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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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搜尋動機對持續性社群網路資訊搜尋影響之探討 / Identifying the Motivations of Ongoing Social Network Information Search

劉瑞祥 Unknown Date (has links)
網路購物興盛、社群網站湧現以及資訊搜尋的方便性,持續性資訊搜尋成為購買決策很重要的影響因素。本研究先蒐集相關文獻與彙整搜尋動機的元素,共包括九種資訊搜尋動機,分別是:探索動機、滿足動機、價值動機、思想動機、產品提供豐富度、產品資訊提供、方便性、角色動機以及社交動機,並將這九種元素歸納為三種資訊搜尋動機,分別是:享樂性、功利性以及社交性,再探討搜尋動機與持續性社群網路資訊搜尋對購買意圖的影響關係。本研究透過網路發放問卷,有效樣本共480份,採用量化分析,並以最小平方法(PLS)進行有效樣本之實證分析。 本研究經因素分析發現,探索動機與滿足動機同屬於一種構面,本研究將此構面命名為:「探索滿足」;產品提供豐富度、產品資訊提供、方便性同屬於一種構面,本研究將此構面命名為:「資訊可得」;角色動機與社交動機同屬於一種構面,本研究將此構面命名為:「社交需求」。此外,在思想動機與價值動機方面,本研究則是分別重新將這兩種構面命名為:「資訊潮流」與「優惠需求」,以更符合理論邏輯與這兩種因素的意涵。 本研究結果顯示:研究分析歸納的五種資訊搜尋動機:探索滿足、資訊潮流、資訊可得、優惠需求、社交需求,對於持續性社群網路資訊搜尋皆具有正向的影響;持續性社群網路資訊搜尋對購買意圖亦具有正向的影響關係,而產品需求強度對於持續性社群網路資訊搜尋與購買意圖之間的關係則是不具有調節效果。這代表無論消費者對於產品是否有需求,只要平時在社群網站上瀏覽到產品的相關資訊時,就能影響人們購買意圖的產生,這間接證實了非計劃購買發生的可能,也突顯了持續性資訊搜尋的重要性。最後,本研究結果期望可以提供個人或業者於社群網站上的產品銷售策略之經營與學術未來研究之方向。 / Due to the flourishing of Internet shopping, the emergence of social network sites and the convenience of information search, ongoing search has become a very important purchase decision factors. In this study, we collected relevant literature and aggregated a total of nine kinds of search motivations, namely: adventure, gratification, value, idea, product offerings, product information, convenience, role and social. The nine search motivations are summarized into three search motivations, namely: hedonic, utilitarian and sociality. Then, we explore the effect relationship for the search motivations and ongoing social network information search to the purchase intentions. Then, we did questionnaires via the internet and a total of 480 valid samples were received, after that, we used quantitative analysis and used partial least square (PLS) to conduct empirical analysis. By factor analysis, we found that adventure motivation and gratification motivation belonged to the same factor, we named “exploration meet”. Product offerings, product information and convenience motivation belonged to the same factor, we named “information availability”. Role motivation and social motivation belonged to the same factor, we named “social needs”. In addition, we re-named idea motivation to “information trend” and value motivation to “preferential needs” to make these two kinds of factors be more consistent with logical and theoretical implications. The result of this study showed that the five kinds of search motivations: exploration meet, information trend, information availability, preferential needs and social needs all had positive impacts on ongoing social information search. Ongoing social information also had positive impacts on purchase intentions. But the product needs intensity didn’t have a moderating effect between ongoing social information search and purchase intentions, this result not only indirectly confirmed possibility of unplanned purchase, but also highlighted the importance of ongoing search. Finally, the results of this study could be expected to provide marketing strategy for persons or industries on the social network sites and could be referred for the future of academic research.

När strategi blir design : Företags drivkrafter bakom grafiska profilbyten

Fagerudd, Sofi, Winbom, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Graphic profiles are a part of companies’ brand expressions. The graphical values reflect the brand values the business wants to convey. They consist of different graphic elements such as logo, company sign, colour schemes, templates, rules, fonts, pictograms, formats and references to how different graphic elements should look, for example, business cards, signs and materials for websites. This thesis aims to examine why firms choose to replace their graphic profiles by studying their underlying motivations. To investigate this, four companies have been studied along with two agencies working with strategic brand issues and developing graphic profiles. The result shows that the primary aims are to; unite the company, functionality, innovation and modernization, organizational change, differentiation, and emotional factors. These aims are taken into account against the costs companies can fund and therefore generates various extensive added values. The study also shows that the companies generate positive effects regarding internal values by changing their graphic profile. The companies do not consider these values a motivation even though it is one of the biggest values that the change generates. / Grafiska profiler är en del av företags varumärkesuttryck. De grafiska värdena speglar de varumärkesvärden företag önskar förmedla. De består av olika grafiska element som exempelvis logotyp, företagsmärke, färgsättning, mallar, regler, teckensnitt, pictogram, format samt hänvisningar för hur olika grafiska produkter ska se ut exempelvis visitkort, skyltar och material till hemsidor. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka varför företag väljer att byta ut sina grafiska profiler genom att studera deras bakomliggande drivkrafter. För att undersöka detta har fyra företag studerats samt två byråer som arbetar med strategiska varumärkesfrågor samt med att ta fram grafiska profiler. Resultatet visar att de primära drivkrafterna är att ena företaget, funktionalitet, förändring och modernisering, organisatoriska förändringar, differentiering samt emotionella faktorer. Dessa tas i beräkning mot de kostnader företagen har möjlighet att bekosta och genererar därmed olika omfattande mervärden. Studien påvisar även att ett mervärde företagen ej tar hänsyn till i de bakomliggande drivkrafterna är de positiva interna effekter bytet genererar.

Causes de l'échec d'apprentissage du français par des étudiants chinois en France : étude multifactorielle qualitative et quantitative à partir d'entretiens et de questionnaires

Wang, Jinjing 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de la didactique du français langue seconde. Elle concerne les causes de la réussite ou de l'échec de l'apprentissage du français par des étudiants chinois en France. Plus précisément, elle prend appui sur la perception de la réussite ou de l'échec d'apprentissage parmi ce public dont l'effectif ne cesse de croître et au sein duquel de nombreux individus éprouvent de grandes difficultés à apprendre la langue du pays d'accueil. Afin d'interroger les causes des sentiments de réussite ou d'échec dans l'apprentissage, trois hypothèses sont posées : le sentiment de réussite ou d'échec est conditionné par l'adaptation à la nouvelle culture d'apprentissage/enseignement ; certains traits de personnalité favorisent l'apprentissage de la langue ; la motivation des apprenants a des conséquences sur leur investissement et sur leur utilisation de stratégies dans l'apprentissage du français. Cette étude tend à montrer que le sentiment de réussite ou d'échec d'apprentissage résulte d'un cumul d'expériences émotionnellement positives ou négatives. Elle fait apparaître certains des facteurs qui facilitent ou empêchent l'apprentissage du français par des étudiants chinois en France. Par exemple, l'adaptation à la culture d'enseignement française favoriserait l'apprentissage et induirait chez l'apprenant un sentiment de réussite. Parmi les facteurs qui seraient susceptibles d'engendrer un sentiment d'échec, l'introversion empêcherait l'acquisition de compétences dans le domaine de l'expression orale et l'absence de contacts réguliers avec le français dans la vie quotidienne affaiblirait la motivation d'apprentissage.

"Jag ska minsann bevisa för mig själv att jag kan!" : Motiv, motivation och upplevelser relaterat till högre studier hos några högskolestudenter / "I will indeed prove to myself that i can!" : Motives, motivation and experiences reported by some students in relation to higher education

Eriksson, Ingela, Bergvall, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och skildra några studenters motiv, motivation och upplevelser kring högre studier. I bakgrunden ingår forskning kring studentidentiteter (Bron m. fl., 2013), men efter hand tillkommer andra begrepp och teorier som bidrar till att belysa undersökningsmaterialet. Studien är grundad på kvalitativ metod, med semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex studenter i åldrarna 25-30 år. Resultatet av de sex studenterna redovisas som personporträtt, där både likheter och skillnader mellan studenternas motiv, motivation och upplevelser i relation till högre studier framgår. Några studerar för att kunna få ett arbete, andra för att bevisa för sig själva att de kan. I några fall återfann vi det som kallas för det transformativa lärandet enligt Mezirow (1997). / The aim of this study is to explore motives, motivation and experiences reported by some students in relation to higher education. The study is inspired by previous research (Bron et al, 2013) about students´ identities, and after the collection of data other theories and previous research were added. The method used is qualitative, specifically semi-structured interviews, based on six interviews with students aged 25-30. Similarities as well as differences in students´ motives and motivation for higher education appear. Some students attend higher education mainly in order to get a job/profession while a few also want to prove to themselves that they are competent enough to succeed in higher education. Occationally, transformative learning (Mezirow, 1997) emerge in data.

Kan Interrail få en comeback? : En undersökning om ungdomars attityder och intresse till Interrail

Källberg, Stephanie, Ryman, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Turistindustrin rankas som en av världens största, men även snabbast växande näringar. Näringens expansion bidrar i sin tur till stora miljömässiga konsekvenser. Mer miljövänliga, spårbundna transporter är i dagsläget aktuella forskningsfrågor och diskuteras i syfte att bromsa turismens negativa, miljömässiga effekter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars intresse och attityder kring tåg i turistiskt syfte, samt om en antagen miljömedvetenhet påverkade deras val av resa. Interrail valdes som undersökningsobjekt dels då skribenterna fann ämnet aktuellt och dels på grund av EU-kommissionens investering som ska ge 18-åringar gratis Interrailpass i år. Interrail ansågs i enlighet med teorier vara ett alternativt, mer miljövänligt transportalternativ samt turismform. En kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har använts för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Enligt valda teorier förekommer ett gap mellan turisters attityder och beteende där personliga värderingar och en miljömedvetennorm, som genomsyrade beteenden och konsumtionsmönster hemma, bortsågs vid val av resa. Resultaten från de sju personliga intervjuerna samt enkätundersökningen tyder på att intresset för tåg som transport i turistiskt syfte är relativt lågt, vilket eventuellt ger en förklaring till det relativt låga intresset för Interrail hos dagens ungdomar. Även bland organisationer tolkas Interrail besitta en låg position på marknaden. Företag är inte intresserade av att marknadsföra Interrail då det inte antas vara vinstdrivande. Intresset för Interrail är lågt där aspekter som tid, pris, bekvämlighet och upplevelse väger tyngre hos ungdomars turistiska val, där tågets miljömässiga fördelar snarare ses som en positiv bieffekt. Utifrån bristande kunskap och förutfattade meningar tolkar skribenterna Interrails comeback, trots EU-kommissionens ekonomiska investeringar, som svåruppnådd. / he tourism industry is ranked as one of the world's biggest and fastest growing industries, which in return contribute to big environmental consequences. More environmentally friendly, railway bound transportation are current research questions and are discussed to prevent the negative effects of tourism. The purpose of the study was to research adolescents interest and attitude towards train for touristic purposes and if their perceived environmental awareness affected their choice of travel. Interrail was chosen as a research object partly because the authors considered it a current topic and partly because of the investment that the EU-commission made to be able to give 18-year olds free Interrailpasses this year. Interrail was in accordance with the theory perceived to be a more environmentally friendly choice of transportation and form of tourism. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study. From the chosen theories there appears to be a gap between tourists attitudes and behaviour, where personal values and the environmental norm that existed at home, was disregarded when choosing to go on a trip. The results from the 7 personal interviews and the questionnaire shows that the interest for train as transport for touristic purposes is relatively low, which could give an explanation for the lacking interest for Interrail in today's adolescents. Even among companies Interrail is interpreted as having a low position on the market. Companies aren't interested in marketing Interrail due to its low perceived economic profit. The interest for Interrail is low where aspects such as time, price and experience weighs heavier for adolescent’s touristic choices, where the environmental benefits are merely seen as a positive bi-product. From a lack of knowledge and preconceptions the authors interpret Interrails comeback, despite the financial investments from the EU-commission, as hard to achieve.

Crowdfunding no Brasil: uma análise sobre as motivações de quem participa

Monteiro, Mônica de Carvalho Penido 12 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Monica Monteiro (monicapenido@gmail.com) on 2015-02-11T22:58:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Monica Penido Monteiro - Versao Final_aprovada.pdf: 2084491 bytes, checksum: c27de5572b906187326a4529214de1a1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2015-02-19T13:39:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Monica Penido Monteiro - Versao Final_aprovada.pdf: 2084491 bytes, checksum: c27de5572b906187326a4529214de1a1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-02-23T17:01:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Monica Penido Monteiro - Versao Final_aprovada.pdf: 2084491 bytes, checksum: c27de5572b906187326a4529214de1a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-23T17:01:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Monica Penido Monteiro - Versao Final_aprovada.pdf: 2084491 bytes, checksum: c27de5572b906187326a4529214de1a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-12 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the motivations for the participation of supporters in the Brazilian reward-based model of crowdfunding, taking into consideration the aspects disclosed in the north-american research of Gerber and Hui (2014). Since the participation in such model is voluntary, it is important to understand the reasons that move a person to participate. Therefore, we believe that the purpose of this study has been completely fulfilled, providing contributions in various ways. To deepen the understanding of this new social phenomenon, a qualitative research based on a multiple case study was presented in which supporters represented the analysis unit in three of the largest crowdfunding platforms in Brazil: Queremos, Catarse and Benfeitoria. In addition, the qualitative method of in-depth interviews with the elements of the analysis unit has been chosen as the source of information for this methodology. There were 11 interviews conducted with supporters, 06 men and 05 women. The study also aimed at a better understanding of the national panorama of this market, starting from in-depth interviews among platform founders and a heavy user (over 140 supported projects) of the model. After the consolidation and analysis of the collected data, it has been verified the presence of the motivations found in Gerber’s studies (GERBER and HUI, 2014), although with a few reservations regarding the motivation 'Be part of a community', explained below. The qualitative research substantially polished the understanding of whatever motivates any supporter to participate in crowdfunding, including important aspects regarding market practices that ought to be taken into consideration. In the end part of this paper, the conclusions and implications of the research were described in detail. / Este trabalho procurou investigar as motivações para a participação de apoiadores no modelo de recompensa de crowdfunding no Brasil, sob a luz dos aspectos encontrados na pesquisa americana de Gerber e Hui (2014). Como a participação nesse modelo é voluntária, entendeu- se ser importante compreender os motivos que levam pessoas a apoiarem projetos. Acredita- se que este trabalho tenha atingido o que foi por ele proposto, deixando contribuições em diversos sentidos. A fim de aprofundar o entendimento desse novo fenômeno social, apresentou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada em um estudo de caso múltiplo, em que os apoiadores eram a unidade de análise, nas três maiores plataformas de crowdfunding do Brasil: Queremos, Catarse e Benfeitoria. E, como fonte de informações para esta metodologia, optou-se pelo método qualitativo de entrevistas em profundidade com os elementos da unidade de análise. Foram realizadas 11 entrevistas com apoiadores, sendo 06 homens e 05 mulheres. O trabalho também teve o objetivo de conhecer melhor o cenário nacional desse mercado, a partir de entrevistas em profundidade com os fundadores das plataformas e um heavy user (mais de 140 projetos apoiados) do modelo. Após a consolidação e análise dos dados obtidos, verificou-se a presença das motivações encontradas nos estudos de Gerber (GERBER e HUI, 2014), porém com algumas ressalvas quanto a motivação 'Fazer parte de uma comunidade', explicitada a seguir. A pesquisa qualitativa refinou substancialmente a compreensão do que motiva apoiadores a participar de crowdfunding, incluindo aspectos importantes que devem ser levados em consideração quanto a práticas do mercado. Ao final, as conclusões e implicações deste estudo foram detalhadamente apresentadas.

Co-creation in hospitality industry: a case study on the drivers of traveler-generated content

Ferraz, Camila dos Anjos 18 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Camila dos Anjos Ferraz (cacaferraz@gmail.com) on 2015-12-25T19:05:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Co-Creation in Hospitality Industry - a Case Study on the Drivers for Traveler-Generated Content.pdf: 2832811 bytes, checksum: de014292f47037eecdbc94c6ac2ec326 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br), reason: Camila, O numero das paginas só pode aparecer a partir da introdução. Aguardo. Ana Luiza Holme 3799-3492 on 2016-01-04T11:14:13Z (GMT) / Submitted by Camila dos Anjos Ferraz (cacaferraz@gmail.com) on 2016-01-05T21:22:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Co-Creation in Hospitality Industry - a Case Study on the Drivers for Traveler-Generated Content.pdf: 2835215 bytes, checksum: 46c4a7a25788c28545d6f2e54f44fae6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Luiza Holme (ana.holme@fgv.br) on 2016-01-06T11:12:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Co-Creation in Hospitality Industry - a Case Study on the Drivers for Traveler-Generated Content.pdf: 2835215 bytes, checksum: 46c4a7a25788c28545d6f2e54f44fae6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-06T11:44:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Co-Creation in Hospitality Industry - a Case Study on the Drivers for Traveler-Generated Content.pdf: 2835215 bytes, checksum: 46c4a7a25788c28545d6f2e54f44fae6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-18 / User-generated content in travel industry is the phenomenon studied in this research, which aims to fill the literature gap on the drivers to write reviews on TripAdvisor. The object of study is relevant from a managerial standpoint since the motivators that drive users to co-create can shape strategies and be turned into external leverages that generate value for brands through content production. From an academic perspective, the goal is to enhance literature on the field, and fill a gap on adherence of local culture to UGC given industry structure specificities. The business’ impact of UGC is supported by the fact that it increases e-commerce conversion rates since research undertaken by Ye, Law, Gu and Chen (2009) states each 10% in traveler review ratings boosts online booking in more than 5%. The literature review builds a theoretical framework on required concepts to support the TripAdvisor case study methodology. Quantitative and qualitative data compound the methodological approach through literature review, desk research, executive interview, and user survey which are analyzed under factor and cluster analysis to group users with similar drivers towards UGC. Additionally, cultural and country-specific aspects impact user behavior. Since hospitality industry in Brazil is concentrated on long tail – 92% of hotels in Brazil are independent ones (Jones Lang LaSalle, 2015, p. 7) – and lesser known hotels take better advantage of reviews – according to Luca (2011) each one Yelp-star increase in rating, increases in 9% independent restaurant revenue whereas in chain restaurants the reviews have no effect – , this dissertation sought to understand UGC in the context of travelers from São Paulo (Brazil) and adopted the case of TripAdvisor to describe what are the incentives that drives user’s co-creation among targeted travelers. It has an outcome of 4 different clusters with different drivers for UGC that enables to design marketing strategies, and it also concludes there’s a big potential to convert current content consumers into producers, the remaining importance of friends and family referrals and the role played by incentives. Among the conclusions, this study lead us to an exploration of positive feedback and network effect concepts, a reinforcement of the UGC relevance for long tail hotels, the interdependence across content production, consumption and participation; and the role played by technology allied with behavioral analysis to take effective decisions. The adherence of UGC to hospitality industry, also outlines the formulation of the concept present in the dissertation title of 'Traveler-Generated Content'. / Esta pesquisa estuda o fenômeno de conteúdo gerado por usuários aplicado à indústria de turismo com o objetivo de preencher a lacuna literária nas motivações que levam usuários à escrever avaliações no TripAdvisor. O objeto do estudo tem sua relevância gerencial uma vez que, identificadas as motivações dos viajantes para co-criar, estas possam tornar-se alavancas para geração de valor para marcas através da geração de conteúdo. Do ponto de vista acadêmico, o objetivo é expandir a literatura neste campo e endereçar a aderência de cultura local de co-criação aplicada às especifidades da indústria selecionada. O impacto de conteúdo gerado pelo usuário é endossado pelo fato das avaliações influenciarem as taxas de conversão. De acordo com a pesquisa conduzida por Ye, Law, Gu e Chen (2009), para cada 10% incremental na avaliação de um hotel, as reservas online crescem em 5%. A revisão literária constrói o modelo teórico para embasar a metodologia de estudo de caso do TripAdvisor. Aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos compõem a abordagem metodológica por meio de revisão literária, pesquisa por dados secundários, entrevista com executivo e pesquisa com usuários processadas com análises fatoriais e de agrupamentos (clusters). Além disso, o comportamento do usuário é impactado por aspectos culturais, o que diferencia suas motivações. A indústria de hospitalidade no Brasil é predominantemente dispersa sendo 92% dos quartos de hotéis independentes (Jones Lang LaSalle, 2015, p. 7) e hotéis menos conhecidos tendem a ser mais beneficiados em consideração do consumidor depois de receber avaliações segundo Luca (2011), que observou que o aumento de uma estrela na avaliação do Yelp, aumenta em 9% o faturamento de restaurantes independentes, enquanto nos de rede não há nenhum impacto. Portanto, essa dissertação almeja entender a geração de conteúdo por usuários no contexto de viajantes de São Paulo, Brasil, adotando o caso do TripAdvisor para descrever os incentivos para co-criação de usuários entre o público selecionado. A análise entrega quatro diferentes grupos que permitem embasar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing. O estudo também sugere a existência de potencial na conversão de atuais consumidores de conteúdo em produtores de conteúdo, a remanescente importância das recomendações de familiares e amigos e o papel exercido por incentivos. Dentre as conclusões, a pesquisa leva à exploração dos conceitos de feedback positivo e efeito de rede, o reforço da relevância de conteúdo gerado por usuários para hotéis independentes, a interdependência entre participação, produção e consumo de conteúdo e o papel exercido pela tecnologia, aliada à análises comportamentais, na tomada de decisões. A aderência do conceito de UGC à indústria de hospitalidade nos leva ao conceito presente no título da dissertação de 'Conteúdo Gerado por Viajantes'.

A variação de pluralidade nas estruturas predictaivas da variedade falada na região de São José do Rio Preto /

Salomão, Mircia Hermenegildo. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Gomes Camacho / Banca: Luciani Ester Tenani / Banca: Ronald Beline Mendes / Resumo: A atuação de processos de redução e de supressão de segmentos consonantais em fenômenos redundantes, como a concordância nominal, tende a suprimir marcas de pluralidade, provocando a possibilidade de ambiguidade referencial. Um fenômeno fonológico que reflete o processo gramatical de concordância é o da supressão de /S/, que pode afetar a marcação de pluralidade em contexto nominal. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste trabalho é o de submeter a um tratamento variacionista, de base quantitativa, dados de marcação variável de plural no SN e no SA em contexto de predicativo, obtidos em córpus coletado na região de São José do Rio Preto. O trabalho procura examinar se a marcação de pluralidade nos predicativos pode ser explicada com base em motivações exclusivamente formais, ou exclusivamente funcionais, ou ainda, com base na interação entre ambas, que consistiriam, assim, em motivações em competição (DU BOIS, 1985). A análise dos resultados mostra, por um lado, que um princípio funcional, como o as Condições de Distintividade de Kiparsky (1972), atua positivamente na marcação variável de pluralidade, mas não tem força suficiente para governar isoladamente o processo. Mostra, por outro, que as motivações formais, gerenciadas pelo Princípio do Paralelismo Formal, também exercem influência significativa na marcação variável de plural no predicativo, mas não como força predominante, na medida em que se submete a uma influência significativa das variáveis extralinguísticas escolaridade e idade. Esse comportamento dos dados não permite dar a esse princípio o poder explanatório que Labov (1996) lhe atribui, isto é, como a atuação mecânica de forças inerentemente internas ao sistema linguístico. Por essa razão, a explicação mais plausível para a marcação variável de pluralidade nos predicativos, na variedade estudada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Both the reduction and the suppression of consonantal segments when those occur in contexts of nominal agreement tends to drop plural markers, thus creating referential ambiguities. Amongst those phenomena reflecting a process of grammatical agreement is the suppresion of /S/ in spoken Portuguese, which characterizes a phonological phenomenon that may affect plurality marking in the NP. Considering that, the present work employs a variationist and quantitative method to analyse data containing instances of predicative variable plural marking both in the NP and AP taken from a corpus collected in the area of São José do Rio Preto. This research aims to attest to whether plurality marking in the predicative context can be explained in terms of exclusively formal or exclusively functional motivations, or else, in terms of the interaction between these two kinds of motivations, thus consisting in competing motivations (DU BOIS, 1985). On the one hand, the analysis of the results evinces that a functional principle such as Kiparsky‟s Distinctiveness Conditions (1972) acts in a positive way in the variable plural marking; yet it alone does not suffice to govern the entire process. On the other hand, this work demonstrates that formal motivations governed by the Principle of Formal Parallelism have a significant influence on predicative plural marking, but not in a predominant fashion, inasmuch as the latter is subject to significant influence of extralinguistic variables such as „education‟ and „age‟. The situation of the data do not authorize that such a principle be bestowed the explanatory power that Labov (1996) ascribes to it, i.e., that idea of a mechanical acting of inherent forces whithin the inner linguistic system. For that reason, the most plausible explanation is that the predicative plural marking in the variety under scrutiny constitutes a process influenced... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

As m?ltiplas faces da evas?o na educa??o superior a dist?ncia: a experi?ncia do curso de tecnologia em gest?o ambiental do IFRN em dois p?los de apoio presencial

Dantas, Aleksandre Saraiva 12 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T18:18:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AleksandreSD_TESE.pdf: 834718 bytes, checksum: f1a7de82fd8ad94a1f6cd84dc8324be7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-12 / This research presents a reflection on the dropout rates in higher education courses available through distance education in a context marked by deep changes in various spheres of society and by the uncontrolled growth of this educational method. For this, the object of analysis is related to the reality of students of Technology in Environmental Management offered by the Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, through the distance education in presence support poles located in Mossor? (RN) and Martins (RN). In this field research development several strategies of data collection are used, such as participant observation of reality; analysis of documents related to distance education and to the classes in Technology in Environmental Management; questionnaires answered by students who dropped the course. The results of such research enable us to say that the dropout rates in distance higher education is mainly referred to the consequences of a combination of aspects involved in the course development, personal difficulties faced by students during the period they attend the lessons and elements inherent in the context in which the course and students are inserted. Nevertheless there are specific situations in which the student may drop the program due to the influence of a single aspect, whether it is inherent in the development of the course, a personal situation, or even a factor determined by the context in which the course or the student belongs to / Este trabalho apresenta uma reflex?o sobre a evas?o em cursos superiores oferecidos atrav?s da educa??o a dist?ncia em um contexto marcado por profundas mudan?as nas mais diversas esferas da sociedade e pelo crescimento desordenado dessa modalidade educativa. Para isso, toma como objeto de an?lise a realidade dos alunos do curso de Tecnologia em Gest?o Ambiental oferecido pelo Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte atrav?s da educa??o a dist?ncia nos polos de apoio presencial localizados nas cidades de Mossor? e Martins. No desenvolvimento desta pesquisa de campo, faz uso de estrat?gias de coleta de dados variadas, como: a observa??o participante da realidade; a an?lise dos documentos referentes ? educa??o a dist?ncia e ao curso de Tecnologia em Gest?o Ambiental; e a aplica??o de question?rios com os alunos evadidos. Os resultados dessa pesquisa nos permitem afirmar que a evas?o em cursos superiores a dist?ncia ?, predominantemente, fruto de uma combina??o de aspectos inerentes ao desenvolvimento do curso, dificuldades de ordem pessoal enfrentadas pelos alunos durante o per?odo em que frequentam o curso e elementos inerentes ao contexto em que o curso e os alunos est?o inseridos, podendo haver situa??es espec?ficas em que o aluno evade devido ? influ?ncia de um ?nico aspecto, seja ele inerente ao desenvolvimento do curso, de ordem pessoal, ou ainda, um fator determinado pelo contexto em que o curso ou o aluno est? inserido

Motiva??es para ado??o: uma perspectiva da Psicologia Evolucionista

Rangel, Bianca Tavares 19 January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:37:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BiancaTR.pdf: 221009 bytes, checksum: 1221d932d6e83e0c6980f07204dda07f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-01-19 / Parental investment increases the offspring s survival, though it decreases the opportunities for the parents to invest in a future progeny. In a broad sense, this investment is directed to one s own descendant, but in some cases, such as in adoption, resources are directed to non-relatives even in the absence of fitness benefits. Once there are many factors involved in adoption, this study investigated adopters candidates, aiming to analyze aspects considered by them for adopting, based on the Evolutionary Psychology s perspective. We analyzed the judicial proceedings? files people who had been inlisted for adoption at the 2? Childhood and Adolescence Law Court, Natal-RN. The adopter s motivations were classified into biological or social reasons. A relationship between adopters? age and kind of motivation was found: requirements of young people were related to biological reasons while requirements of the old ones were related to social reasons. Fertility, mainly female requirer?s fertility, underlie this relationship, considering that women fertility is strongly influenced by age. The reasons to adopt were also related to the age of the desired child, once that people who wanted children older than 25 months alleged social reasons while those that wanted younger babies alleged biological reasons. There are lots of motives to adopt a child, but the phenomenon of adoption is broadly acknowledged by society as an act of love and the adoptive parents are often regarded as kind and generous people. It was observed, instead, that the reasons to adopt comes from the adopters themselves, related to the fulfillment of personal needs, such as increasing the family, carrying out mother/father role or having a company or someone to care form them in elderly age / O investimento que os pais direcionam ? prole aumenta a sua taxa de sobreviv?ncia ao mesmo tempo em que diminui as chances dos pais de investir em futuras proles. Em geral, o investimento ? direcionado ? pr?pria descend?ncia do indiv?duo, mas percebe-se que existe investimento parental mesmo quando n?o h? ganhos em termos de aptid?o, como por exemplo na ado??o, em que recursos s?o dirigidos a n?o aparentados. Considerando que a ado??o envolve v?rios fatores, foi nosso objetivo realizar um estudo com um enfoque nos futuros pais adotivos, buscando investigar os par?metros considerados para ado??o, utilizando como base te?rica a Psicologia Evolucionista. Para isto, analisou-se o arquivo de pessoas cadastradas para ado??o na 2? vara da Inf?ncia e Juventude da Comarca de Natal (RN). As motiva??es dos requerentes ? ado??o puderam ser classificadas em dois grandes grupos: biol?gicas e sociais. Encontrou-se uma rela??o entre o tipo de motiva??o e a idade dos requerentes, sendo o motivo biol?gico relacionado a faixas et?rias mais jovens dos requerentes e o social a faixas et?rias mais velhas. Um dos fatores que permearam esta rela??o foi a fertilidade, sobretudo das requerentes, uma vez que a fertilidade feminina ? fortemente influenciada pela idade. Tamb?m encontrou-se uma rela??o entre o tipo de motivo e a faixa et?ria da crian?a pretendida, em que pessoas que queriam adotar crian?as com mais de 25 meses apresentavam motivos sociais e as que queriam crian?as de 0 a 24 meses apresentavam motivos biol?gicos. As raz?es para adotar foram v?rias, mas esse fen?meno ? enfatizado na sociedade como um ato de amor, e costumeiramente o adotante visto como uma pessoa solid?ria e bondosa. Observou-se, no entanto, que as motiva??es para adotar partem da pr?pria pessoa, considerando a satisfa??o de necessidades pessoais, como exercer o papel materno, paterno ou ambos, ampliar a fam?lia ou ter uma companhia ou algu?m de quem receba cuidados na velhice

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