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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Idrottslärares syn på digitala verktyg : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter, hinder och funktioner gällande digitala verktyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Kaplan, Tim Timotheos, Koror, Diaco January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av digitalaverktyg i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Utifrån det vill vi granska närmare hur digitala verktyg används i undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna för denna studie är: ● Vad menar idrottslärare möjliggör för användning av digitala verktyg i sinundervisning? ● Vad hindrar idrottslärare från att tillämpa digitala verktyg? ● Vad upplever idrottslärare att digitala verktyg har för funktion i undervisningen? Metod Denna studie har genomförts utifrån en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och utförts med kvalitativansats. Urvalet för denna studie var ett bekvämlighetsurval med inklusionskriterier. Underarbetets gång har fem idrottslärare intervjuats där målet var att gå in på djupet och av den anledningen utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter transkriberades intervjuerna ochdet insamlade materialet kodades för att sedan placeras i olika kategorier. Resultat Resultatet visar att alla intervjuade idrottslärare använder digitala verktyg i sin undervisning iolika utsträckningar. Vi kunde även se att idrottslärarna hade olika typer av erfarenheter och upplevelser när det kom till de digitala verktygen. Slutsats Idrottslärarna som deltagit i denna studie använder digitala verktyg på olika sätt. Det framkommer att det finns fler hinder än möjligheter till att använda digitala verktyg. Trots detta har de deltagande överlag en positiv attityd kring användningen av digitala verktyg i idrottsundervisningen. Därmed kommer dom att fortsätta arbeta med digitala verktyg  iframtiden. / The aim of this study is to examine Physical Education teachers experiences of the use ofdigital tools during teaching. This is a study with a qualitative and hermeneutic approach.There are 5 teachers who are interviewed and questioned about their experiences of the usage of digital tools in their teachings. The results of the study show that all the interviewed teachers use digital tools in their teaching in one way or another, whereas they also have different experiences about digitalization. The conclusion is that all teachers use digital tools in different ways. There are more obstacles than possibilities that affect how often they canuse different digital tools. Overall teachers have a positive attitude towards digital tools, and therefore they will keep on using them.

Sociala medier - den moderna fritidsgården : Ett föräldraperspektiv på tonåringars användning av sociala medier / Social media - the modern community youth center : A parent’s perspective on teenagers usage of social media

Liljeblad, Sandra, Millby Erlandsson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Social media is widely used amongst teenagers today. Studies show that the aftermath of using social media is both positive and negative. The generation of parents that currently have teenage children did not grow up to the same extent of a digital era or under the same conditions during the digitalization as their teenage children. They were not able to use social media platforms to the same extent as the usage is today. This study aims to, through qualitative interviews, illuminate to what extent this generation of parents addresses their teenage children's social media usage based on their knowledge, attitudes, and strategies. The qualitative interviews consisted of eight parents of children in 13-17 years old. The theoretical framework used is Affordance, The digital native and Onlife. The results show that the majority of the parents inform their children of the risks of social media usage rather than setting boundaries and rules. With this trust the parents expect their children to inform or discuss any concerns with them. It also appears that parents believe their children have more knowledge and experience regarding social media than themselves and therefore there is little or no concern regarding exposure to bullying or harassment. / Sociala medier används idag i en mycket stor utsträckning av tonåringar. Enligt forskning visar det sig att följderna av att använda sociala medier både har positiv och negativ inverkan. Den generation föräldrar som idag har tonårsbarn har inte i samma utsträckning vuxit upp under den digitala eran eller under digitaliseringen som deras barn har gjort och har inte använt sociala medier i samma utsträckning som det används idag. Studiens syfte är att öka kunskapen om föräldrars inställning till deras barns användning av sociala medier utifrån deras kunskaper, attityder och strategier. Respondenterna för den kvalitativa intervjun bestod av åtta föräldrar till tonårsbarn i åldrarna 13-17 år. De teoretiska begrepp som används i studien är Affordance, The digital native samt Onlife. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av föräldrarna informerar sina barn om vad som kan hända på sociala medier hellre än att sätta gränser och regler i hemmet. Utefter det litar föräldrarna på att barnen kommer till dem och pratar om de skulle stöta på något som tynger dem. Det framkommer även att föräldrarna upplever att deras barn har mer kunskap kring sociala medier än de själva och därför finns inte heller någon oro kring utsatthet för mobbning eller liknande.

Hur har digitaliseringen påverkat revisorns arbetssätt och roll? : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringen inom revisionsbranschen

Izgin, Johanna, Izgin, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
Digitization has changed the auditing profession in different ways. Audits can now be carried out digitally and audit firms have switched from the analogue to the digital way of working. This is because the audit process has been digitized and many work steps that have previously been time-consuming to carry out manually today can be carried out efficiently digitally. This study aims to investigate how digitalisation has changed the auditor's working methods and function. What will be examined is which working methods have changed, which skills it requires from the auditor and how the auditor's function is affected. The study is characterized by a qualitative research approach where six semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different audit firms. These interviews together with the study's theoretical frame of reference lay the foundation for the study's results. It has been established by previous research that working methods in the audit process have changed in step with digitalisation. Therefore, the authors have further researched this through data to confirm the previous research. The results show that the audit process has changed and facilitated the auditor's tasks. With the help of the digital tools and systems, the auditor can now carry out his work digitally and easily search for the financial items needed, as well as through cloud technology manage data and communicate with the client. These changes free up time for the auditor to create added value for the client through advisory services.

Digitization and Auditors : A study on the impact of digitization on auditors' work during covid-19

Cavallin, Frida, Sjölander, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Since the beginning of 2020 covid-19 has been declared as a public health crisis. Whatfollowed when restrictions were introduced in the world, were that many people wereforced to work from home. Our study will investigate the work of auditors at the largeraudit firms in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to find out how auditors work has beenaffected by the industry's increasing digitization during covid-19. A qualitative methodhas been used to answer the following research questions;In what way has digitization changed the way auditors work during covid-19?Could some of these changes remain after covid-19 has ended?Five auditors have been interviewed from KPMG, PwC, and Grant Thornton. By using thestudys collection of theories the responses from the interviews were analyzed. The chapterwith empirical findings is where the data collection is gathered. Here it shows that covid-19 has affected the auditors work in both a positive and negative manner. The mainpositive side of covid-19 is that work became even more flexible than before. Thenegative side is that the social interactions were missing. Digital tools and equipment haveoverall been of great value during covid-19, though perhaps not to a larger extent thanbefore covid-19. Further, now that the restrictions had been lifted, our respondents saw afuture of working from home more continuously and being able to dictate their ownworking hours with the help of digital tools and equipment.

The Practice and Benefit of Applying Digital Markup in Preserving Texts and Creating Digital Editions: A Poetical Analysis of a Blank-Verse Translation of Virgil's Aeneid

Dorner, William 01 January 2015 (has links)
Numerous examples of the "digital scholarly edition" exist online, and the genre is thriving in terms of interdisciplinary interest as well as support granted by funding agencies. Some editions are dedicated to the collection and representation of the life's work of a single author, others to mass digitization and preservation of centuries' worth of texts. Very few of these examples, however, approach the task of in-text interpretation through visualization. This project describes an approach to digital representation and investigates its potential benefit to scholars of various disciplines. It presents both a digital edition as well as a framework of justification surrounding said edition. In addition to composing this document as an XML file, I have digitized a 1794 English translation of Virgil's Aeneid and used a customized digital markup schema based on the guidelines set forth by the Text Encoding Initiative to indicate a set of poetic figures—such as simile and alliteration—within that text for analysis. While neither a translation project nor strictly a poetical analysis, this project and its unique approach to interpretive representation could prove of interest to scholars in several disciplines, including classics, digital scholarship, information management, and literary theory. The practice serves both as a case-in-point as well as an example method to replicate with future texts and projects.

Systematische Prozessstrukturanalyse der Kostenentstehung innerhalb klein- und mittelständischer Unternehmen (KMU) im Kontext des Holzbaus

Lawrenz, Martin 18 November 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit wurden die Organisations- und Prozessstrukturen von klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen sowie die Einflüsse der Digitalisierung auf interne Strukturen im Holzbau analysiert. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Identifikation der bestimmenden Prozesse und der Einfluss der Organisationsform auf die Kostenentstehung in kleinen Unternehmen sowie eine Gegenüberstellung dieser zu Großunternehmen. Dazu wurden zunächst die verschiedenen Prozesse und Wertschöpfungsschritte eines Holzbauunternehmens systematisch und strukturiert beschrieben, um diese im Anschluss in ein Verhältnis zum Zeitaufwand und den damit verbundenen Kosten zu setzen. Danach wurden in einer ähnlichen Vorgehensweise verschiedene Organisationsformen dargestellt, um deren Einfluss auf die Kostenentstehung im Vergleich zu Großunternehmen zu analysieren. Auch in Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen wurden abschließend Optimierungsmöglichkeiten in diesem Kontext untersucht. Im Zuge der Gegenüberstellung dieser beiden Unternehmensformen konnten signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich der Kostenentstehungsprozesse festgestellt werden, auch die Organisationsstruktur in Großunternehmen beeinflusst diese Prozesse maßgeblich. Trotz der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit von personellen und finanziellen Ressourcen kleinerer Unternehmen und der dadurch erschwerten Implementierung digitaler Lösungen bietet die Digitalisierung völlig neue Potenziale zur Verbesserung von Strategien und Prozessen und sollte deshalb als Chance angesehen werden, um die eigene Wettbewerbsposition zu stärken.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung 1.2 Ziele und Struktur der Arbeit 2 Klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen 2.1 Begriff der KMU 2.2 Bedeutung und Besonderheiten von KMU im Holzbau 3 Prozessstrukturen 3.1 Bedeutung von Prozessen in KMU 3.2 Vorherrschende Prozesse in KMU 3.2.1 Managementprozesse 3.2.2 Leistungserstellungsprozess 3.2.3 Supportprozesse 3.3 Einfluss interner Prozesse auf die Kostenentstehung 4 Organisationsstrukturen 4.1 Grundlagen zur Organisationsstruktur 4.2 Vorherrschende Organisationsformen in KMU 4.2.1 Verbreitete Organisationsformen 4.2.2 Alternative Organisationsformen 4.3 Einfluss interner Organisationsstrukturen auf die Kostenentstehung 4.4 Vergleich zu Großunternehmen 5 Digitalisierung in der Holzbaubranche 5.1 Bedeutung der digitalen Transformation für KMU 5.2 Einflüsse der Digitalisierung 5.2.1 Geschäfts- und Leistungserstellungsprozesse 5.2.2 Organisations- und Personalstrukturen 5.3 Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für KMU 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstaatliche Erklärung / This bachelor’s thesis analyzed the organizational and process structures of small and mediumsized companies as well as the influence of digitization on internal structures in timber construction. The aim of the work is to identify the determining processes and the influence of the organizational form on the formation of costs in small companies and to compare them with large companies. To this end, the various processes and value creation steps of a timber construction company were described in a systematic and structured manner, in order to compare them to the time required and the associated costs. In a similar way, different organizational forms were then presented in order to analyze their impact on cost formation in comparison with large companies. Finally, with a view to the challenges of digitization for small and medium-sized enterprises, optimization possibilities in this context were investigated. In the course of the comparison of these two forms of enterprise, significant differences in the costcreation processes were found, and the organizational structure in large companies also significantly influences these processes. Despite the limited availability of human and financial resources of smaller companies, which makes it difficult to implement digital solutions, digitization offers completely new potential for improving strategies and processes and should therefore be seen as an opportunity to strengthen one’s competitive position.:Abbildungsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Problemstellung 1.2 Ziele und Struktur der Arbeit 2 Klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen 2.1 Begriff der KMU 2.2 Bedeutung und Besonderheiten von KMU im Holzbau 3 Prozessstrukturen 3.1 Bedeutung von Prozessen in KMU 3.2 Vorherrschende Prozesse in KMU 3.2.1 Managementprozesse 3.2.2 Leistungserstellungsprozess 3.2.3 Supportprozesse 3.3 Einfluss interner Prozesse auf die Kostenentstehung 4 Organisationsstrukturen 4.1 Grundlagen zur Organisationsstruktur 4.2 Vorherrschende Organisationsformen in KMU 4.2.1 Verbreitete Organisationsformen 4.2.2 Alternative Organisationsformen 4.3 Einfluss interner Organisationsstrukturen auf die Kostenentstehung 4.4 Vergleich zu Großunternehmen 5 Digitalisierung in der Holzbaubranche 5.1 Bedeutung der digitalen Transformation für KMU 5.2 Einflüsse der Digitalisierung 5.2.1 Geschäfts- und Leistungserstellungsprozesse 5.2.2 Organisations- und Personalstrukturen 5.3 Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für KMU 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Eidesstaatliche Erklärung

Erfarenheter av den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar / The experiences of the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme

Kanon, Elisabeth, Hultin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I och med Sveriges vision om e-hälsa och den ökade digitaliseringen ställs högre krav på sjuksköterskor avseende mötet med patienten via olika kanaler. Befolkningen ökar över tid och allra mest ökar de som är 80 år och äldre. För att hantera denna utmaning är distriktssköterskor viktiga i och med att de arbetar med hälsorådgivning och preventivt arbete som bland annat utgörs av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar (VHU). Hälsoundersökningar har skalats ner och blivit allt mer digitaliserade. Digitalisering ger möjlighet till en jämlik vård. VHU har sedan mars 2021 påbörjat en övergång av verksamheten till en ny digital modell. Olika personalgrupper i vården rapporteras vara mindre positivt inställda till övergången till digitala arbetssätt, men efterfrågas av patienter. Motiv: Det finns inte någon studie om hur VHU-sjuksköterskor upplever att arbeta i den digitala modellen av VHU. Vår studie kan bidra med kunskap om detta och inverka på hur den fortsatta implementeringen fortskrider.  Syfte: Belysa VHU-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med den digitala modellen av Västerbottens hälsoundersökningar. Metod: Individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med VHU-sjuksköterskor. Insamlad data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Deltagarnas erfarenheter av den nya digitala modellen var i stort sett positiva. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: ”Utgår från patientens behov”, ”Stödjer och motverkar livsstilsförändring”, ”Smidig och tidsbesparande modell”, ”Stimulerar och utmanar VHU-sjuksköterskor arbetssätt” och ”Organisationen utmanas och förändringar krävs”. Konklusion: Resultatet av studien kan leda till förbättringsarbete inom VHU men även inom riktade hälsosamtal i övriga delar av Sverige och förhoppningsvis internationellt. Fortsatt forskning och utveckling inom ämnet behövs. / Background: Since Sweden has a vision of e-health and the increased digitization, higher demands are made on nurses regarding the meeting with the patient through different channels. The population increases over time and mostly those who are 80 years and older. To manage this challenge, district nurses are important because they work with health counseling and preventive work, which among other things consists of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme (VIP). Health examinations have been downscaled and become more digitized. Digitization provides the opportunity for equal care. Since March 2021, VIP has begun a transition to a new digital model. Different staff in healthcare are reported to be less positive about the transition to digital working methods but the methods are requested by patients. Motive: There are no study on how VIP-nurses experience working with the digital model of VIP. Our study can contribute knowledge about this and influence how the continued implementation proceeds. Aim: Highlight VIP-nurses experiences of working with the digital model of the Västerbotten Intervention Programme.  Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with VIP-nurses. Collected data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis.  Result: The participants’ experiences of the new digital model were positive in general. The analysis resulted in five categories: “Based on the patient’s needs”, “Supports and counteracts lifestyle change”, “Flexible and time-saving model”, “Stimulates and challenges VIP-nurses way of work” and “The organization is challenged and changes are needed” Conclusion: The results of the study can lead to improvement work within VIP but also within health examinations in other parts of Sweden and hopefully internationally. Continued research and development in the subject are needed.

Digital källkritik och informationssökning i historieundervisningen / Digital source criticism and information search in history education

Kristensson, Ida, Walid Karim, Shahed January 2023 (has links)
In the past few years society has become more digitized. As a result of this the schools are using more digital tools in education and searching information online has become the norm. The purpose of this essay is to investigate what research has been made on how digital sources and information searches online are used in history education and how this affects the students. It will also investigate how teachers should approach information searches and digital sources in history education. The material that has been used in this essay has been found through the databases SwePub, Education Research Complete (ERC) and ERIC via EBSCO. All the material has been reviewed by the authors of this essay to make sure they were relevant to the questions asked. The results of the essay are that due to the digitization in society the Swedish school system should revise their school documents to have a more extended view on source criticism. The results are also that using information searches and digital sources can have a positive effect on the students but for this to happen the teacher has to support the students during their work. Further research can be conducted on what the teachers' opinions on digitization in history education is and a comparison between the older methods of source criticism and the newer, more digitized source criticism.

Beyond IT and Productivity : Effects of Digitized Information Flows in the Logging Industry

Kollberg, Maria January 2005 (has links)
The IT and productivity paradox has been the subject of considerable research in recent decades. Many previous studies, based mainly on macroeconomic statistics or on aggregated company data, have reached disparate conclusions. Consequently, the question whether IT investments contribute to productivity growth is still heavily debated. More recent research, however, has indicated that IT contributes positively to economic development but that this contribution is not fully revealed when only productivity is measured. To explore the issue of IT and productivity further, the ITOP (Impact of IT On Productivity) research program was launched in 2003. An alternative research approach is developed with the emphasis on the microeconomic level and information flows in processes in specific industry segments. In the empirical study, the development of information flows is tracked over several decades. Effects of digitized information flows are hereby identified and quantified in order to determine their importance in terms of productivity. The purpose of this study is to explore effects of information technology by studying digitized information flows in key processes in the logging industry. The research shows that several information flows in the logging process have been digitized leading to new ways to capture, use, spread, process, refine and access information throughout the logging process. A large variety of effects have also been identified from this development. The results show that only a minor part of the effects identified have a direct impact on productivity and thus that a large number of significant effects do not. Effects with a major direct impact on productivity include increased efficiency in timber measurement registration, lower costs of timber accounting and increased utilization of harvesters and forest resources. Other significant effects with no direct impact on productivity are related to a more open timber market, increased timber customization, control, decision-making and access to information, as well as skill levels and innovation. The results thus demonstrate that it is questionable whether conventional productivity measures are sufficient for measuring the impact of IT. / <p>ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2005:40</p>

Beyond IT and Productivity : How Digitization Transformed the Graphic Industry

Cöster, Mathias January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines how IT and the digitization of information have transformed processes of the graphic industry. The aim is to show how critical production processes have changed when information in these processes have been digitized. Furthermore it considers if this has influenced changes in productivity while also identifying other significant benefits that have occurred as a result of the digitization. The debate concerning the productivity paradox is one important starting point for the thesis. Previous research on this phenomenon has mainly used different types of statistical databases as empirical sources. In this thesis though, the graphic industry is instead studied from a mainly qualitative and historical process perspective. The empirical study shows that digitization of information flows in the graphic industry began in the 1970s, but the start of the development and use of digitized information happened in the early 1980s. Today almost all types of materials in the industry, for example text and pictures, have developed into a digital form and the information flows are hereby more or less totally digitized. A common demand in the industry is that information produced should be adaptable to the different channels in which it may be presented. The consequences from use of IT and the digitization of information flows are identified in this thesis as different outcomes, effects, and benefits. The outcomes are identified directly from the empirical material, whilst the resulting effects are generated based on theories about IT and business value. The benefits are in turn generated from a summarization of the identified effects. Identified effects caused by IT and digitization of information include integration and merging of processes; vanishing professions; reduced number of operators involved; decreased production time; increased production capacity; increased amount and quality of communication; and increased quality in produced originals. One conclusion drawn from the analysis is that investments and use of IT have positively influenced changes in productivity. The conclusion is based on the appearance of different automational effects, which in turn have had a positive influence on factors that may be a part of a productivity index. In addition to productivity other benefits, based on mainly informational effects, are identified. These benefits include increased capacity to handle and produce information, increased integration of customers in the production processes, increased physical quality in produced products, and options for management improvements in the production processes. The conclusions indicate that it is not always the most obvious benefit, such as productivity, that is of greatest significance when IT is implemented in an industry. / <p>ISRN/Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2005:38</p>

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