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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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製藥業產品生命週期及通路的行銷策略與銷售績效關聯性之個案研究 / The Association between Marketing Strategy and Sales Performance with Different Life-Cycle Products and Sales Channels - A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Industry

蔡麗敏, Tsai, Lisa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過個案研究,運用資料包絡分析法(DEA)的評估方式,分析製藥業在不同生命週期及通路上資源分配之行銷策略與銷售績效之關聯性。研究結果發現: 一、不同生命週期「成長期」、「成熟期」及「衰退期」產品,其整體銷售技術效率、純銷售技術效率與銷售規模效率之差異,均達統計上之顯著水準。「成長期」產品效率值最差、「成熟期」產品效率值次之、「衰退期」產品效率值最佳。 二、不同生命週期產品在主要銷售通路醫學中心、醫院、診所與藥房的銷售比重不同。「成長期」與「成熟期」產品的主要銷售通路均在醫學中心,而「衰退期」產品的主要銷售通路在藥房。其銷售績效差異在醫學中心與藥房通路,衰退期產品與成熟期、或成長期產品比較,均達到統計上之顯著差異水準,但在醫院與診所通路的銷售績效,三類產品族群的差異就不明顯。 三、個案藥廠對其主要銷售的藥品,雖然都有非常明確的個別產品銷售策略與目標,但差額變數分析結果顯示,仍有部份產品在資源分配及運用上,可以加以改善以提高銷售績效。 / This research is conducted using Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) assessment method to analyze the particular pharmaceutical company on the association between marketing strategy and sales performance with different life-cycle products and sales channels. The results are as follows: 1.Sales performance appears significant differences among different life-cycle products with respect to the overall technical efficiency、pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. The results revealed that products in「Growth Stage」had the worst efficiency performances, 「Maturity Stage」products placed the second, and「Decline Stage」products were the best. 2.Sales weight differs from different life-cycle products in the major sales channels of medical centers, hospitals, general practitioners and drug stores. The main sales channel of「Growth Stage」and「Maturity Stage」products are in medical centers;while「Decline Stage」products are in drug stores. Statistics showed that the sales performance differed substantially when the three different life-cycle products were distributed to sell in medical centers and drug stores; however, the results were not as evident in hospitals and general practitioners channels. 3.Although the case pharmaceutical company has very clear sales strategies and goals for its individual products, the analytical results showed some changes could be made to improve sales performance.

新巴塞爾資本協定與衍生性金融商品操作影響本國銀行業經營效率之實證研究-應用資料包絡分析法 / Research for the efficiency in domestic banking industry with a view of regarding Basel II and derivatives products-An application of DEA approach

許郁甄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於金融產業的進步與科技的日新月異,越來越多樣的衍生性金融商品被廣泛使用,此類具有高獲利高槓桿的金融商品固然有避險的功能,另一方面也提高了銀行業的經營風險。巴塞爾委員會有鑑於此,大幅更動了早期巴塞爾資本協定的內容,稱為Basel II。 Basel II 的資本適足管制雖能避免金融機構發生倒閉之危機,但卻也影響金融機構之產出結構及品質,改變了金融機構之效率表現,因此,瞭解 Basel II 對金融機構效率表現之影響程度是本文目的之ㄧ,此外,有鑑於衍生性金融商品的高風險特性,本研究也將此變數加入,探討此兩項變數對本國銀行經營效率的影響為何。 本研究以資本適足率與衍生性商品使用量作為外生變數,以國內32家銀行為樣本,利用民國九十七年底之資料,採取三階段資料包絡分析法探討此兩項變數對銀行經營績效的影響。首先求算第一階段效率值,接下來考量資料截斷的特性,採用 Tobit 迴歸模型,計算差額變數並做調整,在第三階段排除其影響力,使所有決策單位在同一起跑點上再進行效率評估。 實證結果發現,資本適足率對於銀行效率的影響是有利的,而衍生性金融商品使用量則為不利因素,第一階段與第三階段的效率值在利用Wilcoxon 符號等級檢定之後的結果顯示第一階段與第三階段的效率值分布在0.5%的顯著水準下是不相同的,可進一步推論資本適足率與衍生性金融商品的使用量對銀行經營效率的影響十分顯著。


孫松增 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,未來很有可能帶領台灣高科技產業向上突破的新英雄---薄晶電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD),已逐漸為人所重視,近來,TFT-LCD產業的更是利多頻傳,不但在股票成交量創下新高,股價更是一再突破新高。本文則是希望以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來比較分析台灣各家廠商(友達、華映、奇美電、廣輝、彩晶)的相對經營績效,研究範圍從2001年第四季一直到2004年的第一季,所採用的投入變數即為資產總額、營業成本、營業費用和員工人數,產出變數我們則採用營業收入和營業淨利。 總結來看,廠商在CCR和BCC模式下,雖然在平均排名上,兩個模式並不盡相同,但由時間趨勢來看,五家廠商在趨勢變動上,大致是一樣的;效率值表現較好的時期為2002Q1、和2002Q2和2004Q1,較差的則為2002Q4和2003Q1,推測其原因,一部分當然是和景氣的波動有關,但也和面板的價格波動有一定程度的相關。 藉由Tobit 迴歸分析,意味著廠商可藉由提高每人配備率、總資產週轉率、流動比率、研發費用率及經營年限等變數,可提昇廠商的整體技術效率,提供了一些政策方向供廠商參考。 以Malmquist生產力指數來看,總要素生產力的變動(Tfpch)大部分的因素,是來自於生產技術的變動(Tech);彩晶在總要素生產力的變動上,平均有16.8%的成長,是第1名,其他的廠商則呈現不大的差別;但若以時間趨勢來看,2001Q4到2002Q1和2003Q1到2003Q2兩各階段都有滿大的成長,但在2002Q2到2002Q3和2002Q3到2002Q4兩個階段卻呈現衰退的表現。 / In Taiwan, TFT-LCD, which is likely to lead high-tech to strive upward in the future, has been receiving more and more attention. Recently, TFT-LCD industry has come into great blossom. Not only does the stock transaction amount achieve a record-breaking peak, but the stock price also makes breakthroughs at all times. This research is to use Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to compare and analyze the relative operating efficiency of chief leaders in the high-tech industry, including AUO, CPT, CMO, QDI to HannStar. The research ranges from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2004. The researcher adopts input variables, which include total assets, business costs, business expenses and employees, and output variables, business revenues and business net profits, as well. On the whole, in spite of CCR and BCC model, the average order is different, but approximately similar. The quarters, which perform well, are the 1st quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2004; the bad quarters are the 4th quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2003. To speculate reasons, it has to do with the business cycle and panel board price fluctuation. Under the frame, by use of Tobit analysis, factories can strengthen total technology efficiency by raising equipment per employee, total asserts turnover, current ratio, R & D ratio, and the period of operating. It provides these factories a referential direction. In conclusion, according to Malmquist index analysis, the Tfpch is the better part from the tech. HannStar, with 16.8% average growth in Tfpch, is the top one. The other factories are nearly close. In the time period, from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2002, and from the 1st quarter in 2003 to the 2nd quarter in 2003, the other factories has a high growth, but from the 2nd quarter in 2002 to the 3rd quarter in 2002 and from the 3rd quarter in 2002 to the 4th quarter in 2002, there is a decline in growth.


歐陽富 Unknown Date (has links)
海外華人人口,截至2004年底止,約為3,808萬人(不含香港、澳門),政府為照顧為眾多之海外僑胞,先於1926年於國民政府下設僑務委員會以推進僑務,復為擴大服務僑社並增進僑民福址,於1985年針對海外僑社需求,選擇華僑眾多之地區,設置華僑文教服務中心,自1985年起迄2004年底止,僑委會在海外各地前後共設置了十七個文教服務中心。為維持該等中心之運作,政府每年均編有巨額預算挹注,為瞭解相對於投入之資源,中心之產出是否符合經濟學上『投入』與『產出』之生產效率概念,本文之研究爰以產出導向之資料包絡分析法建立實證模型進行探討,同時以各文教服務中心為一決策單位,將2001年至2004年間各文教中心之投入及產出項目投入實證模型中,以計算各文教中心的經營績效。 實證結果顯示,海外文教中心整體的技術效率平均值介於2.4662與3.1605之間,同時規模效率平均值大於1,顯示造成各文教中心技術無效率的來源,大部份來自於純技術效率,另一部分則來自於規模無效率。 同時依實證結果資料可以發現,(一)僑委會截至2004年止之十七個文教中心,在各種不同的組合下,僅有4至9個中心之效率值為1,占全部文教中心的二成至五成,顯示整體經營績效有待加強與提升;(二)以僑委會關閉倫敦及墨爾本文教中心雖與實證分析結果相符,然績效較墨爾本中心為低之雪黎文教中心卻未關閉之情況而言,益顯數據性資料於決策過程中之重要性;(三)以全球華人人口分配來看,北美洲地區文教中心之技術效率值,無論在固定或變動規模下,就各種組合而言,均較其他地區文教中心之效率值為佳,顯示除應提高北美地區以外中心之效率外,似乎也反映了服務海外僑胞之資源分配是否過度集中,及與僑胞互動應予加強之問題。 最後,由於本研究係首次將DEA運用於駐外機構經營效率之評估,因此本文之相關實證模型將可作為評估我國其他部會所屬駐外機構效率衡量之基礎及參考。 / The overseas Chinese population, up till 2004, approximates 3.8 millions (not counting Hong Kong, Macao). To attend to their needs, the government has first established the Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the Nationalist Government in 1926. To better and further serve this overseas Chinese community, the government has chosen among several populous areas to set up Chinese Culture and education service center later in 1985. Between 1985 and the end of 2004, 17 service centers have been set up. To keep these centers running requires a big budget support from the government each year. To examine if these centers provide values that conform to the economic concept of "the input" and "the output" production efficiency, this article has used the data envelopment analysis method to establish the real diagnosis model. This model has used various culture and education service centers as policy-making units from 2001 to 2004 to evaluate the efficacy of these service centers. Test results have shown that the mean value of central whole technical efficiency is between 2.4662 and 3.1605. Also, the mean value of scale efficiency is bigger than 1. This demonstrates the inefficient central technology rate of the service centers results mainly from pure technical inefficiency, and partly from diseconomy of scale. On the other hand, test results also show that, (1) up till 2004, among 17 culture and education centers, just only remain 4 to 9 with central efficiency value of 1 under different kinds of combinations. The fact that they account for two tenths to five tenths of the total number of service centers demonstrates the need for improvement in their operating performance (2) the closing of both London and Melbourne culture and education centers does not conform to the findings of the real diagnosis analysis, but Sydney center is not closed, which reveals the importance of data material in the decision-making process; (3) looking at the distribution of global overseas Chinese population, the technology efficiency values for culture and education centers in North America area are far higher than other areas, measured by all sorts of combinations regardless of fixed or variable scale. This has revealed issues of not only efficiency enhancements for local centers excepting this area, but also excessive concentration of service resources allocated within the region and augment the co-activity with compatriots. Finally, since this is the first time DEA has been utilized in a research to evaluate the management efficiencies for government agencies abroad, the real diagnosis model presented in this article might be used as a reference for similar studies in the future.

Essays in international trade and energy / Essais dans le commerce international et l'énergie

Monastyrenko, Evgenii 24 September 2018 (has links)
Dans le chapitre 1, j’examine les résultats des fusions entre producteurs européens d’énergie en termes d’efficacité. Je calcule l’éco-efficacité en utilisant l’analyse de l’enveloppement des données et l’indice de productivité Malmquist-Luenberger. Je trouve que les fusions horizontales nationales, qui sont soigneusement réglementées, n’ont pas d’impact. Les fusions horizontales transfrontalières nuisent à l’éco-efficacité à court terme mais la stimulent deux ans après l’achèvement. Les fusions verticales nuisent à l’éco-efficacité. Je présente des suggestions de politiques concernant la réglementation des fusions. Le chapitre 2 est un travail conjoint avec Julian Hinz. Nous enquêtons sur les effets de l’embargo russe auto-imposé sur les importations de produits alimentaires en provenance des pays occidentaux. Nous construisons un modèle ricardien avec des liens sectoriels, des échanges de biens intermédiaires et une hétérogénéité sectorielle dans la production. L’étalonnage du modèle avec des données réelles permet de simuler les résultats de l’embargo en termes de changements de bien-être et de prix. Nous quantifions en outre l’impact sur les prix à la consommation en Russie à l’aide de la méthode des doubles différences. Le chapitre 3 est basé sur un article co-écrit avec Cristina Herghelegiu. Nous enquêtons sur l’utilisation des conditions commerciales internationales (Incoterms). Ce sont les schémas prédéfinis de la répartition des coûts et des risques entre les acheteurs et les vendeurs. Nous nous appuyons sur un ensemble de données très détaillées sur les exportations russes durant la période 2012-2015. Nous constatons que les grandes entreprises sont plus susceptibles d’assumer des responsabilités. Les gros acheteurs assument plus de responsabilités, quelle que soit la taille du vendeur, alors que les gros vendeurs le font uniquement lorsque leur partenaire est petit. C’est plus probable que les risques et les coûts sont sur les acheteurs dans les transactions de biens intermédiaires et de biens d’équipement. / In Chapter 1 I investigate firm-level efficiency outcomes of mergers between the European energy producers. I compute eco-efficiency using data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index. I find that carefully regulated domestic horizontal mergers do not have a statistically significant impact. Cross-border horizontal mergers hamper eco-efficiency in the short run but stimulate it two years after completion. Vertical mergers are detrimental to eco-efficiency. I put forward policy suggestions regarding the regulation of mergers. Chapter 2 is joint work with Julian Hinz. We investigate the effects of self-imposed Russian embargo on food import from Western countries. We build a Ricardian model with sectoral linkages, trade in intermediate goods and sectoral heterogeneity in production. The calibration of the model with real data allows to simulate the outcomes of embargo in terms of changes in welfare and prices. We further quantify the impact on consumer prices in Russia with the difference-in-differences estimator. Chapter 3 is based on a paper co-written with Cristina Herghelegiu. We investigate the use of International Commercial Terms. They are pre-defined schemes of repartition of costs and risks between buyers and sellers, which serve to mitigate the uncertainty. We rely on a highly detailed dataset on Russian exports over the 2012-2015 period. We find that big firms are more likely to take on responsibilities. Big buyers bear more responsibilities regardless of the seller size, whereas big sellers do so only when their partner is small. Risks and costs are more likely on buyers in transactions of intermediate and capital goods.

Vícekriteriální analýza variant a její aplikace v praxi / Multi-Criteria Analysis and its application in practice

DOUBRAVOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with Multi-Criteria Analysis which represents an effective tool for solving complex decision-making situations. This paper describes the various methods of multi-criteria evaluation. One of the chapters also focuses on the software support. The main objective of this document is to demonstrate how to apply Multi-Criteria Analysis in real life. The practical part of this study refers to the structural policy and deals with the evaluation of regions of the Czech Republic after its entry into the European Union. The study mainly concentrates on the detailed analysis of South Bohemia region.

Impact des allocations en ressources sur l'efficacité des écoles primaires en Côte d'Ivoire / Impact of resource allocations on the effectiveness primary schools in Côte d'Ivoire

Sika, Glebehlo Lazare 28 June 2011 (has links)
La qualité de l’enseignement primaire en Côte d’Ivoire s’est fortement dégradée au cours de ces trois dernières décennies. Cette situation est la résultante d’une gestion approximative du système éducatif, qui se caractérise par une insuffisance de support pédagogique, une mauvaise allocation des ressources, un encombrement des salles de classe (42 élèves par enseignants au primaire) et un déficit d’enseignants qualifiés et bien formés. En outre, le conflit militaro-politique de septembre 2002 n’a guère amélioré cet état de choses, bien au contraire, il n’a fait que détériorer davantage la situation. Ainsi, la présente thèse s’est fixée comme objectifs d’analyser, d’une part l’influence des dotations en ressources sur l’efficacité des écoles primaires en Côte d’Ivoire sur la base d’une enquête sur les compétences réalisée par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale et d’autre part, d’examiner l’impact du conflit militaro-politique de septembre 2002 sur la demande d’éducation en s’appuyant sur les données des enquêtes MICS-2000 et 2006 réalisées auprès des ménages. Pour ce faire, une classification des écoles selon leur dotation en ressources s’est faite, ensuite, au moyen de la méthode de l’enveloppe des données (DEA, méthode non paramétrique), une frontière d’efficience est construite pour mettre en exergue les spécificités des écoles et enfin une estimation économétrique (modèle Tobit sur les données censurées) est mise en œuvre pour déceler les facteurs influençant la formation des scores d’efficacité. Il ressort des analyses qu’une augmentation de la quantité des ressources allouées à une école n’est pas gage de sa performance car les facteurs d’efficacités ne résident pas dans les dotations en quantité, mais plutôt dans les dotations en qualité c'est-à-dire les valeurs et caractéristiques intrinsèques aux personnes et matériaux mises à la disposition des écoles, ceci fait dans un souci d’adéquation aux besoins spécifiques des écoles et d’équité. Par ailleurs, à partir d’une méthodologie combinant à la fois l’estimation par les doubles différences, l’estimation par les triples différences et la correction par les contrôles de robustesse, elle aboutit aux résultats selon lesquels, les taux d’accès et d’achèvement aux grades un à six du primaire ont baissé du fait de la crise. En effet, les proportions d’enfants qui achèvent les grades 1 et 2 ont baissé de 25 % et celles des enfants qui achèvent les grades 3, 4 et 5 ont diminué respectivement de 22 %, 16 % et 4 %. / The quality of primary education in Côte d'Ivoire has deteriorated sharply over the past three decades. This situation is the result of an approximate management of the education system, which is characterized by a lack of educational support, a misallocation of resources, a congestion of classrooms (42 students for a teacher in primary school) and a lack of skilled and well trained teachers. In addition, the military-political conflict in September 2002 did not allow to improve this situation; on the contrary, it has further deteriorated the situation. Thus, the aim of this thesis is first to analyze the influence of resource endowments on the effectiveness of primary schools in Cote d'Ivoire on the basis of a survey on the competence conducted by the Ministry of Education. Secondly, it examines the impact of military-political conflict in September 2002 on the demand for education based on data from the MICS-2000 and 2006 household surveys. To do this, a classification of schools according to their resource endowment was made, then, using the method of data envelopment analysis (DEA nonparametric method), an efficiency frontier is constructed to highlight the specificities of schools and finally an econometric estimation (Tobit model censored data) is implemented to identify factors influencing the formation of effectiveness scores. The analysis shows that increasing the amount of resources allocated to a school does not guarantee its performance as the efficiency factors are not resident in endowment quantity, but rather in the endowment quality, that is the values and characteristics intrinsic to people and materials available to schools, this fact in order to fit the specific needs of schools and fairness. Furthermore, using a methodology combining both double differences estimation, the triple differences estimation and correction by the robustness checks, we find that the rate of access and completed grades of primary school s one to six of primary school declined because of the crisis. Indeed, the proportions of children completing levels 1 and 2 have fallen by 25% and those of children completing levels 3, 4 and 5 have decreased by 22%, 16% and 4% respectively.

Creating public value in information and communication technology: a learning analytics approach

Oyerinde, Oyeyinka Dantala 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the ongoing global discourse in ICT4D on ICT and its effect on socio-economic development in both theory and practice. The thesis comprises five studies presented logically from chapters 5 to 9. The thesis employs Mixed Methods research methodology within the Critical Realist epistemological perspective in Information Systems Research. Studies 1-4 employ different quantitative research and analytical methods while study 5 employs a qualitative research and analytical method. Study 1 proposes and operationalizes a predictive analytics framework in Learning Analytics by using a case study of the Computer Science Department of the University of Jos, Nigeria. Multiple Linear Regression was used with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) analysis tool. Statistical Hypothesis testing was then used to validate the model with a 5% level of significance. Results show how predictive learning analytics can be successfully operationalized and used for predicting students’ academic performances. In Study 2 the relative efficiency of ICT infrastructure utilization with respect to the educational component of the Human Development Index (HDI) is investigated. A Novel conceptual model is proposed and the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology is used to measure the relative efficiency of the components of ICT infrastructure (Inputs) and the components of education (Outputs). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression Analysis is used to determine the effect of ICT infrastructure on Educational Attainment/Adult Literacy Rates. Results show a strong positive effect of ICT infrastructure on educational attainment and adult literacy rates, a strong correlation between this infrastructure and literacy rates as well as provide a theoretical support for the argument of increasing ICT infrastructure to provide an increase in human development especially within the educational context. In Study 3 the relative efficiency and productivity of ICT Infrastructure Utilization in Education are examined. The research employs the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index (MI), well established non-parametric data analysis methodologies, applied to archival data on International countries divided into Arab States, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and World regions. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression analysis is applied to determine the effect of ICT infrastructure on Adult Literacy Rates. Findings show a relatively efficient utilization and steady increase in productivity for the regions but with only Europe and the Arab States currently operating in a state of positive growth in productivity. A strong positive effect of ICT infrastructure on Adult Literacy Rates is also observed. Study 4 investigates the efficiency and productivity of ICT utilization in public value creation with respect to Adult Literacy Rates. The research employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index (MI), well established non-parametric data analysis methodologies, applied to archival data on International countries divided into Arab States, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and World regions. Findings show a relatively efficient utilization of ICT in public value creation but an average decline in productivity levels. Finally, in Study 5 a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) on the UNDP Human Development Research Reports from 2010-2016 is carried out to determine whether or not any public value is created or derived from the policy directions being put forward and their subsequent implementations. The CDA is operationalized by Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action (TCA). Findings show that Public Value is indeed being created and at the core of the policy directions being called for in these reports. / School of Computing / Ph.D. (Information Systems)

Technicko-ekonomické posouzení projektů čistíren odpadních vod a jejich dopadu na životní prostředí / Technical and economic assessment of projects of wastewater treatment plants and their impact on the environment

Turková, Jiřina Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with the issue of evaluating of technical-economic efficiency of wastewater treatment plant projects. Same as most public benefit projects, the main reason for implementation is the societal benefit of the company, not the impact on the investor. The literature review provides an overview of the most commonly used methods of environmental impact assessment, which differ in both the difficulty of processing and in the structure of input and output information. In accordance with the European legislation, the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is applied to a selected sample of waste water treatment plants, in its economic part, the standardly assessed societal impacts are extended by other possible benefits associated with the implementation of the project implementation. The main output of the thesis is the quantification of the increment to the societal benefit of the project, which is set to the difference between the economic net present value of the investment and the standard and individually designed socio-economic impacts. As an alternative to the traditional approach, the thesis also simulates the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), method is based on multi-criteria evaluation shows the technical efficiency of the sewage treatment plant sample and thus serves as a very effective tool in managerial decision-making.

台灣地區醫院效率與生產力變動之研究-非參數DEA方法之應用 / Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Hospitals in Taiwan: Nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis

王媛慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對於醫療市場的生產績效研究,係由兩篇獨立的學術研究報告所組成,研究重點在於利用非參數資料包絡分析方法 ( nonparametric DEA approach ),估計醫院的生產技術,以衡量醫院的技術效率及不同年度間之生產力變動,進而分析不同醫院間,生產績效差異的主要原因。本論文所採用的研究方法與探討的主題,不同於國內既有的相關文獻。 第一部分:生產不確定性與醫院效率 本部分主要探討在醫院面對不確定性時的效率評估。一般而言,醫院有兩種生產上的不確定性來源:醫師或醫院的診療結果所導致的生產不確定性;及消費者對醫療服務需求的不確定性 (Arrow, 1963)。當醫院面對生產不確定性時,醫院效率將與廠商如何處理不確定性問題有關,亦即,當廠商事前規劃愈縝密,未來可能的產出失靈水準愈低,則其生產效率表現愈佳。本文利用民國 82 及 83 年(準)醫學中心與(準)區域醫院資料,模擬醫院在面對生產不確定性時,各種可能的產出失靈水準,以chance constrained DEA 模式 (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993) 估算醫院的隨機技術效率,並與傳統、確定性的DEA模式所得到之結果,做一比較。 Chance constrained DEA模式與傳統DEA模式的不同,在於前者估計出的生產前緣,並不總是包絡所有的樣本點,亦即,允許某廠商之產出超越生產前緣或說允許產出失靈可能性之存在,而後者則否。實證結果發現,在chance constrained DEA模式下,私立醫院的技術效率高於公立醫院,且呈現統計顯著性的差異,但兩者間的差異隨著醫院事前準備程度的提高而縮小;而傳統DEA模式也顯示,私立醫院的技術效率確實顯著地高於公立醫院。此外,若產出失靈水準夠低,則chance constrained DEA模式的效率值與傳統DEA模式的效率值,兩者間的分配會呈現統計顯著性差異。 在面對生產不確定性時,欲提升公立醫院的生產效率,應提高廠商事先規劃的程度,才能與私立醫院之生產效率並駕齊驅。一般而言,廠商事先準備的程度高低,與醫院本身的特性有關,因此,欲改善公立醫院緩衝產能的準備程度,以降低產出失靈水準,有必要進行體制層面的改革,亦即,從進行人事變革、財務之授權與彈性化等方向開始做起,如此應可提高公立醫院的生產效率。 第二部分:全民健康保險制度與醫院生產力變動 全民健保實施後,民眾對醫療服務的可近性提高,醫院間的市場結構改變,因此,醫院生產力與效率的提升,成為眾所關切的焦點。為瞭解醫院在全民健保實施後,資源是否有效配置,本部分利用民國 82 至 86 年醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院等大小型醫院資料,以範疇DEA模式估計Malmquist生產力變動指標,並將之分解為技術變動、純技術效率變動、及規模效率變動等三項變動來源。 實證結果發現,從82至86年醫院整體平均效率而言,CRS(VRS)生產技術下的平均效率為 66.00%(74.87%),表示不論大小型醫院,平均而言,皆存在技術不效率的情形。再者,在民國84年,亦即全民健保實施的年度,其效率水準明顯較其他年度為低,其餘年度的效率水準都相對較高,此一結果意謂,政策干擾對於醫院效率表現的影響,是短期性的。另外,小型醫院皆較大型醫院不效率,兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性;以權屬別而言,不論是大型醫院或小型醫院中的私立醫院,其生產效率均優於公立醫院,且兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性。而透過迴歸分析顯示,全民健保實施、權屬別之虛擬變數、佔床率、平均住院日、及以醫院產出衡量的集中度指標等,是影響醫院生產效率的重要因素。 從Malmquist生產力變動( et al., 1994)來看,平均而言,82-86年間醫院生產力成長率約在 -3.06 % 左右。就生產力變動來源而言,技術成長率(-2.74 %)與整體效率成長率(-0.33 %)均為負,而技術變動則是阻礙生產力成長的主要原因。此外,若以醫院整體效率變動來源來看,平均而言,整體效率退步是由於規模效率變動所致(-0.74%)。 此外,本文著重在 et al.(1994)、Ray and Desli (1997) 及Grifell and Lovell (1998) 三種定義下的Malmquist生產力變動指標之比較。研究結果發現,Grifell and Lovell (1998) 的一般化Malmquist生產力指數,並沒有正確衡量廠商的生產力變動及其變動來源項。而利用Kruskal-Wallis檢定結果發現,三個模式中的生產力變動差異,並不具統計顯著性,而變動來源項(技術變動與規模效率變動)亦顯示相同的結果。 / This dissertation is focused on the efficiency and productivity studies of hospitals in Taiwan. It includes two independent academic papers. The primary intention is to introduce the newly developed ideas in the measurement of efficiency and productivity, rather than to create new ones. The utilization of these ideas has not, however, been discussion in print. And some of the arguments we used and brought together are new regarding to the literature of hospital efficiency and productivity measurement. Utilizing the non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches, efficiency scores and productivity change indexes were estimated. Efforts were made to explain the difference of productivity performance among individual hospitals. Nevertheless, the methods we used and the economic approach behind them distinguish this study from other empirical studies of the medical market. Part I  Market Uncertainty and Hospital Efficiency This part of the dissertation is focused on the measurement of efficiency of hospitals, incorporating uncertainty. There are stochastic variations in production relationships for hospitals. Generally speaking, the uncertainty of hospitals comes from two major sources: the natural uncertainty of medical cares; and the uncertainty of demands for medical cares (Arrow, 1963). Given the uncertainty in the medical market, the efficiency of hospitals hinges on how decision-makers deal with it. Undoubtedly, an optimal planning of the output buffers improves the efficiency performance. Using the hospital survey data in 1993 and 1994, and employing the chance constrained DEA model (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993), the stochastic efficiency indexes of public and private medical centers and regional hospitals were estimated. Compared with deterministic frontier enveloping a given set of sample observations all the time, the chance-constrained frontier envelops them most of the time. That is, the chance constrained DEA allows the possibilities of output failure. Imposing different values of output failure probability, the estimation results were compared with the traditional (deterministic) DEA models. The empirical evidences of the chance constrained DEA model showed that, on average, private hospitals performed significantly better than public hospitals. This result matches with the result of the traditional DEA model. With Mann-Whitney U test, we compared the distributions of efficiency indexes under chance constrained DEA and deterministic DEA models. The test results showed that the difference between these two different models is statistically significant given a higher probability of output failure. These results imply that the nature of risk and the manipulation for risk are different for public and private hospitals. We also find that that the efficiency performance of public hospitals could be improved by the increasing of its reserve capacity. Part II  National Health Insurance and Hospital Productivity Change In this part of the dissertation, we examine the impact of NHI on hospitals, and trace the sources of hospital productivity growth in Taiwan. To pursue our goal, we employ a data consisting of 157 medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals over the period 1993 to 1997, and resort to the Malmquist productivity index to measure total factor productivity change. The index could be decomposed into three components: technical change, pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change. The estimation technique used in the study is the deterministic non-parametric DEA approach. The results we find are revealing and suggestive to the public and the government in order to promote and assure the efficient delivery of quality health care. The average efficiency scores are 66.00% (74.87%) for CRS (VRS) technology and it means that there are substantial efficiency losses for the sample hospitals during the study period. The efficiency score of the hospitals as a whole in 1995 (the beginning year of NHI) was much lower than the other 4 years' efficiency scores. A censored Tobit regression analysis is used and identifies that NHI policy, ownership, rate of bed occupancy, average length of stay and the output-specific concentration level were all the significant determinants of technical efficiency. Empirical results indicate that most medical care regions became more output-specific concentrated. Total factor productivity on average deteriorated at an annual rate of -3.1%, and it was dominated by substantial technical regresses at an annual rate of -2.74%. The small hospitals were severely affected by NHI. Furthermore, within large and small hospital groups, the difference in technical change was statistically significant, but the differences in TFP and the associated components between ownership were not. Special attention was paid to compare  et al.(1994), Ray and Desli (1997) and Grifell and Lovell (1998) approaches to decomposing the Malmquist productivity index. Empirical results indicate that the first 2 approaches yield accurate productivity changes, while GL doesn't. However, they produce almost the same magnitude of average TFP. In addition, no significant differences in the measured technical change and efficiency change were found among the three approaches.

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