
Le vieillissement étant un enjeu démographique majeur, il est capital de mieux comprendre les changements qui surviennent durant cette période de la vie. Il est connu que certaines fonctions cognitives sont modifiées avec l’avancée en âge. D’ailleurs, 25 à 50 % des personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus rapportent avoir observé un déclin de leur cognition et de leur mémoire. Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur la caractérisation de la plainte cognitive chez des personnes âgées saines et chez des aînés ayant un trouble cognitif léger (TCL) ainsi que sur son évolution au fil de la progression vers la maladie d’Alzheimer. La première étude (Chapitre II) avait pour objectif d’identifier les différents domaines de plainte mnésique chez des personnes d’âge moyen et des individus plus âgés. Elle visait également à vérifier si les domaines de plainte étaient associés aux performances aux tests neuropsychologiques. L’effet sur la plainte de certaines caractéristiques personnelles (âge, sexe, niveau de scolarité et symptômes dépressifs) a aussi été examiné. Le Questionnaire d’auto-évaluation de la mémoire (QAM; Van der Linden, Wijns, Von Frenkell, Coyette, & Seron, 1989) et plusieurs tests neuropsychologiques ont été complétés par 115 adultes sains âgés de 45 à 87 ans. Une analyse en composantes principales réalisée sur l'ensemble des questions du QAM a permis d’identifier sept grands domaines de plainte. Des analyses subséquentes ont révélé que les plaintes les plus fréquemment rapportées par les participants sont associées à des situations où des facteurs internes et externes interfèrent avec la performance mnésique. Les analyses ont aussi montré que les plaintes relatives à des oublis dont les conséquences menacent l’autonomie et la sécurité témoigneraient de problèmes cognitifs et fonctionnels plus sévères. Enfin, nos résultats ont indiqué que les différents domaines de plainte reflètent globalement les problèmes cognitifs objectifs. Aucune association n’a été trouvée entre la plainte et la plupart des caractéristiques démographiques. La seconde étude (Chapitre III) avait pour but de caractériser la plainte cognitive dans le TCL ainsi que son évolution dans la progression de la démence. L’étude cherchait aussi à déterminer si les changements dans certains domaines de plainte étaient reliés au déclin de ii fonctions cognitives spécifiques chez les individus avec TCL qui ont progressé vers la démence (progresseurs). Des personnes avec TCL et des individus âgés sains ont été évalués annuellement pendant trois ans. Le QAM et le Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire (MMQ; Fort, Holl, Kaddour, & Gana, 2004) ont été utilisés pour mesurer leurs plaintes. Les résultats ont révélé que les progresseurs rapportaient davantage de difficultés associées à la mémorisation de contenus complexes (ex. : textes ou conversations), d’événements récents et d’informations sur leurs proches que les personnes âgées saines et ce, jusqu’à trois ans avec le diagnostic de démence. L’analyse des effets de groupe a indiqué que l’intensité des plaintes des progresseurs semble être demeurée stable durant le suivi. Il est donc possible qu’une proportion des progresseurs présentent une méconnaissance de leurs difficultés cognitives. Cependant, des analyses corrélationnelles ont montré que l’augmentation des plaintes reliées à trois domaines était associée à l’accroissement de certaines atteintes cognitives durant les trois ans. Ainsi, certaines plaintes pourraient permettre de mieux comprendre les difficultés cognitives qui sont vécues par la personne avec TCL. Les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats seront discutées dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse (Chapitre IV). / Faced with the serious demographic challenge of an aging population, it is increasingly important to better understand the changes that occur with advancing age. It is known that aging is associated with many cognitive modifications. Indeed, approximately 25 to 50% of elderly individuals aged 65 and over report cognitive and memory declines. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the characterization of the cognitive complaint in healthy older adults and in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and the changes in the complaint as they progress into the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. The first study (Chapter II) aimed to identify main domains of memory complaint in middle-aged and older adults. It also sought to determine whether the domains of complaint were related to cognitive performance on neuropsychological tests. The impact of personal characteristics (age, gender, education and level of depression) on complaint was also assessed. A total of 115 healthy adults between the ages of 45 and 87 completed the Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (QAM; Van der Linden, Wijns, Von Frenkell, Coyette, & Seron, 1989) and were tested with a comprehensive neuropsychological battery. A principal component analysis performed on the items of the QAM identified seven dimensions of complaint. Difficulty inhibiting internal and external sources of interference when learning or remembering something was the main area of complaint. Other analyses revealed that complaints related to a set of memory failures that appear to be more detrimental to autonomy and safety indicated more severe cognitive and functional difficulties. The results also indicated that the main domains of complaint generally reflected objective cognitive problems. There was no association between cognitive complaint and almost all demographic characteristics. The second study (Chapter III) aimed to characterizing the cognitive complaint in MCI and its changes as individuals progress into the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. Another goal of this study was to verify whether changes in domains of cognitive complaint were associated with the increasing cognitive deficits experienced by those with progressive MCI. Individuals with MCI and healthy older adults were tested yearly over a three-year period. Complaint was measured using the QAM and the Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire (MMQ; Fort, Holl, iv Kaddour, & Gana, 2004). Our findings revealed that individuals with progressive MCI reported more cognitive complaints in relation to memory for complex information (e.g., text or conversation), for events from the recent past and for information about familiar people than healthy older adults, and this was found up to three years prior to the dementia diagnosis. When examining group effects, there were no changes in the level of complaint over time. Awareness of difficulties may become compromised in a proportion of individuals with progressive MCI. However, correlational analyses indicated that an increase in three domains of complaints was associated with the increasing cognitive deficits over the 3-year period. Thus, complaint in MCI may help to better understand the cognitive difficulties the individual person with MCI is experiencing. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed in Chapter IV.

Stížnost pro porušení zákona v trestních věcech / Complaint against a violation of law in criminal matters

Visinger, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the present dissertation is to provide the fullest possible legal analysis of the complaint against a violation of law, including its historical and international context, and to endeavour to reflect critically on its current application in practice. In the author's approach, the review of criminal cases on the basis of the files prior to a possible application of this legal remedy is an indispensable object of study. Among other things, the work thoroughly analyzes the applicable grounds for the complaint against a violation of law, its purpose and role in the whole system of extraordinary remedies, and it describes the course as well as the specifics of the Supreme Court proceedings. Standard and optional methods of interpretation are complemented by an empirical examination of the sample of 80 complaints submitted to the Supreme Court, which is aimed at identifying and classifying the alleged flaws and the extent to which there might be an overlap with extraordinary appeal (dovolání). The chosen topic appears to be very timely with regard to the ongoing preparatory legislative work on the new Criminal Procedure Code. The descriptive passages are accompanied by the author's opinions on selected decisions of the Supreme Court and the deficiencies of the current legislation. Taken...

O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process

Lourenção, Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.

Queixa escolar: de que (quem) se trata? Uma proposta de interven??o do psic?logo escolar com coordenadores pedag?gicos. / School complaint: what (who) is it? A proposal of intervention of the school psychologist with pedagogical coordinator.

Favarin, Rafael da Nova 06 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-21T12:46:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL DA NOVA FAVARIN.pdf: 5173693 bytes, checksum: 6528cc2d073f4de76b163bb14025a8bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T12:46:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAFAEL DA NOVA FAVARIN.pdf: 5173693 bytes, checksum: 6528cc2d073f4de76b163bb14025a8bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-06 / Capes / This research had as objective to investigate the dimension that the school complaint assumes in the work of the pedagogical coordinator and to reflect on the possible referrals to its overcoming. It was motivated by the growing production of referrals, made by the schools, to the school psychology service requesting help to the students. From a critical perspective, the theoretical framework of Historical-Cultural Psychology was adopted, whose methodology based on historical-dialectical materialism made possible the deepening and analysis of the expressions of the pedagogical coordinators. The central axis of this work, through an intervention research, was a training project of the pedagogical coordinators in an interior city of S?o Paulo, Brazil, based on the demand of the Department Education. The meetings were conducted by a pair of school psychologists, crossed and mediated by artistic productions contextualized to the themes, by the syntheses that described the previous encounter, by debates and theoretical support texts. For the analysis, were consulted the transcripts of the meetings, the field journals, the syntheses produced, the observations during the process and the final interviews with five pedagogical coordinators. The results revealed that the school complaint plays a second role to the student in the face of the conflicts that underlie the school and the pedagogical coordinator, among them: the identity crisis of its role; the lack of support, permanence in the function and political-social representativeness; difficulty with the teaching staff, where there are problems regarding the engagement in the teaching-learning process and a work focused on the urgencies to the detriment of the real needs, especially neglecting the formation and the articulation of the school processes. Nevertheless, it was observed that the point of view of the pedagogical coordinators and also the school as a whole, about the school difficulties, remain under the logic of the medicalization and the absent of a critical thinking about the production of problems within the school itself. Finally, we understand that formative meetings with the pedagogical coordinators, leaders of the Political Pedagogical Project and the formation of teachers in the school, can constitute as field and object of action of the school psychologist in the promotion of changes of conceptions and practices aimed at the promotion of development of children, youth and adults - educators. / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a dimens?o que a queixa escolar assume no trabalho do coordenador pedag?gico e refletir sobre os poss?veis encaminhamentos ? sua supera??o. Foi motivada pela crescente produ??o de encaminhamentos, realizados pelas escolas, para o servi?o de psicologia escolar solicitando ajuda aos alunos. Sob o prisma de uma perspectiva cr?tica, adotou-se o referencial te?rico da Psicologia Hist?rico-Cultural cuja metodologia, calcada no materialismo hist?rico-dial?tico, possibilitou o aprofundamento e an?lise das express?es dos coordenadores. O eixo central deste trabalho, por interm?dio de uma pesquisa-interven??o, foi um projeto de forma??o dos coordenadores pedag?gicos de uma cidade do interior de S?o Paulo, a partir da demanda de sua Secretaria de Educa??o. Os encontros foram conduzidos por uma dupla de psic?logos escolares, atravessados e mediados por produ??es art?sticas contextualizadas aos temas, pelas s?nteses que descreviam o encontro anterior, por debates e textos te?ricos de apoio. Para an?lise, foram utilizadas as transcri??es dos encontros, os registros dos di?rios de campo, as s?nteses produzidas, as observa??es vivenciadas durante o processo e as entrevistas finais com cinco coordenadoras. Os resultados revelaram que a queixa escolar permanece secund?ria ao aluno diante dos conflitos subjacentes ? escola e ao pr?prio coordenador pedag?gico, entre eles: a crise identit?ria de seu papel; a falta de apoio, perman?ncia na fun??o e representatividade pol?tico-social; dificuldade junto ao corpo docente, em que pesem problemas quanto ao engajamento no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e um trabalho voltado ?s urg?ncias em detrimento das reais necessidades, sobretudo negligenciando a forma??o e a articula??o dos processos escolares. Contudo, observou-se que a vis?o dos coordenadores pedag?gicos e da escola como um todo, sobre as dificuldades escolares, permanecem sob a l?gica da medicaliza??o e ausente de um pensamento cr?tico sobre a produ??o dos problemas no interior da pr?pria escola. Por fim, compreendemos que encontros formativos com os coordenadores pedag?gicos, l?deres do Projeto Pol?tico Pedag?gico e da forma??o de professores na escola, podem se constituir como campo e objeto de atua??o do psic?logo escolar na promo??o de mudan?as de concep??es e pr?ticas voltadas ? promo??o do desenvolvimento de crian?as, jovens e adultos - educadores.

Direito de reclamação do usuário de serviço público : um instrumento de controle social no atual modelo de administração pública brasileira

Pereira, Paulo Ricardo Maroso January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade verificar a extensão democrática do Direito de Reclamação do Usuário de Serviço Público no atual modelo gerencial da Administração Pública brasileira, analisando em especial a essência desse instrumento sob dois vieses básicos: o do controle social e o da participação popular na Administração Pública. Para tanto, a fim de compreender seu estágio atual no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, enquanto instrumento de uma Administração Pública Gerencial, fundamental o estudo das formas anteriores de Administração - Patrimonial e Burocrática. Em um segundo momento, trata-se de analisar o impacto dessa Reforma no direito brasileiro, tanto das alterações da Emenda Constitucional n. 19/98, quanto através das mudanças semânticas de outros institutos jurídicos. Na segunda parte do trabalho o estudo dirige-se especialmente para a abordagem do Direito de Reclamação do Usuário de Serviço Público, analisando sua norma original e sua posterior alteração, bem como o regime jurídico que atualmente se encontra (direito positivo e competência para legislar sobre a matéria). Por fim, examina-se a compatibilidade de tal instrumento sob três conceitos chaves para uma Administração Pública democrática: processo administrativo, controle social e participação popular na Administração Pública. O método de abordagem utilizado é o hipotético-dedutivo, a partir do procedimento monográfico auxiliado pelo histórico; quanto à técnica de pesquisa, esta é apoiada na pesquisa documental em fontes primárias e na pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes secundárias. / This paper aims to verify the democratic extension of the Public Service User's Right of Complaint in the current Brazilian Public Administration management model, analyzing in particular the essence of this instrument under two basic biases: social control and popular participation in Public Administration. Therefore, in order to understand its current status in the Brazilian legal system, as an instrument of a Public Management, it is fundamental to study the previous forms of Administration - Patrimonial and Bureaucratic. In a second moment, it is a question of analyzing the impact of this Reformation in the Brazilian law, as much of the alterations of the Constitutional Amendment n. 19/98, as well as through the semantic changes of other legal institutes. In the second part of the study, the study focuses on the Public Service User's Right of Complaint approach, analyzing its original standard and its subsequent amendment, as well as the legal regime currently in place (positive law and competence to legislate on school subjects). Finally, the compatibility of this instrument is examined under three key concepts for a democratic Public Administration: administrative process, social control and popular participation in Public Administration. The method of approach used is the hypothetical-deductive, based on the monographic procedure aided by history; as for the research technique, it is supported by documentary research in primary sources and bibliographical research in secondary sources.

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