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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Driving fashion with data : A qualitative study of how buying firms in the buyer-driven fashion supply chain can benefit from a digitized supply chain reconfiguration

Åkers, Josephine January 2018 (has links)
Future customers will demand personalized goods and services. Value creation must therefore have a larger focus on product development and design, supply chain management and after-sales services. The key to success in the future fashion industry, is reduction of the reliance on traditional demand forecasting. Firms should instead put a larger focus on adapting shorter lead times and agile supply chain designs. Industry 4.0 will require an evolution of how clothing is designed and produced. It requires an implementation of new technologies able to identify data for expanding a consumer driven design and product development, combined with new technologies for flexible, local on-demand production. The purpose of the study is to explore how buying firms in the buyer-driven fashion supply chain utilize digitization and digital linking technology to create benefits for the firm. The study is of qualitative character and the reasoning is abductive, as theory on supply chain configuration is applied to the fashion supply chain. The empirical data was generated through in-depth, semi-structured expert interviews through a purposive sample of seven fashion industry professionals. In order to answer the research question, the empirical data was thematically analyzed and a main overarching theme and five subthemes emerged. The themes were compared to the theoretical framework of supply chain configuration. The elementary business opportunity in a digitized supply chain, is the combination of digital and physical resources to raise performance and support business innovation. The configuration between physical units, virtual units and information processing service supply chain units is crucial to create an added value to a service or a product. The empirical data revealed clear examples of how the configuration between the units is applied to create benefits for the firm. The findings elaborate the theory of supply chain configuration and contribute to the research field of strategic management and organizational theory.

Konsumentens förändrade köpbeteende påverkar småstadshandeln : En analys av e-handelns effekter på modebutikerna i småstäder / Consumers changed purchasing behavior affects small-town shopping

Eksberg, Linn, Rydin, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
De fysiska modebutikerna står inför stora utmaningar och man spår en massiv butiksdöd framöver. Främst drabbas detaljhandlarna i småstäder som idag står inför en ökad konkurrens från e-handeln som är tillgänglig dygnet runt och som kan erbjuda ett överlägset produktutbud. Den ökade tillgängligheten som finns online har bidragit till att dagens konsumenter har förändrat sitt köpbeteende och handlar på andra sätt än förut. På grund av detta har antalet fysiska butiker i Sverige minskat och var sjunde butik har försvunnit mellan år 2011 och 2017. Detta har skapat en oro i samhället och främst för de lokala detaljhandlarna i småstäder, eftersom handeln har en stor inverkan på den lokala ekonomin. Trots att e-handeln växer i snabb takt visar forskning att butikshandeln fortsättningsvis kommer att stå för en stor del av handeln i många år framöver, fast med ökad konkurrens. En småstad som har märkt av den ökade konkurrensen från e-handeln och konsumenternas förändrade köpbeteende är Ulricehamn. Där finns en pågående avveckling av butiker i stadskärnan. Utifrån tidigare forskning har ett forskningsgap identifierats gällande studier som undersöker hur företagen i småstäder agerar utefter konsumenternas förändrade köpbeteende. I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur fysiska modebutiker i småstäder påverkas av den ökade konkurrensen från e-handeln. För att undersöka detta används Ulricehamn som ett verktyg. Genom en kvalitativ metod har empiriskt material samlats in genom intervjuer med Fastighetsbolaget som äger butikslokalerna i Ulricehamn, Handelsliv Ulricehamn som arbetar med cityhandeln och butikschefer för modebutikerna. Genom en analys av det insamlade empiriska materialet och teorier kring hur de fysiska butikerna påverkas av strukturomvandlingen konstaterar denna studie att strukturförändringen påverkar modebutikerna i småstäder på olika sätt beroende på vilken butik det är. Gemensamt är att alla modebutiker känner av det förändrade konsumentbeteendet. Modebutikerna arbetar främst med att erbjuda personligt bemötande och service till sina kunder för att stärka de fördelar som de har gentemot e-handeln. Resultatet mynnar ut i rekommendationer till hur modebutiker i småstäder bör arbeta framöver för att behålla och förstärka sin position på marknaden. Denna studie är skriven ur ett företagsperspektiv och till framtida forskning föreslås bland annat intervjuer alternativt enkäter till människor bosatta i småstäder. På så sätt kan det bidra till att studien kan få ytterligare en dimension angående konsumentens tankar och åsikter om handelns strukturförändringar. / The fashion stores face major challenges and a massive store death is predicted in the future. Mainly, retailers in small cities are affected and they are today facing increased competition from e-commerce that is available around the clock and which can offer a superior product range. The increased availability online has contributed to today's consumers have changed their buying behavior and acting in other ways than before. Because of this, the number of stores in Sweden has decreased and every seventh store has disappeared between 2011 and 2017. This has created anxiety in society and mainly for the local retailers in small towns because the stores has a major impact on the local economy. Despite the fact that e-commerce is growing at a rapid pace, research shows that store shopping will continue to account for a large part for many years to come, though with increased competition. A small town that has noticed the increased competition from e-commerce and the consumers' changing purchasing behavior is Ulricehamn. There is an ongoing settlement of stores in the city. Based on previous research, a research gap has been identified regarding studies that studies how the companies in small towns act alongside the consumers' changing purchasing behavior. In this study, the purpose is to investigate how fashion stores in small towns are affected by the increased competition from e-commerce. To investigate this, Ulricehamn is used as a tool. Through a qualitative method, empirical material has been collected through interviews with a property company, a company that works with city shopping in Ulricehamn and store managers for the fashion stores. Through an analysis of the collected empirical material and theories about how the stores are affected by the structural change this study notes that the structural change influence fashion shops in small towns in different ways depending on which store it is. Common is that all the fashion stores are aware of the changed consumer behavior. The fashion stores mainly work with offering personalized service and service to their customers in order to strengthen the benefits they have towards e-commerce. The result results in recommendations for how fashion stores in small cities should work in the future to maintain and strengthen their position in the market. This study is written from a business perspective and for future research, interviews or surveys are proposed to people living in small towns. In this way, it can help the study to have an additional dimension regarding the consumer's thoughts and opinions about the structural changes of commerce.

Bättre administration för en effektivare hemtjänst : En undersökning av den administrativa sidan av nyckelfri hemtjänst / Better administration for a more effective home care service : Understanding the administrative side of digital key management

Herkevall, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Vi ser idag en alltmer åldrande befolkning. Detta ställer allt större krav på äldreomsorgen och inte minst hemtjänsten när en målsättning är att fler ska kunna bo kvar hemma längre. Statistiska rapporter tyder på en kraftig brist på arbetskraft inom just äldrevården, och allt mer hopp och förtroende ställs till tekniska och digitala lösningar för att effektivisera verksamheterna. På uppdrag av Phoniro, en av Sveriges största leverantörer av välfärdsteknologiska lösningar till äldreomsorgen, har det här arbetet syftat till att undersöka hur det administrativa arbetet med digital nyckelhantering kan förbättras och effektiviseras med ett uppdaterat gränssnitt. Genom en enkätundersökning och semistrukturerade intervjuer har en större förståelse för användarnas arbete i och kring administrationssystemet Phoniro Care genererats. Insikterna har sammanställts i användarberättelser för att vägleda framtida designarbete med Phoniro Care. Resultaten visar på behovet av en design som stödjer flera olika användartyper, och som ger bättre verktyg för översikt och hantering av information i systemet. Vidare så väcker berättelser om de olika organisationernas struktur och anpassning till digital nyckelhantering frågor om vilken kompetens som finns i verksamheterna när det gäller att förstå effekten av nya digitala lösningars implementation. Det väcker i sin tur frågor om hur företag som Phoniro kommer att behöva anpassa sig i takt med att den kompetensen växer i verksamheterna. / What we are witnessing today is an increasingly older population. This change in demographics will drastically change the demands of elder care and especially home care services to ensure that more people will be able to stay at home for larger parts of their lives. In addition, statistical projections suggest a critical lack of manpower in home care services in the coming decade, and an increasing amount of faith is put into technical and digital solutions to streamline the organizations. On behalf of Phoniro, one of the largest distributors of welfare technologies for elder care in Sweden, this thesis has investigated how the administrative work attending to digital key management can be improved and streamlined with an updated interface. Through use of an online survey and semi structured interviews a more comprehensive understanding of the users working with the administrative system Phoniro Care have been acquired. The findings have been modelled in user stories meant to guide future design work in the development of Phoniro Care. The results indicate the need for a design that supports multiple user types and better tools for overviewing the information available in the system. Furthermore, the differences in organizational structure between different organizations implementing digital key management raises questions regarding digitization competences in public sector organizations and understanding the effect of implementing new digital tools. In turn, that raises questions regarding a possible future need for adaptation for companies like Phoniro in handling an increasing digital competence in the organizations that constitutes their clients.

Ethnographie de la patrimonialisation : numériser, inventorier et classer la collection du musée du quai Branly / Ethnography of cultural heritage preservation : digitizing, cataloguing and classifying the collection of museum quai Branly

Beltrame, Tiziana 11 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la patrimonialisation de la collection du musée du quai Branly à travers l’analyse de la numérisation des fiches d’objets et des données documentaires. Les collections extra-européennes du musée de l’Homme ont été reconfigurées au sein de la nouvelle institution : autrefois objet de science, l’artefact est devenu objet « d’art et de civilisation », un objet patrimonial, enregistré au Service des Musées de France. Les données documentaires, naguère fixées sur des supports papiers, ont été saisies dans un nouveau système de classification, la base de données « TMS objets », conçue ici comme lieu social et lieu de savoir partagé par les différentes communautés de pratiques. Le maniement du numérique permet de nouveaux modi operandi de fabrication de l’inventaire, source de discontinuité dans l’histoire des collections, notamment de nouvelles réassociations entre données, qui font émerger des possibilités de rapprochements inédits entre objets isolés et collections. Les logiques informatiques et de conservation, la logistique et la politique institutionnelle se conjuguent pour constituer une nouvelle organisation documentaire lisible non seulement dans la base de données mais aussi dans les espaces de stockage des collections. L’analyse de la création du thésaurus catégories d’objets selon l’usage montre comment un processus technique instaure de nouveaux liens entre personnes, objets et données. La parcellisation des tâches, en principe commune à tous, se heurte cependant aux bugs et aux affects. Elle reste donc inachevée. / This thesis explores the cultural heritage preservation of the collection of the Quai Branly Museum through the analysis of the digitisation of the object cards and background data. Non-European collections of the Museum of Man have been reconfigured in the new institution: while it used to be perceived as an object of science, the artefact became an object of "art and culture", an object of heritage registered with the Museum Service France. Documentary data, once set on paper media, entered into a new classification system, the database "TMS objects". This database is conceived as social space and a space of knowledge shared by different communities of practice. The digital technology allows new modi operandi for the creation of the catalogue. This is the source of discontinuities in the history of collections. It leads to new associations between data, from which spring up opportunities for unprecedented connections between individual items and collections. The IT logic, the logic of preservation, logistics and institutional policy combine to form a new documentary organization, readable not only in the database but also in the collections storage areas. The analysis of the creation of thesaurus categories of objects by use shows how a technical process establishes new connections between people, objects and data. The division of tasks, which should be in principle common to all, faces however bugs and affects. Therefore, it remains unfinished.


Svensson, Daniel, Stark, Albin January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Digitalisering av byggbranschen har ökat succesivt de senaste åren i takt med att nya effektiva BIM-verktyg lanseras på marknaden. Med ny teknik effektiviseras föråldrade metoder och kvalitetssäkringen förbättras. BIM som verktyg i produktionsstadiet är ej lika utpräglat som i andra skeden av ett byggprojekt. VVSproduktion överlag präglas av föråldrade metoder och en förnyelse av detta skede ligger i tiden då nya effektiva verktyg utvecklas. BIM360 Build är ett verktyg som är framtaget för att effektivisera byggproduktion. Målet med studien är att genom granskning av utvalda funktioner av BIM360 Build, ge förslag på hur verktyget kan förbättra kvalitetssäkringen, samt att ta fram implementeringsstrategier för verktyget inom VVS-produktion. Metod: Rapporten är en kvalitativ studie med underlag av befintlig forskning inom ämnet. Metoder för insamlad empiri är semistrukturerade intervjuer som utförts på Skanska Sverige AB och Assemblin Ventilation AB samt en dokumentanalys av BIM360 Build. Resultat: Intervjuer på värdföretaget Assemblin Ventilation AB ger en bra inblick i hur ett nationellt stort företag inom ventilationsproduktion arbetar idag. Intervjuer med byggjätten Skanska Sverige AB ger en inblick i hur BIM360 BUILD används efter implementering. Med insamlad empiri kan frågeställningarna besvaras, analyseras och det står klart att BIM-verktyget kan effektivisera många problemområden inom produktionen för Assemblin Vent AB. För en implementering ska lyckas krävs tydliga riktlinjer och strategier från företagsledningen. Konsekvenser: Issues, Cheklist, Equipment och Task är funktioner i BIM360 Build som är ett effektivt verktyg för att öka kvalitetssäkringen inom VVS-produktion. För att säkerställa en effektiv implementering krävs implementeringsstrategier: • Om digitala verktyg som BIM360 Build ska få genomslag krävs det konkreta underlag för att programvaran har fungerat tidigare. • Någon form av expert/support av programmen bör finnas tillgänglig inom organisationen för att underlätta för den äldre generationen. • All personal som ska använda BIM360 Build bör få utbildning om programvaran för att undvika en lång inlärnings- och implementeringsprocess. • En BIM-samordnare bör anställas för att underlätta samordningen i den egna organisationen samt samordningen mellan andra entreprenörer. Begränsningar: Rapporten avgränsas till de fyra funktionerna Issues, Checklist, Euqipment och Task, vilket hanterar avvikelser, egenkontroller, material och delegering av arbetsmoment ute i byggproduktion. Rapporten avgränsar sig till ventilationsbranschen men författarna har förhoppning att resultatet kan generaliseras till övriga installationsgrenar. Nyckelord: kvalitetssäkring, BIM360 Build, implementering, VVS-produktion, digitalisering / Purpose: Digitization of the construction industry has increased successively in recent years as new efficient BIM tools are launched in the market. New technology improves the use of outdated methods and improves quality assurance. BIM as a tool in the production stage is not as pronounced as in the other stages of a construction project. HVAC production, in general, is characterized by outdated methods and a renewal of this stage lies in the time when new efficient tools arrive. BIM360 BUILD is a tool that is designed to make building production more efficient. The aim of the report is to examine the tool BIM360 BUILD and then find out how this tool can increase the quality assurance for HVAC production and to develop implementation strategies. Method: The report is a qualitative study based on existing research within the subject. Methods for collected empirical data are semi-structured interviews conducted at Skanska Sweden AB and Assemblin Ventilation AB and a document analysis of BIM360 Build. Findings: Interviews at the host company Assemblin Ventilation AB provide a good insight into how a nationally large company in ventilation production works today. Interviews with the building giant Skanska Sweden AB gives an insight into how BIM360 BUILD is used after implementation. With collected empirical data, the issues can be analysed, and the BIM tool can streamline many problem areas in the company's production. For an implementation, clear guidelines and strategies are required from management. Implications: Issues, Checklist, Equipment and Task are functions of BIM360 Build which is an effective tool for increasing the quality assurance in HVAC production. Implementation strategies are required to ensure effective implementation: • If digital tools such as BIM360 Build are to be impacted, the proof is required that the software has worked before. • Some form of expert/support of the program should be available within the organization to make it easier for the older generation. • All staff who will use the BIM360 Build should be trained on the software to avoid a lingering learning and implementation process. • A BIM coordinator should be hired to facilitate coordination in their own organization and the coordination between other contractors. Limitations: The report is delimited to the four functions Issues, Checklist, Equipment and Task, which handle deviations, self-checks, materials and delegation of work elements in construction production. The report is limited to the ventilation industry, but the authors hope that the result can be generalized to other installation branches. Keywords: quality assurance, BIM360 Build, implementation, HVAC production, digitization.

Digitalisering av universitet : En studie om organisatoriska hinder / Digitization of universities : A study of organizational obstacles

Haglund, Patrik, Söderholm, Mårten January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under de senaste åren har allt fler universitet infört fler digitala verktyg inom undervisningssammanhang och administration. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat mycket på vad det kan betyda för lärandet och hur det kan förbättra organisationen. Denna uppsats ämnar istället att bidra med förståelse för vilka hinder som kan göra digitaliseringen i ett universitet långsammare och mer svåruppnåelig. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med förståelse för organisatoriska hinder vid digitalisering av universitet. Genomförande: Uppsatsförfattarna har genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genomfört sju intervjuer med personal på Linköpings universitet. Dessa personer har valts selektivt i kombination med lämplighetsurval. Under intervjuerna har organisatoriska hinder identifierats på tre olika nivåer: strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå. Slutsats: De huvudsakliga organisatoriska hinder som identifierats har exempelvis varit användarmotstånd, parallella styrdimensioner, lagen om offentlig upphandling och brist på “sense of urgency”. Uppsatsförfattarna kan också konstatera att användarmotståndet troligtvis kommer minskas i framtiden och att ett hinder som lagen om offentlig upphandling är svår att undvika för ett universitet. / Background: Like most organizations, universities have become more and more digitized in recent years. Prior research has mostly focused on what improvements digitization can lead to in educational and organizational contexts. The intent of this study is to contribute to a higher understanding of organizational obstacles which lead to slower and more complicated processes when digitizing universities. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to a higher understanding of organizational obstacles when digitizing universities. Completion: The authors have through a qualitative approach conducted seven interviews with employees at Linköping University. The interviewees have been selectively and suitably chosen for the study. During the interviews, several obstacles have been identified on three different organizational levels: strategic, tactical and operational Conclusion: The main organizational obstacles that have been identified are for instance user resistance, parallel control dimensions, law of public procurement and lack of sense of urgency. The authors can also conclude that user resistance will most likely decrease in the future and that an obstacle like the law of public procurement is difficult for a university to avoid.

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Andrésson, Charlotta January 2008 (has links)
<p>Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world’s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV’s target group’s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era.</p><p>Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV. I have done three interviews with people who work at MTV Networks Nordic and one interview with a person who used to work there. I also arranged three focus groups with members within the target group of MTV (15-24 year). The questions for all of the interviews were based on theories relevant to this study.</p><p>Main results: The results from the interviews and the focus groups showed that the profile and the image of MTV did not agree completely. An example of that is that the staffs of MTV saw the channel as a youth channel while the target group saw it as a music channel. MTV seems to go from being a niche channel to becoming a broader channel, a move that is quite unusual on today’s media market where niche marketing is the main strategy for TV-channels. People within the target group 15-24 uses the Internet more than TV an average day, and the younger members of my focus groups used the Internet more than the older ones. None of the members of the target group watched TV on their mobile phone but they assumed that younger kids would use it a lot in the future. All agreed upon that MTV was a suitable channel for mobile-TV.</p>

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Andrésson, Charlotta January 2008 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world’s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV’s target group’s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era. Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV. I have done three interviews with people who work at MTV Networks Nordic and one interview with a person who used to work there. I also arranged three focus groups with members within the target group of MTV (15-24 year). The questions for all of the interviews were based on theories relevant to this study. Main results: The results from the interviews and the focus groups showed that the profile and the image of MTV did not agree completely. An example of that is that the staffs of MTV saw the channel as a youth channel while the target group saw it as a music channel. MTV seems to go from being a niche channel to becoming a broader channel, a move that is quite unusual on today’s media market where niche marketing is the main strategy for TV-channels. People within the target group 15-24 uses the Internet more than TV an average day, and the younger members of my focus groups used the Internet more than the older ones. None of the members of the target group watched TV on their mobile phone but they assumed that younger kids would use it a lot in the future. All agreed upon that MTV was a suitable channel for mobile-TV.

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? : En kvantitativ studie i hur gymnasieelever upplever att de arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet i skolan

Atle, Kimberly, Lindell, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Our society has become increasingly digitized, and all around us information flows constantly. Knowledge about valuing different sources of information, and not least the information itself, are becoming increasingly important. Media and information have come to play a big role in our society, and knowledge of media and information literacy becomes important to learn in school. High school students are at the beginning of their adult lives as educated citizens. In this study, we measured high school students experience of media and information literacy, during their three years in high school. Students answered a questionnaire, with questions based upon theoretical concepts in media and information literacy. We chose to focus on high school students as a homogeneous group and not make comparisons between different programs. Everyone is equal before the Education Act. We had preconceived ideas about the outcome, we thought it would turn out that school education regarding media and information literacy had been insufficient, but in many cases those ideas proved to be incorrect. It turned out that high school students may have considerably more knowledge in media and information literacy than we first thought.

A scholar’s perspective

Drexhage, Glenn January 2009 (has links)
This article, written by Glenn Drexhage, Communications Officer – UBC Library/Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, appeared in the BCLA Browser: Linking the Library Landscape online newsletter (vol.1, no.3 2009). BCLA Browser website: http://bclabrowser.ca.

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