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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legalisering eller inte : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungdomars attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige

Ida, Bengtsson, Ida, Bondesson January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse kring ungdomars attityder och deras upplevda livsvärld inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. För att besvara syftet formulerade vi en frågeställning: Vilka tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter formar ungdomarnas attityder till droger och hur ser deras attityder ut gentemot cannabis idag? Detta undersökte vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar mellan 15-20 år på ett kulturhus i en mellanstor stad i södra Sverige. Vi ville undersöka vad det är som påverkar ungdomarna i deras formande av attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige samt hur dessa attityder ser ut idag. För att få en så djup förståelse för individernas upplevda livsvärld som möjligt genomförde vi enskilda intervjuer med tio ungdomar som alla har olika erfarenheter och kunskaper. Resultatet visade att det finns en stor bristfällig kunskap när det kommer till droger i allmänhet samt att denna kunskap saknas både i skolan men också i hemmet. Det framkom också att många av ungdomarna någon gång hade provat cannabis eller befunnit sig i kretsar där ett brukande av cannabis pågick. Detta visade sig senare vara en stor bidragande faktor till deras attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Med hjälp av Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans visade analysen att den kognitiva dissonansen var en bidragande faktor till deras attityder. Utifrån Scheffs teori om hänsynsemotionssystemet, med fokus på sociala band, skam och stolthet, bidrog tryggheten och otryggheten hos informanterna till deras attityder. Den otillräckliga kunskapen, tryggheten och otryggheten bildade tillsammans grunden för ungdomarnas attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Utifrån Mead fanns det brister i rollövertagandet i formandet av deras attityder. / The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of young people's attitudes and their perceived life-world face a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. To answer the aim we formulated a question: What prior knowledge and experiences shape young people's attitudes to drugs and what are their attitudes towards cannabis today? This, we investigated through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15-20 years at an arts center in a medium large town in southern Sweden. We wanted to explore what affects the youth in their shaping of attitudes towards cannabis and legalization of cannabis in Sweden and how these attitudes are today. To gain a deeper understanding of individuals' perceived life-world as possible, we conducted individual interviews with ten young people who all have different experiences and knowledge. The results showed that there is a great lack of knowledge when it comes to drugs in general, and that this knowledge is lacking both in school but also at home. It also emerged that many of the young people had tried cannabis or been in circles where use of cannabis was ongoing. This later proved to be a major contributing factor to their attitudes towards cannabis and a legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Using Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance, the analysis showed that it was a contributing factor to their attitudes. Based on Scheffs theory of the “deference-emotion system”, focusing on social bonds, shame and pride, the security and insecurity of informants influence their attitudes. The insufficient knowledge, security and insecurity together formed the foundation for young people's attitudes towards a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Based on Mead, there were deficiencies in the role takeover when shaping their attitudes.

True Belief at the End of the Tether : the Quest for Universal Epistemic Justification

Thellman, Sam January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I scavenge the history of philosophy for answers to the question ‘How are claims to knowledge justified?’. I argue that Plato’s psychological doctrine of knowledge marks the starting point of a philosophical inquiry motivated by the possibility to discover foundations of knowledge through investigating the nature of mind. At the core of this inquiry lies the hypothesis that if the psychological mechanisms that govern the capacity for knowledge acquisition is fully understood, then answers will follow about why judgements are true or false. The prospective result of the inquiry is a theory of universal epistemic justification which demarcates epistemically warranted beliefs from unwarranted beliefs. I suggest that there is a historically persistent case of cognitive dissonance within the epistemological enterprise — a tension between two of its central theses — which is caused by the persistence of the of the hitherto unsuccessful but ongoing quest for universal epistemic justification, and its inciting promises. The contradicting theses are those of certain justification (that one is justified in believing that p only if p is entailed by evidence) and proportional justification (that one is proportionally justified in believing that p to the extent that evidence makes p credible). I discuss the consequences of giving up one of the respective theses. I conclude that the thesis of certain justification cannot be given up unless an adequate theory of proportional justification is proposed, and that the legacy of searching for universal epistemic justification will continue unless epistemologists are able to construct one.

Individual differences in working memory capacity and the distinction between proactive and reactive control

Redick, Thomas Scott 24 June 2009 (has links)
The construct of cognitive control is often invoked to provide a mechanism responsible for information-processing in ill-defined situations. However, the dual-mechanism theory of cognitive control distinguishes between proactive and reactive varieties, and provides a more concrete framework for explaining behavior across various conditions. Importantly, although proactive and reactive control have been theorized to apply to differential performance observed in various clinical and aging populations, no empirical work has been conducted examining how this theory may apply to individual differences in working memory capacity within a young, healthy population. The current research directly assessed proactive versus reactive control by administering three versions of the AX version of the continuous performance test to individuals varying in working memory capacity. Across the task versions, specific trial type frequencies were manipulated to examine whether this variable interacted with WMC to cause individuals to engage in one control type over the other. In addition, the current work investigated whether individuals can change their mode of control on a trial-to-trial basis, something that had not previously been examined. Individuals low in working memory capacity exhibited specific performance deficits relative to the individuals high in working memory capacity. The results extend the application of the dual-mechanism theory to individual differences in working memory capacity and provide a theoretical framework to explain previous findings in the working memory capacity literature.

Dissonans och spelares upplevelser : Spelares uppfattning av en medveten dissonans i en avatars och miljös formspråk / Dissonance and player experiences : Players perception of a conscious dissonance in an avatars and an environments form

Tosthage, Lily January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker om en spelare skulle känna av en dissonans mellan en avatar med fredligt formspråk och en spelmiljö med aggressivt formspråk. En spelbar artefakt i form av ett 2D äventyrspel skapades med en runt utformad avatar ochspetsigt utformade fiender och miljöer där övriga faktorer försökte hållas neutrala. Fem testpersoner spelade igenom spelet och intervjuades för att ta reda på hur dekände och upplevde spelets olika delar. Resultatet antyder att spelarna inte kände av någon dissonans. Detta spekuleras bero på ett fokus på spelande och förutfattade meningar kring grafikens motiv. Framtida arbeten kan fokusera på fler element än bara formspråk för att överdriva uttrycken och undersöka om en starkare dissonans kan upptäckas av spelare.

Vers l'abstraction de l'image cinématographique : (Quatre films de fiction d'Europe du Nord de 1978 à 2000) / Towards the abstraction of the cinematographic image : ( Four feature films from Northern Europe from 1978 to 2000)

Baldacchino-Gauthey, Martine 31 May 2016 (has links)
La lumière transcende son entité qui est de « rendre les objets visibles ». Mais quelle est cette expérience artistique et quelles sont les intentions du réalisateur désirant communiquer sa subjectivité ? Quelle est cette lumière qui peut rendre visible l'invisible quand selon Carl Theodor Dreyer :Il s’agit, pour le metteur en scène de faire partager aux spectateurs ses propres expériences artistiques ou intérieures. L’abstraction lui offre une chance de le faire puisque, grâce à elle, il remplace la vérité objective par sa propre interprétation subjective. Mais si l’abstraction doit faire son entrée sur l’écran, il nous faut commencer à : chercher de nouveaux principes de création. Je soulignerai que je ne pense ici qu’à l’image.1Communiquer ses propres émotions est envisageable par l'abstraction selon le réalisateur danois, car l'abstraction permet de transcender l'objectivité.A quelles conditions la lumière et ses déclinaisons peuvent-elles induire une abstraction de l'image ? Comment se traduit l'abstraction ? Quels sont les signifiés d'une plastique lumineuse abstraite ?Cette recherche analyse l'ambiance lumineuse de « Stalker», « Europa» , « Trois couleurs bleu» et « L'homme sans passé », quatre films d'Europe du nord regroupés autour des mêmes thématiques. Les réalisateurs Andreï Tarkovski, Lars Von Trier, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Aki Kaurismäki influencés par Carl Theodor Dreyer, s'associent de toute évidence à sa problématique.Cette thèse démontre que l'abstraction de l'image est possible par sa plastique lumineuse susceptible d' exprimer une virtualité, une dissonance, un magnétisme, un enfermement. Elle interroge les directeurs photo et les réalisateurs du corpus sur les sensations éprouvées par l'esthétique lumineuse. Elle révèle enfin que, de multiples temps hétérogènes travaillant la lumière sont à l'origine de l'abstraction de l'image. 1 DREYER Carl Th, Réflexions sur mon métier, réédition Cahiers du Cinéma, 1997, Paris, p 105 / Lighting transcends it's entity which is to "Render objects visible". But what is the artistic experience and what are the intentions of a director who desires to communicate his subjectivity? What is this light that can render the invisible visible when according to Carl Theodor Dreyer :For the director, it's about the ability to share to the spectators one's own artistic experiences or interior feelings. Through abstraction it is possible to realize this because it replaces the truthful objective by it's own subjective interpretation. However, if the abstraction has to present itself on the screen, we must start to search for new principles of creation. I will emphasize that I am referring here only to the image*.To communicate one's own emotions is possible through abstraction according to the Danish director, because abstraction allows to transcend objectivity.To what conditions may lighting and it's inflections induce an abstraction of the image? How may one translate such an abstraction? What are the signifiers of an abstract lighting?This research analyze the tonality of the lighting of "Stalker", "Europa", "Three colors : Blue" and "The man without a past". Four films from northern Europe that are grouped around similar themes. The directors Andreï Tarkovski, Lars Von Trier, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Aki Kaurismäki, influenced by Carl Theodor Dreyer, are connected without a doubt to his vision. This thesis is set to demonstrate how the abstraction of an image is possible through a certain plasticity of lighting effects which is susceptible to express a virtuality, a dissonance, a magnetism and an enclosing. This paper interrogates directors of photography and the directors of the corpus on the demonstrated feelings generated by the aesthetics of lighting. Finally it brings to the surface multiple heterogeneous times working light that are behind of the abstraction of image.    *DREYER Carl Th, Réflexions sur mon métier, réédition Cahiers du Cinéma, 1997, Paris, p 105

DISSONANS I SPELMUSIK : En studie om musikalisk dissonans och dess påverkan på upplevd prestationsförmåga / DISSONANCE IN GAME MUSIC : A study about musical dissonance and its effect on perceived performance

Lindén, Martin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of Perceived Privacy Breaches on Continued Technology Use and Individual Psychology: The Construct, Instrument Development, and an Application Using Internet Search Engines

Ahmad, Altaf 01 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation involved the development of a new construct, perceived privacy breach (PPB), to evaluate how a person perceives breaches of privacy in terms of whether they perceive any exchange of information was fair or not and how they believe it will impact people whose information has been shared. This instrument assists researchers to understand how a person perceives a possible breach of privacy. The PPB instrument was created after conducting a pilot study of approximately 200 undergraduate students and testing the data for possible dimensions in an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The EFA resulted in a concise 14 item questionnaire with three dimensions: dispersion, fairness, and impact. The PPB instrument was utilized in a larger study with 285 participants after a small pilot test (n=27) to study the impact of perceptions of privacy preaches upon a person's level of concern for his or her own privacy and the effect it has on their trust in organizations to protect their privacy in relation to their usage of Internet search engines. It also studied how the combination of perceptions of privacy breaches, general privacy concern, and trust had an impact on a person's anxiety and decision to continue using online search engines. The study also theorized that a person's concern for privacy and use of search engines might result in cognitive dissonance, which might have an effect on the way people think about privacy issues. The model was analyzed using a two step process. First a confirmatory factory analysis (CFA) using the software application EQS was run on the measurement model, in which all the instruments were assessed. The perceived privacy breach instrument had a Cronbach's alpha value of .89. The structural model was run in EQS and achieved a CFI fit of .86. There was a statistically significant relationship between perceived privacy breach and privacy concern, and between privacy concern and trust. Increase in trust was shown to have an effect on technology usage attitude. Hypotheses involving cognitive dissonance showed statistically significant results in the opposite direction.

A primary head teacher's exploration of lesson study

Mynott, John Paul January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of a head teacher's experience of Lesson Study. It aims to consider how Lesson Study develops teacher learning through consideration of collaboration, expertise and professional conflict. The methodology embraces the lived experience of introducing a collaborative method of teacher development, Lesson Study into a primary school and exploring its impact. The research is conducted through an exploratory layered method, considering the Lesson Study teams, the whole school and the head teacher's thoughts and reflections on and about Lesson Study. The exploration in this thesis found that Lesson Study is far from breath-takingly simple (Dudley, 2013) and that there are many complexities and variables within each Lesson Study group that need to be considered carefully in order to enhance any opportunity for teacher learning. This thesis describes how these different elements, collaboration, expertise and professional conflict, interacted in two different Lesson Study teams. These findings, are presented alongside the head teacher's reflections. Building on these reflections the thesis starts to articulate how Lesson Study could offer teacher learning opportunities and which elements of school culture, teacher expertise and understanding would need to be developed, honed and considered in order to create an outcome which results in teacher learning. This research provides an exploration how teacher learning may be generated through Lesson Study work. It extends the current literature on teacher learning in Lesson Study by identifying and exploring professional conflict alongside collaboration and expertise. Teacher learning opportunities are not simply created in the context the research took place. It concludes that while teacher learning can be generated through Lesson Study; the conditions and culture of a setting, alongside the skills, knowledge and expertise of the teachers involved in each team are also crucial.

Représentations sociales des médicaments et du rôle infirmier par des infirmières à domicile de Genève

Mayenfisch Duggan, Katharina January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

CurrÃculo cultural, habitus e prÃticas docentes:uma etnografia na rede escolar de Fortaleza-Ce. / CULTURAL CURRICULUM, HABITUS TEACHERS AND PRACTICES: AN ETHNOGRAPHY NETWORK SCHOOL OF FORTALEZA-CE

Ana Carmita Bezerra de Souza 27 January 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O trabalho objetiva interpretar a influÃncia do âcurrÃculo culturalâ (conteÃdos da mÃdia) e do habitus dos professores sobre suas prÃticas pedagÃgicas; descrever aquelas prÃticas e habitus; e significar as influÃncias encontradas. Como metodologia, utiliza a etnografia escolar e a histÃria de vida temÃtica, pautada pela praxiologia de Pierre Bourdieu. As informaÃÃes foram coletadas atravÃs de questionÃrios, observaÃÃes em escolas e entrevistas com seis docentes. Habitus, currÃculo cultural, campos, capitais, poder simbÃlico, dissonÃncia, trajetÃrias e polifonia sÃo categorias que, visualizadas na empiria, iluminaram esta pesquisa. A tese aqui defendida à de que o currÃculo cultural influencia as prÃticas docentes, refratado pelo habitus constituÃdo nos campos: escolar, religioso, familiar e acadÃmico. O currÃculo cultural que os professores selecionam para suas prÃticas pedagÃgicas e as intencionalidades que acompanham a sua utilizaÃÃo articulam-se com suas preferÃncias culturais e com aspectos da formaÃÃo familiar, escolar, extraescolar, profissional e religiosa. Os conteÃdos mais frequentes sÃo mÃsicas de artistas consagrados pela mÃdia comercial e filmes da Walt Disney. Amor romÃntico, movimentos coreogrÃficos sensuais, paz, comportamento infantil, literatura brasileira, histÃrias bÃblicas e Natal estÃo entre as temÃticas daqueles conteÃdos. Entre as intencionalidades pedagÃgicas estÃo: letramento, catequese, fruiÃÃo, danÃa, consideraÃÃes Ãtico-morais, literatura brasileira, ensaios e encenaÃÃes e entretenimento, sendo que esta Ãltima se sobressai.

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