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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governança global da Internet : tecnologia, poder e desenvolvimento

Canabarro, Diego Rafael January 2014 (has links)
A criação e a popularização da Internet pelo mundo levaram à institucionalização de uma realidade de governança descentralizada e multifacetada, que toca diversos regimes internacionais vigentes, arregimenta uma pluralidade quase infinita de stakeholders e conta com grande protagonismo de atores privados. A governança global da Internet diz respeito ao endereçamento dos dispositivos computacionais terminais e nucleares que integram a Internet e às tarefas de transmissão, roteamento e comutação de pacotes de dados de uma ponta à outra da Rede. Tais tarefas técnicas permeiam inevitavelmente a tensão existente entre, de um lado, o caráter global de fluxos e transações que ocorrem através da Internet, e, de outro, a vinculação territorial da infraestrutura, dos usuários e dos provedores de bens e serviços relativos à Internet. Isso os submete a diferentes jurisdições soberanas e regimes regulatórios nacionais e internacionais, e impõe desafios de coordenação da ação coletiva no campo das políticas públicas em diferentes níveis: da governança internacional das telecomunicações em sentido estrito à própria governança política no plano global, passando, inclusive, pela governança política no âmbito das poliarquias contemporâneas. Este trabalho responde ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: como a governança da Internet insere-se no contexto do desenvolvimento histórico da Era Digital? O que explica o regime internacional de governança da Internet vigente? Que assimetrias de poder caracterizam a governança global da Internet e as disputas políticas em torno de seu perfil institucional na atualidade? A pesquisa empregou os métodos de análise contextual e de rastreamento histórico de processos políticos, dos quais derivaram as seguintes técnicas de investigação: revisão de literatura e análise documental; participação presencial e remota em eventos científicos e de articulação política sobre o tema; acompanhamento etnográfico de fóruns on line sobre governança da Internet; e entrevistas com atores selecionados. O trabalho divide-se em três grandes partes. Na primeira, são apresentados os conceitos fundamentais para a compreensão deste estudo e sua articulação ao contexto sistêmico observável na política internacional, a fim de introduzir o papel central da Internet nas disputas políticas em torno da ecologia institucional da Era Digital. Na segunda parte, procura-se descrever, em perspectiva histórica, os diferentes formatos institucionais assumidos pela governança da Internet até os dias atuais e apresentam-se as implicações decorrentes para o estudo das relações internacionais. A terceira parte procura explicar a paralisia do desenvolvimento institucional da governança da Rede na primeira década do século XXI e propõe a reinterpretação do fenômeno a partir de uma crítica à abordagem do institucionalismo econômico de matriz racionalista, que se firmou como a principal concepção teórica voltada a orientar normativamente a evolução da governança da Internet. A crítica reinsere a matriz histórica da teoria institucional e a matriz realista ao estudo de regimes internacionais e da governança global. Em conclusão, alerta-se para os riscos que uma abordagem liberal-anárquica tem para que a governança global da Internet seja efetuada de forma verdadeiramente democrática, equitativamente pluriparticipativa e efetivamente habilitadora do desenvolvimento humano. Ao fim, projeta-se a continuação da pesquisa. / The creation and spread of the Internet throughout the World have led to the institutionalization of a decentralized and multifaceted governance reality, which is related to several other international regimes, comprised of a myriad of stakeholders and marked by the leading role of private actors. Internet’s global governance is basically related to the task of addressing computers and networks, as well as transmitting, routing and commuting data packets between terminals. Those technical tasks are inherently related to the tension that exists between, on the one hand, the global character of data flows and transactions that are carried through the Internet and, on the other, the territoriality of infrastructure, users, and Internet goods, services and application providers, which links them to sovereign jurisdictions and regulatory regimes (national and international). Therefore, Internet governance involves challenges of coordinating collective action in the field of public policies on different levels: from the stricter field of telecommunications governance to the wider field of global governance, touching upon political governance in contemporary polyarchies. This dissertation provides an answer to the following research question: How is Internet governance related to the historical development of the Digital Era? What explains the characteristics of the existing regime for Internet global governance? And what power asymmetries and political struggles define that regime? The investigation employed contextual analysis and process tracing with the support of literature and documentation review, remote and in loco participation in scientific and political events; on line ethnography of different deliberative fora; selected interviews. Three main parts integrate this research report: The first presents some basic concepts for the comprehension of the study. These concepts are articulated with the systemic context that characterizes their development as a way of defining the central role of the Internet in current political struggles over the institutional ecology of the Digital Era. The second presents a historical perspective of the institutional development of Internet governance, highlighting the implications of that development for the study of International Relations. The last part explains the institutional development paralysis that marked the first decade of the 2000s by proposing the reinterpretation of the regime’s trajectory through a critique of the rational institutional approach, which has become consolidated as the main theoretical framework to provide normative guidance for the future of Internet governance. The critique draws upon the historical streams of institutional theory and the realist approach to international regimes and global governance in the field of International Politics. In conclusion, the report underlines the risks that liberal-anarchic solutions present for a truly democratic, fair, multi-stakeholder and development-oriented Internet governance. In the end, the furtherance of the research is detailed.

Numérisation 3D de surfaces métalliques spéculaires par imagerie infrarouge / 3 D digitization of specular metallic surfaces by means of infrared imaging

Bajard, Alban 20 November 2012 (has links)
Depuis plus de vingt ans, le besoin en numérisation 3D de pièces industrielles augmente considérablement. Par conséquent, un grand nombre de techniques expérimentales ont été proposées ainsi que quelques solutions commerciales. Cependant, des difficultés subsistent pour l’acquisition de surfaces optiquement non coopératives, comme les surfaces transparentes et/ou spéculaires. En effet, la transmission ou réflexion spéculaire de la lumière va à l’encontre du fonctionnement des systèmes conventionnels d’acquisition 3D, qui repose sur l’acquisition de la partie diffuse de la réflexion. Afin d’aborder la problématique de numérisation 3D des surfaces métalliques fortement réfléchissantes, nous proposons l’extension d’une technique non conventionnelle, initialement dédiée aux objets en verre et appelée « Scanning from Heating ». Cette technique diffère des approches classiques de triangulation active par la mesure de l’émission thermique de la surface plutôt que de la réflexion du rayonnement visible. Une source laser est géométriquement calibrée avec un capteur infrarouge pour extraire le nuage de points 3D des images thermiques. En nous appuyant sur les propriétés thermo-physiques des métaux, nous présentons un modèle théorique des échanges thermiques mis en jeu par la technique, permettant de démontrer la faisabilité sur les matériaux métalliques. Grâce à un outil de simulation par éléments finis, les résultats apportent des indications essentielles pour le développement d’une solution expérimentale et le réglage de celle-ci. Un premier dispositif expérimental a été mis en œuvre afin de valider le processus de numérisation 3D sur des surfaces spéculaires, de géométries et de compositions variées. Par ailleurs, une comparaison de nos résultats de numérisation avec ceux d’un système conventionnel permet de démontrer la polyvalence de notre technique. En effet, à partir d’un panel d’échantillons de géométries identiques mais d’états de surface différents, nous mettons en évidence que les performances d’acquisition 3D ne sont pas influencées par la rugosité de la surface. Enfin, en se basant sur des observations empiriques, un prototype de numérisation 3D est développé afin d’apporter des améliorations conséquentes par rapport au système initial / For the past twenty years, the need for three-dimensional digitization of manufactured objects has increased significantly and consequently, many experimental techniques and commercial solutions have been proposed. However, difficulties remain for the acquisition of optically non cooperative surfaces, such as transparent or specular ones. Since the working principle of conventional scanners is based on the acquisition of the diffuse part of the reflection, transparency and specular reflections may cause outliers. To address highly reflective metallic surfaces, we propose the extension of a non conventional technique that was originally dedicated to glass objects, called “Scanning from Heating”. In contrast to classical active triangulation techniques that acquire the reflection of visible light, we measure the thermal emission of the heated surface. A laser source is geometrically calibrated with a thermal sensor to extract a cloud of 3D points from infrared images. Considering the thermo-physical properties of metals, we present a theoretical model of heat exchanges that are induced by the process, helping to demonstrate its feasibility on metallic materials. With a finite element analysis solver, results give some important indications about the conception and the settings of the experimental solution. A first device has been designed in order to validate the 3D digitization process on specular surfaces, with various geometries and compositions. Furthermore, a comparison of our results with those of a conventional system shows the versatility of our technique. Actually, from metallic samples with the same dimensions but various surface states, we prove that the accuracy of the 3D acquisition is not affected by the surface roughness variations. Finally, according to some practical observations, a 3D scanner prototype has been designed to improve the efficiency of the first system

Digitalizace obchodních modelů v automobilové dopravě / Digitization Of Business Models In Car Transport

Ptáček, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Transportation is undergoing major changes, which can be seen as a threat or an opportunity for incumbents. Nowadays, companies are focusing on reacting on market changes and on responding to a major question, which is how to serve an increasing demand for mobility with the lowest enviromental impact. There are few established companies on czech and global market trying to answer this question. The goal of the thesis is to show how these companies work. The main framework which has been used to serve the purpose is Business Model Canvas, which helps to display business models in a structured way. Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the 11 analysed companies would could not exist without the major progress in technology. Future of these companies strongly depends on a support they can get by cities and states. This thesis brings the first deep comprehensive reflection on this topic in Czech language.

Détection statistique d'information cachée dans des images naturelles / Statistical detection of hidden information in natural images

Zitzmann, Cathel 24 June 2013 (has links)
La nécessité de communiquer de façon sécurisée n’est pas chose nouvelle : depuis l’antiquité des méthodes existent afin de dissimuler une communication. La cryptographie a permis de rendre un message inintelligible en le chiffrant, la stéganographie quant à elle permet de dissimuler le fait même qu’un message est échangé. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet "Recherche d’Informations Cachées" financé par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche, l’Université de Technologie de Troyes a travaillé sur la modélisation mathématique d’une image naturelle et à la mise en place de détecteurs d’informations cachées dans les images. Ce mémoire propose d’étudier la stéganalyse dans les images naturelles du point de vue de la décision statistique paramétrique. Dans les images JPEG, un détecteur basé sur la modélisation des coefficients DCT quantifiés est proposé et les calculs des probabilités du détecteur sont établis théoriquement. De plus, une étude du nombre moyen d’effondrements apparaissant lors de l’insertion avec les algorithmes F3 et F4 est proposée. Enfin, dans le cadre des images non compressées, les tests proposés sont optimaux sous certaines contraintes, une des difficultés surmontées étant le caractère quantifié des données / The need of secure communication is not something new: from ancient, methods exist to conceal communication. Cryptography helped make unintelligible message using encryption, steganography can hide the fact that a message is exchanged.This thesis is part of the project "Hidden Information Research" funded by the National Research Agency, Troyes University of Technology worked on the mathematical modeling of a natural image and creating detectors of hidden information in digital pictures.This thesis proposes to study the steganalysis in natural images in terms of parametric statistical decision. In JPEG images, a detector based on the modeling of quantized DCT coefficients is proposed and calculations of probabilities of the detector are established theoretically. In addition, a study of the number of shrinkage occurring during embedding by F3 and F4 algorithms is proposed. Finally, for the uncompressed images, the proposed tests are optimal under certain constraints, a difficulty overcome is the data quantization

Industry 4.0 v podnikové praxi v České republice / Industry 4.0 in Czech Republic

Dvořák, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
The thesis reviews the current situation related to the Industry 4.0 and puts it into context. In the first part of the thesis, there is an introduction to the current economic situation and the major challenges. The concept and vision of Industry 4.0 is introduced together with the world's leading initiatives and examples of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing processes presented by tech leaders. The thesis also includes examples of readiness models and simulated calculation ROCE. The finding of the thesis is that, although the very concept of Industry 4.0 is not well known, digitization and automation of production continues and both are considered a necessity. Interviews with experts from the business practice in the Czech Republic introduces key opportunities and challenges arising from new technologies and when they might become the new standard.

Optimisation de la chaîne de numérisation 3D : de la surface au maillage semi-régulier / 3D digitization optimization : from surface to semi-regular mesh

Peyrot, Jean-Luc 12 December 2014 (has links)
La numérisation 3D permet de générer des représentations numériques très réalistes et fidèles géométriquement aux surfaces réelles. Cependant, cette fidélité géométrique, obtenue à l'aide d'un sur-échantillonnage de surfaces, augmente considérablement le volume de données générées. Les maillages ainsi produits sont donc très denses, et peu adaptés aux différents supports de visualisation, de transfert, de stockage, etc. La représentation semi-régulière des surfaces permet de diminuer le volume nécessaire à la représentation de ces maillages denses, et possède des qualités bien connues en matière de représentations multi-échelles et de compression. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'optimiser la chaîne de numérisation 3D classique en améliorant l'échantillonnage des surfaces tout en conservant la fidélité géométrique, et en court-circuitant les étapes fastidieuses qui conduisent à une représentation semi-régulière. Pour cela, nous avons intégré dans un système stéréoscopique, l'échantillonnage en disques de Poisson qui, grâce à ses propriétés de bruit bleu, réalise un bon compromis entre sous- et sur-échantillonnage. Ensuite, nous avons généré un mailleur semi-régulier, qui travaille directement sur les images stéréoscopiques, et non sur une version remaillée des nuages de points habituellement générés par ces systèmes. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que ces deux contributions génèrent de façon efficace des représentations semi-régulières, qui sont géométriquement fidèles aux surfaces réelles, tout en réduisant le volume de données générées. / Nowadays, 3D digitization systems generate numeric representations that are both realistic and of high geometric accuracy with respect to real surfaces. However, this geometric accuracy, obtained by oversampling surfaces, increases significantly the generated amount of data. Consequently, the resulting meshes are very dense, and not suitable to be visualized, transmitted or even stored efficiently. Nevertheless, the semi-regular representation due to its scalable and compact representation, overcomes this problem. This thesis aims at optimizing the classic 3D digitization chain, by first improving the sampling of surfaces while preserving geometric features, and secondly shortening the number of required treatments to obtain such semi-regular meshes. To achieve this goal, we integrated in a stereoscopic system the Poisson-disk sampling that realizes a good tradeoff between undersampling and oversampling, thanks to its blue noise properties. Then, we produced a semi-regular meshing technique that directly works on the stereoscopic images, and not on a meshed version of point clouds, which are usually generated by such 3D scanners. Experimental results prove that our contributions efficiently generate semi-regular representations, which are accurate with respect to real surfaces, while reducing the generated amount of data.

Zavedení elektronické podatelny ve společnosti E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o. / Implementation of electronic registry into the company E.ON Czech republic

Vaněk, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the processes associated with receiving and sending postal items of E.ON Czech Republic followed with the effective development of the life cycle of documents with use of the digitization and data mining. The aim is to develop the project "Electronic Registry", which can be implemented into current information systems of the company and which will contribute to the optimization of processes of the registry. To achieve this objective it was developed an extensive analysis of the current state of registry and records management system in E.ON Czech Republic. Based on analysis it was proposed a specific solution for improvement. The first part deals with the analysis of current legislative requirements and theoretical analysis of the document lifecycle, which is demonstrated on the example of E.ON Czech Republic in the second part of the thesis. In the second part there is the introduction of company E.ON Czech Republic, which is followed by description of the current state of registry and processes in relation to the rece-iving of postal items. In the analysis of the current situation there are identified issues that arise when receiving and processing postal items to the registry. To the identified problems are offered individual solutions, which are elaborated in the overall solution in the final part of the thesis. The last part is a custom suggestion of optimization of existing processes by using of digi-tizing paper documents and data mining for automatic sorting, which helps to streamline existing processes. This section describes specific solution that is introduced into the E.ON Czech Republic. The solution system provides a single place for the digitization of docu-ments received and their subsequent management.

Samarbetets krona och klave : En studie om samarbetet inom tvärprofessionella team utifrån hälso-och sjukvårdskuratorers perspektiv. / Pros and cons of collaboration : A study about collaboration within interprofessional teams from the perspective of the health care curators.

Johansson, Malin, Karlsson, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Syftet var att studera hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers erfarenheter av att arbeta i tvärprofessionella team samt hur det upplever sin egen yrkesroll. Vidare studerades deras erfarenheter av hur de upplevt att pandemin påverkat deras och teamets arbete. Informationen samlades in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer inom två olika verksamheter. Vår empiri analyserades med stöd av systemteori, interaktionsritualer och emotionell energi samt tidigare forskning. Av resultatet framgick å ena sidan att kuratorerna såg positivt på att ingå i tvärprofessionella team eftersom det var givande för både dem själva som professionella och för patienterna. Bidragande orsaker var bland annat patientcentrerad vård, emotionellt stöd, bredare kunskapsbas och främjandet av arbetsglädjen. Hög arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist visade sig å andra sidan vara en negativ faktor som kunde påverka samarbetet. Resultatet kunde urskilja att kuratorn inte hade någon tydlig arbetsbeskrivning och att konsekvenser av yrkesrollens otydlighet kunde orsaka en känsla av att vara vårdens slasktratt och en svårighet i att förstå rollens avgränsningar. Trots att kuratorerna upplevde en god kommunikation så nämndes försvårande omständigheter som för stora team, tidsbrist, förändrade kommunikationsvägar utifrån pandemin samt övergången till digitala möten i relation till fysiska. En slutsats vi gör är att ett samarbete kräver sociala relationer och sammanhållning och att en möjliggörande faktor till detta är mindre team med en balanserad samarbetsstruktur och tydlig arbetsbeskrivning för samtliga professioner i teamet.Hälsofrämjande aspekter behöver även få en högre prioritet i det digitala arbetssättet som pandemin bidragit till för att stärka sociala relationer och samarbetet i det tvärprofessionella teamet. / The aim was to study the experience of healthcare curators working in cross-professional teams and how they experience their own professional role. Furthermore, their experiences of how they experienced the pandemic affected their work and that of the team were studied. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews with six healthcare curators in two different activities. Our empirical data was analyzed using system theory, interaction rituals and emotional energy, as well as previous research. The results showed, on the one hand, that the curators were positive about being part of cross-professional teams because it was rewarding for both themselves as professionals and for patients. Contributing causes included patientcentred care, emotional support, a broader knowledge base and the promotion of job satisfaction. High workload and lack of time, on the other hand, proved to be a negative factor that could affect cooperation. The result could discern that the counsellor had no clear job description and that consequences of the ambiguity of the professional role could cause a feeling of being the sleagre steering wheel of care and a difficulty in understanding the boundaries of the role. Although the curators experienced good communication, aggravating circumstances such as magnifying teams, lack of time, changing communication paths based on the pandemic and the transition to digital meetings in relation to physical ones were mentioned. One conclusion we make is that collaboration requires social relationships and cohesion and that an enabling factor to this is smaller teams with a balanced collaboration structure and clear job description for all professions in the team. Health promotion aspects also need to be given a higher priority in the digital way of working that the pandemic has contributed to in order to strengthen social relations and cooperation in the cross-professional team.

Bedarfserhebung zur Digitalisierung an Hochschulen: tech4comp – Studierendenbefragung (Dokumentation): tech4comp - student survey (documentation)

Stützer, Cathleen M., Gaaw, Stephanie, Lenz, Karl 02 August 2021 (has links)
Wie Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) das Lernen begleiten kann, wird im BMBF-Verbundprojekt „Personalisierte Kompetenzentwicklung durch skalierbare Mentoringprozesse – tech4comp“ erforscht. Um sich dabei zunächst der Frage, was digital-gestütztes Mentoring leisten kann und soll, zu nähern, erfolgt eine Bedarfs- und Leistungsanalyse durch die Erhebung und Auswertung lernbezogener Daten in technologie-gestützten Bildungsräumen auf mehreren Ebenen. Es wird das Verhalten von Lernenden untersucht, um Erkenntnisse über die Leistungsfähigkeit von Mentoring innerhalb adaptiver Bildungsräume zu erhalten und Einflussfaktoren und Gelingensbedingungen zu identifizieren. Dazu wird die Expertise aus verschiedenen Disziplinen (Bildungswissenschaften, Informatik, Organisations- und Sozialwissenschaften) herangezogen.

Digitalisering av manuella bibliotekskataloger : En undersökning på Uppsala universitetsbibliotek / Digitalisation of manual library catalogues : A study at the Uppsala university library

Velupillai, Aruna January 2021 (has links)
While the Uppsala university library aims to have its whole collection searchable in Libris, the main digital library catalogue in Sweden, and Alvin, the digitized cultural heritage platform, the scope of their collections does not allow it to be done in a desireable time frame. An alternative to digitizing every object is to simply digitize the older manual library catalogues listing the collections, which is what the Uppsala university library has chosen to do. This study examines the digitization process of three of these older library catalogues: the Catalogue of music scores 1970-1980, the Catalogue of printed music -1970 and the Catalogue of Swedish biography. By observing the digitization process I analyse the functions and status of the library catalogues. What happens to a manual library catalogue when it is digitized? Does its function and its objective remain the same or does it change in response to this remediation process that is the digitization? Will the process of transforming it into a new digital format render the old format into another type of object, an historical artefact in its own right, as opposed to simply a list of other historical documents? By interviewing the library staff who perform the digitization of the catalogs and some of the users of them I seek to determine the traits of the library catalogue, and with the help of R. I. Clarkes seven objectives of the library catalogue I also try to discover what the catalogue means in its functions and usage for librarians and library users. Besides this, the study seeks to determine the status of the catalogue in relation to cultural heritage as defined by UNESCO, and the impact the digitization has on the object itself. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

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