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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Home Health Management Innovation and Core Capabilities

Lin, Chi-shan 27 January 2010 (has links)
In the 21st century, the rapid developments and growth of information and communication technology have triggered a new wave of Healthcare Industry. This study utilizes the secondary data analysis to analyze and generalize the processes, contents and models of health care management. In addition, discuss the changes in both healthcare informatics and medical related processes based on the innovations for the traditional models to the new home health care management models. Further, the standard of the evaluation are according to the expert consultations, to see the critical impacts of the innovations on the stakeholders: healthcare customers, healthcare providers and healthcare regulators are identified, so as to explore the core capabilities in these dimensions of the innovation. These results indicate that the innovations for home health management care are differences in the technological knowledge and business model aspects. We further identify five home health management models and their core business capabilities that are necessary for the stakeholders to cope with the changes, each appearing to address either technical or care aspects of the transformation. The findings have the potential to contribute to the understanding of impacts occurring in the change associated with the innovation in the care process and offer rich insights for the stakeholders to exploit the opportunities.


Huang, Siou-Ru 17 January 2008 (has links)
The term ¡§Fast Fashion¡¨ has been under the spotlight since the Zara Empire emerged. Zara is one of the clothing retailers under a Spanish textile design, manufacturing and distribution group, the Inditex Group. Zara accounts for 70 to 80 percent of Inditex¡¦s retail sales on average. The founder, Amancio Ortega, has become the richest man in Spain and also one of the world¡¦s richest people. Inditex has 3207 stores located in 63 countries all over the world up to the fiscal year 2005. Zara has made elite fashion accessible to the mass market and has decreased the lifetime of clothing by providing customers new clothes to pick out every five to six weeks. In other words, Zara has made trendy clothing become disposable stuff. Studies and the garment industry call this phenomenon-- ¡§Fast Fashion¡¨. This study aims at clearly defining ¡§Fast Fashion¡¨, and analyzing Zara¡¦s positioning strategy and business model. By analyzing Zara¡¦s unusual structure, this study comes to a conclusion that clothing retailers would need some resources and core capabilities to implement fast fashion positioning strategy. However, fast fashion positioning strategy is not necessarily a competitive advantage for every clothing retailer.

知識密集服務業創新行為之研究 / The Exploratory Study of the Innovation Behaviors in Knowledge Intensive Business Service Sectors

林孝禹, LIN ,Hsiao-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近代產業的演進,兩大重要發展趨勢的挑戰,第一是知識經濟的來臨,顯現出知識的重要性;第二則是服務業快速成長已經成為世界各國的主流,在知識經濟的時代中,積極發展具有高附加價值的知識密集型產業,其中又以知識密集服務業「知識密集服務業」(KIBS, Knowledge Intensive Business Service)的發展最令人關注的發展。 然而在競爭激烈的環境之中,不斷的創新以常保競爭優勢也是當前知識型服務業的重要課題之一,如何在依據本身所從事的服務特性,以顧客的需求為導向,來管理企業的創新活動,並進一步建構一個能夠持續創新的能力與環境,使得企業日常活動能夠成為公司源源不斷的創新泉源,也是知識密集服務業的經理人最迫切希望知道的問題。 本研究以六家在各領域擁有傑出表現的知識型服務業為個案,首先觀察其服務的特性以、專屬的知識特質,以及組織的能力,並對其創新的過程及活動的做一深入的研究,試圖從中歸納出影響其創新活動的重要因素,盼能提供產業參考,提高其競爭力,加速其成功發展。本研究旨在回答下列幾個問題: (1)瞭解知識密集型服務業發展之概況以及內涵。 (2)觀察知識密集服務業之創新之行為,以及組織知識創造及擴散的過程。 (3)找出影響創新行為之共同關鍵因素,並分析其對於創新過程之影響。 (4)提出知識密集服務業管理及管理作一綜合整理及建議。 本研究指出,不同的特質,對於KIBS組織知識的創造及擴散會有不同的影響,故經理人必須去仔細瞭解KIBS所獨有的特質,並依據不同的特質來規劃不同的管理機制,以將知識發揮到最大。而在KIBS的所提供的服務中,往往是具有相當程度的顧客化,所以瞭解顧客的需求進而滿足顧客,是KIBS最重要的使命之一。顧客在創新行為間的積極參與程度,也成為KIBS中相當明顯的特色之一,故經理人應該必須相當的注意服務過程中的品質與態度。 此外,經理人也必須正視組織能力對於創新行為的影響,並持續建構能夠加速創新的組織能力。透過ISO制度或其本身的作業流程,使KIBS對公司文件及流程有一定的規範,並且遵照一定的標準來將知識外顯化後,歸檔於資料庫中,成為日後能夠再度利用的「知識元件」,來達成大量客製化的目的。 藉由精心設計的教育系統和激勵系統,來支持並強化知識成長的管理系統,KIBS經理人應該仔細的檢視教育系統,是否能夠真正的為組織提供所需要的訓練及知識,透過書面報告、教材,標準流程來學習KIBS的外顯知識,透過課程、師徒制度、業師制度、工作中學習等方式來學習KIBS的內隱知識。而在組織內部無法提供所需要的知識時,也必須開放向外部學習的管道。而在激勵系統的設計上,對於願意提供知識、主動參與團隊、並勇於向外部及顧客學習的員工,組織也都應該給予正面的肯定。 不同KIBS企業的價值觀,會使得組織對於深植於其員工及實體系統的知識,有著完全不同的看法。KIBS的價值觀都非常的強調創新、顧客及執行力的重要性,也直接了對其創新行為產生莫大的影響。故企業經理人必須清楚的瞭解其KIBS的核心價值為何,並利用這個規範來篩選及引導組織需要的知識。 在充分的掌握影響KIBS創新行為的特質及組織能力後,KIBS經理人必須要去建構一個可持續創造組織及員工值得吸收或保留的知識活動,能夠時時不斷的在擴充其組織能力。而日漸充沛的組織能力下,也才能成為源源不斷的創新泉源。

臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員核心能力之研究-知識管理觀點- / A Study of the police constables' core capability of Taipei city police department-knowledge management perspective

周紓蘭, Chou, Shu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
「知識」是21世紀的競爭武器,也是決定組織能否永續發展之根本。透過「知識管理」機制能將基層員警之經驗與知識傳承,增進基層員警的核心能力與警政組織之競爭優勢,藉以提升警政工作績效。警政競爭力之關鍵是在於警察機關的核心能力,而警察機關的核心能力又仰賴基層員警核心能力之整合。「警察」是一個富有挑戰性的職業,隨著人民需求與全球化發展,警察工作內容與範圍變得廣泛而多元,所需具備之知識與能力相對增加,因此,警察要隨時空因素之轉變而調整本身核心能力與應用分享知識,以符合社會與民眾之需求。 / 本研究以知識管理途徑來探討基層警察人員為應警察勤業務需要應具備那些核心能力,始能成為警政組織之知識工作者,並能順利完成警察任務,藉以達成卓越績效。因此,為深入分析基層警察人員知識管理與核心能力相關問題,本研究首採文獻分析,參酌國內外有關知識管理與核心能力論著,獲得理論上之知識,並配合臺北市政府警察局現況,應用現有文獻及相關計畫方案,進行多元而廣泛的資料蒐集,再佐以研究者之觀察與深入訪談實證研究分析,作實務與理論之探索,以提出基層警察人員須具備及應積極強化培訓之核心能力,並探討基層警察人員為因應未來環境變化應具備之核心能力,藉以作為警察機關常年訓練發展參考。 / 本研究經由相關理論文獻探討及實證分析,綜合發現臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員目前與未來應具備之核心能力,就其重要性依序為「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」、「溝通表達能力」、「問題解決能力」、「危機應變能力」與「警技執勤能力」等六項。其中最具 優勢之核心能力為「問題解決能力」。最缺乏之核心能力依次為「溝通表達能力」、「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」。另提出以下建議:一、運用知識管理與默會知識培養核心能力;二、定期工作分析並適時修正核心能力項目;三、適度增加分局內勤員額,並專責辦理所有警察業務;四、重視優勢核心能力之維繫;五、訓練強化基層警察人員核心能力不足之項目;六、建立以核心能力為基礎之訓練發展。 / Knowledge is the key to remaining competitive in the 21st century and is essential to the continual development of any organization. Knowledge management facilitates the transfer of knowledge from current police constables to new recruits, increases the capabilities of the constables themselves, and enhances the efficiency of the police administration – all of which make the administration more competitive. This high degree of competence is built on the foundation of police constable core capability. Law enforcement is a challenging field, with the needs of today’s citizens evolving and with the content and scope of the law becoming variable and multifunctional as a result. Improved knowledge management has become increasingly important, and the police administration must make adaptive adjustments to meet the progressing expectations of the people they serve. / The purpose of the study was to explore the core capabilities, in terms of knowledge management, required for police constables to perform efficiently in routine police work. To analyze the relationship between knowledge management and the police force’s core capability, the research referenced both domestic and foreign articles regarding these subjects. I worked with the Taipei City Police Department to evaluate their currently situation by broadly utilizing their internal research along with my own observations and interviews. This information was implemented as a practical and theoretical basis in my research. The study also explored the requirement of core capability required for police constables to react to current societal changes, and research resulting from it can be used as a reference for the police administration’s annual training. / The study analyzes the current and future core capability required for police constables of the Taipei City Police Department. In order of importance are: “Interpretation of the Law”; “Quality Service”; “Communication”; “Problem Solving”; “Crisis Management”; and “Police Skill Set”. Problem solving is the strength of the department, with communication, interpretation of the law, and quality service being weaknesses. Proposals to improve these areas are as follows: 1. Apply knowledge management to enhance core capability; 2. Routinely evaluate and adjust the items defining core capability; 3. Adequately increase the desk staffing; 4. Emphasize the necessity of core capability; 5. Enhance the core capability of underperforming police constables; and 6. Build a training plan based on core capabilities.


楊凱迪 Unknown Date (has links)
未來企業競爭優勢的來源必須來自於本身的核心競爭力及必須建構新的核心競爭力,國內外專家學者對於核心競爭力的意義和來源以及探討核心核心競爭力的發展的過程已有一些研究,但是當外在環境改變時,企業如何能夠繼續運用原有的核心競爭力及如何建構新的核心競爭力方面的研究卻較少。因此,本論文就以擁有創新研發、製造技術、速度、規模與彈性的Intel公司為例,針對面對現有的競爭廠商及當未來環境的發展及應用延伸到寬頻、無線通訊及資訊家電等多元應用領域時,Intel如何延伸原有的核心競爭力和適當維持與運用其資源與能力來建構新的核心競爭力而能夠延伸成為其新的長期核心競爭力並爭取到進入新的市場的機會,創造新的競爭優勢。本研究歸納的研究發現如下 :   一、企業的研發單位可以把研發經費放在推動技術的商業化上來累積資源和增加及鞏固企業內部的核心競爭力。   二、核心競爭力的延伸可以從未來的角度看產品和技術,而不是根據以往的經驗看待下個世代的產品或技術。   三、運用產業規格的制定和繼續不斷的投資才能鞏固和建立企業的核心競爭力,也才有機會延伸企業原有的核心競爭力到下一個新市場來制定新的規格。   四、產品規格的市場因素是影響核心技術開發創造成功的重要因素。   五、核心競爭力具有延展性,核心競爭力的創造與累積在於企業內部資源的有效運用與共享。   六、核心競爭力的建立靠著長時間學習的累積多過發明的躍進。   七、企業領導者的願景和價值觀,企業的管理制度和組織文化對延伸企業的核心競爭力有很大的影響。   八、路徑相依度高,知識的擴散與移轉將變得更容易。   九、面對未來的新產業,成立新事業部門是建構新的核心競爭力的重要方法。   研究結果發現,Intel能夠成功適當地運用企業原有的內部核心競爭力(資產能力和管理制度)並能夠建構新的核心競爭力而能夠有能力延伸到新的網路無線通訊市場領域。Intel的企業優勢主要為能夠繼續投資創新研發在晶圓廠和半導體製程,領先競爭對手的研發製程技術,擁有經濟規模而有產業規格制定的能力來主導市場,能夠提供完整平台解決方案的能力,‘Intel Inside’行銷策略的成功,領導者和管理制度及企業文化價值觀的結合。當外部環境朝向無線網路通訊新領域發展時,Intel仍然繼續投資新的研發技術以開發新產品並降低成本,並且運用行銷策略聯盟、併購及轉投資新技術和成立新事業部的方式來建構及延伸其核心競爭力而進入新的無線網路通訊領域。   在微處理器市場的競爭,Intel是先佔廠商,採用的是大幅躍進在製程、速度及效能表現上大幅超越競爭對手的方式。而面對已有先佔廠商且許多新規格仍未明確的無線通訊網路市場,Intel是利用自行研發和外部取得新技術加上原有的研發創新製程技術以及配合原有的內部核心競爭力繼續建構成為新的核心競爭力而延伸到新的市場。 / The source of future corporate competitive advantages must come from their own existing core competence and also from building new core competences. Some scholars have already explored the meaning, source and process of the core competence, but when the outside environment changes, few scholars have studied how a corporation continually uses its original core competence and how it builds new core competences. Therefore, this thesis is a case study of Intel Corporation, which is a corporation with innovation R&D, manufacturing technology, speed, scale and flexibility. This thesis will focus on how Intel extends its original core competence, leverages resources and capability to build new, long-lasting core competences, thus seizing the opportunity of entering new markets facing today's competitive environment and future potential markets, including broadband, wireless communication and IA field. We could summarize this thesis to the following findings:   1. The corporation's R&D department may spend their R&D expenditures on the commercialization of technology in order to accumulate resources and also to increase and strengthen the corporation's inner core competence.   2. The extension of the core competence can help forecast the next generation of product and technology by a future perspective instead of past experience.   3. The establishment of the industry standards and continuous investment can help build and strengthen the corporation's core competence, and as a result, gives the corporation the chance to extend original core competences to the next new market and set up new industry standards.   4. The market factor of the product specification is a key success factor of core technology development.   5. Core competence is extensive, and the creation and accumulation of the core competence is based on effective leverage and sharing of corporate inner resources.   6. The building of the core competence is based more on the accumulation of long time learning than leapfrog inventions.   7. The vision and values of the corporate leader, the management style and the organizational culture all have great effect on extending the corporation's core competence.   8. The higher the extent of path dependence, the easier the knowledge spreading and transferring.   9. In the new future business, forming a new business group is an important method of building new core competence.   This thesis finds that Intel not only is able to successfully use its original core competence, it is also able to build new core competences enabling Intel to expand its market realm to broadband and wireless communication fields. Intel's corporate advantages mainly lie in continuous investment of IC and wafer manufacturing technologies; leading R&D and manufacturing processes; scale of economy; the establishment of industry standards therefore giving Intel the ability to dominate the industry; the capability of providing a total solution platform; the success of the “Intel Inside” marketing strategy; and the perfect combination of leader vision/value, management systems and corporate culture. When the outside environment changes and wireless communication seems to be the next gold mine, Intel continues to invest in new technology and new product development, cut down costs, extending core competences and entering new markets using various means including strategic alliances, merge & acquisitions, investing in new technology fields, and forming new business units or groups.   Intel is a first-mover and a dominant firm in the CPU market, and it stays on the edge by substantially staying ahead of competitors in manufacturing technologies, speed and efficiency performances. While facing the new wireless communication market, which already has a dominant firm but not yet a dominant industry standard, Intel chooses to use internally developed inventions and externally obtained technology, in coordination with existing advantages in manufacturing processes and original core competences, thus extend to the new markets.

Strategic Analysis of Taiwan Magnesium Industry- an example of Catcher Technology Co., Ltd.

Huang, Wen-Lung 18 July 2002 (has links)
The study is to summarize the characteristic, present situation and future trend of magnesium industry. Through the analysis of industrial structure, we can understand the growth level of magnesium die casting market in Asia is better than other regions in the world. Especially the 3C industries in Taiwan and Japan, are the most fast-developing ones of magnesium. By means of the analysis of ¡§five forces¡¨ and SWOT of domestic magnesium industry, and comparison with Japanese industry and many references, we can find the KSF (Key Successful Factors) of Taiwan magnesium industry. In the case study of Catcher's company, we can find out how it successfully apply its core resources and retain its competitive niche by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of competitive factors, and understanding how to use hyper-competition operation model. The industrial circumstances change rapidly, it is importance to fully grasp favorable terms of corporate competition, and to develop advantageous strategies by integrating the prospects of domestic and foreign industries. For the construction of a strongly competitive leader company of magnesium industries, it is essential to own the critical techniques of magnesium and establish the good relationship with customers. From the study, we find that Catcher Co., Ltd. can forecast the customers¡¦ future needs and operate in coordination with them to develop the product strategies. Because it can provide the new products earlier than other rivals, and keep good relationship with suppliers, Catcher can manufacture the products at many different production places and satisfy the most needs of customers and occupy higher market share. Reviewing the case in the analysis of management strategies, we can verify the KSF that can fit in with Taiwan magnesium industry. In conclusion, the study suggests five significant items for the Taiwan magnesium industry: 1. Fix on product scope 2. Promotion of research team ability 3. Process techniques and quality stability 4. Mass production capacity and cost down 5. The Cooperation of Magnesium companies

An assessment tool for measuring business process management as a core capability in an organization

Van der Westhuizen, Adriana Isabella 07 November 2008 (has links)
Galbraith (1995:2) states that “organizations continuously search for more effective approaches in order to survive, to remain competitive, to maintain their operations and to grow in an ever-changing and competitive environment. To achieve sustainable business results, organizations must actively manage cost, quality, product and service features by means of their efficient and effective application of managerial and operational systems within a well-designed organizational framework.” Porter and Tanner (2004:3) argue that “in their endeavour to remain competitive organizations have over the last few decades in search of the ultimate system or methodology tried and tested all the various performance improvement approaches or performance enablers (ISO 9000, Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Business Excellence, Continuous Improvement, Total Quality Management (TQM), Just-in-Time, Project Management, Six Sigma, Lean Sigma, etcetera). Although thousands of organizations implemented these performance enablers, few organizations achieved their envisaged state of excellence.” Kerzner (1997:2) argues that “there are only two ways in which work gets done in organizations: through business processes or through projects. Business processes are permanent work structures that transform inputs continuously into outputs as ongoing operations. Projects on the other hand are temporary work structures that shut down once the output has been achieved.” Robbins, (1998:629) states that “since the organizations’ success or failure is essential due to the things that its employees do or fail to do (processes), any planned change must also be concerned with changing the behaviour of individuals and groups within the organization.” It is therefore critical that management does have scientific control over the function or Critical Core Capability that touches “the way things get done”. The researcher are therefore of the opinion that business process being the core descriptor of the “how”, “what”, “when”, and “why” of every individuals daily interaction with his work, his colleagues, his organization and his clients is maybe by far the biggest factor of satisfaction, dissatisfaction, harmony or conflict in the organization and determines to a large extent what the behaviour of the individual, the groups and the organization at large will be on a daily basis. Business Process was identified as core to all the performance enablers and was elevated to a Critical Core Capability status in many organizations. Derived from the above Business Process Management as a Critical Core Capability should encompass the four management functions, and should be supported by a proper organizational framework that includes strategy, structure, policies, procedures, and people. The literature search also confirmed that “synergy”, i.e. “The whole is more than its parts”, is paramount to success when it comes to the management of a Critical Core Capability. With the above as reference the researcher set out to establish which criteria should be included in a measurement instrument to measure Business Process Management as a Critical Core Capability in an organization. The following primary research question was formulated and used as vantage point to develop, as the primary objective, said instrument: What must be implemented, in terms of strategies, governance, enterprise architecture, and process optimization, to ensure that organization culture, people’s behaviour and the work environment will be conducive to successfully establish and maintain Business Process Management as a Critical Core Capability of an organization? Based on a proper research process and methodology the researcher utilized the following methods to develop the Test Instrument: <ul> <li> A comprehensive literature study;</li> <li> Discussions with and inputs from experts;</li> <li> Questionnaires; and</li> <li> Statistical analysis.</li> </ul> An Assessment Tool for Measuring Business Process Management as a Core Capability in an organization comprising ninety items clustered in six criteria in a five factor scale was developed and tested in two organizations as well as in three different business units in the one organization. The final Descriptive Statistics showed that the overall reliability of the items per criterion was highly acceptable with Cronbach Alpha Coefficients of 0.7315, 0.9216, 0.8224, 0.7650, 0.8248, and 0.7722 respectively, (higher than the acceptable level of 0.70). The final analysis therefore concluded that the assessment tool, the Business Process Management Competency Assessment Model (BPMCAM), is a reliable tool that can distinguish in terms of Business Process Management as a Critical Core Capability the level of an organization’s readiness to implement and/or to sustain the Business Process Management functionality as a Critical Core Capability. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

日本自動車企業の現場力研究 : A社中国工場における参与観察に基づく実証研究 / ニホン ジドウシャ キギョウ ノ ゲンバリョク ケンキュウ : Aシャ チュウゴク コウジョウ ニオケル サンヨ カンサツ ニ モトズク ジッショウ ケンキュウ

陳 燕双, YanShuang Chen 21 March 2019 (has links)
博士(商学) / Doctor of Commerce / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

組織核心能力與競爭優勢-資訊科技之策略性運用 / Core Capability and Competitive Advantage: The Strategic Deployment of Information Technology

柯文珍, Ke, Wen Jane Unknown Date (has links)
由於科技的進步與國際化的趨勢,企業正面臨著充滿競爭、多變與相互結盟的經營環境,組織必須跳脫出過去沈重而僵化的運作體制,在組織結構與經營模式上加注更多的彈性與應變能力,資訊科技對於大量資料的處理、儲存、傳遞功能使得現代企業日益重視此項工具所能帶給組織的高附加價值。   本研究主要是探討資訊科技與組織競爭優勢的因果關係,研究的目的在於了解「資訊科技應如何與組織所擁有的核心能力相配合,以創造組織的競爭優勢。」,並在此目的下深入探討以下三個問題:資訊科技與核心能力之間的配合型態所代表的涵義以及企業界實際的作法為何?資訊科技與核心能力的最適搭配是否會因組織的特性而有所差異?核心能力與資訊科技之間的配合型態對競爭優勢的影響為何?   本研究屬於探索個案研究,主要是藉由實地訪談國內電腦化績效卓越的公司,配合國內外相關文獻,以探討資訊科技的功能特性與組織核心能力的各種搭配型態,並進一步討論在不同的組織價值目標引領下,資訊科技與組織核心能力的最適配合型態與競爭優勢的因果關係。   經由理論與實務的印証,本研究發現透過資訊科技的收集、處理累積與分享傳遞的功能,能大幅降低企業流程的溝通協調成本,組織藉由知識與經驗的累積而能發揮「社會記憶」的功能,並經由不斷地對顧客進行深入的了解與探尋使組織比競爭者更有能力去滿足客戶的需求,如此組織便能以更具效率的運作程序及更高的顧客化程度來達成其所欲追求的競爭優勢。


傅肇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技代工製造業在全球攻城掠地,以強大的規模經濟為出發,在國際上以成本競爭建立起今日強大的地位,有別於這些檯面上的大型高科技廠商,其實台灣還有另外一群占據了利基市場的中小型高科技廠商,他們沒有龐大的土地、沒有寬廣的廠房、沒有動輒破萬的員工數,沒有精密計算的財務槓桿,他們運用深耕利基市場的決心,創造了台灣的另一種企業神話。 本研究以此出發,選定利基產業中最具代表性的安全監控產業作為研究對象,從中選出兩間獲利能力最強的代表廠商奇偶科技與陞泰科技,以深入訪談的方式了解兩間個案公司建立核心能力的途徑,並利用哈佛大學Dorothy Barton(1998)出版的專書「知識創新之泉-智價企業的經營」中所指出的核心能力建構模式加以分析兩間個案公司之所以能形成強大核心能力的關鍵因素。 透過二手資料的蒐集與深入訪談,本研究認為兩間個案公司之所以能形成強大、特殊的核心能力,主要與其明確的研發策略、對市場需求的反應與創辦人之背景高度相關,透過創辦團隊引進獨特的經營哲學,於此哲學之上建構具體的研發目標,輔以快速的蒐集市場資訊、與使用者互動擷取需求的機制,個案公司得以主宰安全監控產業。 本研究也指出了整套的核心能力建構流程,供其他位於利基產業的廠商參考,期許台灣未來會出現更多這樣優秀的小規模科技廠商。 / Taiwanese high-tech manufacturing firms stormed the global market with low cost production capability and built solid market share. But there are still some other small Taiwanese high-tech firms that focus on niche markets. They don’t need big assets and large amount of employees, they don’t even use financial leverage to expend their operation. What they depend is the long time focus strategy that assured the high profit and non-replaceable status in their industry. Surveillance digital video recorder market is one of this kind of niche market. We chose two representative companies-Geo Vision and AVTech to do further case study and adapt the core capability building model which published by Prof. Dorothy Leonard Barton in the book “Wellsprings of Knowledge”to demonstrate the way this kind of niche high-tech companies build their core competence. Through this research, we found that the companies built their core capability base on the same pattern. Joint product development with users and market information screening made the case companies learn how to set a R&D goal that fits the expectation of users. Based on this goal, the case companies built their own R&D capabilities with different philosophy that their founders believe to realize the product concept. Through this pattern, the two case companies dominant the DVR industry. In this research we also found that the way they build their core capabilities is highly correlated to the back ground of their founder teams Moreover, we conclude the findings and integrated them into some simple ideas that other companies can adapt to build their own core capabilities.

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