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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dislexia: a produção do diagnóstico e seus efeitos no processo de escolarização / Dyslexia: the production of diagnosis and its effect on the schooling process

Sabrina Gasparetti Braga 31 August 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, a temática da dislexia e do transtorno déficit de atenção/hiperatividade passou a ocupar os mais diversos espaços acadêmicos e políticos, com manchetes de especialistas nos programas de televisão, rádio, jornais, e criação de diversos projetos de lei que se propõem a criar serviços de diagnóstico e tratamento nas secretarias de educação. Em todos esses espaços sociais, estes supostos distúrbios são apresentados como doenças neurológicas, que explicariam dificuldades encontradas pelas crianças em seu processo de escolarização. Se, por um lado, temos este quadro de afirmação da suposta doença; por outro há um conjunto de autores que têm questionado tais distúrbios e reiterado a necessidade de compreender a complexidade do processo de alfabetização das crianças iniciantes (no caso da dislexia) e todo o contexto sociocultural que envolve o comportamento das crianças na atualidade (no caso do TDAH). O presente trabalho, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa de estudo de caso, investiga a história do processo de escolarização, a produção do diagnóstico de dislexia e seus efeitos nas relações escolares de crianças em fase inicial de aquisição da leitura e da escrita. Foram realizadas entrevistas com a mãe, coordenadora pedagógica, professoras e criança diagnosticada, além da análise do laudo realizado por equipe multidisciplinar. No discurso da mãe sobre a história escolar do filho surge o tema das dificuldades escolares trazido como um problema da criança, que teria algo a menos ou em quem faltaria algo a mais. Esta concepção instaura um processo diagnóstico, gerando um tratamento que constitui o processo de medicalização e de culpabilização da criança e de sua família pelo não aprender na escola. As vozes das professoras, não escutadas durante o processo diagnóstico, denunciam que diferentes concepções de desenvolvimento, de aprendizagem e crenças sobre os alunos resultam em relações, ações pedagógicas e, portanto, possibilidades de aprendizagem também distintas. O diagnóstico encontrado, foi realizado ao largo da escola o que evidencia a concepção de desenvolvimento humano na qual se pauta, partindo do pressuposto que a dificuldade pertence à criança. A avaliação incluiu apenas aplicação de testes de diversas áreas tais como psicologia, fonoaudiologia e neurologia, ignorando resultados de pesquisas recentes que inviabilizam o uso de alguns deles por não estarem relacionados ao alegado distúrbio e utilizando outros relacionados exatamente ao motivo do encaminhamento para a avaliação: questões de leitura e escrita. Ter um diagnóstico de dislexia cristaliza um movimento, um processo dinâmico que é o de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Desta forma o diagnóstico segue orientado somente para a falta e para as dificuldades estabelecendo limites a priori para o desenvolvimento do sujeito. Além desses efeitos relacionados à aprendizagem, existem outros decorrentes da medicação que parecem inerentes ao diagnóstico de dislexia acompanhado de TDAH. A criança vive na escola relações estigmatizadas que contribuíram na constituição de sua subjetividade, pautada na doença e nas limitações impostas pelo rótulo diagnóstico / Nowadays dyslexia and ADDH (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity) topics are gaining larger place in the media. This stimulates a series of law projects intended to create public services of diagnosis and treatment. In this attempt of controlling and managing the problem, these so called \"disorders\", are rather quickly defined by operators and specialists as neurological diseases, which would logically explain the difficulties incurred by children during their schooling process and partially solve teachers and parents headaches on that matter. If practitioners now tend to legitimate this supposed illness, on the other hand, there are many serious authors questioning such straight definition, empathizing two ideas: the urgent necessity of fully understand the complexity of literacy process in beginner children and the necessity to grasp the sociocultural context that surrounds children education and behavior in the present time. This work investigates, by means of a qualitative case study, the diagnosis dyslexia of a child during the schooling process acquiring reading and writing abilities, and consequences of this diagnosis on his relations at school. We hereby present interviews with the mother, the pedagogical coordinator, with the teachers and with the diagnosed child himself. The study also presents the analysis of the report made by the multidisciplinary team responsible for evaluation. The mother of the child that is object of the study presents her sons problems as a lack of something that differentiates him from others in the educational process. This conception establishes the base for the diagnosis process, and results in a treatment that starts medicalization, blaming the child and his family and justifying the inability to learn at school. The voice of the teachers, unheard during the diagnosis process, denounces that different conceptions of development and learning as well as different beliefs about the students end up in distinguished relations, pedagogical actions and learning possibilities for the pupils. The diagnosis found was achieved without considering the school, which highlights the idea of human development on the basis of this approach, assuming as its starting point that the difficulty belongs to the child. The evaluation included tests in many areas such as psychology, phonoaudiology and neurology; ignoring the results of recent researches that discredit some of these methods for not being related with dyslexia. They also use other methods, which are connected exactly to the motifs why the evaluation was requested at the first place: questions referring to reading and writing ability. Declaring dyslexia crystallizes a movement, a dynamic process that is learning and developing. By this way the diagnosis focuses on the difficulties building up barriers to growth of the subject. Besides those effects related to learning, there are other effects, due to medication, that seems inherent to the diagnosis of dyslexia followed by the one of ADDH. The child lives stigmatized relations at school that contribute to the constitution of his subjectivity, based on the illness and limitations imposed by the diagnostic label

”Dyslexia Becomes a Disability When Learning Differences are Overlooked” : A Case Study of English Language Teaching and Dyslexia Provisions in a Swedish Upper Secondary School

Fredriksen, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
Reading and writing difficulties and dyslexia affect how a student performs at school and, thus, their future lives (Borodkin & Faust 2014). This has been known and researched for the past decades (Fletcher 2009). Considerable studies have been carried out regarding dyslexia and first language acquisition, though dyslexia in second language is comparatively underrepresented. This underrepresentation, in turn, means that dyslexia and second language is less researched, and consequently, less known. This is problematic as there is then less knowledge on how to help students with dyslexia in a second language. This case study investigates how an upper secondary school in Sweden works with defining and diagnosing dyslexia, and which provisions students with dyslexia receive. To answer these questions the Head teacher, Special Needs Education teacher, English teachers and a dyslexia test analyst have been interviewed. The results showed that dyslexia is described differently by the people interviewed, it is diagnosed with a software called LOGOS and the provision depends on the student having (or not having) a diagnosis. The conclusion is that English teachers and special needs teachers must work closer together. It is therefore suggested that cooperation between the teachers and special needs department should put each student in the centre and develop methods and strategies based on the individual student. It is hypothesised that the school has many unidentified students with dyslexia and in those cases additional adjustments in the classroom are vital. This would allow the student a better chance of performing according to their abilities in school and thus expanding the limits of their world ensuring they become fulfilled, employed democratic citizens.

Assessing and grading pupils with dyslexia in English language teaching : A case study of English Language Teachers' insights on the matter

Gustavsson, Sanna January 2013 (has links)
This essay focuses on what impact developmental dyslexia has on assessment and grading in the second language teaching of English in the Swedish educational system. The data presented in this essay are based on six semi-structured interviews with English language teachers of lower and upper secondary schools from the south-eastern parts of Sweden. The interviews were conducted in Swedish, and the collected data have been translated into English. The inquiries of the interviews focused on the teachers' awareness of dyslexia and its impact on learning and teaching, as well as how they worked with and their considerations made when assessing and grading dyslexic pupils. The interviews specifically enquired what particular challenges arose in the assessment and grading process, what provided aid, and what could be done to provide further relief during this process. The results show that the assessment and grading of dyslexic pupils is similar to the general practice. The teachers do, however, accommodate the dyslexic pupils' needs in the teaching and carefully consider their difficulties when assessing and grading. The teachers use, for example, spelling programs and such technical aids to help them, to some extent, disregard dyslexic difficulties while assessing. However, results show how the teachers are not able to transfer their awareness of dyslexia and its implications into the assessment and grading situation, suggesting that the teachers' own ability to assess dyslexic pupils is somewhat inadequate.

L’impact de la variabilité articulatoire sur la perception auditive et l’acquisition de la production verbale chez des enfants présentant une dyslexie phonologique de CE1 / The impact of articulatory variability on auditory perception and the acquisition of verbal production in children with phonological dyslexia EC1

Derbal, Amel 23 January 2015 (has links)
Selon la littérature, la dyslexie est une difficulté d’apprentissage de la lecture, non liée à un retard mental, à un déficit sensoriel et ni à l’environnement social ou familial défavorisé. L’enfant dyslexique présente un écart de 18 mois à 24 mois par rapport aux réalisations scolaires d'un sujet en lecture, et ses potentialités intellectuelles mesurées par une échelle d'intelligence (Q.I.). Il souffre d’un dysfonctionnement des structures cérébrales entravant ses capacités cognitives avec une mauvaise identification des mots. Le diagnostic repose sur l’évaluation de l’habileté de la parole, de la lecture et de l’écriture. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux enfants présentant une dyslexie phonologique. Cette dernière se caractérise principalement par une altération de la voie phonologique. Ces enfants présentent une sensibilité intracatégorielle supérieure à leur sensibilité intercatégorielle. Si nous acceptons l’hypothèse du couplage entre la perception et la production de la parole, nous pouvons parler d’une perturbation de l’exécution articulatoire de leurs productions qui explique leur retard de parole et leur trouble du langage. En effet, la parole obéit à certaines règles phonétiques et phonologiques ; la variation d’un phonème coarticulé est la source de la difficulté de sa discrimination chez l’enfant dyslexique, car un phonème présente plusieurs allophones. Nous avons supposé que cette variabilité articulatoire d’un seul phonème est la cause principale de leur retard de production et de perception de la parole. De ce fait, nous avons procédé à une analyse de leur production verbale à la recherche des marqueurs articulatoires qui diffèrent de ceux des enfants du groupe de contrôle. Quatre expériences ont été effectuées traitant des séquences de types (CV, CVCV, VCVCV et VCVCCV) en lecture de mots et de pseudo mots, à haute voix et à débit normal. Les paramètres temporels étudiés en ce qui concerne les indices acoustiques pour le segment consonantique ont été pour la consonne occlusive sourde, la durée du VTT, le silence acoustique et le VOT et, pour la consonne occlusive sonore, l’occlusion et le VOT. Nous avons aussi mesuré les segments vocaliques adjacents. Ces différentes analyses révèlent, lors de l’identification de mots, que la voie d’assemblage peut être partiellement opérationnelle chez les enfants dyslexiques, une déformation de mot partielle ou totale, des oppositions de sonorité ou de lieu d’articulation problématiques. A noter aussi des durées segmentales plus élevées chez l’enfant dyslexique que chez l’enfant normo-lecteur traduisant une lenteur dans la progression de la réalisation articulatoire nécessitant une durée supplémentaire. Ces paramètres ne suivent pas souvent une cohérence dans leurs proportions par rapport aux exigences imposées par les caractéristiques du lieu d’articulation et de la qualité du signal. Cependant nous constatons qu’ils peuvent préserver leur intelligibilité. Cette étude expérimentale a permis de mettre en évidence la notion de couplage entre la perception et le trouble articulatoire, voire le retard de la parole et du langage. / Available literature suggests that dyslexia is a learning disability that is neither linked to mental retardation, not to sensory disorder nor to deprived social background. The dyslexic child shows a difference of 18 to 24 months between the academic achievement of a reading subject and his or her intellectual potentials as measured by an intelligence scaling (IQ). The child suffers from brain structure dysfunction which impedes his cognitive abilities resulting in wrong word identification. We also know that the diagnosis is based on the evaluation of speech, reading and writing abilities. In our work, we focus on child phonological dyslexia. The latter is mainly characterized by impaired phonological route due to poor development of phonological ability. In reality, dyslexic children have a higher intra-categorical sensitivity rather than an inter-categorical perception. If we accept the idea of coupling between speech production and perception, we can posit the existence of a perturbation in the articulatory realisation of speech produced by dyslexic children which explains both their delayed speech and language disorder. Indeed, speech is governed by a number of phonetic and phonological rules; the variation of a coarticulated phoneme is at the root of difficulty of phoneme discrimination encountered by dyslexic children. This coarticulated phoneme has several allophones. We suggest that the articulatory variability of a single phoneme is the main cause of speech impairment. We performed an analysis of their verbal production in search of the articulatory markers that differ from children with no learning disability. With this in mind, we conducted four studies dealing with different sequences (CV, CVCV, and VCVCV VCVCCV). Tasks included reading words and pseudo-words, aloud and at normal speech rate. The measured parameters studied as regards acoustic cues for stops were VTT, the acoustic silent phase and VOT for voiceless stops; occlusion and VOT for the voiced stops, and duration for flanking vowels. During word identification, analyses reveal that the phonological route may be partially operational for our subjects. They also reveal partial or total word deformation; voicing contrast and place of articulation contrasts were also affected. Note should be taken of the higher measures found in dyslexic children than in normal readers, reflecting a slower gestures in their articulatory realizations due to additional time needed in these children. In addition, these parameters do not often follow a coherent pattern of proportional values relative to the requirements imposed by the characteristics of place of articulation and signal quality. However, we find that word intelligibility could be maintained. This experimental study has demonstrated the link between perception and articulation disorder, and to some extent speech and language production impairment.

SPU a cizí jazyky na nižším sekundárním stupni škol / Learning Difficulties and Foreign Language Teaching - Lower Secondary Schools

Hrychová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on foreign language teaching to children with specific learning difficulties (LD) at Czech lower secondary schools. It aims to define learning difficulties and describe their causes and manifestations in developing individual foreign language skills and sub-skills. Moreover, the work with these children in the school environment is mentioned and the Czech system of educating them is compared to the French one. The practical part surveys the opinions of foreign language teachers on this subject and analyses the techniques they use with these pupils. Special attention is paid to the differences in the approach of teachers at schools with classes specialized in the tuition of children with LD, schools with extensive language teaching and schools with no specialization. The results indicate that the majority of teachers agree with the integration of pupils with LD into mainstream schools and they favour their exemption from second foreign language study. The individual types of schools differ mainly in the approach towards the presentation of new grammar, in the types of exercises used for the development of communication skills and in the forms of testing and evaluation. Only negligible variations were discovered in other areas of research. KEYWORDS specific learning...

Komparace metod nácviku počátečního čtení a psaní ve vztahu k rozvoji specifických poruch učení / Comparison of the practicing methods of initial reading and writing in relation to the specific learning disorders

Plavcová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
In diploma thesis named "Comparison of the practicing methods of initial reading and writing in relation to the specific learning disorders" we are trying to find out if the implementation of one of three methods of teaching to read and write - analytic synthetic method, genetic method or Sfumato eliminates the development of specific learning disabilities - dyslexia, disgraphia and disorthographia. The first part of work looks into theoretical outcomes of each method of teaching to read and write and defines specific learning disabilities. In the second part of work methods of teaching to read and write depending on specific learning disabilities development are compared and evaluated based on results of questionnaires, interviews and observation.

An analysis of the impact of an official diagnosis and label of ʹdyslexiaʹ on pupils’ self-concept and self-esteem : a sociological case study involving pupils in Grahamstown

Johnson, Gwendolyn Gay January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of how Grahamstown teenagers are affected by the label ʹdyslexiaʹ; by providing a space in which their feelings about being labelled dyslexic and their experiences can be voiced. Historically much international and local research has focussed on causation and remediation of dyslexia and has neglected the social aspects of the diagnosis. Causation and remediation are categories which form part of the medical or educational models. A social model of dyslexia needs to be applied. Due to the paucity of South African literature on the social experiences of dyslexic teenagers, this research thesis aims to add to the body of knowledge and hopefully provide an avenue for more research within the context of Sociology. This is a micro study, situated in Grahamstown Eastern Cape, South Africa, and the author recognizes that responses cannot be generalized to the greater dyslexic population. All human environments consist of objects which are given meaning through social interaction. Meaning is central to human behaviour and therefor explains the ways in which humans conduct their lives based on these meanings. For this reason George Herbert Mead’s (1934) and Herbert Blumers (1969) symbolic interactionist positions have framed the theoretical approach to this research. Qualitative methods of interviewing provide an opportunity for dyslexic individuals to discuss the meaning dyslexia gives to them, from their perspective and in their own words. The following conclusions have been arrived at: Educational psychologists in Grahamstown are reticent to diagnose individuals as dyslexic. This lack of identification hinders early intervention which can be very detrimental to individuals struggling with reading, writing and spelling as well as the associated co-morbid conditions of dyslexia. Teenagers who have had early diagnosis and intervention with support structures in place identify with their dyslexic identity more positively as they are able to make sense of their struggles of a dyslexic nature.

Étude des connaissances morphologiques dérivationnelles en modalité orale et en modalité écrite d'élèves dyslexiques du primaire

Bourcier, Amélie 06 1900 (has links)
La lecture est au cœur des apprentissages scolaires et, par le fait même, de la réussite dans bon nombre de disciplines scolaires. Toutefois, ce ne sont pas tous les apprenants qui ont de la facilité à développer cette habileté. En effet, certains élèves éprouvent des difficultés en lecture, et ce, tout au long de leur parcours scolaire. C’est le cas, notamment, des élèves présentant une dyslexie, soit un trouble d’apprentissage de la lecture. La dyslexie serait associée à un déficit phonologique qui entraverait, notamment, la réalisation des correspondances entre les graphèmes et les phonèmes, lors de la reconnaissance des mots. Comme cette dernière est spécifique à la lecture et fortement liée à la compréhension de textes, les dyslexiques éprouvent donc des difficultés importantes à lire. La reconnaissance des mots implique l’activation et l’utilisation de différentes connaissances se rapportant aux propriétés phonologiques, morphologiques et visuo-orthographiques des mots écrits. Ces connaissances et les procédures qui leur sont associées se mettent en place dans les premières années de scolarisation chez les élèves ayant un développement typique de la lecture. Elles leur permettent de créer des représentations orthographiques correspondant de plus en plus à la norme. La qualité de ces représentations emmagasinées en mémoire contribue à la réussite en reconnaissance des mots. Pour les élèves dyslexiques, les représentations des mots manquent toutefois de précision, ce qui engendre des erreurs lors de la lecture. Comme les connaissances et les procédures phonologiques sont généralement réputées déficitaires chez les élèves dyslexiques, des chercheurs tentent depuis plusieurs années d’identifier d’autres procédures qui pourraient pallier ces lacunes, et ainsi aider ces élèves. Une piste de recherche privilégiée est d’étudier les connaissances morphologiques des élèves dyslexiques lors de la lecture. En effet, étant donné que les mots comportent des propriétés non phonologiques, notamment des propriétés morphologiques, il est possible d’envisager que ces élèves utilisent ces autres propriétés pour mieux reconnaitre les mots. Le bilan de la littérature scientifique portant sur cette question ne permet pas actuellement de dresser un portrait clair de la situation. Une raison pouvant rendre compte de ce constat concerne la grande variabilité des tâches retenues dans les différentes études et le fait que certaines tâches ont été réalisées oralement et d’autres, à l’écrit. Ces tâches varient aussi en termes de contraintes cognitives. Il n’est donc pas surprenant qu’elles soient associées à des taux de réussite variables. De plus, puisque les connaissances orales sont les premières à se développer et qu’elles servent généralement de base sur laquelle se construisent celles à l’écrit, il est possible de penser que les tâches administrées oralement soient mieux réussies que celles à l’écrit. Or, les études n’ont pas tenté de hiérarchiser les tâches pour mieux comprendre les résultats des travaux menés dans le domaine et ainsi rendre compte du rôle potentiel des connaissances morphologiques en lecture. Également, elles n’ont pas pris en considération les modalités dans lesquelles les tâches sont administrées (à l’oral ou à l’écrit). Dans notre étude, l’objectif est donc d’évaluer et de comparer les connaissances morphologiques, en modalités orale et écrite, d’élèves dyslexiques du primaire à partir de différentes tâches hiérarchisées. Les performances de ces élèves ont été comparées à celles de deux groupes de normo-lecteurs, soit des élèves plus jeunes, mais ayant un même niveau de lecture (CL) et des élèves du même âge chronologique (CA), pour mieux comprendre les comportements en lecture des élèves dyslexiques. Pour évaluer les habiletés en lecture, nous avons utilisé une épreuve de reconnaissance des mots de la batterie de tests WIAT-II, une épreuve de compréhension en lecture de la batterie de tests K- ABC et une épreuve de vocabulaire (EVIP). Pour l’évaluation des connaissances morphologiques, trois tâches ayant des contraintes cognitives différentes (jugement de relation, décomposition et jugement de plausibilité) ont été retenues à la suite d’une revue de la littérature. Ces tâches ont été administrées à tous les participants d’abord à l’oral, puis à l’écrit quelques jours plus tard. Les résultats des analyses de variance menées révèlent que les élèves dyslexiques obtiennent des taux de réussite généralement comparables aux CL dans les tâches morphologiques. Cela corrobore les résultats d’autres études et correspond à nos attentes. Toutefois, pour certaines tâches, ils ne se distinguent pas significativement des CA, ce qui pourrait indiquer que les connaissances morphologiques des élèves dyslexiques sont plus élaborées que ce que nous avions anticipé par rapport à leurs habiletés en lecture. Nous avons aussi observé un effet des contraintes cognitives rattachées à chacune des tâches morphologiques. Un effet de la modalité d’administration des tâches a également été observé, mais seulement pour la tâche de jugement de plausibilité, et ce, uniquement pour les élèves dyslexiques. Ainsi, de façon générale, et contrairement à nos attentes, la modalité ne semble pas avoir eu d’impact sur les performances pour les groupes CA et CL. Ces résultats ont des retombées théoriques et pratiques qui sont abordées à la fin de cette thèse. / Reading is at the heart of school learning and likewise, at the heart of success in many school subjects. However, not all learners develop this skill with ease. In fact, some students will experience reading difficulties throughout their school years. It is particularly the case of students with dyslexia, a reading disability. Dyslexia would be associated to a phonological deficit which would hinder, in the learners that are affected, the achievement of graphemes-phonemes correspondences during word recognition. Since this is said to be specific to reading and strongly linked to text comprehension, dyslexic students experience significant difficulties to read. Word recognition involves the activation and use of various types of knowledge linked to phonological, morphological and visuo-orthographic properties of written words. This knowledge and the procedures which are associated to them are established during the first years of schooling for students whose reading development is typical. They enable them to create orthographic representations corresponding more and more to the standard. The quality of these representations stored in memory contribute to success in word recognition. However, for dyslexic students, word representations often lack precision, which leads to errors during reading. Since phonological knowledge and procedures are generally said to be deficient in dyslexic students, researchers have been trying for several years to identify other procedures that could be useful to them. For this reason, these researchers are interested in the morphological knowledge of dyslexic students during reading. Consequently, since words have some properties that are non-phonological, in particular morphological properties, it is possible to consider that these students use these other properties to recognize words. The current review of the scientific literature on this question does not provide a clear picture of the situation. A reason that could account for this observation concerns the great variability of the tasks selected in the different studies and the fact that some tasks were performed in oral modality and others, in written modality. These tasks also vary in terms of cognitive constraints. It is thus not surprising that they are associated with varying success rates. Furthermore, since oral knowledge is the first to develop and that it generally serves as the basis on which written knowledge is built, it is possible to think that those administered orally will have a better success rate than written tasks. However, studies have not attempted to hierarchize tasks to better understand the results of work carried out in the field and thus account for the potential role of morphological knowledge in reading. They also have not considered the modality in which the tasks are administered (oral or written). In this study, our objective is thus to assess et compare morphological knowledge, in oral and written modalities, of elementary school dyslexic students by using different tasks that are hierarchized from the start. The performances of these students were compared with those of two groups of normal readers: younger students, but with the same reading level as the dyslexic students (RC) and same age students (AC), in order to better understand reading behaviors of dyslexic students. To assess reading abilities, a word recognition test from the WIAT-II test battery, a reading comprehension test from the K-ABC test battery and a vocabulary test (EVIP) were used. For the evaluation of morphological knowledge, three tasks (morphological relation judgment, decomposition and plausibility judgment) with different cognitive constraints were selected following a literature review. These tasks were administered to all participants first orally then, several days later, in writing. The results from the analysis of variance conducted reveal that dyslexic students obtain success rates generally comparable to RC in morphological tasks. This corroborates the results of other studies and meets our expectations. However, for certain tasks, they are not significantly different from AC, which could indicate that the morphological knowledge of dyslexic students is more elaborate than what we have anticipated in relation to their reading abilities. We also observed an effect of the cognitive constraints attached to each of the morphological tasks. Furthermore, an effect of the task administration modality was observed, but only for the plausibility judgment task and only for dyslexic students. Hence, in general, contrary to our expectations, the modality does not seem to have had an impact on the performances of AC and RC groups. These results have theoretical and practical consequences which are discussed at the end of this thesis.

Pohybová aktivita a její vliv na žáky se specifickými poruchami učení a poruchami chování ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / Physical activity and its influence on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders in teaching at the 1st stage of primary school

Muráriková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
TITLE Physical activity and its impact on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavior disabilities in normal education at primary school AUTHOR Lucie Muráriková SUPERVISOR PhDr. Martin Dlouhý, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This work is focusing on the specific learning and behavioral disabilities. The aim is to create several activity plans and exercise plans which could be used to determine the effect of physical activity on the work of students with learning disabilities and ADHD/ADD. My idea is that the physical activity should not only positively affect the overall quality of teaching, but should also serve very well in the reeducation of specific learning disabilities in children with ADHD and ADD. Pupils with specific learning disabilities should, after a certain period of this experiment, be showing significant changes in their results and knowledge. Pupils with the ADHD and ADD should be showing better results and knowledge due to the improving attention and at the same time the physical activity should influence their length of concentration, disturbance during lessons, or tendencies to aggression. I consulted a child psychologist and a special pedagogue during the creation of the plans and activities for reeducation. And during the observations of two groups - experimental and control - I collected...

Beyond the Standard

Kulseth, Marthe January 2020 (has links)
In order to contribute to equality, we must go beyond the standard. I want to learn from people with disabilities and the spatial border they are faced with, by exploring the responsibility I have been given, through claiming a role that affects our built environments. I have experience with disabilities and handicaps, but these experiences do not automatically make me better in addressing issues concerning other people with disabilities. I am dyslexic and have been through big obstacles, particularly in the educational system, and I have my Aunt, who has an intellectual disability. I am privileged to have these experiences, and with this thesis I have explored them as an interior architect. This is where I start on my way to contribute.  This thesis is a critical study of how standards are practiced, examined through housing built for people with intellectual disabilities in Selbu, Norway. In the center of the critique is the institution. Institutionalization and standardization have a long relationship as answers to complex questions. Institutions’ uniformity ultimately belongs to no one. The matter becomes particularly problematic when the environment is supposed to operate someone’s home. Housing for people with intellectual disabilities is often life long and not determined on the intention of the builders. What is obvious to me after reading the standards and exploring the buildings, is that the minimum requirements are always in place, often built as if the minimum was the goal. But a standard also expresses its vision. The vision talks about inclusion and the dangers with mini institutions, but the vision is expressed through soft language and the minimum requirements are expressed through concrete language of measurements. From the process of being a standard to becoming a building the soft language evaporates from the building plans. The standard will never prohibit you to go beyond it! / <p>Part of the project is in collaboration with Nils Ställborn, graduating Bachelor student with his thesis Material Diversity.</p><p>Please go to <em>poststandardization.info </em>to see our exhibition, an information platform to spread the insight of Poststandardization to enable the world to go beyond the standard.</p>

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