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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Researching the effects of culture on usability

Ford, Gabrielle 31 January 2005 (has links)
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of subjective culture on the usability of computerized systems. The results of the experiment did not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that any of the tested cultural dimensions affected the usability of the product. Analysis of the results indicated that the differences in scores could have been attributable to variables other than those tested and controlled for. This indicated a need to build a more detailed conceptual model of usability before empirical research of this nature can be effectively conducted. Consequently, further work needed to be done to identify the variables that influence usability, and the strategies for controlling for these variables under experimental conditions. Through a literature investigation, the validity of some of the proposed variables was established, and some additional variables were identified. The valid variables were then incorporated into a conceptual model of usability for use in future research endeavors. / Information systems / M. Sc.

Tillgångars behandling i föreställningsramen 2015 : En undersökning utifrån ett intressent- och kulturperspektiv / Assets treatment in the Conceptual framework 2015 – A review from a stakeholder- and cultural perspective.

Jonasson, Jasmine, Nordengren, Eric January 2016 (has links)
År 2011 drog IASB slutsatsen att föreställningsramen åter borde vara ett prioriterat projekt för revidering. Syftet med denna revidering var att tillhandahålla bättre riktlinjer till standardssättare. Detta mynnade ut i ett ”Exposure Draft” (ED), som IASB publicerade i maj år 2015. Revideringen ledde bland annat fram till ett antal förändringar av olika definitioners innehåll. Studiens problemdiskussion visar att processen att skapa en accepterad föreställningsram är komplex.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka intressenternas attityd gentemot IASBs revidering av tillgångsdefinitionen i förställningsramen, år 2015 och utreda om attityden skiljer sig mellan olika intressentgrupper samt kulturer för att se om den borde fortsätta revideras.Den 25 januari 2016 hade 241 ”comment letters” publicerats på IASBs hemsida som svar på IASBs ED 2015. Efter bortfall och urval erhöll vi 92 ”comment letters” som behandlads i denna studie. För att utläsa intressenternas åsikter och attityder, avseende tillgångsdefinitionen, valde vi att genomföra en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Vi antog sedan en abduktiv forskningsansats, som innebär att studien innehåller både deduktiva och induktiva inslag.Studien indikerar att en majoritet av respondenterna delade IASBs uppfattning angående de olika delarna av tillgångsdefinitionen, dock är det endast en minoritet av respondenterna som delar IASBs uppfattning angående samtliga delar av tillgångsdefinitionen. Detta innebär att de flesta intressenter motsatte sig någon del av definitionen. Den främsta kritiken är att revideringen medför att fler osäkra tillgångar kan recogniseras i balansräkningen. Det förekommer också en avsaknad av riktlinjer kring vissa delar av tillgångsdefinitionen.Vår slutsats är att det förekommer skillnader mellan intressenternas attityder och att detta i vissa fall är kopplat till deras ekonomiska intresse. Studien indikerar även att det finns en marginell skillnad mellan de olika kulturområdena (African East, Anglo, Asian-Colonial, Germanic, Less developed Asian, More developed Asian, More developed Latin och Nordic). En majoritet av respondenterna inom de studerade kulturområdena innehar ett optimistiskt synsätt gentemot tillgångsdefinitionen vilket står i kontrast till tidigare forskning. Utifrån denna slutsats så anser vi att tillgångsdefinitionen borde fortsätta revideras för att skapa klarare riktlinjer. / In the year of 2011, IASB came to the conclusion to once again revise their Conceptual Framework. The purpose of this revision was to create clearer guidelines for the standard setters. The revision led to an Exposure Draft (ED) that IASB published in May of 2015. The result of the revision was a number of propositions that IASB announced in the ED. The process of creating an accepted framework is complex, which is shown in the problem discussion of this study.The purpose of this study is to examine the stakeholders' attitude towards IASB's revision of the asset definition, year 2015, and examine whether the attitude is different between different stakeholders and cultural areas to see if a new revision should be required.IASBs website had 241 comment letters available on January 25, 2016 as a response on the ED. These were examined and a defined selection was made which reduced the number of comment letter to 92. To identify the stakeholders' opinions and attitudes towards the revised asset definition, a qualitative content analysis was made. An abductive research approach was used, which means that the study contains both deductive and inductive elements.A majority of the respondents directed criticism towards some parts of the asset definition. This indicates that a majority of the respondents are critical towards IASB’s asset definition as a whole. The main criticism towards the revision involved a concern that more uncertain asset could be recognized in the balance sheet, which would lead to a decreased relevance in the financial reports. The respondents also expressed that the revised asset definition have an absence of guidelines on some parts of the definition.The conclusion of this study is that it exist some differences between stakeholders' attitudes which in some cases can be linked towards their economic interest. The study also indicates that it exist a marginal difference between different areas of culture (African East, Anglo, Asian-Colonial, Germanic, Less developed Asian, More developed Asian, More developed Latin och Nordic) and that the areas hold a more optimistic view in contrast to previous research. From this conclusion we argue that the asset definition one again should be revised, with clearer guidelines.This essay will be written in Swedish

Att anpassa eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur / To adapt or not? : A qualitative study of visual merchandising adapted to a country's culture.

Andersson, Evelina, Hedlund, Linda, Skoglund, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Att anpassa eller inte?  En kvalitativ studie om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur.   Problemställning: Examensarbetet är inriktad på följande problemställning: Hur är butikskommunikationen anpassad till kulturen i Sverige.   Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera om butikskommunikationen anpassas till ett lands kultur.   Avgränsningar: För att få studien mer fokuserad har avgränsningar utförts. Då butikskommunikation är ett brett ämne har författarna valt att rikta butikskommunikationen på modebranschen, där Företag A och Företag B utgör exempel för denna studie.   Metodik: I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik genomförts. Där vikten på ord och tolkning vid insamling samt analys av data haft relevans. Studien har resulterat i en abduktiv forskningsansats där tillvägagångssättet har varit flexibelt då studien har uppvisat en blandning av deduktion, induktion samt inslag av iterativt pendlade mellan empiri och teori. Metoden är baserad på observation där två företag används som exempel. Observationerna har varit av blandad karaktär, där den mest centrala delen var att studera fenomenet butikskommunikation i sin rätta miljö.   Slutsatser: Studiens slutsats visar på hur butikskommunikation är anpassad till kulturen i Sverige. Detta göras genom att ta kulturens beståndsdelar i beaktning. Vad gäller till exempel språk, färgers kulturella betydelser, traditioner och högtider. Studien har även påvisat att genom specialexponering av säsong och högtid kan värderingar med mera kommuniceras tydligt. Butikskommunikationen anpassas genom att visa en förståelse för en kulturs etnicitet. Studiens slutsatser visade också på att företag anpassar sin butikskommunikation genom att ta hänsyn till Hofstede´s kulturdimensioner att undvika osäkerhet, individualism och kollektivism, maskulinitet och femininitet samt långsiktigt- och kortsiktigt inriktning / Title: To adapt or not? A qualitative study of visual merchandising adapted to a country's culture.   Research question: The study is aimed at reviewing the following issue: How is visual merchandising adapted to the culture of Sweden?   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse if visual merchandising are adapted to a county’s culture.   Limitations: To achieving a more focused study, limitations were carried out. Because visual merchandising is a wide subject, the authors choose  to focus on the fashion industry. Two companies, Company A and Company B are made as examples for this study.   Method: In this study a qualitative research method was applied, where words and the interpretation in the collection of data and the analysis of it, had an  important relevance for this study. The study had an abductive approach. The study has shown a mixture of deduction, induction and elements of an iterative change between empiricism and theory. The method was based on the observation of two companies that were made as examples. The observations were of mixed characters, but the most central part was to study the phenomenon of visual merchandising in the right environment.   Conclusion: The study concludes how visual merchandising can be adapted to a country’s culture. This can be done by taking the cultural elements into consideration. With the regard of language, cultural meaning of colors, traditions and celebrations. The study has also shown that the visual communication can be more clearly communicated through special displays of seasonal and celebration products and values. Visual merchandising can be adjusted to a culture by showing an understanding of a culture’s ethnicity. The study also concludes that companies can adapt their visual merchandising by taking into account Hofstede's cultural dimensions to avoid uncertainty, individualism and collectivism, masculinity and femininity and long- versus short-term orientation.

Business in Russia : A study investigating to what extent culture impacts business for Swedish managers.

Khrulova-Nygren, Camilla, Andersson, Louise January 2014 (has links)
This study is an empirical research that is set to examine to what extent culture affects the performance of Swedish managers when doing business with their Russian customers. The authors aim is to find out how important cultural awareness is when doing business between Sweden and Russia as well as what factors Swedish managers should consider before doing business with a Russian customer. The purpose of this study has been set in relation to empirical evidence based on a qualitative research approach with semi structured in-depth interviews as a method. Seven in-depth interviews has been conducted in order to fulfil the research questions and the purpose of this study, all interviewees has got at least three years of business related experience towards the Russian market. One of the main objectives of this study is to create a road map that will unveil hidden rules and provide a practical approach in order to avoid apprehensions and hesitations concerning the Russian culture, before arriving and while already in Russia. This study reveals that factors such as language, non-stereotyping, and a rigorous research about the Russian culture are needed for a Swedish businessman before doing business in Russia. When a Swedish businessman has arrived in Russia, considerations and efforts should be put on factors such as the importance of a formal dress code, practice status, as well as a strict leadership style.

Proposta de avaliação formativa aplicando aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no ensino médio / Proposal of formative evaluation applying problem-based learning (PBL) in high school

Silva, Fabiana Carvalho 13 March 2017 (has links)
Avaliação de aprendizagem é um tema muito controverso. É um dos maiores problemas no desenvolvimento do processo pedagógico nos diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino. A avaliação é classificada em diferentes tipos como diagnóstica, formativa e somativa (classificatória). O objetivo da avaliação diagnóstica é descobrir as causas dos problemas de aprendizagem e planejar ações corretivas. A avaliação formativa é usada para monitorar o progresso de aprendizagem do aluno durante a instrução com a finalidade de fornecer feedback contínuo aos alunos e professores sobre o sucesso e ou fracasso no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. A avaliação somativa é dada no final do curso ou unidade de instruções para descobrir qual aluno, até que ponto tem dominado os resultados de aprendizagem pretendidos. Avaliação é uma questão importante discutida também na aplicação de metodologias de ensino como a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP). A ABP é uma metodologia de aprendizagem no qual os alunos encontram-se primeiro com um problema, seguido de um processo de investigação e reflexão sistemático centrado no aluno. Além disso, o ambiente cultural, em conjunto com a metodologia de ensino escolhida, pode influenciar a forma como os alunos aprendem. Desta forma, Hofstede (1980) apresentou um método de identificação de dimensões culturais: índice de distância hierárquica (PDI), individualismo versus coletivismo (IDV), masculinidade versus feminilidade (MAS), índice de aversão à incerteza (UAI) e orientação de longo prazo versus orientação normativa de curto prazo (LTO). Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se a ABP poderia promover a integração da avaliação formativa como elemento de redirecionamento e motivação para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes de biologia no ensino médio. Os perfis culturais de Hofstede dos alunos foram levados em consideração durante a aplicação desta metodologia. Esta metodologia foi aplicada para duas salas de aula diferentes durante três bimestres. Os alunos foram avaliados considerando suas atitudes durante a aplicação da ABP e testes escolares. A metodologia ABP integrada na avaliação formativa foi favorecida pela elaboração do formulário de acompanhamento do professor. Além disso, outro formulário auxiliar favoreceu uma rápida anotação do professor sobre o desempenho acadêmico do aluno em ABP. Cada aluno preencheu o seu formulário de autoavaliação, o que contribuiu positivamente para mudar a postura do estudante aumentando o seu interesse durante as aulas. Durante o período de aplicação da metodologia, observaram-se melhoras nas médias dos testes escolares dos alunos a um nível de 95% de confiança. A proposta de integrar a avaliação formativa com a aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no ensino médio melhorou o desempenho dos alunos também em aspectos comportamentais. Os formulários utilizados neste trabalho foram disponibilizados para serem incluídos no plano pedagógico de uma escola pública do estado de São Paulo para favorecer a avaliação formativa dos alunos. / Learning evaluation is a very controversial topic. It is one of the greatest problems in the development of the pedagogical process in the different levels and modalities of teaching. Evaluation is classified into the different types as diagnostic, formative and summative (classificatory). The aim of diagnostic evaluation is to find out the causes of learning problems and plan to take remedial actions. Formative evaluation is used to monitor student\'s learning progress during instruction with the purpose of providing ongoing feedback to students and teachers regarding success and failure of teaching/learning process. Summative evaluation is given at the end of the course or unit of instructions to find out which student, to what extent has mastered the intended learning outcomes. Evaluation is an important issue also discussed during the application of different teaching methodology as problem-based learning (PBL). The PBL is a method of learning in which learners first encounter a problem followed by a systematic, learner-centered inquiry and reflection process. Also, the cultural environment together with the chosen teaching methodology can influence the way of students learns. In this way, Hofstede (1980) has presented an identification method of cultural dimensions: power distance index (PDI), individualism versus collectivism (IDV), masculinity versus femininity (MAS), uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) and long term orientation versus short term normative orientation (LTO). In this context, this work aimed to ascertain if PBL could promotes the integration of formative evaluation as an element of redirection and motivation for the teaching-learning process for high school biology students. The Hofstede\'s cultural profiles of the students were taking account during the application of the methodology. This methodology was applied for two different classrooms during three set of bimester. The students were evaluated considering their attitudes during the PBL application and school tests. PBL methodology integrated into formative evaluation was favored by the elaboration of the teacher\'s follow-up form. Also, another auxiliary form favored a quick teacher annotation about the attitudinal student performance in PBL. Each student had it on self-evaluation form, which contributed positively to change student posture by increasing interest during the classes. During the period of the methodology was applied it was observed an improvement in the averages of the students school tests at a 95% confidence level. The proposal to integrate the formative evaluation into problem-based learning (PBL) for high school biology students improved student\'s performance also in behavioral aspects. The forms used in this work were made available to be included in the pedagogical plan of a public school in the state of São Paulo to favor the formative evaluation of the students.

Uso da estratégia \"ensinar ao redor do ciclo de aprendizagem de David Kolb\" em associação com o sistema de resposta interativa (clikers) como instrumento em biologia para o ensin médio / Usage strategy \"Teaching around of Kolb\'s experiential learning style\" in association with interactive response system (clikers) as a tool in biology for high school

Carvalho, Ana Carolina da Silva Antunes 10 March 2017 (has links)
O homem produz conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos que interferem em seu cotidiano. Para que todo cidadão possa compreender como essas novas tecnologias vão afetar a sua vida se faz necessária uma compreensão do conhecimento básico a respeito da genética, dos mecanismos de transmissão das características hereditárias, bem como de genética molecular, da estrutura do material genético, o DNA. Nessa fase, o aprendizado, conforme descrito por Kolb (1984) pode ser compreendido como um processo de ressignificação da realidade, que ocorre por meio da relação dialética entre as experiências anteriores e a reflexão com relação a novas informações adquiridas pelo sujeito. Este mesmo autor, com base nesse processo dialético de aprendizagem, desenvolveu o ciclo de aprendizagem experiencial composto por quatro modelos de aprendizagem: experiência concreta (EC), a observação reflexiva (OR), a conceitualização abstrata (CA) até alcançar a experiência ativa (EA). Por meio dos modelos expostos e da relação dialética entre eles, Kolb desenvolveu categorias de estilos de aprendizagem (acomodadores, assimiladores, convergentes, divergentes) nas quais seria possível verificar o perfil que se adequa a cada fase do aprendizado. O ambiente cultural em associação com o ambiente de ensino estabelece o estilo de aprendizado de cada aluno influenciando no modo de aprender. Desta forma, a cultura e os estilos de aprendizagem caminham correlatos e influenciam no comportamento do aluno. Neste sentido, Geert Hofstede (1980) apresentou um método de identificação de dimensões culturais (distância hierárquica, individualismo versus coletivismo, masculinidade versus feminilidade, aversão a incerteza e orientação a longo prazo). Neste contexto, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com alunos de biologia do ensino médio de uma escola particular de Guaratinguetá-SP para trabalhar o conceito do DNA objetivando especificamente: verificar a existência de predominância de algum estilo de aprendizagem, bem como, detectar a existência ou não de congruência entre os estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos e as dimensões culturais de Hofstede. Foi possível também usar a estratégia \"Ensinar ao redor do ciclo de aprendizagem de David Kolb\" para propor ações de melhoria da qualidade e da aprendizagem. Nesta etapa, utilizou-se o sistema de resposta interativa (clikers). O sistema interativo de respostas é uma tecnologia portátil por meio da qual o professor consegue medir o grau de entendimento dos alunos em sala de aula sobre determinado assunto, de forma imediata. Como resultado tem-se que o grupo de alunos em que a aprendizagem foi baseada no ciclo de David Kolb levando em consideração as atividades baseadas no perfil cultural dos alunos apresentou coeficiente de variação menor do que o outro grupo, ou seja, o desempenho dos alunos foi mais homogêneo em termos de nota, provavelmente pela abordagem baseada nos diferentes estilos de aprendizagem destes alunos. Assim, levar em consideração os estilos de aprendizagem e as dimensões culturais do grupo de alunos contribuiu para praticamente duplicar a média final deste grupo em relação ao outro grupo de alunos. Desta forma, acredita-se que a partir do momento que o professor entender que suas atitudes pedagógicas podem ser alteradas em função do grupo ocorrerá uma aproximação do professor e aluno de uma forma mais significativa para melhorias efetivas na educação de nosso país. / Men produce scientific and technological knowledge that interfere in their daily life. In order to have every citizen understand how these technologies will affect their lives, it is necessary a basic genetic understanding, as well as the understanding of the mechanisms of genetic inheritance transmission of traits, molecular genetics and the structure of DNA. In this phase, learning, as described by Kolb (1984), can be understood as a process of resignification of reality, which occurs through a dialectical relation between previous experiences and the thinking regarding new information acquired by the individual. Kolb, based on this dialectical learning process, has developed the four-stage learning cycle: immediate or concrete experience (CE), reflective observation (RO), abstract conceptualization (AC) and the active experimentation (AE). Through the exposed models and the dialectical relation between them, Kolb has developed categories of learning styles (accommodating, assimilating, converging and diverging), in which it would be possible to verify the profile that fits in each phase of the learning process. The cultural environment together with the teaching environment will determine the learning style of each student, influencing his way of learning. Therefore, culture and learning styles are correlated and influence the student\'s behavior. In this way, Geert Hofstede (1980) has presented an identification method of cultural dimensions (power distance, individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance and time orientation). Within this context, the current research was developed with biology high school students from a private school in Guaratinguetá - SP, in order to work the concept of DNA, aiming specifically to verify whether there is the existence of prevalence of any learning style, as well as to find out whether the congruence between the learning styles and the cultural dimension of Hosfede exists. It was also possible to use the strategy \"teaching around Kolb learning cycle\" to propose improvement actions in learning quality. This phase used the system of interactive response (clickers). This system of interactive response is a mobile technology through which the teacher is able to immediate measure the students\' level of understanding of a subject in the classroom. As a result, it could be observed that the students who had their learning based on David Kolb learning cycles, taking into account tasks based on the cultural profile of the students, presented a lower variation coefficient. That is, the performance of this group was more homogeneous in terms of grades, which is probably due to the approach based on different learning styles of these students. Therefore, taking into account the learning styles and the cultural dimension of the group of students contributed to increase nearly two times the final average of this group, comparing to the other group of students. It is believed that by the time the teacher understands that his pedagogical attitudes could be modified according to the group, this teacher will get closer to his students in a more substantial way, so as to achieve improvements in the education in our country.

Mentalidade global e recursos humanos internacionais em empresas brasileiras do setor de construção pesada

Barreto, Maria Simone Prates 22 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Simone Prates Barreto.pdf: 1289276 bytes, checksum: 0bfa48c4e63e706a943c417eb4e11b5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The core objective of this paper is to study the global mindset of managers in Brazilian construction companies. Besides that, there were the specific objectives of reviewing the literature about global mindset and international human resources, identifying the international human resources policies that enable or restrict the development and the maintenance of global mindset among construction companies managers, and characterizing this segment s companies. The research is made of multiple case studies in two organizations, by means of descriptive and qualitative research. The data for analysis was collected by semistructured interviews, besides documents and websites analysis. The selected companies are part of the Brazilian Transnational Companies ranking, made by Fundação Dom Cabral and published in 2009. The research revealed that there is no consistence in the supposition that the studied companies, since they have a large experience accumulated in over 30 years of international presence, have consistent policies of international human resources that can enable the development and the maintenance of their managers global mindset. The analysis of the data pointed out that managers from both companies are in different stages; at Camargo Corrêa, with an ethnocentric orientation, and at Norberto Odebrecht, with a regiocentric or polycentric orientation. Thus, in both cases managers do not present a geocentric view, which is closer to the global mindset. In addition, the research didn t find evidences of the existence of international human resources policies focusing the development and the maintenance of the global mindset, only a few isolated strategies to enable the capacity of thinking globally. Even though the conclusions of this paper cannot be generalized, since this is a study of cases, this can contribute to future studies that seek to understand the global mindset of Brazilian managers and how international human resources policies that develop and maintain the global mindset are used by Brazilian companies / Estudar a mentalidade global de gestores da construção pesada de empresas brasileiras foi o objetivo central deste trabalho. Teve-se, ainda, como objetivos específicos, realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a mentalidade global e recursos humanos internacionais, identificar as políticas de recursos humanos internacionais que favorecem ou restringem o desenvolvimento e a manutenção da mentalidade global nos gestores da construção pesada e realizar uma caracterização das empresas do segmento citado. A pesquisa se caracteriza por estudos de casos múltiplos em duas organizações, por meio de pesquisa qualitativa descritiva. Os dados para análise foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, além de análise documental e de sites. As empresas selecionadas fazem parte do ranking das transnacionais brasileiras realizado pela Fundação Dom Cabral e divulgado em 2009. A pesquisa revelou que não há consistência na suposição de que as empresas estudadas, devido ao histórico de possuir uma grande experiência acumulada em aproximadamente 30 anos de atuação fora do Brasil, possuam consistentes políticas de recursos humanos internacionais, que facilitassem o desenvolvimento e a manutenção da mentalidade global dos seus gestores. A análise dos dados apontou que os gestores das duas empresas encontram-se em estágios diferentes; na Camargo Corrêa, com uma orientação etnocêntrica, e na Norberto Odebrecht, com uma orientação regiocêntrica ou policêntrica. Assim, nos dois casos os gerentes não apresentam uma visão geocêntrica, cuja orientação está mais próxima da mentalidade global. Ainda, a pesquisa não encontrou evidências da existência de políticas de recursos humanos internacionais com vistas ao desenvolvimento e à manutenção da mentalidade global. Percebeu-se, somente, algumas estratégias isoladas para facilitar a capacidade de pensar globalmente. Embora as conclusões deste trabalho não possam ser generalizadas, por se tratar de um estudo de casos, este poderá contribuir para estudos futuros que busquem o entendimento da mentalidade global dos gestores brasileiros e como as políticas de recursos humanos internacionais que desenvolvem e mantêm a mentalidade global são utilizadas pelas empresas brasileiras

Cultural Specifics of Management in Multinational Companies / Kulturní specifika managementu multinacionálních firem

Křečková Kroupová, Zuzana January 2002 (has links)
Nowadays the world is becoming increasingly economically connected, and cultural diversity of employees is gaining importance as a crucial competitive advantage. Cross-cultural communication ability is becoming a key management skill in multinational firms and is equally important for other employees who are exposed to other cultures in the workplace. This work mainly focuses on cultural specifics of management in multinational firms. The goal of this thesis is to discover how different national cultures influence management of people, particularly work relationships, management tools and organization structures. The author discovers this through cultural dimensions that she updates for the Czech Republic and Slovakia for her work using methodology of Fons Trompenaars. The author tests three hypotheses: about the development of preferences of cultural dimensions in time, differences in preferences of cultural dimensions of Czechs and Slovaks and differences in preferences of cultural dimensions based on people's gender, age and the number of years spent abroad. The work also presents mapping of changes of attitudes in specific work and personal situations of Czechs and Slovaks over a period of time. The work additionally analyzes the influence of economic factors on work attitudes and preferences of cultural dimensions and identifies areas of potential conflicts between the cultures of Czechs and Slovaks in the workplace. It also compares results with other researches about cultural dimensions and cultural standards. The work concludes by presenting culturally specific recommendations for management of Czechs and Slovaks.

As consequências da satisfação do consumidor em contextos de falha e recuperação de serviços online: um estudo intercultural em países emergentes

Rohden, Simoni Fernanda 05 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-05-05T13:49:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Simoni Fernanda Rohden.pdf: 1016001 bytes, checksum: f67a85c9f67d9d7ae6114be7ed5473f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-05T13:49:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simoni Fernanda Rohden.pdf: 1016001 bytes, checksum: f67a85c9f67d9d7ae6114be7ed5473f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-05 / Nenhuma / A presente pesquisa apresenta uma investigação sobre falhas em serviços e problemas enfrentados pelos consumidores nas compras virtuais, a fim de avançar o campo de estudos de marketing de serviços. O acesso à Internet tem crescido nos últimos anos, principalmente nos países emergentes como Brasil, Índia e China, consequentemente, o comércio online também tem experimentado um aumento consistente nesses países. Tendo em vista a escassez de pesquisas que analisem as falhas mais frequentes nas compras pela Internet e que comparem os consumidores no âmbito dos países emergentes, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar os antecedentes e consequentes da satisfação pós-recuperação de falhas em situações de compra online em diferentes contextos culturais. A compreensão do comportamento do consumidor nessas situações, a identificação dos aspectos culturais que influenciam nesse processo, e sua relação com o tipo de reação apresentada foram também intuito desse estudo. Foi proposto um modelo teórico para identificar os principais constructos antecedentes, consequentes e moderadores da satisfação. A fim de testar empiricamente este modelo foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo survey com uma amostra de 582 consumidores que enfrentaram falhas no contexto online no Brasil, Índia e China. Os dados foram analisados utilizando a técnica estatística de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE). Os resultados demonstraram que nesse contexto a satisfação do consumidor pós-recuperação da falha virtual impacta positivamente nas intenções de recompra e reduz a propensão do consumidor a assumir comportamentos reclamatórios tanto diretamente com a empresa, reclamando a terceiros, ou fazendo boca-a-boca negativo. Dentre os antecedentes, a percepção de justiça interpessoal foi a que apresentou maior impacto na satisfação do consumidor. Com relação às dimensões culturais, a orientação humana foi identificada como um moderador entre a satisfação do consumidor e o comportamento reclamatório. Além disso, levando em consideração as variáveis contextuais, a experiência prévia com o site apresentou impacto mais forte nos constructos satisfação e reclamação, enquanto a gravidade da falha possui impacto mais forte e negativo nas intenções de recompra. / This research presents an investigation about service failure and problems faced by consumers when shopping virtually, in order to extend the field of study on service marketing. Considering the growth in the access to internet, mainly in emergent countries such as Brazil, India and China, the online trade has also experienced a consistent increase within these countries. Having in mind the lack of studies that analyze the most frequent failures when shopping through the internet, and compare consumers of emergent countries, the main goal of this research is to investigate the influence of cultural dimensions in the answers consumers offer in service failure situations. The comprehension of consumer behavior in these situations, the identification of cultural aspects which have influence in the process, as well as its relation to the reaction of consumers, were also the aim of this study. A theoretical model was proposed to identify the main antecedent, consequent and moderator constructs of satisfaction. In order to test this model empirically a survey was performed with a sample of 582 consumers who have faced online failures in Brazil, India and China. The data was analyzed using the statistic technique Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). The results demonstrated that in this context consumer satisfaction after virtual failure recovery has a positive impact on repurchase intentions and reduces the propensity to engage in complaint behavior, such as voice, third-party or private response. Among the antecedents, the perception of interpersonal justice presented the greatest impact on consumer satisfaction. Considering cultural dimensions, humane orientation has been identified as a moderator between consumer satisfaction and complaint behavior. Besides of that, taking into consideration the contextual variables, previous experience with the website has shown a stronger impact on satisfaction and complaint constructs, while failure severity has a stronger and negative impact on repurchase intentions.

Cultural Differences in Russian and English Magazine Advertising: A Pragmatic Approach

Furner, Emily Kay 01 April 2018 (has links)
Many American companies looking to increase sales and achieve growth targets consider expanding the reach of their product lines to other countries. However, expansion on a global scale often requires much trial and error as English-speaking companies try to market their goods to a foreign audience. In order to ease this process, localization experts are often hired to "localize" or change advertisements in order to make them more culturally relevant to consumers. Because the field of localization is relatively new, there is little research done on the degree and extent to which advertisements are localized. The purpose of this study is to explore the cultural differences in advertising between Russia and the United States of America. Two different samples of print magazine advertisements were taken from beauty magazines published in Russia and America to determine how much, if any, localization is occurring in Russian media. In order to compare the different advertising strategies of Russia and the United States, 235 non-localized Russian advertisements and 128 localized advertisements were coded for several different pragmatic features that Simpson (2001) included in his "reason" and "tickle" advertising framework. The results were then analyzed through content analysis and Chi-square statistics to find what pragmatic features are characteristic of localized and non-localized Russian ads. The study found that non-localized Russian advertising places more emphasis on reason-based persuasion strategies—most notably celebrity endorsement and extensive listing of reasons to buy a particular product. Localized Russian advertising, in contrast, uses more tickle-based persuasion tactics such as metaphor and implicature. 80% of localized Russian advertisements had little to no change in their advertising text from the English version of the advertisements, which means that the rate of localization in Russian advertising is currently low. Low rates of localization and differing persuasive techniques among the two samples signify the need for better cultural awareness in international marketing campaigns.

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