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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rothe, Simone January 2023 (has links)
Crime prevention is taking action early before serious problems arise. Waiting for a problemto arise is costly, inefficient and worse for the individual and society. Nevertheless, much ofthe preventive work today is devoted to intervening in individuals with obvious and numerousrisk factors. The study was carried out in an outpatient care company called Hassela Skåne,the company takes care of exposed high-risk children and youth people who have a highprobability of falling into crime or becoming victims of crime. The purpose of the studies wasto map Hassela Skåne's data to see what differences there are between their child/youthintervention and family intervention regarding risk factors and goal fulfillment, in order tofind possible development paths to a favorable intervention. The material used includes anumber of different static risk factors from the outpatient care company Hassela's database,linked to the individuals who are/are being treated at Hassela. The result showed that therewere no differences between different types of intervention, neither in terms of risk factorsnor goal achievement, but the result is very likely to be influenced by the majority ofbackground factors. Continued research on evaluations within outpatient care in Sweden isrequested, in order to build on favorable interventions that can reduce child and youthdelinquency.

"Praise won't take us far without government support" : A qualitative study about enhanced collective efficacy, collective crime prevention, and the Night-wandering Mothers of Rinkeby

Elaies, Nora January 2023 (has links)
While research has been conducted on how to strengthen collective efficacy, there is a scarcity of knowledge regarding practical solutions. The aim of this study is to investigate how residents in a negatively stigmatized neighborhood engage in practical measures to enhance collective efficacy, while also exploring their perceptions of the measures requiredto improve the functionality of their neighborhood through collective efficacy. By utilizing participant observations, in depth interviews, and a partly theory-driven thematic analysis, this study sheds light on how neighborhood social structures play an important role in controlling disruptive behavior. The empirical findings of this study revealed that the mothers are utilizing various practical measures to enhance collective efficacy within Rinkeby, including visible presence, expressing solicitude to residents, organizing activities, and partaking in weekly meetings with the police. This study also concludes that the critical components in facilitating the development of a widespread willingness among resident in Rinkeby to partake in collective crime prevention is through establishment of organized meeting places, reduce of negative neighborhood stigma, expressing solicitude towards residents, and stronger cooperation between residents and the police. These components are also vital to overcome perceived barriers, improve the functionality of Rinkeby through collective efficacy, but also to ensure the sustainability to maintain and drive residents' attitudes toward direct intervention. It is essential to ensure that personal cost, and time- and language barriers of participating in collective crime prevention initiatives are not solely borne by residents, but rather shared by the government. Keywords: Collective efficacy, Collective crime prevention, Neighborhood, Night wandering Mothers, Rinkeby, Stigmatization

Trygghetsfrämjande och brottspreventiva aspekter i det offentliga rummet : En fallstudie över Stationstunnelns fysiska utformning

Bengtsson, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
The feeling of insecurity about being in public spaces is a significant issue that restricts people ́s mobility and primarily prevents women from accessing all areas of the city. A well planned and carefully designed space can contribute to creating a sense of safety and security, which in turn promotes individuals' ability to move in public spaces. Planning for safe and secure environments is challenging because safety is a subjective feeling that varies. Planning for safe and secure environments requires consideration of different perspectives and experiences. The Station tunnel in Umeå is a project that is designed with a focus on safety and gender equality.  This study aims to describe how safety promoting and crime preventive aspects can be incorporated into spatial planning to enhance safety and reduce crime in public spaces. The study also examines how safety aspects are expressed in spatial planning at a municipal level. A case study was conducted at the Station tunnel in Umeå, and a qualitative content analysis was applied to Umeå municipality's comprehensive plan as well as the detailed development plan for the Station tunnel.  The study found that Umeå municipality actively strives to create safe and secure public spaces that are accessible to everyone, regardless of gender, age, or background. But there are not many specific ways to achieve what is outlined in their spatial planning. Principles that can be applied in the spatial design to contribute to safe and secure environments were found to be implemented at the Station tunnel.

”Nattvandra på nätet” : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas uppfattade roll i att förebygga digitalt våld bland unga

Lindblom, Carolina, Nyberg, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Unga är den grupp av samhällets individer som i hög grad uppger att de utsatts för digitalt våld, till följd av samhällets digitalisering. Yrkesverksamma framhålls som viktiga aktörer i det förebyggande arbetet. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats baserad på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma som arbetar med unga i åldrarna 13–19 år. Syftet var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma identifierar digitalt våld bland unga, om yrkesverksamma ser den här typen av våld som ett problem bland unga idag och hur de anser att problemet kan förebyggas. Denna studies resultat, liksom resultat från tidigare forskning, visar att yrkesverksamma uppfattar digitalt våld som vanligt förekommande och avser handlingar så som hot, kränkningar, ryktesspridning och trakasserier online. Resultatet från studien har analyserats genom rutinaktivitetsteorin som utgår från att brott kan begås om det finns en motiverad förövare, ett lämpligt objekt samt avsaknad av kapabla väktare. Tidiga insatser i form av normbildning och öppna samtal för att skapa en trygg miljö både online och offline är enligt studiens resultat viktiga delar i arbetet med att förhindra digitalt våld. Det är ett arbete som behöver ske i samverkan mellan yrkesverksamma, de ungas föräldrar och de unga själva. Yrkesverksamma framhåller även vikten av laganpassningar och tydligare regler och riktlinjer på digitala plattformar, för att förhindra digitalt våld. / Young people are the group of society's individuals who state to a high degree that they have been exposed to digital violence, as a result of society's digitization. Professionals are emphasized as important actors in the preventive work. The study has a qualitative approach based on eight semi-structured interviews with professionals who work with young people aged 13–19. The aim was to investigate how professionals identify digital violence among young people, if professionals see this type of violence as a problem among young people today and how they believe the problem can be prevented. The results of this study, as well as results from previous research, show that professionals perceive digital violence as common and refers to actions such as threats, abuse, spreading rumors and online harassment. The results of the study have been analyzed through the routine activity theory, which assumes that crimes can be committed if there is a motivated offender, a suitable target, and the absence of a capable guardian. According to the results of the study, early efforts in the form of norm formation and open conversations to create a safe environment both online and offline are important parts of the work to prevent digital violence. It is work that needs to be done in collaboration between professionals, the young people's parents, and the young people themselves. Professionals also emphasize the importance of legal adaptations and clearer rules and guidelines on digital platforms, in order to prevent digital violence. / <p>2024-01-12</p>


COON, JULIE KIERNAN 23 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Measuring how Much Criminologists Know About Crime: Using Environmental Criminology to Assess Our Knowledge of Crime Events

Heinonen, Justin A. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Towards a Safer Bromsten : A study of security enhancing and crime preventive measures in the planning of Bromstensstaden / På väg mot ett tryggare Bromsten : En studie av trygghetsökande och säkerhetsfrämjande åtgärder i planeringen av Bromstensstaden

Martti, Lucy January 2021 (has links)
Research has shown that there is a relationship between the physical environment in cities and safety and security. The consequences of low safety and security are severe and impact public health and well-being. With increasing crime rates in many neighborhoods in Stockholm, planning with crime prevention in mind becomes increasingly important for improved future sustainability. As the run-down industrial area in Bromsten in the west part of Stockholm has been razed and the new district Bromstensstaden is being built there´s a unique window of opportunity to create circumstances to improve safety and security. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which aspects in the physical environment contribute to unsafety and decreased security for the residents of Bromsten, and to analyze how Bromstensstaden has been planned regarding crime prevention and public safety. The study focuses on the design of the physical environment in the planning process. Social strategies, and future maintenance of the built environment of the district were excluded from the study. 136 residents of Bromsten answered a survey with questions regarding their safety and security in Bromsten and the results show that residents are feeling unsafe to some degree in the neighborhood. This can partly be explained by the increased crime rates in Bromsten and surrounding neighborhoods, but the design of the built environment also plays a part. Places that are unsafe are Bromstensplan, the old industrial area and the walk to Spånga railway. Littering and bad lightning are other aspects that can be improved for enhanced safety and perhaps security. A general unsafety not related to any specific location was also observed. An analysis of the planned Bromstensstaden shows that according to literature and existing research the district is generally well-planned regarding crime prevention. The big parking space next to Mälarbanan has the potential to become an unsafe area, as well as the district´s green areas including the area surrounding the creek that runs through the district. Planning with public safety in mind has been a big priority. Skogsängsvägen will be the main street in the mixed-use neighborhood that will consist of residential buildings with apartments and business premises on the ground floors. The main street will make a safe passage to Spånga Station as there will be human activity in many hours of the day. To further increase human presence, the apartments on the ground floors will have urban front yards. The apartment complexes are planned with partly enclosed collectively shared yards, a measure that has shown to increase the residents feeling of safety, control and belonging. Working with crime prevention in Bromsten will require a variety of efforts, where the design of the physical environment is one important part. The study shows that there are aspects in the physical environment in Bromsten that could be further improved. Razing the old industrial area and building Bromstensstaden will likely make an important contribution to increased safety and security for the residents in Bromsten. / Studier har visat att det finns samband mellan den fysiska miljön i städer och trygghet och säkerhet. En ökning av kriminalitet har skett de senaste åren och en del Stockholmsförorter är extra utsatta. Priset för människors otrygghet är stort då den inverkar negativt på invånarnas välbefinnande och hälsa. Det blir därför ännu viktigare ur hållbarhetssynpunkt att utnyttja den unika möjligheten som finns i att redan i planskedet av nya bostadsområden planera ur ett brottsförebyggande perspektiv. När det nedgångna industriområdet i stadsdelen Bromsten i västra Stockholm nu rivits och den nya stadsdelen, Bromstensstaden, ska byggas finns en unik möjlighet att ge förutsättningar för en trygg stadsdel från grunden. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vilka aspekter i den fysiska miljön som bidrar till otrygghet och minskad säkerhet för de boende i Bromsten, samt att analysera hur kommunen beaktat säkerhetsfrämjande och trygghetsskapande aspekter i den byggda miljön när Bromstensstaden planerats. Studien är begränsad till att omfatta trygghetsfrämjande och brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den fysiska miljöns utformning i planskedet, inte socialt inriktade åtgärder och inte heller stadsdelens framtida förvaltning. 136 personer besvarade en enkät med frågor om trygghet och säkerhet i Bromsten och resultatet visar att det finns en relativt stor otrygghet hos de boende i stadsdelen. Detta kan delvis härledas till den ökade brottsligheten i Bromsten och närliggande områden, men även faktorer i den byggda miljön påverkar. Geografiskt utmärker sig Bromstensplan, det gamla industriområdet och vägen till närliggande Spånga station som otrygga platser. Nedskräpning och dålig belysning är andra aspekter som påverkar men det finns även en mer generell otrygghet i Bromsten som inte är kopplad till någon specifik plats. En analys av det planerade Bromstensstaden visar att utifrån den litteratur och det aktuella forskningsläget är området generellt välplanerat ur ett brottspreventivt perspektiv. Den stora parkeringsplatsen som planeras vid Mälarbanan kan potentiellt bli en otrygg plats, liksom områdets grönområden som bland annat består av ett åstråk som löper genom hela området. I övrigt har tryggheten varit högt prioriterad i planarbetet. I den funktionsblandade stadsdelen ska en central gata, Skogsängsvägen, inrymma såväl bostadshus som butikslokaler i husens gatuplan. Gatan kommer att bli en trygg väg för passage mot Spånga station då den är befolkad under många av dygnets timar. Lägenheter placerade i bottenplan kommer att ha en förgårdsmark för att ytterligare befolka gaturummet och visa på mänsklig närvaro. Områdets bostadsgårdar är kringbyggda vilket har visat öka boendes känsla av trygghet, kontroll och tillhörighet. Det brottspreventiva arbetet i området kräver olika insatser, där designen av den byggda miljön är en viktig del. Studien visar att det finns flera aspekter att förbättra i den fysiska miljön i Bromsten. Att riva industriområdet och bygga Bromstensstaden kommer sannolikt att vara en viktig del i att öka tryggheten och säkerheten för boende i Bromsten.

Game Over : - en fallstudie om resan till ett spelfritt liv

Kaldenvik, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
It is estimated that 2 % of the Swedish population have problems with gambling and / or an addiction. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into life as a gambler to explain the emergence of a gambling addiction but also what negative consequences it can have in everyday life, and to investigate the extent to which treatment can function as a crime prevention measure. The chosen method is a case study where semi-structured interviews were conducted with three informants about their experience of treatment of gambling addiction. The results were analyzed through an inductive thematic analysis where the collected empirical data was allowed to lead to a conclusion. Sampson and Laub's age-graded theory of informal social control was the theoretical framework used to interpret the results. The results showed that three factors form a basis for the emergence of a gambling addiction. Three more factors need to coincide for an individual to find acceptance and thus have a purposeful life. Treatment of gambling addiction can serve as a turning point in a player's life and the conclusion of this study is that it can act as a crime prevention measure. / <p>2022-09-02</p>

Introduction: Understanding policing in transition societies in Africa

Francis, David J. January 2012 (has links)
No / This book primarily focuses on the emerging centrality of policing in transition societies, that is, conflict-prone, war-torn, and post-conflict communities. Policing in fragile, failed, and collapsed states has emerged as a critical driver for national development, provision of public goods such as security, democratic consolidation and the maintenance of sustainable peace, but at the same time perpetuators of insecurity and underdevelopment in contemporary Africa. An important aspect of the emerging centrality of policing in the increasing interest in the concept and practice of Community Policing that is gathering momentum across the continent.

The role of physical design in crime prevention measures in public spaces : A comparative case study of Ryd and Vallastaden in Linköping

Eriksson, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Crime prevention is important for creating safe and secure urban environments. In recent years, gang crime and offences have been increasingly discussed in the Swedish debate. Previous research shows that physical design can be used from a crime prevention perspective. Research shows that physical design can influence the occurrence of crime and reduce the sense of fear of crime. This master thesis aimed to study crime prevention measures in relation to physical design in two different areas in Sweden, and how it affects residents' perception of safety and security.The results show that both neighbourhoods work with physical design to prevent crime, but thereare differences and similarities, and that the physical environment affects residents' sense of safety and security in different ways. The results also show that it is important to create an environment that encourages social encounters in order to create a strong community among residents.The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with planners, landscape architects,architects and property owners. Walking interviews were also conducted with residents of the two neighbourhoods. Document analysis of reports and crime statistics was carried out.

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