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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Att så ett frö" : En studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av sitt arbete med kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation under Covid-19-pandemin

Jansson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Fler länder har under Covid-19-pandemin rapporterat att deras restriktioner har inneburit en ökning av våld i nära relation. I Sverige har socialtjänsten det yttersta ansvaret att erbjuda stöd och hjälp till en våldsutsatt kvinna. Under pandemin förväntas socialtjänsten att ge ett likartat stöd som innan pandemin trots de uppmaningar och restriktioner som utfärdats. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever sitt arbete med kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation under rådande pandemi. Studien är baserad på material från åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare från olika kommuner i Sverige. Michael Lipskys (2010) teori om gatubyråkrati används för att undersöka och förstå socialsekreterarnas handlingsutrymme i relation till den våldsutsatta kvinnan under rådande pandemi. Vidare används Randall Collins (2004) teori om interaktionsritualer för att förstå sammanhanget som studiens socialsekreterare och de våldsutsatta kvinnorna befinner sig. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreterarnas arbete karaktäriseras av flera aspekter, bland annat av den betydelse som motivations- och informationsarbetet har för att etablera en första kontakt med den våldsutsatta kvinnan samt hur en hög grad av handlingsutrymme krävs för att både kunna ge rätt stöd och upprätthålla en interaktionsritual med klienten. Covid-19-pandemin har förändrat socialsekreterarnas arbete genom att de inte längre kan ha fysiska möten i samma utsträckning som tidigare, vilket visar sig vara en förlust i deras yrkesroll. / Several countries have reported an increase in intimate partner violence during the Covid-19 pandemic due to their restricted measures to control the spread of the virus. In Sweden, the social services have the responsibility to offer services in the form of support and help to a woman subjected to intimate partner violence. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the social services are expected to provide similar services as before the pandemic, despite the issued exhortation and restrictions. The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers experience their work with women who are subjected to intimate partner violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on data from eight semi-structured interviews with social workers from different municipalities in Sweden. Michael Lipsky’s (2010) theory about street-level bureaucracy is used to examine and understand the social workers’ discretion in relation to the abused women during the current pandemic. Furthermore, Randal Collins’ (2004) theory about interaction rituals is used to understand the context in which the social workers in this study and the abused women find themselves.  The results of the study show that the work of social workers is characterized by several aspects, including the importance of motivational and information work to establish a first contact with the abused woman and how a high degree of room for maneuver is required to both provide the right support and maintain an interaction ritual with the client. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the work of social workers in that they can no longer have physical encounters to the same extent as before, proving to be a loss in their professional role.

Creating a sense of normality : A quantitative study examining how a digital collaborative tool impacts students’ experiences in online synchronous group discussions

Johansson, Agnes, Voronenko, Aleksandra January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – The unexpected yet drastic influence of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a rapid transition of education to be conducted in digital environments. Replacing face-to-face classrooms with synchronous online learning requires a number of appropriate adjustments which were heavily restricted by the urgency of this global change taking place. With theobserved issues of student participation and involvement in online learning, the purpose ofthis research was to investigate the potential that digital collaborative tools have and if theycan improve the quality of online group discussions among students aged 12 to 16 years old. Method – This study employs a quantitative data collection approach and makes use of the Community of Inquiry framework. A close-ended questionnaire based on the Community of Inquiry survey tool was used to collect students’ impressions and attitudes after they hadparticipated in the experimental study. The experiment consisted of control and experimental groups that partook in online group discussions as part of a regularly scheduled lesson. Findings – Digital collaborative tools were found to change the way in which students experience online group discussions. The attained rates of the Community of Inquiry were overall higher among students in the experimental group. Our findings tested to be statistically significant together with the effect size falling between medium to large extent. This further supports the notion that digital collaborative tools bring in a positive difference into online group discussions and have a potential to increase the quality of online learning when implemented carefully and thoughtfully. Implications – This study emphasizes the importance of developing a clear strategy of how to implement suitable digital collaborative tools into online learning in the most optimal manner that would increase the quality of online learning. This paper can be considered as a startingpoint for future research that could construct further knowledge within the field and extend our findings by investigating other aspects that have an influence on and can have beneficial effects for younger students in online education.

More than just a room full of books: Swedish school libraries during distance education / Mer än bara ett rum med böcker: Svenska skolbibliotek under distansundervisning.

Shove, Claire January 2021 (has links)
Thus far the research on how schools have managed the sudden transition to distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic has mainly focused on the experiences of teachers, and the voices of school librarians have gone unexplored. This study aims to explore the transition to distance education from the perspectives of secondary school librarians in Sweden. The study focuses on how this transition affected school librarians’ working practices and the factors that impacted their abilities to rebuild their usual activities and services in new formats. This study uses an infrastructural perspective to analyse the school library as a part of the wider school infrastructure, and considers the enforced transition to distance education as a kind of infrastructural ‘breakdown’. School libraries are treated as multifaceted infrastructures with material, structural and relational/cultural factors which all may contribute to their success. Through a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with 14 librarians at 12 secondary schools in Sweden, I identified four themes in the ways informants talked about the transition process:  1.     Most well-established practices, relationships and collaborations could be adapted.  2.     The library room had social functions that could not be fully rebuilt online. 3.     Systematic integration, strong relationships and a culture of library use contributed to successful transitions. 4.     Work to make libraries more accessible and visible became more important. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and Information Science. / Hittills har forskningen om hur skolor har hanterat den plötsliga övergången till distansundervisning på grund av COVID-19-pandemin fokuserat till största delen på lärares erfarenheter, och skolbibliotekariers röster har inte utforskats. Denna studie syftar till att utforska övergången till distansundervisning utifrån svenska skolbibliotekariers perspektiv. Studien fokuserar på hur denna process påverkade skolbibliotekariers arbetspraktiker, och de faktorer som påverkade deras förmåga att återskapa sina vanliga verksamheter i nya format.  Studien använder ett infrastrukturellt perspektiv för att analysera skolbiblioteket som en del av en bredare skolinfrastruktur, och betraktar den påtvingade övergången till distansundervisning som ett slags “infrastrukturellt sammanbrott”. Skolbibliotek behandlas som mångfasetterade infrastrukturer, med materiella, strukturella och relationella/kulturella faktorer som alla kan bidra till deras framgång. Genom tematisk analys av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med 14 bibliotekarier på 12 gymnasieskolor i Sverige identifierade jag fyra teman i hur informanterna pratade om övergångsprocessen:  1. De mest väletablerade praktikerna, relationerna och samarbetena kunde anpassas. 2. Biblioteksrummet hade sociala funktioner som inte helt kunde återskapas på nätet. 3. Systematisk integrering, starka relationer och en kultur av biblioteksanvändning bidrog till framgångsrika övergångar. 4. Arbetet för att göra biblioteken mer tillgängliga och synliga blev viktigare.

Knowledge Management and ICT Adaptions as a Result of Pandemic Workplace Restrictions : A Case Study at a SME in Germany

Baesch, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Aim. The purpose of this degree project was to assess the impact of the sudden, historically-unique COVID-19 workplace restrictions on the knowledge management and interrelated ICT utilization of a knowledge-intensive SME in Germany. Based upon the outcomes of this assessment, suggestions for future advancement were to be developed.Research Approach. The research approach entailed a qualitative case study addressing a single IT company with 42 employees. The research itself was conducted via triangulation, with the semi-structured interviews of four purposely sampled company executives serving as the focal part. Fundamental aspects of these interviews were further substantiated through four exploratory meeting observations and a company-wide questionnaire contributing 14 employee responses.Findings. Subject to the pandemic-related workspace restrictions, this company was forced to transition to predominantly virtual operations. The organization responded through the introduction of a new, integrated ICT for employee collaboration while simultaneously expediting the codification of tacit knowledge across two existing knowledge repositories. This focus on only a few essential ICTs led to a reduction of prior systems clutter and the company-wide accessibility of explicit knowledge – a quantum leap in terms of efficiency. Along with the primary collaboration via ICTs, a new interaction etiquette developed amongst employees, and IT-related staff was found to cooperate more actively than in the previous on-site environment. Given these insights, this German IT house is recommended to continue its emergently hybrid knowledge management strategy and consider the benefits of both the physical and virtual spaces for an office redesign past the COVID-19 limitations.Originality. Academic references attending to knowledge management during forced workplace restrictions were de facto nonexistent. Adding to it, previous studies on virtual knowledge management indicated a deterioration of performance as compared to on-site operations. This case study is hence not only unique by its pandemic link, but also countering apparent academic presupposition.

Hemarbete vs platsförlagt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om effekten den geografiska platsen för arbetet har på motivation, kommunikation & sammanhållning inom team / Work from home vs the workspace : A qualitative study of the effect the geographical location of the work performance has on motivation, communication & cohesion within teams

Kylén, Matilda, Johansson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin, en kris som varit aktuell sedan början av år 2020, förändrade den geografiska platsen för arbetets utförande till följd av restriktionen gällande hemarbete. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka vad som skiljt platsförlagt arbete och hemarbete åt med avseende på faktorerna motivation, kommunikation och sammanhållning. Dessa faktorer är centrala delar av arbetsmiljön och vi ville därför se om de påverkats när arbetsmiljön förändrat. För att kunna utreda valt problemområde nyttjades den kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoden, med ansatsen semistrukturerad intervju. Under genomförande fanns ett flertal förutbestämda frågor med utrymme för respondenterna att tillägga information som var av värde för studien. Metoden valdes då vi ville få respondenters åsikter och erfarenheter kring hur faktorerna skiljt sig åt beroende på den geografiska platsen för arbetets utförande. I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras de valda faktorerna motivation, kommunikation och sammanhållning utförligt. I analysavsnittet kopplas teori och empiri samman, samt jämförs med tidigare studiers resultat. Studien visade på att Covid-19 haft störst påverkan gällande motivation vid hemarbete, men även förändrat vissa delar vid platsförlagt arbete. Kommunikationen påverkades positivt vid hemarbete men negativt vid platsförlagt arbete, slutligen påverkades sammanhållningen negativt enligt respondenterna. Avslutningsvis ges fyra rekommendationer för att förbättra arbetsmiljön. / The Covid-19 pandemic, a crisis that has been relevant since the beginning of 2020, changed the geographical location of the work performance as a result of the restriction which introduced work from home. The purpose of this inquiry was therefore to study how work from the original workplace and work from home differed regarding motivation, communication and cohesion. These factors are central parts of the work environment and therefore we wanted to see if they were affected by the change of work environment. In order to be able to investigate the selected problem area, the qualitative data collection method was used, with the semi-structured interview approach. During implementation, there were a number of predetermined questions with room for the respondents to add information that was of value to the study. The method was chosen because we wanted to obtain the respondents experiences and opinions regarding how the factors differed depending on the geographical location of the work performance. In the theoretical frame of reference, the selected factors motivation, communication and cohesion are presented. In the analysis section, theory and empiricism are contextualized with previous studies. The study showed that Covid-19 had the greatest impact on motivation regarding work from home, but also affected certain parts of work from the workplace. The communication had a positive effect on work from home but a negative effect on work from the workplace, and finally the respondents experienced a negative effect on cohesion. Finally, four recommendations were given to improve the work environment.

Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på medborgardialogen : Ett arbete om förändrade möjligheter till kommunikation / The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on citizen dialogue : A study on changing opportunities for communication

Bohlin, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om människors inflytande i kommunal planeringoch hur detta har påverkats av covid-19 pandemin. Frågan är viktig ur ett större perspektiv då förutsättningarna för ett socialt hållbart samhälle bygger på jämställdhet, jämlikhet och delaktighet i samhällets utveckling, vilket kan påverkas av pandemins restriktioner. Genom att kartlägga hur planeringsförvaltning på tre olika stora kommuner har förändrat sitt arbete med medborgardialoger under pandemin vill man förstå hur förändringarna har påverkat kommunikationen mellan planeringsförvaltning och medborgare. Insamling av empiri har skett via kvalitativa intervjuer där informanterna arbeter i direkt anknytning till planeringsprocesser på förvaltning och besitter kunskap och erfarenhet inom uppsatsens ämne. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att samtliga planeringsförvaltningar har ställt om till ett helt digitalt arbeter i kommunikationen med medborgarna, detta har både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. Digitalt skapas mer flexibla och tidseffektiva möten, det öppnar upp för ett ökat deltagande framförallt hos yngre, samtidigt som det också skapar begränsningar för äldre och de som inte talar språket, det är också svårare att få in synpunkter från medborgarna över digitala möten. Fullständig digitalisering av dialogen med medborgarna tenderar till en ökad risk för envägskommunikation samt att vissa grupper exkluderas från deltagandet. / This essay is about people´s influence in municipal planning and how this has been affected by covid-19 pandemic. The issue is important from a larger prespective as the conditions for a socially sustainable society, builds on equality and participation in development of society, which can be affected by the restrictions of a pandemic. By analyzing how planning administration in three diffrent large municipalities has changed its work with citizen dialogues during the pandemic, they want to understand how the changes have affected the communication between planning administration and citizens. Empirical data collection has been done by qualitative inrerviews. Interviewees all works as civil servants with knowledge and experience in the field of municipal development and processes connected to it. Analysis in this essay indicates that all interviewed administrations have adapted digital platforms for communicating with citizens, resulting in both positive and negative factors. Digital platforms create flexible and efficient meetings, which opens up for increased participation, especially among younger people. At the same time as it also creates restrictions for the elderly and those who do not speak the language. It is also more difficult to get views from citizens during digital meetings, which can affect representativeness. Compared to physical meetings digital meetings generate less citizen input. Complete digitalization of the citizen dialogue tends to increase the risk of one-way communication and to exclude certain groups from participation.

Se upp, här kommer Covid-19 pandemin, hur fungerar det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer arbetar med det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet under Covid-19 pandemin / Watch out, here comes the Covid-19 pandemic, how does the systematic environment work : A qualitative study of how managers work with the systematic environment work during Covid-19 panemic

Andersson, Gabriella, Merin, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hösten år 2019 bröt Covid-19 viruset ut i Kina och kom att klassas som en pandemi. Hela samhället påverkas, men i frontlinjen av pandemin står vårdpersonalen. Deras arbetsmiljö påverkas kraftigt på grund av att patientintaget ökat och de förväntas utföra högklassig vård. Det är chefens ansvarsområde att se till att arbetsmiljön upplevs som god samt att förebygga olycksfall och ohälsa på arbetet. Arbetsmiljöarbetet är lagstadgat och ska utföras planerat och systematiskt, även kallat systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Centrala delar i systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete är undersöka, riskbedöma, åtgärda och kontrollera. Föreliggande studie utgår från riskbedömning och åtgärd. Syfte: Studien syftar till att ge en beskrivning av och ökad förståelse för hur chefer inom ett sjukhus i en medelstor stad i Sverige arbetar med systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Fokus ligger på frågor utifrån enhetschefers riskbedömning och åtgärder som påverkar vårdpersonalens arbetsmiljö under Covid-19 pandemin. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Insamlad empiri utgår från två perspektiv, enhetschefer och vårdpersonal, för att ge studien en ökad trovärdighet. Det genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer, fyra med enhetschefer och fyra med vårdpersonal, på ett sjukhus i en medelstor stad i Sverige. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att chefers arbete med systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete inte har ökat under Covid-19 pandemin utan snarare förändrats. Förändringen ligger främst i att den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön påverkas i form av utsatt arbetssituation som chefer haft begränsad möjlighet att påverka. Kommunikationen förändras genom att fysiska möten minimeras som bidrar till att chefer behöver hitta komplement för att bibehålla kommunikationen med vårdpersonalen. Den långsiktiga planeringen förändras i avseendet att riskbedömningar och åtgärd snarare övergår till att göras på kort sikt under Covid-19 pandemin. / Background: In the autumn of 2019,the Covid-19 virus exclaimed in China, which later came to be classified as a pandemic. The whole society is affected, but the care staff is at the forefront of the pandemic. Their work environment has a strong impact due to the increase in patient intake and they were expected to perform high-quality care. It is the managers responsibility to ensure that the work environment is perceived as good and to prevent accidents and ill health at work. The environment work is statutory and must be carried out planned and systematically, also called systematic environment work. Central parts of systematic environment work are investigation,risk assessment, action and control. The study is based on risk assessment and action. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to provide a description of increased understanding of how managers in a hospital in a medium-sized city in Sweden work with systematic environment work. The focus is on external issues, strengthening risk assessment and measures that affect the care staff's work environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The study is based on a qualitative method and abductive research approach. Collected empirical data is based on two perspectives, unit managers and care staff, for study and increased credibility. Eight semi-structured interviews, four with unit heads and four with care staff, were conducted at a hospital ina medium-sized city in Sweden. Results and conclusion: The results of the study show that managers working with systematic environment work have not increased during the Covid-19 pandemic but rather changed. The change is mainly in the fact that the physical and psychosocial work environment affects in the form of a vulnerable work situation that managers can limit the opportunity to influence. Communication has changed by minimizing physical meetings as a contribution to the managers having to find a complement to maintain communication with the care staff. Long-term planning has changed in the sense that risk assessments and measures have rather shifted to short-term Covid-19 pandemics.

Covid-19 and gender inequality in Mexico : The unequal impact of the pandemic on women’s healthcare

Moise, Maria Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
Healthcare systems and medical services all over the world have been facing a significant reliability crisis that has peaked in the past couple of decades from a series of criticisms regarding inequality. It is well-established that the inequality problem, especially in the Latin American region is an abiding and deep-routed phenomenon particularly in regards to gendered relationships, which has only recently been given the necessary attention.  Therefore, this study investigates the equality of healthcare access from a gendered perspective, as a result of gender inequality in Mexico. The foregoing issue shall be analysed by giving an overview of the pre-existing situation in Mexico and by examining the recent data from 2020 and 2021 resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, gender inequality in the country will be analysed from a theoretical perspective, while statistical data will be used to examine the possible existence of a pattern and the societal influences on it in relation to healthcare. In times like these, when the whole planet has been affected by a pandemic, the ongoing discrimination and inequalities regarding healthcare access have been brought to the surface. Many discussions have taken place regarding racial inequality in the sector and its effects on minorities such as black or immigrant communities globally. However, the focus given to the gender inequality in the health sector and how it has been affected by the pandemic is minimal. For this reason, this study introduces an innovative and relevant perspective to the current healthcare discussion in connection to gender inequality in Mexico.

Hur distansarbetare upplever arbetsmiljön och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv under covid-19-pandemin / How teleworkers experience the work environment and their Work-Life Balance during the covid-19 pandemic

Bjurling Lindqvist, Emelie, Enderberg, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur distansarbetare upplever förändringar i den fysiska- och psykosociala arbetsmiljön under covid-19-pandemin, med ett särskilt fokus på förändringar i balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Studien är baserad på kvalitativ metod. Datamaterialet samlades in via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades via en induktiv tematisk analys som resulterade i tre huvudteman och två till tre underteman. Resultatet visade att respondenterna upplevde förändringar i både den fysiska- och psykosociala arbetsmiljön och att distansarbetet bidragit till mindre vardagsstress och högre flexibilitet. Respondenterna hade däremot svårt med gränsdragningen mellan arbetslivet och privatlivet och de saknade den sociala interaktionen med arbetskollegorna. Respondenterna upplevde även att de blivit mer stillasittande och att de hade bristfällig ergonomisk arbetsutrustning. Det framkom även en tydlig brist på riktlinjer, utbildningar och utvärderingar gällande arbetsmiljön och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Vidare önskar respondenterna en kombination av distansarbete och att arbeta fysiskt på arbetsplatsen i framtiden. / The purpose of the present study was to examine how teleworkers experience changes in the physical and psychosocial work environment during the covid-19 pandemic, with a special focus on changes in Work-Life Balance. The study is based on a qualitative method. Eight semi-structured interviews were analyzed by inductive thematic analysis, which resulted in three main themes and two to three sub-themes. The results indicated that the respondents experienced changes in both the physical and psychosocial work environment and the telework has contributed to reduced everyday stress and greater flexibility. However the respondents experienced difficulty with drawing the line between work and private life and a realization of the importance of social interaction with work colleagues. They experienced increased sedentary and inadequate work equipment. There was also a clear deficiency of guidelines, training and knowledge regarding physical and psychosocial work environment, as well as balance between work and private life. In the future the respondents wish to have a combination of telework and physical work at the workplace.

Pandemins påverkan på underprissättning av börsnoteringar på First North Stockholm

Liljedahl, Hjalmar, Jangälv, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Studien undersöker huruvida pandemin Covid-19 påverkade graden av underprissättning för börsnoteringar på börsen Nasdaq First North. Åren som undersöks är 2018-2021 där åren 2018 och 2019 klassificeras som åren innan pandemin och 2020 samt början av 2021 som åren under pandemin. Börsnoteringarna som kvarstår efter det slutgiltiga urvalet uppgick till 38 innan pandemin och 42 under pandemin. Inledningsvis undersöks hur börsnoteringarna presterade innan och under pandemin, och därefter variablernas samt pandemins förmåga att förklara variansen av underprissättning. Statistisk signifikans erhölls för variablerna marknadsvärde, teckningsåtagande och relativ erbjudandestorlek som prediktorer för underprissättning.

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