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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencia de los servicios de articulación comercial internacional de Sierra y Selva Exportadora en el desempeño exportador de los pequeños y medianos productores agrícolas organizados de la región selva en el periodo 2018 - 2019 / The effect of Sierra y Selva Exportadora’s export promotion program on the export performance of smallholder farmers in the agriculture sector in Peru’s rainforest, during the years 2018-2019

Budd Gayoso, Katherine, Merino Huaman, Juan Carlos 13 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo determinar en qué medida la articulación comercial internacional de Sierra y Selva Exportadora influye en el desempeño exportador de los pequeños y medianos productores agrícolas organizados de la región selva en el periodo 2018 – 2019. En el primer capítulo, se detalla el marco teórico, que incluye las bases teóricas, los antecedentes de investigación y políticas similares de promoción comercial en países de la región. En el segundo capítulo, se explica la situación problemática, los objetivos del estudio y la relevancia de llevar a cabo la investigación. En el tercer capítulo, se define la metodología de trabajo, en función al enfoque de investigación mixto, su alcance, diseño y los instrumentos necesarios para llevar a cabo la investigación. En el cuarto capítulo, se desarrolla la investigación, compuesta por una primera fase de investigación cualitativa, donde se analizan los resultados obtenidos de las entrevistas realizadas a funcionarios de Sierra y Selva Exportadora y a organizaciones participantes de los servicios de articulación comercial internacional de la institución; y una segunda fase cuantitativa, donde se analizan y discuten los datos retrolectivos recolectados, para finalmente detallar el modelo de causalidad empleado. En el capítulo V, se concluye que los servicios de articulación comercial internacional de Sierra y Selva Exportadora influyen en el desempeño exportador de los pequeños y medianos productores agrícolas organizados de la región selva. Finalmente, en el capítulo VI, se brindan recomendaciones, en base a los hallazgos y conclusiones reportadas. / The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of Sierra y Selva Exportadora’s export promotion program on the export performance of smallholder farmers in the agriculture sector in Peru’s rainforest, during the years 2018-2019. The first chapter describes the theoretical framework, which includes conceptual, theoretical and research backgrounds related to similar trade promotion organizations. The second chapter explains the problem situation, the objectives and the hypothesis of the investigation. In the third chapter, the research methodology is presented, including details of the approach, design and instruments needed for the study. In the fourth chapter, the exploratory mixed method investigation is performed. We begin with a qualitative research phase and explore the views of participants, both smallholder farmers and SSE specialists, in order to specify variables that need to go into the quantitative study, where the causality model is presented. In the fifth chapter, results are presented. The study finds that Sierra y Selva Exportadora’s export promotion program has a positive effect on the export performance of smallholder farmers in the agriculture sector in the rainforest region of Peru. The sixth chapter includes recommendations, based on the findings of the study. / Tesis

Zur Bedeutung ländlicher Spar- und Kreditgenossenschaften für die regionale Entwicklung in Russland seit dem Beginn der 2000er Jahre: Eine handlungsorientierte Analyse im Kontext des Finance & Development-Ansatzes und der endogenen Wachstumstheorie

Schumann, Thomas 23 May 2022 (has links)
In der Russischen Föderation haben sich nach 1990 wieder kreditgenossenschaftliche Strukturen herausgebildet. In der Arbeit wird speziell die Gruppe der Landwirtschaftlichen Verbraucherkreditgenossenschaften (LVKG) untersucht. Deren Zahl hatte sich speziell im Zeitraum nach dem Jahr 2000 kräftig entwickelt, wobei es im Zuge der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009 eine Bereinigung und Konsolidierung gab, die im Grunde bis dato andauert. Die Tätigkeit der LVKG hat dabei gezeigt, dass diese eine Bedeutung für die regionale Entwicklung haben können, indem sie Lücken im regionalen Angebot von Finanzdienstleistungen schließen. Insbesondere die Kreditierung kleinerer landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe sowie anderer kleinerer Unternehmungen im ländlichen Raum hat positive Effekte im Hinblick auf die Landnutzung und die lokale Beschäftigung. Aber auch die Kreditierung für die Sanierung und den Bau von Immobilien für Wohnzwecke sowie generell für nicht-investive Zwecke (darunter auch für Bildung) hat eine Bedeutung im Hinblick auf die Steigerung der Lebensqualität und Verbesserung der beruflichen Perspektiven im ländlichen Raum Russlands. Für die Zukunft könnte eine Perspektive darin bestehen, die lokale Eingebundenheit der LVKG zu nutzen, um zusammen mit öffentlichen bzw. staatlichen Partnern gemeinsam an einer Verbesserung der unmittelbaren infrastrukturellen Bedingungen für unternehmerische Aktivitäten im ländlichen Raum Russlands zu arbeiten.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis 1 Ausgangspunkt und Einleitung 1.1 Rückblick und Ausgangssituation 1.2 Motivation und Zielstellung 1.3 Konzeptionelle Einordnung 1.4 Gang der Untersuchung 2 Definitionen, Abgrenzung des Untersuchungsgegenstands und Leitbild 2.1 Begriffsabgrenzungen 2.2 Schwerpunkt der Analyse 2.3 Leitbild – Konfiguration hochentwickelter kreditgenossenschaftlicher Systeme in westlichen Industriestaaten: Das System der Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken in Deutschland 2.4 Ausgewählte Beispiele für Aktivitäten von Genossenschaftsbanken in Deutschland im Zusammenhang mit dem regionalen Angebot von Finanzdienstleistungen und dem Aspekt der regionalen Entwicklung 3 Der makroökonomische Rahmen – Phasen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, regionale Entwicklung, Unternehmertum, Landwirtschaft und ökonomische Perspektive 3.1 Vorbetrachtung zu den neueren Phasen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Russlands 3.2 Grundzüge der makroökonomischen Entwicklung speziell ab Ende der 1990er Jahre 3.3 Regionale Wachstumsunterschiede 3.4 Die Entwicklung des Unternehmertums seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion 3.5 Resultierender Möglichkeitsraum für die mittel- bis langfristige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Russischen Föderation 3.6 Zur neueren Entwicklung speziell im Bereich der Landwirtschaft 3.7 Ausblick ausgehend von der gegenwärtigen Situation in 2021 – künftige Wirtschaftspolitik 4 Zum Zusammenhang zwischen finanzieller und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, dem Phänomen der Kreditrationierung und der Rolle von Kreditgenossenschaften 4.1 Der Finance & Development-Ansatz 4.2 Theorie der Kreditrationierung 4.3 Kreditgenossenschaften als alternative Institutionen zur Verringerung des Problems der Kreditrationierung 4.4 Formulierung von Hypothesen aus der problemgeleiteten Theorieverwendung, Zusammenfassung und weiterer Fortgang 5 Die Entwicklung des kreditgenossenschaftlichen Sektors in Russland und dessen Einfluss auf das Niveau der Kreditrationierung im ländlichen Raum 5.1 Zur Rolle des Bankensystems im Verlauf der bisherigen Transformation 5.2 Der Entwicklungsstand des russischen Finanzsystems im Vergleich zu anderen Transformationsländern Osteuropas 5.3 Rückblick und Stand der Entwicklung des kreditgenossenschaftlichen Sektors zum Ende des Betrachtungszeitraums 5.4 Herausgebildete Konfiguration des kreditgenossenschaftlichen Sektors im ländlichen Raum im Zeitraum der 2000er Jahre 5.5 Einfluss auf das Niveau der Kreditrationierung im ländlichen Raum 5.6 Zusammenfassung 6 Beitrag landwirtschaftlicher Verbraucherkreditgenossenschaften zur regionalen Entwicklung in Russland seit dem Beginn der 2000er Jahre 6.1 Dreidimensionale Zielausrichtung heutiger Regionalpolitik und die besondere Bedeutung endogen vorhandener Potenziale 6.2 Kreditgenossenschaften aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht – wirtschaftlich-strukturelle Wirkungen im Hinblick auf die regionale Entwicklung bzw. die regionale Wirtschaft / Regionalwirtschaft: Förderung lokalen Unternehmertums – spezifischer Beitrag 6.3 Zur Wechselwirkung zwischen finanzieller Entwicklung, regionaler Verfügbarkeit von Krediten und lokaler Wirtschaftsentwicklung: Der Regional-Credit-Availability-Ansatz als Ausgangsbasis für spätere strukturelle Empfehlungen 6.4 Implikation für die weitere Analyse der Wirkung der LVKG 6.5 Ergebnis von Studien zum Entwicklungsbeitrag des kreditgenossenschaftlichen Systems 6.6 Fallstudie zum Entwicklungsbeitrag in der Gegenwart: Das System ländlicher Verbraucherkreditgenossenschaften im Oblast Wologda 6.7 Zusammenfassung und kritische Würdigung 7 Konzeption für mögliche Schritte auf lokaler, regionaler und föderaler Ebene ausgehend von der Situation der LVKG im Oblast Wologda unter den gegenwärtigen Rahmenbedingungen 7.1 Umsetzungskonzeption in Orientierung am führungsorientiert-pragmatischen Ansatz von Ohno / Ohno (2012) 7.2 Mögliche weitere speziell an endogenen Potenzialen orientierte Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten als Teil von Interventionen in den regionalen Entwicklungsprozess 7.3 Abschließende Betrachtung und Perspektive – Die LVKG als feste Größe innerhalb der regionalen Governance und deren eigene weitere Entwicklung 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 8.1 Überblick zum Ergebnis der Untersuchung 8.2 Ergebnis der Untersuchung im Einzelnen 8.3 Mögliche Übertragung des Untersuchungsergebnisses auf andere postsozialistische Schwellenländer – insbesondere der ehemaligen Sowjetunion bzw. GUS 8.4 Weiterer Forschungsbedarf in Bezug auf die stärkere Nutzung kreditgenossenschaftlicher Strukturen zur Unterstützung des Strukturwandels in der Russischen Föderation Anhang Literaturverzeichnis

Venkov- lidé a krajina / Village- people and country

Maťaťa, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Agriculture in Slovakia has historically gone through many stages of development. In the past, it was the main livelihood strategy for rural populations, where it reinforced social bonds and cooperation. Socialistic collectivization and the creation of Common agricultural cooperatives (JRDs) represented a violent transition that did not respect the historical and cultural traditions and their development. They resulted in rural populations losing their connection with the soil and marked the beginning of the deterioration of Slovak agriculture and depopulation of rural areas. JRDs were thus a massive blow for the character of Slovak countryside. Natural and climate conditions had been until that time the main factors shaping the architecture, which was therefore specific to every region. After JRDs’ arrival, outbuildings of family farms were slowly replaced with uniform large-scale structures. With the scale of these buildings not matching the surrounding environment and context, the aesthetic and residential value of rural areas was distorted. After the fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia and the incipient restitutions that followed, the intended revival of bonds between people and their soil never materialized. “Cooperatives” became companies struggling for survival in the now open market and farmers remained their employees. The importance of the countryside has risen in terms of its residential value, but severely deteriorated in the economic sense. Traditions surviving with the original rural populations mix with new modern elements of the in-migrating urban populations. A number of these cooperatives have gone bankrupt, with their premises abandoned, neglected and becoming derelict. Others have survived only to see most of their agricultural productivity decline relative to competition, which, too, resulted in many of their buildings being unutilized and neglected. Since these JRDs used to be part of the majority of villages, with 2759 rural settlements in Slovakia, their number is bound to be very high. They have left a deep imprint in the countryside which occupies soil and hinders the villages in their development. Is it therefore necessary for every village to have their own cooperative, if they tend to be either abandoned or utilized only partially? Transformation of this space into an area serving locals, supporting reinforcement of their social bonds and bonds with the village itself. Opening up former cooperatives for the rural populations.

Análisis de la influencia de los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café peruano en grano verde, partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00, hacia Japón del 2016 al 2019 / Analysis of the influence of economic and trade factors on the export of Peruvian coffee in green grain, tariff heading 0901.11.90.00, to Japan from 2016 to 2019

García Bermúdez, Leonardo Jaime, Torres Ludeña, Luis Martin 25 September 2020 (has links)
El café es uno de los productos agrícolas que genera mayores divisas en el Perú y también es uno de los productos más comercializado en el mundo, gracias a sus diversos beneficios. En la actualidad, 223 mil familias, que están relacionadas a la producción y exportación del café. El Perú es el octavo exportador a nivel mundial de café y el 70% de los cultivos peruanos son valorados por su calidad y rentabilidad. Sin embargo, la poca interacción entre el sector privado y público, la coyuntura internacional, la precariedad de las técnicas inmersa y otros factores han ocasionado que gran cantidad de hectáreas de cultivo se hayan redireccionado al cultivo de otros productos agrícolas. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café en granos verde, partida arancelaria 0901.1190, hacia Japón del 2016 al 2019. En ese sentido, se evaluará el sector cafetalero peruano y la realidad problemática para lograr los objetivos de la investigación. Para lo cual, se utilizó fuentes primarias de diversos autores y herramientas de investigación como: Trademap, Veritrade, Santander Trade, Banco Mundial, entre otros. De igual manera, se recabó información clave mediante entrevistas a profundidad a empresas y cooperativas exportadoras de café verde en granos durante el 2016 al 2019 y a especialistas como: MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, MINAGRI y Cámara Peruana de Café y Cacao. Se empleó el software “Atlas Ti” para poder realizar el análisis de cada entrevista y determinar el impacto de los factores en estudio sobre las exportaciones de café. / Coffee is one of the agricultural products that generates the most foreign exchange in Peru and is also one of the most traded products in the world, thanks to its diverse benefits. Currently, 223 thousand families are related to the production and export of coffee. Peru is the eighth largest exporter of coffee in the world and 70% of Peruvian crops are valued for their quality and profitability. However, the lack of interaction between the private and public sectors, the international situation, the precariousness of the techniques used, and other factors have caused a large number of hectares of crops to be redirected to the cultivation of other agricultural products. The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of economic and commercial factors on the export of green coffee beans, tariff item 0901.1190, to Japan from 2016 to 2019. In this sense, the Peruvian coffee sector and the problematic reality will be evaluated to achieve the research objectives. For this purpose, primary sources from different authors and research tools such as Trademap, Veritrade, Santander Trade, World Bank, among others, were used. Similarly, key information was collected through in-depth interviews with companies and cooperatives exporting green coffee beans from 2016 to 2019 and specialists such as MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, MINAGRI and the Peruvian Chamber of Coffee and Cocoa. The "Atlas Ti" software was used to analyze each interview and determine the impact of the factors under study on coffee exports. / Tesis

Exploring the impact of operational performance on smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development at Elias Motsoaledi Municipality in Limpopo

Malapela, Ramadimetje Joyce January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev. ( Planning and Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Cooperatives are recognised as an important instrument to reduce poverty, create employment, achieve economic growth and development. As a result, smallholder farmers with common interests have organised themselves and registered agricultural cooperatives. However, the operational performance of smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development has remained poor. The purpose of the study is to explore the operational performance of smallholder agricultural cooperatives for sustainable community development in Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality in Limpopo Province. Mixed research design was used in this study. Data was collected from sixty participants, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to collect primary data for both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study found that smallholder agricultural cooperatives in the area of the study face challenges such as lack of managerial skills, poor governance, lack of adequate financial support and access to loans, lack of clarity on policy as well as lack of alternative strategies. The main findings of the study confirmed that there are challenges associated with the operational performance for sustainable community development. Inadequate financial support and lack of managerial skills were regarded as the main challenges that hinder the operational performance for sustainable community development. The study has suggested alternative strategies and recommendations that can assist smallholder agricultural cooperatives to improve their operational performance for sustainable community development.

Cultivating More Than Coffee: Interrogating Market-based Development, Gendered Empowerment, and the Role of Social Capital in Fair Trade Co-operatives in Nicaragua

Kruger, Rebecca Anne January 2023 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed a proliferation in the number of products receiving specialized ethical certification labels, even though scholars have underscored that the actual effects of such labels are not well understood. (Luetchford 2012) In the area of coffee in particular, case studies have highlighted that Fair Trade labeling seems to operate in unexpected ways, beyond its straightforward financial incentives. This has led to a call for deeper investigation into the specific mechanisms—particularly the extra-economic and social processes—through which Fair Trade acts on coffee growers and their communities. This is seconded by recent studies that have noted a lack of equality between men and women members of Fair Trade co-operatives, in stark contrast to the label’s advertised aims of advancing gender equity and women’s development. (Bacon 2010; Lyon 2008) This friction has contributed to the emergence of separate, all-women’s Fair Trade co-operatives in coffee-growing regions around the globe, and the specialty marketing of their coffee (e.g., Café Femenino and Las Hermanas from Nicaragua) as specifically empowering for women. (Fair Trade USA 2012; Bacon 2010; Lyon 2008) Yet, as with other ethical labels, the actual processes through which these women’s co-operatives affect their members is under-studied and in need of deeper ethnographic investigation. (Hanson et al. 2012; Lyon 2008) In order to address these gaps in the literature, this study captures the complex social processes set in motion by Fair Trade through a comparative ethnography of a traditional mixed men and women’s co-operative and a newer, all-women’s co-operative in neighboring coffee-growing communities in northern Nicaragua. This research positions the sociological construct of social capital as a robust theoretical lens capable of illuminating diverse dynamics within these groups and their larger structural contexts. The use of social capital theory not only allows access to critical and unexplored insights into the “associational life” created by Fair Trade co-operatives, but also presents an opportunity to explore a “strategic site” of social capital in action and extend the theory by addressing debates surrounding its oft-contested definitions and relationship to gender. (Putnam 2000:60; Portes 2010:2; Burawoy 1998) Specifically, this research examines three perspectives on social capital: Bourdieu’s (1986) resource framework, Coleman’s (1988:108) description of social capital as a platform or “appropriable social organization,” and Putnam’s (2000) notion of social capital as trust. Further, this study critically interrogates the characterization of social capital as a kind of “women’s capital,” and its promotion as both a means and an ends to gendered empowerment. (Maclean 2010:498) In pursuit of these aims, this research both draws on and adds to the literature in the areas of ethical consumption and Fair Trade studies, economic sociology, the sociology of globalization, gender theory, gender and development, men and masculinities, local and transnational feminist movements, empowerment frameworks, and the social determinants of health. This extended case method ethnography links microprocesses to macroforces, through a localized understanding of globalization—in this case the impact of Northern ethical consumption practices and ideologies on producer communities in the Global South. In addition, as an applied ethnography in the tradition of public sociology, this study provides analysis that is useful not only to scholars, but could directly inform further setting-appropriate development efforts.

Avsättning för framtida kapitalunderhåll - En studie om bostadsrättsföreningars sparande i Gävle kommun / Allocations for future capital maintenance - an examination of housing cooperative savings in Gävle municipality

Olsson, Albert, Olsson, David January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka bostadsrättsföreningars nivå av sparande för framtida kapitalunderhåll i Gävle kommun under räkenskapsåren 2018 och 2022 samt analysera vilka faktorer som kan förklara varför somliga bostadsrättsföreningar avsätter mer i sparande än andra. Metod: Vi har tillämpat en kvantitativ metod där data från årsredovisningar samlats in och använts för att beräkna och koda studiens variabler. För att testa hypoteserna analyserades data med multipel regressionsanalys. Resultat och slutsats: De flesta bostadsrättsföreningar avsätter adekvata medel, men en betydande minoritet riskerar framtida avgiftshöjningar för att täcka kommande kapitalunderhåll. Resultaten visar två statistiskt signifikanta samband med högre sparande och indikerar andra potentiella kumulativa effekter. Examensarbetets bidrag: Användning av en ny metod för empiriinsamling, ny strategi för fastställande av population och urval, undersökning av tidigare outredda oberoende variabler samt den första studien som specifikt granskar bostadsbeståndet i Gävleområdet. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi rekommenderar att framtida studier undersöker relationen mellan studiens beroende och oberoende variabler med ett större datamaterial. Ett större urval kan ge en tydligare bild av hur de oberoende variablerna påverkar bostadsrättsföreningars sparande. / Aim: This research aims to assess the savings levels for future capital maintenance by housing cooperatives in Gävle municipality during the fiscal years 2018 and 2022, and to identify the factors that contribute to higher savings in some cooperatives compared to others. Method: Using a quantitative approach, we gathered data from annual reports to calculate and code the study's variables. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. Results and conclusions: While the majority of housing cooperatives set aside adequate funds, a notable minority face the risk of future fee increases to cover necessary capital maintenance. The findings reveal two statistically significant correlations with higher savings and indicate other possible cumulative effects. Contribution of the thesis: Utilizing a novel approach for data collection, a new method for defining population and sampling, analysis of previously unexamined independent variables and the first study specifically assessing the housing stock in the Gävle region. Suggestions for future research: Future research should examine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables with a more extensive dataset. Increasing the sample size may yield a better understanding of how the independent variables influence the savings of housing cooperatives.

Essays in Public Economics and Development

Lal, Parijat January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation is motivated by the study of economic development and inequality within and across nations. Spanning topics in labor and public economics, this collection of papers speaks to two overarching themes: (i) how the distribution of power affects economic outcomes, and (ii) how governments can mobilize resources and spend them effectively. In Chapter 1, I study how the allocation of ownership and control rights within firms affect responses to economic shocks. To shed light on this issue, I study the heterogeneous effects of a pro-competitive reform on cooperative manufacturing firms and their non-cooperative counterparts in India. The reform removed firm-size restrictions on the production of “reserved” items, increasing competition for incumbents in “de-reserved” product markets. Using a difference-in-differences approach, I find that supplier cooperatives (SCs), owned and controlled by producer-members who supply material inputs, are resilient to the shock in terms of total revenue and move away from the production of de-reserved items. SCs increase their share of income spent on materials relative to similarly sized non-cooperatives in the same industry and location, with some evidence of downward adjustments in labor spending. These cooperatives are able to withstand competitive pressure from entrants while broadly catering to the interests of their membership. On the other hand, worker cooperatives (WCs), owned and controlled by worker-members employed at the firm, face a sharp decline in revenue due to de-reservation, unlike their non-cooperative counterparts. A potential channel behind these results is that WCs are less likely to respond by picking up items that are not directly affected by the reform. Spending on labor does not fall as much as revenue for WCs, which is in line with the immediate interests of membership, but adjustments to labor inputs vary sigificantly across employment categories. In the following chapter, my co-author, Utkarsh Kumar, and I study the equilibrium effects of subsidizing public services in the presence of vertically differentiated public and private suppliers. We evaluate one of India’s largest welfare schemes, Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), which subsidized childbirth at public health institutions. JSY did not improve health outcomes despite a substantial increase in take-up of institutional care. We document three equilibrium responses that explain this policy failure. First, JSY led to a mismatch in patient risk across health facilities. High-risk mothers sorted out of the highest-quality care at private facilities and into lower-quality public facilities. Second, in response to congestion and deterioration of care at public hospitals, only mothers with high socio-economic status sorted out of congested public facilities into more expensive private facilities. Third, private hospitals increased prices without improvements in healthcare quality in a specific subset of states, further crowding out high-risk and poor mothers. These findings point to the need for complementary public policies in addition to JSY. In Chapter 3, I, along with my co-authors, Alexander Klemm and Li Liu, explore the increasingly prominent position of services in international trade and their potential to facilitate tax-driven reporting and reallocation of economic activity. Given their potential in countering this form of base erosion, withholding taxes (WHTs) on payments for services have featured extensively in ongoing reforms of the international tax architecture. The rationale behind WHTs is to preserve some taxation rights in the source country given their straightforward application, which is particularly important for low-income countries in the absence of more effective rules. We build a simple model of reporting decisions when firms have economic activities in one country and affiliates in others. We then test the predictions of this model using newly compiled data on treaty and non-treaty rates for 120+ countries over 2009-2021. Our findings indicate that while there is no significant relationship between WHTs and services trade in general, these taxes do have a strong negative impact on services imports from known low-tax jurisdictions, when base erosion is a particular concern.


BARBOSA, Carlos Alberto de Jesus 09 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:03:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pretextuais.pdf: 645365 bytes, checksum: b569f4b0b3089abd234661a0451cbe18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-09 / Studies carried out by the United Nations (UN) show that a third of the population of the planet is suffering from the lack or inadequacy of dwellings and infra-basic structure. The deficit per dwelling is more serious in underdeveloped countries and developing countries, such as Brazil, and is becoming increasingly difficult to be solved without a great effort of the public, private initiative, financial institutions, education/research and associations on the basis of the various categories of work. As an alternative provision housing, has-if the participative management by mutual assistance, highlighting-if the housing cooperatives of auto-management. This program have presented high performance, where the works housing are being marketed and financed through this modality constructive, reducing the overall cost and increase the quality of the ventures. The mitigation of the overall cost of venture is a preponderant factor of success and survival of housing cooperatives of auto-management. The construction of residential buildings multiple floors enables the ventures housing cooperatives, because the high cost of developed land, usually with areas reduced, requiring increase the number of floors of the product for the better use of sites. The survival and servicing objectives of housing cooperatives of auto-management should consider four fundamental aspects: effectiveness in running (including the projects management), strong partnerships (with highlight to the public power, financial institutions , teaching/research, and other cooperative branches), existence of technical advice (from its constitution) and the target public (associated members with aware and motivated). Several studies identify that is in the projects management of the key to the reduction of waste of inputs and costs, with a gain in productivity and of the quality required to the final product. Considering the gaps in knowledge related to management of the project in the cooperative housing ventures, this study aims to investigate the main factors the quality of the production process, especially the stage of project of residential buildings with multiple floors built by the system of housing cooperatives of auto-management. As a result, the study provides some guidelines and tools for evaluating performance and quality of planning and control of the stage of project, from the studies of models, obtained by two aspects of phenomenological research. With the first vector seeks to at the literature national and international, models and tools for assessing the quality of project management, being more appropriate and would be appropriate for housing cooperatives of auto-management. Through the second vector investigated if, with the study of cases, two ventures of residential buildings multiple floors one in the city of Águas Claras DF, and another in the city of Goiânia GO, administered by housing cooperatives of auto-management. In these evaluated if the organizational structure, systems of an exchange of information, the weaknesses present and critical phases, planning and control the quality of the stage of project, the methodologies and tools of quality, in construction companies, design offices and between the intervening agents of the project process. It is concluded that the application management of the project in housing cooperatives of auto-management is a fundamental factor for survival,in implementing its main goal: to produce low cost housing and quality to their members. / Estudos realizados pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) mostram que um terço da população do planeta sofre com a falta ou inadequação de moradia e infra-estrutura básica. O déficit por habitação é mais grave nos países subdesenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, e fica cada vez mais difícil de ser resolvido sem um grande esforço do poder público, iniciativa privada, instituições financeiras, de ensino/pesquisa e associações nas bases das diversas categorias de trabalho. Como uma alternativa de provisão habitacional, tem-se a gestão participativa pela ajuda mútua, destacando-se as cooperativas habitacionais autogestionárias. Este programa tem apresentado elevado desempenho, onde as obras habitacionais estão sendo comercializadas e financiadas através desta modalidade construtiva, com redução do custo global e aumento da qualidade dos empreendimentos. A mitigação do custo global do empreendimento é um fator preponderante do sucesso e sobrevivência das cooperativas habitacionais de autogestão. A construção de edifícios residenciais de múltiplos pavimentos viabiliza os empreendimentos das cooperativas habitacionais, haja vista o alto custo dos terrenos urbanizados, normalmente com áreas reduzidas, exigindo a verticalização do produto para o melhor aproveitamento dos sítios. A sobrevida e atendimento aos objetivos das cooperativas habitacionais autogestionárias deve considerar quatro aspectos fundamentais: eficácia na autogestão (incluindo a gestão do processo de projetos), sólidas parcerias (com destaque para o poder público, instituições financeiras, de ensino/pesquisa e outros ramos cooperativos), existência de assessoria técnica (desde a sua constituição) e o público alvo (associados conscientes e motivados). Várias pesquisas identificam que está na gestão do processo de projetos a chave para a redução dos desperdícios de insumos e custos, com ganho de produtividade e da qualidade requerida ao produto final. Considerando as lacunas de conhecimento relacionadas ao gerenciamento do processo de projeto nos empreendimentos das cooperativas habitacionais, este trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar os principais fatores a qualidade do processo de produção, principalmente a etapa de projetos dos edifícios residenciais de múltiplos pavimentos construídos por meio do sistema de cooperativas habitacionais autogestionárias. Como resultado, o trabalho fornece algumas diretrizes e ferramentas de avaliação de desempenho e qualidade do planejamento e controle da etapa de projeto, oriundas dos estudos de modelos, obtidos por meio de duas vertentes fenomenológicas de investigação. Com o primeiro vetor buscou-se, na literatura nacional e internacional, modelos e ferramentas para avaliação da qualidade do gerenciamento de projetos, que fossem mais adequadas e pudessem ser apropriadas para as cooperativas habitacionais de autogestão. Através do segundo vetor, investigou-se, com os estudo de casos, dois empreendimentos de edifícios residenciais de múltiplos pavimentos - um em Águas Claras DF, e outro em Goiânia GO , administrados por cooperativas habitacionais autogestionárias. Nestes, avaliou-se a estrutura organizacional, os sistemas de troca de informações, as falhas presentes e fases críticas, planejamento e controle da qualidade da etapa de projeto, as metodologias e ferramentas da qualidade empregados nas construtoras, escritórios de projeto e entre os agentes intervenientes do processo de projeto. Conclui-se que, a aplicação do gerenciamento de projeto nas cooperativas habitacionais de autogestão é um fator fundamental de sobrevida, para o atendimento do seu principal objetivo: produzir a moradia com baixo custo e qualidade aos seus associados.

出軌的改革:中國貧困縣農村信用合作社研究 / Derailed reform:the case of rural credit cooperatives in China's poverty-stricken counties

李宇欣, Lee, YuHsin Unknown Date (has links)
中國農村信用合作社屬於集體性質合作金融組織,以農業相關貸款為主要業務,前中國國務院總理朱鎔基在第九屆全國人大四次會議中強調「農信社是支持農村金融的主力軍」,農信社享有獨立法人資格並承擔推動農村金融發展責任,卻未履行應盡義務和金融功能,反而成為地方政府融通資金的「小金庫」。 本研究試圖解釋農信社的發展與改革,從制度角度探討其與地方政府、地方企業之間的互動關係。農信社成立於一九五零年代,自毛統治時期即扮演地方政府小金庫角色,改革開放後,中國政府嚴格禁止地方政府干預金融機構經營,並給予補貼及稅收優惠提升其營運績效,但農信社受制於歷史制度影響,被既有路徑鎖住無法擺脫過去包袱,導致其發展與改革始終處在出軌的狀態。 中國改革開放三十年,農信社歷經多次改革轉換依然被地方政府所掌控,本研究透過分析農信社內部黨系統成員名單與地方政企之間的重疊關係,觀察出地方政府如何躲避中央政策及法律限制,持續箝制農信社的發展與金融功能,試圖補充農信社相關文獻在此議題上的不足,並解釋農信社在地方—特別是以農業為主的貧困縣地區與地方政府和地方企業間的運作模式。 / Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives (RCCs) is a collective-owned and cooperative financial institution, and its major business is to provide loans for agriculture-based projects. “The RCCs is the main force of agrian finance,” as such claimed by the former Chinese Premier Zhu, Rongji in the fourth session of the ninth National People’s Congress regarding the function and status of RCCs. Nonetheless, despite the RCCs is a separate legal entity and aims at promoting the development of agrian finance, it fails to do its work but becomes a private coffer of local governments. This study investigates the trajectory of development and reforms of RCCs first, and then explores the process from an institutional perspective by addressing the dynamic interactions between the RCCs, the local governments and the local enterprises. RCCs was first established in the 1950s, and has served as a private coffer for local governments since then. After launching the reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s, the central government attempted to prohibit the local governments to intervene the operation of RCCs on the one hand, and provided fiscal subsidies as well as tax reliefs to RCCs on the other. Yet the operation of RCCs has been locked into the pre-existing institutional practices shaped in Mao’s era and been “out of track” regardless of various reform attemps by the central government. This study argues that the organizational overlap between the branches of Chinese Communism Party in the local governments and RCCs largely explains why local governments could survive those reform attemps and persistentally gained the control of RCCs in the past 30 years. By examining the name lists of the party branches in the local governments and RCCs, I demonstrate that the local governments transferred the control of RCCs from administrative system to party system, thus they successfully circumvented the constrains of administrative policies and rules in various reform attemps by the central government. The finding also helps to explore the dynamic patterns of interaction among the local governments, RCCs, and local enterprises in those areas of agriculture-based economy, thus contributes to fill this gap in the literature of state-business research in China studies.

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