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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Nyangau, Josiah Z. 02 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

La question du sens de l'action dans les opérations extérieures : décision politique, soutien public et motivation militaire dans le cadre de la participation française à la FIAS et à la FINUL renforcée

Mathieu, Ilinca 18 September 2014 (has links)
De nombreuses études concluent à la supériorité des démocraties dans la guerre. A travers notre analyse des relations unissant aujourd’hui les piliers de la trinité clausewitzienne classique – pouvoir politique, peuple et armée – notre recherche s’attache à mettre en évidence l’importance, à cet égard, de la définition du « sens de l’action ». Complexe à conceptualiser, cet objet naît de l’interaction des trois piliers de la trinité qui contribuent à le construire. Cette dynamique prend son origine dans le sens conféré, par le discours politique,à la décision de recourir à la force. Ce sens politique repose sur les intérêts nationaux tels qu’appréhendés par les décideurs, mais également, du fait de la contrainte démocratique, sur les préférences de l’opinion publique telles que perçues par le politique. Le soutien public apparaît essentiel pour alimenter la volonté politique dans le conflit, mais influence aussi le moral des militaires déployés en opérations. Notre étude s’attache donc, en second lieu, à analyser les composantes du sens conféré par les militaires à la mission qu’ils exécutent, afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure un sens politique insuffisamment clair peut influencer le soutien public et, in fine, une éventuelle perte de sens chez les soldats. Cette analyse multiscalaire cherche en définitive à répondre à la question de savoir pourquoi l’on se bat, en approfondissant deux cas d’étude : la participation de l’Armée de terre française à la FIAS, en Afghanistan, et à la FINUL renforcée, au Liban. Elle peut s’inscrire, plus largement, dans le courant d’analyse cherchant à déterminer les facteurs d’efficacité dans la guerre, en esquissant l’idée que les démocraties peuvent, du fait des contraintes qui leur sont propres, présenter une faiblesse à cet égard. / Many studies have determined that democracies perform better in war. Through our analysis of the relationship that links the pillars of today’s clasewitzian trinity – political leaders, people and soldiers – our study seeks to highlight the importance, to this regard, of defining the « meaning of the action ». In spite of a complex conceptualization, this object can be apprehended by analyzing the interactions of the three pillars, within the frame of a military intervention abroad. This interactional dynamic’s origin lies in the meaning given by the political discourse to the decision to use force. This political meaning leans on national interests (as perceived by policymakers), but also on public preferences (as perceived by policymakers), due to democratic constraint. Public support appears essential to underpin the political will during a conflict, but it also affects soldiers’ morale in the field. Secondly, our study thus seeks to analyse the components of the meaning given by soldiers to their mission,in order to determine to what extent an uncleared or blurred political meaning might affect public support and ultimately provoke a loss of meaning among the military. This multiscale approach aims to answer to the ultimate question of knowing why are we fighting, by deepening two case studies : the French Army contribution to ISAF (in Afghanistan) and UNIFIL II (in Lebanon). It can more broadly come within the framework of previous researchs studying strategic and battlefield effectiveness, by underlying that democracies might have a weakness in this regard.

Déterminants motivationnels de la résilience chez les enseignants pour une meilleure compréhension de la santé psychologique des résilients

Zacharyas, Corinne 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’insère dans la lignée des recherches sur la résilience chez les adultes et surtout des enseignants et vise à mieux comprendre le vécu intérieur des personnes dites résilientes. Le concept de résilience se prête très bien à la problématique individuelle du stress au travail pour tenter de trouver ce qui fonctionne bien et permet aux enseignants de rester en poste versus ce qui fonctionne mal et laisse nos enseignants démunis. Cependant, lorsqu’il s’agit de santé psychologique, certaines questions et doutes subsistent dans la mesure où la résilience pourrait être de l’ordre d’une adaptation sociale de surface où l’intériorité de l’individu n’est pas assez pris en compte. Cela se traduirait par des personnes résilientes, mais en mauvaise santé psychologique. Sur ce dernier point, la motivation autodéterminée ainsi que la satisfaction des trois besoins psychologiques de base qu’elle sous-tend sont des concepts recevant beaucoup d’appuis pour expliquer la santé psychologique. De plus, la description des personnes résilientes laisse penser à des caractéristiques de l’ordre de la motivation autodéterminée. Cette motivation nous servira de pivot pour proposer que la résilience devrait s’accompagner de santé psychologique adéquate grâce à elle. Elle sera mise en rapport avec l’adaptation interne de la résilience qui se traduirait par des ressources inter et intra-personnelles. De fait, nous émettons les hypothèses d’une médiation des motivations et de la satisfaction des trois besoins sur la relation entre la résilience et la santé psychologique. Nous proposons également qu’il y a des profils distincts de résilients quant aux variables de santé psychologique et que, sur cette base, des différences de motivations et de satisfaction des trois besoins psychologiques de base sont également observables selon les groupes déterminés. Des analyses statistiques de médiation et de mise en profils auprès d’enseignants des grandes commissions scolaires de la grande région de Montréal et du Saguenay (N=534) montrent des médiations partielles des motivations autonomes et des trois besoins. Des profils distincts sont repérables de même que des différences de motivation et de satisfaction des trois besoins selon les groupes. Tous les résilients au travail ne sont donc pas égaux. Les motivations autonomes sont importantes dans le processus, de même que la satisfaction des trois besoins psychologiques de base. Les différences au niveau des ressources intra-personnelles confirment l’importance de tenir compte du vécu intérieur des personnes résilientes. Des recommandations sont proposées à la fin de cette étude notamment pour travailler sur certains leviers afin de favoriser les ressources de résilience chez les enseignants. / This thesis takes its place in the lineage of research on resilience among adults and particularly teachers. The aim is to better understand the lived experience of the persons identified as resilient. The concept of resilience lends itself well to the individual’s issues with stress at work and the attempt to find what succeeds in helping teachers remain on the job versus what does not succeed, leaving the teachers helpless. However, in terms of psychological well-being, questions and doubts remain because resilience could be a surface social adaptation where the interior aspect of the individual is not sufficiently considered. This results in persons who are resilient but in poor psychological health. On this last point, self-determined motivation and the satisfaction of the three basic needs which it underlies are concepts which receive strong support in the attempt to explain psychological health. Moreover, the description of resilient persons suggests characteristics of the order of self-determined motivation. This motivation will serve as a pivot allowing us to propose that, because of it, resilience should be accompanied by an adequate psychological health. It will be linked with the internal adaptation of resilience which could be seen in terms of inter- and intrapersonal resources. In fact, we propose the hypothesis of a mediation of the motivations and of the three basic needs in the relation between resilience and psychological health. We also propose that there are distinct profiles of resilient persons in regard to the variables of psychological health and that, on this basis, differences in motivation and in the satisfaction of the basic needs can be observed among the defined groups. Analyses of mediation and the creation of clusters among teachers from large school commissions in the Montreal and Saguenay regions (N = 534) show partial mediations of the autonomous motivations and of the three basic needs. Distinct profiles as well as differences in motivation and in the satisfaction of the basic needs can be identified among the groups. The persons who are resilient at work are not all equal. The autonomous motivations are important in the process of resilience, as is the satisfaction of the basic needs. The differences in intrapersonal resources confirm the importance of taking into account the interior life of the resilient person. Recommendations are proposed at the end of this study to utilize certain levers in order to promote the resources of resilience for teachers.

IL NEOREALISMO RIVISITATO. IL RUOLO DELLA CONCENTRAZIONE, DELLA GEOGRAFIA E DELLA SOCIALIZZAZIONE IN UN MODELLO AMPLIATO DELLA TEORIA DELL'EQUILIBRIO DI POTENZA / Neorealism Revisited. The role of power concentration, geography and socialization in an enriched model of the Balance of Power Theory

BARBIERI, GIOVANNI 06 April 2017 (has links)
Cosa determina la stabilità di un sistema politico internazionale? L’anarchia sistemica determina sempre una minaccia alla sopravvivenza? Il modello strutturale qui proposto integra le variabili della concentrazione del potere e della localizzazione geografica delle Grandi Potenze, per dimostrare come specifiche configurazioni strutturali contribuiscano a plasmare le motivazioni che stanno alla base dei comportamenti statali, condizionando i risultati sistemici osservabili. Viene, inoltre, inquadrato il processo di socializzazione come variabile interveniente, attivata da specifiche condizioni strutturali, in grado di inibire la ricorrenza della tendenza sistemica al bilanciamento attraverso la riduzione delle opzioni di politica estera a disposizione degli Stati. Dal punto di vista teorico, concentrandosi sul ruolo svolto dal potere e dalla geografia nell’orientare le motivazioni di base degli attori, il modello modifica l’assunto realista di incentivi strutturali costanti all’azione degli Stati, ipotizzando che questi varino al variare dei livelli di concentrazione del potere. Inoltre, mitiga il carattere meccanicistico del realismo strutturale, considerando il bilanciamento come una tra tante opzioni disponibili. Dal punto di vista empirico, il modello viene applicato a tre casi di studio, nel tentativo di evidenziare come la stabilità o l’instabilità sistemica siano determinate dall’esistenza di strutture di potere diffuse o concentrate. / What does effectively determine systemic stability? Does international anarchy always determine a threat to survival? The structural model introduced in this work focuses on two main variables, power concentration and geography, to demonstrate how structural constraints shape States’ base motivations to action, and how the resulting behaviors condition the observable systemic outcomes. Furthermore, I introduce the socialization process as an intervening variable, enabled by specific structural conditions. Socialization could inhibit the systemic balancing tendency by narrowing States’ foreign policy options. From the theoretical point of view, the model modifies the realist assumption towards constant structural incentives to action. By focusing on the role played by power concentration and geography in shaping States’ motivations, it is possible to link together the shifts in international power distribution with shifts in structural incentives. Nonetheless, the model loses the rather mechanistic character of structural realism, making balancing one among many viable options. From the empirical point of view, I apply the model against three case studies, trying to demonstrate how the existence of concentrated or diffused power structures determines systemic stability or instability.

Les comportements alimentaires des adolescents du Québec : analyse de données qualitatives portant sur les motivations alimentaires d'adolescents québécois de 12 à 14 ans

Allaire-Loiselle, Ariane 06 1900 (has links)
Contexte. L’adolescence est une période complexe marquée par une quête identitaire importante. Les comportements alimentaires adoptés à cette période tendent à perdurer dans le temps et influencent la croissance et la santé à long terme. De multiples facteurs d’ordre individuel, social, environnemental et sociétal peuvent influencer leurs choix alimentaires. Objectifs. Cette étude vise à explorer ce qui est le plus spontanément exprimé comme motivations alimentaires par les adolescents québécois âgés de 12 à 14 ans. Inspiré de l’étude des motivations alimentaires de Renner et coll. (2012), les déterminants des choix alimentaires de ces jeunes seront identifiés pour ensuite dégager les principaux facteurs d’influence agissant sur leurs choix alimentaires (Story et coll. 2002). Méthodes. Ce projet est une analyse de données qualitatives tirées de la recherche « Ados 12-14 : Les dimensions socioculturelles des pratiques alimentaires et d’activité physique des adolescents » (2014). Il repose sur l’analyse d’entrevues individuelles menées auprès de 50 filles et garçons âgés entre 12 et 14 ans. Sur un corpus d’entrevues retranscrites intégralement, une approche déductive fut utilisée avec l’échelle de mesure de motivations alimentaires de Renner et coll. (2012) comme grille d’analyse. Résultats. Parmi les nombreux facteurs d’influence, les facteurs individuels et ceux liés aux environnements sociaux se sont particulièrement démarqués. Au final, l’influence parentale, les préférences alimentaires, le désir de créer une impression sociale favorable et la santé sont déterminants, parfois même au détriment du plaisir. Conclusion. Cette étude révèle une variété de facteurs pouvant influencer les comportements alimentaires des adolescents québécois. Les constats dégagés de l’analyse des données effectuée sont pertinents pour les acteurs en nutrition en santé publique lesquels y trouveront des facteurs à prendre en compte dans la mise en place d’interventions de promotion des saines habitudes alimentaires auprès des adolescents québécois. / Context. Adolescence is a complex period marked by an important identity quest. Eating behaviours adopted during this period of life tend to influence growth and health in the long term. Individual, social, environmental and societal factors can influence teenagers’ eating habits. Objectives. This study is aimed at exploring what is most spontaneously expressed as feeding motivations by teenagers between 12 and 14 years old. Inspired by Renner et al.’s study (2012) about eating motivations, determinants of the adolescent food choices will be identified and then the main influence factors guiding their eating habits will be explored (Story et al., 2002). Methods. This project is an analysis of the qualitative data from the research project “Teenagers 12-14: Sociocultural dimensions of eating habits and physical activity of teenagers’’ (Ados 12-14: Les dimensions socioculturelles des pratiques alimentaires et d’activité physique des adolescents (2014)). It is based on the analysis of individual interviews with 50 girls and boys aged between 12 and 14 years old. Interview transcripts were analyzed using a deductive approach and the motivation measuring scale of Renner et al. (2012) as an analysis grid. Results. Amongst numerous factors, individual and socioenvironmental factors stood out. Globally, parents’ influence, eating preferences, the desire to make a good social impression, and health were decisive factors, sometimes even stronger than pleasure. Conclusion. Many factors impacting eating behaviors in the teenage population of Québec were identified in this study. The results generated by this data analysis will be useful for public health nutritionists for the design of intervention plans for the promotion of healthy eating habits within the Québec teenage population.

Language attitudes of parents in Irish-medium primary schools in County Dublin / Les attitudes des parents d’élèves envers le gaélique, dans les écoles primaires d’immersion du comté de Dublin, Irlande

Mas-Moury Mack, Vanessa 24 May 2013 (has links)
Cette étude de recherche s’intéresse aux attitudes envers la langue gaélique en République d’Irlande. Le gaélique, tout comme l’anglais, est la langue nationale officielle et est enseignée comme matière obligatoire de l’école élémentaire au lycée. Bien que le nombre de personnes utilisant le gaélique dans la vie quotidienne reste faible, il existe depuis les années soixante-dix une résurgence d’intérêt dans cette langue. Celle-ci se traduit, entre autres, par une demande croissante du nombre d’écoles d’immersion en gaélique, tout particulièrement dans les régions où le gaélique n’est pas pratiqué au sein de la communauté. Cette étude cherche à éclaircir ce phénomène en analysant les attitudes envers le gaélique des parents d’élèves d’écoles primaires d’immersion en zone urbaine, et plus précisément, dans le comté de Dublin. En effet, peu de recherches ont été effectuées sur les attitudes envers le gaélique au sein des familles ayant choisi une éducation par immersion pour leurs enfants.Les personnes participant à cette étude se composent de parents d’élèves avec une expérience plus ou moins longue de l’enseignement en immersion, ainsi que d’enseignants des écoles participantes. Les données recueillies pour cette étude proviennent d’un questionnaire auto-administré ainsi que d’entretiens suivis.La question sur la motivation des parents à choisir un enseignement en immersion est centrale au thème des attitudes envers le gaélique, puisque dans ce contexte, l’anglais est la seule langue utilisée dans la communauté ainsi que dans la plupart des foyers. Les résultats d’analyse révèlent que les parents participant ont choisi ce type d’éducation car ils considèrent d’une part que le gaélique est un marqueur d’identité culturelle voire ethnique pour certains, et d’autre part qu’il permet d’acquérir du capital culturel. En effet, les participants s’intéressent de près à la qualité de l’éducation de leurs enfants et valorisent le bilinguisme additif. Ainsi, ils attribuent au gaélique une valeur culturelle importante. Cette étude montre également que les parents d’élèves ont une attitude positive envers la langue gaélique. Ceci s’explique de par leur enclin naturel mais aussi de par leur contact avec ces écoles d’immersion, environnement dans lequel le gaélique est mis en valeur. Cependant, malgré les efforts des parents à intégrer la langue gaélique à la maison ou dans les activités récréatives de leurs enfants, ce milieu ne semble pas être déclencheur de pratiques bilingues au sein de la famille. Néanmoins, cette étude indique que les écoles d’immersion favorisent la création de liens entre quelques familles communiquant entre elles en gaélique. / This study explores attitudes towards the Irish language in the Republic of Ireland. The Irish language—alongside with English—is the national official language and is taught in school as a compulsory subject from primary school through to the end of secondary level. Despite the low percentage of daily Irish-speakers in the country the demand for Irish-medium education as an alternative means of education has been growing since the 1970s, especially in English-speaking areas. This current study focuses on the language attitudes of parents whose child attends an urban Irish-medium primary school in County Dublin and analyses the reasons for choosing such an education. Although there has been a considerable number of research studies conducted on language attitudes towards Irish in the Republic of Ireland, very few have recently concentrated on families involved with Irish-medium education. Participants included parents with both short term and long term experience with immersion education through Irish. The main research instruments included a self-administered questionnaire and follow-up interviews with a sample of questionnaire respondents as well as teachers from the participating schools. One of the main focuses of this study is parental motivation for sending their child to an Irish-medium school. Results reveal that participants selected such education for their child for two main reasons: identity and cultural capital. Firstly, most participants regarded Irish as a strong cultural identity marker while others also considered the language as a strong marker of ethnic identity. Secondly and most importantly, participants expressed a strong interest in both education and additive bilingualism thus attributing a high cultural value to the Irish language. Findings also show that participants have very positive attitudes towards the Irish language. This is mainly due to their natural favourable disposition to Irish but also to their exposure to the Irish-medium school environment which tends to enhance this positive attitude. But despite participants' efforts to include some Irish in their child's life, either during recreational activities or at home, self-reports did not indicate the emergence of bilingual families. However, there is some evidence that the school facilitates the creation of Irish-speaking social networks between a few families.

O2O消費的使用與滿足和科技接受整合模式——以線上買票,線下觀影為例 / A Model of O2O Consumer Motivation, Combination of Uses & Gratifications and Technology Acceptance Model: A Study on Movie Ticking

區谷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務多年的發展之下,人們在生活中已經習慣於網路購物,而隨着智慧型手機等行動裝置的普及,跨越線上與線下的O2O消費掀起了新一波風潮。其中,電影O2O在中國更是以爆發式地增長中。 本研究以電影O2O為例,希望探討消費者在線上購買電影票再到線下電影院觀影的消費行為背後的心理需求動機,以及在使用線上介面時前置因素如何影響其使用行為,以建構結合使用與滿足理論及科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)的O2O消費行為模型。 本研究收集到460份有效問卷,研究結果發現消費者使用O2O的動機包括娛樂性、便利經濟性、社交性,其中娛樂性、社交性動機對促成使用行為有正向影響;而線上使用介面的知覺有用易用性對消費者的線上使用行為有正向影響。 / As e-commerce has been flourished for years, people getting more and more used to shopping online, on the other hand, popularization of mobile device leads to a new trendy of O2O service, which broke the wall between online and offline. For example, movie ticketing O2O is experiencing a great development in China. This study focus on movie ticketing O2O and try to clarify its user motivations, besides how actual uses were influenced by the factors of online interface. Altogether it is tempt to build up an O2O user model which combine with Uses and Gratifications Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. Collected 460 web questionnaires, the findings of this study show that entertainment, convenience and economy, sociality are all motivations of using O2O ticketing, entertainment and sociality indicate significance influence to actual using. For the part of online interface, perceived usefulness and ease of use are combined together to affect the online using positively.

The Impact of Multiple Opportunities for Aggression on Aggressive Thoughts, Behaviors, and Motivations

Hull, Kristen Nicole 01 January 2016 (has links)
Opportunities for aggression occur frequently and unpredictably, but little research to our knowledge has investigated the impact of the mere presence of multiple opportunities on aggression over time. Two studies, one with a Canadian sample (163 participants) and one with an American sample (103 participants) were conducted to analyze the impact of the number of opportunities for aggression on justified and unjustified aggressive thoughts, behaviors, and motivations. Individually, these studies yielded the result that justified aggression remains stable over time, but that unjustified aggression decreases when an individual is given multiple opportunities. Combined, they indicated that justified aggression increased when participants had a second opportunity. Future research is proposed to understand the impact of moral licensing on aggression over time, and to understand why unjustified aggression occurs.

Mobilidade corpórea de estudantes internacionais: as motivações dos estudantes internacionais acolhidos por instituições de educação superior localizadas em São Paulo e Belo Horizonte / Corporeal mobility of international students: the motivations of international students accepted by higher education institutions located in Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte

Silva, Claudia Cristiane dos Santos 26 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:09:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Cristiane dos Santos Silva.pdf: 1835882 bytes, checksum: 9c40a63d9665b23c0ed92f56b046d495 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-26 / Academic mobility, phenomenon that drives significant contingent of students across borders, however has beenin the agenda of political and academic debate. Most visible face of the of higher educationinternationalization acquires intensity in the context of globalization. However, this process identifies asymmetries between sending and hosting international students. Brazil has no tradition of welcoming international students, yet has received increasing stock of students who are interested in the experience of living a season of study in institutions of higher education in Brazil. Seeking to understand this phenomenon, this research focused on international students' motivations to invest in a period of study in Brazil and higher education institutions in the cities of São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. The relevance of the study is associated with the possibility that the results collaborate in the formulation of policies and institutional and governmental projects to attract and appropriate host these students. To enable it to understand the environment in which academic mobility lies investing to theorists who study globalization and its impacts, such as Ianni (2001,2002), Chesnais (1996) and Harvey (2009). Regarding the internationalization of higher education, it wasto supported by the studies of researchers who excel in the investigation of phenomena such as Knight (2006), Murphy-Lejeune (2002). About mobilities, the contribution comes from studies by Urry (2006, 2010); Sheller (2011) and Simmel (1972, 1981). In terms of networks, the contribution stems from authors such as Granovetter (1973, 1983) and Elliott; Urry (2010). This research followed the route guided by a methodological triangulation in exploratory prospect of quantitative research which objective was to map the categories that reveal the motivations of students under the three units of social studies. Within qualitative research, considering the voice actors of academic mobility it was possible to further understand the motivations and the motivations underlays. In this sense, the interest in setting to know Brazil, learning Portuguese, having a differential and invest in an international career reveals the status of the country in the international economic scene, represented by its potential in order to provide, if not a career in their own country, but the possibility of doing business with Brazilians. Expected to identify aspects that could impact on the motivation of students and verify their relationship with the networks. However, the findings reveal that although the networks may influence the choices, they do not constitute standards for determining which students invest in academic mobility programs in Brazil. / A mobilidade acadêmica, fenômeno que movimenta expressivo contingente de estudantes para além das fronteiras, tem figurado na agenda de discussão politica e acadêmica. Face mais visível da internacionalização da educação superior adquire intensidade no contexto da globalização. No entanto, identifica-se neste processo assimetrias entre o envio e o acolhimento de estudantes internacionais. O Brasil não possui tradição no acolhimento de estudantes internacionais, contudo tem recebido crescente estoque de estudantes que se interessam pela experiência de viver uma temporada de estudo nas instituições de educação superior brasileiras. Na busca por compreender este fenômeno, a investigação desenvolvida se concentrou nas motivações dos estudantes internacionais em investir em um período de estudo no Brasil e em instituições de educação superior localizadas nas cidades de São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. A relevância do trabalho está associada à possibilidade de os resultados colaborarem para a formulação de politicas e projetos institucionais e governamentais para a atração e adequado acolhimento destes estudantes. Para que fosse possível compreender o ambiente onde a mobilidade acadêmica está situada foi necessário recorrer aos teóricos que pensam a globalização e seus impactos, tais como Ianni (2001,2002), Chesnais (1996), e Harvey (2009). No que tange à internacionalização da educação superior, buscou-se respaldo nos estudos de pesquisadores que se destacam na investigação do fenômeno tais como Knight (2006), Murphy-Lejeune (2002). Sobre as mobilidades, o aporte vem dos estudos realizados por Urry (2006, 2010); Sheller (2011) e Simmel (1972, 1981). Na perspectiva das networks, a contribuição decorre de autores como Granovetter (1973, 1983) e Elliott; Urry (2010). Esta pesquisa seguiu o percurso metodológico orientado por uma triangulação exploratória na perspectiva da pesquisa quantitativa cujo objetivo foi realizar um mapeamento das categorias que revelaram as motivações dos estudantes no âmbito das três unidades sociais de estudos. No âmbito da pesquisa qualitativa, ao considerar a voz dos atores da mobilidade acadêmica foi possível aprofundar as motivações e compreender subjacências às motivações. Neste sentido, o interessem em conhecer o Brasil, aprender o idioma português, ter um diferencial e investir em uma carreira internacional revelam o status do país no cenário econômico internacional, representado por seu potencial no sentido de oferecer, se não uma carreira no próprio país, a possibilidade de realizarem negócios com brasileiros. Esperava-se identificar aspectos que impactassem nas motivações dos estudantes e verificar suas relações com as networks. No entanto, os achados revelam que embora as networks possam influenciar as escolhas, não se constituem em padrões determinantes para que os estudantes invistam em programas de mobilidade acadêmica no Brasil.

Conflict in recreation: the case of mountain-bikers and trampers

Horn, Chrys January 1994 (has links)
Conflict in recreation is a major problem for recreation managers who are trying to provide satisfying experiences for all recreationists. This thesis is about conflict between mountain-bikers and trampers. Mountain-biking has grown in popularity in New Zealand over the last ten years, and these increasing numbers have threatened the quality of walkers' and runners' recreational experiences, particularly in peri-urban areas. Conflict is a complex social interaction process which occurs around times of change. It involves the interplay of perceptions and attitudes, behaviour, and an incompatible situation. This complexity required the use of a range of methods to successfully understand the conflict between walkers and mountain-bikers. Like many other recreational conflicts, the conflict between bikers and trampers is asymmetrical - walkers dislike meeting bikers much more than bikers dislike meeting walkers. A majority of walker respondents disliked or strongly disliked meeting bikers on walking tracks. Walkers' questionnaire answers indicated that their greatest concerns with mountain-biking are (in order of decreasing importance) track damage and other environmental damage, personal safety, and the feeling that bikes interrupt their peace and quiet. Further exploration during in-depth interviews show that the perception of these problems are closely related to the way different users feel about that places that they use, and the way meetings with other users can be incorporated into the experiences of the recreationist. For walkers, meeting bikers is far more intrusive than vice-versa. Political activity aimed at eliminating bikers from many front country areas means that bikers are now developing a dislike of trampers who they see as intolerant and arrogant. Therefore, behaviour affects the escalation of conflict. In addition, wider social change has had an influence on this conflict. Changing economic wellbeing, less regular work hours, a perceived lack of time and a wider choice of activities have all impacted on recreation patterns in peri-urban areas, and on this conflict situation. In addition, this study has indicated that the concepts of specialisation and substitution may need modification. The use of qualitative methods has highlighted the narrow focus that researchers have used when studying these concepts. Both must be seen more broadly in the context of individuals' changing recreational needs both over the life cycle, and in the face of social change as outlined above.

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