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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ordflöde och läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi : En undersökning av FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde / Verbal fluency in relation to reading ability in students with and without dyslexia : An examination of semantic, action, and letter fluency

Shareef, Zeinab January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte. Ordflödestest undersöker en persons förmåga att generera så många ord som möjligt under en minut. Orden kan börja på en viss bokstav eller tillhöra en särskild kategori. FAS är ett vanligt ordflödestest där orden som ska genereras börjar på bokstäverna F, A och S. Exempel på kategoriska ordflödestest är djurflöde, som går ut på att säga så många djur som möjligt, samt verbflöde där instruktionen är att säga så många saker man kan göra (handlingar). Forskare har undersökt vilka mentala färdigheter som ligger till grund för ordflödesförmågan, framför allt planerande och reglerande (exekutiva) funktioner samt språklig förmåga. I forskning används ofta FAS och djurflöde för att undersöka olika delar av den språkliga förmågan. Även verbflöde har undersökts i dessa sammanhang, men inte i lika stor utsträckning. Däremot har verbflöde en större roll i forskning på planerande och reglerande funktioner hos äldre personer som har exempelvis Alzheimers eller Parkinson. Forskningen har lett till att ordflödestest används i kliniska sammanhang som en del i utredningen av dessa sjukdomar. I praktiken används även FAS och djurflöde vid utredningar av dyslexi, språkstörning och koncentrations-/hyperaktivitetssvårigheter (ADHD). Forskning har visat motstridiga resultat om vilka typer av ordflödestest som är nedsatta vid dyslexi och språkstörning, eller vilka mentala förmågor som är viktiga vid genomförande av ordflödestest. I denna studie undersöks FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde hos studenter inom högre utbildning med och utan dyslexi. Syftet är att utreda om ordflödesförmågan är nedsatt hos studenter med dyslexi. Studien undersöker om ordflöde kan bidra till att förklara spridningen i läsförmåga. Metod. I undersökningen deltog 42 studenter, varav 16 hade dyslexidiagnos och 26 kontroller utan dyslexidiagnos. Deltagarna genomförde test som undersöker läsförmåga, fonologisk förmåga, snabb benämning samt ordflöde av FAS, djur och verb. Resultat. Prestationen på ordflödesförmåga var signifikant nedsatt hos studenter med dyslexi jämfört med kontrollgruppen. En multipel regression med bakåteliminering genomfördes för att undersöka om FAS, djurflöde och verbflöde kunde förutsäga spridningen i läsförmåga när fonologisk medvetenhet och snabb benämning kontrollerades för. Regressionsanalysen visade att verbflöde, tillsammans med fonologisk medvetenhet, kunde förutsäga läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi. Diskussion. Den nedsatta ordflödesförmågan hos studenter med dyslexi diskuteras utifrån faktorer som utbildning och andra mentala förmågor. Resultatet pekar på ett unikt samband mellan verbflöde och läsförmåga hos studenter med och utan dyslexi. De strukturer i hjärnan som aktiveras vid verbflöde är även strukturer som ligger till grund för andra mentala förmågor. Dessa mentala förmågor har även visats vara nedsatta hos personer med dyslexi. Generellt indikerar dessa nya fynd att verbflöde har en betydelse i förhållande till läsförmåga och dyslexi som behöver undersökas vidare. Resultatet diskuteras även utifrån ett kliniskt perspektiv. / Verbal fluency is commonly measured in cognitive assessments and has been shown to measure aspects of verbal ability and executive function, as well as to involve specific cortical areas during performance. Verbal fluency tasks, in which participants generate words during a given time limit, have been used in research and assessments of neurobiological disorders and impairments. Dyslexia is a neurobiologically based reading disorder that is characterized by difficulties in word decoding and spelling. Research on verbal fluency in individuals with dyslexia shows that semantic and letter fluency is impaired. However, studies show inconsistent results. This study examines performance on semantic fluency (animals), action fluency (verbs), and letter fluency (FAS) in 42 students with developmental dyslexia (DD, n = 16) and a control group with typical reading development (TD, n = 26). Participants also perform a test battery that measures reading and phonological abilities, amongst others. Additionally, it is examined if verbal fluency performance can contribute to predicting reading ability, when phonological awareness and rapid automatized naming (RAN) are taken into account. Results show that verbal fluency performance was impaired in the DD group, and that action and letter fluency were relatively more impaired than semantic fluency. A backward elimination regression showed that action fluency and phonological awareness were significant predictors of reading ability, together explaining 48 % of the variance. The impaired verbal fluency ability is discussed in relation to factors such as education and cognitive abilities. Further, the findings point to a possible unique connection between action fluency and reading ability in students, in addition to phonological awareness. The possibility that the relationship between action fluency and reading may be partly explained by common neurocognitive underpinnings is discussed. These novel findings indicate that action fluency has a pertinent role in reading ability and dyslexia, which should be further examined.

Mensuração de habilidades cognitivas preditoras do desenvolvimento de leitura em crianças através de jogos educacionais para dispositivos móveis. / Measurement of cognitive abilities predictive of reading development in children through educational games for mobile devices.

SANTOS, Jucelio Soares dos. 31 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-31T19:17:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JUCELIO SOARES DOS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2017..pdf: 18900717 bytes, checksum: 52e41e0b5debced99e35a3ffbc382776 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-31T19:17:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JUCELIO SOARES DOS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2017..pdf: 18900717 bytes, checksum: 52e41e0b5debced99e35a3ffbc382776 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-07 / Devido à deficiência na prática de rastreio da dislexia nas escolas e à carência de recursos informatizados válidos para tal uso, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo melhorar a capacidade de triagem de crianças em tarefas preditoras da leitura. Para tanto, foi concebido, desenvolvido e analisado um teste com abordagem de jogo adaptado de um instrumento psicométrico construído e validado no Brasil. O jogo desenvolvido é administrado por um algoritmo de seleção adaptativa de itens e avalia as habilidades de aliteração, segmentação, memória visual e rima por meio da Teoria de Resposta ao Item. O trabalho apresenta um experimento a fim de verificar se a escala proposta, o banco de itens e o algoritmo utilizados consegue distinguir crianças com fraca/forte habilidade em tarefas preditoras da leitura. Como resultado, o jogo permitiu a economia de tempo, facilidade de reprodução, bem como obteve resultados mais precisos da habilidade das crianças, identificando as que possui limitações na leitura. / Due to the deficiency in the practice of screening for dyslexia in schools and the lack of computerized resources valid for the use of such, the present research aimed to improve the capacity for screening children in predictive reading tasks. For that, a test with game approach adapted from a psychometric instrument constructed and validated in Brazil was conceived, developed and analyzed. The developed game is administered by an adaptive selection algorithm and evaluates alliteration, segmentation, visual memory, and rhyming skills through Item Response Theory. This work presents an experiment in order to verify whether a proposed scale, the items bank and the algorithm can distinguish children with weak/strong ability. As a result, the game allowed time savings, reproduction facility, as well as more accurate results of children's abilities, identifying them as having limitations in reading.

Framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken : Elevers, specialpedagog och speciallärares upplevelser av framgångsrikt stöd för elever på högstadiet som befinner sig i läs- och skrivsvårigheter / Succesfactors in teaching practice : Pupils, specialeducator and special needs teacher´s experiences of succesfull support for high school students in reading and writing difficulties

Åkerberg, Veronica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att bidra med förståelse gällande vad elever på högstadiet med verifierade läs- och skrivsvårigheter, samt specialpedagoger och speciallärare, vilka är verksamma i samma årskurser, upplever vara framgångsfaktorer i undervisningspraktiken. Undersökningen utgår från en fenomenologisk teori och metod, vilket innebär att det är elevers, specialpedagogs och speciallärares upplevelser av fenomenet framgångsfaktorer som fokuseras. Fem elever, en specialpedagog och en speciallärare har intervjuats och resultatet har analyserats utifrån en fenomenologisk bearbetnings- och analysmetod. Undersökningens resultat påvisar några teman som de fem eleverna och specialpedagog och speciallärare anser vara betydelsefulla för att nå framgång. Dessa utgörs av betydelsefulla personer i och utanför skolan, motivation och självbestämmande, samt strategier och verktyg. Undervisningens betydelse belyses främst av specialpedagog och speciallärare. Betydelsefulla kunskapsbidrag är elevernas markering att de extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd som är framgångsrikt är ytterst individuellt och att detta måste utvecklas i dialog med den enskilda eleven. / Thepurpose of this survey is to provide understanding of what students in grade7-9 with verified reading and writing difficulties, also known as dyslexia, aswell as special educators and special needs teachers who work in the same gradeexperience success factors in teaching practice. The study is based on aphenomenological theory and method, which means that it is the pupils, specialeducators and special needs teachers experiences of the phenomenon of successfactors that are focused. Five students, a special educator and a special needsteacher have been interviewed and the results have been analyzed on the basisof a phenomenological method. The results of the study show some themes thatthe five students, the special educator and special needs teacher consider tobe important in order to achieve success. These consist of significant people inside and outside school, motivation and self-determination, as well as strategies and tools. The importance of teaching is primarily highlighted byspecial educator and specialist teacher. Significant knowledge contribution is the students' markthat the additional adjustments and special support that are successful areextremely individual and that this must be developed in dialogue with the individual student.

Muzikoterapie z pohledu specifických poruch učení a chování / Musicotherapy from the perspective of learning and behavioral disorders

PECHOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis is introduce one of alternative direction {--} music therapy, to outline the sphere of specific learning and behavior disorders, and also to give a guide, how to apply components of music therapy during the work with children with these disorders. The thesis consists of two parts {--} a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on defining key terms, such as music therapy, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, dyscalculia, dyspinxia, dysmusia, dyspraxia. In my work I aim to clarify the question of ADHD and try to point out the relation of particular learning and behavior disorders. The practical part includes twenty activities that were made firstly according to a methodical manual written by M. Beníčková and Z. Vilímek, who use the Czech method of music therapy {--} Music of body, and secondly on the base of casuistry of two boys attending special practical school. Each activitiy should develop particular skills, comprises tools, motivation, its own description and analysis coming out of a practical accomplishment. The method of observing was used for the evaluation.

DYSLEXI, INTERNET OCH STIGMA : en netnografisk studie av nätbaserad kommunikation hos personer med dyslexi / Dyslexia, the internet and stigma : a netnographic study of online communication in people with dyslexia

Taubner, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Titel: Dyslexi, internet och stigma – en netnografisk studie av nätbaserad kommunikation hos personer med dyslexi Författare: Helena Taubner Handledare: Åsa Wengelin Examinator: Magnus Tideman Magisteruppsats (30 hp) i handikappvetenskap vid Högskolan i Halmstad, våren 2013 Uppsatsen är skriven på svenska. Vår kommunikation förändras ständigt, och internet är en viktig faktor i den utvecklingen. Nya sätt att effektivisera skriften, som till exempel förkortningar och specialtecken, växer fram. Vi blandar det skrivna språket med foton, filmer, ljudklipp och länkar. Normerna för vad som anses vara korrekt språk förändras. När omgivningens förväntningar på oss inte motsvaras av våra förmågor uppstår ett stigma. Detta är vad som händer för en person med dyslexi när kraven på läs- och skrivförmåga blir för höga. Vad händer när kommunikationen flyttas till den sociala miljö som internet utgör, med de nya normer som råder där? Studien behandlar följande tre forskningsfrågor: • Hur kommunicerar personer med dyslexi på nätet? • Hur resonerar personer med dyslexi om sin nätbaserade kommunikation? • Hur kontrollerar personer med dyslexi sitt stigma när de kommunicerar på nätet? Studien är en dubbel, kvalitativ fallstudie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer och netnografisk skuggning av två informanter, Andreas och Linda. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av begrepp från Goffmans teori om stigmatisering. Trots att Andreas har större svårigheter med att läsa och skriva än Linda, har han ändå ett mindre stigma när det gäller kommunikation på nätet, eftersom han mer medvetet kontrollerar sitt stigma. En avgörande faktor för båda informanterna är om nätforumet är synkront eller asynkront (det är omöjligt för dem att passera i synkrona forum). Studien visar alltså att graden av svårigheter att läsa och skriva inte nödvändigtvis styr graden av stigmatisering. / Titel (translated from Swedish): Dyslexia, the internet and stigma – a netnographic study of online communication in people with dyslexia Author: Helena Taubner Supervisor: Åsa Wengelin Examinator: Magnus Tideman Masters thesis (30 ECTS) in Disability Studies, University of Halmstad, Sweden, spring 2013 The thesis is written in Swedish. Our communication continually changes, and the internet is an important factor in that development. New ways of making writing more efficient, for example the use of abbreviations and special symbols are emerging. We mix written language with photos, films, sound clips and links. Norms for what is considered to be the correct use of language are displaced. When our abilities do not match society’s expectations, stigmatization occurs. This is what happens to a person with dyslexia when the demands placed upon them for their reading and writing abilities become too high. What happens when the communication moves into the online environment? The following three issues are addressed: • How do individuals with dyslexia communicate online? • How do individuals with dyslexia relate to their online communication? • How do individuals with dyslexia control their stigma when communicating online? The study is a two-part qualitative case study based upon semi-structured interviews and netnographic shadowing with two informants, Andreas and Linda. The results were analysed with reference to Goffman’s theory of stigma. In spite of the fact that Andreas has greater difficulties with reading and writing than Linda, he experiences less stigma in relation to communication, since he more consciously manages to control his stigma. A crucial factor for both informants is whether or not the online forum is synchronous or asynchronous (it is impossible for them to pass in synchronous forums). Hence, the study suggests that the degree of stigmatization does not necessarily correspond to the degree of difficulties with reading and writing.

Komparace metod nácviku počátečního čtení a psaní ve vztahu k rozvoji specifických poruch učení / Comparison of practicing methods of initial reading and writing in relation to specific learning disorders

Hladká, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Theoretical part of this thesis comprises findings gathered by analyzing available specialized literature focused on specific learning disorders, methods of practicing of initial reading and writing, and Framework Education Program for Elementary Education. The practical part consists of research in a form of questionnaire survey, which compares both learning and writing training methods with respect to specific learning disorders as its main target. The main purpose of this research was to obtain and analyze opinions of specialists from counseling and school psychology clinics on methods of teaching reading and writing, furthermore how these methods may help avert the development of special learning disorders or which methods of teaching writing and reading might be associated with more frequent development of special learning disorders. The survey shows, that the most popular and the most suitable method for initial writing and reading practice according to inquired specialists is still the analytical-synthetic method, which sustains development of particular functions and it is coherent with child's natural phonological development. On the contrary, application of genetic method appears to be the most perilous, since pupils educated by this method seem to display more problems related to...

Les difficultés de lecture chez les enfants ayant un trouble développemental du langage : validation d’un nouvel outil d’évaluation du langage écrit et relations avec les fonctions exécutives

Laniel, Patricia 04 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option neuropsychologie clinique (Ph.D) / Le trouble développemental du langage (TDL) est souvent associé à des difficultés de lecture, tant sur le plan de la compréhension de lecture que de l’identification des mots écrits, mais les habiletés de lecture varient d’un enfant à l’autre chez cette population. Il est important de s’intéresser aux facteurs de risque qui engendrent des difficultés de lecture chez les enfants ayant un TDL afin de mieux cibler ceux ayant besoin de soutien dans ce domaine et d’optimiser les méthodes d’intervention qui leur sont offertes. Alors que certains facteurs de risque sont bien connus, comme le degré et l’étendue de l’atteinte langagière orale, d’autres demeurent peu étudiés, comme une atteinte des fonctions exécutives (FE). Pourtant, le lien entre FE et lecture est bien établi et les enfants ayant un TDL sont nombreux à vivre des difficultés en FE. Les objectifs principaux de cette thèse, composée de deux articles, étaient d’examiner les profils de lecteurs et d’étudier les liens entre FE et compréhension de lecture chez des enfants francophones du primaire ayant un TDL. Pour y arriver, le premier article poursuit la validation des sous-tests « Lecture de mots et de pseudomots » et « Dictée de mots et de pseudomots » du Test d’évaluation du langage écrit québécois (TELEQ). Ces sous-tests ont été développés et prévalidés pour répondre au manque d’outils d’évaluation du langage écrit détenant de bonnes propriétés psychométriques et adaptés aux enfants franco-québécois du primaire. Deux objectifs étaient poursuivis : 1) consolider la validation de ces sous-tests auprès d’enfants ayant une dyslexie-dysorthographie 2) offrir des normes préliminaires pour ces sous-tests. Les participants étaient répartis dans le groupe contrôle (n = 171) et clinique (n = 49). Les courbes de caractéristique de performance ont permis de déterminer la sensibilité (87,76 %) et la spécificité (97,66 %) de l’utilisation des six mesures obtenues à ces sous-tests. Ces sous-tests s’avèrent pertinents pour l’évaluation des difficultés de lecture et d’écriture ainsi que pour le diagnostic et le dépistage de la dyslexie-dysorthographie dans les milieux cliniques et de recherche québécois. Dans le deuxième article, le TELEQ a été utilisé pour décrire les profils de lecteurs d’enfants ayant un TDL et examiner le lien entre les FE et la compréhension de lecture. Le TELEQ a été administré à 81 enfants de la 4e à la 6e année primaire (contrôle : n = 66, TDL : n = 15). Une majorité d’enfants ayant un TDL présentait des difficultés en compréhension de lecture et en identification des mots écrits (profil faible lecteur, 8/13). Une évaluation globale des FE a montré que plusieurs des enfants ayant un TDL présentaient une atteinte importante des FE. Parmi les enfants ayant un TDL au profil faible lecteur, la majorité présentait à la fois une atteinte des processus cognitifs ne nécessitant pas les inférences et une atteinte des processus cognitifs nécessitant les inférences en compréhension de lecture, mais deux cas d’exception étaient observés. Chez eux, certains facteurs protecteurs étaient relevés, tels que l’absence d’une atteinte sur la sphère réceptive du langage (2/2) ou en FE (1/2). Les FE étaient fortement reliées aux habiletés de compréhension de lecture dans les deux groupes (contrôle : r = 0,38, TDL : r = 0,72). Dans le groupe TDL, les FE étaient reliées aux deux types de processus cognitifs en compréhension de lecture (nécessitant ou non les inférences), alors que dans le groupe contrôle, les FE étaient reliées seulement aux processus nécessitant les inférences. Les FE n’apportaient pas de valeur prédictive unique à la compréhension de lecture au-delà des variables du modèle simple de la lecture (compréhension langagière orale et identification de mots écrits), deux composantes déjà connues comme impliquées dans la compréhension de lecture. Ainsi, l’effet des FE sur la compréhension de lecture semble être majoritairement indirect, via son effet sur les deux composantes du modèle simple de la lecture. Les implications théoriques et cliniques des résultats de cette thèse sont discutées à la lumière des connaissances actuelles et différentes pistes de recherches futures sont évoquées. / Developmental language disorder (DLD) is often associated with reading difficulties in both reading comprehension and written word identification, but reading skills vary from child to child in this population. It is important to address the risk factors that lead to reading difficulties in children with DLD to better target children who need support in this area and to optimize the intervention methods offered to them. While some risk factors are well known, such as the degree and extent of oral language impairment, others remain poorly studied, such as executive function (EF) impairment. However, the link between EF and reading is well established and many children with DLD experience difficulties in EF. The main objectives of this thesis, consisting of two articles, were to examine the profiles of readers and to study the links between EF and reading comprehension in French-speaking primary school children with TDL. To this end, the first paper continues the validation of the subtests "Lecture de mots et de pseudomots" and "Dictée de mots et de pseudomots " of the Test d'évaluation du langage écrit québécois (TELEQ). These subtests were developed and pre-validated in response to the lack of written language assessment tool with good psychometric properties and adapted to Quebec francophone children in elementary school. Two objectives were pursued: 1) to consolidate the validation of these subtests with children with dyslexia/dysorthographia 2) to provide preliminary norms for these subtests. Participants were divided into control (n = 171) and clinical (n = 49) groups. Performance characteristic curves were used to determine the sensitivity (87.76%) and specificity (97.66%) of using the six measures obtained on these subtests. These subtests have proven to be relevant tools for the assessment of reading and writing difficulties as well as for the diagnosis and screening of dyslexia/dysorthographia in Quebec clinical and research settings. In the second paper, the TELEQ was used to describe the reading profiles of children with DLD and to examine the relationship between EF and reading comprehension. The TELEQ was administered to 81 children in grades 4-6 (control: n = 66, DLD: n = 15). A majority of DLD children had difficulties in reading comprehension and written word identification (poor reader profile; 8/13). A global assessment of EF showed that many of the DLD children had significant impairment in EF. Among DLD children with poor reader profile, the majority showed both impairment of cognitive processes not requiring inference and impairment of processes requiring inference in reading comprehension, but two exceptional cases were observed. In these cases, certain protective factors were noted, such as the absence of impairment in the receptive sphere of language (2/2) or in EF (1/2). EF were strongly related to reading comprehension skills in both groups (control: r = 0.38, DLD: r = 0.72). In the DLD group, EF were related to both types of cognitive processes in reading comprehension (requiring or not inferences), whereas EFs were only related to processes requiring inferences in the control group. EF did not provide unique predictive value for reading comprehension beyond the variables of the simple view of reading (listening comprehension and word identification skills), two components already known to be involved in reading comprehension. Thus, the effect of FE on reading comprehension seems to be mostly indirect, via its effect on the two components of the simple view of reading The theoretical and clinical implications of the results of this thesis are discussed in the light of current knowledge and various avenues for future research are discussed.

Exploring reading barriers among foundation phase learners in IsiXhosa home language in Lady Frere district

Mqele, Nombuyiselo Sheila 30 November 2018 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / The purpose of this study was to explore reading barriers of Foundation Phase learners in IsiXhosa Home Language in the Lady Frere district in the Eastern Cape Province (ECP). The qualitative single case study of one Junior Secondary school in the chosen district was studied. The empirical research was done through interviews with the teachers and lesson observations. The findings suggested that there was some concern with regards to the reading ability of learners in the District. The lack of parental involvement, high turnover of teachers, lack of training and support of teachers were identified as attributing factors to reading barriers of learners. Measures to address these factors were suggested. The measures included capacity building of teachers, parents or care givers of learners, and ways of retaining teachers in schools to reduce the high turnover of staff. In conclusion, it is anticipated that the findings and recommendations of this study will provide valuable contribution to the district officials to be able to address the teaching and learning gaps and empower and support both teachers and learners in the Eastern Cape Province. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om leeshindernisse van leerders in die Grondslagfase, met Xhosa as huistaal, in die Lady Frere distrik in die Oos-Kaap Provinsie te ondersoek. Die kwalitatiewe, enkele gevallestudie het die bestudering van een Junior Sekondêre skool in die gekose distrik behels. Die empiriese navorsing is gedoen deur onderhoude met die onderwysers te voer en deur waarnemings van lesse. Die bevindings dui daarop dat daar kommer bestaan oor die leesvermoë van leerders in die distrik. Afwesige ouerbetrokkenheid, die hoë omset van onderwysers en die gebrek aan voldoende opleiding en ondersteuning aan onderwysers word identifiseer as die moontlike oorsake van leeshindernisse van leerders. Maatreëls om die faktore wat leeshindernisse veroorsaak aan te spreek, is voorgestel. Die maatreëls behels onder meer kapasiteitsbou van onderwysers, ouers of versorgers van leerders, asook maniere om onderwysers in skole te behou en sodoende die hoë personeelomset te verminder. Ten slotte, die verwagting is dat die bevindings en aanbevelings van hierdie studie ‘n waardevolle bydrae aan die distriksbeamptes sal lewer om die leemtes vir voldoende onderrig en leer te kan aanpak en sodoende beide onderwysers en leerders in die Oos- Kaap te bemagtig en te ondersteun. / Injongo yoluphando yayikukuphonononga izithintelo kufunda zamabanga aphantsi kulwimi lwasekhaya lwesiXhosa kwisithili saseCacadu kwiphondo laseMpuma-Koloni. Kwaphononongwa isifundo secala elinye elinoqeqesho kwisikiolo samabanga aphakathi kwisithili esikhethiweyo. Kwenziwa uphando olunamandla kusetyenziswa udliwanondlebe nootitshala kunye nokujonga. Iziphumo zabonisa ukuba kukho ukuxhalaba ngendlela abafundi besithili esikhethiweyo babefunda ngayo. Oko kwakudalwa kukungazibandakanyi kwabazali emfundweni yabantwana babo, ukutshintsha nokushiya kootitshala izikolo nesebe lezemfundo ngokubanzi nokunqongophala koqeqesho nenkxaso yootitshala. Kwacetyiswa amadondolo okulungisa imiba echaphazela iingxaki zokufunda . Lamadondolo ayecebisa ukuba kujongwane nemiceli mingeni eyayisele iboniwe, enje ngophuhliso lweetitsshala, abazali okanye abagcini bantwana, iindlela zokugcina abasebenzi ezikolweni, ukunciphisa ukutshintsha izikolo nokuyeka ukufundisa kootitshala. Ukuphetha, kuyabonakala ukuba iziphumo nezindululo zoluphando zizakuba negalelo elingathethekiyo kumagosa ezemfundo. Loo nto iyakuwanceda amagosa lawo akwazi ukuqaphela nokuqubisana nezikhewu ekufundeni, baphuhlise baxhase ootitshala nabantwana kwiPhondo leMpuma-Koloni. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Lingvistika ve speciální pedagogice / Linguistics in the field of special education

Majerová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
Lingvistika je představena v aplikaci na řešení obtíží u lidí s jazykovým hendikepem, kteří se nacházejí ve speciálně pedagogickém prostředí. Ve výzkumu a rehabilitaci jazykových symptomů se nazývá klinickou lingvistikou. Klinická lingvistika kooperuje v multidisciplinárním kontextu s psycholingvistikou a neurolingvistikou. Práce nastiňuje potřebnost klinické lingvistiky také v českém měřítku. Je analyzována diagnóza vývojová anartrie u celoživotně nemluvících lidí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou. Vývojová anartrie je dosti častou diagnózou ve speciálním školství. Vyjevuje se její nedostatečný popis klinickou logopedií a potřeba její analýzy z klinicko-lingvistického hlediska. U vývojové anartrie je odhaleno druhotné narušení jazykových funkcí, sekundární dysfázie. Sekundární dysfázie u vývojové anartrie se manifestuje na všech jazykových rovinách, práce tuto manifestaci ukazuje. Inteligentní lidé s vývojovou anartrií se ocitají v situaci pozdní akvizice mateřského jazyka, který produkčně uchopují pouze ve formě psané řeči. Mají dílčí percepční obtíže. Fatální nemožnost mluvené produkce jim zapříčiňuje subvokální vnitřně řečový deficit. Je diskutován potenciál těchto lidí osvojovat jazyk v procesu pozdní akvizice, diskuze je uvedena v kontextu světového výzkumu o otázkách maturace a kritických period....

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