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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Извлечение и классификация признаков из набора данных окулографии методами машинного обучения : магистерская диссертация / Extraction and classification of features from a set of oculography data using machine learning methods

Касов, А. М., Kasov, A. M. January 2024 (has links)
Object of the study is the process of analyzing oculography data. The subject of the study is the methods of extracting and classifying features of oculography data. The purpose of the work is to review existing studies in the field of oculography, analyze data obtained using Eye-tracking technology. The study included: studying methods of extracting and classifying features using Scikit-Learn, developing a methodology for analyzing data and machine learning models to identify eye movement patterns, conducting experiments to compare the effectiveness of algorithms. The work demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach with feature selection, and makes assumptions about the influence of indicators on the absence or presence of visual impairments. Practical application: the proposed approach can be used to improve methods for diagnosing dyslexia, automate the analysis of oculography data. / Объект исследования – процесс анализа данных окулографии. Предметом исследования являются методы извлечения и классификация признаков данных окулографии. Цель работы – обзор существующих исследований в области окулографии, анализ данных, полученных с помощью технологии Eye-tracking. В процессе исследования проводились: изучение методов извлечения и классификации признаков с использованием Scikit-Learn, разработка методологии анализа данных и моделей машинного обучения для выявления паттернов движений глаз, проведение экспериментов для сравнения эффективности алгоритмов. В работе продемонстрирована эффективность подхода с отбором признаков, сделаны предположения о влиянии показателей на отсутствия или присутствия нарушений в области зрения. Область практического применения: предложенный подход может быть использован для улучшения методов диагностики дислексии, автоматизации анализа данных окулографии.

Modellorientierte Therapie bei Störungen des Leseerwerbs / Empirische Analyse der Wirksamkeit

Bischof, Dorothea 24 April 2020 (has links)
Ein ausreichendes Lesetempo, eine hohe Lesegenauigkeit und ein entwickeltes Leseverständnis sind in fast allen Schulfächern Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Unterricht. Internationale Schulleistungsstudien belegen, dass ein hoher Anteil von Schülern bereits in der Grundschule unzureichende Lesekompetenzen aufweist und daher auf zusätzliche Förder- oder Therapiemaßnahmen angewiesen ist. Im Hinblick darauf wurden in einem Gruppen-Prä-Post-Follow-Up-Design mit zweifacher Prä-Messung zwei unterschiedliche Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Lesefähigkeiten bei Zweit- und Drittklässlern evaluiert: Ein modellgeleitetes Therapieverfahren zur Verbesserung der Lesegeschwindigkeit von Wörtern und ein von Eltern durchgeführtes Fördertraining zur Verbesserung der Lesegenauigkeit und Lesegeschwindigkeit von Pseudowörtern. Zur Teilnahme an den Interventionen wurden 58 Zweit- und Drittklässler mit einem gravierenden Leserückstand ausgewählt und entweder dem Therapieprogramm oder dem Fördertraining zugeteilt. Beide Gruppen erhielten über 5 Wochen ein tägliches 45-minütiges Training. Während das Training der Therapiegruppe von einem ausgebildeten Therapeuten durchgeführt wurde und in der Schule stattfand, wurde das Training der Fördergruppe von Eltern zu Hause durchgeführt. Es wurden Veränderungen in der Lesegeschwindigkeit, dem Leseverständnis und verschiedenen Blickbewegungsparametern ausgewertet. / In order to follow the lessons in school, children must be able to read with speed as well as with accuracy and a proven ability to comprehend texts. International school performance studies show that a high proportion of students already have inadequate reading skills in elementary school and therefore need additional support or therapy measures. Based on this observation, an evaluation of two different interventions among second- and third-graders is reported: A pre-post follow-up design with double pre-measurement, aiming at the increase of the students' reading skills. A model-guided therapy method for improving the reading speed of words and a parental training course for the improvement of reading accuracy and reading speed of pseudowords. 58 second- and third-graders with a serious reading backlog were selected to participate in the interventions and were assigned to either the therapy program or the parental training. Both groups received daily 45-minute training over a 5 week period. While the training of the therapy group was held by a therapist and took place at school, the training of the support group was carried out by parents at home. Changes in reading speed, reading comprehension and various eye movement parameters were evaluated.

Dyslexia : an investigation of teacher awareness in mainstream high schools

Thompson, Lynette Sharon 04 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to assess teachers’ awareness levels of dyslexia, their perceptions of their ability to identify and manage dyslexia, and their perceptions of the adequacy of their pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The sample comprised teachers at 16 mainstream high schools in the Western Cape. A Likert type scale questionnaire was used to collect data that were analysed by means of a sign test of difference and a Kruskal-Wallis test of variance. The results indicated that teachers had adequate knowledge of dyslexia, believed they are able to identify and manage dyslexia, and believed that they received little or no pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that teachers need on-going adequate pre-service and in-service training in the field of dyslexia. / Department of Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Dyslexia : an investigation of teacher awareness in mainstream high schools

Thompson, Lynette Sharon 04 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to assess teachers’ awareness levels of dyslexia, their perceptions of their ability to identify and manage dyslexia, and their perceptions of the adequacy of their pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The sample comprised teachers at 16 mainstream high schools in the Western Cape. A Likert type scale questionnaire was used to collect data that were analysed by means of a sign test of difference and a Kruskal-Wallis test of variance. The results indicated that teachers had adequate knowledge of dyslexia, believed they are able to identify and manage dyslexia, and believed that they received little or no pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that teachers need on-going adequate pre-service and in-service training in the field of dyslexia. / Department of Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

En till en – för alla? : En dator per elev i inkluderande lärmiljöer

Söderqvist, Tord January 2016 (has links)
Satsningar på en-till-en, det vill säga en dator eller pekplatta per elev, blir allt vanligare i svensk skola, men det finns begränsad forskning om hur detta påverkar elever med funktionsnedsättning och/eller i behov av stöd. I en inkluderande skola behöver tekniken vara tillgänglig för alla och användas i ett meningsfullt sammanhang. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur en-till-en-satsningar kan påverka elevers möjligheter i skolan,alla elever oavsett funktionsförmåga inräknade. I detta ingick att identifiera såväl positiva som negativa aspekter av att ha ständig tillgång till en dator per elev i undervisningssituationen och hur detta förhåller sig till den inkluderande skolan. Metoder som användes i insamlingen var fallstudien som metod, deltagande semistrukturerade observationer på två skolor samt semistrukturerade elevintervjuer på en av dessa skolor. Som stöd för analysen av materialet användes en modell för undervisning och lärandeprocesser som bygger på ett didaktiskt designperspektiv. Resultatet visar att en-till-en, om tekniken används inom ramen för en medveten pedagogisk tanke hos läraren, ger många möjligheter i form av anpassningar utifrån varje elevs behov. Eleverna är ofta positiva till datorn och kan komma runt sina svårigheter utan att sticka ut i klassrummet. Dessutom ökar möjligheten för läraren att kommunicera enskilt och i grupp med eleverna, vilket ger rikliga tillfällen till formativ bedömning och ytterligare individanpassning. Samtidigt identifieras stora svårigheter med IKT i klassrummet, bland annat att vissa elever får väldigt lite skolarbete gjort på grund av att de inte kan motstå sociala medier, spel och annat som en Internetuppkopplad dator ständigt erbjuder. Med andra ord finns en risk för att lärmiljön blir otillgänglig och exkluderande, särskilt för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter. Allt detta behöver pedagoger vara medvetna om för att genom kollegialt lärande kunna utveckla fungerande strategier som gynnar alla elevers lärande. / Investing in one-to-one computing (1:1), i.e. a computer or tablet per student, is increasingly common in Swedish schools, but there is limited research on how this affects students with disabilities or with special educational needs. The purpose of the study was to investigate how 1:1 may affect students with disabilities or special educational needs. The purpose included identification of positive and negative aspects related to the constant access to personal devices in the classroom, as well as an analysis of how that relates to the concept of inclusive education. The methods used in the case study were semi-structured observations in two schools and semi-structured interviews with students at one of these schools. The analysis of the research material was made with the support of a model for teaching and learning processes based on a didactic design perspective. The results show that 1:1 can provide many possibilities in the form of adjustments based on each student’s needs, providing the technology is used in accordance with the teacher’s intentions with her or his teaching. Many students enjoy their computers and can overcome personal difficulties without showing it to their classmates. The use of personal devices also leaves more time for teachers to communicate individually or in small groups with their students, i.e. opportunities for formative assessment and further individualization. However, the study also identifies major difficulties with ICT in the classroom. Some students perform poorly as they cannot resist the social media, computer games and other issues that Internet connected devices can offer. In other words, there is a risk that the learning environment becomes inaccessible and excluding, especially for pupils with special needs. Teachers need to be aware of these possibilities as well as limitations with one-to-one computing in order to find strategies that benefit all pupils.

Types d'écriture et apprentissage / Writing systems and learning

Guritanu, Elena 24 November 2016 (has links)
Avant d'être plus spécifiquement dédiée à l'apprentissage de l'écrit, cette thèse consacre une importante partie à la genèse et à l'évolution de l'écriture. Elle sonde les divers états et formes que les systèmes d'écriture ont connus depuis les grandes civilisations qui les virent naître jusqu'à nos sociétés modernes et aborde un ensemble de problématiques qui forment ce que nous nommons ici "le champ de l'écriture : l'invention de l'écriture, ses prémices, son récit dans les mythes et légendes, les liens qu'elle entretient avec l'image et la langue, les mécanismes de son évolution, les questions de société que l'écriture pose ainsi que son traitement épistémologique et les théories linguistiques dont elle est l'objet. L'examen de ce champ offre un éclairage particulier à la deuxième partie de cette étude, agencée autour des questions de didactique de l'écrit. Reposant sur un corpus constitué de cinq systèmes graphiques : l'idéographie chinoise, l'écriture consonantique arabe et les systèmes alphabétiques russe, roumain et français, cette étude analyse et compare les méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture et de l'écriture pour chacun d'entre eux et rend compte des spécificités de l'apprentissage de l'écrit en fonction du système considéré ainsi que des tendances majeures partagées d'un système à l'autre. / Before being more specifically dedicated to the learning of writing, this thesis concentrates on an important part of the genesis and evolution of writing. It analyses the diverse states and forms of writing systems known since the great civilisations that originated them to our modern societies, and exposes various problems which form what we call here "the field of writing" : the invention of writing, its beginnings, its evolution in the myths and legends, the connections between the image and the language, the mechanics of this evolution, the questions of society that the written word poses to its treatment and the epistemological linguistic theories that it relates to. The examination of this field, particularly throws light on the second part of this study articulated around questions about the technicalities of writing. Based on a corpus made of five graphic systems - Chinese idiographic, Arabic consonantal writing and the Russian , Romanian and French alphabet systems, this study analyses and compares the teaching methods of reading and writing for each of them and supports the different learnings of writing in each system but also the important convergences shared from one system to an other.

Läser jag bättre eller minns jag bra? : Grundskoleelevers förmåga till ordavkodning vid upprepad mätning och förekomst av igenkänningseffekt i LäSt / Is my reading better or is my memory good? : Primary school children's word decoding ability as a result of repeated test administration and retest-effect prevalence in LäSt

Hatic, Amer, Popovici Valenzuela, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Ungefär 20% av befolkningen uppfyller kriterier för läs- och skrivsvårigheter. För att kunna hjälpa elever som uppvisar svårigheter av denna typ behövs reliabla och valida testinstrument. LäSt är ett normerat svenskt lästest som är väl använt på nationell basis i syfte att mäta barns förmåga till ordavkodning. Avkodning innefattar en koppling mellan enskilda bokstäver och ord till deras korrekta språkljud vid uttal, och utgör således en central teknisk del av läsning. Evidens finns för att olika typer av psykologiska test, däribland lästest, uppvisar en igenkänningseffekt varigenom elevers prestation på dessa test ökar till följd av upprepad administrering. Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka huruvida LäSt uppvisar en igenkänningseffekt vid upprepad administrering till ett urval av elever i årskurs 4 och 6.  Sammanlagt deltog 92 elever från 4 skolor i Sverige. De genomförde LäSt vid tre separata tillfällen under ett tidsintervall på 8 veckor. Testning 1 skedde vid vecka 1, testning 2 skedde vid vecka 2, och testning 3 skedde vid vecka 8.  En signifikant igenkänningseffekt hittades som tyder på att elevers resultat på LäSt förbättrades över tid. Det fanns ingen skillnad i igenkänning mellan pojkar och flickor, elever i årskurs 4 och årskurs 6, eller enspråkiga och flerspråkiga elever. En signifikant skillnad i igenkänning fanns mellan de elever som hade allra lägst avkodningsförmåga (poor decoders)och de elever som hade en mycket hög avkodningsförmåga (good decoders). Poor decoders uppvisade en starkare igenkänning på deltestet ord än good decoders. Ingen sådan effekt fanns för deltestet non-ord.  Dessa resultat indikerar att elevers prestation på LäSt kan förbättras över tid till följd av igenkänning av testmaterialet. Detta påverkar hur man bör tolka individers resultatutveckling vid upprepad testning och hur ofta det är lämpligt att använda LäSt på en och samma elev. Dessa resultat och deras implikationer diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning. / Approximately 20% of the population suffer from a reading- or writing disability. In order to aid students with such disabilities reliable and valid reading tests are warranted. LäSt is a Swedish standardised reading test currently well-used nationally to measure children’s ability to decode words. Decoding encompasses the making of connections between single letters and words and their correct sounds, and therefore constitutes a central technical aspect of reading. There is evidence to show that some common psychological tests, including reading tests, display a retest-effect, whereby individual’s results increase over time as a result of repeated test administration. The aim of the current study is to investigate whether such a retest-effect is pronounced when LäSt is repeatedly administered to a sample of students in year 4 and 6.  In sum, 92 students from 4 different schools in Sweden took part in the study. They completed LäSt at three separate times during a time interval of 8 weeks. Testing 1 was completed in the first week, testing 2 was completed in the second week, and testing 3 was completed in the eight week.  A significant retest-effect was found indicating that students’ results on LäSt increased with each administration. There was no difference in retest-effect between boys and girls, students in year 4 and year 6, or monolingual and multilingual students. A significant difference emerged between students who had a very low word decoding ability (poor decoders) and those who had a very high word decoding ability (good decoders). Poor decoders showcased a stronger retest-effect on the sub-test Words than good decoders. No such effect was found for the sub-test Non-words.  The current results indicate that repeated testing with LäSt yields improved results over time due to familiarity. These findings have implications for how one should interpret students’ test scores over time, as well as how often LäSt should be administered. The findings and their implications are further discussed in relation to previous research.

Recherche et développement du Logiciel Intelligent de Cartographie Inversée, pour l’aide à la compréhension de texte par un public dyslexique / Research and development of the "Logiciel Intelligent de Cartographie Inversée", a tool to help dyslexics with reading comprehension.

Laurent, Mario 05 October 2017 (has links)
Les enfants souffrant de troubles du langage, comme la dyslexie, rencontrent de grandes difficultés dans l'apprentissage de la lecture et dans toute tâche de lecture, par la suite. Ces difficultés compromettent grandement l'accès au sens des textes auxquels ils sont confrontés durant leur scolarité, ce qui implique des difficultés d'apprentissage et les entraîne souvent vers une situation d'échec scolaire. Depuis une quinzaine d'années, des outils développés dans le domaine du Traitement Automatique des Langues sont détournés pour être utilisés comme stratégie d'aide et de compensation pour les élèves en difficultés. Parallèlement, l'usage de cartes conceptuelles ou de cartes heuristiques pour aider les enfants dyslexiques à formuler leurs pensées, ou à retenir certaines connaissances, s'est développé. Ce travail de thèse vise à répertorier et croiser, d'une part, les connaissances sur le public dyslexique, sa prise en charge et ses difficultés, d'autre part, les possibilités pédagogiques ouvertes par l'usage de cartes, et enfin, les technologies de résumé automatique et d'extraction de mots-clés. L'objectif est de réaliser un logiciel novateur capable de transformer automatiquement un texte donné en une carte, celle-ci doit faciliter la compréhension du texte tout en comprenant des fonctionnalités adaptées à un public d'adolescents dyslexiques. Ce projet a abouti, premièrement, à la réalisation d'une expérimentation exploratoire, sur l'aide à la compréhension de texte grâce aux cartes heuristiques, qui permet de définir de nouveaux axes de recherche ; deuxièmement, à la réalisation d'un prototype de logiciel de cartographie automatique qui est présenté en fin de thèse / Children with language impairment, such as dyslexia, are often faced with important difficulties when learning to read and during any subsequent reading tasks. These difficulties tend to compromise the understanding of the texts they must read during their time at school. This implies learning difficulties and may lead to academic failure. Over the past fifteen years, general tools developed in the field of Natural Language Processing have been transformed into specific tools for that help with and compensate for language impaired students' difficulties. At the same time, the use of concept maps or heuristic maps to encourage dyslexic children express their thoughts, or retain certain knowledge, has become popular. This thesis aims to identify and explore knowledge about the dyslexic public, how society takes care of them and what difficulties they face; the pedagogical possibilities opened up by the use of maps; and the opportunities created by automatic summarization and Information Retrieval fields. The aim of this doctoral research project was to create an innovative piece of software that automatically transforms a given text into a map. It was important that this piece of software facilitate reading comprehension while including functionalities that are adapted to dyslexic teenagers. The project involved carrying out an exploratory experiment on reading comprehension aid, thanks to heuristic maps, that make the identification of new research topics possible, and implementing an automatic mapping software prototype that is presented at the end of this thesis

Erklärung von Rechtschreibleistungen durch phonologische und auditiv-sensorische Informationsverarbeitungskompetenzen: Eine Untersuchung mit lese-/rechtschreibgestörten Kindern / Predicting spelling skills by competences of phonological and auditory sensory processing: a study with dyslectic children

Ulrich-Brink, Anette 01 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Simple and complex motor skills in children with dyslexia and/or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder : towards a unifying framework of sequential motor impairments in neurodevelopmental disorders

Marchand Krynski, Marie-Ève 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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