Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cremation."" "subject:"kremation.""
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Soul PetsArmas Quispe, Ricardo Manuel Jans, Encarnación Rojas, María Fiorella, Marquillo León, Geraldine Katya, Ramirez Fustamante, Jeanpaul Martin, Ramos Molina, Anais Clotilde 22 February 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto SOUL PETS consiste en un servicio de cremación de mascotas ecológico, el cual incluye el recojo, la cremación, el acompañamiento de los familiares durante el proceso de cremación, la entrega de las cenizas de su mascota en una urna o macetero de acuerdo a elección del cliente. Asimismo, la entrega del certificado de cremación y recuerdo de su mascota. Todo lo anteriormente expuesto se realiza bajo un servicio higienizado y personalizado con personal calificado para manejo de este tipo de situaciones debido a que las mascotas son consideradas como un miembro más de los hogares peruanos.
Nuestro servicio está direccionado a personas o familias de un segmento socioeconómico de nivel A, B y C de las zonas de Lima Moderna (Surco, La Molina, Miraflores, San Miguel, San Borja, San Isidro, Jesús María y Barranco). Nuestro público objetivo cuenta con una o más mascotas de diferentes especies. Son personas que sienten mucho cariño hacia sus mascotas y en general hacia los animales. También, personas que tienen destinado un presupuesto mensual para ellas en distintos artículos como comida, aseo, ropa, medicinas, juguetes, etc.
Es preciso señalar que la manera que la empresa llegará a sus clientes será por el canal online enfatizando en las redes sociales debido al difícil momento que se viene atravesando el Perú por la pandemia y cumpliendo los protocolos de sanidad. No obstante, se realizará acuerdos estratégicos con veterinarias, albergues, comunidades de mascotas, entre otras más con el objetivo de contar con un canal directo. / The present SOUL PETS project consists of an ecological pet cremation service, which includes the pick-up, the cremation, the accompaniment of the family members during the cremation process, the delivery of your pet's ashes in an urn or pot according to the client's choice. Also, the delivery of the cremation certificate and souvenir of your pet. All the above mentioned is done under a sanitized and personalized service with qualified personnel to handle this type of situations because pets are considered as another member of the Peruvian homes.
Our service is directed to people or families of a socioeconomic segment of level A, B and C of the areas of Lima Modern (Surco, La Molina, Miraflores, San Miguel, San Borja, San Isidro, Jesus Maria and Barranco). Our target public has one or more pets of different species. They are people who are very fond of their pets and animals in general. Also, people who have a monthly budget for them in different items such as food, grooming, clothes, medicine, toys, etc.
It should be noted that the way the company will reach its customers will be through the online channel, emphasizing on social networks due to the difficult time that Peru is going through due to the pandemic and complying with health protocols. However, strategic agreements will be made with veterinaries, shelters, pet communities, among others in order to have a direct channel. / Trabajo de investigación
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Crematorio de mascotas “Huellas Eternas” / Pet crematorium “Huellas Eternas”Soto Fuentes, Luis Carlos, Nieto Lajo, Mercedes del Rosario, Ruiz Reyes, Miguel Angel, Taype Tacas, Peter Junior 13 July 2019 (has links)
Con el presente proyecto, proponemos crear una empresa que satisfaga las necesidades de los dueños de mascotas más exigentes conocidos como “pet lovers” para que conserven un recuerdo cálido de sus mascotas en su partida a través del servicio de cremación de restos. De esta manera, nuestra empresa “Huellas eternas” atenderá en principio los distritos de La Molina, Surco, Miraflores, San Borja y San Isidro de Lima Metropolitana.
Hoy en día, las mascotas tienen mayor importancia en los hogares no sólo del Perú sino del mundo, es por ello que analizamos un mercado potencial de 497,746 hogares con mascotas (Segmento A y B) de los distritos a los que nos dirigimos. En un principio buscamos atender el 3% de este mercado, pasando a 50% en un plazo de 5 años, agilizando y expandiendo la cobertura de nuestro servicio a más distritos y con una mayor capacidad de atención.
Huellas Eternas también se preocupa por el medio ambiente, es por ello que brindaremos la opción de que los restos de las mascotas puedan ser depositadas en urnas ecológicas biodegradables con una semilla, de manera que el recuerdo de las mascotas se vea reflejado en una planta a elección del dueño.
Nuestro proyecto tiene una rentabilidad del 35%, el cual se refleja en la obtención de un VPN económico (valor presente neto) de 111300 soles, lo que nos indica la viabilidad del negocio. A su vez, nos muestra un VPN financiero de 152415 soles, siendo un negocio atractivo para la inversión. / With the present project, we propose to create a company that meets the needs of the most demanding pet owners known as "pet lovers" to keep a warm memory of their pets in their departure through the service of cremation of remains. In this way, our company "Huellas eternas", at first, will attend the districts of La Molina, Surco, Miraflores, San Borja and San Isidro of Metropolitan Lima.
Nowadays, pets are more important in households not only in Peru but in the world, which is why we analyze a potential market of 497,746 households with pets (Segment A and B) of the districts to which we are going. Initially, we seek to serve 3% of this market, moving to 50% over a period of 5 years, speeding up and expanding the coverage of our service to more districts and with greater attention capacity.
Huellas Eternas also cares about the environment, which is why we will offer the option that the remains of pets can be deposited in biodegradable ecological urns with a seed, so that the memory of the pets is reflected in a plant of the owner's choice.
Our project has a profitability of 35%, which is reflected in obtaining an economic NPV (net present value) of 111300 soles, which indicates the viability of the business. Also, it shows us a financial NPV of 152415 soles, being an attractive business for investment. / Trabajo de investigación
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Stor i jorden, liten i orden : Glaspärlor från fornlämningsområdet vid Buttle Änge, Gotland / Large in the earth, small in the words : Glass beads from the archaeological site Buttle Änge, GotlandBuer, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Buttle Änge and Nygårds has been excavated by Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and also by Högskolan on Gotland since year 2009 and by Gothenburg University year 2009 and 2013. During the 20 excavations that has taken place there has been 112 glass beads found. They were found by the picture stones, in graves, in and around the stone foundation houses. The beads from the picture stones can be interpreted as grave deposits and the ones found in a cremation grave could have been part of a bead necklace combined with a pendant which belonged to a girl aged 0-14. The beads by the stone foundation houses had a larger concentration of beads in its three houses compared to Vallhagar which had the same number of beads found over 20 house foundations. In close connection to the stone foundation houses were glass mosaic fragments found that could have been used to make beads or could have been residuals from the beadmaking process from another place with productions of glass beads. / Buttle Änge och Nygårds har sedan 2009 undersökts genom utgrävningar från Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland men även med en utgrävning år 2009 av Högskolan på Gotland och av Göteborgsuniversitet år 2009 och 2013. Under de 10 utgrävningar som skett på platsen har det påträffats 112 pärlor av glas. Dessa påträffades vid bildstenar, i gravar, i och runtomkring stengrundshus. Pärlorna vid bildstenarna kan tolkas som gravdepositioner och de i en brandgrav kan ha varit en del av ett pärlgarnityr tillsammans med ett hängsmycke som kan ha tillhört en flicka i åldern 0–14. Pärlorna vid stengrundshusen hade en större koncentration av pärlor i sina tre hus jämfört med Vallhagar som hade lika många påträffade från över 20 hus. I anslutning till stengrundshusen påträffades även fragment av glasmosaik som kan ha använts för att skapa pärlor eller varit tillverkningsspill från en annan hantverksplats för glaspärlor.
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Taken to the grave. An archaeozoological approach assessing the role of animals as crematory offerings in first millennium AD Britain.Worley, Fay L. January 2008 (has links)
The crematory funerary rites practiced by those living in parts of mainland Britain
during the first millennium AD included burning complete or parts of animals on the
pyre. This thesis highlights the potential for archaeozoological analysis of faunal pyre
goods using assemblages from the first millennium AD as a dataset.
Experimental study and the integration of current research from a number of disciplines
is used to suggest that although pyrolysis and cremation practices fragment and distort
burnt bone assemblages, careful analysis can reveal a wealth of data leading to the
interpretation of various forms of pyre good.
The results of the author¿s analysis of material from the sites of Brougham, Cumbria, St.
Stephen¿s, Hertfordshire, Castleford, West Yorkshire and Heath Wood, Derbyshire are
combined with data from other published cemeteries to suggest a series of chronological
and regional continuities in the use of animals but with a distinct change at the start of
the Early Medieval period. The results from Brougham are particularly significant as
they alter preconceived views on the utilisation of animals in Romano-British funerary
practice. Cremation burials in first millennium AD Britain are shown to include the
burnt remains of predominantly domestic taxa with occasional wild species. The pyre
goods are interpreted as representing food offerings, companions, amulets, gaming
items and sacrifices.
This thesis demonstrates that cremated animal bone should not be disregarded but rather
valued as source of archaeozoological data, and a significant functional tool for
interpreting past funerary behaviour and animal utilisation.
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Högt flygande gravfynd : Nytt perspektiv på falkenering och rovfåglar i gravar under yngre järnåldern / High flying grave goods : A new perspective on falconry and birds of prey in Late Iron Age gravesEldebrink, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Falkenering har varit en del av den svenska kulturen sedan 500-talet v.t. då de första spåren av rovfågel framträder i gravar från främst Mälardalsområdet och har sedan 2021 klassificeratssom ett av UNESCO:s immateriella kulturarv. Jakt med rovfågel under yngre järnåldern i Skandinavien är ett relativt outforskat ämne som främst har fokuserat på att bekräfta att rovfågel fanns närvarande, spåra praktikens ursprung eller bekräfta en individs status. En definition av falkenering och kriterier för en falkeneringsgrav har tagits fram innan en kvalitativ komparativ analys har utförts på 39 gravar innehållande rovfågelben. Även en djupare analys av gravarna i Rickeby, Sunnerby och Vårberg har genomförts. Analyserna visade att inte alla gravar innehållande rovfågel är högstatusgravar och att rovfåglarnas närvaro troligtvis är mer komplext än enbart falkenering. Jakt med rovfågel kan delas in i nöjesfalkenering och yrkesfalkenering och möjligtvis syns spår av detta bland de undersökta gravarna. Studien visar att tidigare antaganden om att rovfåglar indikerar falkenering, att de enbart hittas i högstatusgravar och att falkenering enbart är en sport för eliten inte är tillräckliga. / Falconry has been a part of Swedish culture since the 6th century AD when the first traces of birds of prey appear in graves from the Mälardalen area and has been classified as a cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2021. The practice of hunting with birds of prey during the Late Iron Age in Scandinavia is an underrepresented subject in archaeological studies. The focus has previously been on confirming the presence of raptors in graves, tracing the origin of the practice and confirming the status of an individual. A definition of falconry and criteria for identifying a falconry grave have been developed followed by a qualitative comparative analysis of 39 graves containing raptor bones. A more thorough analysis of the graves in Rickeby, Sunnerby and Vårberg has also been carried out. The results showed that not all graves containing birds of prey are high-status graves and that the presence of raptors is more complex than to be explained by falconry alone. Hunting with raptors can be divided into falconry for entertainment and professional falconry. Traces of the division might be possible to observe among the graves examined. The study shows that previous assumptions that the presence of raptors indicate falconry, that they are only found in high-status graves and that falconry is a sport for the elite are not sufficient.
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Ein Huhnnachweis und andere Tierknochenfunde aus dem spätkaiserzeitlichen Gräberfeld Hemmoor II (Ldkr. Cuxhaven)Ewersen, Jörg 29 May 2019 (has links)
Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde nahe der Ortschaft Hemmoor (Niedersachsen) ein kaiserzeitlicher
Urnenfriedhof entdeckt, aus dem die sogenannten Hemmoorer Eimer stammen. Die vorliegenden 32
Tierknochenreste wurden bei der anthropologischen Bestimmung der Knochenfunde aus sechs Eimern aussortiert.
Das wichtigste Fundstück ist ein Hühnerknochenfragment, daß mit seiner Datierung in den Zeitraum zwischen
dem Ende des 2. bis zur ersten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts einen wichtigen Nachweis für den Beginn der
Haltung dieses Hausgeflügels darstellt. Die weiteren Knochenreste stammen überwiegend von Schafen oder
Ziegen. Die Altersbestimmung ergab, daß kaum eines der Tiere älter als zwei Jahre wurde. Bei diesen Stücken
fiel auf, daß es sich zumeist um Skelettreste aus den unteren Beinabschnitten handelt, die nur wenig Fleisch
tragen. / At the end of the 19th century close of the locality Hemmoor (Lower Saxony) an urn cemetery from
the time of the Roman Iron Age was discovered, on that the so-called Hemmoor situla were found. The 32 fragments
presented here were found during the anthropological examination of the cremated bone finds from six
situlae. The most important piece of the finds is a chicken bone fragment dated into the period between the end
of the 2nd up to the first half of the 3rd century. It represents an important evidence for the beginning of the
animal husbandry of house poultry. The further bone remainders come predominantly from sheep or goats. The
age determination resulted in that no one of the animals became hardly older than two years. In addition it was
noticeable that most remainders come from the bones of the lower limbs. That bones carry not a lot of meat.
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Beyond the memory: the era of witnessing – analyzing processes of knowledge production and memorialization of the Holocaust through the concepts of translocal assemblage and witness creationGerber, Myriam Bettina 09 May 2016 (has links)
This paper considers the symbiotic relationship between iconic visual representations of the Holocaust – specifically film and Holocaust sites – and processes of Holocaust memorialization. In conjunction, specific sites and objects related to the Holocaust have become icons. I suggest that specific Holocaust sites as well as Holocaust films can be perceived as elements of one and/or multiple translocal assemblage/s. My focus in this analysis is on the role of knowledge production and witness creation in Holocaust memorialization. It is not my intention to diminish the role of Holocaust memorialization; rather, I seek to look beyond representational aspects, and consider the processual relationships involved in the commemoration of the Holocaust in institutions, such as memorial sites and museums, as well as through elements of popular culture, such as films. Furthermore, I analyze the tangible and intangible layers of memories and meaning present in Holocaust films and sites through the lens of palimpsests. These conceptual frameworks allow me to consider how visual representations of the Holocaust, such as film, and site inform each other? How are specific representations of Holocaust sites and objects shaping and informing the commemoration of the Holocaust in the 21st century? / Graduate / 0326 / 0335 / 0751 / myriamt@uvic.ca
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Circulation des savoirs et des pratiques médicaux entre la France et le Rio de la Plata (1828 - 1886) / Circulacion de saberes y de practicas medicales entre Francia y el Rio de la PlataGonzalez Salazar, Nancy 19 September 2017 (has links)
Facteur clé du développement des nations, la médecine et son organisation se trouvèrent au centre des préoccupations des autorités politiques qui se sont succédées en Argentine et en Uruguay dès que ces territoires ont été conquis par l’Espagne. Pourtant, une fois l'indépendance acquise, des crises économiques répétées et une situation politique chaotique ont fait que, dans les deux rives de la Plata, la médecine a peiné à s’éveiller et à se consolider. Tandis qu’en Uruguay l’érection de la faculté de médecine ne fût possible qu’en 1875, celle de Buenos Aires, érigée en 1821, fonctionna de manière chancelante jusqu’en 1852, à cause de la situation politique troublée que connut le pays avec la dictature de Juan Manuel de Rosas. De ce fait, bon nombre d'Uruguayens et Argentins sont partis entamer ou parfaire leur formation médicale à la Faculté de Paris. En même temps, et en dépit des agitations politiques et de l’instabilité économique de la région, de nombreux médecins français ont, dès la première moitié du 19ème siècle, décidé de s’établir dans les rives de la Plata. Ce travail se penche sur les liens que les médecins séjournant de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique entre 1828 et 1886 ont noués, entretenus et renforcés au fil du siècle. Cette dynamique circulatoire des savoirs, des pratiques et des techniques médicaux, énergique et permanente, bénéficia à la médecine de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique. Cette circulation est abordée, en particulier, par l’analyse de la gestion effectuée, par le corps médical de Montevideo et Buenos Aires, des épidémies de choléra et de fièvre jaune lorsqu’elles firent irruption dans ces villes et des connaissances qui, à leur sujet, ont circulé dans la région avant et après leur apparition. Nous étudions également l’accueil accordé par les membres des sphères médicales française et rioplatense aux discours liés à la crémation des cadavres - système qui provoqua l’engouement du corps médical européen au tournant des années 1860 - et à sa mise en place. Nous montrons que la médecine de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique s’est vue enrichie par le contact et les échanges réciproques que ces médecins ont entretenus. En effet, si la médecine de la Plata a connu dans une grande mesure son éveil par la contribution des acteurs médicaux français qui ont amené dans la région leurs connaissances et leur savoir-faire, la médecine française a été, à son tour, alimentée par le séjour des médecins de l’Hexagone dans les rives de la Plata. Indépendamment de la durée de leurs séjours dans la région, les diverses explorations qu’ils ont effectuées et leur confrontation directe à la pathologie locale ont permis aux médecins français d'accroître leurs connaissances et d’acquérir une expérience singulière. Cette expérience a eu un impact significatif, non seulement dans leur pratique quotidienne, mais aussi dans l’adoption de pratiques innovantes indispensables au progrès médical français dans le dernier quart du 19ème siècle. / As a key factor in the development of nations, medicine and its organization were at the center of the preoccupations of the political authorities who succeeded one another in Argentina and Uruguay as soon as these territories were conquered by Spain. Yet, once independence has been achieved, repeated economic crises and a chaotic political situation have meant that medicine on both sides of the Plata has struggled to awaken and consolidate. While in Uruguay the erection of a faculty of medicine was not possible until 1875, that of Buenos Aires, erected in 1821, functioned in an intermittent manner until 1852, because of the troubled political situation in the country with the Juan Manuel de Rosas's dictatorship. As a result, many Uruguayans and Argentines have gone to begin or perfect their medical training at the Faculty of Paris. At the same time, in spite of the political unrest and the economic instability of the region, many French doctors decided to establish themselves on the banks of the Plata in the first half of the 19th century.This work examines the links that physicians living on both sides of the Atlantic between 1828 and 1886 developed, maintained and strengthened over the course of the century. This dynamic circulation of knowledge and medical techniques, energetic and permanent, benefited the medicine on both sides of the Atlantic. More specifically, we approach these exchanges by an analysis of the management carried out by the medical corps of Montevideo and Buenos Aires of the epidemics of cholera and yellow fever when they broke out in these towns and of the knowledge that circulated in the area before and after their appearance. We also study the reception given by the members of the French and Rioplatense medical spheres to the speeches related to the crematist system and its establishment, a system that excited the European medical profession at the turn of the 1860s. We show that medicine on both sides of the Atlantic has been enriched by the contact and reciprocal exchanges that these doctors have maintained. Indeed, while Plata's medicine has to a large extent been awakened by the contribution of the French medical actors who brought their knowledge and know-how to the region, French medicine was in turn fueled by the stay of doctors of the Hexagon in the banks of the Plata. Regardless of the length of their stay in the region, the various explorations they have carried out and their direct confrontation with the local pathology have allowed French physicians to increase their knowledge and acquire a singular experience. This experience had a significant impact, not only in their daily practice, but also in the adoption of innovative practices essential to French medical progress in the last quarter of the 19th century. / Factor esencial para el desarrollo de las naciones, la medicina y su organización se encontraron en el centro de las preocupaciones de las autoridades políticas del Río de la Plata (Argentina y Uruguay) desde el momento mismo de la conquista española. Sin embargo, una vez adquirida la Independencia, las crisis éconómicas y la inestabilidad política fueron permanentes en los dos países, En consecuencia, el despliegue y la consolidación de la medicina de parte y parte de la Plata se vieron fuertemente comprometidos. Mientras que en Uruguay la facultad de medicina fue creada apenas en 1875, la facultad de Buenos Aires, instalada desde 1821, funcionó de manera irregular hasta 1852, puesto que el régimen dictatorial de Juan Manuel de Rosas entorpeció la enseñanza y puso freno al movimiento científico establecido desde principios de siglo 19. Fue por eso que, con el objetivo de formarse o especializarse en la facultad de medicina de París, numerosos uruguayos y argentinos viajaron a Francia. Paralelamente, y a pesar de las múltiples agitaciones políticas y de la economía vacilante de la Plata, varios médicos franceses decidieron establecerse en la región desde la primera mitad del siglo. Este trabajo explora las relaciones establecidas y consolidadas con el paso del tiempo entre los médicos y estudiantes en medicina rioplatenses y franceses que viajaban entre el viejo continente y la Plata, y que dieron paso a la instauración de una circulación énergica y permanente de saberes, de prácticas y de técnicas médicas, que benefició tanto a la medicina rioplatense como a la medicina francesa. Dicha circulación es ejemplificada a través de la actuación concreta de los cuerpos médicos de Buenos Aires y Montevideo en los momentos en que el cólera y la fiebre amarilla irrumpieron en estas ciudades de forma epidémica, asi como también de la circulación de saberes que, sobre estas enfermedades exóticas, tuvo lugar en la región antes y después de su aparición en la Plata. Asimismo, se analiza la recepción de los discursos y la puesta en práctica de la cremación de cadáveres – sistema que provocó el entusiasmo del cuerpo médico europeo desde finales de los años 1860 – en las esferas médicas francesa y rioplatense. Se espera así recalcar que la medicina de parte y parte del Atlántico se vió enriquecida por el contacto y los intercambios científicos enfectuados entre los médicos franceses y rioplatenses. En efecto, si los médicos franceses, llevando sus conocimientos y su experiencia a la Plata, jugaron un rol clave y estimularon el desarrollo de la medicina rioplatense, la medicina francesa fue, a su turno, alimentada por la estadía de los médicos franceses en la región. En efecto, sin importar el tiempo pasado en la Plata, las múltiples exploraciones geográficas y la confrontación directa avec la patología local enriquecieron los conocimentos de esos médicos y les aportaron una experiencia singular cuyo impacto, altamente significativo en el ejercicio cotidiano de su profesión, repercutió igualmente en el desarrollo de la médicina nacional, estimulando la adopción de prácticas innovantes indispensables al progreso médico francés en el último cuarto del siglo 19.
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Poslední věci člověka - etické aspekty pohřbívání / The Last Things - ethical aspects of dying and burialHEJDUKOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The work deals with the last things of the man from dying, through fear of death, burial and funeral rituals, to the demands that are placed on the funeral service. The work is not focused only on the actual experience of dying and his last period of life, but great attention is paid to survivors, particularly in the context of grieving, coping with loss and consultancy for survivors. In this thesis is provide space for all the various topics that are related to the last things of the man - funeral, cemeteries and funeral services that work closely with the survivors, who come to arrange a funeral. Summarizes the statutory regulations, codexes and regulations, which funeral services must at all times observe. It also mentions the role of undertaker and function of consultancy for survivors.
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Pratiques funéraires et sociétés de la Garonne à l'Èbre (Xe s. - Ve s. av. J.-C.) / Funerary practices and societies from the Garonne to the Ebro (10th - 5th century B. C.)Adroit, Stéphanie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Les communautés du Bronze final et du Premier âge du Fer (Xe s.-Ve s. av. J.-C.), situées entre Garonne et Èbre, sont essentiellement connues par leurs nécropoles à crémation. Cette recherche, qui repose sur une abondante documentation de plus de 400 nécropoles, entend aborder la question des pratiques funéraires sous un nouvel angle, en réalisant une synthèse des données archéologiques sur une vaste échelle géographique afin d’avoir une vision d’ensemble des pratiques funéraires et de leurs dynamiques dans le temps. Après avoir introduit des notions historiographiques importantes et discuté les éléments relatifs au cadre chronologique de l’étude (proposition d’un système chronologique inter-régional), nous proposons d’étudier une sélection de nécropoles bien documentées. Ces nécropoles seront analysées suivant une grille d’analyse précise qui permettra de réaliser des analyses statistiques afin d’étudier d’éventuels groupes funéraires. Les résultats de ces analyses sont exposés de manière chronologique ce qui nous donnera l’occasion, dans un second temps, de discuter la répartition géographique de ces groupes funéraires et leur évolution dans le temps et l’espace. / Final Bronze Age and First Iron Age communities (10th - 5th century B. C.), situated between the Garonne and the Ebro Rivers are essentially known though their cremation burial cemeteries. This work, based on an abundant documentation of more than 400 cemeteries, intends to approach the question of the funeral practices under a new point of view, by realizing a synthesis of the archaeological data on a large geographical scale to get an overall view of the funerary practices and their dynamics throughout time. After introducing the important background notions and discussing the chronological elements (proposal of an inter-regional chronological system), we suggest studying a selection of cremation burial cemeteries well documented. These cemeteries will be studied according to a grid of analysis which will allows us to realize statistical analyses to study possible funeral groups. The results of these analyses are explained in a chronological way which give us the opportunity, in a second time, to discuss the geographical distribution of these funeral groups and their evolution in time and space.
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