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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalisering av biblioteksmaterial : En kvalitativ undersökning av åtta biblioteksanställdas attitydertill digitalisering

Andersson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to examine the views on digitization of eight respondents, all working at different libraryinstitutions in Sweden, and how their views are reflected in their library's digitization strategies. The poll wasconducted on the basis of Ingrid Mason's theory of information standards, their structure and sociopoliticalnature. The informantion standards are divided into three aspects, curatorial, semantic and technical, and theyaffect selection of, intellectual and physical access to the digitized material, which in the end is what constitutes the digital cultural heritage.The background to the study is that the Swedish library institutions in the current situation lacks a nationalstandard or a common strategy for the digitization of cultural heritage, while it is still implemented digitizationprojects at many library institutions. The method used is qualitative, structured interviews with open-ended questions.The study shows that one of the main motives behind the libraries' digitization projects is to make librarymaterials available in a new way, creating greater opportunities for the users to take advantage of the material.The library users are the ones who mainly control what is digitized, although aspects of preservation ismentioned. Furthermore, it appears that the respondents believe that digitization offers improved capabilities tosearch and learn more about the collections, but the actual work of image capture, the addition of metadata,presentation to users and long-term preservation is very complex.Views on what it is to be digitized, how the material should be selected and provided with metadata and howit should be presented to users is what creates the standards that libraries use when they digitize their materials,and digitization of library materials creates new conditions for new users to access and use library material.This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Nationellt uppdrag och internationellt samarbete : Nationalbibliotekens bevarandemetadata för digitalt skapat material / National Mission and International Cooperation : National Libraries preservation metadata for born-digital material

Mecklenburg, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The National Libraries task to save and preserve the national cultural heritage has turned to a new challenge in a digital world. The preservation of born-digital material for future use requires not only saving the digital object itself but also information about the object, preservation metadata. This is a relatively new issue and the library community has very little experience in this area. It has become evident that international cooperation is necessary to solve the task and that the development of international standards is of fundamental significance. This thesis investigates what has been done to meet the problems with the fast obsolescence of digital material with the focus on metadata. It examines the international collaboration in this area and the results. Ten European national libraries were inquired and their approach to long term preservation of the born-digital heritage concerning collection and strategies for handling of preservation metadata. The study shows that the Scandinavian countries began collecting with web harvesting while most countries in Central Europe work with deliveries. It is also shown that the regional differences are becoming smaller and that today most of the countries are following a combined approach. Web harvesting requires a different management of metadata than digital deliveries. However, within the different methods the solutions are rather close. / Uppsatsnivå: D

”Pengarna finns i systemet” : Digitalt bevarande i Sveriges nationella strategi för arbetet med digitalisering och elektroniskt bevarande av kulturarvet / Insufficient funds? : Digital Preservation and the Swedish National Strategy for Digitization and Digital Preservation of Sweden's Cultural Heritage

Frank, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this two year master thesis is to analyze how digital preservation is presented as a problem in the Swedish national strategy for the digitization and digital preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage. In order to study which assumptions about digital preservation exists within the strategy I apply the discourse oriented methodological tools presented by Carol Lee Bacchi, which focuses on discerning what problem or, rather, representation of a problem exists within a specific policy. This study is a post-structuralist discourse analysis. The main focus of the study is on what assumptions and prerequisites the dominating representation of the problem is based upon and how the representation has evolved. The main material of the study consists of public investigations conducted by the Swedish state, governmental propositions and replies as well as other public documents upon which Bacci's methodological tools are applied. Results show that digital preservation is primarily interpreted as a financial problem as the national strategy and its surrounding documents stress the need of cost-efficient solutions. The discourse of cost-efficiency is based upon instrumental political ideals, and results show that there is a specific kind of terminology within the documents which strengthens the dominance of this discourse. The consequence of the dominating representation of the problem as being of a financial kind marginalizes other vital aspects of digital preservation.

Digitalt långtidsbevarande : Hanteringen och en lägesbeskrivning av utvecklingen

Sandström, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats skall fungera som en avstämning över hur långt vi kommit i utvecklingen av digitalt långtidsbevarande och hur vi på bästa sätt idag kan hantera denna typ av bevarande genom att beakta några viktiga delar. Detta är fortfarande ett problem i arkivvärlden eftersom det finns flera frågetäcken runt detta område. Eftersom teknikvärlden är skör och de databärare vi använder idag inte håller lika länge som vi vill kunna bevara information behöver vi förnya den i omgångar. Denna hanteringsprocess kan gå till på flera olika sätt och de kräver noga uttänkta metoder för att inte riskera att skada informationen. För att ett objekt skall kunna bevaras under en lång period finns det områden som lämpligen kan följa vissa riktlinjer. De delar som bland annat påverkar bevarandet är vilken metadata och övrig information som kopplas till objektet, vilken teknik man använder sig utav, hur olika värderingar kan underlätta i processen, hur styrningen i organisationen kan fungera och hur man styr hanteringen samt säkerheten som behöver råda kring objekten och organisationen. Denna uppsats innehåller den inledande processen i digitalt långtidsbevarande för att den fullständiga processen inte skulle visa ett resultat förrän om ca.50 år då vi kan se en produkt av denna typ av bevarande. Denna undersökning bygger till största del en litteraturstudie och för att komplettera ytterligare valde jag att göra intervjuer/enkäter med passande organisationer för att se hur det fungerar för dem. För att få ett bättre sammanhang i textens genomgång utgår den från OAIS modellen och därför refererar de olika delarna tillbaka till den genom texten. Detta skall göra att läsaren lättare ser en röd tråd på hur delarna samspelar med varandra. Uppsatsen avslutas med ett hanteringsförslag där jag dragit slutsatser från de olika delarna som utgör uppsatsens innehåll och en jämförelse mellan myndigheterna.

Pappershantering leder till underskriftssjuka : En studie av myndigheters införande av digitala signaturer / Paper Management Results in a Signing Frenzy : A study of implementations of digital signatures in Swedish government agencies

Lundstedt, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Digital signatures is a small and relatively new subject in digital preservation. There has been substantial research made in how to technically preserve a digital signature. However the research regarding the implementation and surrounding practices are relatively unexplored. This thesis analyses documentation from Swedish public sector about digital signature, develop models that express practices, and evaluate them against current normative frameworks within the field of digital preservation. Different government agencies were queried for documentation, which were analysed with Grounded Theory and Policy analysis. This generated a set of models which can be used to implement digital signatures into an organisation. Here we find models for managing user identities, selecting signatures on the basis of document type, researching legal questions, managing personal information and user rights, and for organisation of an implementation project.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Digitalisering av manuella bibliotekskataloger : En undersökning på Uppsala universitetsbibliotek / Digitalisation of manual library catalogues : A study at the Uppsala university library

Velupillai, Aruna January 2021 (has links)
While the Uppsala university library aims to have its whole collection searchable in Libris, the main digital library catalogue in Sweden, and Alvin, the digitized cultural heritage platform, the scope of their collections does not allow it to be done in a desireable time frame. An alternative to digitizing every object is to simply digitize the older manual library catalogues listing the collections, which is what the Uppsala university library has chosen to do. This study examines the digitization process of three of these older library catalogues: the Catalogue of music scores 1970-1980, the Catalogue of printed music -1970 and the Catalogue of Swedish biography. By observing the digitization process I analyse the functions and status of the library catalogues. What happens to a manual library catalogue when it is digitized? Does its function and its objective remain the same or does it change in response to this remediation process that is the digitization? Will the process of transforming it into a new digital format render the old format into another type of object, an historical artefact in its own right, as opposed to simply a list of other historical documents? By interviewing the library staff who perform the digitization of the catalogs and some of the users of them I seek to determine the traits of the library catalogue, and with the help of R. I. Clarkes seven objectives of the library catalogue I also try to discover what the catalogue means in its functions and usage for librarians and library users. Besides this, the study seeks to determine the status of the catalogue in relation to cultural heritage as defined by UNESCO, and the impact the digitization has on the object itself. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Administrativa krav i en kreativ process : Arkivariers syn på arkivering och tillgängliggörande av forskningsdata på svenska lärosäten / Administrative Demands in a Creative Process : Archivists view on archiving and public access of research data in Swedish universities

Jändel-Holst, Billy January 2022 (has links)
Introduction. Previous research has shown that the increasing demands of research data management have proven to be challenging to both researchers and research support. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the process of managing, archiving, and sharing research data and what challenges it faces. Furthermore, it aims to investigate what the archivist’s role is and should be in this process and how archivists and researchers communicate and collaborate with each other.  Method. To pursue this aim, a qualitative method was used, consisting of semi-structured interviews with archivists from seven different public universities in Sweden, with three larger universities and four smaller ones. Analysis. For the analysis a thematic method was used, where similarities and differences, views and opinions were identified and categorized into different themes. Result. The result showed that a fundamental challenge is for the archivists to reach out to the researchers with the information and knowledge that they need and how to make that information comprehensible. The result further showed that several of the interviewed archivists believe that the current focus of resources and demands aimed at the development of open data is misdirected and contra productive because the researchers are more interested in and have a greater need of safe storing and proper archiving of their research data, rather than making it open. Conclusion. The investigation concludes that there is a great need for new ways for archives and other research support to reach out to researchers with information on research data management and that this requires more resources. It furthermore concludes that there is a need to further investigate what researchers truly need for them to properly manage and preserve their research data in the long term and what role the archivist will play in this development.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival science.

Auktorisering i system för digitalt bevarande

Dyk, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
The purpose is to investigate, analyze and clarify the relationship between authorization and security policy for digital preservation system. Information security comes into focus when digital preservation systems are discussed. The handling of electronic documents in digital preservation systems is now widespread and a large part of many activities. This means that the business must ensure that it protects against the loss of information stored in the digital preservation system. Authorization and security policy are relevant to archive and information science because digital objects in digital preservation system are to be protected from unauthorized access. With a qualitative method the research will go through security policy, systems and models for access architecture. With open approach and open questions, the research will be summarized with a discussion on the most important conclusions for access management for digital preservation system, which are mainly built on roles. It is of great importance that the company uses roles and authorization levels to ensure that everyone knows with certainty what to do and what they cannot do. / Syftet är att undersöka, analysera och klargöra relationen mellan auktorisering och säkerhetspolicy för system för digitalt bevarande. Informationssäkerhet kommer i fokus när system för digitalt bevarande diskuteras. Hanteringen av elektroniska dokument i system för digitalt bevarande är nu utbrett och en stor del av många aktiviteter. Det innebär att verksamheten måste se till att den skyddar mot förlust av information som lagras i system för digitalt bevarande. Auktorisering och säkerhetspolicy är relevant för arkiv- och informationsvetenskap eftersom digitala objekt i system för digitalt bevarande ska skyddas mot obehörig åtkomst. Med en kvalitativ metod kommer forskningen att gå igenom säkerhetspolicy, system och modeller för åtkomstarkitektur. Med öppet tillvägagångssätt och öppna frågor kommer forskningen slutligen att sammanfattas med en diskussion om de viktigaste slutsatserna för åtkomsthantering för system för digitalt bevarande, som huvudsakligen bygger på roller. Det är av stor vikt att företaget använder roller och auktoriseringsnivåer för att säkerställa att alla med säkerhet vet vad de ska göra och vad de inte får göra.

Utbytesstudenters digitala PIM-strategier : En kvalitativ studie bland data- och systemvetare vid Uppsala universitet / Exchange students' digital PIM strategies. : A qualitative study among data and systems scientists at Uppsala University

Mårtens Rodriguez, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Introduction. The aim of this master thesis is to examine how students at Uppsala university manage, organize, and preserve their study-related information in a digital environment. It also investigates the motivations for personal information management (PIM) among students, and explores the concepts of sense making as both an activity and a desired outcome. The thesis focuses on the respondents’ experiences and behaviours in terms of PIM in relation to their digital collections.  Method. The research is based on 12 interviews with 9 exchange students, which were audio recorded and transcribed. Transcripts constituted the data for analysis.  Analysis. Interview data was analysed qualitatively with Nvivo software. Concepts were defined so that they could be used in the survey. Results. The study found that the five metalevels of PIM activities proposed by William Jones (2008) were applicable to the interview data, and that the respondents used a variety of digital tools and storage options, including cloud services, text editors and desktop applications, to organize and manage their information collections. Results are also presented in relation to Soo Jin Park’s (2011) three types of organizing and managing information collections.  Conclusion. The results showed that reflection on PIM and planning over time can lead to meaning-making and motivation for personal development. The degree of effort in organizing and managing information collections varied according to the individual values, personality, and contextual situations. The participants’ most common software for data storage were cloud services, text editors and web pages, with laptops, computers and mobile phones being the most popular devices for data storage. Some also had external hard drives as backup solutions and strict rules for discipline regarding PIM. While many participants trusted cloud storage when it came to privacy, some participants were skeptical of large IT companies and tried to find their own strategies to become less dependent on them. The majority made informed choices due to the risk of data loss and fragmentation. They had a profile of cognitive skills that included the ability to use visual messages to create unification and transparency in systems. They had a mix of dynamic and large collections of data.  They preferred to structure their files in a specific and structured system. Some preferred to file in more well-defined locations, while others used a more flexible method of organization. The majority had a one folder filing strategy. Some had file systems with a top-down approach, while others used incremental bottom-up strategies. They used a variety of PIM tools and strategies to meet their changing needs, such as using descriptive file names, splitting projects into smaller collections, regularly reviewing and deleting older files and categorize files by date. The study provided valuable insights into the process of managing digital information and the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation of PIM tools and strategies to meet the changing needs of participants.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

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